コード例 #1
AerospikeQuery * AerospikeQuery_Apply(AerospikeQuery * self, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwds)

	// Python function arguments
	PyObject * py_module = NULL;
	PyObject * py_function = NULL;
	PyObject * py_args = NULL;
	PyObject * py_policy = NULL;

	PyObject * py_umodule   = NULL;
	PyObject * py_ufunction = NULL;
	// Python function keyword arguments
	static char * kwlist[] = {"module", "function", "arguments", "policy", NULL};

	if ( PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OO|OO:apply", kwlist, &py_module, &py_function, &py_args, &py_policy) == false ){
		return NULL;

	as_static_pool static_pool;
	memset(&static_pool, 0, sizeof(static_pool));

	// Aerospike error object
	as_error err;
	// Initialize error object

	if ( !self || !self->client->as ){
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "Invalid query object");
		goto CLEANUP;

	if (!self->client->is_conn_16) {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER, "No connection to aerospike cluster");
		goto CLEANUP;

	self->client->is_client_put_serializer = false;

	// Aerospike API Arguments
	char * module = NULL;
	char * function = NULL;
	as_arraylist * arglist = NULL;

	if ( PyUnicode_Check(py_module) ){
		py_umodule = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(py_module);
		module = PyBytes_AsString(py_umodule);
	else if ( PyString_Check(py_module) ) {
		module = PyString_AsString(py_module);
	else {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLIENT, "udf module argument must be a string or unicode string");
		goto CLEANUP;

	if ( PyUnicode_Check(py_function) ){
		py_ufunction = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(py_function);
		function = PyBytes_AsString(py_ufunction);
	else if ( PyString_Check(py_function) ) {
		function = PyString_AsString(py_function);
	else {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLIENT, "udf function argument must be a string or unicode string");
		goto CLEANUP;

	if ( py_args && PyList_Check(py_args) ){
		Py_ssize_t size = PyList_Size(py_args);

		arglist = as_arraylist_new(size, 0);

		for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
			PyObject * py_val = PyList_GetItem(py_args, (Py_ssize_t)i);
			as_val * val = NULL;
			pyobject_to_val(self->client, &err, py_val, &val, &static_pool, SERIALIZER_PYTHON);
			if ( err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
				as_error_update(&err, err.code, NULL);
				goto CLEANUP;
			else {
				as_arraylist_append(arglist, val);

	as_query_apply(&self->query, module, function, (as_list *) arglist);


	if (py_ufunction) {

	if (py_umodule) {

	if ( err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		PyObject * py_err = NULL;
		error_to_pyobject(&err, &py_err);
		PyObject *exception_type = raise_exception(&err);
		if(PyObject_HasAttrString(exception_type, "module")) {
			PyObject_SetAttrString(exception_type, "module", py_module);
		if(PyObject_HasAttrString(exception_type, "func")) {
			PyObject_SetAttrString(exception_type, "func", py_function);
		PyErr_SetObject(exception_type, py_err);
		return NULL;

	return self;
コード例 #2
ファイル: array.c プロジェクト: flrl/dang
int array_pool_destroy(void) {
    return POOL_DESTROY(array_t);
コード例 #3
 * This function will put record to the Aerospike DB.
 * @param self                  AerospikeClient object
 * @param py_key                The key under which to store the record.
 * @param py_bins               The data to write to the Aerospike DB.
 * @param py_meta               The meatadata for the record.
 * @param py_policy             The dictionary of policies to be given while
 *                              reading a record.
 * Returns an integer status. 0(Zero) is success value.
 * In case of error,appropriate exceptions will be raised.
PyObject * AerospikeClient_Put_Invoke(
		AerospikeClient * self,
		PyObject * py_key, PyObject * py_bins, PyObject * py_meta, PyObject * py_policy,
		long serializer_option)
	// Aerospike Client Arguments
	as_error err;
	as_policy_write write_policy;
	as_policy_write * write_policy_p = NULL;
	as_key key;
	as_record rec;

	// Initialisation flags
	bool key_initialised = false;
	bool record_initialised = false;

	// Initialize record
	as_record_init(&rec, 0);
	record_initialised = true;

	as_static_pool static_pool;
	memset(&static_pool, 0, sizeof(static_pool));

	// Initialize error

	if (!self || !self->as) {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "Invalid aerospike object");
		goto CLEANUP;

	if (!self->is_conn_16) {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER, "No connection to aerospike cluster");
		goto CLEANUP;

	// Convert python key object to as_key
	pyobject_to_key(&err, py_key, &key);
	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		goto CLEANUP;
	// Key is initialised successfully.
	key_initialised = true;

	// Convert python bins and metadata objects to as_record
	pyobject_to_record(self, &err, py_bins, py_meta, &rec, serializer_option, &static_pool);
	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		goto CLEANUP;

	// Convert python policy object to as_policy_write
	pyobject_to_policy_write(&err, py_policy, &write_policy, &write_policy_p,
	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		goto CLEANUP;

	// Invoke operation
	aerospike_key_put(self->as, &err, write_policy_p, &key, &rec);
	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		as_error_update(&err, err.code, NULL);


	if (key_initialised == true) {
		// Destroy the key if it is initialised.
	if (record_initialised == true) {
		// Destroy the record if it is initialised.

	// If an error occurred, tell Python.
	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		PyObject * py_err = NULL;
		error_to_pyobject(&err, &py_err);
		PyObject *exception_type = raise_exception(&err);
		if (PyObject_HasAttrString(exception_type, "key")) {
			PyObject_SetAttrString(exception_type, "key", py_key);
		if (PyObject_HasAttrString(exception_type, "bin")) {
			PyObject_SetAttrString(exception_type, "bin", py_bins);
		PyErr_SetObject(exception_type, py_err);
		return NULL;

	return PyLong_FromLong(0);