コード例 #1
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: Garfield-Chen/tng
LineSegment Polygon::Edge2D(int i) const
	if (p.empty())
		return LineSegment(vec::nan, vec::nan);
	if (p.size() == 1)
		return LineSegment(vec::zero, vec::zero);
	return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(MapTo2D(i), 0), POINT_VEC(MapTo2D((i+1)%p.size()), 0));
コード例 #2
ファイル: GJKTests.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib

	Capsule a(POINT_VEC(-37.3521881f,-61.0987396f,77.0996475f), POINT_VEC(46.2122498f,-61.2913399f,15.9034805f) ,53.990406f);
	AABB b(POINT_VEC(51.6529007f,-28.0629959f,65.9745636f),POINT_VEC(59.8043518f,-18.9434891f,69.0897827f));
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		LOGI("Distance: %f", a.Distance(b.CornerPoint(i)));
	LOGI("D: %f", b.Distance(a.Centroid()));
	LOGI("D: %f", b.Distance(a.SphereA()));
	LOGI("D: %f", b.Distance(a.SphereB()));
コード例 #3
ファイル: Plane.cpp プロジェクト: ggf31416/CompGraf1
bool Plane::Intersects(const Plane &plane, Line *outLine) const
	vec perp = normal.Perpendicular(plane.normal);//vec::Perpendicular Cross(normal, plane.normal);

	float3x3 m;
	m.SetRow(0, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(normal));
	m.SetRow(1, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(plane.normal));
	m.SetRow(2, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(perp)); // This is arbitrarily chosen, to produce m invertible.
	float3 intersectionPos;
	bool success = m.SolveAxb(float3(d, plane.d, 0.f),intersectionPos);
	if (!success) // Inverse failed, so the planes must be parallel.
		float normalDir = Dot(normal,plane.normal);
		if ((normalDir > 0.f && EqualAbs(d, plane.d)) || (normalDir < 0.f && EqualAbs(d, -plane.d)))
			if (outLine)
				*outLine = Line(normal*d, plane.normal.Perpendicular());
			return true;
			return false;
	if (outLine)
		*outLine = Line(POINT_VEC(intersectionPos), perp.Normalized());
	return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: clement-z/MathGeoLib
vec AABB::ExtremePoint(const vec &direction) const
	float3 pt;
	pt.x = (direction.x >= 0.f ? maxPoint.x : minPoint.x);
	pt.y = (direction.y >= 0.f ? maxPoint.y : minPoint.y);
	pt.z = (direction.z >= 0.f ? maxPoint.z : minPoint.z);
	return POINT_VEC(pt);
コード例 #5
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib
vec AABB::PointInside(float x, float y, float z) const
	assume(0.f <= x && x <= 1.f);
	assume(0.f <= y && y <= 1.f);
	assume(0.f <= z && z <= 1.f);

	vec d = maxPoint - minPoint;
	return minPoint + d.Mul(POINT_VEC(x, y, z));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
bool Polygon::Intersects(const LineSegment &lineSegment) const
	Plane plane = PlaneCCW();

	// Compute line-plane intersection (unroll Plane::IntersectLinePlane())
	float denom = Dot(plane.normal, lineSegment.b - lineSegment.a);

	if (Abs(denom) < 1e-4f) // The plane of the polygon and the line are planar? Do the test in 2D.
		return Intersects2D(LineSegment(POINT_VEC(MapTo2D(lineSegment.a), 0), POINT_VEC(MapTo2D(lineSegment.b), 0)));

	// The line segment properly intersects the plane of the polygon, so there is exactly one
	// point of intersection between the plane of the polygon and the line segment. Test that intersection point against
	// the line segment end points.
	float t = (plane.d - Dot(plane.normal, lineSegment.a)) / denom;
	if (t < 0.f || t > 1.f)
		return false;

	return Contains(lineSegment.GetPoint(t));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Frustum.cpp プロジェクト: OtterOrder/TBToolkit
void Frustum::DeserializeFromXml(TiXmlElement *e)
	type = StrCaseEq(e->Attribute("orthographic"), "true") ? OrthographicFrustum : PerspectiveFrustum;
	pos = POINT_VEC(float3::FromString(e->Attribute("pos")));
	front = DIR_VEC(float3::FromString(e->Attribute("front")));
	up = DIR_VEC(float3::FromString(e->Attribute("up")));
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("nearPlaneDistance", &nearPlaneDistance);
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("farPlaneDistance", &farPlaneDistance);
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("horizontalFov", &horizontalFov);
	e->QueryFloatAttribute("verticalFov", &verticalFov);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Frustum.cpp プロジェクト: OtterOrder/TBToolkit
void Frustum::SetWorldMatrix(const float3x4 &worldTransform)
	pos = POINT_VEC(worldTransform.TranslatePart());
	if (handedness == FrustumRightHanded)
		front = -DIR_VEC(worldTransform.Col(2)); // The camera looks towards -Z axis of the given transform.
		front = DIR_VEC(worldTransform.Col(2)); // The camera looks towards +Z axis of the given transform.
	up = DIR_VEC(worldTransform.Col(1)); // The camera up points towards +Y of the given transform.
	assume(worldTransform.IsColOrthogonal3()); // Front and up must be orthogonal to each other.
	assume(EqualAbs(worldTransform.Determinant(), 1.f)); // The matrix cannot contain mirroring.
コード例 #9
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
bool Polygon::Intersects2D(const LineSegment &localSpaceLineSegment) const
	if (p.size() < 3)
		return false;

	const vec basisU = BasisU();
	const vec basisV = BasisV();
	const vec origin = p[0];

	LineSegment edge;
	edge.a = POINT_VEC(Dot(p.back(), basisU), Dot(p.back(), basisV), 0); // map to 2D
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)p.size(); ++i)
		edge.b = POINT_VEC(Dot(p[i], basisU), Dot(p[i], basisV), 0); // map to 2D
		if (edge.Intersects(localSpaceLineSegment))
			return true;
		edge.a = edge.b;

	// The line segment did not intersect with any of the polygon edges, so either the whole line segment is inside
	// the polygon, or it is fully outside the polygon. Test one point of the line segment to determine which.
	return Contains(MapFrom2D(localSpaceLineSegment.a.xy()));
コード例 #10
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: clement-z/MathGeoLib
vec AABB::CornerPoint(int cornerIndex) const
	assume(0 <= cornerIndex && cornerIndex <= 7);
		default: // For release builds where assume() is disabled, return always the first option if out-of-bounds.
		case 0: return POINT_VEC(float3(minPoint.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 1: return POINT_VEC(float3(minPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 2: return POINT_VEC(float3(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 3: return POINT_VEC(float3(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 4: return POINT_VEC(float3(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 5: return POINT_VEC(float3(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 6: return POINT_VEC(float3(maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 7: return POINT_VEC(float3(maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
コード例 #11
ファイル: Plane.cpp プロジェクト: ggf31416/CompGraf1
bool Plane::Intersects(const Plane &plane, const Plane &plane2, Line *outLine, vec *outPoint) const
	Line dummy;
	if (!outLine)
		outLine = &dummy;

	// First check all planes for parallel pairs.
	if (this->IsParallel(plane) || this->IsParallel(plane2))
		if (EqualAbs(d, plane.d) || EqualAbs(d, plane2.d))
			bool intersect = plane.Intersects(plane2, outLine);
			if (intersect && outPoint)
				*outPoint = outLine->GetPoint(0);
			return intersect;
			return false;
	if (plane.IsParallel(plane2))
		if (EqualAbs(plane.d, plane2.d))
			bool intersect = this->Intersects(plane, outLine);
			if (intersect && outPoint)
				*outPoint = outLine->GetPoint(0);
			return intersect;
			return false;

	// All planes point to different directions.
	float3x3 m;
	m.SetRow(0, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(normal));
	m.SetRow(1, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(plane.normal));
	m.SetRow(2, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(plane2.normal));
	float3 intersectionPos;
	bool success = m.SolveAxb(float3(d, plane.d, plane2.d), intersectionPos);
	if (!success)
		return false;
	if (outPoint)
		*outPoint = POINT_VEC(intersectionPos);
	return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: Garfield-Chen/tng
Polygon Polygon::FromString(const char *str, const char **outEndStr)
	MATH_SKIP_WORD(str, "Polygon");
	MATH_SKIP_WORD(str, "(");
	Polygon p;
	while(*str == '(' || *str == ',')
		MATH_SKIP_WORD(str, ",");
		float3 pt = float3::FromString(str, &str);
	MATH_SKIP_WORD(str, ")");

	if (outEndStr)
		*outEndStr = str;

	return p;
コード例 #13
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib
vec AABB::FaceCenterPoint(int faceIndex) const
	assume(0 <= faceIndex && faceIndex <= 5);

	vec center = (minPoint + maxPoint) * 0.5f;
	default: // For release builds where assume() is disabled, return always the first option if out-of-bounds.
	case 0: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, center.y, center.z);
	case 1: return POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, center.y, center.z);
	case 2: return POINT_VEC(center.x, minPoint.y, center.z);
	case 3: return POINT_VEC(center.x, maxPoint.y, center.z);
	case 4: return POINT_VEC(center.x, center.y, minPoint.z);
	case 5: return POINT_VEC(center.x, center.y, maxPoint.z);
コード例 #14
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib
vec AABB::FacePoint(int faceIndex, float u, float v) const
	assume(0 <= faceIndex && faceIndex <= 5);
	assume(0 <= u && u <= 1.f);
	assume(0 <= v && v <= 1.f);

	vec d = maxPoint - minPoint;
	default: // For release builds where assume() is disabled, return always the first option if out-of-bounds.
	case 0: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, minPoint.y + u * d.y, minPoint.z + v * d.z);
	case 1: return POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y + u * d.y, minPoint.z + v * d.z);
	case 2: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z + v * d.z);
	case 3: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z + v * d.z);
	case 4: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, minPoint.y + v * d.y, minPoint.z);
	case 5: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, minPoint.y + v * d.y, maxPoint.z);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
int Sphere::Triangulate(vec *outPos, vec *outNormal, float2 *outUV, int numVertices, bool ccwIsFrontFacing) const
	assume(numVertices >= 24 && "At minimum, sphere triangulation will contain at least 8 triangles, which is 24 vertices, but fewer were specified!");
	assume(numVertices % 3 == 0 && "Warning:: The size of output should be divisible by 3 (each triangle takes up 3 vertices!)");

	if (!outPos)
		return 0;
	assume(this->r > 0.f);

	if (numVertices < 24)
		return 0;

	TriangleArray temp;
	Array<Triangle> temp;
	// Start subdividing from a diamond shape.
	vec xp = POINT_VEC(r,0,0);
	vec xn = POINT_VEC(-r, 0, 0);
	vec yp = POINT_VEC(0, r, 0);
	vec yn = POINT_VEC(0, -r, 0);
	vec zp = POINT_VEC(0, 0, r);
	vec zn = POINT_VEC(0, 0, -r);

	if (ccwIsFrontFacing)

	int oldEnd = 0;
	while(((int)temp.size()-oldEnd+3)*3 <= numVertices)
		Triangle cur = temp[oldEnd];
		vec a = ((cur.a + cur.b) * 0.5f).ScaledToLength(this->r);
		vec b = ((cur.a + cur.c) * 0.5f).ScaledToLength(this->r);
		vec c = ((cur.b + cur.c) * 0.5f).ScaledToLength(this->r);

		temp.push_back(Triangle(cur.a, a, b));
		temp.push_back(Triangle(cur.b, c, a));
		temp.push_back(Triangle(cur.c, b, c));
		temp.push_back(Triangle(a, c, b));

	// Check that we really did tessellate as many new triangles as possible.
	assert(((int)temp.size()-oldEnd)*3 <= numVertices && ((int)temp.size()-oldEnd)*3 + 9 > numVertices);

	for(size_t i = oldEnd, j = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i, ++j)
		outPos[3*j] = this->pos + TRIANGLE(temp[i]).a;
		outPos[3*j+1] = this->pos + TRIANGLE(temp[i]).b;
		outPos[3*j+2] = this->pos + TRIANGLE(temp[i]).c;

	if (outNormal)
		for(size_t i = oldEnd, j = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i, ++j)
			outNormal[3*j] = TRIANGLE(temp[i]).a.Normalized();
			outNormal[3*j+1] = TRIANGLE(temp[i]).b.Normalized();
			outNormal[3*j+2] = TRIANGLE(temp[i]).c.Normalized();

	if (outUV)
		for(size_t i = oldEnd, j = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i, ++j)
			outUV[3*j] = float2(atan2(TRIANGLE(temp[i]).a.y, TRIANGLE(temp[i]).a.x) / (2.f * 3.141592654f) + 0.5f, (TRIANGLE(temp[i]).a.z + r) / (2.f * r));
			outUV[3*j+1] = float2(atan2(TRIANGLE(temp[i]).b.y, TRIANGLE(temp[i]).b.x) / (2.f * 3.141592654f) + 0.5f, (TRIANGLE(temp[i]).b.z + r) / (2.f * r));
			outUV[3*j+2] = float2(atan2(TRIANGLE(temp[i]).c.y, TRIANGLE(temp[i]).c.x) / (2.f * 3.141592654f) + 0.5f, (TRIANGLE(temp[i]).c.z + r) / (2.f * r));

	return ((int)temp.size() - oldEnd) * 3;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
void Sphere::SetNegativeInfinity()
	pos = POINT_VEC(0,0,0);
	r = -FLOAT_INF;
コード例 #17
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib
void AABB::Scale(const vec &centerPoint, const vec &scaleFactor)
	float3x4 transform = float3x4::Scale(DIR_TO_FLOAT3(scaleFactor), POINT_TO_FLOAT3(centerPoint)); ///\todo mat
	minPoint = POINT_VEC(transform.MulPos(POINT_TO_FLOAT3(minPoint))); ///\todo mat
	maxPoint = POINT_VEC(transform.MulPos(POINT_TO_FLOAT3(maxPoint))); ///\todo mat
コード例 #18
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib
vec AABB::PointOnEdge(int edgeIndex, float u) const
	assume(0 <= edgeIndex && edgeIndex <= 11);
	assume(0 <= u && u <= 1.f);

	vec d = maxPoint - minPoint;
	default: // For release builds where assume() is disabled, return always the first option if out-of-bounds.
	case 0: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z + u * d.z);
	case 1: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z + u * d.z);
	case 2: return POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z + u * d.z);
	case 3: return POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z + u * d.z);

	case 4: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, minPoint.y + u * d.y, minPoint.z);
	case 5: return POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y + u * d.y, minPoint.z);
	case 6: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, minPoint.y + u * d.y, maxPoint.z);
	case 7: return POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y + u * d.y, maxPoint.z);

	case 8: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z);
	case 9: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z);
	case 10: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z);
	case 11: return POINT_VEC(minPoint.x + u * d.x, maxPoint.y, maxPoint.z);
コード例 #19
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib
vec AABB::ExtremePoint(const vec &direction) const
	return POINT_VEC((direction.x >= 0.f ? maxPoint.x : minPoint.x),
	                 (direction.y >= 0.f ? maxPoint.y : minPoint.y),
	                 (direction.z >= 0.f ? maxPoint.z : minPoint.z));
コード例 #20
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/MathGeoLib
LineSegment AABB::Edge(int edgeIndex) const
	assume(0 <= edgeIndex && edgeIndex <= 11);
		default: // For release builds where assume() is disabled, return always the first option if out-of-bounds.
		/* For documentation, here's the segments that are returned:
		case 0: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(0), CornerPoint(1));
		case 1: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(0), CornerPoint(2));
		case 2: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(0), CornerPoint(4));
		case 3: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(1), CornerPoint(3));
		case 4: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(1), CornerPoint(5));
		case 5: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(2), CornerPoint(3));
		case 6: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(2), CornerPoint(6));
		case 7: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(3), CornerPoint(7));
		case 8: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(4), CornerPoint(5));
		case 9: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(4), CornerPoint(6));
		case 10: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(5), CornerPoint(7));
		case 11: return LineSegment(CornerPoint(6), CornerPoint(7));
		// Force-optimize to avoid calling to CornerPoint for another switch-case statement.
		case 0: return LineSegment(minPoint, POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 1: return LineSegment(minPoint, POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 2: return LineSegment(minPoint, POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 3: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z), POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 4: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z), POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 5: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z), POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 6: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z), POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 7: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y, maxPoint.z), maxPoint);
		case 8: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z), POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z));
		case 9: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, minPoint.z), POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z));
		case 10: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y, maxPoint.z), maxPoint);
		case 11: return LineSegment(POINT_VEC(maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y, minPoint.z), maxPoint);