int main(void){ register guint i; register PQueueSet *pq_set = PQueueSet_create(); register PQueue *pq = PQueue_create(pq_set, test_comp_low_int, NULL); register Data *dn; PQueue_Node *acc[DATA_TOTAL]; Data data[DATA_TOTAL] = { { "REMOVE-1", -1, 300, 200, 50}, { "jumps", -1, 39, 38, 32}, { "dog", -1, 72, 61, 60}, { "brown", -1, 99, 40, 8}, { "over", -1, 68, 35, 33}, { "REMOVE-2", -1, 25, 20, 15}, { "fox", -1, 20, 19, 17}, { "quick", -1, 99, 19, 3}, { "lazy", -1, 99, 67, 51}, { "the", -1, 3, 2, 1}, { "a", -1, 82, 41, 34}, { "REMOVE-3", -1, 40, 30, 20} }; gint r[3] = {0, 5, 11}; gchar *answer[DATA_TOTAL-3] = { "the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "a", "lazy", "dog"}; g_print("Adding words with initial priorities\n"); for(i = 0; i < DATA_TOTAL; i++){ g_print("Adding [%s]\n", data[i].word); data[i].real_priority = data[i].priority1; acc[i] = PQueue_push(pq, (gpointer)&data[i]); } g_print("Set intermediate priorities\n"); for(i = 0; i < DATA_TOTAL; i++){ g_print("Raising [%s] from %d to %d\n", data[i].word, data[i].priority1, data[i].priority2); data[i].real_priority = data[i].priority2; PQueue_raise(pq, acc[i]); } g_print("Set final priorities\n"); for(i = 0; i < DATA_TOTAL; i++){ g_print("Raising [%s] from %d to %d\n", data[i].word, data[i].priority2, data[i].priority3); data[i].real_priority = data[i].priority3; PQueue_raise(pq, acc[i]); } g_print("Testing traverse\n"); PQueue_traverse(pq, test_traverse_func, NULL); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){ g_print("Testing remove of \"%s\"\n", data[r[i]].word); PQueue_remove(pq, acc[r[i]]); g_print("Testing traverse\n"); PQueue_traverse(pq, test_traverse_func, NULL); } g_print("Popping data\n"); for(i = 0; i < (DATA_TOTAL-3); i++){ dn = PQueue_pop(pq); g_print("Word: [%s] Answer: [%s]\n", dn->word, answer[i]); g_assert(!strcmp(dn->word, answer[i])); } PQueue_destroy(pq, NULL, NULL); PQueueSet_destroy(pq_set); return 0; }
List *Path(World *world, Point *source, Point *destination) { int tentative_gscore; List *result = NULL; int tries = 0; Hashmap *nodes = Hashmap_create(cmp, hash); Hashmap *closedset = Hashmap_create(cmp, hash); PQueue *openset = PQueue_create(cmp, hash); Node *current; Node *start = Node_create(source, 0, 0, NULL); Hashmap_set(nodes, start, start); start->fscore = start->gscore + heuristic_cost_estimate(start->point, destination); PQueue_push(openset, start, start->fscore); while(!PQueue_empty(openset) && tries < 300) { tries++; current = PQueue_pop(openset); Hashmap_set(closedset, current, current); if(POINT_EQ(current->point, destination)) { result = reconstruct_path(current); break; } else { List *neighbours = neighbours_list(world, current->point, destination, nodes); LIST_FOREACH(neighbours, first, next, cur) { Node *neighbour = cur->value; if(Hashmap_get(closedset, neighbour) == NULL) { tentative_gscore = current->gscore + 1; if(!PQueue_contains(openset, neighbour) || tentative_gscore > neighbour->gscore) { if(!PQueue_contains(openset, neighbour)) { neighbour->came_from = current; neighbour->gscore = tentative_gscore; neighbour->fscore = neighbour->gscore + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbour->point, destination); PQueue_push(openset, neighbour, neighbour->fscore); } } } } List_destroy(neighbours); } }
JobQueue *JobQueue_create(gint thread_total){ register JobQueue *jq = g_new(JobQueue, 1); #ifdef USE_PTHREADS register gint i; jq->is_complete = FALSE; jq->thread_total = thread_total; jq->running_count = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&jq->queue_lock, NULL); jq->thread = g_new0(pthread_t, thread_total); jq->pq_set = PQueueSet_create(); jq->pq = PQueue_create(jq->pq_set, JobQueue_Task_compare, NULL); for(i = 0; i < thread_total; i++) pthread_create(&jq->thread[i], NULL, JobQueue_thread_func, jq); #endif /* USE_PTHREADS */ return jq; }