コード例 #1
ファイル: replay.cpp プロジェクト: twelvedogs/Lix
void Replay::clear()
    file_not_found = false;
    holds_level    = false;
    version_min    = gloB->version_min;
    built_required = gloB->empty_string;
    level_filename = gloB->empty_filename;
    player_local   = -1;
    max_updates    = 0;
    players        .clear();
    permu          = Permu();
    data           .clear();
コード例 #2
ファイル: PokerOpe.c プロジェクト: gembaf/wint
    i|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  13
     |A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T  J  Q  K  A
int Straight( const int hd[], int cg, int us ){
  int i, j,k;                  // 反復変数
  int a,b,c;                   // 計算に使う一時変数
  int chng=-1;                 // 交換するnum
  int ret = -1;
  struct card  deck[14] = {0}; // 山札の構造体
  double deck_pro[14] = {0};   // デッキからストレートのできる各々のnumの確率 deck_pro[0] = A = deck_pro[13]
  double hand_pro[13] = {0};   // 手札のカードの確率
  double min =100;
  int count = 0;
  int tmp1, tmp2;
  if( poker_point(hd) >= P4 ){ return -1; }
/*----- 事前処理--------------------- -------------------- */
  for( i=0; i< 4; i++ ){ deck[i].mark = 13-(sut[i] + udsut[i]); }  // (手札と捨て札から)山札のマーク残り数を求める
  for( i=0; i<13; i++ ){ deck[i].num = 4-(Num[i] + udNum[i]); }    // (手札と捨て札から)山札の数字の残り数を求める
  deck[13].num = deck[0].num;
  //------------------------ 手札に同じ数字がある場合、山札に多い方を残す
  for( i=0; i<4; i++ ){
    if( 1 < Num[i] ){           // 同じ数字が2枚ある場合
      for( j=0; j<HNUM; j++){
        if( hand[j].num == i ){  tmp1 = j; break;}         // 数字からマークを調べる
      for( k=0; k<HNUM; k++){
        if( hand[k].num == i && tmp1 != k ){ tmp2 = k; }   // 数字からマークを調べる
      if( deck[tmp1].num < deck[tmp2].num ){               // 手札の tmp1 番目 と tmp2 番目が同じ数字 残りマークの少ない方を捨てる
        return tmp1;
        return tmp2;

  for( i=0; i<HNUM; i++ ){
    for( j=0; j<14; j++ ){
      if( hand[i].num != j && flg[j] != -1 ){    // 手札にあるものは -1 とする
        flg[j] = deck[j].num;
        flg[j] = -1;
  flg[13] = flg[0];

  for( i=0; i<14-4; i++ ){          // 5つの塊で見ていく
    a = 1;
    count = 0;
    for( j=i; j<i+HNUM; j++ ){
      if( flg[j] != -1 && flg[j] != 0 ){  // 手札にない かつ 山札の枚数が 0でない
        a *= flg[j];          // 手札にないカードについて確率の一部分を求める
    b = Permu( (52-HNUM-us)-count, count);
    c = Permu( 52-HNUM-us, CHNG-cg );
    for( k=i; k<i+HNUM; k++ ){
      deck_pro[k]   += (double)(a*b)/c;
  deck_pro[0] += deck_pro[13];  // AとKの後のAは同じため

  // 捨てる捜索範囲は i=0 i<13 まで 仮想Aは 含めない
  // 手札の番号について確率を格納し、その5つの中から比較する。
  for( i=0; i<13; i++ ){
    for( j=0; j<HNUM; j++ ){
      if( i == hand[j].num ){
        hand_pro[i] = deck_pro[i];

  // 確率が最小のものを探す。
  for( i=0; i<13; i++ ){
    if( hand_pro[i] < min && hand_pro[i] != 0 ){
      min = hand_pro[i];
      chng = i;

  // 手札から交換対象 chng を探す
  for( i=0; i<HNUM; i++ ){
    if( hand[i].num == chng ){
      ret = i;
  return ret;
コード例 #3
ファイル: client_c.cpp プロジェクト: twelvedogs/Lix
void NetClient::calc()
    ENetEvent event;

    if (me && server)
     while (enet_host_service(me, &event, 0) > 0) {

        char type = (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE)
                  ? (char) event.packet->data[0]
                  : LEMNET_NOTHING;

        if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT) {
            // Server shall check if protocols and versions match.

        else if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) {
            exit = true;

        else if (type == LEMNET_DISCON_SILENT) {
            exit = true;

        else if (type == LEMNET_WELCOME_DATA) {
            // The server sends out packets of this sort, but that only
            // happens to inform clients before 2009 Oct 25 of their very
            // old version. The server will probably stop that in some
            // months, and until then we simply ignore these.

        else if (type == LEMNET_YOU_TOO_OLD
         ||      type == LEMNET_YOU_TOO_NEW) {
            const bool old = (type == LEMNET_YOU_TOO_OLD);
            if  (old) Console::push_back(Language::net_chat_we_too_old);
            else      Console::push_back(Language::net_chat_we_too_new);
            std::string msg = Language::net_chat_version_yours;
            msg += Help::version_to_string(gloB->version);
            msg += Language::net_chat_version_server;
            msg += Help::version_to_string(
                    get_uint32_from(event.packet->data + 2));
            msg += '.';
            if (old) Console::push_back(Language::net_chat_please_download);
            else     Console::push_back(Language::net_chat_server_update);
            // The server will throw us out.

        else if (type == LEMNET_SOMEONE_OLD
         ||      type == LEMNET_SOMEONE_NEW) {
            int who_nr = event.packet->data[1];
            PlDatIt who = players.begin();
            while (who != players.end() && who->number != who_nr) ++who;

            if (type == LEMNET_SOMEONE_NEW) {
            // There exists someone with that number
            else if (who != players.end()) {
                std::string s = who->name + ' '
                              + Language::net_chat_named_guy_old;
            else Console::push_back(Language::net_chat_someone_old);
            // This is independent from new or old
            if (who != players.end()) {
                // reset player
                player_data_change = true;

        else if (type == LEMNET_RECHECK) {

        else if (type == LEMNET_ASSIGN_NUMBER) {
            PlayerData pd(event.packet->data[2],
            pd.style = pd.number % (LixEn::STYLE_MAX-1) + 1;
            if (useR->network_last_style > 0
             && useR->network_last_style < LixEn::STYLE_MAX)
                pd.style = static_cast <char> (useR->network_last_style);
            // The lobby saves the style to useR->...

            ourself = players.begin();

            ENetPacket* p = pd.create_packet();
            enet_peer_send(server, LEMNET_CHANNEL_MAIN, p);

        else if (type == LEMNET_ROOM_DATA) {
            for (int room = 0; room < NETWORK_ROOMS_MAX; ++room)
             if (event.packet->data[2 + room] > 0) {
                RoomData rd;
                rd.number  = room;
                rd.members = event.packet->data[2 + room];
            room_data_change = true;

        else if (type == LEMNET_ROOM_CHANGE) {
            // Throw out all people other than us, because we'll soon receive
            // LEMNET_PLAYER_BEFORE packets for everyone in the new room.
            PlayerData temp_ourself = *ourself;
            ourself = players.begin();
            const char target_room = event.packet->data[2];
            if (ourself->room == -1)
            else if (target_room == 0)
            else {
                std::ostringstream message;
                message << Language::net_chat_we_in_room
                        << (int) target_room
                        << Language::net_chat_we_in_room_2;
            ourself->room = target_room;

        else if (type == LEMNET_PLAYER_DATA
         ||      type == LEMNET_PLAYER_BEFORE) {
            PlayerData pd;
            PlDatIt known = get_player(pd.number);

            // A new person has joined
            if (known == players.end()) {
                // Insert new data before the first higher data, so that
                // the players list is still sorted by operator <.
                PlDatIt insert_here = --players.end();
                while (insert_here != --players.begin()
                 && pd < *insert_here) --insert_here;
                players.insert(++insert_here, pd);
                if (type == LEMNET_PLAYER_DATA) {
                    std::ostringstream message;
                    message << pd.name;
                    if (ourself->room == 0)
                        message << Language::net_chat_player_in_lobby;
                    else {
                        message << Language::net_chat_player_in_room;
                        message << (int) ourself->room;
                        message << Language::net_chat_player_in_room_2;
            else {
                // Only the information about readiness doesn't set back
                // all ready states. Everything else does.
                // snr = set nobody ready
                bool dont_call_snr = *known == pd;
                known->ready  = !known->ready; // *known will be overwr. anyway
                dont_call_snr = dont_call_snr || *known == pd;
                *known = pd;
                if (!dont_call_snr) set_nobody_ready();
            player_data_change = true;

        else if (type == LEMNET_PLAYER_CLEAR
         ||      type == LEMNET_PLAYER_OUT_TO) {
            unsigned nr = event.packet->data[1];
            PlDatIt who = get_player(nr);
            if (who != players.end()) {
                std::ostringstream message;
                message << who->name;
                if (type == LEMNET_PLAYER_CLEAR) {
                    message << Language::net_chat_disconnection;
                else {
                    int room = event.packet->data[2];
                    if (room == 0) {
                        message << Language::net_chat_player_out_lobby;
                    else {
                        message << Language::net_chat_player_out_room;
                        message << room;
                        message << Language::net_chat_player_out_room_2;
                player_data_change = true;

        else if (type == LEMNET_LEVEL_FILE) {
            std::istringstream str((char*) event.packet->data + 2);
            level_change = true;

            PlDatIt who = get_player(event.packet->data[1]);
            if (who != players.end()) {
                std::ostringstream msg;
                msg << who->name << ' ' << Language::net_chat_level_change
                    << ' ' << level.get_name();

        else if (type == LEMNET_CHAT_MESSAGE) {
            std::string message = (const char*) &event.packet->data[2];
            Console::push_back(message, true); // true = weiss

        else if (type == LEMNET_GAME_START) {
            // Reset things to make it possible to play multiple games one
            // after another
            permu = Permu(event.packet->data[2],(char*)event.packet->data + 3);

            // Jetzt aber... auf geht's!
            game_start = true;
            updates_change = 0;

            std::ostringstream start_message;
            start_message << Language::net_game_start;
            if (useR->key_chat > 0
             && useR->key_chat < KEY_MAX) {
                start_message << Language::net_game_how_to_chat_1;
                start_message << Help::scancode_to_string(useR->key_chat);
                start_message << Language::net_game_how_to_chat_2;

        else if (type == LEMNET_GAME_END) {
            game_end = true;

        else if (type == LEMNET_REPLAY_DATA) {
            // Only make available if we aren't the sender
            if (event.packet->data[1] != ourself->number) {
                ReplayData data;

        else if (type == LEMNET_UPDATES) {
            updates_change = get_uint32_from(&event.packet->data[2]);

        if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE)
コード例 #4
ファイル: replay.cpp プロジェクト: twelvedogs/Lix
void Replay::load_from_file(const Filename& fn)

    level_filename   = fn; // Standardwert: Annahme, Level in Replaydatei
    unsigned long vm = 0;  // version_min erst spaeter setzen wegen add()

    std::vector <IO::Line> lines;
    if (!IO::fill_vector_from_file(lines, fn.get_rootful())) {
        file_not_found = true;
        holds_level    = false;

    for (IO::LineIt i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) switch(i->type) {
    case '$':
        if      (i->text1 == gloB->replay_built_required) built_required = i->text2;
        else if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_permu         ) permu          = Permu   (i->text2);
        else if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_level_filename) {
            // We changed the names of the directories on 2012-04-12. Probably
            // a year from this time on, there shouldn't be any important
            // replays with the old path anymore. Then, remove this erase()
            // to finally allow a directory (levels-dir)/levels/ in theory.
            std::string filestr = i->text2;
            if (filestr.substr(0, 7) == "levels/") filestr.erase(0, 7);
            level_filename = Filename(
                gloB->dir_levels.get_dir_rootless() + filestr);

    case '#':
        if      (i->text1 == gloB->replay_version_min   ) vm = i->nr1;

    case '+':
        if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_player
         || i->text1 == gloB->replay_friend) {
            add_player(i->nr1, LixEn::string_to_style(i->text2), i->text3);
            if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_player) player_local = i->nr1;

    case '!': {
        Data d;
        d.update = i->nr1; // d.player ist zwar ein char, aber wir lesen ja
        d.player = i->nr2; // nicht aktiv longs ein, sondern weisen nur zu.
        d.what   = i->nr3;
        if      (i->text1 == gloB->replay_spawnint     ) d.action = SPAWNINT;
        else if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_skill        ) d.action = SKILL;
        else if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_assign       ) d.action = ASSIGN;
        else if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_assign_legacy) d.action = ASSIGN;
        else if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_aim          ) d.action = AIM;
        else if (i->text1 == gloB->replay_nuke         ) d.action = NUKE;
        break; }


    // Variablen nach dem Laden zuweisen, damit add() nichts kaputtmacht
    version_min = vm;

    // check whether the pointed-to level exists, otherwise use itself
    // as a fallback level
    Level pointedto(level_filename);
    if (pointedto.get_status() == Level::BAD_FILE_NOT_FOUND
     || pointedto.get_status() == Level::BAD_EMPTY) {
        level_filename = fn;

    // load the replay file itself as a level, to see whether there's a level
    // in the file itself. This is important e.g. for the extract button.
    Level itself(fn);
    if (itself.get_status() == Level::BAD_FILE_NOT_FOUND
     || itself.get_status() == Level::BAD_EMPTY) {
        holds_level = false;
    else {
        holds_level = true;
        if (level_filename == fn) {
            built_required = Level::get_built(level_filename);
