int fun2(int x, int y) { int c = 10; PRINT_INT(x, __FUNCTION__); PRINT_INT(y, __FUNCTION__); PRINT_INT(c, __FUNCTION__); return (x + y + c); }
int main(void) { int a = 1, b = 2; PRINT_INT(a, __FUNCTION__); PRINT_INT(b, __FUNCTION__); b = fun1(a, b); return -1; }
int main() { C("assigning to a new local variable"); int c = a + b; // %0 is replaced with the appropriate register by the compiler A_READ(c, "print('c = ' + %0.get());"); C("assigning to a global variable"); res = a - b; A_READ(res, "print('res = ' + %0.get());"); C("print using assembly IO rather than Javascript annotations"); PRINT_INT(res); C("more than 2 operands"); int large = a + b + 33 + res; A_READ(large, "var l = %0.get();"); A("print('large = ' + l + ' = ' + binString(l) + ' = ' + hexString(l));"); EXIT(); }
void panoDumpPTRect(PTRect *rect, char *label, int indent) { char ind[MAX_INDENT+1]; panoDumpSetIndent(ind, indent); if (label != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", ind, label); } fprintf(stderr, "%sRectangle\n", ind); #define PRINT_INT(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a, "%d", (int)rect) PRINT_INT(top); PRINT_INT(bottom); PRINT_INT(left); PRINT_INT(right); #undef PRINT_INT }
int main(void) { int n1 = 32; int n2 = 28; /* Il comportamento del preprocessore è controllato dalle direttive di preprocessamento; riguarda i comandi che iniziano con # E' utile pensare al preprocessore come un componente separato rispetto alla compilazione Per verificare in output le direttive si può immettere l'opzione gcc -E al compilatore */ printf("MAX %d\n", MAX(n1,n2)); PRINT_INT(n1); PRINT_INT(n2); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void panoDumpImage(Image *im, char *label, int indent) { char ind[MAX_INDENT+1]; int i; if (im == NULL) return; // prepare indent panoDumpSetIndent(ind, indent); if (label != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", ind, label); } #define PRINT_INT(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a,"%d", (int)im) #define PRINT_F(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a,"%f", im) #define PRINT_S(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a,"\"%s\"", im) fprintf(stderr, "%sImage Data\n", ind); PRINT_INT(width); PRINT_INT(height); PRINT_INT(bytesPerLine); PRINT_INT(bitsPerPixel); PRINT_INT(dataSize); PRINT_INT(dataformat); PRINT_INT(format); PRINT_INT(formatParamCount); for (i=0;i< im->formatParamCount; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\t\tformat Param[%d] %f\n", ind, i, im->formatParam[i]); } PRINT_F(hfov); PRINT_F(yaw); PRINT_F(roll); PRINT_F(pitch); PRINT_S(name); panoDumpCorrectPrefs(&im->cP, NULL, indent+1); panoDumpPTRect(&im->selection, NULL,indent+1); panoDumpCropInfo(&im->cropInformation, NULL, indent+1); #undef PRINT_INT #undef PRINT_F #undef PRINT_S }
void panoDumpAdjustData(aPrefs* aP, char *label, int indent) { char ind[MAX_INDENT+1]; assert (aP != NULL); panoDumpSetIndent(ind, indent); if (label != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", ind, label); } fprintf(stderr, "%s\tAdjust Data\n", ind); #define PRINT_INT(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a,"%d", (int)aP) #define PRINT_F(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a,"%f", aP) #define PRINT_S(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a,"\"%s\"", aP) PRINT_INT(mode); PRINT_S(; PRINT_INT(nt); PRINT_INT(interpolator); PRINT_F(gamma); PRINT_INT(fastStep); #undef PRINT_INT #undef PRINT_F #undef PRINT_S panoDumpImage(&aP->im, "Input Image", indent + 1); panoDumpImage(&aP->pano, "Panorama", indent + 1); }
void panoDumpCropInfo(CropInfo *crop, char *label, int indent) { char ind[MAX_INDENT+1]; panoDumpSetIndent(ind, indent); #define PRINT_INT(a) PRINT_GENERIC(a, "%d", (int)crop) fprintf(stderr, "%sCrop Info\n", ind); PRINT_INT(full_width); PRINT_INT(full_height); PRINT_INT(cropped_width); PRINT_INT(cropped_height); PRINT_INT(x_offset); PRINT_INT(y_offset); #undef PRINT_INT }
void motor_rtctl_print_debug_info(void) { static const int ALIGNMENT = 25; #define PRINT_INT(name, value) lowsyslog(" %-*s %li\n", ALIGNMENT, (name), (long)(value)) #define PRINT_FLT(name, value) lowsyslog(" %-*s %f\n", ALIGNMENT, (name), (float)(value)) /* * Instant state */ irq_primask_disable(); const struct control_state state_copy = _state; irq_primask_enable(); lowsyslog("Motor RTCTL state\n"); PRINT_INT("comm period", state_copy.comm_period / HNSEC_PER_USEC); PRINT_INT("flags", state_copy.flags); PRINT_INT("neutral voltage", state_copy.neutral_voltage); PRINT_INT("input voltage", state_copy.input_voltage_raw); PRINT_INT("input current", state_copy.input_current); PRINT_INT("pwm val", state_copy.pwm_val); /* * Diagnostics */ irq_primask_disable(); const struct diag_info diag_copy = _diag; irq_primask_enable(); lowsyslog("Motor RTCTL diag\n"); PRINT_INT("zc failures", diag_copy.zc_failures_since_start); PRINT_INT("desaturations", diag_copy.desaturations); PRINT_INT("bemf out of range", diag_copy.bemf_samples_out_of_range); PRINT_INT("bemf premature zc", diag_copy.bemf_samples_premature_zc); PRINT_INT("zc sol failures", diag_copy.zc_solution_failures); PRINT_INT("zc sol num samples",diag_copy.zc_solution_num_samples); PRINT_FLT("zc sol slope", diag_copy.zc_solution_slope / (float)LEAST_SQUARES_MULT); PRINT_FLT("zc sol yintercept", diag_copy.zc_solution_yintercept / (float)LEAST_SQUARES_MULT); /* * ZC fitting */ #if DEBUG_BUILD if (_diag.zc_solution_num_samples > 0) { lowsyslog("Motor ZC solution data\n"); lowsyslog(" zc samples "); for (int i = 0; i < _diag.zc_solution_num_samples; i++) { lowsyslog("%-5i ", diag_copy.zc_solution_samples[i]); } lowsyslog("\n"); lowsyslog(" zc fitted "); for (int i = 0; i < _diag.zc_solution_num_samples; i++) { const int x = _params.adc_sampling_period * i; const int y = (diag_copy.zc_solution_slope * x + diag_copy.zc_solution_yintercept) / LEAST_SQUARES_MULT; lowsyslog("%-5i ", y); } lowsyslog("\n"); } #endif #undef PRINT_INT #undef PRINT_FLT }
static void test_curved_interface ( curved_element_data_t** e_m, int faces_m, int f_m, curved_element_data_t** e_p, int faces_p, int f_p, int* e_m_is_ghost, int orientation, dgmath_jit_dbase_t* dgmath_jit_dbase, void* params ) { test_curved_data_t* test_curved_data = (test_curved_data_t*)params; int stride; int deg_p [(P4EST_HALF)]; int max_deg_p = -1; int face_nodes_p [(P4EST_HALF)]; int deg_m [(P4EST_HALF)]; int face_nodes_m [(P4EST_HALF)]; int max_deg_m = -1; int deg_mortar [(P4EST_HALF)]; int nodes_mortar [(P4EST_HALF)]; int faces_mortar = (faces_m > faces_p) ? faces_m : faces_p; int i,j; /* calculate degs and nodes of each face of (-) side */ int total_side_nodes_m = 0; for (i = 0; i < faces_m; i++){ if(test_curved_data->print_data) printf("e_m[%d]: id = %d, deg = %d, tree = %d, hanging = %d\n", i, e_m[i]->id, e_m[i]->deg, e_m[i]->tree, (faces_m == (P4EST_HALF))); deg_m[i] = e_m[i]->deg; /* if (sum_ghost_array != 0) */ /* printf(" sum_ghost_array = %d, deg_m[i] = %d\n" , sum_ghost_array, deg_m[i]); */ if (e_m[i]->deg > max_deg_m) max_deg_m = e_m[i]->deg; face_nodes_m[i] = dgmath_get_nodes( (P4EST_DIM) - 1, e_m[i]->deg ); total_side_nodes_m += face_nodes_m[i]; } /* calculate degs and nodes of each face of (+) side */ int total_side_nodes_p = 0; for (i = 0; i < faces_p; i++){ if(test_curved_data->print_data) printf("e_p[%d]: id = %d, deg = %d, tree = %d, hanging = %d\n", i, e_p[i]->id, e_p[i]->deg, e_p[i]->tree, (faces_p == (P4EST_HALF))); deg_p[i] = e_p[i]->deg; if (e_p[i]->deg > max_deg_p) max_deg_p = e_p[i]->deg; face_nodes_p[i] = dgmath_get_nodes( (P4EST_DIM) - 1, e_p[i]->deg ); total_side_nodes_p += face_nodes_p[i]; } /* calculate degs and nodes of the mortar faces */ int total_nodes_mortar = 0; for (i = 0; i < faces_m; i++) for (j = 0; j < faces_p; j++){ /* find max degree for each face pair of the two sides*/ deg_mortar[i+j] = util_max_int( e_m[i]->deg, e_p[j]->deg ); nodes_mortar[i+j] = dgmath_get_nodes ( (P4EST_DIM) - 1, deg_mortar[i+j] ); total_nodes_mortar += dgmath_get_nodes( (P4EST_DIM) - 1, deg_mortar[i+j] ); } int face_corners = P4EST_HALF; p4est_qcoord_t f_m_corners [P4EST_HALF][P4EST_HALF][3]; p4est_qcoord_t f_p_corners [P4EST_HALF][P4EST_HALF][3]; double face_corners_mortar_m [P4EST_HALF][P4EST_HALF][3]; double face_corners_mortar_p [P4EST_HALF][P4EST_HALF][3]; double face_corners_m [P4EST_HALF][P4EST_HALF][3]; double face_corners_p [P4EST_HALF][P4EST_HALF][3]; printf("\n*********SIDE**********\n"); PRINT_INT(faces_m); if (e_m[0]->tree != e_p[0]->tree) printf("TREE BOUNDARY\n"); for (int i = 0; i < faces_m; i++){ /* PRINT_INT(i); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_m[i]->deg); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_m[i]->qx); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_m[i]->qy); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_m[i]->qz); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_m[i]->dq); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_m[i]->tree); */ for (int j = 0; j < face_corners; j++){ double xyz [] = {0.,0.,0.}; double abc [] = {0.,0.,0.}; int c = p4est_face_corners[f_m][j]; int cx = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 0); int cy = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 1); f_m_corners[i][j][0] = e_m[i]->qx + cx*e_m[i]->dq; f_m_corners[i][j][1] = e_m[i]->qy + cy*e_m[i]->dq; abc[0] = (double)(e_m[i]->qx + cx*e_m[i]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[1] = (double)(e_m[i]->qy + cy*e_m[i]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; #if (P4EST_DIM)==3 int cz = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 2); f_m_corners[i][j][2] = e_m[i]->qz + cz*e_m[i]->dq; abc[2] = (double)(e_m[i]->qz + cz*e_m[i]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, which_tree, abc, xyz); if (faces_m == (P4EST_HALF)){ face_corners_mortar_m[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_m[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; face_corners_mortar_m[i][j][2] = xyz[2]; } face_corners_m[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_m[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; face_corners_m[i][j][2] = xyz[2]; printf("c = %d, x,y,z = %.15f,%.15f,%.15f\n", j, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); #elif (P4EST_DIM)==2 test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, e_m[i]->tree, abc, xyz); if (faces_m == (P4EST_HALF)){ face_corners_mortar_m[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_m[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; } face_corners_m[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_m[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; printf("c = %d, x,y = %.15f,%.15f\n", j, xyz[0], xyz[1]); #else mpi_abort("dim = 2 or 3 only"); #endif } } if (faces_m == 1 && faces_p == (P4EST_HALF)){ printf("******************\n"); printf("Side m projected\n"); #if (P4EST_DIM)==3 p4est_qcoord_t dqa [3]; dqa[0] = f_m_corners[0][1][0] - f_m_corners[0][0][0]; dqa[1] = f_m_corners[0][1][1] - f_m_corners[0][0][1]; dqa[2] = f_m_corners[0][1][2] - f_m_corners[0][0][2]; p4est_qcoord_t dqb [3]; dqb[0] = f_m_corners[0][2][0] - f_m_corners[0][0][0]; dqb[1] = f_m_corners[0][2][1] - f_m_corners[0][0][1]; dqb[2] = f_m_corners[0][2][2] - f_m_corners[0][0][2]; dqa[0] /= 2; dqa[1] /= 2; dqa[2] /= 2; dqb[0] /= 2; dqb[1] /= 2; dqb[2] /= 2; for (int f = 0; f < faces_p; f++){ for (int c = 0; c < (P4EST_HALF); c++){ int fa = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(f, 0); int fb = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(f, 1); int ca = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 0); int cb = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 1); p4est_qcoord_t qcx = f_m_corners[0][0][0] + fa*dqa[0] + fb*dqb[0] + ca*dqa[0] + cb*dqb[0]; p4est_qcoord_t qcy = f_m_corners[0][0][1] + fa*dqa[1] + fb*dqb[1] + ca*dqa[1] + cb*dqb[1]; p4est_qcoord_t qcz = f_m_corners[0][0][2] + fa*dqa[2] + fb*dqb[2] + ca*dqa[2] + cb*dqb[2]; double abc [] = {0,0,0}; double xyz [] = {0,0,0}; abc[0] = (double)(qcx)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[1] = (double)(qcy)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[2] = (double)(qcz)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, e_m[0]->tree, abc, xyz); face_corners_mortar_m[f][c][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_m[f][c][1] = xyz[1]; face_corners_mortar_m[f][c][2] = xyz[2]; printf("c = %d, x,y,z = %.15f,%.15f,%.15f\n", c, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); } } #elif (P4EST_DIM)==2 p4est_qcoord_t dqa [3]; dqa[0] = f_m_corners[0][1][0] - f_m_corners[0][0][0]; dqa[1] = f_m_corners[0][1][1] - f_m_corners[0][0][1]; dqa[0] /= 2; dqa[1] /= 2; printf("dqa[0] = %d, dqa[1] =%d\n", dqa[0], dqa[1]); for (int f = 0; f < faces_p; f++){ for (int c = 0; c < (P4EST_HALF); c++){ int fa = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(f, 0); int ca = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 0); p4est_qcoord_t qcx = f_m_corners[0][0][0] + fa*dqa[0] + ca*dqa[0]; p4est_qcoord_t qcy = f_m_corners[0][0][1] + fa*dqa[1] + ca*dqa[1]; double abc [] = {0,0,0}; double xyz [] = {0,0,0}; abc[0] = (double)(qcx)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[1] = (double)(qcy)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, e_m[0]->tree, abc, xyz); face_corners_mortar_m[f][c][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_m[f][c][1] = xyz[1]; printf("c = %d, x,y,z = %.15f,%.15f\n", c, xyz[0], xyz[1]); } } #else mpi_abort("dim = 2 or 3 only"); #endif } printf("******************\n"); PRINT_INT(faces_p); for (int i = 0; i < faces_p; i++){ /* PRINT_INT(i); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_p[i]->deg); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_p[i]->qx); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_p[i]->qy); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_p[i]->qz); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_p[i]->dq); */ /* PRINT_INT(e_p[i]->tree); */ for (int j = 0; j < face_corners; j++){ double xyz [] = {0.,0.,0.}; double abc [] = {0.,0.,0.}; int c = p4est_face_corners[f_p][j]; int cx = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 0); int cy = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 1); abc[0] = (double)(e_p[i]->qx + cx*e_p[i]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[1] = (double)(e_p[i]->qy + cy*e_p[i]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; #if (P4EST_DIM)==3 int cz = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 2); abc[2] = (double)(e_p[i]->qz + cz*e_p[i]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, which_tree, abc, xyz); printf("c = %d, x,y,z = %.15f,%.15f,%.15f\n", j, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); #elif (P4EST_DIM)==2 test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, e_p[i]->tree, abc, xyz); printf("c = %d, x,y = %.15f,%.15f\n", j, xyz[0], xyz[1]); #else mpi_abort("dim = 2 or 3 only"); #endif } } printf("******************\n"); printf("Side p reoriented\n"); PRINT_INT(faces_p); for (int i = 0; i < faces_p; i++){ int i_new = i; if(faces_p == P4EST_HALF) i_new = dgmath_reorient_face_order((P4EST_DIM)-1, f_m, f_p, orientation, i); for (int j = 0; j < face_corners; j++){ /* PRINT_INT(j); */ int j_new = dgmath_reorient_face_order((P4EST_DIM)-1, f_m, f_p, orientation, j); /* PRINT_INT(j_new); */ double xyz [] = {0.,0.,0.}; double abc [] = {0.,0.,0.}; int c = p4est_face_corners[f_p][j_new]; int cx = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 0); int cy = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 1); f_p_corners[i][j][0] = e_p[i_new]->qx + cx*e_p[i_new]->dq; f_p_corners[i][j][1] = e_p[i_new]->qy + cy*e_p[i_new]->dq; abc[0] = (double)(e_p[i_new]->qx + cx*e_p[i_new]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[1] = (double)(e_p[i_new]->qy + cy*e_p[i_new]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; #if (P4EST_DIM)==3 int cz = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 2); abc[2] = (double)(e_p[i_new]->qz + cz*e_p[i_new]->dq)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, which_tree, abc, xyz); if(faces_p == (P4EST_HALF)){ face_corners_mortar_p[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_p[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; face_corners_mortar_p[i][j][2] = xyz[2]; } face_corners_p[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_p[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; face_corners_p[i][j][2] = xyz[2]; printf("c = %d, x,y,z = %.15f,%.15f,%.15f\n", j, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); #elif (P4EST_DIM)==2 test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, e_p[i_new]->tree, abc, xyz); if(faces_p == (P4EST_HALF)){ face_corners_mortar_p[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_p[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; } face_corners_p[i][j][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_p[i][j][1] = xyz[1]; printf("c = %d, x,y = %.15f,%.15f\n", j, xyz[0], xyz[1]); #else mpi_abort("dim = 2 or 3 only"); #endif } } if (faces_p == 1 && faces_m == (P4EST_HALF)){ printf("******************\n"); printf("Side p projected\n"); #if (P4EST_DIM)==3 p4est_qcoord_t dqa [3]; dqa[0] = f_p_corners[0][1][0] - f_p_corners[0][0][0]; dqa[1] = f_p_corners[0][1][1] - f_p_corners[0][0][1]; dqa[2] = f_p_corners[0][1][2] - f_p_corners[0][0][2]; p4est_qcoord_t dqb [3]; dqb[0] = f_p_corners[0][2][0] - f_p_corners[0][0][0]; dqb[1] = f_p_corners[0][2][1] - f_p_corners[0][0][1]; dqb[2] = f_p_corners[0][2][2] - f_p_corners[0][0][2]; dqa[0] /= 2; dqa[1] /= 2; dqa[2] /= 2; dqb[0] /= 2; dqb[1] /= 2; dqb[2] /= 2; for (int f = 0; f < faces_m; f++){ for (int c = 0; c < (P4EST_HALF); c++){ int fa = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(f, 0); int fb = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(f, 1); int ca = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 0); int cb = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 1); p4est_qcoord_t qcx = f_p_corners[0][0][0] + fa*dqa[0] + fb*dqb[0] + ca*dqa[0] + cb*dqb[0]; p4est_qcoord_t qcy = f_p_corners[0][0][1] + fa*dqa[1] + fb*dqb[1] + ca*dqa[1] + cb*dqb[1]; p4est_qcoord_t qcz = f_p_corners[0][0][2] + fa*dqa[2] + fb*dqb[2] + ca*dqa[2] + cb*dqb[2]; double abc [] = {0,0,0}; double xyz [] = {0,0,0}; abc[0] = (double)(qcx)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[1] = (double)(qcy)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[2] = (double)(qcz)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, e_p[0]->tree, abc, xyz); face_corners_mortar_p[f][c][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_p[f][c][1] = xyz[1]; face_corners_mortar_p[f][c][2] = xyz[2]; printf("c = %d, x,y,z = %.15f,%.15f,%.15f\n", c, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); } } #elif (P4EST_DIM)==2 p4est_qcoord_t dqa [3]; dqa[0] = f_p_corners[0][1][0] - f_p_corners[0][0][0]; dqa[1] = f_p_corners[0][1][1] - f_p_corners[0][0][1]; dqa[0] /= 2; dqa[1] /= 2; /* printf("dqa[0] = %d, dqa[1] =%d\n", dqa[0], dqa[1]); */ for (int f = 0; f < faces_m; f++){ for (int c = 0; c < (P4EST_HALF); c++){ int fa = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(f, 0); int ca = dgmath_is_child_left_or_right(c, 0); p4est_qcoord_t qcx = f_p_corners[0][0][0] + fa*dqa[0] + ca*dqa[0]; p4est_qcoord_t qcy = f_p_corners[0][0][1] + fa*dqa[1] + ca*dqa[1]; double abc [] = {0,0,0}; double xyz [] = {0,0,0}; abc[0] = (double)(qcx)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; abc[1] = (double)(qcy)/(double)P4EST_ROOT_LEN; test_curved_data->geom->X(test_curved_data->geom, e_p[0]->tree, abc, xyz); face_corners_mortar_p[f][c][0] = xyz[0]; face_corners_mortar_p[f][c][1] = xyz[1]; printf("c = %d, x,y,z = %.15f,%.15f\n", c, xyz[0], xyz[1]); } } #else mpi_abort("dim = 2 or 3 only"); #endif } printf("*********SIDE**********\n"); double mortar_err = 0.; if (faces_m == 1 && faces_p == 1){ for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < (P4EST_HALF); j++){ for (int k = 0; k < (P4EST_DIM); k++){ test_curved_data->mortar_err += fabs( face_corners_m[i][j][k] - face_corners_p[i][j][k]); } } } } else{ for (int i = 0; i < (P4EST_HALF); i++){ for (int j = 0; j < (P4EST_HALF); j++){ for (int k = 0; k < (P4EST_DIM); k++){ test_curved_data->mortar_err += fabs( face_corners_mortar_m[i][j][k] - face_corners_mortar_p[i][j][k]); } } } } }
int fun1(int u, int v) { PRINT_INT(u, __FUNCTION__); PRINT_INT(v, __FUNCTION__); return fun2(v, u); }
int main() { int i, j, k; PROBLEM(5, 1); i = 2; j = 3; k = i*j == 6; printf("%d\n", k); // 1 i = 5; j = 10; k = 1; printf("%d\n", k > i < j); // 1 i = 3; j = 2; k = 1; printf("%d\n", i < j == j < k); // 1 i = 3; j = 4; k = 5; printf("%d\n", i % j + i < k); // 0 PROBLEM(5, 3); i = 3; j = 4; k = 5; printf("%d ", i < j || ++j < k); // ((i < j) || ((++j) < k)) printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k); // 1 3 4 5 i = 7; j = 8; k = 9; printf("%d ", i - 7 && j++ < k); printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k); // 0 7 8 9 i = 7; j = 8; k = 9; printf("%d ", (i = j) || (j = k)); printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k); // 1 8 8 9 i = 1; j = 1; k = 1; printf("%d ", ++i || ++j && ++k); printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k); // 1 2 1 1 PROBLEM(5, 4); #define LT_E_GT(num) -(num < 0) + (num > 0) PRINT_INT(LT_E_GT(-4)); PRINT_INT(LT_E_GT(0)); PRINT_INT(LT_E_GT(4)); PROBLEM(5, 10); i = 1; switch (i % 3) { case 0: printf("zero\n"); case 1: printf("one\n"); case 2: printf("two\n"); } PROBLEM(5, 11); int area_code = 229; char *major_city; just_before_switch: switch(area_code) { case 229: major_city = "Albany"; break; case 404: major_city = "Atlanta"; break; case 470: major_city = "Atlanta"; break; default: major_city = ""; } if ( strlen(major_city) == 0) { printf("Area code not recognized\n"); } else { printf("%s\n", major_city); } // goto's are bad pratice--this is just for fun :) if (area_code == 229) { area_code = 404; goto just_before_switch; } else if (area_code == 404) { area_code = 10; goto just_before_switch; } return 0; }