static void* ggp_tcpsocket_connect(void *_gc, const char *host, int port, int is_tls, int is_async, void *priv) { PurpleConnection *gc = _gc; PurpleSocket *ps; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); g_return_val_if_fail(!purple_connection_is_disconnecting(gc), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(host != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(is_async, NULL); purple_debug_misc("gg", "ggp_tcpsocket_connect(%p, %s:%d, %s, %p)", gc, host, port, is_tls ? "tls" : "tcp", priv); ps = purple_socket_new(gc); purple_socket_set_tls(ps, is_tls); purple_socket_set_host(ps, host); purple_socket_set_port(ps, port); if (!purple_socket_connect(ps, ggp_tcpsocket_connected, priv)) { purple_socket_destroy(ps); return NULL; } return ps; }
static void ggp_pubdir_search_got_token(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *token, gpointer _request) { PurpleHttpRequest *req; ggp_pubdir_request *request = _request; gchar *query; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); if (!token) { request->cb(gc, -1, NULL, 0, request->user_data); ggp_pubdir_request_free(request); return; } purple_debug_misc("gg", "ggp_pubdir_search_got_token\n"); query = ggp_pubdir_search_make_query(request->params.search_form); req = purple_http_request_new(NULL); purple_http_request_set_url_printf(req, "", query); purple_http_request_header_set(req, "Authorization", token); purple_http_request(gc, req, ggp_pubdir_got_data, request); purple_http_request_unref(req); g_free(query); }
static void auth_old_pass_cb(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleRequestFields *fields) { PurpleAccount *account; JabberStream *js; const char *entry; gboolean remember; /* TODO: the password prompt dialog doesn't get disposed if the account disconnects */ PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); account = purple_connection_get_account(gc); js = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc); entry = purple_request_fields_get_string(fields, "password"); remember = purple_request_fields_get_bool(fields, "remember"); if (!entry || !*entry) { purple_notify_error(account, NULL, _("Password is required to sign on."), NULL, purple_request_cpar_from_connection(gc)); return; } if (remember) purple_account_set_remember_password(account, TRUE); purple_account_set_password(account, entry, NULL, NULL); /* Restart our connection */ jabber_auth_start_old(js); }
static void ggp_tcpsocket_connected(PurpleSocket *ps, const gchar *error, gpointer priv_gg) { PurpleConnection *gc = purple_socket_get_connection(ps); GGPInfo *info = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc); int fd = -1; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); if (error == NULL) fd = purple_socket_get_fd(ps); if (!gg_socket_manager_connected(ps, priv_gg, fd)) { purple_debug_error("gg", "socket not handled"); purple_socket_destroy(ps); } if (info->inpa > 0) purple_input_remove(info->inpa); if (info->session->fd < 0) return; info->inpa = purple_input_add(info->session->fd, ggp_tcpsocket_inputcond_gg_to_purple(info->session->check), ggp_async_login_handler, gc); }
static void auth_no_pass_cb(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleRequestFields *fields) { /* TODO: the password prompt dialog doesn't get disposed if the account disconnects */ PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); /* Disable the account as the user has cancelled connecting */ purple_account_set_enabled(purple_connection_get_account(gc), purple_core_get_ui(), FALSE); }
static void ggp_pubdir_set_info_got_token(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *token, gpointer _record) { PurpleHttpRequest *req; ggp_pubdir_record *record = _record; gchar *request_data; gchar *name, *surname, *city; uin_t uin = record->uin; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); if (!token) { /* TODO: notify about failure */ ggp_pubdir_record_free(record, 1); return; } name = g_uri_escape_string(record->first_name, NULL, FALSE); surname = g_uri_escape_string(record->last_name, NULL, FALSE); city = g_uri_escape_string(record->city, NULL, FALSE); request_data = g_strdup_printf( "name=%s&" "surname=%s&" "birth=%sT10:00:00%%2B00:00&" "birth_priv=2&" "gender=%d&" "gender_priv=2&" "city=%s&" "province=%d", name, surname, ggp_date_strftime("%Y-%m-%d", record->birth), record->gender, city, record->province); if (purple_debug_is_verbose() && purple_debug_is_unsafe()) { purple_debug_misc("gg", "ggp_pubdir_set_info_got_token: " "query [%s]\n", request_data); } req = purple_http_request_new(NULL); purple_http_request_set_method(req, "PUT"); purple_http_request_set_url_printf(req, "", uin); purple_http_request_header_set(req, "Authorization", token); purple_http_request_header_set(req, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); purple_http_request_set_contents(req, request_data, -1); purple_http_request(gc, req, ggp_pubdir_set_info_got_response, NULL); purple_http_request_unref(req); g_free(request_data); ggp_pubdir_record_free(record, 1); }
static inline ggp_edisc_session_data * ggp_edisc_get_sdata(PurpleConnection *gc) { GGPInfo *accdata; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); accdata = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc); g_return_val_if_fail(accdata != NULL, NULL); return accdata->edisc_data; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The user has selected to change their PIN. * * @param gc The connection object * @param fields The fields from the request pop-up */ static void mxit_change_pin_cb( PurpleConnection* gc, PurpleRequestFields* fields ) { struct MXitSession* session = purple_connection_get_protocol_data( gc ); const char* pin = NULL; const char* pin2 = NULL; const char* err = NULL; int len; int i; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); /* validate pin */ pin = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "pin" ); if ( !pin ) { err = _( "The PIN you entered is invalid." ); goto out; } len = strlen( pin ); if ( ( len < 4 ) || ( len > 10 ) ) { err = _( "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [4-10]." ); goto out; } for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( !g_ascii_isdigit( pin[i] ) ) { err = _( "The PIN is invalid. It should only consist of digits [0-9]." ); goto out; } } pin2 = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "pin2" ); if ( ( !pin2 ) || ( strcmp( pin, pin2 ) != 0 ) ) { err = _( "The two PINs you entered do not match." ); goto out; } out: if ( !err ) { /* update PIN in account */ purple_account_set_password( session->acc, pin, NULL, NULL ); /* update session object */ g_free( session->encpwd ); session->encpwd = mxit_encrypt_password( session ); /* send the update request to MXit */ mxit_send_extprofile_update( session, session->encpwd, 0, NULL ); } else { /* show error to user */ mxit_popup( PURPLE_NOTIFY_MSG_ERROR, _( "PIN Update Error" ), err ); } }
static void ggp_avatar_buddy_update_received(PurpleHttpConnection *http_conn, PurpleHttpResponse *response, gpointer _pending_update) { ggp_avatar_buddy_update_req *pending_update = _pending_update; PurpleBuddy *buddy; PurpleAccount *account; PurpleConnection *gc = pending_update->gc; ggp_avatar_session_data *avdata; gchar timestamp_str[20]; const gchar *got_data; size_t got_len; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); avdata = ggp_avatar_get_avdata(gc); g_assert(pending_update == avdata->current_update); avdata->current_update = NULL; if (!purple_http_response_is_successful(response)) { purple_debug_error("gg", "ggp_avatar_buddy_update_received: bad" " response while getting avatar for %u: %s\n", pending_update->uin, purple_http_response_get_error(response)); g_free(pending_update); return; } account = purple_connection_get_account(gc); buddy = purple_blist_find_buddy(account, ggp_uin_to_str(pending_update->uin)); if (!buddy) { purple_debug_warning("gg", "ggp_avatar_buddy_update_received: " "buddy %u disappeared\n", pending_update->uin); g_free(pending_update); return; } g_snprintf(timestamp_str, sizeof(timestamp_str), "%lu", pending_update->timestamp); got_data = purple_http_response_get_data(response, &got_len); purple_buddy_icons_set_for_user(account, purple_buddy_get_name(buddy), g_memdup(got_data, got_len), got_len, timestamp_str); purple_debug_info("gg", "ggp_avatar_buddy_update_received: " "got avatar for buddy %u [ts=%lu]\n", pending_update->uin, pending_update->timestamp); g_free(pending_update); }
static void ggp_avatar_own_sent(PurpleHttpConnection *http_conn, PurpleHttpResponse *response, gpointer user_data) { PurpleConnection *gc = purple_http_conn_get_purple_connection(http_conn); PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); if (!purple_http_response_is_successful(response)) { purple_debug_error("gg", "ggp_avatar_own_sent: " "avatar not sent. %s\n", purple_http_response_get_error(response)); return; } purple_debug_info("gg", "ggp_avatar_own_sent: %s\n", purple_http_response_get_data(response, NULL)); }
void ggp_avatar_own_set(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleImage *img) { ggp_avatar_own_data *own_data; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); purple_debug_info("gg", "ggp_avatar_own_set(%p, %p)", gc, img); own_data = ggp_avatar_get_avdata(gc)->own_data; if (img == NULL) { purple_debug_warning("gg", "ggp_avatar_own_set: avatar removing" " is probably not possible within old protocol"); return; } own_data->img = img; ggp_oauth_request(gc, ggp_avatar_own_got_token, img, NULL, NULL); }
static gboolean ggp_avatar_timer_cb(gpointer _gc) { PurpleConnection *gc = _gc; ggp_avatar_session_data *avdata; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); avdata = ggp_avatar_get_avdata(gc); if (avdata->current_update != NULL) { if (purple_debug_is_verbose()) { purple_debug_misc("gg", "ggp_avatar_timer_cb(%p): " "there is already an update running\n", gc); } return TRUE; } while (!ggp_avatar_buddy_update_next(gc)); return TRUE; }
static void ggp_pubdir_get_info_got_token(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *token, gpointer _request) { PurpleHttpRequest *req; ggp_pubdir_request *request = _request; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); if (!token) { request->cb(gc, -1, NULL, 0, request->user_data); ggp_pubdir_request_free(request); return; } req = purple_http_request_new(NULL); purple_http_request_set_url_printf(req, "", request->params.user_info.uin); purple_http_request_header_set(req, "Authorization", token); purple_http_request(gc, req, ggp_pubdir_got_data, request); purple_http_request_unref(req); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The user has selected to change their profile. * * @param gc The connection object * @param fields The fields from the request pop-up */ static void mxit_profile_cb( PurpleConnection* gc, PurpleRequestFields* fields ) { struct MXitSession* session = purple_connection_get_protocol_data( gc ); PurpleRequestField* field = NULL; const char* name = NULL; const char* bday = NULL; const char* err = NULL; GList* entry = NULL; purple_debug_info( MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "mxit_profile_cb\n" ); PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); /* validate name */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "name" ); if ( ( !name ) || ( strlen( name ) < 3 ) ) { err = _( "The Display Name you entered is invalid." ); goto out; } /* validate birthdate */ bday = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "bday" ); if ( ( !bday ) || ( strlen( bday ) < 10 ) || ( !validateDate( bday ) ) ) { err = _( "The birthday you entered is invalid. The correct format is: 'YYYY-MM-DD'." ); goto out; } out: if ( !err ) { struct MXitProfile* profile = session->profile; GString* attributes = g_string_sized_new( 128 ); char attrib[512]; unsigned int acount = 0; /* update name */ g_strlcpy( profile->nickname, name, sizeof( profile->nickname ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_FULLNAME, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->nickname ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update birthday */ g_strlcpy( profile->birthday, bday, sizeof( profile->birthday ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_BIRTHDATE, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->birthday ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update gender */ profile->male = ( purple_request_fields_get_choice( fields, "male" ) != 0 ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_GENDER, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_BOOL, ( profile->male ) ? "1" : "0" ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update title */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "title" ); if ( !name ) profile->title[0] = '\0'; else g_strlcpy( profile->title, name, sizeof( profile->title ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_TITLE, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->title ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update firstname */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "firstname" ); if ( !name ) profile->firstname[0] = '\0'; else g_strlcpy( profile->firstname, name, sizeof( profile->firstname ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_FIRSTNAME, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->firstname ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update lastname */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "lastname" ); if ( !name ) profile->lastname[0] = '\0'; else g_strlcpy( profile->lastname, name, sizeof( profile->lastname ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_LASTNAME, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->lastname ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update email address */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "email" ); if ( !name ) profile->email[0] = '\0'; else g_strlcpy( profile->email, name, sizeof( profile->email ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_EMAIL, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->email ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update mobile number */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "mobilenumber" ); if ( !name ) profile->mobilenr[0] = '\0'; else g_strlcpy( profile->mobilenr, name, sizeof( profile->mobilenr ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_MOBILENR, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->mobilenr ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update about me */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "aboutme" ); if ( !name ) profile->aboutme[0] = '\0'; else g_strlcpy( profile->aboutme, name, sizeof( profile->aboutme ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_ABOUTME, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->aboutme ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update where am i */ name = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "whereami" ); if ( !name ) profile->whereami[0] = '\0'; else g_strlcpy( profile->whereami, name, sizeof( profile->whereami ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%s", CP_PROFILE_WHEREAMI, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_UTF8, profile->whereami ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* relationship status */ field = purple_request_fields_get_field( fields, "relationship" ); entry = g_list_first( purple_request_field_list_get_selected( field ) ); profile->relationship = atoi( purple_request_field_list_get_data( field, entry->data ) ); g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%i", CP_PROFILE_RELATIONSHIP, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_SHORT, profile->relationship ); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* update flags */ field = purple_request_fields_get_field( fields, "searchable" ); if ( purple_request_field_bool_get_value( field ) ) /* is searchable -> clear not-searchable flag */ profile->flags &= ~CP_PROF_NOT_SEARCHABLE; else profile->flags |= CP_PROF_NOT_SEARCHABLE; field = purple_request_fields_get_field( fields, "suggestable" ); if ( purple_request_field_bool_get_value( field ) ) /* is suggestable -> clear not-suggestable flag */ profile->flags &= ~CP_PROF_NOT_SUGGESTABLE; else profile->flags |= CP_PROF_NOT_SUGGESTABLE; g_snprintf( attrib, sizeof( attrib ), "\01%s\01%i\01%" G_GINT64_FORMAT, CP_PROFILE_FLAGS, CP_PROFILE_TYPE_LONG, profile->flags); g_string_append( attributes, attrib ); acount++; /* send the profile update to MXit */ mxit_send_extprofile_update( session, NULL, acount, attributes->str ); g_string_free( attributes, TRUE ); } else { /* show error to user */ mxit_popup( PURPLE_NOTIFY_MSG_ERROR, _( "Profile Update Error" ), err ); } }