const std::pair<std::string,std::string> ribi::trim::TriangleMeshBuilder::CreateCells() const noexcept { PROFILE_FUNC(); std::stringstream out_owner; out_owner << static_cast<int>(m_faces.size()) << "\n(\n"; std::stringstream out_neighbour; out_neighbour << m_faces.size() << "\n(\n"; for (auto face: m_faces) { assert(face); assert(face->GetOwner()); out_owner << face->GetOwner()->GetIndex() << "\n"; if(!face->GetNeighbour()) { out_neighbour << "-1\n"; } else { out_neighbour << face->GetNeighbour()->GetIndex() << "\n"; } } out_owner << ")"; out_neighbour << ")"; return std::make_pair(out_owner.str(),out_neighbour.str()); }
const std::string ribi::trim::TriangleMeshBuilder::CreateNodes() const noexcept { PROFILE_FUNC(); std::string text; for (const auto point: m_points) { std::stringstream s; int cnt = 0; for (const double p: { point->GetCoordinat()->GetX(), point->GetCoordinat()->GetY(), point->GetZ().value() } ) { s << std::setprecision(cnt != 2 ? 17 : 3); s << p << " "; ++cnt; } std::string t = s.str(); assert(t[t.size() - 1] == ' '); //Replace last space t[t.size() - 1] = '\n'; text += t; } return text; }
void oni_adapter_plugin::init_openni() { PROFILE_FUNC(); openni::Version version = openni::OpenNI::getVersion(); LOG_INFO("", "Initializing OpenNI v%d.%d.%d.%d", version.major, version.minor, version.maintenance,; openni::Status rc = openni::STATUS_OK; openni::OpenNI::addDeviceConnectedListener(this); openni::OpenNI::addDeviceDisconnectedListener(this); rc = openni::OpenNI::initialize(); bool successful = rc == openni::STATUS_OK; if (!successful) { LOG_WARN("", "Failed to initialize OpenNI: %s", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); } else { LOG_INFO("", "Initialized OpenNI v%d.%d.%d.%d", version.major, version.minor, version.maintenance,; } }
// Returns attack odds out of 100 (the higher, the better...) int CvSelectionGroupAI::AI_attackOdds(const CvPlot* pPlot, bool bPotentialEnemy) const { PROFILE_FUNC(); CvUnit* pAttacker; FAssert(getOwnerINLINE() != NO_PLAYER); /************************************************************************************************/ /* BETTER_BTS_AI_MOD 02/21/10 jdog5000 */ /* */ /* Efficiency, Lead From Behind */ /************************************************************************************************/ // From Lead From Behind by UncutDragon // original //if (pPlot->getBestDefender(NO_PLAYER, getOwnerINLINE(), NULL, !bPotentialEnemy, bPotentialEnemy) == NULL) // modified if (!pPlot->hasDefender(false, NO_PLAYER, getOwnerINLINE(), NULL, !bPotentialEnemy, bPotentialEnemy)) /************************************************************************************************/ /* BETTER_BTS_AI_MOD END */ /************************************************************************************************/ { return 100; } int iOdds = 0; pAttacker = AI_getBestGroupAttacker(pPlot, bPotentialEnemy, iOdds); if (pAttacker == NULL) { return 0; } return iOdds; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // FUNCTION: void Init2DIntList(int*** pppiList, int iSizeX, int iSizeY) // // PURPOSE : allocate and initialize a 2d array of int data // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CvXMLLoadUtility::Init2DIntList(int*** pppiList, int iSizeX, int iSizeY) { // SPEEDUP PROFILE_FUNC(); int i,j; // loop counters int** ppiList; FAssertMsg(*pppiList == NULL,"memory leak?"); FAssertMsg(((0 < iSizeX) && (0 < iSizeY)), "list size to allocate is less than 1"); // allocate the memory for the array of pointers to arrays of ints *pppiList = new int *[iSizeX]; // set the local pointer to the newly allocated memory ppiList = *pppiList; // loop through each of the pointers for (i=0;i<iSizeX;i++) { // allocate a list of ints for the current pointer ppiList[i] = new int[iSizeY]; // loop through all of the current pointer's ints for (j=0;j<iSizeY;j++) { // set the current int to zero ppiList[i][j] = 0; } } }
bool ParseAndExecuteBuffer(const char* buffer, const char *bufferName) { PROFILE_FUNC(); lua_State* L = GetDefaultLuaState(); lua_pushcfunction(L, luaCallStackError); PROFILE_BEGIN(luaL_loadbuffer); int error = luaL_loadbuffer(L, buffer, strlen(buffer), bufferName); PROFILE_END_(luaL_loadbuffer); if(error == 0) { PROFILE_BEGIN(lua_pcall); error = lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, -2); } if(error) { string msg = lua_tostring(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); if(msg.find("__UG__LUA__EMPTY__MSG__") == string::npos) throw(LuaError(msg.c_str())); else throw(LuaError()); } return true; }
int dcsmq_poll(dcsmq_t* smq, int max_time_us){ PROFILE_FUNC(); int64_t past_us = 0, start_us, now_us; start_us = dcsutil::time_unixtime_us(); int nproc = 0, ntotal_proc = 0; dcsmq_msg_t dcmsg; uint64_t recvmsgid; while (past_us < max_time_us){ dcmsg.buffer = (char*)smq->recvbuff; = smq->conf.msg_buffsz; recvmsgid = _dcsmq_recv_msg(smq, smq->recver, smq->session, dcmsg); if (recvmsgid == (uint64_t)-1){ break; } smq->msg_cb(smq, recvmsgid, dcmsg, smq->msg_cb_ud); ++nproc; ++ntotal_proc; if (nproc >= 16){ now_us = dcsutil::time_unixtime_us(); past_us += (now_us - start_us); start_us = now_us; nproc = 0; } } return ntotal_proc; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // FUNCTION: void Init2DDirectionTypesList(DirectionTypes*** pppiList, int iSizeX, int iSizeY) // // PURPOSE : allocate and initialize a 2d array of DirectionTypes data // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CvXMLLoadUtility::Init2DDirectionTypesList(DirectionTypes*** pppiList, int iSizeX, int iSizeY) { // SPEEDUP PROFILE_FUNC(); int i,j; // loop counters DirectionTypes** ppiList; FAssertMsg(*pppiList == NULL,"memory leak?"); FAssertMsg(((0 < iSizeX) && (0 < iSizeY)), "list size to allocate is less than 1"); // allocate the memory for the array of pointers to arrays of DirectionTypes *pppiList = new DirectionTypes *[iSizeX]; // set the local pointer to the newly allocated memory ppiList = *pppiList; // loop through each of the pointers for (i=0;i<iSizeX;i++) { // allocate a list of DirectionTypes for the current pointer ppiList[i] = new DirectionTypes[iSizeY]; // loop through all of the current pointer's DirectionTypes for (j=0;j<iSizeY;j++) { // set the current DirectionTypes to NO_DIRECTION ppiList[i][j] = NO_DIRECTION; } } }
SequenceOverlapPairVector OverlapExtractorWithCorrection::getExactOverlaps(const std::string& query) { PROFILE_FUNC("OverlapExtractorWithCorrection::queryOverlaps") SequenceOverlapPairVector raw_overlaps; // // Get inexact overlaps between the query and uncorrected reads by direct FM-index lookups // getRawOverlapsDirect(query, &raw_overlaps); /* // // Get inexact overlaps between the query and uncorrected reads using the k-mer cache // // Extract new reads from the FM-index and update the cache extractAndUpdate(query); extractAndUpdate(reverseComplement(query)); // Compute overlaps between the query sequence and the raw extracted reads getRawOverlapsCached(query, false, &raw_overlaps); getRawOverlapsCached(query, true, &raw_overlaps); */ // Convert raw overlaps to corrected, exact overlaps SequenceOverlapPairVector out_overlaps; getCorrectedExactOverlaps(query, &raw_overlaps, &out_overlaps); return out_overlaps; }
void CTreasurePool::DelMember(CCharEntity* PChar) { PROFILE_FUNC(); DSP_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(PChar == NULL); DSP_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(PChar->PTreasurePool != this); if(m_TreasurePoolType != TREASUREPOOL_ZONE){ //Zone drops e.g. Dynamis DO NOT remove previous lot info. Everything else does. for( int i=0; i<10; i++){ if(m_PoolItems[i].Lotters.size()>0){ for(int j=0; j<m_PoolItems[i].Lotters.size(); j++){ //remove their lot info if(PChar->id == m_PoolItems[i].Lotters[j].member->id){ m_PoolItems[i].Lotters.erase(m_PoolItems[i].Lotters.begin()+j); } } } } } for (uint32 i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) { if (PChar == { PChar->PTreasurePool = NULL; members.erase(members.begin()+i); break; } } if (m_TreasurePoolType != TREASUREPOOL_ZONE && members.empty()) { delete this; return; } }
void CMobSkillState::Clear() { PROFILE_FUNC(); CState::Clear(); m_PMobSkill = NULL; }
const std::string ribi::trim::TriangleMeshBuilder::CreateOpenFoamFaces() const noexcept { PROFILE_FUNC(); std::stringstream s; s << std::setprecision(17) << m_faces.size() << "\n(\n"; //Build a list of nodes for (auto face: m_faces) { assert(face); std::vector<int> points_indices; for (auto point: face->GetPoints()) { points_indices.push_back(point->GetIndex()); } s << points_indices.size() << "(" << Implode(std::string(" "),points_indices) << ")\n"; } s << ")"; return s.str(); }
// Align the haplotype to the reference genome represented by the BWT/SSA pair void HapgenUtil::alignHaplotypeToReferenceBWASW(const std::string& haplotype, const BWTIndexSet& referenceIndex, HapgenAlignmentVector& outAlignments) { PROFILE_FUNC("HapgenUtil::alignHaplotypesToReferenceBWASW") LRAlignment::LRParams params; params.zBest = 20; for(size_t i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) { LRAlignment::LRHitVector hits; std::string query = (i == 0) ? haplotype : reverseComplement(haplotype); LRAlignment::bwaswAlignment(query, referenceIndex.pBWT, referenceIndex.pSSA, params, hits); // Convert the hits into alignments for(size_t j = 0; j < hits.size(); ++j) { int q_alignment_length = hits[j].q_end - hits[j].q_start; // Skip non-complete alignments if((int)haplotype.length() == q_alignment_length) { HapgenAlignment aln(hits[j].targetID, hits[j].t_start, hits[j].length, hits[j].G, i == 1); outAlignments.push_back(aln); } } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // FUNCTION: InitImprovementBonusList(CvImprovementBonusInfo** ppImprovementBonus, int iListLen) // // PURPOSE : allocate a improvement bonus struct list of iListLen size and initialize it's members // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CvXMLLoadUtility::InitImprovementBonusList(CvImprovementBonusInfo** ppImprovementBonus, int iListLen) { // SPEEDUP PROFILE_FUNC(); int i; // loop counter CvImprovementBonusInfo* paImprovementBonus; FAssertMsg(*ppImprovementBonus == NULL,"memory leak?"); FAssertMsg((0 < iListLen),"list size to allocate is less than 1"); // allocate memory for the bonus type pointer based on the list length parameter *ppImprovementBonus = new CvImprovementBonusInfo[iListLen]; // set the local pointer to the memory we just allocated paImprovementBonus = *ppImprovementBonus; // loop through all the bonus structs for (i=0;i<iListLen;i++) { paImprovementBonus[i].m_bBonusMakesValid = false; FAssertMsg(paImprovementBonus[i].m_aiYieldChange==NULL, "mem leak"); paImprovementBonus[i].m_aiYieldChange = new int[NUM_YIELD_TYPES]; for (int j = 0; j < NUM_YIELD_TYPES; j++) { paImprovementBonus[i].m_aiYieldChange[j] = 0; } paImprovementBonus[i].m_iDiscoverRand = 0; } }
void CLinkshell::AddMember(CCharEntity* PChar, int8 type) { PROFILE_FUNC(); members.push_back(PChar); Sql_Query(SqlHandle,"UPDATE accounts_sessions SET linkshellid = %u , linkshellrank = %u WHERE charid = %u", this->getID(),type, PChar->id); PChar->PLinkshell = this; }
void CvMapGenerator::addLakes() { PROFILE_FUNC(); if (gDLL->getPythonIFace()->pythonAddLakes() && !gDLL->getPythonIFace()->pythonUsingDefaultImpl()) { return; // Python override } gDLL->NiTextOut("Adding Lakes..."); CvPlot* pLoopPlot; int iI; for (iI = 0; iI < GC.getMapINLINE().numPlotsINLINE(); iI++) { gDLL->callUpdater(); pLoopPlot = GC.getMapINLINE().plotByIndexINLINE(iI); FAssertMsg(pLoopPlot != NULL, "LoopPlot is not assigned a valid value"); if (!(pLoopPlot->isWater())) { if (!(pLoopPlot->isCoastalLand())) { if (!(pLoopPlot->isRiver())) { if (GC.getGameINLINE().getMapRandNum(GC.getXMLval(XML_LAKE_PLOT_RAND), "addLakes") == 0) { pLoopPlot->setPlotType(PLOT_OCEAN); } } } } } }
void CvMapGenerator::addFeatures() { PROFILE_FUNC(); CvPlot* pPlot; int iI, iJ; if (gDLL->getPythonIFace()->pythonAddFeatures() && !gDLL->getPythonIFace()->pythonUsingDefaultImpl()) { return; // Python override } for (iI = 0; iI < GC.getMapINLINE().numPlotsINLINE(); iI++) { pPlot = GC.getMapINLINE().plotByIndexINLINE(iI); FAssert(pPlot != NULL); for (iJ = 0; iJ < GC.getNumFeatureInfos(); iJ++) { if (pPlot->canHaveFeature((FeatureTypes)iJ)) { if (GC.getGameINLINE().getMapRandNum(10000, "addFeaturesAtPlot") < GC.getFeatureInfo((FeatureTypes)iJ).getAppearanceProbability()) { pPlot->setFeatureType((FeatureTypes)iJ); } } } } }
void CvMap::calculateAreas() { PROFILE_FUNC(); CvPlot* pLoopPlot; CvArea* pArea; int iArea; int iI; for (iI = 0; iI < numPlotsINLINE(); iI++) { pLoopPlot = plotByIndexINLINE(iI); gDLL->callUpdater(); FAssertMsg(pLoopPlot != NULL, "LoopPlot is not assigned a valid value"); if (pLoopPlot->getArea() == FFreeList::INVALID_INDEX) { pArea = addArea(); pArea->init(pArea->getID(), pLoopPlot->isWater()); iArea = pArea->getID(); pLoopPlot->setArea(iArea); gDLL->getFAStarIFace()->GeneratePath(&GC.getAreaFinder(), pLoopPlot->getX_INLINE(), pLoopPlot->getY_INLINE(), -1, -1, pLoopPlot->isWater(), iArea); } } }
//"Check plots for wetlands or seaWater. Returns true if found" bool CvMap::findWater(CvPlot* pPlot, int iRange, bool bFreshWater) { PROFILE_FUNC(); for (int iDX = -(iRange); iDX <= iRange; iDX++) { for (int iDY = -(iRange); iDY <= iRange; iDY++) { CvPlot* pLoopPlot = plotXY(pPlot->getX_INLINE(), pPlot->getY_INLINE(), iDX, iDY); if (pLoopPlot != NULL) { if (bFreshWater) { if (pLoopPlot->isRiver()) { return true; } } else { if (pLoopPlot->isWater()) { return true; } } } } } return false; }
void PolyTreeToExPolygons(ClipperLib::PolyTree& polytree, Slic3r::ExPolygons* expolygons) { PROFILE_FUNC(); expolygons->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < polytree.ChildCount(); ++i) AddOuterPolyNodeToExPolygons(*polytree.Childs[i], expolygons); }
CSynthMessagePacket::CSynthMessagePacket(CCharEntity * PChar, SYNTH_MESSAGE messageID, uint16 itemID, uint8 quantity) { PROFILE_FUNC(); this->type = 0x6F; this->size = 0x12; WBUFB(data,(0x04)-4) = messageID; if (itemID != 0) { WBUFB(data,(0x06)-4) = quantity; WBUFW(data,(0x08)-4) = itemID; } if( messageID == SYNTH_FAIL) { uint8 count = 0; for(uint8 slotID = 1; slotID <= 8; ++slotID) { uint32 quantity = PChar->CraftContainer->getQuantity(slotID); if (quantity == 0) { uint16 itemID = PChar->CraftContainer->getItemID(slotID); WBUFW(data,(0x0A+(count*2))-4) = itemID; count++; } } } }
void simplify_polygons(const Slic3r::Polygons &subject, Slic3r::ExPolygons* retval, bool preserve_collinear) { PROFILE_FUNC(); if (!preserve_collinear) { Polygons polygons; simplify_polygons(subject, &polygons, preserve_collinear); union_(polygons, retval); return; } // convert into Clipper polygons ClipperLib::Paths input_subject; Slic3rMultiPoints_to_ClipperPaths(subject, &input_subject); ClipperLib::PolyTree polytree; ClipperLib::Clipper c; c.PreserveCollinear(true); c.StrictlySimple(true); c.AddPaths(input_subject, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true); c.Execute(ClipperLib::ctUnion, polytree, ClipperLib::pftNonZero, ClipperLib::pftNonZero); // convert into ExPolygons PolyTreeToExPolygons(polytree, retval); }
void offset(const Slic3r::Polygons &polygons, ClipperLib::Paths* retval, const float delta, ClipperLib::JoinType joinType, double miterLimit) { PROFILE_FUNC(); // read input ClipperLib::Paths input; Slic3rMultiPoints_to_ClipperPaths(polygons, &input); // scale input scaleClipperPolygons(input); // perform offset ClipperLib::ClipperOffset co; if (joinType == jtRound) { co.ArcTolerance = miterLimit * double(CLIPPER_OFFSET_SCALE); } else { co.MiterLimit = miterLimit; } { PROFILE_BLOCK(offset_AddPaths); co.AddPaths(input, joinType, ClipperLib::etClosedPolygon); } { PROFILE_BLOCK(offset_Execute); co.Execute(*retval, delta * float(CLIPPER_OFFSET_SCALE)); } // unscale output unscaleClipperPolygons(*retval); }
void LoadDropList() { PROFILE_FUNC(); int32 ret = Sql_Query(SqlHandle, "SELECT dropId, itemId, type, rate FROM mob_droplist WHERE dropid < %u;", MAX_DROPID); if( ret != SQL_ERROR && Sql_NumRows(SqlHandle) != 0) { while(Sql_NextRow(SqlHandle) == SQL_SUCCESS) { uint16 DropID = (uint16)Sql_GetUIntData(SqlHandle,0); if (g_pDropList[DropID] == 0) { g_pDropList[DropID] = new DropList_t; } DropItem_t DropItem; DropItem.ItemID = (uint16)Sql_GetIntData(SqlHandle,1); DropItem.DropType = (uint8)Sql_GetIntData(SqlHandle,2); DropItem.DropRate = (uint8)Sql_GetIntData(SqlHandle,3); g_pDropList[DropID]->push_back(DropItem); } } }
void LoadLootList() { PROFILE_FUNC(); int32 ret = Sql_Query(SqlHandle, "SELECT LootDropId, itemId, rolls, lootGroupId FROM bcnm_loot WHERE LootDropId < %u;", MAX_LOOTID); if( ret != SQL_ERROR && Sql_NumRows(SqlHandle) != 0) { while(Sql_NextRow(SqlHandle) == SQL_SUCCESS) { uint16 LootID = (uint16)Sql_GetUIntData(SqlHandle,0); if (g_pLootList[LootID] == 0) { g_pLootList[LootID] = new LootList_t; } LootItem_t LootItem; LootItem.ItemID = (uint16)Sql_GetIntData(SqlHandle,1); LootItem.Rolls = (uint16)Sql_GetIntData(SqlHandle,2); LootItem.LootGroupId = (uint8)Sql_GetIntData(SqlHandle,3); g_pLootList[LootID]->push_back(LootItem); } } }
// Run the mutation algorithm to generate an improved consensus sequence std::string run_mutation(const std::string& base, const std::vector<HMMInputData>& input) { PROFILE_FUNC("run_mutation") std::string result = base; // assume models for all the reads have the same k assert(!input.empty()); const uint32_t k = input[0].read->pore_model[input[0].strand].k; int iteration = 0; while(iteration++ < 10) { // Generate possible sequences PathConsVector paths = generate_mutations(result, k); // score them in the HMM score_paths(paths, input); // check if no improvement was made if(paths[0].path == result) break; result = paths[0].path; } return result; }
astra_status_t device_streamset::close_sensor_streams() { PROFILE_FUNC(); streams_.clear(); return ASTRA_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
bool scratchpad_wrapper::push_block_scratchpad_data(const block& b) { PROFILE_FUNC("scratchpad_wrapper::push_block_scratchpad_data(b)"); bool res = false; { PROFILE_FUNC_SECOND("scratchpad_wrapper::push_block_scratchpad_data-cache"); res = currency::push_block_scratchpad_data(b, m_scratchpad_cache); } { PROFILE_FUNC_SECOND("scratchpad_wrapper::push_block_scratchpad_data-db"); res &= currency::push_block_scratchpad_data(b, m_rdb_scratchpad); } #ifdef SELF_VALIDATE_SCRATCHPAD std::vector<crypto::hash> scratchpad_cache; load_scratchpad_from_db(m_rdb_scratchpad, scratchpad_cache); if (scratchpad_cache != m_scratchpad_cache) { LOG_PRINT_L0("scratchpads mismatch, memory version: " << ENDL << dump_scratchpad(m_scratchpad_cache) << ENDL << "db version:" << ENDL << dump_scratchpad(scratchpad_cache) ); } #endif return res; }
void CvPropertySolver::doTurn() { MEMORY_TRACE_FUNCTION(); PROFILE_FUNC(); gatherActiveManipulators(); resetPropertyChanges(); // Propagators first predictPropagators(); m_mapProperties.computePredictValues(); correctPropagators(); m_mapProperties.applyChanges(); m_aPropagatorContexts.clear(); // Interactions next predictInteractions(); m_mapProperties.computePredictValues(); correctInteractions(); m_mapProperties.applyChanges(); m_aInteractionContexts.clear(); // Sources last predictSources(); m_mapProperties.computePredictValues(); correctSources(); m_mapProperties.applyChanges(); m_aSourceContexts.clear(); m_apGlobalManipulators.clear(); }
/** * init app, script and data paths */ bool InitPaths(const char* argv0) { PROFILE_FUNC(); //The method currently only works if the path is explicitly specified //during startup or if UG4_ROOT is defined. // extract the application path. char* ug4Root = getenv("UG4_ROOT"); const char* pathSep = GetPathSeparator(); std::string strRoot = ""; if(ug4Root){ strRoot = ug4Root; } else{ std::string tPath = argv0; size_t pos = tPath.find_last_of(pathSep); if (pos != std::string::npos) tPath = tPath.substr(0, pos); else tPath = "."; strRoot = tPath + pathSep + ".."; } if(!PathProvider::has_path(ROOT_PATH)) PathProvider::set_path(ROOT_PATH, strRoot); if(!PathProvider::has_path(BIN_PATH)) PathProvider::set_path(BIN_PATH, strRoot + pathSep + "bin"); if(!PathProvider::has_path(SCRIPT_PATH)) PathProvider::set_path(SCRIPT_PATH, strRoot + pathSep + "ugcore/scripts"); if(!PathProvider::has_path(DATA_PATH)) PathProvider::set_path(DATA_PATH, strRoot + pathSep + "data"); if(!PathProvider::has_path(GRID_PATH)) PathProvider::set_path(GRID_PATH, strRoot + pathSep + "data" + pathSep + "grids"); if(!PathProvider::has_path(PLUGIN_PATH)) PathProvider::set_path(PLUGIN_PATH, strRoot + pathSep + "bin" + pathSep + "plugins"); if(!PathProvider::has_path(APPS_PATH)) PathProvider::set_path(APPS_PATH, strRoot + pathSep + "apps"); // log the paths UG_DLOG(MAIN, 1, "app path set to: " << PathProvider::get_path(BIN_PATH) << std::endl << "script path set to: " << PathProvider::get_path(SCRIPT_PATH) << std::endl << "data path set to: " << PathProvider::get_path(DATA_PATH) << std::endl); /* if(!script::FileExists(PathProvider::get_path(BIN_PATH).c_str()) || !script::FileExists(PathProvider::get_path(SCRIPT_PATH).c_str()) || !script::FileExists(PathProvider::get_path(DATA_PATH).c_str())) { UG_LOG("WARNING: paths were not initialized correctly.\n"); return false; } */ return true; }