コード例 #1
ファイル: extract_pieces.cpp プロジェクト: rqou/prlite-pc
pcl_ros::PieceExtraction::onInit ()
  // Call the super onInit ()
  pnh_.reset (new ros::NodeHandle (getMTPrivateNodeHandle ()));
  // Parameters that we care about only at startup
  pnh_->getParam ("max_queue_size", max_queue_size_);
  // ---[ Optional parameters
  pnh_->getParam ("use_indices", use_indices_);
  pnh_->getParam ("latched_indices", latched_indices_);
  pnh_->getParam ("approximate_sync", approximate_sync_);

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] PCL Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
            " - approximate_sync : %s\n"
            " - use_indices      : %s\n"
            " - latched_indices  : %s\n"
            " - max_queue_size   : %d",
            getName ().c_str (), 
            (approximate_sync_) ? "true" : "false",
            (use_indices_) ? "true" : "false", 
            (latched_indices_) ? "true" : "false", 

  // ---[ Mandatory parameters
  double cluster_tolerance;
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("cluster_tolerance", cluster_tolerance))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'cluster_tolerance' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ()); 
  int spatial_locator;
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("spatial_locator", spatial_locator))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'spatial_locator' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ());

  // output
  pub_output_ = pnh_->advertise<chess_msgs::ChessBoard>("output", max_queue_size_); 
  //pub_output_ = pnh_->advertise<PointCloud>("output", max_queue_size_);

  // Enable the dynamic reconfigure service
  srv_ = boost::make_shared <dynamic_reconfigure::Server<PieceExtractionConfig> > (*pnh_);
  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<PieceExtractionConfig>::CallbackType f =  boost::bind (&PieceExtraction::config_callback, this, _1, _2);
  srv_->setCallback (f);

  // If we're supposed to look for PointIndices (indices)
  if (use_indices_)
    // Subscribe to the input using a filter
    sub_input_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "input", max_queue_size_);
    sub_indices_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "indices", max_queue_size_);

    if (approximate_sync_)
      sync_input_indices_a_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > > (max_queue_size_);
      sync_input_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_a_->registerCallback (bind (&PieceExtraction::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
      sync_input_indices_e_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ExactTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > > (max_queue_size_);
      sync_input_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_e_->registerCallback (bind (&PieceExtraction::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
    // Subscribe in an old fashion to input only (no filters)
    sub_input_ = pnh_->subscribe<PointCloud> ("input", max_queue_size_, bind (&PieceExtraction::input_indices_callback, this, _1, PointIndicesConstPtr ()));

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - max_queue_size    : %d\n"
                 " - use_indices       : %s\n"
                 " - cluster_tolerance : %f\n"
                 " - spatial_locator   : %d",
                 getName ().c_str (),
                 (use_indices_) ? "true" : "false", cluster_tolerance, spatial_locator);

  // Set given parameters here
  impl_.setSpatialLocator (spatial_locator);
  impl_.setClusterTolerance (cluster_tolerance);
コード例 #2
pcl_ros::MovingLeastSquares::onInit ()
  PCLNodelet::onInit ();
  //ros::NodeHandle private_nh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle ();
  pub_output_ = pnh_->advertise<PointCloudIn> ("output", max_queue_size_);
  pub_normals_ = pnh_->advertise<NormalCloudOut> ("normals", max_queue_size_);
  //if (!pnh_->getParam ("k_search", k_) && !pnh_->getParam ("search_radius", search_radius_))  
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("search_radius", search_radius_))
    //NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Neither 'k_search' nor 'search_radius' set! Need to set at least one of these parameters before continuing.", getName ().c_str ());
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'search_radius' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ());
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("spatial_locator", spatial_locator_type_))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'spatial_locator' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ());

  // Enable the dynamic reconfigure service
  srv_ = boost::make_shared<dynamic_reconfigure::Server<MLSConfig> > (*pnh_);
  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<MLSConfig>::CallbackType f = boost::bind (&MovingLeastSquares::config_callback, this, _1, _2 );
  srv_->setCallback (f); 

  // ---[ Optional parameters
  pnh_->getParam ("use_indices", use_indices_);

  // If we're supposed to look for PointIndices (indices)
  if (use_indices_)
    // Subscribe to the input using a filter
    sub_input_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "input", 1);
    // If indices are enabled, subscribe to the indices
    sub_indices_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "indices", 1);

    if (approximate_sync_)
      sync_input_indices_a_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<PointCloudIn, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);
      // surface not enabled, connect the input-indices duo and register
      sync_input_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_a_->registerCallback (bind (&MovingLeastSquares::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
      sync_input_indices_e_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ExactTime<PointCloudIn, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);
      // surface not enabled, connect the input-indices duo and register
      sync_input_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_e_->registerCallback (bind (&MovingLeastSquares::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
    // Subscribe in an old fashion to input only (no filters)
    sub_input_ = pnh_->subscribe<PointCloudIn> ("input", 1,  bind (&MovingLeastSquares::input_indices_callback, this, _1, PointIndicesConstPtr ()));

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - use_indices    : %s",
                 getName ().c_str (), 
                 (use_indices_) ? "true" : "false");
コード例 #3
ファイル: feature.cpp プロジェクト: RSD2014-Group-5/FroboMind
pcl_ros::Feature::onInit ()
  // Call the super onInit ()
  PCLNodelet::onInit ();

  // Call the child init
  childInit (*pnh_);

  // Allow each individual class that inherits from us to declare their own Publisher
  // This is useful for Publisher<pcl::PointCloud<T> >, as NormalEstimation can publish PointCloud<Normal>, etc
  //pub_output_ = pnh_->template advertise<PointCloud2> ("output", max_queue_size_);

  // ---[ Mandatory parameters
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("k_search", k_) && !pnh_->getParam ("radius_search", search_radius_))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Neither 'k_search' nor 'radius_search' set! Need to set at least one of these parameters before continuing.", getName ().c_str ());
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("spatial_locator", spatial_locator_type_))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'spatial_locator' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ());

  // ---[ Optional parameters
  pnh_->getParam ("use_surface", use_surface_);

  // Enable the dynamic reconfigure service
  srv_ = boost::make_shared<dynamic_reconfigure::Server<FeatureConfig> > (*pnh_);
  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<FeatureConfig>::CallbackType f = boost::bind (&Feature::config_callback, this, _1, _2);
  srv_->setCallback (f);

  // If we're supposed to look for PointIndices (indices) or PointCloud (surface) messages
  if (use_indices_ || use_surface_)
    // Create the objects here
    if (approximate_sync_)
      sync_input_surface_indices_a_ = boost::make_shared<message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ApproximateTime<PointCloudIn, PointCloudIn, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);
      sync_input_surface_indices_e_ = boost::make_shared<message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ExactTime<PointCloudIn, PointCloudIn, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);

    // Subscribe to the input using a filter
    sub_input_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "input", max_queue_size_);
    if (use_indices_)
      // If indices are enabled, subscribe to the indices
      sub_indices_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "indices", max_queue_size_);
      if (use_surface_)     // Use both indices and surface
        // If surface is enabled, subscribe to the surface, connect the input-indices-surface trio and register
        sub_surface_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "surface", max_queue_size_);
        if (approximate_sync_)
          sync_input_surface_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_surface_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
          sync_input_surface_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_surface_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      else                  // Use only indices
        sub_input_filter_.registerCallback (bind (&Feature::input_callback, this, _1));
        // surface not enabled, connect the input-indices duo and register
        if (approximate_sync_)
          sync_input_surface_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, nf_pc_, sub_indices_filter_);
          sync_input_surface_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, nf_pc_, sub_indices_filter_);
    else                    // Use only surface
      sub_input_filter_.registerCallback (bind (&Feature::input_callback, this, _1));
      // indices not enabled, connect the input-surface duo and register
      sub_surface_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "surface", max_queue_size_);
      if (approximate_sync_)
        sync_input_surface_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_surface_filter_, nf_pi_);
        sync_input_surface_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_surface_filter_, nf_pi_);
    // Register callbacks
    if (approximate_sync_)
      sync_input_surface_indices_a_->registerCallback (bind (&Feature::input_surface_indices_callback, this, _1, _2, _3));
      sync_input_surface_indices_e_->registerCallback (bind (&Feature::input_surface_indices_callback, this, _1, _2, _3));
    // Subscribe in an old fashion to input only (no filters)
    sub_input_ = pnh_->subscribe<PointCloudIn> ("input", max_queue_size_,  bind (&Feature::input_surface_indices_callback, this, _1, PointCloudInConstPtr (), PointIndicesConstPtr ()));

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - use_surface    : %s\n"
                 " - k_search       : %d\n"
                 " - radius_search  : %f\n"
                 " - spatial_locator: %d",
                getName ().c_str (),
                (use_surface_) ? "true" : "false", k_, search_radius_, spatial_locator_type_);
コード例 #4
pcl_ros::ConvexHull2D::onInit ()
  ros::NodeHandle pnh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle ();
  pub_output_ = pnh.advertise<PointCloud> ("output", max_queue_size_);
  pub_plane_  = pnh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped>("output_polygon", max_queue_size_);

  // ---[ Optional parameters
  pnh.getParam ("use_indices", use_indices_);

  // If we're supposed to look for PointIndices (indices)
  if (use_indices_)
    // Subscribe to the input using a filter
    sub_input_filter_.subscribe (pnh, "input", 1);
    // If indices are enabled, subscribe to the indices
    sub_indices_filter_.subscribe (pnh, "indices", 1);

    if (approximate_sync_)
      sync_input_indices_a_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ApproximateTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);
      // surface not enabled, connect the input-indices duo and register
      sync_input_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_a_->registerCallback (bind (&ConvexHull2D::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
      sync_input_indices_e_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ExactTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);
      // surface not enabled, connect the input-indices duo and register
      sync_input_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_e_->registerCallback (bind (&ConvexHull2D::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
    // Subscribe in an old fashion to input only (no filters)
    sub_input_ = pnh.subscribe<PointCloud> ("input", 1,  bind (&ConvexHull2D::input_indices_callback, this, _1, PointIndicesConstPtr ()));

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - use_indices    : %s",
                 getName ().c_str (), 
                 (use_indices_) ? "true" : "false");