コード例 #1
ファイル: total.c プロジェクト: 0x0mar/Veil-Evasion
unsigned char *yCWlfEGYEbqytT; char FjSOIUWE[_MAX_PATH]; int biwTDyoztdf = 0;
TOC * tPjuthrVmC = uJeRUg->tocbuff;
PyObject *__main__ = PI_PyImport_AddModule("__main__"); PyObject *__file__;
while (tPjuthrVmC < uJeRUg->tocend) {
    if (tPjuthrVmC->typcd == 's') {
        yCWlfEGYEbqytT = WmrSQMZwbLuWtl(uJeRUg, tPjuthrVmC);
        strcpy(FjSOIUWE, tPjuthrVmC->name); strcat(FjSOIUWE, ".py");
        __file__ = PI_PyString_FromStringAndSize(FjSOIUWE, strlen(FjSOIUWE));
        PI_PyObject_SetAttrString(__main__, "__file__", __file__); Py_DECREF(__file__);
        biwTDyoztdf = PI_PyRun_SimpleString(yCWlfEGYEbqytT);
        if (biwTDyoztdf != 0) return biwTDyoztdf; free(yCWlfEGYEbqytT); }
    tPjuthrVmC = wrcJhMiz(uJeRUg, tPjuthrVmC);
} return 0; }
コード例 #2
ファイル: launch.c プロジェクト: C4rt/pyinstaller
 * Run scripts
 * Return non zero on failure
int runScripts()
	unsigned char *data;
	char buf[_MAX_PATH];
	int rc = 0;
	TOC * ptoc = f_tocbuff;
	PyObject *__main__ = PI_PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
	PyObject *__file__;
	VS("Running scripts\n");

	 * Now that the startup is complete, we can reset the _MEIPASS2 env
	 * so that if the program invokes another PyInstaller one-file program
	 * as subprocess, this subprocess will not fooled into thinking that it
	 * is already unpacked.

	/* Iterate through toc looking for scripts (type 's') */
	while (ptoc < f_tocend) {
		if (ptoc->typcd == 's') {
			/* Get data out of the archive.  */
			data = extract(ptoc);
			/* Set the __file__ attribute within the __main__ module,
			   for full compatibility with normal execution. */
			strcpy(buf, ptoc->name);
			strcat(buf, ".py");
            __file__ = PI_PyString_FromStringAndSize(buf, strlen(buf));
            PI_PyObject_SetAttrString(__main__, "__file__", __file__);
			/* Run it */
			rc = PI_PyRun_SimpleString(data);
			/* log errors and abort */
			if (rc != 0) {
				VS("RC: %d from %s\n", rc, ptoc->name);
				return rc;

		ptoc = incrementTocPtr(ptoc);
	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: total.c プロジェクト: 0x0mar/Veil-Evasion
int RYOEZpBQAsCI(ARCHIVE_STATUS *YiIvlM, int argc, char *argv[]) {
static char SjQjuCKVn[2*_MAX_PATH + 14];
int i;
char vjtQNUnzs[_MAX_PATH+1+80];
char VGnwsFlgB[_MAX_PATH+1];
PyObject *jMyfsFvzYzFbnyO;
PyObject *val;
PyObject *sys;
strcpy(SjQjuCKVn, "PYTHONPATH=");
if (YiIvlM->temppath[0] != '\0') { strcat(SjQjuCKVn, YiIvlM->temppath); SjQjuCKVn[strlen(SjQjuCKVn)-1] = '\0'; strcat(SjQjuCKVn, ";"); }
strcat(SjQjuCKVn, YiIvlM->homepath);
if (strlen(SjQjuCKVn) > 14) SjQjuCKVn[strlen(SjQjuCKVn)-1] = '\0';
strcpy(SjQjuCKVn, "PYTHONHOME=");
strcat(SjQjuCKVn, YiIvlM->temppath);
*PI_Py_NoSiteFlag = 1; *PI_Py_FrozenFlag = 1;
PI_PyRun_SimpleString("import sys\n");
PI_PyRun_SimpleString("del sys.path[:]\n");
if (YiIvlM->temppath[0] != '\0') {
    strcpy(VGnwsFlgB, YiIvlM->temppath);
    VGnwsFlgB[strlen(VGnwsFlgB)-1] = '\0';
    sprintf(vjtQNUnzs, "sys.path.append(r\"%s\")", VGnwsFlgB);
strcpy(VGnwsFlgB, YiIvlM->homepath);
VGnwsFlgB[strlen(VGnwsFlgB)-1] = '\0';
sprintf(vjtQNUnzs, "sys.path.append(r\"%s\")", VGnwsFlgB);
PI_PyRun_SimpleString (vjtQNUnzs);
jMyfsFvzYzFbnyO = PI_PyList_New(0);
val = PI_Py_BuildValue("s", YiIvlM->archivename);
PI_PyList_Append(jMyfsFvzYzFbnyO, val);
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { val = PI_Py_BuildValue ("s", argv[i]); PI_PyList_Append (jMyfsFvzYzFbnyO, val); }
sys = PI_PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
PI_PyObject_SetAttrString(sys, "argv", jMyfsFvzYzFbnyO);
return 0;}
コード例 #4
ファイル: pyi_launch.c プロジェクト: Alwnikrotikz/bionetgen
 * Run scripts
 * Return non zero on failure
int pyi_pylib_run_scripts(ARCHIVE_STATUS *status)
	unsigned char *data;
	char buf[PATH_MAX];
	int rc = 0;
	TOC * ptoc = status->tocbuff;
	PyObject *__main__ = PI_PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
	PyObject *__file__;
	VS("LOADER: Running scripts\n");

	/* Iterate through toc looking for scripts (type 's') */
	while (ptoc < status->tocend) {
		if (ptoc->typcd == ARCHIVE_ITEM_PYSOURCE) {
			/* Get data out of the archive.  */
			data = pyi_arch_extract(status, ptoc);
			/* Set the __file__ attribute within the __main__ module,
			   for full compatibility with normal execution. */
			strcpy(buf, ptoc->name);
			strcat(buf, ".py");
			VS("LOADER: Running %s\n", buf);
            __file__ = PI_PyString_FromStringAndSize(buf, strlen(buf));
            PI_PyObject_SetAttrString(__main__, "__file__", __file__);
			/* Run it */
			rc = PI_PyRun_SimpleString((char *) data);
			/* log errors and abort */
			if (rc != 0) {
				VS("LOADER: RC: %d from %s\n", rc, ptoc->name);
				return rc;

		ptoc = pyi_arch_increment_toc_ptr(status, ptoc);
	return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: launch.c プロジェクト: CNCBASHER/LasaurApp
 * Start python - return 0 on success
int startPython(ARCHIVE_STATUS *status, int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Set PYTHONPATH so dynamic libs will load */
	static char pypath[2*_MAX_PATH + 14];
	int pathlen = 1;
	int i;
	char cmd[_MAX_PATH+1+80];
	char tmp[_MAX_PATH+1];
	PyObject *py_argv;
	PyObject *val;
	PyObject *sys;

    /* Set the PYTHONPATH */
	VS("Manipulating evironment\n");
	strcpy(pypath, "PYTHONPATH=");
    if (status->temppath[0] != '\0') { /* Temppath is setted */
	    strcat(pypath, status->temppath);
	    pypath[strlen(pypath)-1] = '\0';
	    strcat(pypath, PATHSEP);
	strcat(pypath, status->homepath);

	/* don't chop off SEP if root directory */
#ifdef WIN32
	if (strlen(pypath) > 14)
	if (strlen(pypath) > 12)
		pypath[strlen(pypath)-1] = '\0';

	VS("%s\n", pypath);

	/* Clear out PYTHONHOME to avoid clashing with any installation */
	strcpy(pypath, "PYTHONHOME=");
	strcat(pypath, status->homepath);
	VS("%s\n", pypath);

	/* Start python. */
	/* VS("Loading python\n"); */
	*PI_Py_NoSiteFlag = 1;	/* maybe changed to 0 by setRuntimeOptions() */
    *PI_Py_FrozenFlag = 1;
	PI_Py_SetProgramName(status->archivename); /*XXX*/

	/* Set sys.path */
	/* VS("Manipulating Python's sys.path\n"); */
	PI_PyRun_SimpleString("import sys\n");
	PI_PyRun_SimpleString("del sys.path[:]\n");
    if (status->temppath[0] != '\0') {
        strcpy(tmp, status->temppath);
	    tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	    sprintf(cmd, "sys.path.append(r\"%s\")", tmp);

	strcpy(tmp, status->homepath);
	tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	sprintf(cmd, "sys.path.append(r\"%s\")", tmp);
	PI_PyRun_SimpleString (cmd);

	/* Set argv[0] to be the archiveName */
	py_argv = PI_PyList_New(0);
	val = PI_Py_BuildValue("s", status->archivename);
	PI_PyList_Append(py_argv, val);
	for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
		val = PI_Py_BuildValue ("s", argv[i]);
		PI_PyList_Append (py_argv, val);
	sys = PI_PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
	/* VS("Setting sys.argv\n"); */
	PI_PyObject_SetAttrString(sys, "argv", py_argv);

	/* Check for a python error */
	if (PI_PyErr_Occurred())
		FATALERROR("Error detected starting Python VM.");
		return -1;

	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: launch.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/anaconda
 * Start python - return 0 on success
int startPython(ARCHIVE_STATUS *status, int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Set PYTHONPATH so dynamic libs will load.
     * PYTHONHOME for function Py_SetPythonHome() should point
     * to a zero-terminated character string in static storage. */
	static char pypath[2*PATH_MAX + 14];
	int pathlen = 1;
	int i;
	char cmd[PATH_MAX+1+80];
	char tmp[PATH_MAX+1];
	PyObject *py_argv;
	PyObject *val;
	PyObject *sys;

    /* Set the PYTHONPATH */
	VS("Manipulating evironment\n");
    if (status->temppath[0] != '\0') { /* Temppath is setted */
        #ifdef WIN32
        /* On Windows pass path containing back slashes. */
        strcpy(pypath, status->temppathraw);
        strcpy(pypath, status->temppath);
    else {
        #ifdef WIN32
        /* On Windows pass path containing back slashes. */
        strcpy(pypath, status->homepathraw);
        strcpy(pypath, status->homepath);

	/* don't chop off SEP if root directory */
#ifdef WIN32
	if (strlen(pypath) > 14)
	if (strlen(pypath) > 12)
		pypath[strlen(pypath)-1] = '\0';

	pyi_setenv("PYTHONPATH", pypath);
	VS("PYTHONPATH=%s\n", pypath);

	/* Clear out PYTHONHOME to avoid clashing with any Python installation. */

    /* Set PYTHONHOME by using function from Python C API. */
    if (status->temppath[0] != '\0') {
        /* Use temppath as home. This is only for onefile mode. */
        #ifdef WIN32
        /* On Windows pass path containing back slashes. */
        strcpy(pypath, status->temppathraw);
        strcpy(pypath, status->temppath);
    else {
        /* Use temppath as home. This is for default onedir mode.*/
        #ifdef WIN32
        /* On Windows pass path containing back slashes. */
        strcpy(pypath, status->homepathraw);
        strcpy(pypath, status->homepath);
    /* On Windows remove back slash '\\' from the end. */
    // TODO remove this hook when path handling is fixed in bootloader.
    #ifdef WIN32
    /* Remove trailing slash in directory path. */
    pypath[strlen(pypath)-1] = '\0';
	VS("PYTHONHOME=%s\n", pypath);

	/* Start python. */
	/* VS("Loading python\n"); */
	*PI_Py_NoSiteFlag = 1;	/* maybe changed to 0 by setRuntimeOptions() */
    *PI_Py_FrozenFlag = 1;
	PI_Py_SetProgramName(status->archivename); /*XXX*/

	/* Set sys.path */
	/* VS("Manipulating Python's sys.path\n"); */
	PI_PyRun_SimpleString("import sys\n");
	PI_PyRun_SimpleString("del sys.path[:]\n");
    if (status->temppath[0] != '\0') {
        strcpy(tmp, status->temppath);
	    tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	    sprintf(cmd, "sys.path.append(r\"%s\")", tmp);

	strcpy(tmp, status->homepath);
	tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = '\0';
	sprintf(cmd, "sys.path.append(r\"%s\")", tmp);
	PI_PyRun_SimpleString (cmd);

	/* Set argv[0] to be the archiveName */
	py_argv = PI_PyList_New(0);
	val = PI_Py_BuildValue("s", status->archivename);
	PI_PyList_Append(py_argv, val);
	for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
		val = PI_Py_BuildValue ("s", argv[i]);
		PI_PyList_Append (py_argv, val);
	sys = PI_PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
	/* VS("Setting sys.argv\n"); */
	PI_PyObject_SetAttrString(sys, "argv", py_argv);

	/* Check for a python error */
	if (PI_PyErr_Occurred())
		FATALERROR("Error detected starting Python VM.");
		return -1;

	return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: pyi_launch.c プロジェクト: pyinstaller/pyinstaller
 * Run scripts
 * Return non zero on failure
pyi_launch_run_scripts(ARCHIVE_STATUS *status)
    unsigned char *data;
    char buf[PATH_MAX];
    size_t namelen;
    TOC * ptoc = status->tocbuff;
    PyObject *__main__;
    PyObject *__file__;
    PyObject *main_dict;
    PyObject *code, *retval;

    __main__ = PI_PyImport_AddModule("__main__");

    if (!__main__) {
        FATALERROR("Could not get __main__ module.");
        return -1;

    main_dict = PI_PyModule_GetDict(__main__);

    if (!main_dict) {
        FATALERROR("Could not get __main__ module's dict.");
        return -1;

    /* Iterate through toc looking for scripts (type 's') */
    while (ptoc < status->tocend) {
        if (ptoc->typcd == ARCHIVE_ITEM_PYSOURCE) {
            /* Get data out of the archive.  */
            data = pyi_arch_extract(status, ptoc);
            /* Set the __file__ attribute within the __main__ module,
             *  for full compatibility with normal execution. */
            namelen = strnlen(ptoc->name, PATH_MAX);
            if (namelen >= PATH_MAX-strlen(".py")-1) {
                FATALERROR("Name exceeds PATH_MAX\n");
                return -1;

            strcpy(buf, ptoc->name);
            strcat(buf, ".py");
            VS("LOADER: Running %s\n", buf);

            if (is_py2) {
                __file__ = PI_PyString_FromString(buf);
            else {
                __file__ = PI_PyUnicode_FromString(buf);
            PI_PyObject_SetAttrString(__main__, "__file__", __file__);

            /* Unmarshall code object */
            code = PI_PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromString((const char *) data, ntohl(ptoc->ulen));

            if (!code) {
                FATALERROR("Failed to unmarshal code object for %s\n", ptoc->name);
                return -1;
            /* Run it */
            retval = PI_PyEval_EvalCode(code, main_dict, main_dict);

            /* If retval is NULL, an error occured. Otherwise, it is a Python object.
             * (Since we evaluate module-level code, which is not allowed to return an
             * object, the Python object returned is always None.) */
            if (!retval) {
                /* If the error was SystemExit, PyErr_Print calls exit() without
                 * returning. So don't print "Failed to execute" on SystemExit. */
                FATALERROR("Failed to execute script %s\n", ptoc->name);
                return -1;

        ptoc = pyi_arch_increment_toc_ptr(status, ptoc);
    return 0;