int is_partitions_metric(pmID full_pmid) { int i; static pmID *p = NULL; __pmID_int *idp = (__pmID_int *)&(full_pmid); pmID pmid = PMDA_PMID(idp->cluster, idp->item); int n = sizeof(disk_metric_table) / sizeof(disk_metric_table[0]); if (p && *p == PMDA_PMID(idp->cluster, idp->item)) return 1; for (p = disk_metric_table, i=0; i < n; i++, p++) { if (*p == pmid) return 1; } return 0; }
void ids(void) { printf("PMDA_PMID: 0,0 = %d\n", PMDA_PMID(0,0)); printf("PMDA_PMID: 1,1 = %d\n", PMDA_PMID(1,1)); printf("PMDA_PMID: 27,13 = %d\n", PMDA_PMID(27,13)); printf("PMDA_PMID: %d,0 = %d\n", MAXINT, PMDA_PMID(MAXINT,0)); printf("PMDA_PMID: 0,%d = %d\n", MAXINT, PMDA_PMID(0,MAXINT)); printf("PMDA_PMID: %d,%d = %d\n", MAXINT,MAXINT, PMDA_PMID(MAXINT,MAXINT)); }
}; int methodtab_sz = sizeof(methodtab) / sizeof(methodtab[0]); #define CPU_OFF(field) ((int)&((perfstat_cpu_t *)0)->field) #define CPU_TOTAL_OFF(field) ((int)&((perfstat_cpu_total_t *)0)->field) #define DISK_OFF(field) ((int)&((perfstat_disk_t *)0)->field) #define DISK_TOTAL_OFF(field) ((int)&((perfstat_disk_total_t *)0)->field) #define NETIF_OFF(field) ((int)&((perfstat_netinterface_t *)0)->field) /* * all metrics supported in this PMDA - one table entry for each metric */ metricdesc_t metricdesc[] = { /* kernel.all.cpu.idle */ { { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_MSEC, 0) }, M_CPU_TOTAL, CPU_TOTAL_OFF(idle) }, /* kernel.all.cpu.user */ { { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_MSEC, 0) }, M_CPU_TOTAL, CPU_TOTAL_OFF(user) }, /* kernel.all.cpu.sys */ { { PMDA_PMID(0,2), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_MSEC, 0) }, M_CPU_TOTAL, CPU_TOTAL_OFF(sys) }, /* */ { { PMDA_PMID(0,3), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
void logger_init(pmdaInterface *dp, const char *configfile) { size_t size; int i, j, sts, item, numloggers; int numstatics = sizeof(static_metrictab)/sizeof(static_metrictab[0]); int numdynamics = sizeof(dynamic_metrictab)/sizeof(dynamic_metrictab[0]); pmdaMetric *pmetric; char name[MAXPATHLEN * 2]; dynamic_metric_info_t *pinfo; __pmSetProcessIdentity(username); /* Read and parse config file. */ if ((numloggers = event_config(configfile)) < 0) return; /* Create the dynamic metric info table based on the logfile table */ size = sizeof(struct dynamic_metric_info) * numdynamics * numloggers; if ((dynamic_metric_infotab = malloc(size)) == NULL) { __pmNoMem("logger_init(dynamic)", size, PM_FATAL_ERR); return; } pinfo = dynamic_metric_infotab; for (i = 0; i < numloggers; i++) { for (j = 0; j < numdynamics; j++) { pinfo->handle = i; pinfo->pmid_index = j; pinfo->help_text = dynamic_helptab[j]; pinfo++; } } /* Create the metric table based on the static and dynamic metric tables */ nummetrics = numstatics + (numloggers * numdynamics); size = sizeof(pmdaMetric) * nummetrics; if ((metrictab = malloc(size)) == NULL) { free(dynamic_metric_infotab); __pmNoMem("logger_init(static)", size, PM_FATAL_ERR); return; } memcpy(metrictab, static_metrictab, sizeof(static_metrictab)); pmetric = &metrictab[numstatics]; pinfo = dynamic_metric_infotab; item = numstatics; for (i = 0; i < numloggers; i++) { memcpy(pmetric, dynamic_metrictab, sizeof(dynamic_metrictab)); for (j = 0; j < numdynamics; j++) { pmetric[j].m_desc.pmid = PMDA_PMID(0, item++); pmetric[j].m_user = pinfo++; } pmetric += numdynamics; } if (dp->status != 0) return; dp->version.four.fetch = logger_fetch; dp-> = logger_store; dp->version.four.profile = logger_profile; dp->version.four.pmid = logger_pmid; dp-> = logger_name; dp->version.four.children = logger_children; dp->version.four.text = logger_text; pmdaSetFetchCallBack(dp, logger_fetchCallBack); pmdaSetEndContextCallBack(dp, logger_end_contextCallBack); pmdaInit(dp, NULL, 0, metrictab, nummetrics); /* Create the dynamic PMNS tree and populate it. */ if ((sts = __pmNewPMNS(&pmns)) < 0) { __pmNotifyErr(LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to create new pmns: %s\n", pmProgname, pmErrStr(sts)); pmns = NULL; return; } pmetric = &metrictab[numstatics]; for (i = 0; i < numloggers; i++) { const char *id = event_pmnsname(i); for (j = 0; j < numdynamics; j++) { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "logger.perfile.%s.%s", id, dynamic_nametab[j]); __pmAddPMNSNode(pmns, pmetric[j].m_desc.pmid, name); } pmetric += numdynamics; } /* for reverse (pmid->name) lookups */ pmdaTreeRebuildHash(pmns, (numloggers * numdynamics)); /* initialise the event and client tracking code */ event_init(metrictab[2].m_desc.pmid); }
/* perfile.{LOGFILE}.size */ "The current size of this logfile.", /* perfile.{LOGFILE}.path */ "The path for this logfile.", /* perfile.{LOGFILE}.numclients */ "The number of attached clients for this logfile.", /* perfile.{LOGFILE}.records */ "Event records for this logfile.", /* perfile.{LOGFILE}.queuemem */ "Amount of memory used for event data.", }; static pmdaMetric static_metrictab[] = { /* numclients */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* numlogfiles */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* param_string */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,2), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* perfile.maxmem */ { NULL, /* m_user gets filled in later */ { PMDA_PMID(0,3), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0) }, }, };
CLUSTER_HINV, /* 4 = hardware inventory */ CLUSTER_FILESYS, /* 5 = mounted filesystems */ CLUSTER_CPULOAD, /* 6 = number of ticks in state */ CLUSTER_DISK, /* 7 = disk device statistics */ CLUSTER_CPU, /* 8 = per-cpu statistics */ CLUSTER_UPTIME, /* 9 = system uptime in seconds */ CLUSTER_NETWORK, /* 10 = networking statistics */ CLUSTER_NFS, /* 11 = nfs filesystem statistics */ NUM_CLUSTERS /* total number of clusters */ }; static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* hinv.pagesize */ { &mach_page_size, { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_INIT,0), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0) }, }, /* kernel.all.hz */ { &mach_hertz, { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_INIT,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,-1,1,0,PM_TIME_SEC,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* hinv.physmem */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_VMSTAT,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0) }, }, /* mem.physmem */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_VMSTAT,3), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_KBYTE,0,0) }, }, /* mem.freemem */
{ CLUSTER_KERNEL_FORWARD_WMI, 0, EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_FORWARD_WMI, "kernel.forward_wmi" }, { CLUSTER_KERNEL_ENABLE_RESERVE, 0, EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLE_RESERVE, "kernel.enable_reserve" }, { CLUSTER_SQLSERVER_RPC_STARTING, 0, 0, "sqlserver.rpc.starting" }, { CLUSTER_SQLSERVER_BATCH_STARTING, 0, 0, "sqlserver.sql.batch_starting" }, }; static int numqueues = sizeof(etwevents)/sizeof(etw_event_t); #endif static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* etw.kernel.process.start.count */ { &eventtab[EVENT_PROCESS_START], { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_KERNEL_PROCESS,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* etw.kernel.process.start.records */ { &eventtab[EVENT_PROCESS_START], { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_KERNEL_PROCESS,1), PM_TYPE_EVENT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* etw.kernel.process.start.numclients */ { &eventtab[EVENT_PROCESS_START], { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_KERNEL_PROCESS,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* etw.kernel.process.start.queuemem */ { &eventtab[EVENT_PROCESS_START], { PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_KERNEL_PROCESS,3), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0) }, }, /* etw.kernel.process.start.params.activityid */ { &eventtab[EVENT_PROCESS_START],
* and could be extended to implement a much more complex PMDA. * * Metrics * generic.systack - Trigger to collect kernel/app stacks using perf and display via flamegraph. * generic.jstack - Trigger to process java stacks using jstack and display via flamegraph. * generic.heatmap - Trigger to collect block layer latency using perf and display via heatmap. */ /* * all metrics supported in this PMDA - one table entry for each */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* systack */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_SEC, 0) } }, /* jstack */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_SEC, 0) } }, /* heatmap */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,3), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_SEC, 0) } }, }; //static char *username = "******"; static char *username; static char mypath[MAXPATHLEN]; static int isDSO = 1; /* ==0 if I am a daemon */
} /* * success */ if (fp) fclose(fp); return 0; } /* * This table must always match the definitions in root_linux * and metrictab[] in pmda.c */ static pmID disk_metric_table[] = { /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,4), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,5), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,28), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,6), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,7), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,36), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,38), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,39), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,40), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,49), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,50), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,46), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,47), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,59), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,72), /* */ PMDA_PMID(CLUSTER_STAT,73),
#define INDOM_2 8 { INDOM_2, 0, (pmdaInstid *)0 } }; #ifndef BUG_3 /* * all metrics supported in this PMDA - one table entry for each */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* */ { (void *)0, { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, { 0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_SEC, 0 } }, }, /* valid.two */ { (void *)0, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U32, INDOM_0, PM_SEM_INSTANT, { 0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_SEC, 0 } }, }, /* bad.type */ { (void *)0, { PMDA_PMID(0,5), PM_TYPE_NOSUPPORT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }, }, /* valid.three */ { (void *)0, { PMDA_PMID(0,7), PM_TYPE_U32, INDOM_1, PM_SEM_INSTANT, { 0, 1, 0, 0, PM_TIME_SEC, 0 } }, }, /* no.fetch */ { (void *)0,
/* Track per-context PCP_ATTR_USERID | _GROUPID, so we can filter event records for that context. */ static int uid_gid_filter_p = 1; struct uid_gid_tuple { char wildcard_p; /* do not filter for this context. */ char uid_p; char gid_p; /* uid/gid received flags. */ int uid; int gid; }; /* uid/gid received from PCP_ATTR_* */ static struct uid_gid_tuple *ctxtab = NULL; int ctxtab_size = 0; static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* numclients */ #define METRICTAB_NUMCLIENTS_PMID metrictab[0].m_desc.pmid { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* maxmem */ #define METRICTAB_MAXMEM_PMID metrictab[1].m_desc.pmid { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0) }, }, /* journal.field.cursor */ #define METRICTAB_JOURNAL_CURSOR_PMID metrictab[2].m_desc.pmid { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(1,0), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* journal.field.string */ #define METRICTAB_JOURNAL_STRING_PMID metrictab[3].m_desc.pmid { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(1,1), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
* * cluster map * CL_SYSCTL simple sysctl() metrics, either one metric per mib, or * one struct per mib * CL_SPECIAL trickier sysctl() metrics involving synthesis or arithmetic * or other methods * CL_DISK disk metrics * CL_CPUTIME percpu cpu time metrics * CL_NETIF network interface metrics * CL_FILESYS filesys metrics * CL_VM_UVMEXP vm stats */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { { (void *)"hinv.ncpu", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) } }, { (void *)"hinv.physmem", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,1), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0) } }, { NULL, /* kernel.all.load */ { PMDA_PMID(CL_SPECIAL,2), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, LOADAV_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) } }, { (void *)"kernel.all.cpu.user", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,3), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0) } }, { (void *)"kernel.all.cpu.nice", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,4), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0) } }, { (void *)"kernel.all.cpu.sys", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,5), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
* a pointer to the corresponding entry in mib[] (based on matching, * or prefix matching (see matchname()) the PCP name here with * m_pcpname[] in the mib[] entries. * * cluster map * CL_SYSCTL simple sysctl() metrics, either one metric per mib, or * one struct per mib * CL_SPECIAL trickier sysctl() metrics involving synthesis or arithmetic * or other methods * CL_DISK disk metrics * CL_NETIF network interface metrics */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { { (void *)"hinv.ncpu", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) } }, { (void *)"hinv.physmem", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,1), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0) } }, { (void *)"kernel.all.load", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,2), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, LOADAV_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) } }, { (void *)"kernel.all.cpu.user", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,3), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0) } }, { (void *)"kernel.all.cpu.nice", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,4), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0) } }, { (void *)"kernel.all.cpu.sys", { PMDA_PMID(CL_SYSCTL,5), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
#define MOUNT_FILE "/etc/vfstab" #else #define MOUNT_FILE "/proc/mounts" #endif static pmdaInstid *mounts; static pmdaIndom indomtab[] = { #define MOUNTS_INDOM 0 { MOUNTS_INDOM, 0, NULL } }; static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* mounts.device */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_STRING, MOUNTS_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* mounts.type */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_STRING, MOUNTS_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* mounts.options */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,2), PM_TYPE_STRING, MOUNTS_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* mounts.up */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,3), PM_TYPE_DOUBLE, MOUNTS_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, };
MOUNTS_FLAG_STAT = 0x4, }; static pmdaInstid *mounts; static pmdaIndom indomtab[] = { { MOUNTS_INDOM, 0, NULL } }; /* * all metrics supported in this PMDA - one table entry for each */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { { NULL, /* mounts.device */ { PMDA_PMID(MOUNTS_CLUSTER, MOUNTS_DEVICE), PM_TYPE_STRING, MOUNTS_INDOM, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, { NULL, /* mounts.type */ { PMDA_PMID(MOUNTS_CLUSTER, MOUNTS_TYPE), PM_TYPE_STRING, MOUNTS_INDOM, PM_SEM_DISCRETE, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, { NULL, /* mounts.options */ { PMDA_PMID(MOUNTS_CLUSTER, MOUNTS_OPTIONS), PM_TYPE_STRING, MOUNTS_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) },
* statistics for export via PCP. The ctdbd Unix domain socket path can be * specified with the CTDB_SOCKET environment variable, otherwise the default * path is used. */ /* * All metrics supported in this PMDA - one table entry for each. * The 4th field specifies the serial number of the instance domain * for the metric, and must be either PM_INDOM_NULL (denoting a * metric that only ever has a single value), or the serial number * of one of the instance domains declared in the instance domain table * (i.e. in indomtab, above). */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* num_clients */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* frozen */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* recovering */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,0,0,0,0) }, }, /* client_packets_sent */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,3), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* client_packets_recv */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,4), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* node_packets_sent */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,5), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
#include <pcp/impl.h> #include <pcp/pmda.h> #include "events.h" static int nfetch; static int xnfetch; static int myarray[2]; static int nhrfetch; static int xnhrfetch; static int hrarray[2]; /* event parameters */ static pmValueBlock *aggr; static char aggrval[] = { '\01', '\03', '\07', '\017', '\037', '\077', '\177', '\377' }; static pmID pmid_type = PMDA_PMID(0,127); /* event.type */ static pmID pmid_32 = PMDA_PMID(0,128); /* event.param_32 */ static pmID pmid_u32 = PMDA_PMID(0,129); /* event.param_u32 */ static pmID pmid_64 = PMDA_PMID(0,130); /* event.param_64 */ static pmID pmid_u64 = PMDA_PMID(0,131); /* event.param_u64 */ static pmID pmid_float = PMDA_PMID(0,132); /* event.param_float */ static pmID pmid_double = PMDA_PMID(0,133); /* event.param_double */ static pmID pmid_string = PMDA_PMID(0,134); /* event.param_string */ static pmID pmid_aggregate = PMDA_PMID(0,135); /* event.param_aggregate */ void init_events(int domain) { int i, sts; /*
int sample_fetch_events(pmValueBlock **vbpp, int inst) { int c; int sts; int flags; struct timeval stamp; pmAtomValue atom; if (nfetch >= 0) c = nfetch % 4; else /* one of the error injection cases */ c = nfetch; if (inst == PM_IN_NULL || inst > 1 || inst < 0) inst = 1; pmdaEventResetArray(myarray[inst]); gettimeofday(&stamp, NULL); if (inst == 0) { /* original instance ... */ /* rebase event records 10 secs in past, add 1 sec for each new record */ stamp.tv_sec -= 10; switch (c) { case 0: /* * 1st fetch * No events */ break; case 1: /* * 2nd fetch * 1 event with NO parameters */ flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_POINT; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; break; case 2: /* * 3rd fetch * 1 event with one U32 parameter * 1 event with 2 parameters(U32 and 64 types) */ flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_POINT; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; atom.ul = 1; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_type, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; atom.ul = 2; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_type, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.ll = -3; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_64, PM_TYPE_64, &atom)) < 0) return sts; break; case 3: /* * 4th fetch * 1 event start with 3 parameters (U32, U64 and STRING types) * 1 event with 3 parameters (U32 and 2 DOUBLE types) * 1 event end with 6 (U32, U64, STRING, STRING, 32 and U32 types) * 7 "missed" events * 1 event with 3 parameters (U32, FLOAT and AGGREGATE types) */ flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_START|PM_EVENT_FLAG_ID|PM_EVENT_FLAG_PARENT; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; atom.ul = 4; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_type, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.ull = 5; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_u64, PM_TYPE_U64, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.cp = "6"; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_string, PM_TYPE_STRING, &atom)) < 0) return sts; flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_POINT; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; atom.ul = 7; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_type, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.d = 8; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_double, PM_TYPE_DOUBLE, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.d = -9; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_double, PM_TYPE_DOUBLE, &atom)) < 0) return sts; flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_END; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; atom.ul = 10; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_type, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.ull = 11; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_u64, PM_TYPE_U64, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.cp = "twelve"; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_string, PM_TYPE_STRING, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.cp = "thirteen"; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_string, PM_TYPE_STRING, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.l = -14; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_32, PM_TYPE_32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.ul = 15; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_u32, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; /* "missed" 7 records */ if ((sts = pmdaEventAddMissedRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, 7)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_POINT; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; atom.ul = 16; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_type, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.f = -17; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_float, PM_TYPE_FLOAT, &atom)) < 0) return sts; atom.vbp = aggr; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_aggregate, PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE, &atom)) < 0) return sts; break; case -1: /* error injection */ flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_POINT; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; stamp.tv_sec++; atom.ul = c; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_type, PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; /* pmid that is not in PMNS and not known to the PMDA */ if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], PMDA_PMID(100,200), PM_TYPE_U32, &atom)) < 0) return sts; break; } nfetch++; } else { /* * new, boring instance ..., either instance ["bogus"] for * or singular instance for * */ static char hrecord1[20]; static char hrecord2[] = "bingo!"; flags = PM_EVENT_FLAG_POINT; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; snprintf(hrecord1, sizeof(hrecord1), "fetch #%d", xnfetch); atom.cp = hrecord1; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_string, PM_TYPE_STRING, &atom)) < 0) return sts; if ((xnfetch % 3) == 0) { if ((sts = pmdaEventAddRecord(myarray[inst], &stamp, flags)) < 0) return sts; atom.cp = hrecord2; if ((sts = pmdaEventAddParam(myarray[inst], pmid_string, PM_TYPE_STRING, &atom)) < 0) return sts; } xnfetch++; } *vbpp = (pmValueBlock *)pmdaEventGetAddr(myarray[inst]); return 0; }
/* * list of instance domains */ static pmdaIndom indomtab[] = { #define DELAY_INDOM 0 { DELAY_INDOM, 0, NULL }, }; /* * all metrics supported in this PMDA - one table entry for each */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* length */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, /* deferred */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U32, DELAY_INDOM, PM_SEM_INSTANT, PMDA_PMUNITS(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE) }, }, }; static int mailq_histogram(char *option) { struct timeval tv; char *errmsg; char *q; int sts;