コード例 #1
int selectDevice()
    int     			i, 
    const PaDeviceInfo 	*deviceInfo;
    PaStreamParameters 	inputParameters, 
	PaStream*			stream;
    PaError 			err;
    paTestData          data;
    int                 totalFrames;
    int                 numSamples;
    int                 numBytes;
	char 				devSelection[4];
	int					devSelectInt;

    err = Pa_Initialize();
    if( err != paNoError )
        printf( "ERROR: Pa_Initialize returned 0x%x\n", err );
        goto error;
    printf( "PortAudio version: 0x%08X\n", Pa_GetVersion());
    printf( "Version text: '%s'\n", Pa_GetVersionInfo()->versionText );

    numDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
    if( numDevices < 0 )
        printf( "ERROR: Pa_GetDeviceCount returned 0x%x\n", numDevices );
        err = numDevices;
        goto error;
    printf( "Number of devices = %d\n", numDevices );
    for( i=0; i<numDevices; i++ )
        deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i );
        printf( "--------------------------------------- device #%d\n", i );
    /* Mark global and API specific default devices */
        defaultDisplayed = 0;
        if( i == Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice() )
            printf( "[ Default Input" );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        else if( i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->defaultInputDevice )
            const PaHostApiInfo *hostInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi );
            printf( "[ Default %s Input", hostInfo->name );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        if( i == Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice() )
            printf( (defaultDisplayed ? "," : "[") );
            printf( " Default Output" );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        else if( i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->defaultOutputDevice )
            const PaHostApiInfo *hostInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi );
            printf( (defaultDisplayed ? "," : "[") );                
            printf( " Default %s Output", hostInfo->name );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;

        if( defaultDisplayed )
            printf( " ]\n" );

    /* print device info fields */
#ifdef WIN32
        {   /* Use wide char on windows, so we can show UTF-8 encoded device names */
            wchar_t wideName[MAX_PATH];
            MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, deviceInfo->name, -1, wideName, MAX_PATH-1);
            wprintf( L"Name                        = %s\n", wideName );
        printf( "Name                        = %s\n", deviceInfo->name );
        printf( "Host API                    = %s\n",  Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->name );
        printf( "Max inputs = %d", deviceInfo->maxInputChannels  );
        printf( ", Max outputs = %d\n", deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels  );

        printf( "Default low input latency   = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency  );
        printf( "Default low output latency  = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency  );
        printf( "Default high input latency  = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency  );
        printf( "Default high output latency = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency  );

#ifdef WIN32
/* ASIO specific latency information */
        if( Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->type == paASIO ){
            long minLatency, maxLatency, preferredLatency, granularity;

            err = PaAsio_GetAvailableLatencyValues( i,
		            &minLatency, &maxLatency, &preferredLatency, &granularity );

            printf( "ASIO minimum buffer size    = %ld\n", minLatency  );
            printf( "ASIO maximum buffer size    = %ld\n", maxLatency  );
            printf( "ASIO preferred buffer size  = %ld\n", preferredLatency  );

            if( granularity == -1 )
                printf( "ASIO buffer granularity     = power of 2\n" );
                printf( "ASIO buffer granularity     = %ld\n", granularity  );
#endif /* PA_USE_ASIO */
#endif /* WIN32 */

        printf( "Default sample rate         = %8.2f\n", deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate );

    /* poll for standard sample rates */
        inputParameters.device = i;
        inputParameters.channelCount = deviceInfo->maxInputChannels;
        inputParameters.sampleFormat = paInt16;
        inputParameters.suggestedLatency = 0; /* ignored by Pa_IsFormatSupported() */
        inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
        outputParameters.device = i;
        outputParameters.channelCount = deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels;
        outputParameters.sampleFormat = paInt16;
        outputParameters.suggestedLatency = 0; /* ignored by Pa_IsFormatSupported() */
        outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;

        if( inputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for half-duplex 16 bit %d channel input = \n",
                    inputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( &inputParameters, NULL );

        if( outputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for half-duplex 16 bit %d channel output = \n",
                    outputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( NULL, &outputParameters );

        if( inputParameters.channelCount > 0 && outputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for full-duplex 16 bit %d channel input, %d channel output = \n",
                    inputParameters.channelCount, outputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( &inputParameters, &outputParameters );
    } /* for numDevices */
	printf("What input device would you like to use? ");	
	fgets(devSelection, 4, stdin);
	devSelectInt	= atoi(devSelection);
	if(devSelectInt < numDevices)
		printf("Hooray!  You chose device %s, which is within bounds.\n", devSelection);
		inputParameters.device	= devSelectInt;
		if(inputParameters.device == paNoDevice)
			fprintf(stderr,"Error: input device at that device number.\n");
			goto error;
		} // if - no device
		data.maxFrameIndex = totalFrames = NUM_SECONDS * SAMPLE_RATE; /* Record for a few seconds. */
		data.frameIndex = 0;
		numSamples = totalFrames * NUM_CHANNELS;
		numBytes = numSamples * sizeof(SAMPLE);
		data.recordedSamples = (SAMPLE *) malloc( numBytes ); /* From now on, recordedSamples is initialised. */
		if( data.recordedSamples == NULL )
			printf("Could not allocate record array.\n");
			goto error;
		for( i=0; i<numSamples; i++ ) data.recordedSamples[i] = 0;
		inputParameters.channelCount = 2;                    /* stereo input */
		inputParameters.sampleFormat = PA_SAMPLE_TYPE;
		inputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inputParameters.device )->defaultLowInputLatency;
		inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
		 /* Record some audio. -------------------------------------------- */
		err = Pa_OpenStream(
				  NULL,                  /* &outputParameters, */
				  paClipOff,      /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */
				  &data );
		if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

		err = Pa_StartStream( stream );
		if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
		printf("\n=== Now recording!! Please speak into the microphone. ===\n"); fflush(stdout);

		while( ( err = Pa_IsStreamActive( stream ) ) == 1 )
			printf("index = %d; amplitude = %f\n", data.frameIndex, data.recordedSamples[data.frameIndex] ); fflush(stdout);
		if( err < 0 ) goto error;

		err = Pa_CloseStream( stream );
		if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
	} // if - device number within bounds


    return 0;

    fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return err;
} /* selectDevice */
コード例 #2
ファイル: pa_devs.c プロジェクト: bkgood/portaudio-pulseaudio
int main(void)
    int     i, numDevices, defaultDisplayed;
    const   PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo;
    PaStreamParameters inputParameters, outputParameters;
    PaError err;


    printf( "PortAudio version number = %d\nPortAudio version text = '%s'\n",
            Pa_GetVersion(), Pa_GetVersionText() );

    numDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
    if( numDevices < 0 )
        printf( "ERROR: Pa_GetDeviceCount returned 0x%x\n", numDevices );
        err = numDevices;
        goto error;
    printf( "Number of devices = %d\n", numDevices );
    for( i=0; i<numDevices; i++ )
        deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i );
        printf( "--------------------------------------- device #%d\n", i );
    /* Mark global and API specific default devices */
        defaultDisplayed = 0;
        if( i == Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice() )
            printf( "[ Default Input" );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        else if( i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->defaultInputDevice )
            const PaHostApiInfo *hostInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi );
            printf( "[ Default %s Input", hostInfo->name );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        if( i == Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice() )
            printf( (defaultDisplayed ? "," : "[") );
            printf( " Default Output" );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        else if( i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->defaultOutputDevice )
            const PaHostApiInfo *hostInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi );
            printf( (defaultDisplayed ? "," : "[") );                
            printf( " Default %s Output", hostInfo->name );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;

        if( defaultDisplayed )
            printf( " ]\n" );

    /* print device info fields */
        printf( "Name                        = %s\n", deviceInfo->name );
        printf( "Host API                    = %s\n",  Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->name );
        printf( "Max inputs = %d", deviceInfo->maxInputChannels  );
        printf( ", Max outputs = %d\n", deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels  );

        printf( "Default low input latency   = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency  );
        printf( "Default low output latency  = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency  );
        printf( "Default high input latency  = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency  );
        printf( "Default high output latency = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency  );

#ifdef WIN32
/* ASIO specific latency information */
        if( Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->type == paASIO ){
            long minLatency, maxLatency, preferredLatency, granularity;

            err = PaAsio_GetAvailableLatencyValues( i,
		            &minLatency, &maxLatency, &preferredLatency, &granularity );

            printf( "ASIO minimum buffer size    = %ld\n", minLatency  );
            printf( "ASIO maximum buffer size    = %ld\n", maxLatency  );
            printf( "ASIO preferred buffer size  = %ld\n", preferredLatency  );

            if( granularity == -1 )
                printf( "ASIO buffer granularity     = power of 2\n" );
                printf( "ASIO buffer granularity     = %ld\n", granularity  );
#endif /* PA_USE_ASIO */
#endif /* WIN32 */

        printf( "Default sample rate         = %8.2f\n", deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate );

    /* poll for standard sample rates */
        inputParameters.device = i;
        inputParameters.channelCount = deviceInfo->maxInputChannels;
        inputParameters.sampleFormat = paInt16;
        inputParameters.suggestedLatency = 0; /* ignored by Pa_IsFormatSupported() */
        inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
        outputParameters.device = i;
        outputParameters.channelCount = deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels;
        outputParameters.sampleFormat = paInt16;
        outputParameters.suggestedLatency = 0; /* ignored by Pa_IsFormatSupported() */
        outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;

        if( inputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for half-duplex 16 bit %d channel input = \n",
                    inputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( &inputParameters, NULL );

        if( outputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for half-duplex 16 bit %d channel output = \n",
                    outputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( NULL, &outputParameters );

        if( inputParameters.channelCount > 0 && outputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for full-duplex 16 bit %d channel input, %d channel output = \n",
                    inputParameters.channelCount, outputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( &inputParameters, &outputParameters );


    return 0;

    fprintf( stderr, "An error occured while using the portaudio stream\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return err;
コード例 #3
int selectDevice()
    int     			i,
    const PaDeviceInfo 	*deviceInfo;
    PaStreamParameters 	inputParameters,
	PaStream*			stream;
    PaError 			err;

    paTestData          data;
    int                 totalFrames;
    int                 numSamples;
    int                 numBytes;
	char 				devSelection[4];
	int					devSelectInt;

    err = Pa_Initialize();
    if( err != paNoError )
        printf( "ERROR: Pa_Initialize returned 0x%x\n", err );
        return -1;

    printf( "PortAudio version: 0x%08X\n", Pa_GetVersion());
    printf( "Version text: '%s'\n", Pa_GetVersionInfo()->versionText );

    numDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
    if( numDevices < 0 )
        printf( "ERROR: Pa_GetDeviceCount returned 0x%x\n", numDevices );
        err = numDevices;
        return -1;

    printf( "Number of devices = %d\n", numDevices );
    for( i=0; i<numDevices; i++ )
        deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i );
        printf( "--------------------------------------- device #%d\n", i );

    /* Mark global and API specific default devices */
        defaultDisplayed = 0;
        if( i == Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice() )
            printf( "[ Default Input" );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        else if( i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->defaultInputDevice )
            const PaHostApiInfo *hostInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi );
            printf( "[ Default %s Input", hostInfo->name );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;

        if( i == Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice() )
            printf( (defaultDisplayed ? "," : "[") );
            printf( " Default Output" );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;
        else if( i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->defaultOutputDevice )
            const PaHostApiInfo *hostInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi );
            printf( (defaultDisplayed ? "," : "[") );
            printf( " Default %s Output", hostInfo->name );
            defaultDisplayed = 1;

        if( defaultDisplayed )
            printf( " ]\n" );

    /* print device info fields */
#ifdef WIN32
        {   /* Use wide char on windows, so we can show UTF-8 encoded device names */
            wchar_t wideName[MAX_PATH];
            MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, deviceInfo->name, -1, wideName, MAX_PATH-1);
            wprintf( L"Name                        = %s\n", wideName );
        printf( "Name                        = %s\n", deviceInfo->name );
        printf( "Host API                    = %s\n",  Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->name );
        printf( "Max inputs = %d", deviceInfo->maxInputChannels  );
        printf( ", Max outputs = %d\n", deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels  );

        printf( "Default low input latency   = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency  );
        printf( "Default low output latency  = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency  );
        printf( "Default high input latency  = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency  );
        printf( "Default high output latency = %8.4f\n", deviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency  );

#ifdef WIN32
/* ASIO specific latency information */
        if( Pa_GetHostApiInfo( deviceInfo->hostApi )->type == paASIO ){
            long minLatency, maxLatency, preferredLatency, granularity;

            err = PaAsio_GetAvailableLatencyValues( i,
		            &minLatency, &maxLatency, &preferredLatency, &granularity );

            printf( "ASIO minimum buffer size    = %ld\n", minLatency  );
            printf( "ASIO maximum buffer size    = %ld\n", maxLatency  );
            printf( "ASIO preferred buffer size  = %ld\n", preferredLatency  );

            if( granularity == -1 )
                printf( "ASIO buffer granularity     = power of 2\n" );
                printf( "ASIO buffer granularity     = %ld\n", granularity  );
#endif /* PA_USE_ASIO */
#endif /* WIN32 */

        printf( "Default sample rate         = %8.2f\n", deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate );

    /* poll for standard sample rates */
        inputParameters.device = i;
        inputParameters.channelCount = deviceInfo->maxInputChannels;
        inputParameters.sampleFormat = paInt16;
        inputParameters.suggestedLatency = 0; /* ignored by Pa_IsFormatSupported() */
        inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;

        outputParameters.device = i;
        outputParameters.channelCount = deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels;
        outputParameters.sampleFormat = paInt16;
        outputParameters.suggestedLatency = 0; /* ignored by Pa_IsFormatSupported() */
        outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;

        if( inputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for half-duplex 16 bit %d channel input = \n",
                    inputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( &inputParameters, NULL );

        if( outputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for half-duplex 16 bit %d channel output = \n",
                    outputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( NULL, &outputParameters );

        if( inputParameters.channelCount > 0 && outputParameters.channelCount > 0 )
            printf("Supported standard sample rates\n for full-duplex 16 bit %d channel input, %d channel output = \n",
                    inputParameters.channelCount, outputParameters.channelCount );
            PrintSupportedStandardSampleRates( &inputParameters, &outputParameters );
    } /* for numDevices */

	printf("What input device would you like to use? ");
	fgets(devSelection, 4, stdin);
	devSelectInt	= atoi(devSelection);

	if(devSelectInt >= numDevices)
		printf("Sorry; that number is out of the parameters; must be less than %d.", numDevices);
		return -1;
	} // if

	return devSelectInt;
} // selectDevice