コード例 #1
ファイル: multibus.c プロジェクト: aaspnas/reporting
void multiserver(int m, double stime)
	int              i;
	int              nodes;
	int              streams;
	double           x;
	char            *work = "reqs";
	char            *node = "bus";

	for (i = 1; i <= CPUS; i++) {
		//fprintf(stderr, "[multiserver] i -> %d, m -> %d, stime -> %f\n", i, m, stime);

		if (i <= m) {
	 		streams = PDQ_CreateClosed(work, TERM, (double) i, 0.0);
	 		nodes = PDQ_CreateNode(node, CEN, ISRV);
	 		PDQ_SetDemand(node, work, stime);
	 		x = PDQ_GetThruput(TERM, work);
	 		sm_x[i] = x;
		} else {
	 		sm_x[i] = x;
}  /* multiserver */
コード例 #2
ファイル: fesc.c プロジェクト: aaspnas/reporting
void mem_model(int n, int m)
	extern double   GetThruput();

	float           x = 0.0;
	int             i;
	int             noNodes;
	int             noStreams;

	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		if (i <= m) {


			noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("CPU", CEN, FCFS);
			noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("DK1", CEN, FCFS);
			noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("DK2", CEN, FCFS);

			noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("work", TERM, (float) i, 0.0);

			PDQ_SetDemand("CPU", "work", 3.0);
			PDQ_SetDemand("DK1", "work", 4.0);
			PDQ_SetDemand("DK2", "work", 2.0);


			x = PDQ_GetThruput(TERM, "work");
			sm_x[i] = x;

		} else
			sm_x[i] = x;        /* last computed value */

}  /* mem_model */
コード例 #3
ファイル: shadowcpu.c プロジェクト: peterlharding/PDQ
int main()
   int              noNodes;
   int              noStreams;

   char *noPri = "CPU Scheduler - No Pri";
   char *priOn = "CPU Scheduler - Pri On";

   float Ucpu_prod;
   float GetProdU();

   if (PRIORITY) { 
   	Ucpu_prod = GetProdU();

   PDQ_Init(PRIORITY ? priOn : noPri);

   // workloads ...

   noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("Production", TERM, 20.0, 20.0);
   noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("Developmnt", TERM, 15.0, 15.0);

   // queueing noNodes ...

   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("CPU", CEN, FCFS);

   if (PRIORITY) { 
   	noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("shadCPU", CEN, FCFS);

   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("DK1", CEN, FCFS);
   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("DK2", CEN, FCFS);

   // service demands at each node ...

   PDQ_SetDemand("CPU", "Production", 0.30);

   if (PRIORITY) { 
   	PDQ_SetDemand("shadCPU", "Developmnt", 1.00/(1 - Ucpu_prod));
   } else { 
   	PDQ_SetDemand("CPU", "Developmnt", 1.00);

   PDQ_SetDemand("DK1", "Production", 0.08);
   PDQ_SetDemand("DK1", "Developmnt", 0.05);

   PDQ_SetDemand("DK2", "Production", 0.10);
   PDQ_SetDemand("DK2", "Developmnt", 0.06);

   // We use APPROX rather than EXACT to match the numbers in the book



}  // main
コード例 #4
ファイル: mc-test.c プロジェクト: evelynmitchell/pdq
int main()

    * PDQ global variables *
   int              noNodes;
   int              noStreams;

    * Initialize the model *
   /* Give model a name */

   PDQ_Init("Multiclass Test");

   /* Define the workload and circuit type */
   noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("term1", TERM, 5.0, 20.0);
   noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("term2", TERM, 15.0, 30.0);
   noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("batch", BATCH, 5.0, 0.0);

   /* Define the queueing center */
   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("node1", CEN, FCFS);
   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("node2", CEN, FCFS);
   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("node3", CEN, FCFS);

   /* Define service demand */
   PDQ_SetDemand("node1", "term1", 0.50);
   PDQ_SetDemand("node1", "term2", 0.04);
   PDQ_SetDemand("node1", "batch", 0.06);

   PDQ_SetDemand("node2", "term1", 0.40);
   PDQ_SetDemand("node2", "term2", 0.20);
   PDQ_SetDemand("node2", "batch", 0.30);

   PDQ_SetDemand("node3", "term1", 1.20);
   PDQ_SetDemand("node3", "term2", 0.05);
   PDQ_SetDemand("node3", "batch", 0.06);

    * Solve the model *

コード例 #5
ファイル: shadowcpu.c プロジェクト: peterlharding/PDQ
float GetProdU(void) {
   int              noNodes;
   int              noStreams;


   noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("Production", TERM, 20.0, 20.0);
   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("CPU", CEN, FCFS);
   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("DK1", CEN, FCFS);
   noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("DK2", CEN, FCFS);

   PDQ_SetDemand("CPU", "Production", 0.30);
   PDQ_SetDemand("DK1", "Production", 0.08);
   PDQ_SetDemand("DK2", "Production", 0.10);


   return(PDQ_GetUtilization("CPU", "Production", TERM));
}  // GetProdU
コード例 #6
ファイル: passport2.c プロジェクト: peterlharding/PDQ
int main()

   int              numStreams;
   int              numNodes;

   // 16 applications per hour
   double           arrivals = 15.36/3600; 

   // Branching probabilities and weights 
   double           p12 = 0.30;
   double           p13 = 0.70;
   double           p23 = 0.20;
   double           p32 = 0.10;

   // Visit ratios
   double           v3 = (p13 + p23 * p12) / (1 - p23 * p32);
   double           v2 = p12 + p32 * v3;

   // Initialize and solve the model 
   PDQ_Init("Passport Office");

   numStreams = PDQ_CreateOpen("Applicant", arrivals);

   numNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("Window1", CEN, FCFS);
   numNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("Window2", CEN, FCFS);
   numNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("Window3", CEN, FCFS);
   numNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("Window4", CEN, FCFS);

   PDQ_SetDemand("Window1", "Applicant", 20.0);
   PDQ_SetDemand("Window2", "Applicant", 600.0 * v2);
   PDQ_SetDemand("Window3", "Applicant", 300.0 * v3);
   PDQ_SetDemand("Window4", "Applicant", 60.0);



}  // main
コード例 #7
ファイル: testmsq.c プロジェクト: aaspnas/reporting
int main(void) {

	int              nodes;
	int              streams;
	double           arate   = 75.0;
	double           stime   = 0.20;
	int              servers = 30;
	char       		 name[10];       // name buffer
	name[0] = '\0';
	sprintf(name, "mServer%d", servers);   
	PDQ_Init("MSQ Test");
	nodes = PDQ_CreateNode(name, servers, MSQ); // multiserver node
	streams = PDQ_CreateOpen("Work", arate);
	PDQ_SetDemand(name, "Work", stime);
}  // main
コード例 #8
ファイル: open1.c プロジェクト: evelynmitchell/pdq
int main()
   //----- Deprecated since PDQ 6 -----
   int              nodes;
   int              streams;
   //----- Model specific variables -----
   double           arrivRate    = 0.75;
   double           service_time = 1.0;

   //----- Initialize the model & Give it a name ------
   PDQ_SetComment("This is just a simple M/M/1 queue.");

   //----- Define the queueing center -----
   nodes = PDQ_CreateNode("server", CEN, FCFS);

   //----- Define the workload and circuit type -----
   streams = PDQ_CreateOpen("work", arrivRate);

   //----- Define service demand due to workload on the queueing center ------
   PDQ_SetDemand("server", "work", service_time);
   //----- Change unit labels -----

   //----- Solve the model -----
   //  Must use the CANONical method for an open circuit

   //----- Generate a report -----
コード例 #9
ファイル: multi_class.c プロジェクト: aaspnas/reporting
int main()
    * PDQ global variables *

   extern JOB_TYPE *job;
   extern double    getjob_pop();
   extern int       getjob_index();
   extern double    PDQ_GetResponse();
   extern double    PDQ_GetThruput();
   extern double    PDQ_GetUtilization();

    * Model specific variables *

   int              noNodes;
   int              noStreams;
   int              tech;
   int              pop;
   double           think = 0.0;

    * Initialize the model *

   /* Give model a name */

   tech = APPROX;
   printf("**** %s Solution ****:\n\n", tech == EXACT ? "EXACT" : "APPROX");
   printf("  N      R (w1)    R (w2)\n");

   for (pop = 1; pop < 10; pop++) {

      /* Define the workload and circuit type */
      noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("w1", TERM, 1.0 * pop, think);
      noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed("w2", TERM, 1.0 * pop, think);

      /* Define the queueing center */
      noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("node", CEN, FCFS);

      /* Define service demand */
      PDQ_SetDemand("node", "w1", 1.0);
      PDQ_SetDemand("node", "w2", 0.5);

       * Solve the model *

      printf("N\tR\n%8.4f  %8.4f\n",
	     PDQ_GetResponse(TERM, "w1"));

      printf("N\tR\n%8.4f  %8.4f\n",
	     PDQ_GetResponse(TERM, "w2"));
      printf("%3d    %8.4f  %8.4f\n",
	     pop, PDQ_GetResponse(TERM, "w1"),
	     PDQ_GetResponse(TERM, "w2"));

}  // main
コード例 #10
ファイル: dbc.c プロジェクト: DrQz/pdq-qnm-pkg
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   extern JOB_TYPE *job;

   int              k;
   int              sol_mode = APPROX;
   char            *sol_name = "APPROX";
   char             name[16];
   char             nstr[5];
   void             nullit();
   void             itoa();

   // input parameters
   double           think = 10.0;
   /*int             users = 800;*/
   int              users = 300;

   double           Sifp = 0.10;
   double           Samp = 0.60;
   double           Sdsu = 1.20;

   int              Nifp = 15;
   int              Namp = 50;
   int              Ndsu = 100;

   if (argc == 2) {
       if (!strcmp(argv[1], "APPROX")) {
          sol_name = argv[1];
          sol_mode = APPROX;
       } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "EXACT")) {
          sol_name = argv[1];
          sol_mode = EXACT;

   PDQ_Init("Teradata DBC-10/12");

   //Create parallel centers
   for (k = 0; k < Nifp; k++) {
      // itoa(k, nstr);
      // strcpy(name, "IFP");
      // strcat(name, nstr);
      sprintf(name, "IFP%d", k);
      PDQ_CreateNode(name, CEN, FCFS);
      // nullit(name);
      // nullit(nstr);

   for (k = 0; k < Namp; k++) {
      // itoa(k, nstr);
      // strcpy(name, "AMP");
      // strcat(name, nstr);
      sprintf(name, "AMP%d", k);
      PDQ_CreateNode(name, CEN, FCFS);
      // nullit(name);
      // nullit(nstr);

   for (k = 0; k < Ndsu; k++) {
      // itoa(k, nstr);
      // strcpy(name, "DSU");
      // strcat(name, nstr);
      sprintf(name, "DSU%d", k);
      PDQ_CreateNode(name, CEN, FCFS);
      // nullit(name);
      // nullit(nstr);

   PDQ_CreateClosed("query", TERM, (double) users, think);

   for (k = 0; k < Nifp; k++) {
      // itoa(k, nstr);
      // strcpy(name, "IFP");
      // strcat(name, nstr);
      sprintf(name, "IFP%d", k);
      PDQ_SetDemand(name, "query", Sifp / Nifp);

   for (k = 0; k < Namp; k++) {
      sprintf(name, "AMP%d", k);
      PDQ_SetDemand(name, "query", Samp / Namp);

   for (k = 0; k < Ndsu; k++) {
      sprintf(name, "DSU%d", k);
      PDQ_SetDemand(name, "query", Sdsu / Ndsu);

   // 300 nodes takes about a minute to solve on a PowerMac

   fprintf(stdout, "Solving %s... ", sol_name);

コード例 #11
ファイル: http.c プロジェクト: aaspnas/reporting
int main()
   extern JOB_TYPE *job;
   extern double    getjob_pop();
   extern int       getjob_index();
   extern double    PDQ_GetResponse();
   extern double    PDQ_GetThruput();
   extern double    PDQ_GetUtilization();

	* Model specific variables *

   int              noNodes;
	int              noStreams;
   int              pop, servers = 2;
   int              s, w;

#define STRESS	0
#define HOMEPG 1

   static char    *work[] = {

   static double   time[] = {
	  0.0044,			/* stress */
	  0.0300			/* homepg */

   static char    *slave[] = {

#define	PREFORK 
	w = HOMEPG;

#ifdef PREFORK
	printf("Pre-Fork Model under \"%s\" Load (m = %d)\n",
		w == STRESS ? work[STRESS] : work[HOMEPG], servers);
	printf("Forking  Model under \"%s\" Load \n",
		w == STRESS ? work[STRESS] : work[HOMEPG]);

	printf("\n  N        X         R\n");

	for (pop = 1; pop <= 10; pop++) {


		noStreams = PDQ_CreateClosed(work[w], TERM, 1.0 * pop, 0.0);
		noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("master", CEN, FCFS);

#ifdef PREFORK
		for (s = 0; s < servers; s++) {
			noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode(slave[s], CEN, FCFS);

		PDQ_SetDemand("master", work[w], 0.0109);

		for (s = 0; s < servers; s++) {
			PDQ_SetDemand(slave[s], work[w], time[w] / servers);
#else				/* FORKING */
	noNodes = PDQ_CreateNode("forks", CEN, ISRV);

	PDQ_SetDemand("master", work[w], 0.0165);
	PDQ_SetDemand("forks", work[w], time[w]);


	printf("%5.2f   %8.4f  %8.4f\n",
		 PDQ_GetThruput(TERM, work[w]),
		 PDQ_GetResponse(TERM, work[w]));

}  // main
コード例 #12
ファイル: scaleup.c プロジェクト: DrQz/pdq-qnm-pkg
int main(void)
   extern int      nodes, streams;
   extern JOB_TYPE *job;
   extern NODE_TYPE *node;
   extern char     s1[];
   char            transCD[MAXCHARS], transRQ[MAXCHARS], transSU[MAXCHARS];
   char            dummyCD[MAXCHARS], dummyRQ[MAXCHARS], dummySU[MAXCHARS];
   char            nodePC[MAXCHARS], nodeFS[MAXCHARS], nodeGW[MAXCHARS];
   char            nodeMF[MAXCHARS], nodeTR[MAXCHARS];
   double          demand[MAXPROC][MAXDEV], util[MAXDEV], udsk[MAXDEV],
                   udasd[MAXDEV], RTexpect[MAXPROC];
   double          fsd, RTmean, ulan, ufs, uws, ugw, umf;
   int             work, dev, i, j;

   Disk-array data structures probably should go into PDQ_Build.c one

   devarray_type  *FDarray;
   devarray_type  *MDarray;

   if ((FDarray = (devarray_type *) calloc(sizeof(devarray_type), 10)) == NULL)
      errmsg("", "FDarray allocation failed!\n");

   if ((MDarray = (devarray_type *) calloc(sizeof(devarray_type), 10)) == NULL)
      errmsg("", "MDarray allocation failed!\n");

   for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
      FDarray[i].id = FD + i;
      sprintf(s1, "FSDK%d", i);
      strcpy(FDarray[i].label, s1);

   for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
      MDarray[i].id = MD + i;
      sprintf(s1, "MFDK%d", i);
      strcpy(MDarray[i].label, s1);

   CPU service times are calculated from instruction counts tabulated
   in original 1993 CMG paper.

   demand[CD_Req][PC] = 200 * k / PC_MIPS;
   demand[CD_Rpy][PC] = 100 * k / PC_MIPS;
   demand[RQ_Req][PC] = 150 * k / PC_MIPS;
   demand[RQ_Rpy][PC] = 200 * k / PC_MIPS;
   demand[SU_Req][PC] = 300 * k / PC_MIPS;
   demand[SU_Rpy][PC] = 300 * k / PC_MIPS;
   demand[Req_CD][FS] = 50 * k / FS_MIPS;
   demand[Req_RQ][FS] = 70 * k / FS_MIPS;
   demand[Req_SU][FS] = 10 * k / FS_MIPS;
   demand[CD_Msg][FS] = 35 * k / FS_MIPS;
   demand[RQ_Msg][FS] = 35 * k / FS_MIPS;
   demand[SU_Msg][FS] = 35 * k / FS_MIPS;
   demand[GT_Snd][GW] = 50 * k / GW_MIPS;
   demand[GT_Rcv][GW] = 50 * k / GW_MIPS;
   demand[MF_CD][MF] = 50 * k / MF_MIPS;
   demand[MF_RQ][MF] = 150 * k / MF_MIPS;
   demand[MF_SU][MF] = 20 * k / MF_MIPS;

    Service time on the LAN to send and recv packets from any of the PC
    desktop, the file server or the SNA gateway.
    8 bits per Byte.
   demand[LAN_TX][PC] = (double) TR_Bytes * 8 / TR_Mbps;
   demand[LAN_TX][FS] = (double) TR_Bytes * 8 / TR_Mbps;
   demand[LAN_TX][GW] = (double) TR_Bytes * 8 / TR_Mbps;

    * File server disk IOs = number of accesses x caching / (max IOs / Sec)

   for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
      demand[Req_CD][FDarray[i].id] = (1.0 * 0.5 / 128.9) / FS_DISKS;
      demand[Req_RQ][FDarray[i].id] = (1.5 * 0.5 / 128.9) / FS_DISKS;
      demand[Req_SU][FDarray[i].id] = (0.2 * 0.5 / 128.9) / FS_DISKS;
      demand[CD_Msg][FDarray[i].id] = (1.0 * 0.5 / 128.9) / FS_DISKS;
      demand[RQ_Msg][FDarray[i].id] = (1.5 * 0.5 / 128.9) / FS_DISKS;
      demand[SU_Msg][FDarray[i].id] = (0.5 * 0.5 / 128.9) / FS_DISKS;

   /* Mainframe DASD IOs = (#accesses / (max IOs/Sec)) / #disks */
   for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
      demand[MF_CD][MDarray[i].id] = (2.0 / 60.24) / MF_DISKS;
      demand[MF_RQ][MDarray[i].id] = (4.0 / 60.24) / MF_DISKS;
      demand[MF_SU][MDarray[i].id] = (1.0 / 60.24) / MF_DISKS;

   /* Now, start building the PDQ model... */


   /* Define physical resources as PDQ queueing nodes. */
   strcpy(nodePC, "PCDESK");
   strcpy(nodeFS, "FSERVR");
   strcpy(nodeGW, "GATWAY");
   strcpy(nodeMF, "MFRAME");
   strcpy(nodeTR, "TRLAN");

   PDQ_CreateNode(nodePC, CEN, FCFS);
   PDQ_CreateNode(nodeFS, CEN, FCFS);
   PDQ_CreateNode(nodeGW, CEN, FCFS);
   PDQ_CreateNode(nodeMF, CEN, FCFS);

   for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
      PDQ_CreateNode(FDarray[i].label, CEN, FCFS);

   for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
      PDQ_CreateNode(MDarray[i].label, CEN, FCFS);

    * NOTE: Although the token ring LAN is a passive computational device, it
    * is treated as a separate node so as to agree with the results presented
    * in the original CMG 1993 paper.

   PDQ_CreateNode(nodeTR, CEN, FCFS);

    * Because the desktop PCs are all of the same type and emitting the same
    * homogeneous transaction workload, the focus can be placed on the
    * response time performance of a single PC workstation and generalized to
    * the others. Rather than having N * 3 workload streams or classes, we
    * simply model 2 PC desktops: the "real" one of interest and a dummy PC
    * representing the remaining (N-1) * 3 streams.

   strcpy(transCD, "CatDisplay");
   strcpy(transRQ, "RemotQuote");
   strcpy(transSU, "StatUpdate");

   /* Aggregate transactions */
   strcpy(dummyCD, "CatDispAgg");
   strcpy(dummyRQ, "RemQuotAgg");
   strcpy(dummySU, "StatUpdAgg");

   PDQ_CreateOpen(transCD, 1 * 4.0 * TPS);
   PDQ_CreateOpen(transRQ, 1 * 8.0 * TPS);
   PDQ_CreateOpen(transSU, 1 * 1.0 * TPS);
   PDQ_CreateOpen(dummyCD, (USERS - 1) * 4.0 * TPS);
   PDQ_CreateOpen(dummyRQ, (USERS - 1) * 8.0 * TPS);
   PDQ_CreateOpen(dummySU, (USERS - 1) * 1.0 * TPS);

   Define the service demands on each physical resource.
   CD request + reply chain from workflow diagram
   Note that only the "real" PC demand is defined, and the aggregated (N-1) PCs.

   /******************* RQ request + reply chain ... *******************/
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodePC, transCD, demand[CD_Req][PC] + (5 * demand[CD_Rpy][PC]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeFS, transCD, demand[Req_CD][FS] + (5 * demand[CD_Msg][FS]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeFS, dummyCD, demand[Req_CD][FS] + (5 * demand[CD_Msg][FS]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeGW, transCD, demand[GT_Snd][GW] + (5 * demand[GT_Rcv][GW]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeGW, dummyCD, demand[GT_Snd][GW] + (5 * demand[GT_Rcv][GW]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeMF, transCD, demand[MF_CD][MF]);
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeMF, dummyCD, demand[MF_CD][MF]);
   for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
      fsd = demand[Req_CD][FDarray[i].id] + (5 * demand[CD_Msg][FDarray[i].id]);
      PDQ_SetDemand(FDarray[i].label, transCD, fsd);
      PDQ_SetDemand(FDarray[i].label, dummyCD, fsd);

   for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
      PDQ_SetDemand(MDarray[i].label, transCD, demand[MF_CD][MDarray[i].id]);
      PDQ_SetDemand(MDarray[i].label, dummyCD, demand[MF_CD][MDarray[i].id]);

   NOTE:Synchronous process execution causes data for the CD transaction to
   cross the LAN 12 times as depicted in the following parameterization of

   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeTR, transCD,
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (5 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (5 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (5 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]));

   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeTR, dummyCD,
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (5 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (5 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (5 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]));

   /******************* RQ request + reply chain ... *******************/
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodePC, transRQ, demand[RQ_Req][PC] + (3 * demand[RQ_Rpy][PC]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeFS, transRQ, demand[Req_RQ][FS] + (3 * demand[RQ_Msg][FS]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeFS, dummyRQ, demand[Req_RQ][FS] + (3 * demand[RQ_Msg][FS]));

   for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
      PDQ_SetDemand(FDarray[i].label, transRQ,
		    demand[Req_RQ][FDarray[i].id] +
		    (3 * demand[RQ_Msg][FDarray[i].id]));
      PDQ_SetDemand(FDarray[i].label, dummyRQ,
		    demand[Req_RQ][FDarray[i].id] +
		    (3 * demand[RQ_Msg][FDarray[i].id]));

   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeGW, transRQ, demand[GT_Snd][GW] + (3 * demand[GT_Rcv][GW]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeGW, dummyRQ, demand[GT_Snd][GW] + (3 * demand[GT_Rcv][GW]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeMF, transRQ, demand[MF_RQ][MF]);
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeMF, dummyRQ, demand[MF_RQ][MF]);

   for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
      PDQ_SetDemand(MDarray[i].label, transRQ,
      PDQ_SetDemand(MDarray[i].label, dummyRQ,

   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeTR, transRQ,
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (3 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (3 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (3 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeTR, dummyRQ,
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (3 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (3 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (3 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]));

   /******************* SU request + reply chain *******************/
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodePC, transSU, demand[SU_Req][PC] + demand[SU_Rpy][PC]);
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeFS, transSU, demand[Req_SU][FS] + demand[SU_Msg][FS]);
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeFS, dummySU, demand[Req_SU][FS] + demand[SU_Msg][FS]);

   for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
      PDQ_SetDemand(FDarray[i].label, transSU,
		    demand[Req_SU][FDarray[i].id] +
      PDQ_SetDemand(FDarray[i].label, dummySU,
		    demand[Req_SU][FDarray[i].id] +

   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeGW, transSU, demand[GT_Snd][GW] + demand[GT_Rcv][GW]);
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeGW, dummySU, demand[GT_Snd][GW] + demand[GT_Rcv][GW]);
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeMF, transSU, demand[MF_SU][MF]);
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeMF, dummySU, demand[MF_SU][MF]);

   for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
      PDQ_SetDemand(MDarray[i].label, transSU,
      PDQ_SetDemand(MDarray[i].label, dummySU,

   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeTR, transSU,
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]));
   PDQ_SetDemand(nodeTR, dummySU,
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][GW]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][FS]) +
		 (1 * demand[LAN_TX][PC]));

   if (PRINT_REPORT) {
    Break out each tx response time together with resource utilizations.
    The order of print out is the same as the 1993 CMG paper.

   /* Mean response times reported in the CMG93 paper */
   RTexpect[0] = 0.2754;
   RTexpect[1] = 0.2625;
   RTexpect[2] = 0.1252;
   RTexpect[3] = 0.2624;
   RTexpect[4] = 0.2470;
   RTexpect[5] = 0.1120;

   printf("*** Metric breakout for \"%s\" with %d clients ***\n\n",
	  scenario, USERS);
   printf("Transaction\t    R (Sec)\t  CMG paper\n");
   printf("-----------\t    -------\t  ---------\n");

   for (work = 0; work < streams; work++) {
      strcpy(s1, job[work].trans->name);
      RTmean = PDQ_GetResponse(TRANS, s1);
      printf("%-15s\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", s1, RTmean, RTexpect[work]);


    * Get node utilizations. This is a bit of a hack and should be written as
    * a subroutine.
   for (dev = 0; dev < nodes; dev++) {
      util[dev] = 0.0;		/* reset array */
      for (work = 0; work < streams; work++) {
          util[dev] += 100 * PDQ_GetUtilization(node[dev].devname, job[work].trans->name, TRANS);

   for (dev = 0; dev < nodes; dev++) {
       for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
           if (strcmp(node[dev].devname, MDarray[i].label) == 0) {
               udasd[i] = util[dev];
       for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
           if (strcmp(node[dev].devname, FDarray[i].label) == 0) {
               udsk[i] = util[dev];
       if (strcmp(node[dev].devname, nodePC) == 0) {
           uws = util[dev];
       if (strcmp(node[dev].devname, nodeGW) == 0) {
           ugw = util[dev];
       if (strcmp(node[dev].devname, nodeFS) == 0) {
           ufs = util[dev];
       if (strcmp(node[dev].devname, nodeMF) == 0) {
           umf = util[dev];
       if (strcmp(node[dev].devname, nodeTR) == 0) {
           ulan = util[dev];
   printf("PDQ Node       \t    %% Busy\t  CMG paper\n");
   printf("--------       \t    -------\t  ---------\n");
   printf("%-15s\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", "Token ring", ulan, 49.3333);
   printf("%-15s\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", "PC Desktop", uws,  0.5802);
   printf("%-15s\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", "File server", ufs, 11.9157);
   printf("%-15s\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", "Gateway CPU", ugw, 60.4167);
   printf("%-15s\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", "Mainframe", umf,   14.0873);

   for (i = 0; i < FS_DISKS; i++) {
      printf("%s%d\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", "FS disks",
	     FDarray[i].id, udsk[i], 59.0028);

   for (i = 0; i < MF_DISKS; i++) {
      printf("%s%d\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", "DASD disk",
	     MDarray[i].id, udasd[i], 35.5502);

}				/* main */
コード例 #13
ファイル: abcache.c プロジェクト: DrQz/pdq-qnm-pkg
int main()
   void            namex();
   int             intwt();
   void            itoa();

   char            cname[10];	/* cache id */
   char            wname[10];	/* workload */
   int             i;

   /* per CPU intruction stream intensity */

   double          Prhit = (RD * HT);
   double          Pwhit = (WR * HT * (1 - WUMD)) + (WR * (1 - HT) * (1 - MD));
   double          Prdop = RD * (1 - HT);
   double          Pwbop = WR * (1 - HT) * MD;
   double          Pwthr = WR;
   double          Pinvl = WR * HT * WUMD;

   double          Nrwht = 0.8075 * MAXCPU;
   double          Nrdop = 0.0850 * MAXCPU;
   double          Nwthr = 0.15 * MAXCPU;

   double          Nwbop = 0.0003 * MAXCPU * 100;
   double          Ninvl = 0.015 * MAXCPU;

   double          Srdop = (20.0);
   double          Swthr = (25.0);
   double          Swbop = (20.0);

   double          Wrwht;
   double          Wrdop;
   double          Wwthr;
   double          Wwbop;
   double          Winvl;

   double          Zrwht = ZX;
   double          Zrdop = ZX;
   double          Zwbop = ZX;
   double          Zinvl = ZX;
   double          Zwthr = ZX;

   double          Xcpu = 0.0;
   double          Pcpu = 0.0;
   double          Ubrd = 0.0;
   double          Ubwr = 0.0;
   double          Ubin = 0.0;
   double          Ucht = 0.0;
   double          Ucrd = 0.0;
   double          Ucwr = 0.0;
   double          Ucin = 0.0;

   char            *model = "ABC Model";


   /* create single bus queueing center */

   PDQ_CreateNode(BUS, CEN, FCFS);

   /* create per CPU cache queueing centers */

   for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) {
      namex(i, L2C, cname);
      PDQ_CreateNode(cname, CEN, FCFS);

   /* create CPU nodes, workloads, and demands */

   for (i = 0; i < intwt(Nrwht, &Wrwht); i++) {
      namex(i, RWHT, wname);
      PDQ_CreateClosed(wname, TERM, Nrwht, Zrwht);
      namex(i, L2C, cname);
      PDQ_SetDemand(cname, wname, 1.0);
      PDQ_SetDemand(BUS, wname, 0.0);	/* no bus activity */

   for (i = 0; i < intwt(Nrdop, &Wrdop); i++) {
      namex(i, RDOP, wname);
      PDQ_CreateClosed(wname, TERM, Nrdop, Zrdop);
      namex(i, L2C, cname);
      PDQ_SetDemand(cname, wname, gen);	/* generate bus request */
      PDQ_SetDemand(BUS, wname, Srdop);	/* req + async data return */

   if (WBACK) {
      for (i = 0; i < intwt(Nwbop, &Wwbop); i++) {
	 		namex(i, WROP, wname);
	 		PDQ_CreateClosed(wname, TERM, Nwbop, Zwbop);
	 		namex(i, L2C, cname);
	 		PDQ_SetDemand(cname, wname, gen);
	 		PDQ_SetDemand(BUS, wname, Swbop);	/* asych write to memory ? */
   } else {			/* write-thru */
      for (i = 0; i < intwt(Nwthr, &Wwthr); i++) {
	 		namex(i, WROP, wname);
	 		PDQ_CreateClosed(wname, TERM, Nwthr, Zwthr);
	 		namex(i, L2C, cname);
	 		PDQ_SetDemand(cname, wname, gen);
	 		PDQ_SetDemand(BUS, wname, Swthr);

   if (WBACK) {
      for (i = 0; i < intwt(Ninvl, &Winvl); i++) {
	 		namex(i, INVL, wname);
	 		PDQ_CreateClosed(wname, TERM, Ninvl, Zinvl);
	 		namex(i, L2C, cname);
	 		PDQ_SetDemand(cname, wname, gen);	/* gen + intervene */
	 		PDQ_SetDemand(BUS, wname, 1.0);


   /* bus utilizations */

   for (i = 0; i < intwt(Nrdop, &Wrdop); i++) {
      namex(i, RDOP, wname);
      Ubrd += PDQ_GetUtilization(BUS, wname, TERM);
   Ubrd *= Wrdop;

   if (WBACK) {
      for (i = 0; i < intwt(Nwbop, &Wwbop); i++) {
	 		namex(i, WROP, wname);
	 		Ubwr += PDQ_GetUtilization(BUS, wname, TERM);
      Ubwr *= Wwbop;

      for (i = 0; i < intwt(Ninvl, &Winvl); i++) {
	 		namex(i, INVL, wname);
	 		Ubin += PDQ_GetUtilization(BUS, wname, TERM);
      Ubin *= Winvl;

   } else {			/* write-thru */
      for (i = 0; i < intwt(Nwthr, &Wwthr); i++) {
	 		namex(i, WROP, wname);
	 		Ubwr += PDQ_GetUtilization(BUS, wname, TERM);
      Ubwr *= Wwthr;

   /* cache measures at CPU[0] only */

   i = 0;
   namex(i, L2C, cname);

   namex(i, RWHT, wname);
   Xcpu = PDQ_GetThruput(TERM, wname) * Wrwht;
   Pcpu += Xcpu * Zrwht;
   Ucht = PDQ_GetUtilization(cname, wname, TERM) * Wrwht;

   namex(i, RDOP, wname);
   Xcpu = PDQ_GetThruput(TERM, wname) * Wrdop;
   Pcpu += Xcpu * Zrdop;
   Ucrd = PDQ_GetUtilization(cname, wname, TERM) * Wrdop;

   Pcpu *= 1.88;

   if (WBACK) {
      namex(i, WROP, wname);
      Ucwr = PDQ_GetUtilization(cname, wname, TERM) * Wwbop;
      namex(i, INVL, wname);
      Ucin = PDQ_GetUtilization(cname, wname, TERM) * Winvl;
   } else {			/* write-thru */
      namex(i, WROP, wname);
      Ucwr = PDQ_GetUtilization(cname, wname, TERM) * Wwthr;

   printf("\n**** %s Results ****\n", model);
   printf("PDQ nodes: %d  PDQ streams: %d\n", PDQ_GetNodesCount(), PDQ_GetStreamsCount());
   printf("Memory Mode: %s\n", WBACK ? "WriteBack" : "WriteThru");
   printf("Ncpu:  %2d\n", MAXCPU);
   printf("Nrwht: %5.2f (N:%2d  W:%5.2f)\n",
	  Nrwht, intwt(Nrwht, &Wrwht), Wrwht);
   printf("Nrdop: %5.2f (N:%2d  W:%5.2f)\n",
	  Nrdop, intwt(Nrdop, &Wrdop), Wrdop);

   if (WBACK) {
      printf("Nwbop: %5.2f (N:%2d  W:%5.2f)\n",
	     Nwbop, intwt(Nwbop, &Wwbop), Wwbop);
      printf("Ninvl: %5.2f (N:%2d  W:%5.2f)\n",
	     Ninvl, intwt(Ninvl, &Winvl), Winvl);
   } else {
      printf("Nwthr: %5.2f (N:%2d  W:%5.2f)\n",
	     Nwthr, intwt(Nwthr, &Wwthr), Wwthr);

   printf("Hit Ratio:   %5.2f %%\n", HT * 100.0);
   printf("Read Miss:   %5.2f %%\n", RD * (1 - HT) * 100.0);
   printf("WriteMiss:   %5.2f %%\n", WR * (1 - HT) * 100.0);
   printf("Ucpu:        %5.2f %%\n", Pcpu * 100.0 / MAXCPU);
   printf("Pcpu:        %5.2f\n", Pcpu);
   printf("Ubus[reads]: %5.2f %%\n", Ubrd * 100.0);
   printf("Ubus[write]: %5.2f %%\n", Ubwr * 100.0);
   printf("Ubus[inval]: %5.2f %%\n", Ubin * 100.0);
   printf("Ubus[total]: %5.2f %%\n", (Ubrd + Ubwr + Ubin) * 100.0);
   printf("Uca%d[hits]:  %5.2f %%\n", i, Ucht * 100.0);
   printf("Uca%d[reads]: %5.2f %%\n", i, Ucrd * 100.0);
   printf("Uca%d[write]: %5.2f %%\n", i, Ucwr * 100.0);
   printf("Uca%d[inval]: %5.2f %%\n", i, Ucin * 100.0);
   printf("Uca%d[total]: %5.2f %%\n", i, (Ucht + Ucrd + Ucwr + Ucin) * 100.0);

コード例 #14
ファイル: gross_pdq42.c プロジェクト: pjpuglia/pdq-qnm-pkg
int main(void) {

	int              nodes;
	int              streams;
	// Mean service times from G&H
	double           stimeSelect 		=  0.5; 	// mins 
	double           stimeClaims 		=  6.0; 	// mins 
	double           stimePolicy 		= 20.0; 	// mins 

	double           callRateIncoming 	=  35.0/60;	// per min 	
	double           callRateClaim;		// compute from traffic eqns below
	double           callRatePolicy; 	// compute from traffic eqns below
	// Routing probabilities from G&H
	double           routeSelectClaim 	= 0.55;
	double           routeSelectPolicy 	= 0.45;
	double           routePolicyClaim 	= 0.01;
	double           routeClaimPolicy 	= 0.02;
	// Visit ratios: lambda_k / lambda 
	double           vSelect;   	// no branching
	double           vClaims;		// compute from traffic eqns below
	double           vPolicy;		// compute from traffic eqns below

	/*** Solve the traffic equations first ***/
	callRateClaim	= 
		(routeSelectClaim + routePolicyClaim * routeSelectPolicy) * callRateIncoming / 
		(1 - routePolicyClaim * routeSelectPolicy);
	callRatePolicy	= routeSelectPolicy * callRateIncoming + 
		routeClaimPolicy * callRateClaim;
	vSelect = 1.0;	// no branching
	vClaims = callRateClaim / callRateIncoming;
	vPolicy = callRatePolicy / callRateIncoming;

	/*** Now setup and solve the PDQ model using these visit ratios ***/	
	PDQ_Init("G&H Example 4.2");
	streams = PDQ_CreateOpen("Customers", callRateIncoming);	
	PDQ_SetTUnit("Mins");	// timebase for PDQ report

	// Use a standard PDQ node as a test case
	nodes = PDQ_CreateNode("Select", CEN, FCFS); 
	// Multiserver nodes
	nodes = PDQ_CreateMultiNode(3, "Claims", CEN, FCFS); 
	nodes = PDQ_CreateMultiNode(7, "Policy", CEN, FCFS);
	// In PDQ the computed visit ratios multiply the service times
	PDQ_SetDemand("Select", "Customers", vSelect * stimeSelect);
	PDQ_SetDemand("Claims", "Customers", vClaims * stimeClaims); 
	PDQ_SetDemand("Policy", "Customers", vPolicy * stimePolicy); 

}  // main
コード例 #15
ファイル: ap-Pristup.c プロジェクト: msantl/RASSUS
main() {
  extern int nodes, streams;

  int  i;
  char name[30];

  int broj_ap_posluzitelja  = BROJ_AP_POSLUZITELJA;
  int broj_bp_posluzitelja  = BROJ_BP_POSLUZITELJA;
  int broj_im_posluzitelja  = BROJ_IM_POSLUZITELJA;

  float L     = 0.5;
  float p_im  = 0.0;
  float S_ZZ = 0.001;
  float S_PO = 0.001;  

  float S_AP   = 0.3;
  float S_BP   = 4.5;
  float S_IM   = 0.5;

  float Util  = 0.0;
  float Res   = 0.0;

  float p_bp     = 0.0;
  float p_bp_inc = 0.05;
  float p_bp_max = 0.5;

  for( i=0; i<broj_ap_posluzitelja; i++ )
	  sprintf(name, "R_AP%d", i);
	  printf("\t%s", name);

  for( i=0; i<broj_bp_posluzitelja; i++ )
	  sprintf(name, "R_BP%d", i);
	  printf("\t%s", name);

  for( i=0; i<broj_im_posluzitelja; i++ )
	  sprintf(name, "R_IM%d", i);
	  printf("\t%s", name);


  p_bp = p_bp_inc;
  while (p_bp < p_bp_max + p_bp_inc) {
		PDQ_Init("Web aplikacija");
	  streams = PDQ_CreateOpen("Zahtjevi", L);
		nodes = PDQ_CreateNode("ZZ", CEN, FCFS);
		nodes = PDQ_CreateNode("PO", CEN, FCFS);
		for( i=0; i<broj_ap_posluzitelja; i++ )
			sprintf(name, "AP%d", i);
			nodes = PDQ_CreateNode(name, CEN, FCFS);
	  for( i=0; i<broj_bp_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "BP%d", i);
	    nodes = PDQ_CreateNode(name, CEN, FCFS);
	  for( i=0; i<broj_im_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "IM%d", i);
	    nodes = PDQ_CreateNode(name, CEN, FCFS);
	  PDQ_SetVisits("ZZ", "Zahtjevi", 1.0, S_ZZ);
	  PDQ_SetVisits("PO", "Zahtjevi", 1.0, S_PO);
	  for( i=0; i<broj_ap_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "AP%d", i);
	    PDQ_SetVisits(name, "Zahtjevi", ((1 - p_im) / (1 - p_bp)) / BROJ_AP_POSLUZITELJA, S_AP);
	  for( i=0; i<broj_bp_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "BP%d", i);
	    PDQ_SetVisits(name,   "Zahtjevi", (p_bp * (1 - p_im) / (1 - p_bp)) / BROJ_BP_POSLUZITELJA, S_BP);
	  for( i=0; i<broj_im_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "IM%d", i);
	    PDQ_SetVisits(name, "Zahtjevi", p_im / BROJ_IM_POSLUZITELJA, S_IM);

	  Util = 0.0;
	  for( i=0; i<broj_ap_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "AP%d", i);
			Util += PDQ_GetUtilization(name, "Zahtjevi", TRANS);	

	  for( i=0; i<broj_bp_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "BP%d", i);
			Util += PDQ_GetUtilization(name, "Zahtjevi", TRANS);

	  for( i=0; i<broj_im_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "IM%d", i);
			Util += PDQ_GetUtilization(name, "Zahtjevi", TRANS);
		Util += PDQ_GetUtilization("ZZ", "Zahtjevi", TRANS);
		Util += PDQ_GetUtilization("PO", "Zahtjevi", TRANS);
		Util = (100 * Util)/(broj_ap_posluzitelja + broj_bp_posluzitelja + broj_im_posluzitelja + 2);
		printf("%f\t", p_bp);
	  for( i=0; i<broj_ap_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "AP%d", i);
		  printf("%f\t", PDQ_GetResidenceTime(name, "Zahtjevi", TRANS));

	  for( i=0; i<broj_bp_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "BP%d", i);
		  printf("%f\t", PDQ_GetResidenceTime(name, "Zahtjevi", TRANS));

	  for( i=0; i<broj_im_posluzitelja; i++ )
	    sprintf(name, "IM%d", i);
		  printf("%f\t", PDQ_GetResidenceTime(name, "Zahtjevi", TRANS));

		printf("%f\t", PDQ_GetResidenceTime(name, "ZZ", TRANS));

		printf("%f\t", PDQ_GetResidenceTime(name, "PO", TRANS));

		printf("%f\n", PDQ_GetResponse(TRANS, "Zahtjevi"));

		p_bp += p_bp_inc;