コード例 #1
ファイル: MapHack.cpp プロジェクト: agreements/WarCraft3
VOID MapHack()
	if (!GameCheck())

	if (OnCheck)
		OnCheck = FALSE;

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x3a159b, "\x90\x90", 2);

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x36143C, "\x00", 1);

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x282A5C, "\x40\xC3", 2);

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x399A98, "\xEB", 1);

		PrintText("|CFFFAFF21Cheat Real|R : |CFFFF0000Hack On|R");
		OnCheck = TRUE;

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x3a159b, "\x23\xCA", 2);

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x36143C, "\x01", 1);

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x282A5C, "\xC3\xCC", 2);

		PatchDll(DllBase + 0x399A98, "\x74", 1);

		PrintText("|CFFFAFF21Cheat Real|R : |CFFFF0000Hack OFF|R");
コード例 #2
ファイル: setup.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
PPROFBLK SetupProfiling(LPCTSTR ptchFileName)
		PVOID	ImageBase;
		PPROFBLK pProfBlk;
		PPROFBLK pPrevProfBlk;
		ULONG	 ulBlkOff;
		LPCSTR  ptchImageName;
	    TCHAR	atchImageName [256];
    	PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS  pImageNtHeader;

	    // Skip directory name
	    if ( (ptchImageName = strrchr(ptchFileName, '\\')) )
	        ptchImageName = (PTCHAR)ptchFileName;

		// Make uppercase copy
	    _strupr (strcpy (atchImageName, ptchImageName));

		// Don't profile CAP
	    if ( !strcmp (atchImageName, CAPDLL) )
	        return NULL;

		// Search prof blk list for matching image name
		pPrevProfBlk = NULL;
		ulBlkOff = ulLocProfBlkOff;

	    while (ulBlkOff != 0) 
    		pPrevProfBlk = MKPPROFBLK(ulBlkOff);

			// If found image, no need to set up new block
			if (!strcmp((PCHAR)pPrevProfBlk->atchImageName, atchImageName))
				return FALSE;

			ulBlkOff = pPrevProfBlk->ulNxtBlk;

		try // Accessing new block can cause an access fault
			// which will extend the allocation 
			// Place block at next available offset
			pProfBlk = MKPPROFBLK(*pulProfBlkBase);

			// Fill in initial values
			pProfBlk->ImageBase =0;
		    pProfBlk->CodeStart = 0;
		    pProfBlk->CodeLength = 0;
			pProfBlk->iSymCnt = 0;
			pProfBlk->State = BLKSTATE_ASSIGNED;
			pProfBlk->ulNxtBlk = 0;
		    strcpy ((TCHAR *) pProfBlk->atchImageName, atchImageName);

			// Link to previous block or initial block offset
			if (pPrevProfBlk)
				pPrevProfBlk->ulNxtBlk = *pulProfBlkBase;
				ulLocProfBlkOff = *pulProfBlkBase;

			// Load module symbols
			ImageBase = GetModuleHandle(ptchImageName);
			SymLoadModule(hThisProcess, NULL, (LPSTR)ptchFileName,
												 (LPSTR)ptchImageName, (DWORD)ImageBase, 0);
			if (ImageBase != NULL)
		 		pProfBlk->ImageBase = ImageBase;

				// Get code start address
				if ((pImageNtHeader = ImageNtHeader(ImageBase)) != NULL)
					pProfBlk->CodeStart = (PULONG)((TCHAR *)ImageBase +
					// If can't get code start, use imagebase as next best guess
					pProfBlk->CodeStart = ImageBase;

	#if defined(MIPS) && !defined(MIPS_VC40_INTERFACE)

				// Enumerate symbols to find adress of _penter
		    	fPenterFound = FALSE;
				SymEnumerateSymbols(hThisProcess, (DWORD)ImageBase,
									 FindPenterCallback, (PVOID)pProfBlk);

	#endif // MIPS && !MIPS_VC40_INTERFACE

				// Get module info for symbols count
				SymGetModuleInfo(hThisProcess, (DWORD)ImageBase, &ModuleInfo);
				pProfBlk->iSymCnt = ModuleInfo.NumSyms;

				// Determine location for symbols and symbol names
				pProfSymb = (PSYMINFO)(&pProfBlk->atchImageName[strlen(atchImageName) + 1]);
				pProfBlk->ulSym = (PTCHAR)pProfSymb - (PTCHAR)pulProfBlkBase;
				pcProfSymbName = (PTCHAR)&pProfSymb[ModuleInfo.NumSyms];

				// Now enumerate symbols to build up symbol table
				ulMaxSymbAddr = (ULONG)pProfBlk->CodeStart;
				SymEnumerateSymbols(hThisProcess, (DWORD)ImageBase,
									 SymbolEnumCallback, (PVOID)pProfBlk);

				// Set symbol range based on max symbol address	encountered
				if (ulMaxSymbAddr > (ULONG)pProfBlk->CodeStart)
					pProfBlk->CodeLength = ulMaxSymbAddr - (ULONG)pProfBlk->CodeStart;

				// Update pointer to available space
				*pulProfBlkBase = (ULONG)(pcProfSymbName - (PTCHAR)pulProfBlkBase);

				// Unload the module
				SymUnloadModule(hThisProcess, (DWORD)ImageBase);

				// Do any requested import/export patching
	        	PatchDll (ptchPatchImports, ptchPatchCallers, bCallersToPatch,
	                       atchImageName, ImageBase);
				// No symbols - Update offset to next free space
				*pulProfBlkBase = (ULONG)&pProfBlk->atchImageName[strlen(atchImageName) + 1]
			} // ImageBase != NULL

		// + : transfer control to the handler (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)
		// 0 : continue search                 (EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH)
		// - : dismiss exception & continue    (EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION)
		except ( AccessXcptFilter (GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation(), COMMIT_SIZE))
		    // Should never get here since filter never returns
		    CapDbgPrint ("CAP:  DoDllInitializations() - *LOGIC ERROR* - "
		              "Inside the EXCEPT: (xcpt=0x%lx)\n", GetExceptionCode());
		} // end of TRY/EXCEPT

		return pProfBlk;