コード例 #1
ファイル: ios.cpp プロジェクト: inetra/peers1
static pair<PODType*, size_t>
_Stl_expand_array(PODType* __array, size_t N, int index) {
  if ((int)N < index + 1) {
    size_t new_N = (max)(2 * N, size_t(index + 1));
    PODType* new_array
      = __STATIC_CAST(PODType*,realloc(__array, new_N * sizeof(PODType)));
    if (new_array) {
      fill(new_array + N, new_array + new_N, PODType());
      return pair<PODType*, size_t>(new_array, new_N);
      return pair<PODType*, size_t>(__STATIC_CAST(PODType*,0), 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: alxbl/DebugDiag.Native
// ------------- Initialize the fixture and crash. -------------
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Fixture f;

    // Vector with objects
    f.objVector.push_back(PODType(2, 2, 2));
    f.objVector.push_back(PODType(3, 3, 3));

    /// Vector with pointers
    f.ptrVector.push_back(new PODType(1, 1, 1));
    f.ptrVector.push_back(new PODType(2, 2, 2));
    f.ptrVector.push_back(new PODType(3, 3, 3));

    // Map with primitives
    f.primitiveMap[1] = 2;
    f.primitiveMap[2] = 4;
    f.primitiveMap[3] = 6;
    f.primitiveMap[4] = 8;

    // Set with primitives

    // List with objects
    f.list.push_back(PODType(1, 2, 3));
    f.list.push_back(PODType(4, 5, 6));
    f.list.push_back(PODType(7, 8, 9));

    char* str = "A new string is born, it may be long, it may be short, \r\nit may never stop. It has nothing to do with theory, everything is in the empirical truth.";
    wchar_t* strw = L"A longeru stringu.\r\nThis one is wide.";
    char super[80] = "This is also a\r\n super string";
    wchar_t duper[80] = L"Super\r\nduper";
    std::string strstr = "An std::string. This one is wide or not,\r\nit depends on the build?";
    std::string shstr = "Yo\\\r\n"; // With an escaped backslash.
    std::wstring strwstr = L"Definitely long.\r\nstandard library too.";

    int* crash = nullptr;
    *crash = 42;