コード例 #1
ファイル: test_darray_3d.c プロジェクト: Katetc/cime
 * Test the darray functionality. Create a netCDF file with 4
 * dimensions and 1 PIO_INT variable, and use darray to write some
 * data.
 * @param iosysid the IO system ID.
 * @param ioid the ID of the decomposition.
 * @param num_flavors the number of IOTYPES available in this build.
 * @param flavor array of available iotypes.
 * @param my_rank rank of this task.
 * @param provide_fill 1 if fillvalue should be provided to PIOc_write_darray().
 * @returns 0 for success, error code otherwise.
int test_darray(int iosysid, int ioid, int num_flavors, int *flavor, int my_rank,
                int provide_fill)
    char filename[PIO_MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Name for the output files. */
    int dimids[NDIM];      /* The dimension IDs. */
    int ncid;      /* The ncid of the netCDF file. */
    int ncid2;     /* The ncid of the re-opened netCDF file. */
    int varid;     /* The ID of the netCDF varable. */
    int ret;       /* Return code. */
    PIO_Offset arraylen = 16;
    int int_fillvalue = NC_FILL_INT;
    void *fillvalue = NULL;
    int test_data[arraylen];
    int test_data2[arraylen];
    int test_data_in[arraylen];

    /* Initialize some data. */
    for (int f = 0; f < arraylen; f++)
        test_data[f] = my_rank * 10 + f;
        test_data2[f] = 2 * (my_rank * 10 + f);

    /* Are we providing a fill value? */
    if (provide_fill)
        fillvalue = &int_fillvalue;

    /* Use PIO to create the example file in each of the four
     * available ways. */
    for (int fmt = 0; fmt < num_flavors; fmt++)
        /* Create the filename. */
        sprintf(filename, "data_%s_iotype_%d.nc", TEST_NAME, flavor[fmt]);

        /* Create the netCDF output file. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_createfile(iosysid, &ncid, &flavor[fmt], filename, PIO_CLOBBER)))

        /* Turn on fill mode. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_set_fill(ncid, NC_FILL, NULL)))

        /* Define netCDF dimensions and variable. */
        for (int d = 0; d < NDIM; d++)
            if ((ret = PIOc_def_dim(ncid, dim_name[d], (PIO_Offset)dim_len[d], &dimids[d])))

        /* Define a variable. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, PIO_INT, NDIM, dimids, &varid)))

        /* End define mode. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))

        /* Set the value of the record dimension. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid, varid, 0)))

        /* Write the data. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_write_darray(ncid, varid, ioid, arraylen, test_data, fillvalue)))

        /* Set the value of the record dimension to the second record. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid, varid, 1)))

        /* Write the data for the second record. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_write_darray(ncid, varid, ioid, arraylen, test_data2, fillvalue)))

        /* Close the netCDF file. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))

        /* Reopen the file. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_openfile(iosysid, &ncid2, &flavor[fmt], filename, PIO_NOWRITE)))

        /* Set the value of the record dimension. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid2, varid, 0)))

        /* Read the data. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_read_darray(ncid2, varid, ioid, arraylen, test_data_in)))

        /* Check the results. */
        for (int f = 0; f < arraylen; f++)
            if (test_data_in[f] != test_data[f])
                return ERR_WRONG;

        /* Set the value of the record dimension to the second record. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid2, varid, 1)))

        /* Read the data. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_read_darray(ncid2, varid, ioid, arraylen, test_data_in)))

        /* Check the results. */
        for (int f = 0; f < arraylen; f++)
            if (test_data_in[f] != test_data2[f])
                return ERR_WRONG;

        /* Close the netCDF file. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid2)))
    return PIO_NOERR;
コード例 #2
ファイル: example2.c プロジェクト: mt5555/cime
/** Main execution of code.

    Executes the functions to:
    - create a new examplePioClass instance
    - initialize MPI and the ParallelIO libraries
    - create the decomposition for this example
    - create the netCDF output file
    - define the variable in the file
    - write data to the variable in the file using decomposition
    - read the data back from the file using decomposition
    - close the file
    - clean up resources

    The example can be run from the command line (on system that support it) like this:
    mpiexec -n 4 ./examplePio

    The sample file created by this program is a small netCDF file. It
    has the following contents (as shown by ncdump) for a 4-processor

    netcdf examplePio_c {
    x = 16 ;
    int foo(x) ;

    foo = 42, 42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 45 ;
    @param [in] argc argument count (should be zero)
    @param [in] argv argument array (should be NULL)
    @retval examplePioClass* Pointer to self.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    /** Set to non-zero to get output to stdout. */
    int verbose = 0;

    /** Zero-based rank of processor. */
    int my_rank;

    /** Number of processors involved in current execution. */
    int ntasks;

    /** Different output flavors. The example file is written (and
     * then read) four times. The first two flavors,
     * parallel-netcdf, and netCDF serial, both produce a netCDF
     * classic format file (but with different libraries). The
     * last two produce netCDF4/HDF5 format files, written with
     * and without using netCDF-4 parallel I/O. */

    /** Names for the output files. Two of them (pnetcdf and
     * classic) will be in classic netCDF format, the others
     * (serial4 and parallel4) will be in netCDF-4/HDF5
     * format. All four can be read by the netCDF library, and all
     * will contain the same contents. */
    char filename[NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS][NC_MAX_NAME + 1] = {"example2_pnetcdf.nc",
    /** Number of processors that will do IO. In this example we
     * will do IO from all processors. */
    int niotasks;

    /** Stride in the mpi rank between io tasks. Always 1 in this
     * example. */
    int ioproc_stride = 1;

    /** Number of the aggregator? Always 0 in this example. */
    int numAggregator = 0;

    /** Zero based rank of first processor to be used for I/O. */
    int ioproc_start = 0;

    /** Specifies the flavor of netCDF output format. */
    int iotype;

    /** The dimension IDs. */
    int dimids[NDIM];

    /** Array index per processing unit. This is the number of
     * elements of the data array that will be handled by each
     * processor. In this example there are 16 data elements. If the
     * example is run on 4 processors, then arrIdxPerPe will be 4. */
    PIO_Offset elements_per_pe;

    /** The ID for the parallel I/O system. It is set by
     * PIOc_Init_Intracomm(). It references an internal structure
     * containing the general IO subsystem data and MPI
     * structure. It is passed to PIOc_finalize() to free
     * associated resources, after all I/O, but before
     * MPI_Finalize is called. */
    int iosysid;

    /** The ncid of the netCDF file created in this example. */
    int ncid = 0;

    /** The ID of the netCDF varable in the example file. */
    int varid;

    /** The I/O description ID as passed back by PIOc_InitDecomp()
     * and freed in PIOc_freedecomp(). */
    int ioid;

    /** A buffer for sample data.  The size of this array will
     * vary depending on how many processors are involved in the
     * execution of the example code. It's length will be the same
     * as elements_per_pe.*/
    float *buffer;

    /** A buffer for reading data back from the file. The size of
     * this array will vary depending on how many processors are
     * involved in the execution of the example code. It's length
     * will be the same as elements_per_pe.*/
    int *read_buffer;

    /** A 1-D array which holds the decomposition mapping for this
     * example. The size of this array will vary depending on how
     * many processors are involved in the execution of the
     * example code. It's length will be the same as
     * elements_per_pe. */
    PIO_Offset *compdof;

#ifdef HAVE_MPE	
    /** MPE event numbers used to track start and stop of
     * different parts of the program for later display with
     * Jumpshot. */
    int event_num[2][NUM_EVENTS];
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

    /** Needed for command line processing. */
    int c;

    /* Parse command line. */
    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != -1)
	switch (c)
	case 'v':

#ifdef TIMING    
    /* Initialize the GPTL timing library. */
    int ret;
    if ((ret = GPTLinitialize ()))
	return ret;
    /* Initialize MPI. */
    if ((ret = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv)))
    if ((ret = MPI_Errhandler_set(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN)))

    /* Learn my rank and the total number of processors. */
    if ((ret = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank)))
    if ((ret = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks)))

    /* Check that a valid number of processors was specified. */
    if (!(ntasks == 1 || ntasks == 2 || ntasks == 4 ||
	  ntasks == 8 || ntasks == 16))
	fprintf(stderr, "Number of processors must be 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16!\n");
    if (verbose)
	printf("%d: ParallelIO Library example1 running on %d processors.\n",
	       my_rank, ntasks);

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Initialize MPE logging. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Init_log()))
    if (init_logging(my_rank, event_num))

    /* Log with MPE that we are starting INIT. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][INIT], 0, "start init")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

    /* keep things simple - 1 iotask per MPI process */    
    niotasks = ntasks; 

    /* Initialize the PIO IO system. This specifies how
     * many and which processors are involved in I/O. */
    if ((ret = PIOc_Init_Intracomm(MPI_COMM_WORLD, niotasks, ioproc_stride,
				   ioproc_start, PIO_REARR_SUBSET, &iosysid)))

    /* Describe the decomposition. This is a 1-based array, so add 1! */
    elements_per_pe = X_DIM_LEN * Y_DIM_LEN / ntasks;
    if (!(compdof = malloc(elements_per_pe * sizeof(PIO_Offset))))
	return PIO_ENOMEM;
    for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++) {
	compdof[i] = my_rank * elements_per_pe + i + 1;
    /* Create the PIO decomposition for this example. */
    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d Creating decomposition...\n", my_rank);
    if ((ret = PIOc_InitDecomp(iosysid, PIO_FLOAT, 2, &dim_len[1], (PIO_Offset)elements_per_pe,
			       compdof, &ioid, NULL, NULL, NULL)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are done with INIT. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][INIT], 0, "end init")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
    /* Use PIO to create the example file in each of the four
     * available ways. */
    for (int fmt = 0; fmt < NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS; fmt++) 
#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are starting CREATE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][CREATE_PNETCDF+fmt], 0, "start create")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	/* Create the netCDF output file. */
	if (verbose)
	    printf("rank: %d Creating sample file %s with format %d...\n",
		   my_rank, filename[fmt], format[fmt]);
	if ((ret = PIOc_createfile(iosysid, &ncid, &(format[fmt]), filename[fmt],
	/* Define netCDF dimensions and variable. */
	if (verbose)
	    printf("rank: %d Defining netCDF metadata...\n", my_rank);
	for (int d = 0; d < NDIM; d++) {
	    if (verbose)
		printf("rank: %d Defining netCDF dimension %s, length %d\n", my_rank,
		       dim_name[d], dim_len[d]);
	    if ((ret = PIOc_def_dim(ncid, dim_name[d], (PIO_Offset)dim_len[d], &dimids[d])))
	if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, PIO_FLOAT, NDIM, dimids, &varid)))
	/* For netCDF-4 files, set the chunksize to improve performance. */
	if (format[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4C || format[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4P)
	    if ((ret = PIOc_def_var_chunking(ncid, 0, NC_CHUNKED, chunksize)))
	if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are done with CREATE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][CREATE_PNETCDF + fmt], 0, "end create")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	/* Allocate space for sample data. */
	if (!(buffer = malloc(elements_per_pe * sizeof(float))))
	    return PIO_ENOMEM;

	/* Write data for each timestep. */
	for (int ts = 0; ts < NUM_TIMESTEPS; ts++) {

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	    /* Log with MPE that we are starting CALCULATE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][CALCULATE], 0, "start calculate")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	    /* Calculate sample data. Add some math function calls to make this slower. */
	    for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++)
		if ((ret = calculate_value(my_rank, ts, &buffer[i])))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	    /* Log with MPE that we are done with CALCULATE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][CALCULATE], 0, "end calculate")))
	    /* Log with MPE that we are starting WRITE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][WRITE], 0, "start write")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
	    /* Write data to the file. */
	    if (verbose)
		printf("rank: %d Writing sample data...\n", my_rank);

	    if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid, varid, ts)))
	    if ((ret = PIOc_write_darray(ncid, varid, ioid, (PIO_Offset)elements_per_pe,
					 buffer, NULL)))
	    if ((ret = PIOc_sync(ncid)))
#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	    /* Log with MPE that we are done with WRITE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][WRITE], 0, "end write")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are starting CLOSE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][CLOSE], 0, "start close")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
	/* Free buffer space used in this example. */
	/* Close the netCDF file. */
	if (verbose)
	    printf("rank: %d Closing the sample data file...\n", my_rank);
	if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are done with CLOSE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][CLOSE], 0, "end close")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	/* After each file is closed, make all processors wait so that
	 * all start creating the next file at the same time. */
	if ((ret = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD)))
#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are starting FREE. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][FREE], 0, "start free")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
    /* Free the PIO decomposition. */
    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d Freeing PIO decomposition...\n", my_rank);
    if ((ret = PIOc_freedecomp(iosysid, ioid)))
    /* Finalize the IO system. */
    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d Freeing PIO resources...\n", my_rank);
    if ((ret = PIOc_finalize(iosysid)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are done with FREE. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][FREE], 0, "end free")))
    /* Log with MPE that we are starting READ. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][READ], 0, "start read")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
    /* Check the output file. */
    /* if (!my_rank) */
    /*     for (int fmt = 0; fmt < NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS; fmt++)  */
    /* 	if ((ret = check_file(ntasks, filename[fmt]))) */
    /* 	    ERR(ret); */

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are done with READ. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][READ], 0, "end read")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

    /* Finalize the MPI library. */

#ifdef TIMING    
    /* Finalize the GPTL timing library. */
    if ((ret = GPTLfinalize ()))
	return ret;

    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d SUCCESS!\n", my_rank);
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: darray_no_async.c プロジェクト: Katetc/cime
/* @brief Check the output file.
 *  Use netCDF to check that the output is as expected.
 * @param ntasks The number of processors running the example.
 * @param filename The name of the example file to check.
 * @return 0 if example file is correct, non-zero otherwise. */
int check_file(int iosysid, int ntasks, char *filename, int iotype,
               int elements_per_pe, int my_rank, int ioid)

    int ncid;         /* File ID from netCDF. */
    int ndims;        /* Number of dimensions. */
    int nvars;        /* Number of variables. */
    int ngatts;       /* Number of global attributes. */
    int unlimdimid;   /* ID of unlimited dimension. */
    int natts;        /* Number of variable attributes. */
    nc_type xtype;    /* NetCDF data type of this variable. */
    int ret;          /* Return code for function calls. */
    int dimids[NDIM3]; /* Dimension ids for this variable. */
    char var_name[NC_MAX_NAME];   /* Name of the variable. */
    /* size_t start[NDIM3];           /\* Zero-based index to start read. *\/ */
    /* size_t count[NDIM3];           /\* Number of elements to read. *\/ */
    /* int buffer[DIM_LEN_X];          /\* Buffer to read in data. *\/ */
    /* int expected[DIM_LEN_X];        /\* Data values we expect to find. *\/ */

    /* Open the file. */
    if ((ret = PIOc_openfile_retry(iosysid, &ncid, &iotype, filename, 0, 0)))
        return ret;
    printf("opened file %s ncid = %d\n", filename, ncid);

    /* Check the metadata. */
    if ((ret = PIOc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)))
        return ret;

    /* Check the dimensions. */
    if (ndims != NDIM3 || nvars != 1 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != 0)
        return ERR_BAD;
    for (int d = 0; d < NDIM3; d++)
        char my_dim_name[NC_MAX_NAME];
        PIO_Offset dimlen; 
        if ((ret = PIOc_inq_dim(ncid, d, my_dim_name, &dimlen)))
            return ret;
        if (dimlen != (d ? dim_len[d] : NUM_TIMESTEPS) || strcmp(my_dim_name, dim_name[d]))
            return ERR_BAD;

    /* Check the variable. */
    if ((ret = PIOc_inq_var(ncid, 0, var_name, &xtype, &ndims, dimids, &natts)))
        return ret;
    if (xtype != NC_INT || ndims != NDIM3 || dimids[0] != 0 || dimids[1] != 1 ||
            dimids[2] != 2 || natts != 0)
        return ERR_BAD;

    /* Allocate storage for sample data. */
    int buffer[elements_per_pe];
    int buffer_in[elements_per_pe];

    /* Check each timestep. */
    for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TIMESTEPS; t++)
        int varid = 0; /* There's only one var in sample file. */
        /* This is the data we expect for this timestep. */
        for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++)
            buffer[i] = 100 * t + START_DATA_VAL + my_rank;

        /* Read one record. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid, varid, t)))
        if ((ret = PIOc_read_darray(ncid, varid, ioid, elements_per_pe, buffer_in)))
            return ret;

        /* Check the results. */
        for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++)
            if (buffer_in[i] != buffer[i])
                return ERR_BAD;

    /* Close the file. */
    if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))
        return ret;

    /* Everything looks good! */
    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_darray_multi.c プロジェクト: jtruesdal/cime
 * Test the darray functionality. Create a netCDF file with 3
 * dimensions and 3 variable, and use PIOc_write_darray_multi() to
 * write one record of data to all three vars at once.
 * @param iosysid the IO system ID.
 * @param ioid the ID of the decomposition.
 * @param num_flavors the number of IOTYPES available in this build.
 * @param flavor array of available iotypes.
 * @param my_rank rank of this task.
 * @param pio_type the type of the data.
 * @returns 0 for success, error code otherwise.
int test_darray(int iosysid, int ioid, int num_flavors, int *flavor, int my_rank,
                int pio_type)

    char filename[PIO_MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Name for the output files. */
    int dimids[NDIM];      /* The dimension IDs. */
    int ncid;              /* The ncid of the netCDF file. */
    int ncid2;             /* The ncid of the re-opened netCDF file. */
    int varid[NVAR];       /* The IDs of the netCDF varables. */
    int other_varid;       /* The IDs of a var of different type. */
    int wrong_varid[NVAR]; /* These will not work. */
    PIO_Offset arraylen = 4; /* Amount of data from each task. */
    void *fillvalue;       /* Pointer to fill value. */
    void *test_data;       /* Pointer to test data we will write. */
    void *test_data_in;    /* Pointer to buffer we will read into. */
    int ret;               /* Return code. */

    /* Default fill value array for each type. */
    signed char byte_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_BYTE, NC_FILL_BYTE, NC_FILL_BYTE};
    char char_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_CHAR, NC_FILL_CHAR, NC_FILL_CHAR};
    short short_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_SHORT, NC_FILL_SHORT, NC_FILL_SHORT};
    int int_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_INT, NC_FILL_INT, NC_FILL_INT};
    float float_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_FLOAT, NC_FILL_FLOAT, NC_FILL_FLOAT};
    double double_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_DOUBLE, NC_FILL_DOUBLE, NC_FILL_DOUBLE};
#ifdef _NETCDF4
    unsigned char ubyte_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_UBYTE, NC_FILL_UBYTE, NC_FILL_UBYTE};
    unsigned short ushort_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_USHORT, NC_FILL_USHORT, NC_FILL_USHORT};
    unsigned int uint_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_UINT, NC_FILL_UINT, NC_FILL_UINT};
    long long int64_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_INT64, NC_FILL_INT64, NC_FILL_INT64};
    unsigned long long uint64_fill[NVAR] = {NC_FILL_UINT64, NC_FILL_UINT64, NC_FILL_UINT64};
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

    /* Test data we will write. */
    signed char test_data_byte[arraylen * NVAR];
    char test_data_char[arraylen * NVAR];
    short test_data_short[arraylen * NVAR];
    int test_data_int[arraylen * NVAR];
    float test_data_float[arraylen * NVAR];
    double test_data_double[arraylen * NVAR];
#ifdef _NETCDF4
    unsigned char test_data_ubyte[arraylen * NVAR];
    unsigned short test_data_ushort[arraylen * NVAR];
    unsigned int test_data_uint[arraylen * NVAR];
    long long test_data_int64[arraylen * NVAR];
    unsigned long long test_data_uint64[arraylen * NVAR];
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

    /* We will read test data into these buffers. */
    signed char test_data_byte_in[arraylen];
    char test_data_char_in[arraylen];
    short test_data_short_in[arraylen];
    int test_data_int_in[arraylen];
    float test_data_float_in[arraylen];
    double test_data_double_in[arraylen];
#ifdef _NETCDF4
    unsigned char test_data_ubyte_in[arraylen];
    unsigned short test_data_ushort_in[arraylen];
    unsigned int test_data_uint_in[arraylen];
    long long test_data_int64_in[arraylen];
    unsigned long long test_data_uint64_in[arraylen];
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

    /* Initialize a big blob of test data for NVAR vars. */
    for (int f = 0; f < arraylen * NVAR; f++)
        test_data_byte[f] = my_rank * 1 + f;
        test_data_char[f] = my_rank * 2 + f;
        test_data_short[f] = my_rank * 5 + f;
        test_data_int[f] = my_rank * 10 + f;
        test_data_float[f] = my_rank * 10 + f + 0.5;
        test_data_double[f] = my_rank * 100000 + f + 0.5;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
        test_data_ubyte[f] = my_rank * 3 + f;
        test_data_ushort[f] = my_rank * 9 + f;
        test_data_uint[f] = my_rank * 100 + f;
        test_data_int64[f] = my_rank * 10000 + f;
        test_data_uint64[f] = my_rank * 100000 + f;
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

    /* Use PIO to create the example file in each of the four
     * available ways. */
    for (int fmt = 0; fmt < num_flavors; fmt++)
        /* 1-byte types not working with pnetcdf. */
        if (flavor[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_PNETCDF && (pio_type == PIO_BYTE || pio_type == PIO_CHAR))

        /* NetCDF-4 types only work with netCDF-4. */
        if (pio_type > PIO_DOUBLE && (flavor[fmt] != PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4C &&
                                      flavor[fmt] != PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4P))

        /* Add a couple of extra tests for the
         * PIOc_write_darray_multi() function. */
        for (int test_multi = 0; test_multi < NUM_TEST_CASES_WRT_MULTI; test_multi++)
            /* Test with/without providing a fill value to PIOc_write_darray(). */
            for (int provide_fill = 0; provide_fill < NUM_TEST_CASES_FILLVALUE; provide_fill++)
                /* Create the filename. */
                sprintf(filename, "data_%s_iotype_%d_pio_type_%d_test_multi_%d_provide_fill_%d.nc", TEST_NAME,
                        flavor[fmt], pio_type, test_multi, provide_fill);

                /* Select the fill value and data. */
                switch (pio_type)
                case PIO_BYTE:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? byte_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_byte;
                    test_data_in = test_data_byte_in;
                case PIO_CHAR:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? char_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_char;
                    test_data_in = test_data_char_in;
                case PIO_SHORT:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? short_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_short;
                    test_data_in = test_data_short_in;
                case PIO_INT:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? int_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_int;
                    test_data_in = test_data_int_in;
                case PIO_FLOAT:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? float_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_float;
                    test_data_in = test_data_float_in;
                case PIO_DOUBLE:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? double_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_double;
                    test_data_in = test_data_double_in;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
                case PIO_UBYTE:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? ubyte_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_ubyte;
                    test_data_in = test_data_ubyte_in;
                case PIO_USHORT:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? ushort_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_ushort;
                    test_data_in = test_data_ushort_in;
                case PIO_UINT:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? uint_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_uint;
                    test_data_in = test_data_uint_in;
                case PIO_INT64:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? int64_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_int64;
                    test_data_in = test_data_int64_in;
                case PIO_UINT64:
                    fillvalue = provide_fill ? uint64_fill : NULL;
                    test_data = test_data_uint64;
                    test_data_in = test_data_uint64_in;
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

                /* Create the netCDF output file. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_createfile(iosysid, &ncid, &flavor[fmt], filename, PIO_CLOBBER)))

                /* Define netCDF dimensions and variable. */
                for (int d = 0; d < NDIM; d++)
                    if ((ret = PIOc_def_dim(ncid, dim_name[d], (PIO_Offset)dim_len[d], &dimids[d])))

                /* Define a variable. */
                for (int v = 0; v < NVAR; v++)
                    if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, var_name[v], pio_type, NDIM, dimids, &varid[v])))

                /* Define a variable of a different type, to test error handling. */
                int other_pio_type = pio_type < 5 ? pio_type + 1 : PIO_INT;
                if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, "OTHER_VAR", other_pio_type, NDIM, dimids, &other_varid)))

                /* Leave a note. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, NOTE_NAME, strlen(NOTE), NOTE)))
                int num_stooges = TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_STOOGES;
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_STOOGES_NAME, PIO_INT, 1, &num_stooges)))

                /* End define mode. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))

                /* Set the value of the record dimension. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid, varid[0], 0)))

                int frame[NVAR] = {0, 0, 0};
                int flushtodisk = test_multi;

                /* This will not work, because we mix var types. */
                wrong_varid[0] = varid[0];
                wrong_varid[1] = varid[1];
                wrong_varid[0] = other_varid;
//                if (PIOc_write_darray_multi(ncid, wrong_varid, ioid, NVAR, arraylen, test_data, frame,
//                                            fillvalue, flushtodisk) != PIO_EINVAL)
//                    ERR(ERR_WRONG);

                /* Write the data with the _multi function. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_write_darray_multi(ncid, varid, ioid, NVAR, arraylen, test_data, frame,
                                                   fillvalue, flushtodisk)))

                /* Close the netCDF file. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))

                /* Reopen the file. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_openfile(iosysid, &ncid2, &flavor[fmt], filename, PIO_NOWRITE)))

                /* Now use read_darray on each var in turn and make
                 * sure we get correct data. */
                for (int v = 0; v < NVAR; v++)
                    /* Set the value of the record dimension. */
                    if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid2, varid[v], 0)))

                    /* Read the data. */
                    if ((ret = PIOc_read_darray(ncid2, varid[v], ioid, arraylen, test_data_in)))

                    /* Check the results. */
                    for (int f = 0; f < arraylen; f++)
                        switch (pio_type)
                        case PIO_BYTE:
                            if (test_data_byte_in[f] != test_data_byte[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_CHAR:
                            if (test_data_char_in[f] != test_data_char[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_SHORT:
                            if (test_data_short_in[f] != test_data_short[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_INT:
                            if (test_data_int_in[f] != test_data_int[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_FLOAT:
                            if (test_data_float_in[f] != test_data_float[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_DOUBLE:
                            if (test_data_double_in[f] != test_data_double[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
                        case PIO_UBYTE:
                            if (test_data_ubyte_in[f] != test_data_ubyte[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_USHORT:
                            if (test_data_ushort_in[f] != test_data_ushort[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_UINT:
                            if (test_data_uint_in[f] != test_data_uint[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_INT64:
                            if (test_data_int64_in[f] != test_data_int64[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
                        case PIO_UINT64:
                            if (test_data_uint64_in[f] != test_data_uint64[f + arraylen * v])
                                return ERR_WRONG;
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

                /* Close the netCDF file. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid2)))
            } /* next fillvalue test case */
        } /* next test multi */
    } /* next iotype */

    return PIO_NOERR;
コード例 #5
ファイル: darray_no_async.c プロジェクト: Katetc/cime
/* Write, then read, a simple example with darrays.

    The sample file created by this program is a small netCDF file. It
    has the following contents (as shown by ncdump):

netcdf darray_no_async_iotype_1 {
	unlimted = UNLIMITED ; // (2 currently)
	x = 4 ;
	y = 4 ;
	int foo(unlimted, x, y) ;

 foo =
  42, 42, 42, 42,
  43, 43, 43, 43,
  44, 44, 44, 44,
  45, 45, 45, 45,
  142, 142, 142, 142,
  143, 143, 143, 143,
  144, 144, 144, 144,
  145, 145, 145, 145 ;

    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int my_rank;  /* Zero-based rank of processor. */
	int ntasks;   /* Number of processors involved in current execution. */
	int ioproc_stride = 1;	    /* Stride in the mpi rank between io tasks. */
	int ioproc_start = 0; 	    /* Rank of first task to be used for I/O. */
        PIO_Offset elements_per_pe; /* Array elements per processing unit. */
	int iosysid;  /* The ID for the parallel I/O system. */	
	int ncid;     /* The ncid of the netCDF file. */
	int dimid[NDIM3];    /* The dimension ID. */
	int varid;    /* The ID of the netCDF varable. */
	int ioid;     /* The I/O description ID. */
        char filename[NC_MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Test filename. */
        int num_flavors = 0;            /* Number of iotypes available in this build. */
	int format[NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS]; /* Different output flavors. */
	int ret;                        /* Return value. */

#ifdef TIMING
	/* Initialize the GPTL timing library. */
	if ((ret = GPTLinitialize ()))
	    return ret;

	/* Initialize MPI. */
	if ((ret = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv)))
	if ((ret = MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN)))

	/* Learn my rank and the total number of processors. */
	if ((ret = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank)))
	if ((ret = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks)))

	/* Check that a valid number of processors was specified. */
	if (ntasks != TARGET_NTASKS)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Number of processors must be 4!\n");
        printf("%d: ParallelIO Library darray_no_async example running on %d processors.\n",
               my_rank, ntasks);

        /* Turn on logging. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_set_log_level(LOG_LEVEL)))
            return ret;
	/* Initialize the PIO IO system. This specifies how many and
	 * which processors are involved in I/O. */
	if ((ret = PIOc_Init_Intracomm(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, ioproc_stride,
				       ioproc_start, PIO_REARR_BOX, &iosysid)))

	/* Describe the decomposition. */
	elements_per_pe = DIM_LEN_X * DIM_LEN_Y / TARGET_NTASKS;

        /* Allocate and initialize array of decomposition mapping. */
	PIO_Offset compdof[elements_per_pe];
	for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++)
	    compdof[i] = my_rank * elements_per_pe + i;

	/* Create the PIO decomposition for this example. Since this
         * is a variable with an unlimited dimension, we want to
         * create a 2-D composition which represents one record. */
        printf("rank: %d Creating decomposition...\n", my_rank);
	if ((ret = PIOc_init_decomp(iosysid, PIO_INT, NDIM3 - 1, &dim_len[1], elements_per_pe,
				   compdof, &ioid, 0, NULL, NULL)))

        /* The number of favors may change with the build parameters. */
#ifdef _PNETCDF
        format[num_flavors++] = PIO_IOTYPE_PNETCDF;
        format[num_flavors++] = PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
        format[num_flavors++] = PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4C;
        format[num_flavors++] = PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4P;

	/* Use PIO to create the example file in each of the four
	 * available ways. */
	for (int fmt = 0; fmt < num_flavors; fmt++)
            /* Create a filename. */
            sprintf(filename, "darray_no_async_iotype_%d.nc", format[fmt]);

	    /* Create the netCDF output file. */
            printf("rank: %d Creating sample file %s with format %d...\n",
                   my_rank, filename, format[fmt]);
	    if ((ret = PIOc_createfile(iosysid, &ncid, &(format[fmt]), filename, PIO_CLOBBER)))

	    /* Define netCDF dimension and variable. */
            printf("rank: %d Defining netCDF metadata...\n", my_rank);
            for (int d = 0; d < NDIM3; d++)
                if ((ret = PIOc_def_dim(ncid, dim_name[d], dim_len[d], &dimid[d])))
	    if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, PIO_INT, NDIM3, dimid, &varid)))
	    if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))

	    /* Allocate storage for sample data. */
            int buffer[elements_per_pe];

            /* Write each timestep. */
            for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TIMESTEPS; t++)
                /* Create some data for this timestep. */
                for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++)
                    buffer[i] = 100 * t + START_DATA_VAL + my_rank;
                /* Write data to the file. */
                printf("rank: %d Writing sample data...\n", my_rank);
                if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid, varid, t)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_write_darray(ncid, varid, ioid, elements_per_pe, buffer, NULL)))

            /* THis will cause all data to be written to disk. */
            if ((ret = PIOc_sync(ncid)))

	    /* Close the netCDF file. */
            printf("rank: %d Closing the sample data file...\n", my_rank);
	    if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))

            /* Check the output file. */
            /* if ((ret = check_file(iosysid, ntasks, filename, format[fmt], elements_per_pe, */
            /*                       my_rank, ioid))) */
            /*     ERR(ret); */

	/* Free the PIO decomposition. */
        printf("rank: %d Freeing PIO decomposition...\n", my_rank);
	if ((ret = PIOc_freedecomp(iosysid, ioid)))

	/* Finalize the IO system. */
        printf("rank: %d Freeing PIO resources...\n", my_rank);
	if ((ret = PIOc_finalize(iosysid)))

	/* Finalize the MPI library. */

#ifdef TIMING
	/* Finalize the GPTL timing library. */
	if ((ret = GPTLfinalize ()))
	    return ret;

        printf("rank: %d SUCCESS!\n", my_rank);
	return 0;