コード例 #1
	GLTextureBuffer::GLTextureBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLint face, GLint level, PixelFormat format, 
		GpuBufferUsage usage, bool hwGamma, UINT32 multisampleCount)
		: GLPixelBuffer(0, 0, 0, format, usage), mTarget(target), mFaceTarget(0), mTextureID(id), mFace(face)
		, mLevel(level), mMultisampleCount(multisampleCount), mHwGamma(hwGamma)
		GLint value = 0;
		glBindTexture(mTarget, mTextureID);
		// Get face identifier
		mFaceTarget = mTarget;
		if(mTarget == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
			mFaceTarget = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (face % 6);
		// Get width
		glGetTexLevelParameteriv(mFaceTarget, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &value);

		mWidth = value;
		// Get height
		if(target == GL_TEXTURE_1D)
			value = 1;	// Height always 1 for 1D textures
			glGetTexLevelParameteriv(mFaceTarget, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &value);

		mHeight = value;
		// Get depth
		if(target != GL_TEXTURE_3D)
			value = 1; // Depth always 1 for non-3D textures
			glGetTexLevelParameteriv(mFaceTarget, level, GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH, &value);

		mDepth = value;

		// Default
		mSizeInBytes = PixelUtil::getMemorySize(mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, mFormat);
		// Set up pixel box
		mBuffer = PixelData(mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, mFormat);
コード例 #2
	GLTextureBuffer::GLTextureBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint id, 
									 GLint face, GLint level, GpuBufferUsage usage, 
									 bool writeGamma, UINT32 multisampleCount):
		GLPixelBuffer(0, 0, 0, PF_UNKNOWN, usage),
		mTarget(target), mFaceTarget(0), mTextureID(id), mFace(face), mLevel(level), mMultisampleCount(multisampleCount)
		GLint value = 0;
		glBindTexture(mTarget, mTextureID);
		// Get face identifier
		mFaceTarget = mTarget;
		if(mTarget == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
			mFaceTarget = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (face % 6);
		// Get width
		glGetTexLevelParameteriv(mFaceTarget, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &value);
		mWidth = value;
		// Get height
		if(target == GL_TEXTURE_1D)
			value = 1;	// Height always 1 for 1D textures
			glGetTexLevelParameteriv(mFaceTarget, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &value);
		mHeight = value;
		// Get depth
		if(target != GL_TEXTURE_3D)
			value = 1; // Depth always 1 for non-3D textures
			glGetTexLevelParameteriv(mFaceTarget, level, GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH, &value);
		mDepth = value;

		// Get format
		glGetTexLevelParameteriv(mFaceTarget, level, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &value);
		mGLInternalFormat = value;
		mFormat = GLPixelUtil::getClosestEngineFormat(value);
		// Default
		mRowPitch = mWidth;
		mSlicePitch = mHeight*mWidth;
		mSizeInBytes = PixelUtil::getMemorySize(mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, mFormat);
		// Set up pixel box
		mBuffer = PixelData(mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, mFormat);
コード例 #3
ファイル: FontTTF.cpp プロジェクト: llazarus1/YAGE
void FontTTF::createGlyph(TTF_Font *font, const std::string &name, TextureManager *manager) {
    _texWidth = 1;
    _texHeight = 1;
    while (_texWidth < _cellWidth * 16) { _texWidth = _texWidth << 1; }
    while (_texHeight < _cellHeight * 16) { _texHeight = _texHeight << 1; }

    int numTexels = _texHeight * _texWidth;
    unsigned char *texels = new unsigned char[numTexels];
    memset(texels, 0, numTexels);

    fontToGlyph(font, texels);

    _glyph = manager->createTexture(name);
    _glyph->uploadPixelData(PixelData(texels, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, _texWidth, _texHeight));

    delete[] texels;
コード例 #4
	PixelData VulkanTexture::lockImpl(GpuLockOptions options, UINT32 mipLevel, UINT32 face, UINT32 deviceIdx,
										  UINT32 queueIdx)
		const TextureProperties& props = getProperties();

		if (props.getNumSamples() > 1)
			LOGERR("Multisampled textures cannot be accessed from the CPU directly.");
			return PixelData();

		if (options == GBL_READ_ONLY || options == GBL_READ_WRITE)
			BS_INC_RENDER_STAT_CAT(ResRead, RenderStatObject_Texture);

		if (options == GBL_READ_WRITE || options == GBL_WRITE_ONLY || options == GBL_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARD || options == GBL_WRITE_ONLY_NO_OVERWRITE)
			BS_INC_RENDER_STAT_CAT(ResWrite, RenderStatObject_Texture);

		UINT32 mipWidth = std::max(1u, props.getWidth() >> mipLevel);
		UINT32 mipHeight = std::max(1u, props.getHeight() >> mipLevel);
		UINT32 mipDepth = std::max(1u, props.getDepth() >> mipLevel);

		PixelData lockedArea(mipWidth, mipHeight, mipDepth, mInternalFormats[deviceIdx]);

		VulkanImage* image = mImages[deviceIdx];

		if (image == nullptr)
			return PixelData();

		mIsMapped = true;
		mMappedDeviceIdx = deviceIdx;
		mMappedGlobalQueueIdx = queueIdx;
		mMappedFace = face;
		mMappedMip = mipLevel;
		mMappedLockOptions = options;

		VulkanRenderAPI& rapi = static_cast<VulkanRenderAPI&>(RenderAPI::instance());
		VulkanDevice& device = *rapi._getDevice(deviceIdx);

		VulkanCommandBufferManager& cbManager = gVulkanCBManager();
		GpuQueueType queueType;
		UINT32 localQueueIdx = CommandSyncMask::getQueueIdxAndType(queueIdx, queueType);

		VulkanImageSubresource* subresource = image->getSubresource(face, mipLevel);

		// If memory is host visible try mapping it directly
		if (mDirectlyMappable)
			// Initially the texture will be in preinitialized layout, and it will transition to general layout on first
			// use in shader. No further transitions are allowed for directly mappable textures.
			assert(subresource->getLayout() == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED || 
				   subresource->getLayout() == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL);

			// GPU should never be allowed to write to a directly mappable texture, since only linear tiling is supported
			// for direct mapping, and we don't support using it with either storage textures or render targets.

			// Check is the GPU currently reading from the image
			UINT32 useMask = subresource->getUseInfo(VulkanUseFlag::Read);
			bool isUsedOnGPU = useMask != 0;

			// We're safe to map directly since GPU isn't using the subresource
			if (!isUsedOnGPU)
				// If some CB has an operation queued that will be using the current contents of the image, create a new 
				// image so we don't modify the previous use of the image
				if (subresource->isBound())
					VulkanImage* newImage = createImage(device, mInternalFormats[deviceIdx]);

					// Copy contents of the current image to the new one, unless caller explicitly specifies he doesn't
					// care about the current contents
					if (options != GBL_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARD)
						VkMemoryRequirements memReqs;
						vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(device.getLogical(), image->getHandle(), &memReqs);

						UINT8* src = image->map(0, (UINT32)memReqs.size);
						UINT8* dst = newImage->map(0, (UINT32)memReqs.size);

						memcpy(dst, src, memReqs.size);


					image = newImage;
					mImages[deviceIdx] = image;

				image->map(face, mipLevel, lockedArea);
				return lockedArea;

			// Caller guarantees he won't touch the same data as the GPU, so just map even though the GPU is using the
			// subresource
			if (options == GBL_WRITE_ONLY_NO_OVERWRITE)
				image->map(face, mipLevel, lockedArea);
				return lockedArea;

			// Caller doesn't care about buffer contents, so just discard the existing buffer and create a new one
			if (options == GBL_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARD)
				// We need to discard the entire image, even though we're only writing to a single sub-resource

				image = createImage(device, mInternalFormats[deviceIdx]);
				mImages[deviceIdx] = image;

				image->map(face, mipLevel, lockedArea);
				return lockedArea;

			// We need to read the buffer contents
			if (options == GBL_READ_ONLY || options == GBL_READ_WRITE)
				VulkanTransferBuffer* transferCB = cbManager.getTransferBuffer(deviceIdx, queueType, localQueueIdx);

				// Ensure flush() will wait for all queues currently using to the texture (if any) to finish
				// If only reading, wait for all writes to complete, otherwise wait on both writes and reads
				if (options == GBL_READ_ONLY)
					useMask = subresource->getUseInfo(VulkanUseFlag::Write);
					useMask = subresource->getUseInfo(VulkanUseFlag::Read | VulkanUseFlag::Write);


				// Submit the command buffer and wait until it finishes

				// If writing and some CB has an operation queued that will be using the current contents of the image, 
				// create a new image so we don't modify the previous use of the image
				if (options == GBL_READ_WRITE && subresource->isBound())
					VulkanImage* newImage = createImage(device, mInternalFormats[deviceIdx]);

					VkMemoryRequirements memReqs;
					vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(device.getLogical(), image->getHandle(), &memReqs);

					UINT8* src = image->map(0, (UINT32)memReqs.size);
					UINT8* dst = newImage->map(0, (UINT32)memReqs.size);

					memcpy(dst, src, memReqs.size);


					image = newImage;
					mImages[deviceIdx] = image;

				image->map(face, mipLevel, lockedArea);
				return lockedArea;

			// Otherwise, we're doing write only, in which case it's best to use the staging buffer to avoid waiting
			// and blocking, so fall through

		// Can't use direct mapping, so use a staging buffer

		// We might need to copy the current contents of the image to the staging buffer. Even if the user doesn't plan on
		// reading, it is still required as we will eventually copy all of the contents back to the original image,
		// and we can't write potentially uninitialized data. The only exception is when the caller specifies the image
		// contents should be discarded in which he guarantees he will overwrite the entire locked area with his own
		// contents.
		bool needRead = options != GBL_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARD_RANGE && options != GBL_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARD;

		// Allocate a staging buffer
		mStagingBuffer = createStaging(device, lockedArea, needRead);

		if (needRead) // If reading, we need to copy the current contents of the image to the staging buffer
			VulkanTransferBuffer* transferCB = cbManager.getTransferBuffer(deviceIdx, queueType, localQueueIdx);

			// Similar to above, if image supports GPU writes or is currently being written to, we need to wait on any
			// potential writes to complete
			UINT32 writeUseMask = subresource->getUseInfo(VulkanUseFlag::Write);

			if (mSupportsGPUWrites || writeUseMask != 0)
				// Ensure flush() will wait for all queues currently writing to the image (if any) to finish

			VkImageSubresourceRange range;
			range.aspectMask = image->getAspectFlags();
			range.baseArrayLayer = face;
			range.layerCount = 1;
			range.baseMipLevel = mipLevel;
			range.levelCount = 1;

			VkImageSubresourceLayers rangeLayers;
			if ((props.getUsage() & TU_DEPTHSTENCIL) != 0)
				rangeLayers.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT;
				rangeLayers.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;

			rangeLayers.baseArrayLayer = range.baseArrayLayer;
			rangeLayers.layerCount = range.layerCount;
			rangeLayers.mipLevel = range.baseMipLevel;

			VkExtent3D extent;
			PixelUtil::getSizeForMipLevel(props.getWidth(), props.getHeight(), props.getDepth(), mMappedMip,
										  extent.width, extent.height, extent.depth);

			// Transfer texture to a valid layout
			VkAccessFlags currentAccessMask = image->getAccessFlags(subresource->getLayout());
			transferCB->setLayout(image->getHandle(), currentAccessMask, VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT, subresource->getLayout(),

			// Queue copy command
			image->copy(transferCB, mStagingBuffer, extent, rangeLayers, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL);

			// Transfer back to original layout
			VkImageLayout dstLayout = image->getOptimalLayout();
			currentAccessMask = image->getAccessFlags(dstLayout);

			transferCB->setLayout(image->getHandle(), VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT, currentAccessMask,
								  VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, dstLayout, range);
			transferCB->getCB()->registerResource(image, range, VulkanUseFlag::Read, ResourceUsage::Transfer);

			// Ensure data written to the staging buffer is visible
			VkAccessFlags stagingAccessFlags;
			if (options == GBL_READ_ONLY)
				stagingAccessFlags = VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT;
			else // Must be read/write


			// Submit the command buffer and wait until it finishes

		UINT8* data = mStagingBuffer->map(0, lockedArea.getSize());

		return lockedArea;