int gif2bmp(tGIF2BMP *gif2bmp, FILE *inputFile, FILE *outputFile) { u_int16_t biBitCount; tGIF *img; // load image into memory if ((img = gif_load(inputFile)) == NULL) return -1; // decompress the image's data if (gif_lzw_decompression(img) != 0) return -1; struct logical_screen_descriptor *lsd = &(img->screen_desc); struct image_descriptor *id = &(img->image_desc); int color_tab_size = (lsd->glob_colors) ? lsd->glob_colors_len : id->local_colors_len; u_int32_t bfOffBits = FILEHEADER_SIZE+INFOHEADER_SIZE+4*(POW2(color_tab_size+1)); bmp_add_fileHeader(outputFile, bfOffBits); biBitCount = bmp_add_infoHeader(outputFile, img, color_tab_size); bmp_add_rgbQuad(outputFile, img->colors_tab, POW2(color_tab_size+1)); bmp_add_bits(outputFile, img, biBitCount); gif2bmp->bmpSize = bmp_add_bfSize(outputFile); gif2bmp->gifSize = img->size; gif_unload(img); return 0; }
void RangeLevelEditor::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!scale_1 || !scale_2 || !range_1 || !range_2) return; if (e->button()!=Qt::LeftButton) return; float press_x=(float)e->x()/(float)width(); float press_y=(float)(height()-e->y())/(float)height(); float dist_1=sqrt(POW2(press_x-range_1->get())+POW2(press_y-scale_1->get())); float dist_2=sqrt(POW2(press_x-range_2->get())+POW2(press_y-scale_2->get())); int closer=(dist_1<dist_2)?1:2; //which is closer? float closer_dist=(closer==1)?dist_1:dist_2; //distance of closer click.drag_point=closer; click.scale=(closer==1)?scale_1->get():scale_2->get(); click.range=(closer==1)?range_1->get():range_2->get(); click.point=e->pos(); }
double cylinder_centers_distance (CYLINDER *c1, CYLINDER *c2) { return sqrt (POW2 (c1->x - c2->x) + POW2 (c1->y - c2->y) + POW2 (c1->z - c2->z)); }
static inline gfloat colordiff (gfloat *pixA, gfloat *pixB) { return POW2(pixA[0]-pixB[0])+ POW2(pixA[1]-pixB[1])+ POW2(pixA[2]-pixB[2]); }
extern double cosmoPk_forceSigma8(cosmoPk_t pk, double sigma8, double kmin, double kmax, double *error) { double sigma8Actual; double sigma8First; int numIter = 0; int numIterMax = LOCAL_MAX_FORCESIGMA8_ITERATIONS; assert(pk != NULL); assert(isgreater(sigma8, 0.0)); assert(isgreater(kmin, 0.0)); assert(isgreater(kmax, kmin)); assert(error != NULL); sigma8Actual = cosmoPk_calcSigma8(pk, kmin, kmax, error); sigma8First = sigma8Actual; do { cosmoPk_scale(pk, POW2(sigma8 / sigma8Actual)); sigma8Actual = cosmoPk_calcSigma8(pk, kmin, kmax, error); *error = fabs(1. - sigma8 / sigma8Actual); numIter++; } while (numIter < numIterMax && isgreater(*error, 1e-10)); if (numIter >= numIterMax) fprintf(stderr, "Exhausted iterations in %s: error %15.13e\n", __func__, *error); return POW2(sigma8 / sigma8First); }
/*If square == 1, the square of the L2 is returned*/ real L2Distance(SparseDim* x, SparseDim* z,uchar square) { real res = 0.0; SparseElem* x_elem = x->first; SparseElem* z_elem = z->first; while(x_elem || z_elem) { if(x_elem && z_elem) { if(x_elem->c < z_elem->c) { res += POW2(x_elem->val); x_elem = x_elem->nextC; } else if (x_elem->c > z_elem->c) { res += POW2(z_elem->val); z_elem = z_elem->nextC; } else { res += POW2((x_elem->val) - (z_elem->val)); x_elem = x_elem->nextC; z_elem = z_elem->nextC; } } else { if(x_elem) { res += POW2(x_elem->val); x_elem = x_elem->nextC; } else { res += POW2(z_elem->val); z_elem = z_elem->nextC; } } } /*if(res == 0.0){ fprintf(stderr,"Null distance\n"); if(x_elem == z_elem) fprintf(stderr,"Pointers are the same\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Vector x : \n"); x_elem = x->first; while(x_elem){ fprintf(stderr," %i:%e",(x_elem->c)+1,x_elem->val); x_elem = x_elem->nextC; } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Vector z : \n"); z_elem = z->first; while(z_elem){ fprintf(stderr," %i:%e",(z_elem->c)+1,z_elem->val); z_elem = z_elem->nextC; } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fflush(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }*/ if (square) return res; else return (real)sqrt(res); }
control_t *route_control_create(route_t* route) { if (route == NULL) return NULL; control_t *control = (control_t*)vp_os_malloc(sizeof(control_t)); control_t *control_head = control; NODE_T *target = route->head; if (target == NULL) return NULL; //INIT_CONTROL(control, 0, 0, 0); angle_t hori_angle; angle_t vert_angle; distance_t distance; vp_os_mutex_lock(&NOW_mutex); distance_t last_x = NOW.x; distance_t last_y = NOW.y; distance_t last_z = NOW.z; vp_os_mutex_unlock(&NOW_mutex); while (target != NULL) { //get paras distance_t vect_x = target->x - last_x; distance_t vect_y = target->y - last_y; distance_t vect_z = target->z - last_z; printf("last %lf %lf %lf\n", last_x, last_y, last_z); printf("vect %lf %lf %lf\n", vect_x, vect_y, vect_z); last_x = target->x; last_y = target->y; last_z = target->z; //calcu MAKE_HORI_ANGLE(hori_angle, vect_x, vect_y); MAKE_VERT_ANGLE(vert_angle, vect_x, vect_y, vect_z); distance = sqrt(POW2(vect_x) + POW2(vect_y) + POW2(vect_z)) * route->unit_distance; //init control node INIT_CONTROL(control, hori_angle, vert_angle, distance); printf("control dis%lf angle%lf\n", control->distance, control->hori_angle); if (target->next != NULL) { control->next = (control_t*)vp_os_malloc(sizeof(control_t)); control = control->next; } target = target->next; } return control_head; }
/** * Given a location, an azimuth and a distance, computes the * location of the projected point. Based on Vincenty's formula * for the geodetic direct problem as described in "Geocentric * Datum of Australia Technical Manual", Chapter 4. Tested against: * * and * * * @param r - location of first point. * @param distance - distance in meters. * @param azimuth - azimuth in radians. * @return s - location of projected point. */ int spheroid_project(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *r, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double distance, double azimuth, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g) { double omf = 1 - spheroid->f; double tan_u1 = omf * tan(r->lat); double u1 = atan(tan_u1); double sigma, last_sigma, delta_sigma, two_sigma_m; double sigma1, sin_alpha, alpha, cos_alphasq; double u2, A, B; double lat2, lambda, lambda2, C, omega; int i = 0; if (azimuth < 0.0) { azimuth = azimuth + M_PI * 2.0; } if (azimuth > (PI * 2.0)) { azimuth = azimuth - M_PI * 2.0; } sigma1 = atan2(tan_u1, cos(azimuth)); sin_alpha = cos(u1) * sin(azimuth); alpha = asin(sin_alpha); cos_alphasq = 1.0 - POW2(sin_alpha); u2 = spheroid_mu2(alpha, spheroid); A = spheroid_big_a(u2); B = spheroid_big_b(u2); sigma = (distance / (spheroid->b * A)); do { two_sigma_m = 2.0 * sigma1 + sigma; delta_sigma = B * sin(sigma) * (cos(two_sigma_m) + (B / 4.0) * (cos(sigma) * (-1.0 + 2.0 * POW2(cos(two_sigma_m)) - (B / 6.0) * cos(two_sigma_m) * (-3.0 + 4.0 * POW2(sin(sigma))) * (-3.0 + 4.0 * POW2(cos(two_sigma_m)))))); last_sigma = sigma; sigma = (distance / (spheroid->b * A)) + delta_sigma; i++; } while (i < 999 && fabs((last_sigma - sigma) / sigma) > 1.0e-9); lat2 = atan2((sin(u1) * cos(sigma) + cos(u1) * sin(sigma) * cos(azimuth)), (omf * sqrt(POW2(sin_alpha) + POW2(sin(u1) * sin(sigma) - cos(u1) * cos(sigma) * cos(azimuth))))); lambda = atan2((sin(sigma) * sin(azimuth)), (cos(u1) * cos(sigma) - sin(u1) * sin(sigma) * cos(azimuth))); C = (spheroid->f / 16.0) * cos_alphasq * (4.0 + spheroid->f * (4.0 - 3.0 * cos_alphasq)); omega = lambda - (1.0 - C) * spheroid->f * sin_alpha * (sigma + C * sin(sigma) * (cos(two_sigma_m) + C * cos(sigma) * (-1.0 + 2.0 * POW2(cos(two_sigma_m))))); lambda2 = r->lon + omega; g->lat = lat2; g->lon = lambda2; return G_SUCCESS; }
//static void fftInit(sp_fft *fft, int M) void sp_fft_init(sp_fft *fft, int M) { /* malloc and init cosine and bit reversed tables for a given size */ /* fft, ifft, rfft, rifft */ /* INPUTS */ /* M = log2 of fft size (ex M=10 for 1024 point fft) */ /* OUTPUTS */ /* private cosine and bit reversed tables */ //SPFLOAT **UtblArray; //int16_t **BRLowArray; SPFLOAT *utbl; int16_t *BRLow; int i; //fft->FFT_table_1 = malloc(sizeof(SPFLOAT*) * 32); //fft->FFT_table_2 = malloc(sizeof(int16_t*) * 32); //for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // ((SPFLOAT**) fft->FFT_table_1)[i] = (SPFLOAT*) NULL; // ((int16_t**) fft->FFT_table_2)[i] = (int16_t*) NULL; //} //UtblArray = (SPFLOAT**) fft->FFT_table_1; //BRLowArray = (int16_t**) fft->FFT_table_2; /*** I did NOT test cases with M>27 ***/ /* init cos table */ utbl = (SPFLOAT*) malloc((POW2(M) / 4 + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT)); fftCosInit(M, utbl); /*TODO: implement this later when we need complex FFT*/ /* init bit reversed table for cmplx FFT */ /* if (M > 1) { if (BRLowArray[M / 2] == NULL) { BRLowArray[M / 2] = (int16_t*) malloc(POW2(M / 2 - 1) * sizeof(int16_t)); fftBRInit(M, BRLowArray[M / 2]); } } */ /* init bit reversed table for real FFT */ BRLow = (int16_t*) malloc(POW2((M - 1) / 2 - 1) * sizeof(int16_t)); fftBRInit(M - 1, BRLow); fft->BRLow = BRLow; fft->utbl = utbl; //fft->FFT_max_size |= (1 << M); }
/* make a new extra list with specific capacity */ void mk_el(uint64 cap){ printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","start to generate extra chunks list of chunks with specific capacity ", POW2(cap), " Bytes."); struct slist * list_ptr; if(elm_table[cap]) return; elm_table[cap] = (struct extra_list_manager *)malloc(sizeof(struct extra_list_manager)); list_ptr = mm_pre_alloc(cap , DEFAULT_EXTRA); elm_table[cap]->idle_num = DEFAULT_EXTRA; elm_table[cap]->total_num = DEFAULT_EXTRA; elm_table[cap]->chunks_list = list_ptr; printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","finish to generate extra chunks list of chunks with specific capacity ", POW2(cap), " Bytes."); }
void EQ::recalculate_band_coefficients() { #define BAND_LOG(m_f) (log((m_f)) / log(2.)) for (int i = 0; i < band.size(); i++) { double octave_size; double frq = band[i].freq; if (i == 0) { octave_size = BAND_LOG(band[1].freq) - BAND_LOG(frq); } else if (i == (band.size() - 1)) { octave_size = BAND_LOG(frq) - BAND_LOG(band[i - 1].freq); } else { double next = BAND_LOG(band[i + 1].freq) - BAND_LOG(frq); double prev = BAND_LOG(frq) - BAND_LOG(band[i - 1].freq); octave_size = (next + prev) / 2.0; } double frq_l = round(frq / pow(2.0, octave_size / 2.0)); double side_gain2 = POW2(Math_SQRT12); double th = 2.0 * Math_PI * frq / mix_rate; double th_l = 2.0 * Math_PI * frq_l / mix_rate; double c2a = side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th)) - 2.0 * side_gain2 * cos(th_l) * cos(th) + side_gain2 - POW2(sin(th_l)); double c2b = 2.0 * side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th_l)) + side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th)) - 2.0 * side_gain2 * cos(th_l) * cos(th) - side_gain2 + POW2(sin(th_l)); double c2c = 0.25 * side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th)) - 0.5 * side_gain2 * cos(th_l) * cos(th) + 0.25 * side_gain2 - 0.25 * POW2(sin(th_l)); //printf("band %i, precoefs = %f,%f,%f\n",i,c2a,c2b,c2c); double r1, r2; //roots int roots = solve_quadratic(c2a, c2b, c2c, &r1, &r2); ERR_CONTINUE(roots == 0); band[i].c1 = 2.0 * ((0.5 - r1) / 2.0); band[i].c2 = 2.0 * r1; band[i].c3 = 2.0 * (0.5 + r1) * cos(th); //printf("band %i, coefs = %f,%f,%f\n",i,(float)bands[i].c1,(float)bands[i].c2,(float)bands[i].c3); } }
void naHash_set(naRef hash, naRef key, naRef val) { HashRec* hr = REC(hash); if(!hr || hr->next >= POW2(hr->lgsz)) hr = resize(PTR(hash).hash); hashset(hr, key, val); }
static void scale3d_clocks(unsigned long percent) { unsigned long hz, curr; if (!tegra_is_clk_enabled(scale3d.clk_3d)) return; if (tegra_get_chipid() == TEGRA_CHIPID_TEGRA3) if (!tegra_is_clk_enabled(scale3d.clk_3d2)) return; curr = clk_get_rate(scale3d.clk_3d); hz = percent * (curr / 100); if (!(hz >= scale3d.max_rate_3d && curr == scale3d.max_rate_3d)) { if (tegra_get_chipid() == TEGRA_CHIPID_TEGRA3) clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d2, 0); clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d, hz); if (scale3d.p_scale_emc) { long after = (long) clk_get_rate(scale3d.clk_3d); hz = after * scale3d.emc_slope + scale3d.emc_offset; if (scale3d.p_emc_dip) hz -= (scale3d.emc_dip_slope * POW2(after / 1000 - scale3d.emc_xmid) + scale3d.emc_dip_offset); clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d_emc, hz); } } }
inline float CubicFilter(int x, int y, const int Radius) { const int DatSize = POW2((Radius << 1) + 1); float *Dat = new float[DatSize]; Cint2 Offset = {x-Radius, y-Radius}; float Accum = 0.0f; int Denom = 0; int w = Bmp.TellWidth(); int h = Bmp.TellHeight(); for(int Cpt = 0; Cpt < DatSize; Cpt++){ if(Offset.x >= 0 && Offset.x < w && Offset.y >= 0 && Offset.y < h){ Accum += RGBMIXER(Offset.x, Offset.y); Denom++; } Offset.x++; if(Offset.x - x > Radius){ Offset.x = x-Radius; Offset.y++; } } SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(Dat); return Accum / (float)Denom; }
/* select a node frome the extra idle list */ void * select_extra(uint64 cap) { void * ptr , * chunk_ptr; if(0 == elm_table[cap]->idle_num) return dc_alloc(POW2(cap)); pthread_mutex_lock(extra_mutex[cap]); ptr = pop(elm_table[cap]->chunks_list); append(ptr,elm_table[cap]->chunks_list); --(elm_table[cap]->idle_num); extra_apply[cap]++; pthread_mutex_unlock(extra_mutex[cap]); chunk_ptr = (void *)((uint64 *)ptr + 1); printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","select a specific capacity ", POW2(cap), " Bytes form extra chunks list."); return chunk_ptr; }
void mm_init() { int i = CHUNK_TYPE_NUM; while(i--){ /* init all the pre-allocated chunks */ chunks_manager_table[i] = (struct chunks_manager *)malloc(sizeof(struct chunks_manager)); if(!chunks_manager_table[i]){ printf("dc_mm : initilization failed!!!"); exit(1); } chunks_manager_table[i]->chunks_cap = SMALL+i; chunks_manager_table[i]->idle_num = chunks_num[i]; chunks_manager_table[i]->idle_chunks = mm_pre_alloc((SMALL+i), chunks_num[i]); chunks_manager_table[i]->alloced_chunks = mk_slist(malloc, chunks_num[i]); printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","chunks list and extra chunks list with specific capacity ", POW2(SMALL + i), " Bytes has been initilized."); pre_alloc_mutex[i] = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); pthread_mutex_init(pre_alloc_mutex[i] , NULL); pre_alloc_apply[i] = pre_alloc_free[i] = 0; } int j = BIGGEST_CAP + 1; while(--j){ extra_mutex[j] = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); pthread_mutex_init(extra_mutex[j] , NULL); extra_apply[j] = extra_free[j] = 0; } printf("dc_mm : %s\n","dns cache memory management modules has been initilized."); return; }
static dali_t* dali_from_input( int ulen, int vlen, int wlen, const double *data, const double *mask ) { int id; int u, v, k; int done; int ue, ve; dali_t *desc; desc = calloc( 1, sizeof(dali_t) ); desc->n = 1; desc->ulen = ulen; desc->vlen = vlen; desc->wlen = wlen; desc->len = ulen*vlen; desc->sz = (desc->ulen-1)/2; desc->desc = malloc( desc->ulen*desc->vlen*desc->wlen * sizeof(double) ); desc->mask = malloc( desc->ulen*desc->vlen * sizeof(char) ); desc->shape = malloc( desc->ulen*desc->vlen * sizeof(int) ); desc->gauss = malloc( desc->ulen*desc->vlen * sizeof(double) ); desc->sgauss = malloc( desc->ulen*desc->vlen * sizeof(double) ); desc->sigma = malloc( sizeof(double) ); /* Defaults. */ *desc->sigma = INFINITY; /* Store output. */ id = 0; for (u=0; u < desc->ulen; u++) { for (v=0; v < desc->vlen; v++) { /* Data. */ for (k=0; k < desc->wlen; k++) desc->desc[ id*desc->wlen + k ] = data[ k*desc->ulen*desc->vlen + u*desc->vlen + v ]; /* Mask. */ desc->mask[ id ] = (fabs(mask[ u*desc->vlen + v ]) > 1e-10); /* Shape. */ desc->shape[ id ] = id; /* Gaussian. */ desc->gauss[ id ] = -(double)(POW2(u-desc->sz)+POW2(v-desc->sz)); /* Inc. */ id++; } } return desc; }
/* select a node from the pre-allocated idle list */ void * select_pre_alloced(uint64 cap) { int pos = cap - SMALL; /* position of the pointer in the array. */ void * ptr , * chunk_ptr; if(0 == chunks_manager_table[pos]->idle_num) return dc_alloc(POW2(cap)); pthread_mutex_lock(pre_alloc_mutex[pos]); ptr = pop(chunks_manager_table[pos]->idle_chunks); push(ptr,chunks_manager_table[pos]->alloced_chunks); --(chunks_manager_table[pos]->idle_num); pre_alloc_apply[pos]++; pthread_mutex_unlock(pre_alloc_mutex[pos]); chunk_ptr = (void *)((uint64 *)ptr + 1); printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","select a specific capacity ", POW2(cap), " Bytes form pre-allocated chunks list."); return chunk_ptr; }
/* Returns the index of a cell that either contains a matching key, or * is the empty slot to receive a new insertion. */ static int findcell(struct HashRec *hr, naRef key, unsigned int hash) { int i, mask = POW2(hr->lgsz+1)-1, step = (2*hash+1) & mask; for(i=HBITS(hr,hash); TAB(hr)[i] != ENT_EMPTY; i=(i+step)&mask) if(TAB(hr)[i] != ENT_DELETED && equal(key, ENTS(hr)[TAB(hr)[i]].key)) break; return i; }
// Stores all prime numbers < 2^16 in the array primeNumbers inline void init() { int i, j; for ( i = 2; i <= POW2(16) ; i ++ ) { if(notPrime[i]) continue; for ( j = 2 * i ; j <= POW2(16) ; j += i) { notPrime[j] = 1; } } for ( i = 2 , j = 0; i < POW2(16) ; i ++ ) { if(!notPrime[i]) { primeNumbers[j++] = i; //printf("%d\n", i); } } MAX = j; }
static void scale3d_clocks(unsigned long percent) { unsigned long hz, curr; int i = 0; ktime_t t; if (!tegra_is_clk_enabled(scale3d.clk_3d)) return; if (tegra_get_chipid() == TEGRA_CHIPID_TEGRA3) if (!tegra_is_clk_enabled(scale3d.clk_3d2)) return; curr = clk_get_rate(scale3d.clk_3d); hz = percent * (curr / 100); if (!(hz >= scale3d.max_rate_3d && curr == scale3d.max_rate_3d)) { if (tegra_get_chipid() == TEGRA_CHIPID_TEGRA3) clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d2, 0); if (is_tegra_camera_on()) clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d, CAMERA_3D_CLK); else clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d, hz); if (scale3d.p_scale_emc) { long after = (long) clk_get_rate(scale3d.clk_3d); hz = after * scale3d.emc_slope + scale3d.emc_offset; if (scale3d.p_emc_dip) hz -= (scale3d.emc_dip_slope * POW2(after / 1000 - scale3d.emc_xmid) + scale3d.emc_dip_offset); if (is_tegra_camera_on()) clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d_emc, CAMERA_3D_EMC_CLK); else clk_set_rate(scale3d.clk_3d_emc, hz); } } t = ktime_get(); hz = clk_get_rate(scale3d.clk_3d); if (hz != curr) { gpu_loading[curr_idx].total_time += ktime_us_delta(t, gpu_loading[curr_idx].last_start); for (i=0 ; i<FREQ_LEVEL ; i++) { if (gpu_loading[i].freq == hz) { curr_idx = i; break; } } gpu_loading[curr_idx].last_start = t; } }
double QVVector::variance() const { const double avg = mean(); double accum = 0; foreach(double value, *this) accum += POW2(value - avg); return accum / (double) (size()); }
/* As above, a special naHash_set for setting local variables. * Assumes that the key is interned, and also that it isn't already * present in the hash. */ void naiHash_newsym(struct naHash* hash, naRef* sym, naRef* val) { HashRec* hr = hash->rec; int mask, step, cell, ent; struct naStr *s = PTR(*sym).str; if(!hr || hr->next >= POW2(hr->lgsz)) hr = resize(hash); mask = POW2(hr->lgsz+1) - 1; step = (2*s->hashcode+1) & mask; cell = HBITS(hr, s->hashcode); while(TAB(hr)[cell] != ENT_EMPTY) cell = (cell + step) & mask; ent = hr->next++; if(ent >= NCELLS(hr)) return; /* race protection, don't overrun */ TAB(hr)[cell] = ent; hr->size++; ENTS(hr)[TAB(hr)[cell]].key = *sym; ENTS(hr)[TAB(hr)[cell]].val = *val; }
/* expand a extra list with specific capacity */ void expand_el(uint64 cap) { printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","start to expand extra chunks list of chunks with specific capacity ", POW2(cap), " Bytes."); struct slist * list_ptr; void * ptr , * chunk_ptr; list_ptr = elm_table[cap]->chunks_list; list_ptr = sl_expand(list_ptr,malloc,DEFAULT_EXTRA); int i = DEFAULT_EXTRA; while(i--){ ptr = malloc(sizeof(uint64) + POW2(cap));//added by wakemecn *(uint64 *)ptr = cap; void * chunk_ptr = (void *)((uint64 *)ptr + 1); push(ptr , list_ptr); } elm_table[cap]->idle_num += DEFAULT_EXTRA; elm_table[cap]->total_num += DEFAULT_EXTRA; printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","finish to expand extra chunks list of chunks with specific capacity ", POW2(cap), " Bytes."); }
void naHash_delete(naRef hash, naRef key) { HashRec* hr = REC(hash); if(hr) { int cell = findcell(hr, key, refhash(key)); if(TAB(hr)[cell] >= 0) { TAB(hr)[cell] = ENT_DELETED; if(--hr->size < POW2(hr->lgsz-1)) resize(PTR(hash).hash); } } }
/* * call mm_pre_alloc() to pre-allocate number of counts' chunks with * 2^capacity KB memory. * RETURN the pointer to a chunks list. */ struct slist * mm_pre_alloc(uint64 capacity, uint16 counts) { struct slist * init_idle_list; void * ptr; init_idle_list = mk_slist(malloc,counts); /* make a blank single list. */ while(counts--){ ptr = malloc(POW2(capacity)+sizeof(uint64)); /* malloc for each element of the list. */ *(uint64 *)ptr = capacity; /* filled the capacity before the chunk. */ push(ptr,init_idle_list); /* push the chunk into list. */ } return init_idle_list; }
/** * Computes the area on the spheroid of a box bounded by meridians and * parallels. The box is defined by two points, the South West corner * and the North East corner. Formula based on Bagratuni 1967. * * @param southWestCorner - lower left corner of bounding box. * @param northEastCorner - upper right corner of bounding box. * @return area in square meters. */ static double spheroid_boundingbox_area(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *southWestCorner, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *northEastCorner, const SPHEROID *spheroid) { double z0 = (northEastCorner->lon - southWestCorner->lon) * POW2(spheroid->b) / 2.0; double e = sqrt(spheroid->e_sq); double sinPhi1 = sin(southWestCorner->lat); double sinPhi2 = sin(northEastCorner->lat); double t1p1 = sinPhi1 / (1.0 - spheroid->e_sq * sinPhi1 * sinPhi1); double t1p2 = sinPhi2 / (1.0 - spheroid->e_sq * sinPhi2 * sinPhi2); double oneOver2e = 1.0 / (2.0 * e); double t2p1 = oneOver2e * log((1.0 + e * sinPhi1) / (1.0 - e * sinPhi1)); double t2p2 = oneOver2e * log((1.0 + e * sinPhi2) / (1.0 - e * sinPhi2)); return z0 * (t1p2 + t2p2) - z0 * (t1p1 + t2p1); }
/* get_quick_fit_list_index * * get_quick_fit_list_index returns the quick fit list index for the given * number of bytes of data to allocate. * The size of the header is added in the calculations, so nbytes should be the * number of bytes of data to allocate. * */ int get_quick_fit_list_index( unsigned int nbytes) /* number of data bytes to allocate */ { unsigned int upper_bound; int i; for (i = 0; i < NRQUICKLISTS; ++i) { upper_bound = POW2(i + smallest_block_size_exp); if (nbytes + sizeof(Header) <= upper_bound) { return i; } } return NRQUICKLISTS; }
static void dali_updateGauss( dali_t *desc, double sigma ) { int i; double s; if (fabs(sigma - *desc->sigma) < 1e-10) return; s = 2.*POW2( (double)desc->sz * sigma ); for (i=0; i<desc->len; i++) desc->sgauss[ i ] = exp( desc->gauss[ i ] / s ); *desc->sigma = sigma; }
/* print the statics about the apply and free of chunks.*/ void print_statics(){ int i = 0; uint64 apply_count, free_count; while((++i) <= BIGGEST_CAP) { apply_count = extra_apply[i]; free_count = extra_free[i]; if(i >= SMALL && i <= BIG ){ apply_count += pre_alloc_apply[i - SMALL]; free_count += pre_alloc_free[i - SMALL]; } printf("dc_mm : statics, %s%10d%s%10ld%s%10ld%s\n","chunks with specific capacity ", POW2(i)," were applied ", apply_count ," times and freed ",free_count," times."); } }