poatest poatest_run (PortableServer_POA rootpoa, PortableServer_POAManager rootpoa_mgr) { CORBA_Environment ev; poatest poatest_obj; PortableServer_ObjectId *objid; CORBA_exception_init (&ev); /* * Initialise the servant. */ POA_poatest__init (&poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POA_poatest__init : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Imlicitly activate the Object. * See sections 11.2.7 and */ objid = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_id (rootpoa, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("servant_to_id : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Get reference for activated object */ poatest_obj = PortableServer_POA_id_to_reference (rootpoa, objid, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("id_to_reference : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_free ( objid ); /* * Activate the POAManager. POA will now accept requests */ PortableServer_POAManager_activate (rootpoa_mgr, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POAManager_activate : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } return poatest_obj; }
poatest poatest_run (PortableServer_POA rootpoa, PortableServer_POAManager rootpoa_mgr) { CORBA_Environment ev; poatest poatest_obj1, poatest_obj2; CORBA_PolicyList *poa_policies; CORBA_exception_init( &ev ); /* * Create child POA with MULTIPLE_ID Object Id Uniqueness policy and * IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION Implicit Activation policy. */ poa_policies = CORBA_PolicyList__alloc (); poa_policies->_maximum = 2; poa_policies->_length = 2; poa_policies->_buffer = CORBA_PolicyList_allocbuf (2); CORBA_sequence_set_release (poa_policies, CORBA_TRUE); poa_policies->_buffer[0] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_id_uniqueness_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_MULTIPLE_ID, &ev); poa_policies->_buffer[1] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_implicit_activation_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION, &ev); child_poa = PortableServer_POA_create_POA (rootpoa, "Multiple Id POA", rootpoa_mgr, poa_policies, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("create_POA : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[0], &ev); CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[1], &ev); CORBA_free (poa_policies); /* * Initialise the servant. */ POA_poatest__init (&poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POA_poatest__init : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Implicitly activate two objects. */ poatest_obj1 = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference (child_poa, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("servant_to_reference : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_Object_release (poatest_obj1, &ev); poatest_obj2 = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference (child_poa, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("servant_to_reference : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Activate the POAManager. POA will now accept requests */ PortableServer_POAManager_activate (rootpoa_mgr, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POAManager_activate : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } return poatest_obj2; }
poatest poatest_run (PortableServer_POA rootpoa, PortableServer_POAManager rootpoa_mgr) { CORBA_Environment ev; poatest poatest_obj; CORBA_PolicyList *poa_policies; PortableServer_ObjectId *objid; CORBA_exception_init (&ev); /* * Create child POA with USER_ID Id Assignment and PERSISTENT lifespan policy. */ poa_policies = CORBA_PolicyList__alloc (); poa_policies->_maximum = 2; poa_policies->_length = 2; poa_policies->_buffer = CORBA_PolicyList_allocbuf (2); CORBA_sequence_set_release (poa_policies, CORBA_TRUE); poa_policies->_buffer[0] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_id_assignment_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_USER_ID, &ev); poa_policies->_buffer[1] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_lifespan_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_PERSISTENT, &ev); child_poa = PortableServer_POA_create_POA (rootpoa, "User Id and Persistent POA", rootpoa_mgr, poa_policies, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("create_POA : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Initialise the servant. */ POA_poatest__init (&poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POA_poatest__init : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Set up the ObjectId. */ objid = PortableServer_string_to_ObjectId ("Test Id", &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("string_to_ObjectId : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Activate object with user assigned Id. */ PortableServer_POA_activate_object_with_id (child_poa, objid, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("activate_object_with_id : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Get reference for object. */ poatest_obj = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference (child_poa, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("servant_to_reference : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Deactivate object and destroy POA */ PortableServer_POA_deactivate_object(child_poa, objid, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("deactivate_object : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } PortableServer_POA_destroy (child_poa, CORBA_FALSE, CORBA_FALSE, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POA_destroy : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Re-create POA and re-activate the object. */ child_poa = PortableServer_POA_create_POA (rootpoa, "User Id and Persistent POA", rootpoa_mgr, poa_policies, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("create_POA : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } PortableServer_POA_activate_object_with_id (child_poa, objid, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("activate_object_with_id : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Reference should still be valid. */ CORBA_free (objid); CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[0], &ev); CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[1], &ev); CORBA_free (poa_policies); /* * Activate the POAManager. POA will now accept requests */ PortableServer_POAManager_activate( rootpoa_mgr, &ev ); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POAManager_activate : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } return poatest_obj; }
poatest poatest_run (PortableServer_POA rootpoa, PortableServer_POAManager rootpoa_mgr) { CORBA_Environment ev; poatest poatest_obj; CORBA_PolicyList *poa_policies; PortableServer_ObjectId *objid; CORBA_exception_init (&ev); /* * Create child POA with USER_ID Id Assignment policy. */ poa_policies = CORBA_PolicyList__alloc (); poa_policies->_maximum = 1; poa_policies->_length = 1; poa_policies->_buffer = CORBA_PolicyList_allocbuf (1); CORBA_sequence_set_release (poa_policies, CORBA_TRUE); poa_policies->_buffer[0] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_id_assignment_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_USER_ID, &ev); child_poa = PortableServer_POA_create_POA (rootpoa, "User Id POA", rootpoa_mgr, poa_policies, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("create_POA : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[0], &ev); CORBA_free (poa_policies); /* * Initialise the servant. */ POA_poatest__init (&poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POA_poatest__init : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Set up the ObjectId. */ objid = PortableServer_string_to_ObjectId ("Test Id", &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("string_to_ObjectId : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Activate object with user assigned Id. */ PortableServer_POA_activate_object_with_id (child_poa, objid, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("activate_object_with_id : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_free (objid); poatest_obj = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference (child_poa, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("servant_to_reference : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Activate the POAManager. POA will now accept requests */ PortableServer_POAManager_activate (rootpoa_mgr, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POAManager_activate : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } return poatest_obj; }
poatest poatest_run (PortableServer_POA rootpoa, PortableServer_POAManager rootpoa_mgr ) { CORBA_Environment ev; poatest poatest_obj; CORBA_PolicyList *poa_policies; PortableServer_ObjectId *objid; CORBA_exception_init (&ev); /* * Create child POA with RETAIN servant retention policy, USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT * request processing policy and MULTIPLE_ID id uniqueness policy. */ poa_policies = CORBA_PolicyList__alloc (); poa_policies->_maximum = 3; poa_policies->_length = 3; poa_policies->_buffer = CORBA_PolicyList_allocbuf (3); CORBA_sequence_set_release (poa_policies, CORBA_TRUE); poa_policies->_buffer[0] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_id_uniqueness_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_MULTIPLE_ID, &ev); poa_policies->_buffer[1] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_request_processing_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT, &ev); poa_policies->_buffer[2] = (CORBA_Policy) PortableServer_POA_create_servant_retention_policy ( rootpoa, PortableServer_RETAIN, &ev); child_poa = PortableServer_POA_create_POA (rootpoa, "Default Servant POA", rootpoa_mgr, poa_policies, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("create_POA : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[0], &ev); CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[1], &ev); CORBA_Policy_destroy (poa_policies->_buffer[2], &ev); CORBA_free (poa_policies); /* * Initialise the servant. */ POA_poatest__init (&poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POA_poatest__init : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Register the default servant. */ PortableServer_POA_set_servant (child_poa, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("set_servant : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Activate an object. */ objid = PortableServer_POA_activate_object (child_poa, &poatest_servant, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("activate_object : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_free (objid); /* * Create a reference for an inactive object. */ poatest_obj = PortableServer_POA_create_reference (child_poa, "IDL:poatest:1.0", &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("create_reference : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } /* * Activate the POAManager. POA will now accept requests */ PortableServer_POAManager_activate (rootpoa_mgr, &ev); if (POATEST_EX (&ev)) { POATEST_PRINT_EX ("POAManager_activate : ", &ev); return CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } return poatest_obj; }