コード例 #1
  Reads a bit field in an 8-bit port, performs a bitwise AND followed by a
  bitwise inclusive OR, and writes the result back to the bit field in the
  8-bit port.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise AND followed by a bitwise inclusive OR between the read result and
  the value specified by AndData, and writes the result to the 8-bit PCI
  configuration register specified by Address. The value written to the PCI
  configuration register is returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI
  read and write operations are serialized. Extra left bits in both AndData and
  OrData are stripped.

  If Address > 0x0FFFFFFF, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the result of the AND operation.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciBitFieldAndThenOr8 (
  IN      UINTN                     Address,
  IN      UINTN                     StartBit,
  IN      UINTN                     EndBit,
  IN      UINT8                     AndData,
  IN      UINT8                     OrData
  return PciCf8BitFieldAndThenOr8 (Address, StartBit, EndBit, AndData, OrData);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PciLib.c プロジェクト: EvanLloyd/tianocore
  Reads a bit field in an 8-bit port, performs a bitwise AND followed by a
  bitwise OR, and writes the result back to the bit field in the
  8-bit port.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise AND followed by a bitwise OR between the read result and
  the value specified by AndData, and writes the result to the 8-bit PCI
  configuration register specified by Address. The value written to the PCI
  configuration register is returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI
  read and write operations are serialized. Extra left bits in both AndData and
  OrData are stripped.

  If Address > 0x0FFFFFFF, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If AndData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().
  If OrData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   The PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the result of the AND operation.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciBitFieldAndThenOr8 (
  IN      UINTN                     Address,
  IN      UINTN                     StartBit,
  IN      UINTN                     EndBit,
  IN      UINT8                     AndData,
  IN      UINT8                     OrData
  return mRunningOnQ35 ?
         PciExpressBitFieldAndThenOr8 (Address, StartBit, EndBit, AndData, OrData) :
         PciCf8BitFieldAndThenOr8 (Address, StartBit, EndBit, AndData, OrData);