コード例 #1
//	CondHandleWait
//	This function makes the calling process block on the condition variable
//	till either ConditionHandleSignal or ConditionHandleBroadcast is
//	received. The process calling CondHandleWait must have acquired the
//	lock associated with the condition variable (the lock that was passed
//	to CondCreate. This implies the lock handle needs to be stored
//	somewhere. hint! hint!) for this function to
//	succeed. If the calling process has not acquired the lock, it does not
//	block on the condition variable, but a value of 1 is returned
//	indicating that the call was not successful. Return value of 0 implies
//	that the call was successful.
//	This function should be written in such a way that the calling process
//	should release the lock associated with this condition variable before
//	going to sleep, so that the process that intends to signal this
//	process could acquire the lock for that purpose. After waking up, the
//	blocked process should acquire (i.e. wait on) the lock associated with
//	the condition variable. In other words, this process does not
//	"actually" wake up until the process calling CondHandleSignal or
//	CondHandleBroadcast releases the lock explicitly.
int CondWait(Cond *c) {
  Link	*l;
  int   intrval;
  if (!c) return SYNC_FAIL;

  // Conds are atomic
  intrval = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "CondWait: Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrval);

  // Check to see if the current process owns the lock
  if (c->lock->pid != GetCurrentPid()) {
    dbprintf('s', "CondWait: Proc %d does not own cond %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(c-conds));
    return SYNC_FAIL;

  dbprintf ('s', "CondWait: Proc %d waiting on cond %d.  Putting to sleep.\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(c-conds));
  if ((l = AQueueAllocLink ((void *)currentPCB)) == NULL) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for cond queue in CondWait!\n");
  if (AQueueInsertLast (&c->waiting, l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
    printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert new link into cond waiting queue in CondWait!\n");
  // Release the lock before going to sleep
  RestoreIntrs(intrval); // Don't want interrupts disabled while we sleep
  // Immediately acquire the lock upon waking
  return SYNC_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
//	SemWait
//	Wait on a semaphore.  As described in Section 6.4 of _OSC_,
//	we decrement the counter and suspend the process if the
//	semaphore's value is less than 0.  To ensure atomicity,
//	interrupts are disabled for the entire operation, but must be
//      turned on before going to sleep.
int SemWait (Sem *sem) {
  Link	*l;
  int		intrval;
  if (!sem) return SYNC_FAIL;

  intrval = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "SemWait: Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrval);
  dbprintf ('s', "SemWait: Proc %d waiting on sem %d, count=%d.\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(sem-sems), sem->count);
  if (sem->count <= 0) {
    dbprintf('s', "SemWait: putting process %d to sleep\n", GetCurrentPid());
    if ((l = AQueueAllocLink ((void *)currentPCB)) == NULL) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for semaphore queue in SemWait!\n");
    if (AQueueInsertLast (&sem->waiting, l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert new link into semaphore waiting queue in SemWait!\n");
    // Don't decrement couter here because that's handled in SemSignal for us
  } else {
    sem->count--; // Decrement internal counter
    dbprintf('s', "SemWait: Proc %d granted permission to continue by sem %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(sem-sems));
  RestoreIntrs (intrval);
  return SYNC_SUCCESS;
コード例 #3
//	SemWait
//	Wait on a semaphore.  As described in Section 6.4 of _OSC_,
//	we decrement the counter and suspend the process if the
//	semaphore's value is less than 0.  To ensure atomicity,
//	interrupts are disabled for the entire operation.  Note that,
//	if the process is put to sleep, interrupts will be OFF when
//	it returns from sleep.  Thus, we enable interrupts at the end of
//	the routine.
SemWait (Sem *sem)
    Link	*l;
    int		intrval;

    intrval = DisableIntrs ();
    dbprintf ('I', "Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrval);
    dbprintf ('s', "Proc 0x%x waiting on sem 0x%x, count=%d.\n", currentPCB,
	      sem, sem->count);
    sem->count -= 1;
    if (sem->count < 0) {
	l = QueueAllocLink ();
	QueueLinkInit (l, (void *)currentPCB);
	dbprintf ('s', "Suspending current proc (0x%x).\n", currentPCB);
	QueueInsertLast (&sem->waiting, l);
	ProcessSleep ();
    RestoreIntrs (intrval);
コード例 #4
//	LockHandleAcquire
//	This routine acquires a lock given its handle. The handle must be a 
//	valid handle for this routine to succeed. In that case this routine 
//	returns SYNC_FAIL. Otherwise the routine returns SYNC_SUCCESS.
//	Your implementation should be such that if a process that already owns
//	the lock calls LockHandleAcquire for that lock, it should not block.
int LockAcquire(Lock *k) {
  Link	*l;
  int		intrval;
  if (!k) return SYNC_FAIL;

  // Locks are atomic
  intrval = DisableIntrs ();
  dbprintf ('I', "LockAcquire: Old interrupt value was 0x%x.\n", intrval);

  // Check to see if the current process owns the lock
  if (k->pid == GetCurrentPid()) {
    dbprintf('s', "LockAcquire: Proc %d already owns lock %d\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(k-locks));
    return SYNC_SUCCESS;

  dbprintf ('s', "LockAcquire: Proc %d asking for lock %d.\n", GetCurrentPid(), (int)(k-locks));
  if (k->pid >= 0) { // Lock is already in use by another process
    dbprintf('s', "LockAcquire: putting process %d to sleep\n", GetCurrentPid());
    if ((l = AQueueAllocLink ((void *)currentPCB)) == NULL) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not allocate link for lock queue in LockAcquire!\n");
    if (AQueueInsertLast (&k->waiting, l) != QUEUE_SUCCESS) {
      printf("FATAL ERROR: could not insert new link into lock waiting queue in LockAcquire!\n");
  } else {
    dbprintf('s', "LockAcquire: lock is available, assigning to proc %d\n", GetCurrentPid());
    k->pid = GetCurrentPid();
  return SYNC_SUCCESS;