void JsonPrint(JsonNodeT *node, int indent) { int i; switch (node->type) { case JSON_NULL: printf("null"); break; case JSON_BOOLEAN: printf(node->u.boolean ? "true" : "false"); break; case JSON_INTEGER: printf("%ld", node->u.integer); break; case JSON_REAL: printf("%f", node->u.real); break; case JSON_STRING: printf("\"%s\"", node->u.string); break; case JSON_ARRAY: putchar('['); if (node->u.array.num) putchar('\n'); for (i = 0; i < node->u.array.num; i++) { JsonPrint(node->u.array.item[i], indent + 2); if (i < node->u.array.num - 1) puts(","); else putchar('\n'); } if (node->u.array.num) PrintSpaces(indent); putchar(']'); break; case JSON_OBJECT: PrintSpaces(indent); putchar('{'); if (node->u.object.num) putchar('\n'); for (i = 0; i < node->u.object.num; i++) { PrintSpaces(indent + 1); printf("%s : ", node->u.object.item[i].key); JsonPrint(node->u.object.item[i].value, indent + 2); if (i < node->u.object.num - 1) puts(","); else putchar('\n'); } if (node->u.object.num) PrintSpaces(indent); putchar('}'); break; } }
void TreeNode::PrintTree(ostream &out, int spaces, int siblingNum) const { // print Children for (int i=0; i<MAXCHILDREN; ++i) if (this->child[i] != NULL) { PrintSpaces(out, spaces); out << "Child: " << i << '\n'; this->child[i]->PrintTree(out, spaces+4, 0); // reset sibling number in child calls } // print Siblings if (this->sibling != NULL) { PrintSpaces(out, spaces); out << "Sibling: " << ++siblingNum << '\n'; this->sibling->PrintTree(out, spaces, siblingNum); } }
void ExpressionNode::PrintTree(ostream &out, int spaces, int siblingNum) const { PrintSpaces(out, spaces); switch (subKind) { case OpK: out << "Op: " << op << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; case AssignK: out << "Assign" << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; case ConstK: if (type == TreeNode::Bool) out << "Const: " << boolalpha << (bool)val << noboolalpha << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; else out << "Const: " << val << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; case IdK: out << "Id: " << name << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; case CallK: out << "Call: " << name << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; } TreeNode::PrintTree(out, spaces, siblingNum); }
static void SpewBoneInfo( int globalBoneID, int depth ) { s_bonetable_t *pBone = &g_bonetable[globalBoneID]; if( g_bPrintBones ) { PrintSpaces( depth * 2 ); printf( "%d \"%s\" ", depth, pBone->name ); } int i; for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if( pBone->flags & ( BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD0 << i ) ) { if( g_bPrintBones ) { printf( "lod%d ", i ); } g_NumBonesInLOD[i]++; } } if( g_bPrintBones ) { printf( "\n" ); } int j; for( j = 0; j < g_numbones; j++ ) { s_bonetable_t *pBone = &g_bonetable[j]; if( pBone->parent == globalBoneID ) { SpewBoneInfo( j, depth + 1 ); } } }
void SymVar::PrintVerbose(ostream& o, int offset) const { PrintSpaces(o, offset) << token.GetName() << ": "; if (type->GetClassName() & SYM_TYPE_ALIAS) type->Print(o, offset + 1); else type->PrintVerbose(o, offset + 1); o << "\n"; }
nsresult nsTestUConv::DisplayDetectors() { const char * trace = "DisplayDetectors"; mLog.AddTrace(trace); nsresult res = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> ccMan = do_GetService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID, &res); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { mLog.PrintError("NS_WITH_SERVICE", res); return res; } // charset detectors nsCOMPtr<nsIUTF8StringEnumerator> detectors; res = ccMan->GetCharsetDetectorList(getter_AddRefs(detectors)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { mLog.PrintError("GetCharsetDetectorList()", res); return res; } printf("***** Character Set Detectors *****\n"); bool hasMore; detectors->HasMore(&hasMore); while (hasMore) { nsAutoCString detectorName; res = detectors->GetNext(detectorName); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { mLog.PrintError("GetNext()", res); return res; } printf("%s", detectorName.get()); PrintSpaces(36 - detectorName.Length()); // align to hard coded column number nsAutoString title; res = ccMan->GetCharsetTitle(detectorName.get(), title); if (NS_FAILED(res)) title.SetLength(0); printf("\"%s\"\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(title).get()); detectors->HasMore(&hasMore); } mLog.DelTrace(trace); return NS_OK; }
void StatementNode::PrintTree(ostream &out, int spaces, int siblingNum) const { PrintSpaces(out, spaces); switch (subKind) { case IfK: out << "If" << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; case CompK: out << "Compound" << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; case WhileK: out << "While" << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; case ReturnK: out << "Return" << " [line: " << lineNumber << "]\n"; break; } TreeNode::PrintTree(out, spaces, siblingNum); }
void PrintBoneGraphRecursive( studiohdr_t *phdr, int boneIndex, int level ) { int j; PrintSpaces( level ); printf( "%d \"%s\" ", boneIndex, phdr->pBone( boneIndex )->pszName() ); int i; for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if( phdr->pBone( boneIndex )->flags & ( BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD0 << i ) ) { printf( "lod%d ", i ); g_NumBonesInLOD[i]++; } } printf( "\n" ); for( j = 0; j < phdr->numbones; j++ ) { mstudiobone_t *pBone = phdr->pBone( j ); if( pBone->parent == boneIndex ) { PrintBoneGraphRecursive( phdr, j, level+1 ); } } }
void DeclarationNode::PrintTree(ostream &out, int spaces, int siblingNum) const { PrintSpaces(out, spaces); PrintNode(out, this); TreeNode::PrintTree(out, spaces, siblingNum); }
nsresult nsTestUConv::DisplayCharsets() { char * trace = "DisplayCharsets"; mLog.AddTrace(trace); nsresult res = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> ccMan = do_GetService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID, &res); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { mLog.PrintError("NS_WITH_SERVICE", res); return res; } nsCOMPtr<nsIUTF8StringEnumerator> decoders; nsCOMPtr<nsIUTF8StringEnumerator> encoders; res = ccMan->GetDecoderList(getter_AddRefs(decoders)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { mLog.PrintError("GetDecoderList()", res); return res; } res = ccMan->GetEncoderList(getter_AddRefs(encoders)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { mLog.PrintError("GetEncoderList()", res); return res; } printf("***** Character Sets *****\n"); PRUint32 encCount = 0, decCount = 0; PRUint32 basicEncCount = 0, basicDecCount = 0; nsCStringArray allCharsets; nsCAutoString charset; PRBool hasMore; encoders->HasMore(&hasMore); while (hasMore) { res = encoders->GetNext(charset); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) allCharsets.AppendCString(charset); encoders->HasMore(&hasMore); } nsAutoString prop, str; PRUint32 count = allCharsets.Count(); for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const nsCString* charset = allCharsets[i]; printf("%s", charset->get()); PrintSpaces(24 - charset->Length()); // align to hard coded column number nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeDecoder> dec = NULL; res = ccMan->GetUnicodeDecoder(charset->get(), getter_AddRefs(dec)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) printf (" "); else { printf("D"); decCount++; } #ifdef NS_DEBUG // show the "basic" decoder classes if (dec) { nsCOMPtr<nsIBasicDecoder> isBasic = do_QueryInterface(dec); if (isBasic) { basicDecCount++; printf("b"); } else printf(" "); } else printf(" "); #endif nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeEncoder> enc = NULL; res = ccMan->GetUnicodeEncoder(charset->get(), getter_AddRefs(enc)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) printf (" "); else { printf("E"); encCount++; } #ifdef NS_DEBUG if (enc) { nsCOMPtr<nsIBasicEncoder> isBasic = do_QueryInterface(enc); if (isBasic) { basicEncCount++; printf("b"); } else printf(" "); } else printf(" "); #endif printf(" "); prop.AssignLiteral(".notForBrowser"); res = ccMan->GetCharsetData(charset->get(), prop.get(), str); if ((dec != NULL) && (NS_FAILED(res))) printf ("B"); else printf("X"); prop.AssignLiteral(".notForComposer"); res = ccMan->GetCharsetData(charset->get(), prop.get(), str); if ((enc != NULL) && (NS_FAILED(res))) printf ("C"); else printf("X"); prop.AssignLiteral(".notForMailView"); res = ccMan->GetCharsetData(charset->get(), prop.get(), str); if ((dec != NULL) && (NS_FAILED(res))) printf ("V"); else printf("X"); prop.AssignLiteral(".notForMailEdit"); res = ccMan->GetCharsetData(charset->get(), prop.get(), str); if ((enc != NULL) && (NS_FAILED(res))) printf ("E"); else printf("X"); printf("(%3d, %3d) ", encCount, decCount); res = ccMan->GetCharsetTitle(charset->get(), str); if (NS_FAILED(res)) str.SetLength(0); NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII buff2(str); printf(" \"%s\"\n", buff2.get()); } printf("%u of %u decoders are basic (%d%%)\n", basicDecCount, decCount, (basicDecCount * 100) / decCount); printf("%u of %u encoders are basic (%d%%)\n", basicEncCount, encCount, (basicEncCount * 100) / encCount); mLog.DelTrace(trace); return NS_OK; }
void SymVarConst::Print(ostream& o, int offset) const { PrintSpaces(o, offset) << token.GetName() << " = " << value.GetName(); }
void SymTypeAlias::PrintVerbose(ostream& o, int offset) const { PrintSpaces(o, offset) << token.GetName() << " = "; target->PrintVerbose(o, offset + 1); o << "\n"; }
void Symbol::Print(ostream& o, int offset) const { PrintSpaces(o, offset) << token.GetName(); }
void SymTypeRecord::PrintVerbose(ostream& o, int offset) const { o << "record\n"; sym_table->Print(o, offset); PrintSpaces(o, offset - 1) << "end"; }
void SymVar::PrintAsNode(ostream& o, int offset) const { PrintSpaces(o, offset) << token.GetName() << " ["; type->Print(o, 0); o << "]\n"; }
/** * Prints spaces to align the cursor to the requested position * * @note The cursor move will not be performed if the request would move the cursor * backwards. */ void IDebugLog::SeekCursor(int position) { if(position > cursorPos) PrintSpaces(position - cursorPos); }