コード例 #1
ファイル: cmap_plugin.cpp プロジェクト: vstancl/srs_public
 * @brief Remove all boxes from cubical volume - service callback function
 * @param req Request
 * @param res Response
bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::addBoxCallback( srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Request & req, srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Response & res )
	// Test frame id
	if (req.frame_id != m_cmapFrameId)
		// Transform size
		geometry_msgs::PointStamped vs, vsout;
		vs.header.frame_id = req.frame_id;
		vs.header.stamp = m_mapTime;
		POINT_ADD( vs.point, req.size, req.pose.position );
		m_tfListener.transformPoint(m_cmapFrameId, vs, vsout);

		// Transform pose
		geometry_msgs::PoseStamped ps, psout;
		ps.header.frame_id = req.frame_id;
		ps.header.stamp = m_mapTime;
		ps.pose = req.pose;

		m_tfListener.transformPose(m_cmapFrameId, ps, psout);
		req.pose = psout.pose;

		// Finalize size transform
		POINT_SUB(req.size, vsout.point, psout.pose.position);
		POINT_ABS(req.size, req.size);


	tBoxPoint center, size;

	// Convert point type
	center.x = req.pose.position.x; center.y = req.pose.position.y; center.z = req.pose.position.z;
	size.x = req.size.x; size.y = req.size.y; size.z = req.size.z;

	// Add box
//	std::cerr << "Adding box. " << m_data->boxes.size() << " -> ";
	addBox( center, size, m_data->boxes );
//	std::cerr << m_data->boxes.size() << std::endl;


	return true;
コード例 #2
/* returns a slice  with the appropriate data from the data_set */
AmitkDataSet * amitk_data_set_DOUBLE_0D_SCALING_get_slice(AmitkDataSet * data_set,
											      const amide_time_t start_time,
											      const amide_time_t duration,
											      const amide_intpoint_t gate,
											      const AmitkCanvasPoint pixel_size,
											      const AmitkVolume * slice_volume) {

  /* zp_start, where on the zp axis to start the slice, zp (z_prime) corresponds
     to the rotated axises, if negative, choose the midpoint */

  AmitkDataSet * slice = NULL;
  AmitkVoxel i_voxel;
  amide_intpoint_t z;
  amide_real_t max_diff, voxel_length, z_steps;
  AmitkPoint alt;
  AmitkPoint stride[AMITK_AXIS_NUM], last[AMITK_AXIS_NUM];
  AmitkAxis i_axis;
  guint k, l;
  amide_data_t weight;
  amide_data_t time_weight;
  amide_intpoint_t start_frame, end_frame;
  amide_intpoint_t i_gate;
  amide_time_t end_time;
  AmitkPoint box_point[8];
  AmitkVoxel box_voxel[8];
  AmitkVoxel start, end;
  amide_data_t box_value[8];
  AmitkPoint slice_point, ds_point,start_point,diff, nearest_point;
  AmitkSpace * slice_space;
  AmitkSpace * data_set_space;
  gchar * temp_string;
  AmitkPoint center_point;
  AmitkVoxel ds_voxel;
  amide_data_t weight1, weight2;
  amide_data_t * weights=NULL;
  amide_data_t * intermediate_data=NULL;
  AmitkCorners intersection_corners;
  AmitkVoxel dim;
  gint num_gates;
  gboolean empties=FALSE;

  /* ----- figure out what frames of this data set to include ----*/
  end_time = start_time+duration;
  start_frame = amitk_data_set_get_frame(data_set, start_time+EPSILON);
  end_frame = amitk_data_set_get_frame(data_set, end_time-EPSILON);

  /* the number of gates we'll be looking at */
  if (gate < 0)
    num_gates = AMITK_DATA_SET_NUM_VIEW_GATES(data_set);
    num_gates = 1;

  /* ------------------------- */

  dim.x = ceil(fabs(AMITK_VOLUME_X_CORNER(slice_volume))/pixel_size.x);
  dim.y = ceil(fabs(AMITK_VOLUME_Y_CORNER(slice_volume))/pixel_size.y);
  dim.z = dim.g = dim.t = 1;

  /* if we need it, get the weighting matrix */
  if (data_set->rendering == AMITK_RENDERING_MPR) {
    if ((weights = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(amide_data_t)*dim.x*dim.y)) == NULL) {
      g_warning(_("couldn't allocate memory space for the weights, wanted %dx%d elements"), dim.x, dim.y);
      goto error;

  /* get an intermediate data matrix to speed things up */
  if ((intermediate_data = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(amide_data_t)*dim.x*dim.y)) == NULL) {
    g_warning(_("couldn't allocate memory space for the intermediate_data, wanted %dx%d elements"), dim.x, dim.y);
    goto error;

  /* get the return slice */
  slice = amitk_data_set_new_with_data(NULL, AMITK_DATA_SET_MODALITY(data_set), 
  if (slice == NULL) {
    g_warning(_("couldn't allocate memory space for the slice, wanted %dx%dx%d elements"), 
	      dim.x, dim.y, dim.z);
    goto error;

  slice->slice_parent = data_set;
			    (gpointer *) &(slice->slice_parent));
  slice->voxel_size.x = pixel_size.x;
  slice->voxel_size.y = pixel_size.y;
  slice->voxel_size.z = AMITK_VOLUME_Z_CORNER(slice_volume);
  amitk_space_copy_in_place(AMITK_SPACE(slice), AMITK_SPACE(slice_volume));
  slice->scan_start = start_time;
  slice->thresholding = data_set->thresholding;
  slice->interpolation = AMITK_DATA_SET_INTERPOLATION(data_set);
  slice->rendering = AMITK_DATA_SET_RENDERING(data_set);
  if (gate < 0) {
    slice->view_start_gate = AMITK_DATA_SET_VIEW_START_GATE(data_set);
    slice->view_end_gate = AMITK_DATA_SET_VIEW_END_GATE(data_set);
  } else {
    slice->view_start_gate = gate;
    slice->view_end_gate = gate;

  amitk_data_set_set_frame_duration(slice, 0, duration);

  center_point = amitk_volume_get_center(slice_volume);
  temp_string =  
    g_strdup_printf("slice from data_set %s: @ x %5.3f y %5.3f z %5.3f", AMITK_OBJECT_NAME(data_set), 
		    center_point.x, center_point.y, center_point.z);
    AmitkCorners real_corner;
    /* convert to real space */
    real_corner[0] = AMITK_SPACE_OFFSET(slice);
    real_corner[1] = amitk_space_s2b(AMITK_SPACE(slice), AMITK_VOLUME_CORNER(slice));
    g_print("new slice from data_set %s\t---------------------\n",AMITK_OBJECT_NAME(data_set));
    g_print("\tdim\t\tx %d\t\ty %d\t\tz %d\n",
    	    dim.x, dim.y, dim.z);
    g_print("\treal corner[0]\tx %5.4f\ty %5.4f\tz %5.4f\n",
    g_print("\treal corner[1]\tx %5.4f\ty %5.4f\tz %5.4f\n",
    g_print("\tdata set\t\tstart\t%5.4f\tend\t%5.3f\tframes %d to %d\n",
    	    start_time, end_time,start_frame,end_frame);

  /* get direct pointers to the slice's and data set's spaces for efficiency */
  slice_space = AMITK_SPACE(slice);
  data_set_space = AMITK_SPACE(data_set);

  /* voxel_length is the length of a voxel given the coordinate frame of the slice.
     this is used to figure out how many iterations in the z direction we need to do */
  alt.x = alt.y = 0.0;
  alt.z = 1.0;
  alt = amitk_space_s2s_dim(slice_space, data_set_space, alt);
  alt = point_mult(alt, data_set->voxel_size);
  voxel_length = POINT_MAGNITUDE(alt);
  z_steps = slice->voxel_size.z/voxel_length; /* non-integer */

  /* figure out the intersection bounds between the data set and the requested slice volume */
  if (amitk_volume_volume_intersection_corners(slice_volume, 
					       intersection_corners)) {
    /* translate the intersection into voxel space */
    POINT_TO_VOXEL(intersection_corners[0], slice->voxel_size, 0, 0, start);
    POINT_TO_VOXEL(intersection_corners[1], slice->voxel_size, 0, 0, end);
  } else { /* no intersection */
    start = zero_voxel;
    end = zero_voxel;

  /* make sure we only iterate over the slice we've already malloc'ed */
  if (start.x < 0) start.x = 0;
  if (start.y < 0) start.y = 0;
  if (end.x >= dim.x) end.x = dim.x-1;
  if (end.y >= dim.y) end.y = dim.y-1;

  /* iterate over those voxels that we won't be covering, and mark them as NAN */
  i_voxel.t = i_voxel.g = i_voxel.z = 0;
  for (i_voxel.y = 0; i_voxel.y < start.y; i_voxel.y++) 
    for (i_voxel.x = 0; i_voxel.x < dim.x; i_voxel.x++) 
      AMITK_RAW_DATA_DOUBLE_SET_CONTENT(slice->raw_data,i_voxel) = NAN;
  for (i_voxel.y = end.y+1; i_voxel.y < dim.y; i_voxel.y++) 
    for (i_voxel.x = 0; i_voxel.x < dim.x; i_voxel.x++) 
      AMITK_RAW_DATA_DOUBLE_SET_CONTENT(slice->raw_data,i_voxel) = NAN;
  for (i_voxel.x = 0; i_voxel.x < start.x; i_voxel.x++) 
    for (i_voxel.y = 0; i_voxel.y < dim.y; i_voxel.y++) 
      AMITK_RAW_DATA_DOUBLE_SET_CONTENT(slice->raw_data,i_voxel) = NAN;
  for (i_voxel.x = end.x+1; i_voxel.x < dim.x; i_voxel.x++) 
    for (i_voxel.y = 0; i_voxel.y < dim.y; i_voxel.y++) 
      AMITK_RAW_DATA_DOUBLE_SET_CONTENT(slice->raw_data,i_voxel) = NAN;

  switch(data_set->interpolation) {

    /* iterate over the frames we'll be incorporating into this slice */
    for (ds_voxel.t = start_frame; ds_voxel.t <= end_frame; ds_voxel.t++) {
      /* averaging over more then one frame */
      if (end_frame-start_frame > 0) {
	if (ds_voxel.t == start_frame)
	  time_weight = (amitk_data_set_get_end_time(data_set, start_frame)-start_time)/(duration*num_gates);
	else if (ds_voxel.t == end_frame)
	  time_weight = (end_time-amitk_data_set_get_start_time(data_set, end_frame))/(duration*num_gates);
	  time_weight = amitk_data_set_get_frame_duration(data_set, ds_voxel.t)/(duration*num_gates);
      } else
	time_weight = 1.0/((gdouble) num_gates);
      for (i_gate=0; i_gate < num_gates; i_gate++) {
	if (gate < 0)
	  ds_voxel.g = i_gate+AMITK_DATA_SET_VIEW_START_GATE(data_set);
	  ds_voxel.g = i_gate+gate;
	if (ds_voxel.g >= AMITK_DATA_SET_NUM_GATES(data_set))
	  ds_voxel.g -= AMITK_DATA_SET_NUM_GATES(data_set);

	/* initialize the .t/.g components of box_voxel */
	for (l=0; l<8; l=l+1) {
	  box_voxel[l].t = ds_voxel.t;
	  box_voxel[l].g = ds_voxel.g;

	/* iterate over the number of planes we'll be compressing into this slice */
	for (z = 0; z < ceil(z_steps); z++) {
	  /* the slices z_coordinate for this iteration's slice voxel */
	  if (ceil(z_steps) > 1.0)
	    slice_point.z = (z+0.5)*voxel_length;
	    slice_point.z = (0.5)*slice->voxel_size.z; /* only one iteration in z */
	  /* weight is between 0 and 1, this is used to weight the last voxel in the slice's z direction */
	  if (floor(z_steps) > z)
	    weight = time_weight/z_steps;
	    weight = time_weight*(z_steps-floor(z_steps)) / z_steps;
	  /* iterate over the y dimension */
	  for (i_voxel.y = start.y,k=0; i_voxel.y <= end.y; i_voxel.y++) {
	    /* the slice y_coordinate of the center of this iteration's slice voxel */
	    slice_point.y = (((amide_real_t) i_voxel.y)+0.5)*slice->voxel_size.y;
	    /* the slice x coord of the center of the first slice voxel in this loop */
	    slice_point.x = (((amide_real_t) start.x)+0.5)*slice->voxel_size.x;
	    /* iterate over the x dimension */
	    for (i_voxel.x = start.x; i_voxel.x <= end.x; i_voxel.x++,k++) {
	      /* translate the current point in slice space into the data set's coordinate frame */
	      ds_point = amitk_space_s2s(slice_space, data_set_space, slice_point);
	      /* get the nearest neighbor in the data set to this slice voxel */
	      POINT_TO_VOXEL_COORDS_ONLY(ds_point, data_set->voxel_size, ds_voxel);
	      VOXEL_TO_POINT(ds_voxel, data_set->voxel_size, nearest_point);
	      /* figure out which way to go to get the nearest voxels to our slice voxel*/
	      POINT_SUB(ds_point, nearest_point, diff);
	      /* figure out which voxels to look at */
	      for (l=0; l<8; l=l+1) {
		if (diff.x < 0)
		  box_voxel[l].x = (l & 0x1) ? ds_voxel.x-1 : ds_voxel.x;
		else /* diff.x >= 0 */
		  box_voxel[l].x = (l & 0x1) ? ds_voxel.x : ds_voxel.x+1;
		if (diff.y < 0)
		  box_voxel[l].y = (l & 0x2) ? ds_voxel.y-1 : ds_voxel.y;
		else /* diff.y >= 0 */
		  box_voxel[l].y = (l & 0x2) ? ds_voxel.y : ds_voxel.y+1;
		if (diff.z < 0)
		  box_voxel[l].z = (l & 0x4) ? ds_voxel.z-1 : ds_voxel.z;
		else /* diff.z >= 0 */
		  box_voxel[l].z = (l & 0x4) ? ds_voxel.z : ds_voxel.z+1;
		VOXEL_TO_POINT(box_voxel[l], data_set->voxel_size, box_point[l]);
		/* get the value of the point on the box */
		if (amitk_raw_data_includes_voxel(data_set->raw_data, box_voxel[l]))
		  box_value[l] = AMITK_DATA_SET_DOUBLE_0D_SCALING_CONTENT(data_set, box_voxel[l]);
		else {
		  box_value[l] = NAN;
		  empties = TRUE;
	      if (empties) { /* slow algorithm - checking for empties */
		/* reset value */
		empties = FALSE; 

		/* do the x direction linear interpolation of the sets of two points */
		for (l=0;l<8;l=l+2) {
		  max_diff = box_point[l+1].x-box_point[l].x;
		  weight1 = ((max_diff - (ds_point.x - box_point[l].x))/max_diff);
		  weight2 = ((max_diff - (box_point[l+1].x - ds_point.x))/max_diff);
		  if (isnan(box_value[l])) {
		    if (weight2 >= weight1)
		      box_value[l] = box_value[l+1];
		    /* else box_value[l] left as is (NAN/empty) */
		  } else if (isnan(box_value[l+1])) {
		    if (weight1 < weight2)
		      box_value[l] = NAN;
		    /* else box_value[l] left as is */
		  } else
		    box_value[l] = (box_value[l] * weight1) + (box_value[l+1] * weight2);
		/* do the y direction linear interpolation of the sets of two points */
		for (l=0;l<8;l=l+4) {
		  max_diff = box_point[l+2].y-box_point[l].y;
		  weight1 = ((max_diff - (ds_point.y - box_point[l].y))/max_diff);
		  weight2 = ((max_diff - (box_point[l+2].y - ds_point.y))/max_diff);
		  if (isnan(box_value[l])) {
		    if (weight2 >= weight1)
		      box_value[l] = box_value[l+2];
		    /* else box_value[l] left as is (NAN/empty) */
		  } else if (isnan(box_value[l+2])) {
		    if (weight1 < weight2)
		      box_value[l] = NAN;
		    /* else box_value[l] left as is */
		  } else
		    box_value[l] = (box_value[l] * weight1) + (box_value[l+2] * weight2);
		/* do the z direction linear interpolation of the sets of two points */
		for (l=0;l<8;l=l+8) {
		  max_diff = box_point[l+4].z-box_point[l].z;
		  weight1 = ((max_diff - (ds_point.z - box_point[l].z))/max_diff);
		  weight2 = ((max_diff - (box_point[l+4].z - ds_point.z))/max_diff);
		  if (isnan(box_value[l])) {
		    if (weight2 >= weight1)
		      box_value[l] = box_value[l+4];
		    /* else box_value[l] left as is (NAN/empty) */
		  } else if (isnan(box_value[l+4])) {
		    if (weight1 < weight2)
		      box_value[l] = NAN;
		    /* else box_value[l] left as is */
		  } else
		    box_value[l] = (box_value[l] * weight1) + (box_value[l+4] * weight2);

		/* separate into MPR/MIP/minIP algorithms */
		if (data_set->rendering == AMITK_RENDERING_MPR) { /* MPR */
		  if (!isnan(box_value[0])) {
		    intermediate_data[k] += weight*box_value[0];
		    weights[k] += weight;
		} else { /* MIP or MINIP */
		  if ((z == 0) && (ds_voxel.t == start_frame) && (i_gate == 0)) 
		  else if (data_set->rendering == AMITK_RENDERING_MIP)  /* MIP */
		    intermediate_data[k] = MAX(box_value[0], intermediate_data[k]);
		  else  /* MINIP */
		    intermediate_data[k] = MIN(box_value[0], intermediate_data[k]);

	      } else { /* faster */
		/* do the x direction linear interpolation of the sets of two points */
		for (l=0;l<8;l=l+2) {
		  max_diff = box_point[l+1].x-box_point[l].x;
		  weight1 = ((max_diff - (ds_point.x - box_point[l].x))/max_diff);
		  weight2 = ((max_diff - (box_point[l+1].x - ds_point.x))/max_diff);
		  box_value[l] = (box_value[l] * weight1) + (box_value[l+1] * weight2);
		/* do the y direction linear interpolation of the sets of two points */
		for (l=0;l<8;l=l+4) {
		  max_diff = box_point[l+2].y-box_point[l].y;
		  weight1 = ((max_diff - (ds_point.y - box_point[l].y))/max_diff);
		  weight2 = ((max_diff - (box_point[l+2].y - ds_point.y))/max_diff);
		  box_value[l] = (box_value[l] * weight1) + (box_value[l+2] * weight2);
		/* do the z direction linear interpolation of the sets of two points */
		for (l=0;l<8;l=l+8) {
		  max_diff = box_point[l+4].z-box_point[l].z;
		  weight1 = ((max_diff - (ds_point.z - box_point[l].z))/max_diff);
		  weight2 = ((max_diff - (box_point[l+4].z - ds_point.z))/max_diff);
		  box_value[l] = (box_value[l] * weight1) + (box_value[l+4] * weight2);

		/* separate into MPR/MIP/minIP algorithms */
		if (data_set->rendering == AMITK_RENDERING_MPR) { /* MPR */
		  intermediate_data[k] += weight*box_value[0];
		  weights[k] += weight;
		} else { /* MIP or MINIP */
		  if ((z == 0) && (ds_voxel.t == start_frame) && (i_gate == 0)) 
		  else if (data_set->rendering == AMITK_RENDERING_MIP)  /* MIP */
		    intermediate_data[k] = MAX(intermediate_data[k], box_value[0]);
		  else  /* MINIP */
		    intermediate_data[k] = MIN(intermediate_data[k], box_value[0]);
	      } /* slow (empties) vs fast algorithm */
	      slice_point.x += slice->voxel_size.x; 

    /* figure out what point in the data set we're going to start at */
    start_point.x = ((amide_real_t) start.x+0.5) * slice->voxel_size.x;
    start_point.y = ((amide_real_t) start.y+0.5) * slice->voxel_size.y;
    if (ceil(z_steps) > 1.0)
      start_point.z = voxel_length/2.0;
      start_point.z = slice->voxel_size.z/2.0; /* only one iteration in z */
    start_point = amitk_space_s2s(slice_space, data_set_space, start_point);

    /* figure out what stepping one voxel in a given direction in our slice cooresponds to in our data set */
    for (i_axis = 0; i_axis < AMITK_AXIS_NUM; i_axis++) {
      alt.x = (i_axis == AMITK_AXIS_X) ? slice->voxel_size.x : 0.0;
      alt.y = (i_axis == AMITK_AXIS_Y) ? slice->voxel_size.y : 0.0;
      alt.z = (i_axis == AMITK_AXIS_Z) ? voxel_length : 0.0;
      alt = point_add(point_sub(amitk_space_s2b(slice_space, alt),
      stride[i_axis] = amitk_space_b2s(data_set_space, alt);

    /* iterate over the number of frames we'll be incorporating into this slice */
    for (ds_voxel.t = start_frame; ds_voxel.t <= end_frame; ds_voxel.t++) {

      /* averaging over more then one frame */
      if (end_frame-start_frame > 0) {
	if (ds_voxel.t == start_frame)
	  time_weight = (amitk_data_set_get_end_time(data_set, start_frame)-start_time)/(duration*num_gates);
	else if (ds_voxel.t == end_frame)
	  time_weight = (end_time-amitk_data_set_get_start_time(data_set, end_frame))/(duration*num_gates);
	  time_weight = amitk_data_set_get_frame_duration(data_set, ds_voxel.t)/(duration*num_gates);
      } else
	time_weight = 1.0/((gdouble) num_gates);

      /* iterate over gates */
      for (i_gate=0; i_gate < num_gates; i_gate++) {
	if (gate < 0)
	  ds_voxel.g = i_gate+AMITK_DATA_SET_VIEW_START_GATE(data_set);
	  ds_voxel.g = i_gate+gate;

	if (ds_voxel.g >= AMITK_DATA_SET_NUM_GATES(data_set))
	  ds_voxel.g -= AMITK_DATA_SET_NUM_GATES(data_set);

	ds_point = start_point;

	/* separate into MPR and MIP/MINIP algorithms. A fair amount
	   of code is duplicated within the algorithms. The reason
	   they aren't combined is to keep the MPR vs MIP/MINIP branch
	   point out of the loop and speed things up slightly for the
	   most commonly used selection (MPR) */

	switch(data_set->rendering) {

	  /* iterate over the number of planes we'll be compressing into this slice */
	  for (z = 0; z < ceil(z_steps); z++) { 
	    last[AMITK_AXIS_Z] = ds_point;
	    /* weight is between 0 and 1, this is used to weight the last voxel  in the slice's z direction */
	    if (floor(z_steps) > z)
	      weight = time_weight/z_steps;
	      weight = time_weight*(z_steps-floor(z_steps)) / z_steps;
	    /* iterate over x and y */
	    for (i_voxel.y = start.y, k=0; i_voxel.y <= end.y; i_voxel.y++) { 
	      last[AMITK_AXIS_Y] = ds_point;
	      for (i_voxel.x = start.x; i_voxel.x <= end.x; i_voxel.x++, k++) { 
		POINT_TO_VOXEL_COORDS_ONLY(ds_point, data_set->voxel_size, ds_voxel);
		if (amitk_raw_data_includes_voxel(data_set->raw_data,ds_voxel)) {
		  intermediate_data[k] +=
		  weights[k] += weight;
		POINT_ADD(ds_point, stride[AMITK_AXIS_X], ds_point); 
	      } /* x */
	      POINT_ADD(last[AMITK_AXIS_Y], stride[AMITK_AXIS_Y], ds_point);
	    } /* y */
	    POINT_ADD(last[AMITK_AXIS_Z], stride[AMITK_AXIS_Z], ds_point); 
	  } /* z */


	  /* iterate over the number of planes we'll be compressing into this slice */
	  for (z = 0; z < ceil(z_steps); z++) { 
	    last[AMITK_AXIS_Z] = ds_point;

	    /* need to initialize based on the first plane we encounter */
	    if ((z == 0) && (ds_voxel.t == start_frame) && (i_gate == 0)) {
	      /* iterate over x and y */
	      for (i_voxel.y = start.y,k=0; i_voxel.y <= end.y; i_voxel.y++) {
		last[AMITK_AXIS_Y] = ds_point;
		for (i_voxel.x = start.x; i_voxel.x <= end.x; i_voxel.x++,k++) {
		  POINT_TO_VOXEL_COORDS_ONLY(ds_point, data_set->voxel_size, ds_voxel);
		  if (!amitk_raw_data_includes_voxel(data_set->raw_data,ds_voxel)) 
		    intermediate_data[k] = NAN;
		    intermediate_data[k] =
		  POINT_ADD(ds_point, stride[AMITK_AXIS_X], ds_point); 
		} /* x */
		POINT_ADD(last[AMITK_AXIS_Y], stride[AMITK_AXIS_Y], ds_point);
	      } /* y */

	    } else { /* iterate over everything that's not the first plane */

	      if (data_set->rendering == AMITK_RENDERING_MIP) {
		/* iterate over x and y */
		for (i_voxel.y = start.y,k=0; i_voxel.y <= end.y; i_voxel.y++) { 
		  last[AMITK_AXIS_Y] = ds_point;
		  for (i_voxel.x = start.x; i_voxel.x <= end.x; i_voxel.x++,k++) { 
		    POINT_TO_VOXEL_COORDS_ONLY(ds_point, data_set->voxel_size, ds_voxel);
		    if (amitk_raw_data_includes_voxel(data_set->raw_data,ds_voxel)) 
		      intermediate_data[k] = 
		    POINT_ADD(ds_point, stride[AMITK_AXIS_X], ds_point); 
		  } /* x */
		  POINT_ADD(last[AMITK_AXIS_Y], stride[AMITK_AXIS_Y], ds_point);
		} /* y */ 
	      } else { /* AMITK_RENDERING_MINIP */
		/* iterate over x and y */
		for (i_voxel.y = start.y,k=0; i_voxel.y <= end.y; i_voxel.y++) { 
		  last[AMITK_AXIS_Y] = ds_point;
		  for (i_voxel.x = start.x; i_voxel.x <= end.x; i_voxel.x++,k++) { 
		    POINT_TO_VOXEL_COORDS_ONLY(ds_point, data_set->voxel_size, ds_voxel);
		    if (amitk_raw_data_includes_voxel(data_set->raw_data,ds_voxel)) 
		      intermediate_data[k] = 
		    POINT_ADD(ds_point, stride[AMITK_AXIS_X], ds_point); 
		  } /* x */
		  POINT_ADD(last[AMITK_AXIS_Y], stride[AMITK_AXIS_Y], ds_point);
		} /* y */ 
	      } /* end else, MIP vs MINIP */
	    } /* end else */
	    POINT_ADD(last[AMITK_AXIS_Z], stride[AMITK_AXIS_Z], ds_point); 
	  } /* z */

	} /* MIP vs NON-MIP */

      } /* iterating over gates */
    } /* iterating over frames */

  /* fill in data/normalize if needed */
  i_voxel.t = i_voxel.g = i_voxel.z = 0;
  if (data_set->rendering == AMITK_RENDERING_MPR) {
    for (i_voxel.y = start.y,k=0; i_voxel.y <= end.y; i_voxel.y++) 
      for (i_voxel.x = start.x; i_voxel.x <= end.x; i_voxel.x++,k++) 
	if (weights[k] > 0)
	  AMITK_RAW_DATA_DOUBLE_SET_CONTENT(slice->raw_data,i_voxel) = intermediate_data[k]/weights[k];
	  AMITK_RAW_DATA_DOUBLE_SET_CONTENT(slice->raw_data,i_voxel) = NAN;
  } else { /* MIP or MINIP */
    for (i_voxel.y = start.y,k=0; i_voxel.y <= end.y; i_voxel.y++) 
      for (i_voxel.x = start.x; i_voxel.x <= end.x; i_voxel.x++,k++) 
	AMITK_RAW_DATA_DOUBLE_SET_CONTENT(slice->raw_data,i_voxel) = intermediate_data[k];

  if (weights != NULL) g_free(weights);
  if (intermediate_data != NULL) g_free(intermediate_data);

  return slice;