コード例 #1
ファイル: mp3.cpp プロジェクト: MatChung/scummvm-ps3
bool Mp3PspStream::initStreamME() {
	// The following will eventually go into the thread

	memset(_codecParams, 0, sizeof(_codecParams));

	// Init the MP3 hardware
	int ret = 0;
	ret = sceAudiocodecCheckNeedMem(_codecParams, 0x1002);
	if (ret < 0) {
		PSP_ERROR("failed to init MP3 ME module. sceAudiocodecCheckNeedMem returned 0x%x.\n", ret);
		return false;
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("sceAudiocodecCheckNeedMem returned %d\n", ret);
	ret = sceAudiocodecGetEDRAM(_codecParams, 0x1002);
	if (ret < 0) {
		PSP_ERROR("failed to init MP3 ME module. sceAudiocodecGetEDRAM returned 0x%x.\n", ret);
		return false;
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("sceAudioCodecGetEDRAM returned %d\n", ret);

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("samplerate[%d]\n", _sampleRate);
	_codecParams[10] = _sampleRate;

	ret = sceAudiocodecInit(_codecParams, 0x1002);
	if (ret < 0) {
		PSP_ERROR("failed to init MP3 ME module. sceAudiocodecInit returned 0x%x.\n", ret);
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: display_manager.cpp プロジェクト: danzat/scummvm
void *VramAllocator::allocate(int32 size, bool smallAllocation /* = false */) {
	assert(size > 0);

	byte *lastAddress = smallAllocation ? (byte *)VRAM_SMALL_ADDRESS : (byte *)VRAM_START_ADDRESS;
	Common::List<Allocation>::iterator i;

	// Find a block that fits, starting from the beginning
	for (i = _allocList.begin(); i != _allocList.end(); ++i) {
		byte *currAddress = (*i).address;

		if (currAddress - lastAddress >= size) // We found a match

		if ((*i).getEnd() > lastAddress)
			lastAddress = (byte *)(*i).getEnd();

	if (lastAddress + size > (byte *)VRAM_END_ADDRESS) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("No space for allocation of %d bytes. %d bytes already allocated.\n",
		                size, _bytesAllocated);
		return NULL;

	_allocList.insert(i, Allocation(lastAddress, size));
	_bytesAllocated += size;

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Allocated in VRAM, size %u at %p.\n", size, lastAddress);
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Total allocated %u, remaining %u.\n", _bytesAllocated, (2 * 1024 * 1024) - _bytesAllocated);

	return lastAddress;
コード例 #3
ファイル: display_manager.cpp プロジェクト: danzat/scummvm
// return true if we really rendered or no dirty. False otherwise
bool DisplayManager::renderAll() {

	if (!_masterGuRenderer.isRenderFinished()) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Callback render not finished.\n");
		return false;	// didn't render

	// This is cheaper than checking time, so we do it first
	// Any one of these being dirty causes everything to draw
	if (!_screen->isDirty() &&
		!_overlay->isDirty() &&
		!_cursor->isDirty() &&
		!_keyboard->isDirty() &&
		!_imageViewer->isDirty()) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Nothing dirty\n");
		return true;	// nothing to render

	if (!isTimeToUpdate())
		return false;	// didn't render

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("dirty: screen[%s], overlay[%s], cursor[%s], keyboard[%s], imageViewer[%s]\n",
	                _screen->isDirty() ? "true" : "false",
	                _overlay->isDirty() ? "true" : "false",
	                _cursor->isDirty() ? "true" : "false",
	                _keyboard->isDirty() ? "true" : "false",
					_imageViewer->isDirty() ? "true" : "false",

	_masterGuRenderer.guPreRender();	// Set up rendering

	_screen->setClean();				// clean out dirty bit

	if (_imageViewer->isVisible())

	if (_overlay->isVisible())

	if (_cursor->isVisible())

	if (_keyboard->isVisible())


	return true;	// rendered successfully
コード例 #4
ファイル: audio.cpp プロジェクト: MatChung/scummvm-ps3
bool PspAudio::open(uint32 freq, uint32 numOfChannels, uint32 numOfSamples, callbackFunc callback, void *userData) {
	if (_init) {
		PSP_ERROR("audio device already initialized\n");
		return true;

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("freq[%d], numOfChannels[%d], numOfSamples[%d], callback[%p], userData[%x]\n",
			freq, numOfChannels, numOfSamples, callback, (uint32)userData);

	numOfSamples = PSP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_ALIGN(numOfSamples);
	uint32 bufLen = numOfSamples * numOfChannels * NUM_BUFFERS * sizeof(uint16);

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("total buffer size[%d]\n", bufLen);

	_buffers[0] = (byte *)memalign(64, bufLen);
	if (!_buffers[0]) {
		PSP_ERROR("failed to allocate memory for audio buffers\n");
		return false;
	memset(_buffers[0], 0, bufLen);	// clean the buffer

	// Fill in the rest of the buffer pointers
	byte *pBuffer = _buffers[0];
	for (int i = 1; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) {
		pBuffer += numOfSamples * numOfChannels * sizeof(uint16);
		_buffers[i] = pBuffer;

	// Reserve a HW channel for our audio
	_pspChannel = sceAudioChReserve(PSP_AUDIO_NEXT_CHANNEL, numOfSamples, numOfChannels == 2 ? PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO : PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_MONO);
	if (_pspChannel < 0) {
		PSP_ERROR("failed to reserve audio channel\n");
		return false;

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("reserved channel[%d] for audio\n", _pspChannel);

	// Save our data
	_numOfChannels = numOfChannels;
	_numOfSamples = numOfSamples;
	_bufferSize = numOfSamples * numOfChannels * sizeof(uint16);	// should be the right size to send the app
	_callback = callback;
	_userData = userData;
	_bufferToFill = 0;
	_bufferToPlay = 0;

	_init = true;
	_paused = true;	// start in paused mode

	threadCreateAndStart("audioThread", PRIORITY_AUDIO_THREAD, STACK_AUDIO_THREAD);	// start the consumer thread

	return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: psp-stream.cpp プロジェクト: St0rmcrow/scummvm
/* Function to open the file pointed to by the path.
void *PspIoStream::open() {

	if (PowerMan.beginCriticalSection()) {
		// No need to open? Just return the _handle resume() already opened

	_handle = sceIoOpen(_path.c_str(), _writeMode ? PSP_O_WRONLY | PSP_O_CREAT | PSP_O_TRUNC : PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777);
	if (!_handle) {
		_error = true;
		_handle = NULL;

	// Get the file size. This way is much faster than going to the end of the file and back
	SceIoStat stat;
	sceIoGetstat(_path.c_str(), &stat);
	_fileSize = *((uint32 *)(void *)&stat.st_size);	// 4GB file (32 bits) is big enough for us

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("%s filesize[%d]\n", _path.c_str(), _fileSize);

	PowerMan.registerForSuspend(this);	 // Register with the powermanager to be suspended


	return (void *)_handle;
コード例 #6
ファイル: png_loader.cpp プロジェクト: project-cabal/cabal
bool PngLoader::load() {
	// Try to load the image
	_file.seek(0);	// Go back to start

	if (!loadImageIntoBuffer()) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("failed to load image\n");
		return false;

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("succeded in loading image\n");

	if (_paletteSize == 16)		// 4-bit
		_buffer->flipNibbles();	// required because of PNG 4-bit format
	return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: display_manager.cpp プロジェクト: danzat/scummvm
// Sleep on the render mutex if the rendering thread hasn't finished its work
void MasterGuRenderer::sleepUntilRenderFinished() {
	if (!isRenderFinished()) {
		_renderSema.take();   // sleep on the semaphore
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("slept on the rendering semaphore\n");
コード例 #8
ファイル: memory.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRi/scummvm-pink
void PspMemory::copy(byte *dst, const byte *src, uint32 bytes) {

	uint32 debugBytes = bytes;
	const byte *debugDst = dst, *debugSrc = src;

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("copy(): dst[%p], src[%p], bytes[%d]\n", dst, src, bytes);

	// align the destination pointer first
	uint32 prefixDst = (((uint32)dst) & 0x3);

	if (prefixDst) {
		prefixDst = 4 - prefixDst;				// prefix only if we have address % 4 != 0
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("prefixDst[%d]\n", prefixDst);

		bytes -= prefixDst;						// remember we assume bytes >= 4

		if (bytes < MIN_AMOUNT_FOR_COMPLEX_COPY) {	// check if it's worthwhile to continue
			copy8(dst, src, bytes + prefixDst);
			testCopy(debugDst, debugSrc, debugBytes);

		while (prefixDst--) {
			*dst++ = *src++;

	// check the source pointer alignment now
	uint32 alignSrc = (((uint32)src) & 0x3);

	if (alignSrc) {						// we'll need to realign our reads
		copy32Misaligned((uint32 *)dst, src, bytes, alignSrc);
	} else {
		copy32Aligned((uint32 *)dst, (uint32 *)src, bytes);

	testCopy(debugDst, debugSrc, debugBytes);
コード例 #9
ファイル: display_manager.cpp プロジェクト: danzat/scummvm
// Deallocate a block from VRAM
void VramAllocator::deallocate(void *address) {
	address = (byte *)CACHED(address);	// Make sure all addresses are the same

	Common::List<Allocation>::iterator i;

	// Find the Allocator to deallocate
	for (i = _allocList.begin(); i != _allocList.end(); ++i) {
		if ((*i).address == address) {
			_bytesAllocated -= (*i).size;
			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Deallocated address[%p], size[%u]\n", (*i).address, (*i).size);

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Address[%p] not allocated.\n", address);
コード例 #10
ファイル: png_loader.cpp プロジェクト: project-cabal/cabal
/* Get the width and height of a png image */
bool PngLoader::findImageDimensions() {

	bool status = basicImageLoad();

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("width[%d], height[%d], paletteSize[%d], bitDepth[%d], channels[%d], rowBytes[%d]\n", _width, _height, _paletteSize, _bitDepth, _channels, _infoPtr->rowbytes);
	png_destroy_read_struct(&_pngPtr, &_infoPtr, png_infopp_NULL);
	return status;
コード例 #11
ファイル: mp3.cpp プロジェクト: MatChung/scummvm-ps3
inline void Mp3PspStream::updatePcmLength() {
	uint32 mpegVer = HEADER_GET_MPEG_VERSION(_stream.this_frame);	// sadly, MAD can't do this for us
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("mpeg ver[%x]\n", mpegVer);
	switch (mpegVer) {
			mpegVer = MPEG_VER1;
			mpegVer = MPEG_VER2;
		case MPEG_VER2_5_HEADER:
			mpegVer = MPEG_VER2_5;
			PSP_ERROR("Unknown MPEG version %x\n", mpegVer);
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("layer[%d]\n", _header.layer);
	_pcmLength = mp3SamplesPerFrame[(mpegVer * 3) + _header.layer - 1];
コード例 #12
ファイル: png_loader.cpp プロジェクト: project-cabal/cabal
// Load a texture from a png image
bool PngLoader::loadImageIntoBuffer() {

	if (!basicImageLoad()) {
		png_destroy_read_struct(&_pngPtr, &_infoPtr, png_infopp_NULL);
		return false;
	png_set_strip_16(_pngPtr);		// Strip off 16 bit channels in case they occur

	if (_paletteSize) {
		// Copy the palette
		png_colorp srcPal = _infoPtr->palette;
		for (int i = 0; i < _infoPtr->num_palette; i++) {
			unsigned char alphaVal = (i < _infoPtr->num_trans) ? _infoPtr->trans[i] : 0xFF;	// Load alpha if it's there
			_palette->setSingleColorRGBA(i, srcPal->red, srcPal->green, srcPal->blue, alphaVal);
	} else {	// Not a palettized image
		if (_colorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && _bitDepth < 8)
			png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8(_pngPtr);	// Round up grayscale images
		if (png_get_valid(_pngPtr, _infoPtr, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
			png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(_pngPtr);		// Convert trans channel to alpha for 32 bits

		png_set_add_alpha(_pngPtr, 0xff, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);		// Filler for alpha if none exists

	uint32 rowBytes = png_get_rowbytes(_pngPtr, _infoPtr);

	// there seems to be a bug in libpng where it doesn't increase the rowbytes or the
	// channel even after we add the alpha channel
	if (_channels == 3 && (rowBytes / _width) == 3) {
		_channels = 4;
		rowBytes = _width * _channels;

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("rowBytes[%d], channels[%d]\n", rowBytes, _channels);

	unsigned char *line = (unsigned char*) malloc(rowBytes);
	if (!line) {
		png_destroy_read_struct(&_pngPtr, png_infopp_NULL, png_infopp_NULL);
		PSP_ERROR("Couldn't allocate line\n");
		return false;

	for (size_t y = 0; y < _height; y++) {
		png_read_row(_pngPtr, line, png_bytep_NULL);
		_buffer->copyFromRect(line, rowBytes, 0, y, _width, 1);	// Copy into buffer
	png_read_end(_pngPtr, _infoPtr);
	png_destroy_read_struct(&_pngPtr, &_infoPtr, png_infopp_NULL);

	return true;
コード例 #13
ファイル: audio.cpp プロジェクト: MatChung/scummvm-ps3
// The real thread function
void PspAudio::threadFunction() {
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT_FUNC("audio thread started\n");

	while (_init) {		// Keep looping so long as we haven't been told to stop
		if (_paused)
			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("audio thread paused\n");
		while (_paused) {	// delay until we stop pausing
			PspThread::delayMicros(100000);	// 100ms
			if (!_paused)
				PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("audio thread unpaused\n");

		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("remaining samples[%d]\n", _remainingSamples);

		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("filling buffer[%d]\n", _bufferToFill);
		_callback(_userData, _buffers[_bufferToFill], _bufferSize); // ask mixer to fill in data

		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("playing buffer[%d].\n", _bufferToPlay);
	} // while _init

	// destroy everything
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("audio thread exiting. ****************************\n");
コード例 #14
ファイル: display_manager.cpp プロジェクト: danzat/scummvm
// this function gets called by PspThread when starting the new thread
void MasterGuRenderer::threadFunction() {

	// Create the callback. It should always get the pointer to MasterGuRenderer
	_callbackId = sceKernelCreateCallback("Display Callback", guCallback, this);
	if (_callbackId < 0) {
		PSP_ERROR("failed to create display callback\n");

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("created callback. Going to sleep\n");

	sceKernelSleepThreadCB();	// sleep until we get a callback
コード例 #15
ファイル: mp3.cpp プロジェクト: MatChung/scummvm-ps3
bool Mp3PspStream::initDecoder() {

	if (_decoderInit) {
		PSP_ERROR("Already initialized!");
		return true;

	// Based on PSP firmware version, we need to do different things to do Media Engine processing
	uint32 firmware = sceKernelDevkitVersion();
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Firmware version 0x%x\n", firmware);
    if (firmware == 0x01050001){
		if (!loadStartAudioModule((char *)(void *)"flash0:/kd/me_for_vsh.prx",
			PSP_ERROR("failed to load me_for_vsh.prx. ME cannot start.\n");
			_decoderFail = true;
			return false;
        if (!loadStartAudioModule((char *)(void *)"flash0:/kd/audiocodec.prx", PSP_MEMORY_PARTITION_KERNEL)) {
			PSP_ERROR("failed to load audiocodec.prx. ME cannot start.\n");
			_decoderFail = true;
			return false;
    } else {
        if (sceUtilityLoadAvModule(PSP_AV_MODULE_AVCODEC) < 0) {
			PSP_ERROR("failed to load AVCODEC module. ME cannot start.\n");
			_decoderFail = true;
			return false;

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Using PSP's ME for MP3\n");	// important to know this is happening

	_decoderInit = true;
	return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: display_manager.cpp プロジェクト: danzat/scummvm
void DisplayManager::setSizeAndPixelFormat(uint width, uint height, const Graphics::PixelFormat *format) {
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("w[%u], h[%u], pformat[%p]\n", width, height, format);


	_screen->setSize(width, height);


	_displayParams.screenSource.width = width;
	_displayParams.screenSource.height = height;
コード例 #17
void Screen::setScummvmPixelFormat(const Graphics::PixelFormat *format) {
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("format[%p], _buffer[%p], _palette[%p]\n", format, &_buffer, &_palette);

	if (!format) {
		bzero(&_pixelFormat, sizeof(_pixelFormat));
		_pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel = 1;	// default
	} else {
		_pixelFormat = *format;

	PSPPixelFormat::Type bufferFormat, paletteFormat;
	bool swapRedBlue = false;

	PSPPixelFormat::convertFromScummvmPixelFormat(format, bufferFormat, paletteFormat, swapRedBlue);
	_buffer.setPixelFormat(bufferFormat, swapRedBlue);
	_palette.setPixelFormats(paletteFormat, bufferFormat, swapRedBlue);
コード例 #18
bool DefaultDisplayClient::allocate(bool bufferInVram /* = false */, bool paletteInVram /* = false */) {

	if (!_buffer.allocate(bufferInVram)) {
		PSP_ERROR("Couldn't allocate buffer.\n");
		return false;

	if (_buffer.hasPalette()) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("_palette[%p]\n", &_palette);

		if (!_palette.allocate()) {
			PSP_ERROR("Couldn't allocate palette.\n");
			return false;

	return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: display_manager.cpp プロジェクト: danzat/scummvm
void MasterGuRenderer::guProgramDisplayBufferSizes() {

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Outputbits[%u]\n", GuRenderer::_displayManager->getOutputBitsPerPixel());

	switch (GuRenderer::_displayManager->getOutputBitsPerPixel()) {
	case 16:
		sceGuDrawBuffer(GU_PSM_4444, (void *)0, PSP_BUFFER_WIDTH);
		sceGuDepthBuffer((void*)(PSP_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(uint16) * 2), PSP_BUFFER_WIDTH);
		VramAllocator::instance().allocate(PSP_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(uint16) * 2);
	case 32:
		sceGuDrawBuffer(GU_PSM_8888, (void *)0, PSP_BUFFER_WIDTH);
		sceGuDepthBuffer((void*)(PSP_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(uint32) * 2), PSP_BUFFER_WIDTH);
		VramAllocator::instance().allocate(PSP_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(uint32) * 2);
コード例 #20
ファイル: psp-stream.cpp プロジェクト: St0rmcrow/scummvm
uint32 PspIoStream::read(void *ptr, uint32 len) {
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT_FUNC("filename[%s], len[0x%x], ptr[%p], _pos[%x], _physPos[%x]\n", _path.c_str(), len, ptr, _pos, _physicalPos);

	if (_error || _eos || len <= 0)
		return 0;

	uint32 lenRemainingInFile = _fileSize - _pos;

	// check for getting EOS
	if (len > lenRemainingInFile) {
		len = lenRemainingInFile;
		_eos = true;

	if (PowerMan.beginCriticalSection())

	// check if we need to seek
	if (_pos != _physicalPos)
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("seeking from %x to %x\n", _physicalPos, _pos);
		if (!physicalSeekFromCur(_pos - _physicalPos)) {
			_error = true;
			return 0;

	int ret = sceIoRead(_handle, ptr, len);


	_physicalPos += ret;	// Update position
	_pos = _physicalPos;

	if (ret != (int)len) {	// error
		PSP_ERROR("sceIoRead returned [0x%x] instead of len[0x%x]\n", ret, len);
		_error = true;
		_errorSource = 4;
	return ret;
コード例 #21
ファイル: memory.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRi/scummvm-pink
// used to swap red and blue
void PspMemorySwap::swap(uint16 *dst16, const uint16 *src16, uint32 bytes, PSPPixelFormat &format) {

	uint32 debugBytes = bytes;
	const uint16 *debugDst = dst16, *debugSrc = src16;

	// align the destination pointer first
	uint32 prefixDst = (((uint32)dst16) & 0x3);	// for swap, we can only have 2 or 0 as our prefix

	if (prefixDst) {
		bytes -= prefixDst;						// remember we assume bytes > 4
		*dst16++ = format.swapRedBlue16(*src16++);

		if (bytes < MIN_AMOUNT_FOR_COMPLEX_COPY) { // check if it's worthwhile to continue
			swap16(dst16, src16, bytes, format);

			testSwap(debugDst, debugSrc, debugBytes, format);

	// check the source pointer alignment now
	uint32 alignSrc = (((uint32)src16) & 0x3);

	if (alignSrc) {						// we'll need to realign our reads
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("misaligned copy of %u bytes from %p to %p\n", bytes, src16, dst16);
		swap32Misaligned((uint32 *)dst16, src16, bytes, format);
	} else {
		swap32Aligned((uint32 *)dst16, (const uint32 *)src16, bytes, format);

	testSwap(debugDst, debugSrc, debugBytes, format);

コード例 #22
ファイル: rtc.cpp プロジェクト: MaddTheSane/scummvm
// Note that after we fill up 32 bits ie 50 days we'll loop back to 0, which may cause
// unpredictable results
uint32 PspRtc::getMillis(bool skipRecord) {
	uint32 ticks[2];

	sceRtcGetCurrentTick((u64 *)ticks);		// can introduce weird thread delays

	uint32 millis = ticks[0]/1000;
	millis -= _startMillis;					// get ms since start of program

	if ((int)_lastMillis - (int)millis > MS_LOOP_CHECK) {		// we must have looped around
		if (_looped == false) {					// check to make sure threads do this once
			_looped = true;
			_milliOffset += MS_LOOP_AROUND;		// add the needed offset
			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("looping around. last ms[%d], curr ms[%d]\n", _lastMillis, millis);
	} else {
		_looped = false;

	_lastMillis = millis;

	return millis + _milliOffset;
コード例 #23
ファイル: memory.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRi/scummvm-pink
void PspMemory::copy32Aligned(uint32 *dst32, const uint32 *src32, uint32 bytes) {
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("copy32Aligned(): dst32[%p], src32[%p], bytes[%d]\n", dst32, src32, bytes);

	int words8 = bytes >> 5;

	// try blocks of 8 words at a time
	if (words8) {
		while (words8--) {
			uint32 a, b, c, d;
			a = src32[0];
			b = src32[1];
			c = src32[2];
			d = src32[3];
			dst32[0] = a;
			dst32[1] = b;
			dst32[2] = c;
			dst32[3] = d;
			a = src32[4];
			b = src32[5];
			c = src32[6];
			d = src32[7];
			dst32[4] = a;
			dst32[5] = b;
			dst32[6] = c;
			dst32[7] = d;
			dst32 += 8;
			src32 += 8;

	int words4 = (bytes & 0x1F) >> 4;

	// try blocks of 4 words at a time
	if (words4) {
		uint32 a, b, c, d;
		a = src32[0];
		b = src32[1];
		c = src32[2];
		d = src32[3];
		dst32[0] = a;
		dst32[1] = b;
		dst32[2] = c;
		dst32[3] = d;
		dst32 += 4;
		src32 += 4;

	int bytesLeft = (bytes & 0xF);	// only look at bytes left after we did the above
	int wordsLeft = bytesLeft >> 2;

	// now just do single words
	while (wordsLeft) {
		*dst32++ = *src32++;

	bytesLeft = bytes & 0x3;	// get remaining bytes

	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("bytesLeft[%d]\n", bytesLeft);

	byte *dst = (byte *)dst32;
	byte *src = (byte *)src32;

	while (bytesLeft--) {
		*dst++ = *src++;
コード例 #24
ファイル: pspkeyboard.cpp プロジェクト: St0rmcrow/scummvm
/* load the keyboard into memory */
bool PSPKeyboard::load() {

	if (_init) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("keyboard already loaded into memory\n");
		return true;

	// For the shell, we must use a hack
	Common::FSNode node(PSP_KB_SHELL_PATH);
#else /* normal mode */
	Common::FSNode node(".");				// Look in current directory
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("path[%s]\n", node.getPath().c_str());

	Common::Archive *fileArchive = NULL;
	Common::Archive *zipArchive = NULL;
	Common::SeekableReadStream * file = 0;

	if (node.getChild("kbd").exists() && node.getChild("kbd").isDirectory()) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("found directory ./kbd\n");
		fileArchive = new Common::FSDirectory(node.getChild("kbd"));
	if (node.getChild("kbd.zip").exists()) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("found kbd.zip\n");
		zipArchive  = Common::makeZipArchive(node.getChild("kbd.zip"));

	int i;

	// Loop through all png images
	for (i = 0; i < guiStringsSize; i++) {
		PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("Opening %s.\n", _guiStrings[i]);

		// Look for the file in the kbd directory
		if (fileArchive && fileArchive->hasFile(_guiStrings[i])) {
			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("found it in kbd directory.\n");

			file = fileArchive->createReadStreamForMember(_guiStrings[i]);
			if (!file) {
				PSP_ERROR("Can't open kbd/%s for keyboard. No keyboard will load.\n", _guiStrings[i]);
				goto ERROR;
		// We didn't find it. Look for it in the zip file
		else if (zipArchive && zipArchive->hasFile(_guiStrings[i])) {
			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("found it in kbd.zip.\n");

			file = zipArchive->createReadStreamForMember(_guiStrings[i]);
			if (!file) {
				PSP_ERROR("Can't open %s in kbd.zip for keyboard. No keyboard will load.\n", _guiStrings[i]);
				goto ERROR;
		} else {	// Couldn't find the file
			PSP_ERROR("Can't find %s for keyboard. No keyboard will load.\n", _guiStrings[i]);
			goto ERROR;

		PngLoader image(file, _buffers[i], _palettes[i]);

		if (image.allocate() != PngLoader::OK) {
			PSP_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for keyboard image %s\n", _guiStrings[i]);
			goto ERROR;
		if (!image.load()) {
			PSP_ERROR("Failed to load image from file %s\n", _guiStrings[i]);
			goto ERROR;

		delete file;
	} /* for loop */

	_init = true;

	delete fileArchive;
	delete zipArchive;

	return true;


	delete file;
	delete fileArchive;
	delete zipArchive;

	for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
	_init = false;

	return false;
コード例 #25
ファイル: memory.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRi/scummvm-pink
// More challenging -- need to shift
// Assume dst is aligned
void PspMemory::copy32Misaligned(uint32 *dst32, const byte *src, uint32 bytes, uint32 alignSrc) {
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("copy32Misaligned: dst32[%p], src[%p], bytes[%d], alignSrc[%d]\n", dst32, src, bytes, alignSrc);

	uint32 *src32 = (uint32 *)(((uint32)src) & 0xFFFFFFFC);	// remove misalignment
	uint32 shiftValue, lastShiftValue;

	switch (alignSrc) {
	case 1:
		shiftValue = 8;
		lastShiftValue = 24;
	case 2:
		shiftValue = 16;
		lastShiftValue = 16;
	default: /* 3 */
		shiftValue = 24;
		lastShiftValue = 8;

	uint32 dstWord, srcWord;

	// Try to do groups of 4 words
	uint32 words4 = bytes >> 4;

	srcWord = *src32;		// preload 1st word so we read ahead

	for (; words4; words4--) {
		dstWord = srcWord >> shiftValue;
		srcWord = src32[1];
		dstWord |= srcWord << lastShiftValue;
		dst32[0] = dstWord;
		dstWord = srcWord >> shiftValue;
		srcWord = src32[2];
		dstWord |= srcWord << lastShiftValue;
		dst32[1] = dstWord;
		dstWord = srcWord >> shiftValue;
		srcWord = src32[3];
		dstWord |= srcWord << lastShiftValue;
		dst32[2] = dstWord;
		dstWord = srcWord >> shiftValue;
		srcWord = src32[4];
		dstWord |= srcWord << lastShiftValue;
		dst32[3] = dstWord;
		src32 += 4;
		dst32 += 4;

	uint32 words = (bytes & 0xF) >> 2;	// now get remaining words

	// we read one word ahead of what we write
	// setup the first read

	for (; words ;words--) {
		dstWord = srcWord >> shiftValue;
		srcWord = src32[1];				// we still go one ahead
		dstWord |= srcWord << lastShiftValue;
		*dst32++ = dstWord;

	uint32 bytesLeft = bytes & 3;	// and remaining bytes

	if (bytesLeft) {
		byte *dst8 = (byte *)dst32;
		byte *src8 = ((byte *)src32) + ((uint32)src & 0x3);	// get exact location we should be at

		for(; bytesLeft; bytesLeft--) {
			*dst8++ = *src8++;
コード例 #26
ファイル: audio.cpp プロジェクト: MatChung/scummvm-ps3
void PspAudio::close() {
	PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("close has been called ***************\n");
	_init = false;
コード例 #27
ファイル: mp3.cpp プロジェクト: MatChung/scummvm-ps3
void Mp3PspStream::decodeMP3Data() {

	do {
		if (_state == MP3_STATE_INIT) {

		if (_state == MP3_STATE_EOS)

		findValidHeader();	// seach for next valid header

		while (_state == MP3_STATE_READY) {	// not a real 'while'. Just for easy flow
			_stream.error = MAD_ERROR_NONE;

			uint32 frame_size = _stream.next_frame - _stream.this_frame;

			updatePcmLength(); // Retrieve the number of PCM samples.
							   // We seem to change this, so it needs to be dynamic

			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("MP3 frame size[%d]. pcmLength[%d]\n", frame_size, _pcmLength);

			memcpy(_codecInBuffer, _stream.this_frame, frame_size);	// we need it aligned

			// set up parameters for ME
			_codecParams[6] = (unsigned long)_codecInBuffer;
			_codecParams[8] = (unsigned long)_pcmSamples;
			_codecParams[7] = frame_size;
			_codecParams[9] = _pcmLength * 2;	// x2 for stereo, though this one's not so important

			// debug
			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("mp3 frame:\n");
			for (int i=0; i < (int)frame_size; i++) {
				PSP_DEBUG_PRINT_SAMELN("%x ", _codecInBuffer[i]);
			// Decode the next frame
			// This function blocks. We'll want to put it in a thread
			int ret = sceAudiocodecDecode(_codecParams, 0x1002);
			if (ret < 0) {
				PSP_INFO_PRINT("failed to decode MP3 data in ME. sceAudiocodecDecode returned 0x%x\n", ret);

			PSP_DEBUG_PRINT("PCM frame:\n");
			for (int i=0; i < (int)_codecParams[9]; i+=2) {	// changed from i+=2
				PSP_DEBUG_PRINT_SAMELN("%d ", (int16)_pcmSamples[i]);
			_posInFrame = 0;
	} while (_state != MP3_STATE_EOS && _stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN);

	if (_stream.error != MAD_ERROR_NONE)	// catch EOS
		_state = MP3_STATE_EOS;