コード例 #1
/*   CheckInOrder

     Check if we can add all the counters in the order given.
     This will just iterate through all counters trying to add them in the
void CheckInOrder (int ncounters, unsigned *counters)
	int rc;
	int i;
	int naddedcounters;
	int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
	char EventName[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

#if 0
	fprintf (stdout, "\n** Checking in order the following counters: ");
	for (i = 0; i < ncounters; i++)
		rc = PAPI_event_code_to_name (counters[i], EventName);
		if (rc == PAPI_OK)
			fprintf (stdout, "%s%s", i>0?",":"", EventName);
			fprintf (stdout, "%s%08x", i>0?",":"", counters[i]);
	fprintf (stdout, "\n");

	if (PAPI_create_eventset(&EventSet) != PAPI_OK)
		fprintf (stderr, "Error! Failed to create the eventset!\n");

	fprintf (stdout, "Suggested compatible counters preserving the given priority:\n");
	for (naddedcounters = 0, i = 0; i < ncounters; i++)
		if (PAPI_add_event (EventSet, counters[i]) == PAPI_OK)
			rc = PAPI_event_code_to_name (counters[i], EventName);
			if (rc == PAPI_OK)
				fprintf (stdout, "%s%s", i>0?",":"", EventName);
				fprintf (stdout, "%s%08x", i>0?",":"", counters[i]);

	if (naddedcounters > 0)
		fprintf (stdout, " (set of %d counters)\n\n", naddedcounters);
		fprintf (stdout, "NONE!\n\n");

	if (PAPI_cleanup_eventset(EventSet) != PAPI_OK)
		fprintf (stderr, "Error! Failed to cleanup the eventset\n");
	if (PAPI_destroy_eventset (&EventSet) != PAPI_OK)
		fprintf (stderr, "Error! Failed to destroy the eventset\n");
コード例 #2
ファイル: gptl_papi.c プロジェクト: ACME-Climate/cime
int GPTLevent_code_to_name (const int code, char *name)
  int ret;   /* return code */
  int n;     /* loop over derived entries */

  ** First check derived events 

  for (n = 0; n < nderivedentries; ++n) {
    if (code == derivedtable[n].counter) {
      strcpy (name, derivedtable[n].namestr);
      return 0;

  ** Next check PAPI events--note that PAPI must be initialized before the
  ** code_to_name function can be invoked.

  if ((ret = GPTL_PAPIlibraryinit ()) < 0)
    return GPTLerror ("GPTL_event_code_to_name: GPTL_PAPIlibraryinit failure\n");

  if (PAPI_event_code_to_name (code, name) != PAPI_OK)
    return GPTLerror ("GPTL_event_code_to_name: PAPI_event_code_to_name failure\n");

  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gptl_papi.c プロジェクト: ACME-Climate/cime
void GPTL_PAPIprintenabled (FILE *fp)
  int n, nn;
  PAPI_event_info_t info;           /* returned from PAPI_get_event_info */
  char eventname[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN]; /* returned from PAPI_event_code_to_name */

  if (nevents > 0) {
    fprintf (fp, "Description of printed events (PAPI and derived):\n");
    for (n = 0; n < nevents; n++) {
      if (strncmp (pr_event[n].event.namestr, "GPTL", 4) == 0) {
	fprintf (fp, "  %s: %s\n", pr_event[n].event.namestr, pr_event[n].event.longstr);
      } else {
	nn = pr_event[n].event.counter;
	if (PAPI_get_event_info (nn, &info) == PAPI_OK) {
	  fprintf (fp, "  %s\n", info.short_descr);
	  fprintf (fp, "  %s\n", info.note);
    fprintf (fp, "\n");

    fprintf (fp, "PAPI events enabled (including those required for derived events):\n");
    for (n = 0; n < npapievents; n++)
      if (PAPI_event_code_to_name (papieventlist[n], eventname) == PAPI_OK)
	fprintf (fp, "  %s\n", eventname);
    fprintf (fp, "\n");
コード例 #4
void *Thread(void *arg)
   int retval, num_tests = 1;
   int EventSet1=PAPI_NULL;
   int mask1, papi_event;
   int num_events1;
   long long **values;
   long long elapsed_us, elapsed_cyc;
   char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

   /* add PAPI_TOT_CYC and one of the events in PAPI_FP_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS or
      PAPI_TOT_INS, depends on the availability of the event on the 
      platform */
   EventSet1 = add_two_nonderived_events(&num_events1, &papi_event, hw_info, &mask1);

   expected[EventSet1] = *(int *)arg / mythreshold;
   myid[EventSet1] = PAPI_thread_id();

   values = allocate_test_space(num_tests, num_events1);

   elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec();

   elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc();

   if ((retval = PAPI_overflow(EventSet1, papi_event, mythreshold, 0, handler))
                 != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval);

   /* start_timer(1); */
   if ((retval = PAPI_start(EventSet1)) != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval);


   if ((retval = PAPI_stop(EventSet1, values[0])) != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval);

   elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec() - elapsed_us;

   elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc() - elapsed_cyc;

   if ((retval = PAPI_overflow(EventSet1, papi_event, 0, 0, NULL)) != PAPI_OK)
         test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval);

   remove_test_events(&EventSet1, mask1);

   if ((retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name(papi_event, event_name)) != PAPI_OK)
         test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval);

   if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
      printf("Thread 0x%x %s : \t%lld\n", (int) pthread_self(), 
                     event_name, (values[0])[0]);
      printf("Thread 0x%x PAPI_TOT_CYC: \t%lld\n", (int) pthread_self(), (values[0])[1]);
      printf("Thread 0x%x Real usec   : \t%lld\n", (int) pthread_self(), elapsed_us);
      printf("Thread 0x%x Real cycles : \t%lld\n", (int) pthread_self(), elapsed_cyc);
   free_test_space(values, num_tests);
   return (NULL);
コード例 #5
ファイル: papi_defs.c プロジェクト: ParaStation/psmpi2
void my_papi_start( int myrank )
  int retval, index ;
  char EventCodeStr[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
  if(myrank == 0)
    DO_TEST = 1;
  retval = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT);
  if (retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT)
      fprintf(stderr, "PAPI library init error! %d\n", retval);
  fprintf(stderr,"PAPI Library start ...\n");

  if (PAPI_create_eventset(&PAPI_EventSet) != PAPI_OK)

  for (index = 0 ; index < NEVENTS ; index ++)
      PAPI_event_code_to_name(PAPI_events[index], EventCodeStr);
      /*fprintf(stderr,"Adding event %s ... ",EventCodeStr); */
      if (PAPI_add_event(PAPI_EventSet,PAPI_events[index]) != PAPI_OK)
      /*fprintf(stderr," DONE !\n"); */
  /*fprintf(stderr,"\n"); */

  if (PAPI_start(PAPI_EventSet) != PAPI_OK)
#endif /*PAPI_MONITOR */
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_utils.c プロジェクト: drahoslavzan/MKP-PSO
test_print_event_header( char *call, int evset )
        int *ev_ids;
	int i, nev;
	int retval;
	char evname[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

	if ( *call )
		fprintf( stdout, "%s", call );

	if ((nev = PAPI_get_cmp_opt(PAPI_MAX_MPX_CTRS,NULL,0)) <= 0) {
		fprintf( stdout, "Can not list event names.\n" );

	if ((ev_ids = calloc(nev,sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
		fprintf( stdout, "Can not list event names.\n" );

	retval = PAPI_list_events( evset, ev_ids, &nev );

	if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < nev; i++ ) {
			PAPI_event_code_to_name( ev_ids[i], evname );
			printf( ONEHDR, evname );
	} else {
		fprintf( stdout, "Can not list event names." );
	fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
コード例 #7
// This method should be placed at the start of instrumented code
void startPapiCounters(){
#ifdef DBG
    printf("********* STARTING COUNTERS *************\n");
    //assert(NUM_EVENTS == _G_EVENT_COUNT);
    // initialize papi library and assert that it's successful
    _CALL_PAPI(PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT ));    
    // check that all the events can be counted at once.
    int numCounters = PAPI_num_counters() ;
    assert( NUM_EVENTS <= numCounters );

#ifdef DBG
    printf("Number of hardware counters available on this machine: %d", numCounters);

    for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_EVENTS; i++ ) {
        char name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
        (void) _CALL_PAPI(PAPI_event_code_to_name( _G_EVENTS[i], name ));
        if(PAPI_query_event( _G_EVENTS[i] ) < PAPI_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Event %s could not be counted on this machine.\n", name);

    //*******  Start Counters ******
    (void) _CALL_PAPI(PAPI_start_counters(_G_EVENTS, NUM_EVENTS));
コード例 #8
int polybench_papi_start_counter(int evid)
# endif

# ifdef _OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel
    if (omp_get_thread_num () == polybench_papi_counters_threadid)
# endif

	int retval = 1;
	char descr[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
	PAPI_event_info_t evinfo;
	PAPI_event_code_to_name (polybench_papi_eventlist[evid], descr);
	if (PAPI_add_event (polybench_papi_eventset,
			    polybench_papi_eventlist[evid]) != PAPI_OK)
	  test_fail (__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", 1);
	if (PAPI_get_event_info (polybench_papi_eventlist[evid], &evinfo)
	    != PAPI_OK)
	  test_fail (__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_get_event_info", retval);
	if ((retval = PAPI_start (polybench_papi_eventset)) != PAPI_OK)
	  test_fail (__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval);
# ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
# endif
  return 0;
コード例 #9
void printGEvents(){
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<NUM_EVENTS; i++){
        char name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
        (void) PAPI_event_code_to_name( _G_EVENTS[i], name );
        printf("Event %d: %s\n",i ,name);
コード例 #10
ファイル: zero_smp.c プロジェクト: DanieleDeSensi/mammut
Thread( int t, int n )
	int retval, num_tests = 1;
	int EventSet1 = PAPI_NULL;
	int PAPI_event, mask1;
	int num_events1;
	long long **values;
	long long elapsed_us, elapsed_cyc;
	char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

	/* add PAPI_TOT_CYC and one of the events in PAPI_FP_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS or
	   PAPI_TOT_INS, depending on the availability of the event on the
	   platform */
	EventSet1 = add_two_events( &num_events1, &PAPI_event, &mask1 );

	retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_event, event_name );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	values = allocate_test_space( num_tests, num_events1 );

	retval = PAPI_start( EventSet1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );

	elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec(  );

	elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc(  );

	do_flops( n );

	elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec(  ) - elapsed_us;

	elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc(  ) - elapsed_cyc;

	retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet1, values[0] );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	remove_test_events( &EventSet1, mask1 );

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET ) {
		printf( "Thread %#x %-12s : \t%lld\n", t, event_name,
				values[0][1] );
		printf( "Thread %#x PAPI_TOT_CYC : \t%lld\n", t, 
			values[0][0] );

	free_test_space( values, num_tests );
	if ( !TESTS_QUIET ) {
		printf( "Thread %#x Real usec    : \t%lld\n", t, elapsed_us );
		printf( "Thread %#x Real cycles  : \t%lld\n", t, elapsed_cyc );
	PAPI_unregister_thread(  );
コード例 #11
ファイル: gptl_papi.c プロジェクト: ACME-Climate/cime
int canenable2 (int counter1, int counter2)
  char eventname[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN]; /* returned from PAPI_event_code_to_name */

  if (npapievents+2 > MAX_AUX)
    return false;

  if (PAPI_query_event (counter1) != PAPI_OK) {
    (void) PAPI_event_code_to_name (counter1, eventname);
    return false;

  if (PAPI_query_event (counter2) != PAPI_OK) {
    (void) PAPI_event_code_to_name (counter2, eventname);
    return false;

  return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Knn_multihilos_papic.c プロジェクト: Cristofher/Knn
void Thread( int n ){

	int retval, num_tests = 1;
	int EventSet1 = PAPI_NULL;
	int PAPI_event, mask1;
	int num_events1;
	long long **values;
	long long elapsed_us, elapsed_cyc, L1_DCM;
	char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

	printf( "Thread %#x started\n", omp_get_thread_num(  ) );
	num_events1 = 2;

	EventSet1 = add_two_events( &num_events1, &PAPI_event, &mask1 );

	retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_event, event_name );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	values = allocate_test_space( num_tests, num_events1 );

	elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec(  );
	elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc(  );

	retval = PAPI_start( EventSet1 );

	do_flops( n );

	retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet1, values[0] );

	elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec(  ) - elapsed_us;

	elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc(  ) - elapsed_cyc;

	remove_test_events( &EventSet1, mask1 );

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET ) {
		printf( "Thread %#x %-12s : \t%lld\n", omp_get_thread_num(  ),
			event_name, values[0][1] );
		printf( "Thread %#x PAPI_TOT_CYC: \t%lld\n", omp_get_thread_num(  ),
			values[0][0] );
		printf( "Thread %#x Real usec   : \t%lld\n", omp_get_thread_num(  ),
			elapsed_us );
		printf( "Thread %#x Real cycles : \t%lld\n", omp_get_thread_num(  ),
			elapsed_cyc );

	free_test_space( values, num_tests );

	PAPI_unregister_thread(  );
	printf( "Thread %#x finished\n", omp_get_thread_num(  ) );
コード例 #13
ファイル: gptl_papi.c プロジェクト: ACME-Climate/cime
int canenable (int counter)
  char eventname[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN]; /* returned from PAPI_event_code_to_name */

  if (npapievents+1 > MAX_AUX)
    return false;

  if (PAPI_query_event (counter) != PAPI_OK) {
    (void) PAPI_event_code_to_name (counter, eventname);
    fprintf (stderr, "canenable: event %s not available on this arch\n", eventname);
    return false;

  return true;
コード例 #14
int main() {
    int EventCode, retval;
    char EventCodeStr[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

    /* Initialize the library */
    retval = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT);

    if (retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PAPI library init error!\n");

    EventCode = 0 | 0x40000000;
    do {
        /* Translate the integer code to a string */
        if (PAPI_event_code_to_name(EventCode, EventCodeStr) == PAPI_OK)

            /* Print all the native events for this platform */
            printf("Name: %s\nCode: %x\n", EventCodeStr, EventCode);

    } while (PAPI_enum_event(&EventCode, 0) == PAPI_OK);
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_utils.c プロジェクト: pyrovski/papi-rapl
test_print_event_header( char *call, int evset )
	int i, nev;
	int retval;
	char evname[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

	retval = PAPI_list_events( evset, ev_ids, &nev );

	if ( *call )
		fprintf( stdout, "%s", call );
	if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < nev; i++ ) {
			PAPI_event_code_to_name( ev_ids[i], evname );
			printf( ONEHDR, evname );
	} else {
		fprintf( stdout, "Can not list event names." );
	fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
コード例 #16
ファイル: rapl_overflow.c プロジェクト: pyrovski/papi-rapl
main( int argc, char **argv )
	int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
	long long values0[2],values1[2],values2[2];
	int num_flops = 3000000, retval;
	int mythreshold = 1000000;
	char event_name1[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
        int PAPI_event;
	int cid,numcmp,rapl_cid;
	const PAPI_component_info_t *cmpinfo = NULL;

	/* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */
	tests_quiet( argc, argv );      


	/* Init PAPI */
	retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
	if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) {
	  test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_library_init",retval);

	numcmp = PAPI_num_components();

	for(cid=0; cid<numcmp; cid++) {

	  if ( (cmpinfo = PAPI_get_component_info(cid)) == NULL) {
	    test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_get_component_info failed\n", 0);

	  if (strstr(cmpinfo->name,"linux-rapl")) {
	    if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("Found rapl component at cid %d\n",
	    if (cmpinfo->num_native_events==0) {
              test_skip(__FILE__,__LINE__,"No rapl events found",0);

	/* Component not found */
	if (cid==numcmp) {
	  test_skip(__FILE__,__LINE__,"No rapl component found\n",0);

	/* add PAPI_TOT_CYC and PAPI_TOT_INS */
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_create_eventset",retval);

	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_add_event",retval);

	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_add_event",retval);

	/* Add some RAPL events */
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_create_eventset",retval);

	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_add_event",retval);

	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_add_event",retval);

	/* arbitrary */
	mythreshold = 2000000;
	if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
	   printf("Using %x for the overflow event, threshold %d\n",

	/* Start the run calibration run */
	retval = PAPI_start( EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_start",retval);

	do_flops( 3000000 );

	/* stop the calibration run */
	retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values0 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_stop",retval);

	/* set up overflow handler */
	retval = PAPI_overflow( EventSet,PAPI_event,mythreshold, 0, handler );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_overflow",retval);

	/* Start overflow run */
	retval = PAPI_start( EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_start",retval);
	retval = PAPI_start( EventSet2 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_start",retval);

	do_flops( num_flops );

	/* stop overflow run */
	retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_stop",retval);

	retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet2, values2 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_stop",retval);

	retval = PAPI_overflow( EventSet, PAPI_event, 0, 0, handler );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_overflow",retval);

	retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_event, event_name1 );
	if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_event_code_to_name\n", retval);

	if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
	   printf("%s: %lld %lld\n",event_name1,values0[0],values1[0]);

	retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_TOT_INS, event_name1 );
	if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	  test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_event_code_to_name\n",retval);

	if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
	   printf("%s: %lld %lld\n",event_name1,values0[1],values1[1]);

	retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	  test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_cleanup_eventset",retval);

	retval = PAPI_destroy_eventset( &EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_destroy_eventset",retval);

	if (rapl_backward) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"RAPL counts went backward!",0);

	test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );

	return 0;
コード例 #17
ファイル: rapl_basic.c プロジェクト: FMCalisto/SMP
int main (int argc, char **argv)

    int retval,cid,rapl_cid=-1,numcmp;
    int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
    long long *values;
    int num_events=0;
    int code;
    char event_names[MAX_RAPL_EVENTS][PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
    int r,i;
    const PAPI_component_info_t *cmpinfo = NULL;
    PAPI_event_info_t evinfo;
    long long before_time,after_time;
    double elapsed_time;

        /* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */
     tests_quiet( argc, argv );      

	/* PAPI Initialization */
     retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
     if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) {
	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_library_init failed\n",retval);

     if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
	printf("Trying all RAPL events\n");

     numcmp = PAPI_num_components();

     for(cid=0; cid<numcmp; cid++) {

	if ( (cmpinfo = PAPI_get_component_info(cid)) == NULL) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_get_component_info failed\n", 0);

	if (strstr(cmpinfo->name,"rapl")) {


	   if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
	      printf("Found rapl component at cid %d\n",rapl_cid);

           if (cmpinfo->disabled) {
	      if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
		 printf("RAPL component disabled: %s\n",
              test_skip(__FILE__,__LINE__,"RAPL component disabled",0);

     /* Component not found */
     if (cid==numcmp) {
       test_skip(__FILE__,__LINE__,"No rapl component found\n",0);

     /* Create EventSet */
     retval = PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet );
     if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 

     /* Add all events */

     code = PAPI_NATIVE_MASK;

     r = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_FIRST, rapl_cid );

     while ( r == PAPI_OK ) {

        retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( code, event_names[num_events] );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	   printf("Error translating %#x\n",code);
	   test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, 
                            "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	retval = PAPI_get_event_info(code,&evinfo);
	if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	  test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__,
             "Error getting event info\n",retval);

        retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, code );
        if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	  break; /* We've hit an event limit */
        r = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_EVENTS, rapl_cid );

     values=calloc(num_events,sizeof(long long));
     if (values==NULL) {
	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
                              "No memory",retval);

     if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
	printf("\nStarting measurements...\n\n");

     /* Start Counting */
     retval = PAPI_start( EventSet);
     if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start()",retval);

     /* Run test */

     /* Stop Counting */
     retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values);
     if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start()",retval);


     if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
        printf("\nStopping measurements, took %.3fs, gathering results...\n\n",

	printf("Energy measurements:\n");

	for(i=0;i<num_events;i++) {
	   if (strstr(units[i],"nJ")) {

	      printf("%s\t%.6fJ\t(Average Power %.1fW)\n",

	printf("Fixed values:\n");

	for(i=0;i<num_events;i++) {
	   if (!strstr(units[i],"nJ")) {

	     union {
	       long long ll;
	       double fp;
	     } result;




     /* Done, clean up */
     retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet );
     if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 

     retval = PAPI_destroy_eventset( &EventSet );
     if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 
     test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );
     return 0;
コード例 #18
int HWCBE_PAPI_Init_Thread (UINT64 time, int threadid, int forked)
	int i, j, rc;
	PAPI_option_t options;

	if (HWC_num_sets <= 0)
		return FALSE;

	if (forked)
		PAPI_stop (HWCEVTSET(threadid), NULL);

		for (i = 0; i < HWC_num_sets; i++)
			rc = PAPI_cleanup_eventset (HWC_sets[i].eventsets[threadid]);
			if (rc == PAPI_OK)
				PAPI_destroy_eventset (&HWC_sets[i].eventsets[threadid]);

			HWC_sets[i].eventsets[threadid] = PAPI_NULL;

	//if (!forked)
		memset (&options, 0, sizeof(options));

		for (i = 0; i < HWC_num_sets; i++)
			/* Create the eventset. Each thread will create its own eventset */
			rc = PAPI_create_eventset (&(HWC_sets[i].eventsets[threadid]));
			if (PAPI_OK != rc)
				fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Error! Unable to create eventset (%d of %d) in thread %d\n", i+1, HWC_num_sets, threadid);

			/* Add the selected counters */
			for (j = 0; j < HWC_sets[i].num_counters; j++)
				if (HWC_sets[i].counters[j] != NO_COUNTER)
					rc = PAPI_add_event (HWC_sets[i].eventsets[threadid], HWC_sets[i].counters[j]);
					if (rc != PAPI_OK)
						char EventName[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
						PAPI_event_code_to_name (HWC_sets[i].counters[j], EventName);
						fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Error! Hardware counter %s (0x%08x) cannot be added in set %d (thread %d)\n", EventName, HWC_sets[i].counters[j], i+1, threadid);
						HWC_sets[i].counters[j] = NO_COUNTER;
						/* break; */

			/* Set the domain for these eventsets */
			options.domain.eventset = HWC_sets[i].eventsets[threadid];
			options.domain.domain = HWC_sets[i].domain;
			rc = PAPI_set_opt (PAPI_DOMAIN, &options);
			if (rc != PAPI_OK)
				fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Error when setting domain for eventset %d\n", i+1);
	} /* forked */ 

	HWC_Thread_Initialized[threadid] = HWCBE_PAPI_Start_Set (0, time, HWC_current_set[threadid], threadid);

	return HWC_Thread_Initialized[threadid];
コード例 #19
int HWCBE_PAPI_Add_Set (int pretended_set, int rank, int ncounters, char **counters,
	char *domain, char *change_at_globalops, char *change_at_time, 
	int num_overflows, char **overflow_counters, unsigned long long *overflow_values)
	int i, rc, num_set = HWC_num_sets;
	PAPI_event_info_t info;

	if (ncounters == 0 || counters == NULL)
		return 0;
	if (ncounters > MAX_HWC)
		fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": You cannot provide more HWC counters than %d (see set %d)\n", MAX_HWC, pretended_set);
		ncounters = MAX_HWC;
	HWC_sets = (struct HWC_Set_t *) realloc (HWC_sets, sizeof(struct HWC_Set_t)* (HWC_num_sets+1));
	if (HWC_sets == NULL)
		fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Cannot allocate memory for HWC_set (rank %d)\n", rank);
		return 0;

	/* Initialize this set */
	HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters = 0;
	HWC_sets[num_set].eventsets = NULL;
	HWC_sets[num_set].OverflowCounter = NULL;
	HWC_sets[num_set].OverflowValue = NULL;
	HWC_sets[num_set].NumOverflows = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < ncounters; i++)
		/* counter_last_position will hold the address of the end of the 
		   counter[i] string 
		   This shall be compared with strtoul_check to know if the hex
		   is correct or not
		char *counter_last_position = &(counters[i][strlen(counters[i])]);
		char *strtoul_check;

		HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters] = 
			strtoul (counters[i], &strtoul_check, 16);

		if (strtoul_check != counter_last_position)
			int EventCode;
			if (PAPI_event_name_to_code(counters[i], &EventCode) != PAPI_OK)
				if (rank == 0)
					fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Cannot parse HWC %s in set %d, skipping\n", counters[i], pretended_set);
				HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters] = EventCode;

		rc = PAPI_get_event_info (HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters], &info);
		if (rc != PAPI_OK)
			if (rank == 0)
				fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Error! Cannot query information for hardware counter %s (0x%08x). Check set %d.\n", counters[i], HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters], pretended_set);

			HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters] = NO_COUNTER;
		/* Native events seem that could have info.count = 0! */
		else if (rc == PAPI_OK && info.count == 0 && (HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters] & PAPI_NATIVE_MASK) == 0)
			if (rank == 0)
				fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Error! Hardware counter %s (0x%08x) is not available. Check set %d.\n", counters[i], HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters], pretended_set);

			HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters] = NO_COUNTER;
			if (rank == 0)
				HWCBE_PAPI_AddDefinition (HWC_sets[num_set].counters[HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters],
					info.symbol, (info.event_code & PAPI_PRESET_MASK)?info.short_descr:info.long_descr);


	if (HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters == 0)
		if (rank == 0)
			fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Set %d of counters seems to be empty/invalid, skipping\n", pretended_set);
		return 0;

	/* Just check if the user wants us to change the counters in some manner */
	if (change_at_time != NULL)
		HWC_sets[num_set].change_at = getTimeFromStr (change_at_time, 
			"change-at-time", rank);
		HWC_sets[num_set].change_type = 
				(HWC_sets[num_set].change_at == 0)?CHANGE_NEVER:CHANGE_TIME;
	else if (change_at_globalops != NULL)
		HWC_sets[num_set].change_at = strtoul (change_at_globalops, (char **) NULL, 10);
		HWC_sets[num_set].change_type = 
			(HWC_sets[num_set].change_at == 0)?CHANGE_NEVER:CHANGE_GLOPS;
		HWC_sets[num_set].change_type = CHANGE_NEVER;
	if (domain != NULL)
		if (!strcasecmp(domain, "all"))
			if (rank == 0)
				fprintf (stdout, PACKAGE_NAME": PAPI domain set to ALL for HWC set %d\n",
			HWC_sets[num_set].domain = PAPI_DOM_ALL;
		else if (!strcasecmp(domain, "kernel"))
			if (rank == 0)
				fprintf (stdout, PACKAGE_NAME": PAPI domain set to KERNEL for HWC set %d\n",
			HWC_sets[num_set].domain = PAPI_DOM_KERNEL;
		else if (!strcasecmp(domain, "user"))
			if (rank == 0)
				fprintf (stdout, PACKAGE_NAME": PAPI domain set to USER for HWC set %d\n",
			HWC_sets[num_set].domain = PAPI_DOM_USER;
		else if (!strcasecmp(domain, "other"))
			if (rank == 0)
				fprintf (stdout, PACKAGE_NAME": PAPI domain set to OTHER for HWC set %d\n",
			HWC_sets[num_set].domain = PAPI_DOM_OTHER;
			if (rank == 0)
				fprintf (stdout, PACKAGE_NAME": PAPI domain set to USER for HWC set %d\n",
			HWC_sets[num_set].domain = PAPI_DOM_USER;
	} /* domain != NULL */
		if (rank == 0)
			fprintf (stdout, PACKAGE_NAME": PAPI domain set to USER for HWC set %d\n",
		HWC_sets[num_set].domain = PAPI_DOM_USER;

	HWCBE_PAPI_Allocate_eventsets_per_thread (num_set, 0, Backend_getNumberOfThreads());

	/* We validate this set */

	if (rank == 0)
		fprintf (stdout, PACKAGE_NAME": HWC set %d contains following counters < ", pretended_set);
		for (i = 0; i < HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters; i++)
			if (HWC_sets[num_set].counters[i] != NO_COUNTER)
				char counter_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

				PAPI_event_code_to_name (HWC_sets[num_set].counters[i], counter_name);
				fprintf (stdout, "%s (0x%08x) ", counter_name, HWC_sets[num_set].counters[i]);
		fprintf (stdout, ">");

		if (HWC_sets[num_set].change_type == CHANGE_TIME)
			fprintf (stdout, " - changing every %lld nanoseconds\n", HWC_sets[num_set].change_at);
		else if (HWC_sets[num_set].change_type == CHANGE_GLOPS)
			fprintf (stdout, " - changing every %lld global operations\n", HWC_sets[num_set].change_at);
			fprintf (stdout, " - never changes\n");

		fflush (stdout);

	if (num_overflows > 0)
		Add_Overflows_To_Set (rank, num_set, pretended_set, num_overflows,
			overflow_counters, overflow_values);

	return HWC_sets[num_set].num_counters;
コード例 #20
int main(){
  int retval,i;
  int EventSet=PAPI_NULL;
  int event_code=PAPI_TOT_INS; /* By default monitor total instructions */
  char errstring[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
  char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
  float a[1000],b[1000],c[1000];
  long long values;

  /* This initializes the library and checks the version number of the
   * header file, to the version of the library, if these don't match
   * then it is likely that PAPI won't work correctly.  
  if ((retval = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT)) != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ){
	/* This call loads up what the error means into errstring 
	 * if retval == PAPI_ESYS then it might be beneficial
 	 * to call perror as well to see what system call failed
  /* Create space for the EventSet */
  if ( (retval=PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ))!=PAPI_OK){
	PAPI_perror(retval, errstring, PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN);

  /*  After this call if the environment variable PAPI_EVENT is set,
   *  event_code may contain something different than total instructions.
  if ( (retval=PAPI_add_env_event(&EventSet, &event_code, "PAPI_EVENT"))!=PAPI_OK){
  /* Now lets start counting */
  if ( (retval = PAPI_start(EventSet)) != PAPI_OK ){

  /* Some work to take up some time, the PAPI_start/PAPI_stop (and/or
   * PAPI_read) should surround what you want to monitor.
  for ( i=0;i<1000;i++){
        a[i] = b[i]-c[i];
        c[i] = a[i]*1.2;

  if ( (retval = PAPI_stop(EventSet, &values) ) != PAPI_OK ){

  if ( (retval=PAPI_event_code_to_name( event_code, event_name))!=PAPI_OK){

  printf("Ending values for %s: %lld\n", event_name,values);
  /* Remove PAPI instrumentation, this is necessary on platforms
   * that need to release shared memory segments and is always
   * good practice.
コード例 #21
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    int retval,cid,numcmp;
    int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
    long long value;
    int code;
    char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
    int total_events=0;
    int r;
    const PAPI_component_info_t *cmpinfo = NULL;

    /* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */
    tests_quiet( argc, argv );

    /* PAPI Initialization */
    retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
    if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) {
        test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_library_init failed\n",retval);

    if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
        printf("Trying all net events\n");

    numcmp = PAPI_num_components();

    for(cid=0; cid<numcmp; cid++) {

        if ( (cmpinfo = PAPI_get_component_info(cid)) == NULL) {
            test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_get_component_info failed\n",-1);

        if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
            printf("Component %d - %d events - %s\n", cid,
                cmpinfo->num_native_events, cmpinfo->name);

        if ( strstr(cmpinfo->name, "infiniband") == NULL) {

        code = PAPI_NATIVE_MASK;

        r = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_FIRST, cid );
        while ( r == PAPI_OK ) {

            retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( code, event_name );
            if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
                test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

            if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
                printf("%#x %-24s = ", code, event_name);

            EventSet = PAPI_NULL;

            retval = PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet );
            if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
                test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_create_eventset()", retval);

            retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, code );
            if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
                test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event()", retval);

            retval = PAPI_start( EventSet );
            if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
                test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start()", retval);

            if (strcmp(event_name, "_recv") == 0) {
                /* XXX figure out a general method to  generate some traffic 
                 * for infiniband
                 * the operation should take more than one second in order
                 * to guarantee that the network counters are updated */
                retval = system("ping -c 4 " PINGADDR " > /dev/null");
                if (retval < 0) {
					test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to start ping", retval);

            retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, &value );
            if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
                test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop()", retval);

            if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("%lld\n", value);

            retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet );
            if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
                test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_cleanup_eventset()", retval);

            retval = PAPI_destroy_eventset( &EventSet );
            if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
                test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_destroy_eventset()", retval);


            r = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_EVENTS, cid );


    if (total_events==0) {
        test_skip(__FILE__,__LINE__,"No net events found", 0);

    test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );

    return 0;
コード例 #22
mainloop( int arg )
	int retval, num_tests = 1;
	int EventSet1 = PAPI_NULL;
	int mask1 = 0x0;
	int num_events1;
	long long **values;
	int PAPI_event;
	char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

	( void ) arg;

	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) ) != PAPI_VER_CURRENT )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_library_init", retval );

	/* add PAPI_TOT_CYC and one of the events in PAPI_FP_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS or
	   PAPI_TOT_INS, depending on the availability of the event on the
	   platform */
	EventSet1 =
		add_two_nonderived_events( &num_events1, &PAPI_event, &mask1 );

	values = allocate_test_space( num_tests, num_events1 );

	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_overflow( EventSet1, PAPI_event, THRESHOLD, 0,
						  handler ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );

	do_stuff(  );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_start( EventSet1 ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );

	do_stuff(  );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet1, values[0] ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	/* clear the papi_overflow event */
	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_overflow( EventSet1, PAPI_event, 0, 0, NULL ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );

	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_event, event_name ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET ) {
		printf( "Thread %#x %s : \t%lld\n", ( int ) pthread_self(  ),
				event_name, ( values[0] )[0] );
		printf( "Thread %#x PAPI_TOT_CYC: \t%lld\n", ( int ) pthread_self(  ),
				( values[0] )[1] );

	retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_cleanup_eventset", retval );

	retval = PAPI_destroy_eventset( &EventSet1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_destroy_eventset", retval );

	free_test_space( values, num_tests );
	PAPI_shutdown(  );
コード例 #23
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int EventSet=PAPI_NULL;
   long long values[2] = { 0, 0 };
   long long min, max;
   int num_flops=NUM_FLOPS, retval;
   int PAPI_event=0, mythreshold;
   char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
   const PAPI_hw_info_t *hw_info = NULL;

   tests_quiet(argc, argv);     /* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */

   retval = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT);
   if (retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_library_init", retval);

   hw_info = PAPI_get_hardware_info();
   if (hw_info == NULL)
     test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_get_hardware_info", 2);

   if((!strncmp(hw_info->model_string, "UltraSPARC", 10) &&
       !(strncmp(hw_info->vendor_string, "SUN", 3))) ||
      (!strncmp(hw_info->model_string, "AMD K7", 6)) ||
      (!strncmp(hw_info->vendor_string, "Cray", 4)) ||
      (strstr(hw_info->model_string, "POWER3"))) {
   /* query and set up the right instruction to monitor */
      if (PAPI_query_event(PAPI_TOT_INS) == PAPI_OK) {
         PAPI_event = PAPI_TOT_INS;
      } else {
         test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_TOT_INS not available on this Sun platform!", 0);
   } else {
   /* query and set up the right instruction to monitor */
      if (PAPI_query_event(PAPI_FP_INS) == PAPI_OK) {
         PAPI_event = PAPI_FP_INS;
      } else {
         if (PAPI_query_event(PAPI_FP_OPS) == PAPI_OK) 
            PAPI_event = PAPI_FP_OPS;
            PAPI_event = PAPI_TOT_INS;

   if ( PAPI_event == PAPI_FP_INS )
      mythreshold = THRESHOLD ;
#if defined(linux)
      mythreshold = hw_info->mhz*10000*2;
      mythreshold = THRESHOLD*2;

   retval = PAPI_create_eventset(&EventSet);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_create_eventset", retval);

   retval = PAPI_add_event(EventSet, PAPI_event);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", retval);

   retval = PAPI_start(EventSet);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval);


   retval = PAPI_stop(EventSet, &values[0]);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval);

   retval = PAPI_overflow(EventSet, PAPI_event, mythreshold, 0, handler);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval);

   retval = PAPI_start(EventSet);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval);


   retval = PAPI_stop(EventSet, &values[1]);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval);

#if defined(linux) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_POWER4)
   num_flops *= 2;

   if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
      if ((retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name(PAPI_event, event_name)) != PAPI_OK)
         test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval);

      printf("Test case: Overflow dispatch of 1st event in set with 1 event.\n");
      printf("Threshold for overflow is: %d\n", mythreshold);
      printf("Using %d iterations of c += a*b\n", NUM_FLOPS);

      printf("Test type    : %16d%16d\n", 1, 2);
      printf(OUT_FMT, event_name, values[0], values[1]);
      printf("Overflows    : %16s%16d\n", "", total);

	if (PAPI_event == PAPI_FP_INS)
		printf("Row 1 approximately equals %d %d\n", num_flops, num_flops);
	printf("Column 1 approximately equals column 2\n");
      printf("Row 3 approximately equals %u +- %u %%\n",
             (unsigned) ((values[0]) / (long long) mythreshold),
             (unsigned) (OVR_TOLERANCE * 100.0));


  min = (long long)(values[0]*(1.0-TOLERANCE));
  max = (long long)(values[0]*(1.0+TOLERANCE));
  if ( values[1] > max || values[1] < min )
  	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, event_name, 1);

   min = (long long) ((values[0] * (1.0 - OVR_TOLERANCE)) / (long long) mythreshold);
   max = (long long) ((values[0] * (1.0 + OVR_TOLERANCE)) / (long long) mythreshold);
   if (total > max || total < min)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Overflows", 1);

   test_pass(__FILE__, NULL, 0);
コード例 #24
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    int retval,cid,rapl_cid=-1,numcmp;
    int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
    long long values[MAX_EVENTS];
    int i,code,enum_retval;
    const PAPI_component_info_t *cmpinfo = NULL;
    long long start_time,write_start_time,write_end_time,read_start_time,read_end_time;
    char event_name[BUFSIZ];
    union { long long ll; double dbl; } event_value_union;
    static int num_events=0;
    FILE *fileout;
    /* PAPI Initialization */
    retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
    if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) {
        fprintf(stderr,"PAPI_library_init failed\n");
    /* Find the libmsr component */
    numcmp = PAPI_num_components();
    for(cid=0; cid<numcmp; cid++) {
	if ( (cmpinfo = PAPI_get_component_info(cid)) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr,"PAPI_get_component_info failed\n");
	if (strstr(cmpinfo->name,"libmsr")) {
            printf("Found libmsr component at cid %d\n", rapl_cid);
            if (cmpinfo->disabled) {
                fprintf(stderr,"No libmsr events found: %s\n", cmpinfo->disabled_reason);

    /* Component not found */    
    if (cid==numcmp) {
        fprintf(stderr,"No libmsr component found\n");
    /* Find events in the component */
    code = PAPI_NATIVE_MASK;
    enum_retval = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_FIRST, cid );
    while ( enum_retval == PAPI_OK ) {
        retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( code, event_name );
        if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
            printf("Error translating %#x\n",code);
        printf("Found: %s\n",event_name);
        if (num_events==MAX_EVENTS) {
            printf("Too many events! %d\n",num_events);
        enum_retval = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_EVENTS, cid );
    if (num_events==0) {
        printf("Error!  No libmsr events found!\n");
    /* Open output file */
    char fileoutname[]="libmsr_write_test_output.txt";
    fileout=fopen( fileoutname ,"w" );
    if ( fileout==NULL) { fprintf( stderr,"Could not open %s\n",fileoutname ); exit(1); }

    /* Create EventSet */
    retval = PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet );
    if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error creating eventset!\n");
    for(i=0;i<num_events;i++) {
        retval = PAPI_add_named_event( EventSet, events[i] );
        if (retval != PAPI_OK) fprintf(stderr,"Error adding event %s\n",events[i]); 
    /* Grab the initial values for the events */
    retval = PAPI_start( EventSet);
    if (retval != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"PAPI_start() failed\n"); exit(1); }
    /* Initial checking read */
    retval = PAPI_read( EventSet, values);
    if (retval != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"PAPI_read() failed\n"); exit(1); }

    /* Write a header line */
    for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) 
        fprintf( fileout, "%s ", events[i]+9 );
    fprintf( fileout, "\n" );

    /* Read the initial values */
    retval = PAPI_read( EventSet, values);
    if (retval != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"PAPI_read() failed\n"); exit(1); }
    fprintf( fileout, "INIT %8.3f %8.3f ", ((double)(PAPI_get_real_nsec()-start_time))/1.0e9, 0.0 );
    fprintf( fileout, "%8.3e ", 0.0);
    for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
        event_value_union.ll = values[i];
        fprintf( fileout, "%8.3f ", event_value_union.dbl );
    fprintf( fileout, "\n" );

    int rpt=0;
    int limit1base=10;
    int limit2base=10;
    while(rpt++<200) {
        //printf("rpt %d\n", rpt);
        if ( rpt % 10 == 0 )  {
            for (i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
                event_value_union.ll = values[i];
                if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_POWER_LIMIT_1:PACKAGE0" )) event_value_union.dbl=limit1base+(rpt/2);
                else if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_TIME_WINDOW_POWER_LIMIT_1:PACKAGE0" )) event_value_union.dbl=1.0;
                else if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_POWER_LIMIT_2:PACKAGE0" )) event_value_union.dbl=limit2base+(rpt/2);
                else if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_TIME_WINDOW_POWER_LIMIT_2:PACKAGE0" )) event_value_union.dbl=1.0;
                else if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_POWER_LIMIT_1:PACKAGE1" )) event_value_union.dbl=limit1base+(rpt/2);
                else if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_TIME_WINDOW_POWER_LIMIT_1:PACKAGE1" )) event_value_union.dbl=1.0;
                else if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_POWER_LIMIT_2:PACKAGE1" )) event_value_union.dbl=limit2base+(rpt/2);
                else if ( !strcmp( events[i], "libmsr:::PKG_TIME_WINDOW_POWER_LIMIT_2:PACKAGE1" )) event_value_union.dbl=1.0;
                else event_value_union.dbl=PAPI_NULL;

            retval = PAPI_write( EventSet, values );
            if (retval != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"PAPI_write() failed\n"); exit(1); }

            fprintf( fileout, "SET  %8.3f %8.3f ", ((double)(PAPI_get_real_nsec()-start_time))/1.0e9, 0.0 );
            fprintf( fileout, "%8.3e ", ((double)(write_end_time-write_start_time))/1.0e9 );
            for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
                event_value_union.ll = values[i];
                fprintf( fileout, "%8.3f ", event_value_union.dbl );
            fprintf( fileout, "\n" );
        double work_start_time=PAPI_get_real_nsec();
        ompcpuloadprimes( 100000 );
        double work_time=PAPI_get_real_nsec()-work_start_time;
        //printf("primescount %d\n", primescount);
        /* Read and output the values */
        retval = PAPI_read( EventSet, values );
        if (retval != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"PAPI_read() failed\n"); exit(1); }
        fprintf( fileout, "READ %8.3f %8.3f ", ((double)(PAPI_get_real_nsec()-start_time))/1.0e9, work_time/1.0e9 );
        fprintf( fileout, "%8.3e ", ((double)(read_end_time-read_start_time))/1.0e9 );
        for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
            event_value_union.ll = values[i];
            fprintf( fileout, "%8.3f ", event_value_union.dbl );
        fprintf( fileout, "\n" );

    retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values);
    return 0;
コード例 #25
void *
Thread( void *arg )
	int retval, num_tests = 1, i;
	int EventSet1 = PAPI_NULL, mask1, PAPI_event;
	int num_events1;
	long long **values;
	long long elapsed_us, elapsed_cyc;
	unsigned short *profbuf;
	char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

	retval = PAPI_register_thread(  );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_register_thread", retval );
	profbuf = ( unsigned short * ) malloc( length * sizeof ( unsigned short ) );
	if ( profbuf == NULL )
		exit( 1 );
	memset( profbuf, 0x00, length * sizeof ( unsigned short ) );

	/* add PAPI_TOT_CYC and one of the events in PAPI_FP_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS or
	   PAPI_TOT_INS, depends on the availability of the event on the
	   platform */
	EventSet1 =
		add_two_nonderived_events( &num_events1, &PAPI_event, &mask1 );

	values = allocate_test_space( num_tests, num_events1 );

	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_event, event_name ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec(  );

	elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc(  );

	retval = PAPI_profil( profbuf, length, my_start, 65536,
						  EventSet1, PAPI_event, THR, PAPI_PROFIL_POSIX );
	if ( retval )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_profil", retval );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_start( EventSet1 ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );

	do_flops( *( int * ) arg );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet1, values[0] ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	elapsed_us = PAPI_get_real_usec(  ) - elapsed_us;

	elapsed_cyc = PAPI_get_real_cyc(  ) - elapsed_cyc;

	/* to remove the profile flag */
	retval = PAPI_profil( profbuf, length, my_start, 65536,
						  EventSet1, PAPI_event, 0, PAPI_PROFIL_POSIX );
	if ( retval )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_profil", retval );

	remove_test_events( &EventSet1, mask1 );

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET ) {
		if ( mask1 == 0x3 ) {
			printf( "Thread 0x%x PAPI_TOT_INS : \t%lld\n",
					( int ) pthread_self(  ), ( values[0] )[0] );
		} else {
			printf( "Thread 0x%x PAPI_FP_INS : \t%lld\n",
					( int ) pthread_self(  ), ( values[0] )[0] );
		printf( "Thread 0x%x PAPI_TOT_CYC: \t%lld\n", ( int ) pthread_self(  ),
				( values[0] )[1] );
		printf( "Thread 0x%x Real usec   : \t%lld\n", ( int ) pthread_self(  ),
				elapsed_us );
		printf( "Thread 0x%x Real cycles : \t%lld\n", ( int ) pthread_self(  ),
				elapsed_cyc );

		printf( "Test case: PAPI_profil() for pthreads\n" );
		printf( "----Profile buffer for Thread 0x%x---\n",
				( int ) pthread_self(  ) );
		for ( i = 0; i < ( int ) length; i++ ) {
			if ( profbuf[i] )
				printf( "0x%lx\t%d\n", ( unsigned long ) ( my_start + 2 * i ),
						profbuf[i] );
	for ( i = 0; i < ( int ) length; i++ )
		if ( profbuf[i] )

	if ( i >= ( int ) length )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "No information in buffers", 1 );
	free_test_space( values, num_tests );

	retval = PAPI_unregister_thread(  );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_unregister_thread", retval );
	return ( NULL );
コード例 #26
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int EventSet=PAPI_NULL;
   long long(values[2])[2];
   long long min, max;
   int num_flops = NUM_FLOPS, retval;
   int PAPI_event, mythreshold=THRESHOLD;
   char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
   const PAPI_hw_info_t *hw_info = NULL;
   int num_events, mask; 

   tests_quiet(argc, argv);     /* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */

   retval = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT);
   if (retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_library_init", retval);

   hw_info = PAPI_get_hardware_info();
   if (hw_info == NULL)
     test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_get_hardware_info", 2);

   /* add PAPI_TOT_CYC and one of the events in PAPI_FP_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS or
      PAPI_TOT_INS, depending on the availability of the event on the
      platform */
   EventSet = add_two_nonderived_events(&num_events, &PAPI_event, hw_info, &mask);

   if ( PAPI_event == PAPI_FP_INS )
      mythreshold = THRESHOLD ;
#if defined(linux)
      mythreshold = hw_info->mhz*10000*2;
      mythreshold = THRESHOLD*2;

   retval = PAPI_start(EventSet);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval);


   retval = PAPI_stop(EventSet, values[0]);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval);

   retval = PAPI_overflow(EventSet, PAPI_event, mythreshold, 0, handler);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval);

   retval = PAPI_start(EventSet);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval);


   retval = PAPI_stop(EventSet, values[1]);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval);
   retval = PAPI_overflow(EventSet, PAPI_event, 0, 0, handler);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval);

   if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
      if ((retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name(PAPI_event, event_name)) != PAPI_OK)
         test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval);

      printf("Test case: Overflow dispatch of 2nd event in set with 2 events.\n");
      printf("Threshold for overflow is: %d\n", mythreshold);
      printf("Using %d iterations of c += a*b\n", num_flops);

      printf("Test type    : %16d%16d\n", 1, 2);
      printf(OUT_FMT, event_name, (values[0])[0], (values[1])[0]);
      printf(OUT_FMT, "PAPI_TOT_CYC", (values[0])[1], (values[1])[1]);
      printf("Overflows    : %16s%16d\n", "", total);

   retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset(EventSet);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_cleanup_eventset", retval);

   retval = PAPI_destroy_eventset(&EventSet);
   if (retval != PAPI_OK)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_destroy_eventset", retval);

   if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
#if defined(linux) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_POWER4)
   num_flops *= 2;
      if (PAPI_event == PAPI_FP_INS || PAPI_event == PAPI_FP_OPS){
         printf("Row 1 approximately equals %d %d\n", num_flops, num_flops);
      printf("Column 1 approximately equals column 2\n");
      printf("Row 3 approximately equals %u +- %u %%\n",
             (unsigned) ((values[0])[0] / (long long) mythreshold),
             (unsigned) (OVR_TOLERANCE * 100.0));
  min = (long long)((values[0])[1]*(1.0-TOLERANCE));
  max = (long long)((values[0])[1]*(1.0+TOLERANCE));
  if ( (values[0])[1] > max || (values[0])[1] < min )
  	test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, event_name, 1);

   min = (long long) (((values[0])[0] * (1.0 - OVR_TOLERANCE)) / (long long) mythreshold);
   max = (long long) (((values[0])[0] * (1.0 + OVR_TOLERANCE)) / (long long) mythreshold);
   printf("Overflows: total(%d) > max(%lld) || total(%d) < min(%lld) ", total, max, total, min);
   if (total > max || total < min)
      test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Overflows", 1);

   test_pass(__FILE__, NULL, 0);
コード例 #27
ファイル: micpower_basic.c プロジェクト: drahoslavzan/MKP-PSO
int main (int argc, char **argv)

        int retval,cid,numcmp;
	int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
	long long values[NUM_EVENTS];
	int code;
	char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
	int total_events=0;
	int r;
	const PAPI_component_info_t *cmpinfo = NULL;

        /* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */
        tests_quiet( argc, argv );      

	/* PAPI Initialization */
	retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
	if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) {
	   test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_library_init failed\n",retval);

        numcmp = PAPI_num_components();

	for(cid=0; cid<numcmp; cid++) {

	   if (!TESTS_QUIET) {
	      if ( (cmpinfo = PAPI_get_component_info(cid)) == NULL) {
	         test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_get_component_info failed\n", 0);
	      printf("\tComponent %d - %s\n", cid, cmpinfo->name);

	   code = PAPI_NATIVE_MASK;

           r = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_FIRST, cid );

	   while ( r == PAPI_OK ) {
	      retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name( code, event_name );
	      if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
		 printf("Error translating %x\n",code);
	         test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, 
                            "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	      if (!strncmp(event_name,"micpower",8)) {
	         if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("0x%x %s ",code,event_name);
	         EventSet = PAPI_NULL;

	         retval = PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet );
	         if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	            test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 

	         retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, code );
	         if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	            test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 

	         retval = PAPI_start( EventSet);
	         if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	            test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start()",retval);

	         retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values);
	         if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	            test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start()",retval);

	         if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf(" value: %lld\n",values[0]);

	         retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet );
	         if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	            test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 

	         retval = PAPI_destroy_eventset( &EventSet );
	         if (retval != PAPI_OK) {
	            test_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, 

	      r = PAPI_enum_cmp_event( &code, PAPI_ENUM_EVENTS, cid );

	if (total_events==0) {

	   test_skip(__FILE__,__LINE__,"No coretemp events found",0);

	test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );
	return 0;
コード例 #28
main( int argc, char **argv )
	int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
	long long *values;
	int num_flops, retval, i, j;
	int *events, mythreshold;
	char **names;
	const PAPI_hw_info_t *hw_info = NULL;
	int num_events, *ovt;
	char name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
	const PAPI_component_info_t *comp_info = NULL;
	int using_perfmon = 0;
	int using_aix = 0;
	int numcmp, cid;

	tests_quiet( argc, argv );	/* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */

	retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
	if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) {
	   test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_library_init", retval );

	hw_info = PAPI_get_hardware_info(  );
	if ( hw_info == NULL ) {
	   test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_get_hardware_info", retval );

        numcmp = PAPI_num_components(  );

	for ( cid = 0; cid < numcmp; cid++ ) {

	    comp_info = PAPI_get_component_info( cid );
	    if ( comp_info == NULL ) {
	       test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_get_component_info", retval );

	    if ( strstr( comp_info->name, "perfmon.c" ) ) {
	       using_perfmon = 1;

	    if ( strstr( comp_info->name, "aix.c" ) ) {
	       using_aix = 1;

	/* add PAPI_TOT_CYC and one of the events in */
        /* depending on the availability of the event*/
	/* on the platform */
	EventSet = enum_add_native_events( &num_events, &events, 1 , 1);

	if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("Trying %d events\n",num_events);

	names = ( char ** ) calloc( ( unsigned int ) num_events, 
				    sizeof ( char * ) );

	for ( i = 0; i < num_events; i++ ) {
	   if ( PAPI_event_code_to_name( events[i], name ) != PAPI_OK ) {
	      test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__,"PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval);
	   else {
	      names[i] = strdup( name );
	      if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("%i: %s\n",i,names[i]);

	values = ( long long * )
		calloc( ( unsigned int ) ( num_events * ( num_events + 1 ) ),
				sizeof ( long long ) );
	ovt = ( int * ) calloc( ( unsigned int ) num_events, sizeof ( int ) );

#if defined(linux)
		char *tmp = getenv( "THRESHOLD" );
		if ( tmp ) {
			mythreshold = atoi( tmp );
		else if (hw_info->mhz!=0) {
		   mythreshold = ( int ) hw_info->mhz * 20000;
		  if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("Using a threshold of %d (20,000 * MHz)\n",mythreshold);

		else {
		  if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("Using default threshold of %d\n",THRESHOLD);
		   mythreshold = THRESHOLD;
	mythreshold = THRESHOLD;

	num_flops = NUM_FLOPS * 2;

	   /* initial test to make sure they all work */
	if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("Testing that the events all work with no overflow\n");

       	retval = PAPI_start( EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );

	do_flops( num_flops );

	retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	/* done with initial test */

	/* keep adding events? */
	for ( i = 0; i < num_events; i++ ) {

	      /* Enable overflow */
	   if (!TESTS_QUIET) printf("Testing with overflow set on %s\n",

	   retval = PAPI_overflow( EventSet, events[i], 
					mythreshold, 0, handler );
	   if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	      test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );

       	   retval = PAPI_start( EventSet );
	   if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	      test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );
	   do_flops( num_flops );

	   retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values + ( i + 1 ) * num_events );
	   if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	      test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	      /* Disable overflow */
	   retval = PAPI_overflow( EventSet, events[i], 0, 0, handler );
	   if ( retval != PAPI_OK ) {
	      test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );
	   ovt[i] = total;
	   total = 0;

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET ) {

	   printf("\nResults in Matrix-view:\n");
	   printf( "Test Overflow on %d counters with %d events.\n", 
		   num_events,num_events );
	   printf( "-----------------------------------------------\n" );
	   printf( "Threshold for overflow is: %d\n", mythreshold );
	   printf( "Using %d iterations of c += a*b\n", num_flops );
	   printf( "-----------------------------------------------\n" );

	   printf( "Test type                   : " );
	   for ( i = 0; i < num_events + 1; i++ ) {
	       printf( "%16d", i );
	   printf( "\n" );
	   for ( j = 0; j < num_events; j++ ) {
	       printf( "%-27s : ", names[j] );
	       for ( i = 0; i < num_events + 1; i++ ) {
		   printf( "%16lld", *( values + j + num_events * i ) );
	       printf( "\n" );
	   printf( "Overflows                   : %16s", "" );
	   for ( i = 0; i < num_events; i++ ) {
	       printf( "%16d", ovt[i] );
	   printf( "\n" );
	   printf( "-----------------------------------------------\n" );

	/* validation */

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET ) {
	   printf("\nResults broken out for validation\n");

	if (!TESTS_QUIET) {

	for ( j = 0; j < num_events+1; j++ ) {
	  if (j==0) {
             printf("Test results, no overflow:\n\t");
	  else {
	    printf("Overflow of event %d, %s\n\t",j-1,names[j-1]);
	  for(i=0; i < num_events; i++) {
	    if (i==j-1) {
	      printf("*%lld* ",values[(num_events*j)+i]);
	    else {
	      printf("%lld ",values[(num_events*j)+i]);
	  if (j!=0) {
	     printf("\tOverflow should be %lld / %d = %lld\n",
	     printf("\tOverflow was %d\n",ovt[j-1]);

	for ( j = 0; j < num_events; j++ ) {
		//printf("Validation: %lld / %d != %d (%lld)\n",
		//       *( values + j + num_events * (j+1) ) ,
		//       mythreshold,
		//       ovt[j],
		//       *(values+j+num_events*(j+1))/mythreshold);
		if ( *( values + j + num_events * ( j + 1 ) ) / mythreshold != ovt[j] ) {
			char error_string[BUFSIZ];

			if ( using_perfmon )
				test_warn( __FILE__, __LINE__,
						   "perfmon substrate handles overflow differently than perf_events",
						   1 );
			else if ( using_aix )
				test_warn( __FILE__, __LINE__,
						   "AIX (pmapi) substrate handles overflow differently than various other substrates",
						   1 );
			else {
				sprintf( error_string,
						 "Overflow value differs from expected %lld / %d != %d (%lld)",
						 *( values + j + num_events * ( j + 1 ) ), mythreshold,
						 *( values + j +
							num_events * ( j + 1 ) ) / mythreshold );
				test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, error_string, 1 );

	retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_cleanup_eventset", retval );

	retval = PAPI_destroy_eventset( &EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_destroy_eventset", retval );

	free( ovt );
	for ( i = 0; i < num_events; i++ )
		free( names[i] );
	free( names );
	free( events );
	free( values );
	test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );
	exit( 1 );
コード例 #29
main( int argc, char **argv )
	int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
	long long ( values[3] )[2];
	int retval;
	int PAPI_event, k, idx[4];
	char event_name[3][PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
	int num_events1;
	int threshold = THRESHOLD;

	tests_quiet( argc, argv );	/* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */

	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) ) != PAPI_VER_CURRENT )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_library_init", retval );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_create_eventset", retval );

	/* decide which of PAPI_FP_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS or PAPI_TOT_INS to add,
	   depending on the availability and derived status of the event on
	   this platform */
	if ( ( PAPI_event = find_nonderived_event(  ) ) == 0 )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "no PAPI_event", 0 );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, PAPI_event ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", retval );
	if ( ( retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, PAPI_TOT_CYC ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", retval );

	retval = PAPI_start( EventSet );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );

	do_flops( NUM_FLOPS );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values[0] ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	/* Set both overflows after adding both events (batch) */
	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_overflow( EventSet, PAPI_event, threshold, 0,
						  handler_batch ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );
	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_overflow( EventSet, PAPI_TOT_CYC, threshold, 0,
						  handler_batch ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_start( EventSet ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );

	do_flops( NUM_FLOPS );

	retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values[1] );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	num_events1 = 1;
	retval =
		PAPI_get_overflow_event_index( EventSet, 1, &idx[0], &num_events1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		printf( "PAPI_get_overflow_event_index error: %s\n",
				PAPI_strerror( retval ) );

	num_events1 = 1;
	retval =
		PAPI_get_overflow_event_index( EventSet, 2, &idx[1], &num_events1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		printf( "PAPI_get_overflow_event_index error: %s\n",
				PAPI_strerror( retval ) );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_cleanup_eventset", retval );

	/* Add each event and set its overflow (interleaved) */
	if ( ( retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, PAPI_event ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", retval );
	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_overflow( EventSet, PAPI_event, threshold, 0,
						  handler_interleaf ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );
	if ( ( retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, PAPI_TOT_CYC ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", retval );
	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_overflow( EventSet, PAPI_TOT_CYC, threshold, 0,
						  handler_interleaf ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_overflow", retval );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_start( EventSet ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_start", retval );

	do_flops( NUM_FLOPS );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_stop( EventSet, values[2] ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_stop", retval );

	num_events1 = 1;
	retval =
		PAPI_get_overflow_event_index( EventSet, 1, &idx[2], &num_events1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		printf( "PAPI_get_overflow_event_index error: %s\n",
				PAPI_strerror( retval ) );

	num_events1 = 1;
	retval =
		PAPI_get_overflow_event_index( EventSet, 2, &idx[3], &num_events1 );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		printf( "PAPI_get_overflow_event_index error: %s\n",
				PAPI_strerror( retval ) );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_cleanup_eventset( EventSet ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_cleanup_eventset", retval );

	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_event, event_name[0] ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	if ( ( retval =
		   PAPI_event_code_to_name( PAPI_TOT_CYC, event_name[1] ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_code_to_name", retval );

	strcpy( event_name[2], "Unknown" );

		( "Test case: Overflow dispatch of both events in set with 2 events.\n" );
		( "---------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
	printf( "Threshold for overflow is: %d\n", threshold );
	printf( "Using %d iterations of c += a*b\n", NUM_FLOPS );
	printf( "-----------------------------------------------\n" );

	printf( "Test type    : %18s%18s%18s\n", "1 (no overflow)", "2 (batch)",
			"3 (interleaf)" );
	printf( OUT_FMT, event_name[0], ( values[0] )[0], ( values[1] )[0],
			( values[2] )[0] );
	printf( OUT_FMT, event_name[1], ( values[0] )[1], ( values[1] )[1],
			( values[2] )[1] );
	printf( "\n" );

	printf( "Predicted overflows at event %-12s : %6d\n", event_name[0],
			( int ) ( ( values[0] )[0] / threshold ) );
	printf( "Predicted overflows at event %-12s : %6d\n", event_name[1],
			( int ) ( ( values[0] )[1] / threshold ) );

	printf( "\nBatch overflows (add, add, over, over):\n" );
	for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {
		if ( overflow_counts[0][k].mask ) {
			printf( VEC_FMT, ( long long ) overflow_counts[0][k].mask,
					event_name[idx[k]], overflow_counts[0][k].count );

	printf( "\nInterleaved overflows (add, over, add, over):\n" );
	for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {
		if ( overflow_counts[1][k].mask )
			printf( VEC_FMT, 
				( long long ) overflow_counts[1][k].mask,
				event_name[idx[k + 2]], 
				overflow_counts[1][k].count );

	printf( "\nCases 2+3 Unknown overflows: %d\n", total_unknown );
	printf( "-----------------------------------------------\n" );

	if ( overflow_counts[0][0].count == 0 || overflow_counts[0][1].count == 0 )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "a batch counter had no overflows", 1 );

	if ( overflow_counts[1][0].count == 0 || overflow_counts[1][1].count == 0 )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__,
				   "an interleaved counter had no overflows", 1 );

	if ( total_unknown > 0 )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "Unknown counter had overflows", 1 );

	test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );
	exit( 1 );
コード例 #30
ファイル: PAPI_overflow.c プロジェクト: FMCalisto/SMP
int main ()
   int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;	
   /* must be set to null before calling PAPI_create_eventset */

   char errstring[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
   long long (values[2])[2];
   int retval, i;
   double tmp = 0;
   int PAPI_event;		/* a place holder for an event preset */
   char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];

   *  This part initializes the library and compares the version number of the *
   * header file, to the version of the library, if these don't match then it  *
   * is likely that PAPI won't work correctly.If there is an error, retval     *
   * keeps track of the version number.                                        *

   if ((retval = PAPI_library_init (PAPI_VER_CURRENT)) != PAPI_VER_CURRENT)
      printf("Library initialization error! \n");

   /* Here we create the eventset */
   if ((retval=PAPI_create_eventset (&EventSet)) != PAPI_OK)

   PAPI_event = PAPI_TOT_INS;

   /* Here we are querying for the existence of the PAPI presets  */
   if (PAPI_query_event (PAPI_TOT_INS) != PAPI_OK)
      PAPI_event = PAPI_TOT_CYC;

      if ((retval=PAPI_query_event (PAPI_TOT_INS)) != PAPI_OK)

      printf ("PAPI_TOT_INS not available on this platform.");
      printf (" so subst PAPI_event with PAPI_TOT_CYC !\n\n");


   /* PAPI_event_code_to_name is used to convert a PAPI preset from 
     its integer value to its string name. */
   if ((retval = PAPI_event_code_to_name (PAPI_event, event_name)) != PAPI_OK)

   /* add event to the event set */
   if ((retval = PAPI_add_event (EventSet, PAPI_event)) != PAPI_OK)

   /* register overflow and set up threshold */
   /* The threshold "THRESHOLD" was set to 100000 */
   if ((retval = PAPI_overflow (EventSet, PAPI_event, THRESHOLD, 0,
		                       handler)) != PAPI_OK)

   printf ("Here are the addresses at which overflows occured and overflow vectors \n");
  printf ("--------------------------------------------------------------\n");

  /* Start counting */

   if ( (retval=PAPI_start (EventSet)) != PAPI_OK)

   for (i = 0; i < 2000000; i++)
      tmp = 1.01 + tmp;

   /* Stops the counters and reads the counter values into the values array */
   if ( (retval=PAPI_stop (EventSet, values[0])) != PAPI_OK)

   printf ("The total no of overflows was %d\n", total);

   /* clear the overflow status */
   if ((retval = PAPI_overflow (EventSet, PAPI_event, 0, 0,
		                       handler)) != PAPI_OK)

    * PAPI_cleanup_eventset can only be used after the counter has been    *
    * stopped then it remove all events in the eventset                    *
   if ( (retval=PAPI_cleanup_eventset (EventSet)) != PAPI_OK)

   /* Free all memory and data structures, EventSet must be empty. */
   if ( (retval=PAPI_destroy_eventset(&EventSet)) != PAPI_OK)

   /* free the resources used by PAPI */ 
