void moglmalloc(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { // Allocate a memory buffer of prhs[0] bytes size. ptr points to start of buffer: void* ptr = PsychMallocTemp((unsigned long) mxGetScalar(prhs[0]), 1); // Convert ptr into a double value and assign it as first return argument: plhs[0]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL); *((GLdouble*) mxGetPr(plhs[0])) = PsychPtrToDouble(ptr); }
void* mogl_enqueueVertex(mogl_tess_struct* mytess, mxArray* vdat) { void* dst; double* newdestructBuffer; mytess->nrElements = mxGetNumberOfElements(vdat); if (mytess->destructCount >= mytess->destructSize) { // Keep track of biggest buffersize for this tesselator so far. // Init to biggest size so far at initial allocation. We want to // grow the buffer quickly to a sufficient capacity to reduce alloc // overhead and memory fragmentation: if (mytess->destructSize < mytess->maxdestructSize) { mytess->destructSize = mytess->maxdestructSize; } else { mytess->destructSize += (1000 * mytess->nrElements); mytess->maxdestructSize = mytess->destructSize; } // Alloc: // mexPrintf("REALLOC VBUFFER of size %i elements.\n", mytess->destructSize); newdestructBuffer = (double*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(double) * mytess->destructSize, 3); if (newdestructBuffer) { mytess->destructBuffer = newdestructBuffer; mytess->destructCount = 0; } else { mytess->destructBuffer = NULL; mytess->destructSize = 0; mytess->destructCount = 0; PsychFreeAllTempMemory(3); mexErrMsgTxt("MOGL-ERROR: Out of memory error while processing gluTessCallback() or gluTessVertex()! Aborting!"); } } dst = (void*) &(mytess->destructBuffer[mytess->destructCount]); memcpy(dst, mxGetData(vdat), sizeof(double) * mytess->nrElements); mytess->destructCount += mytess->nrElements; return(dst); }
void APIENTRY PsychtcbCombine(GLdouble c[3], void *d[4], GLfloat w[4], void **out) { GLdouble *nv; (void) d, (void) w; // Free slots available? if (combinerCacheSlot >= combinerCacheSize) { // Nope. Need to alloc another cache for up to another 1000 elements: combinerCacheSize = 1000; combinerCacheSlot = 0; combinerCache = (GLdouble *) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLdouble) * 3 * combinerCacheSize); if (NULL == combinerCache) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_outofMemory, "Out of memory condition in Screen('FillPoly')! Not enough space."); } nv = (GLdouble *) &(combinerCache[combinerCacheSlot * 3]); nv[0] = c[0]; nv[1] = c[1]; nv[2] = c[2]; *out = nv; combinerCacheSlot++; }
PsychError SCREENPreloadTextures(void) { PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord, *texwin; psych_bool isArgThere; int *texhandles; PsychWindowRecordType **windowRecordArray; int i, n, numWindows, myhandle; double *success; psych_bool* residency; GLuint* texids; GLboolean* texresident; psych_bool failed = false; GLclampf maxprio = 1.0f; GLenum target; //all sub functions should have these two lines PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; //check for superfluous arguments PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(2)); //The maximum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1)); //The minimum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(2)); //The maximum number of outputs //get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &windowRecord); // Get optional texids vector: isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 2); PsychAllocInIntegerListArg(2, FALSE, &n, &texhandles); if (n < 1) isArgThere=FALSE; // Enable this windowRecords framebuffer as current drawingtarget: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); // Disable shader: PsychSetShader(windowRecord, 0); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Fetch global texturing mode: target=PsychGetTextureTarget(windowRecord); glEnable(target); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0); // Setup identity modelview matrix: glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); PsychCreateVolatileWindowRecordPointerList(&numWindows, &windowRecordArray); // Process vector of all texids for all requested textures: if (!isArgThere) { // No handles provided: In this case, we preload all textures: n=0; for(i=0; i<numWindows; i++) { if (windowRecordArray[i]->windowType==kPsychTexture) { n++; // Prioritize this texture: glPrioritizeTextures(1, (GLuint*) &(windowRecordArray[i]->textureNumber), &maxprio); // Bind this texture: glBindTexture(target, windowRecordArray[i]->textureNumber); // Render a single textured point, thereby enforcing a texture upload: glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2i(10,10); glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2i(10,11); glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2i(11,11); glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2i(11,10); glEnd(); } } texids = (GLuint*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLuint) * n); texresident = (GLboolean*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLboolean) * n); n=0; for(i=0; i<numWindows; i++) { if (windowRecordArray[i]->windowType==kPsychTexture) { texids[n] = (GLuint) windowRecordArray[i]->textureNumber; n++; } } } else { // Vector with texture handles provided: Just preload them. texids = (GLuint*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLuint) * n); texresident = (GLboolean*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLboolean) * n); myhandle=0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { myhandle = texhandles[i]; texwin = NULL; if (IsWindowIndex(myhandle)) FindWindowRecord(myhandle, &texwin); if (texwin && texwin->windowType==kPsychTexture) { // Prioritize this texture: glPrioritizeTextures(1, (GLuint*) &(texwin->textureNumber), &maxprio); // Bind this texture: glBindTexture(target, texwin->textureNumber); // Render a single textured point, thereby enforcing a texture upload: glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2i(10,10); glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2i(10,11); glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2i(11,11); glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2i(11,10); glEnd(); texids[i] = (GLuint) texwin->textureNumber; } else { // This handle is invalid or at least no texture handle: printf("PTB-ERROR! Screen('PreloadTextures'): Entry %i of texture handle vector (handle %i) is not a texture handle!\n", i, myhandle); failed = true; } } } // Restore old matrix from backup copy, undoing the global translation: glPopMatrix(); // Disable texture engine: glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(target); // Wait for prefetch completion: glFinish(); // We don't need these anymore: PsychDestroyVolatileWindowRecordPointerList(windowRecordArray); if (failed) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "At least one texture handle in texids-vector was invalid! Aborted."); } // Query residency state of all preloaded textures: success = NULL; PsychAllocOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, &success); *success = (double) glAreTexturesResident(n, texids, texresident); // Sync pipe again, just to be safe... glFinish(); // Count them and copy them into output vector: PsychAllocOutBooleanMatArg(2, FALSE, n, 1, 1, &residency); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { residency[i] = (psych_bool) ((*success) ? TRUE : texresident[i]); } PsychTestForGLErrors(); // Done. Our PsychMallocTemp'ed arrays will be auto-released... return(PsychError_none); }
PsychError SCREENDrawLines(void) { PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord; int m,n,p, smooth; int nrsize, nrcolors, nrvertices, mc, nc, pc, i; boolean isArgThere, usecolorvector, isdoublecolors, isuint8colors; double *xy, *size, *center, *dot_type, *colors; unsigned char *bytecolors; float linesizerange[2]; double convfactor; //all sub functions should have these two lines PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; //check for superfluous arguments PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(6)); //The maximum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0)); //The maximum number of outputs //get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &windowRecord); // Query, allocate and copy in all vectors... nrvertices = 2; nrsize = 1; colors = NULL; bytecolors = NULL; PsychPrepareRenderBatch(windowRecord, 2, &nrvertices, &xy, 4, &nc, &mc, &colors, &bytecolors, 3, &nrsize, &size); isdoublecolors = (colors) ? TRUE:FALSE; isuint8colors = (bytecolors) ? TRUE:FALSE; usecolorvector = (nc>1) ? TRUE:FALSE; // Get center argument isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 5); if(!isArgThere){ center = (double *) PsychMallocTemp(2 * sizeof(double)); center[0] = 0; center[1] = 0; } else { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(5, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, ¢er); if(p!=1 || n!=2 || m!=1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "center must be a 1-by-2 vector"); } // Get smooth argument isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 6); if(!isArgThere){ smooth = 0; } else { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(6, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, &dot_type); smooth = (int) dot_type[0]; if(p!=1 || n!=1 || m!=1 || (smooth!=0 && smooth!=1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "smooth must be 0 or 1"); } // Child-protection: Alpha blending needs to be enabled for smoothing to work: if (smooth>0 && windowRecord->actualEnableBlending!=TRUE) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Line smoothing doesn't work with alpha-blending disabled! See Screen('BlendFunction') on how to enable it."); } // turn on antialiasing to draw anti-aliased lines: if(smooth) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // Set global width of lines: glLineWidth(size[0]); // Setup modelview matrix to perform translation by 'center': glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Make a backup copy of the matrix: glPushMatrix(); // Apply a global translation of (center(x,y)) pixels to all following lines: glTranslated(center[0], center[1],0); // Render the array of 2D-Lines - Efficient version: // This command sequence allows fast processing of whole arrays // of vertices (or lines, in this case). It saves the call overhead // associated with the original implementation below and is potentially // optimized in specific OpenGL implementations. // Pass a pointer to the start of the arrays: glVertexPointer(2, GL_DOUBLE, 0, &xy[0]); if (usecolorvector) { if (isdoublecolors) glColorPointer(mc, GL_DOUBLE, 0, colors); if (isuint8colors) glColorPointer(mc, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, bytecolors); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); } // Enable fast rendering of arrays: glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (nrsize==1) { // Common line-width for all lines: Render all lines, starting at line 0: glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, nrvertices); } else { // Different line-width per line: Need to manually loop through this mess: for (i=0; i < nrvertices/2; i++) { glLineWidth(size[i]); // Render line: glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, i * 2, 2); } } // Disable fast rendering of arrays: glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (usecolorvector) glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); // Restore old matrix from backup copy, undoing the global translation: glPopMatrix(); // Turn off anti-aliasing: if(smooth) glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // Reset line width to 1.0: glLineWidth(1); // Mark end of drawing op. This is needed for single buffered drawing: PsychFlushGL(windowRecord); //All psychfunctions require this. return(PsychError_none); }
/* PsychPrepareRenderBatch() * * Perform setup for a batch of render requests for a specific primitive. Some 2D Screen * drawing commands allow to specify a list of primitives to draw instead of only a single * one. E.g. 'DrawDots' allows to draw thousands of dots with one single DrawDots command. * This helper routine is called by such batch-capable commands. It checks which input arguments * are provided and if its a single one or multiple ones. It sets up the rendering pipe accordingly, * performing required conversion steps. The actual drawing routine just needs to perform primitive * specific code. */ void PsychPrepareRenderBatch(PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord, int coords_pos, int* coords_count, double** xy, int colors_pos, int* colors_count, int* colorcomponent_count, double** colors, unsigned char** bytecolors, int sizes_pos, int* sizes_count, double** size) { PsychColorType color; int m,n,p,mc,nc,pc; int i, nrpoints, nrsize; psych_bool isArgThere, isdoublecolors, isuint8colors, usecolorvector, needxy; double *tmpcolors, *pcolors, *tcolors; double convfactor, whiteValue; needxy = (coords_pos > 0) ? TRUE: FALSE; coords_pos = abs(coords_pos); colors_pos = abs(colors_pos); sizes_pos = abs(sizes_pos); // Get mandatory or optional xy coordinates argument isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, coords_pos); if(!isArgThere && needxy) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "No position argument supplied"); } if (isArgThere) { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(coords_pos, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, xy); if(p!=1 || (m!=*coords_count && (m*n)!=*coords_count)) { printf("PTB-ERROR: Coordinates must be a %i tuple or a %i rows vector.\n", *coords_count, *coords_count); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid format for coordinate specification."); } if (m!=1) { nrpoints=n; *coords_count = n; } else { // Special case: 1 row vector provided for single argument. nrpoints=1; *coords_count = 1; } } else { nrpoints = 0; *coords_count = 0; } if (size) { // Get optional size argument isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, sizes_pos); if(!isArgThere){ // No size provided: Use a default size of 1.0: *size = (double *) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(double)); *size[0] = 1; nrsize=1; } else { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(sizes_pos, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, size); if(p!=1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Size must be a scalar or a vector with one column or row"); nrsize=m*n; if (nrsize!=nrpoints && nrsize!=1 && *sizes_count!=1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Size vector must contain one size value per item."); } *sizes_count = nrsize; } // Check if color argument is provided: isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, colors_pos); if(!isArgThere) { // No color argument provided - Use defaults: whiteValue=PsychGetWhiteValueFromWindow(windowRecord); PsychLoadColorStruct(&color, kPsychIndexColor, whiteValue ); //index mode will coerce to any other. usecolorvector=false; } else { // Some color argument provided. Check first, if it's a valid color vector: isdoublecolors = PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(colors_pos, kPsychArgAnything, &mc, &nc, &pc, colors); isuint8colors = PsychAllocInUnsignedByteMatArg(colors_pos, kPsychArgAnything, &mc, &nc, &pc, bytecolors); // Do we have a color vector, aka one element per vertex? if((isdoublecolors || isuint8colors) && pc==1 && mc!=1 && nc==nrpoints && nrpoints>1) { // Looks like we might have a color vector... ... Double-check it: if (mc!=3 && mc!=4) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Color vector must be a 3 or 4 row vector"); // Yes. colors is a valid pointer to it. usecolorvector=true; if (isdoublecolors) { if (fabs(windowRecord->colorRange)!=1) { // We have to loop through the vector and divide all values by windowRecord->colorRange, so the input values // 0-colorRange get mapped to the range 0.0-1.0, as OpenGL expects values in range 0-1 when // a color vector is passed in Double- or Float format. // This is inefficient, as it burns some cpu-cycles, but necessary to keep color // specifications consistent in the PTB - API. convfactor = 1.0 / fabs(windowRecord->colorRange); tmpcolors=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(double) * nc * mc); pcolors = *colors; tcolors = tmpcolors; for (i=0; i<(nc*mc); i++) { *(tcolors++)=(*pcolors++) * convfactor; } } else { // colorRange is == 1 --> No remapping needed as colors are already in proper range! // Just setup pointer to our unaltered input color vector: tmpcolors=*colors; } *colors = tmpcolors; } else { // Color vector in uint8 format. Nothing to do. } } else { // No color vector provided: Check for a single valid color triplet or quadruple: usecolorvector=false; isArgThere=PsychCopyInColorArg(colors_pos, TRUE, &color); } } // Enable this windowRecords framebuffer as current drawingtarget: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); // Setup default drawshader: PsychSetShader(windowRecord, -1); // Setup alpha blending properly: PsychUpdateAlphaBlendingFactorLazily(windowRecord); // Setup common color for all objects if no color vector has been provided: if (!usecolorvector) { PsychCoerceColorMode(&color); PsychSetGLColor(&color, windowRecord); *colors_count = 1; } else { *colors_count = nc; } *colorcomponent_count = mc; return; }
PsychError SCREENGetImage(void) { PsychRectType windowRect,sampleRect; int nrchannels, ix, iy, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, invertedY, redReturnIndex, greenReturnIndex, blueReturnIndex, alphaReturnIndex, planeSize; int viewid; ubyte *returnArrayBase, *redPlane, *greenPlane, *bluePlane, *alphaPlane; float *dredPlane, *dgreenPlane, *dbluePlane, *dalphaPlane; double *returnArrayBaseDouble; PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord; GLboolean isDoubleBuffer, isStereo; char* buffername = NULL; boolean floatprecision = FALSE; GLenum whichBuffer = 0; //all sub functions should have these two lines PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; //cap the numbers of inputs and outputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(5)); //The maximum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1)); //The maximum number of outputs // Get windowRecord for this window: PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord); // Set window as drawingtarget: Even important if this binding is changed later on! // We need to make sure all needed transitions are done - esp. in non-imaging mode, // so backbuffer is in a useable state: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); // Disable shaders: PsychSetShader(windowRecord, 0); // Soft-Reset drawingtarget. This is important to make sure no FBO's are bound, // otherwise the following glGets for GL_DOUBLEBUFFER and GL_STEREO will retrieve // wrong results, leading to totally wrong read buffer assignments down the road!! PsychSetDrawingTarget(0x1); glGetBooleanv(GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &isDoubleBuffer); glGetBooleanv(GL_STEREO, &isStereo); // Retrieve optional read rectangle: PsychGetRectFromWindowRecord(windowRect, windowRecord); if(!PsychCopyInRectArg(2, FALSE, sampleRect)) memcpy(sampleRect, windowRect, sizeof(PsychRectType)); if (IsPsychRectEmpty(sampleRect)) return(PsychError_none); // Assign read buffer: if(PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) { // Onscreen window: We read from the front- or front-left buffer by default. // This works on single-buffered and double buffered contexts in a consistent fashion: // Copy in optional override buffer name: PsychAllocInCharArg(3, FALSE, &buffername); // Override buffer name provided? if (buffername) { // Which one is it? // "frontBuffer" is always a valid choice: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "frontBuffer")) whichBuffer = GL_FRONT; // Allow selection of left- or right front stereo buffer in stereo mode: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "frontLeftBuffer") && isStereo) whichBuffer = GL_FRONT_LEFT; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "frontRightBuffer") && isStereo) whichBuffer = GL_FRONT_RIGHT; // Allow selection of backbuffer in double-buffered mode: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "backBuffer") && isDoubleBuffer) whichBuffer = GL_BACK; // Allow selection of left- or right back stereo buffer in stereo mode: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "backLeftBuffer") && isStereo && isDoubleBuffer) whichBuffer = GL_BACK_LEFT; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "backRightBuffer") && isStereo && isDoubleBuffer) whichBuffer = GL_BACK_RIGHT; // Allow AUX buffer access for debug purposes: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux0Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX0; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux1Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX1; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux2Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX2; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux3Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX3; } else { // Default is frontbuffer: whichBuffer=GL_FRONT; } } else { // Offscreen window or texture: They only have one buffer, which is the // backbuffer in double-buffered mode and the frontbuffer in single buffered mode: whichBuffer=(isDoubleBuffer) ? GL_BACK : GL_FRONT; } // Enable this windowRecords framebuffer as current drawingtarget. This should // also allow us to "GetImage" from Offscreen windows: if ((windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore) || (windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows)) { // Special case: Imaging pipeline active - We need to activate system framebuffer // so we really read the content of the framebuffer and not of some FBO: if (PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) { // It's an onscreen window: if (buffername && (PsychMatch(buffername, "drawBuffer")) && (windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore)) { // Activate drawBufferFBO: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); whichBuffer = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; // Is the drawBufferFBO multisampled? viewid = (((windowRecord->stereomode > 0) && (windowRecord->stereodrawbuffer == 1)) ? 1 : 0); if (windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->drawBufferFBO[viewid]]->multisample > 0) { // It is! We can't read from a multisampled FBO. Need to perform a multisample resolve operation and read // from the resolved unisample buffer instead. This is only safe if the unisample buffer is either a dedicated // FBO, or - in case its the final system backbuffer etc. - if preflip operations haven't been performed yet. // If non dedicated buffer (aka finalizedFBO) and preflip ops have already happened, then the backbuffer contains // final content for an upcoming Screen('Flip') and we can't use (and therefore taint) that buffer. if ((windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid] == windowRecord->finalizedFBO[viewid]) && (windowRecord->backBufferBackupDone)) { // Target for resolve is finalized FBO (probably system backbuffer) and preflip ops have run already. We // can't do the resolve op, as this would screw up the backbuffer with the final stimulus: printf("PTB-ERROR: Tried to 'GetImage' from a multisampled 'drawBuffer', but can't perform anti-aliasing pass due to\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: lack of a dedicated resolve buffer.\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: You can get what you wanted by either one of two options:\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: Either enable a processing stage in the imaging pipeline, even if you don't need it, e.g., by setting\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: the imagingmode argument in the 'OpenWindow' call to kPsychNeedImageProcessing, this will create a\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: suitable resolve buffer. Or place the 'GetImage' call before any Screen('DrawingFinished') call, then\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: i can (ab-)use the system backbuffer as a temporary resolve buffer.\n\n"); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to 'GetImage' from a multi-sampled 'drawBuffer'. Unsupported operation under given conditions."); } else { // Ok, the inputBufferFBO is a suitable temporary resolve buffer. Perform a multisample resolve blit to it: // A simple glBlitFramebufferEXT() call will do the copy & downsample operation: glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->drawBufferFBO[viewid]]->fboid); glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->fboid); glBlitFramebufferEXT(0, 0, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->width, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->height, 0, 0, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->width, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->height, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); // Bind inputBuffer as framebuffer: glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->fboid); viewid = -1; } } } else { // Activate system framebuffer: PsychSetDrawingTarget(NULL); } } else { // Offscreen window or texture: Select drawing target as usual, // but set color attachment as read buffer: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); whichBuffer = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; // We do not support multisampled readout: if (windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->drawBufferFBO[0]]->multisample > 0) { printf("PTB-ERROR: You tried to Screen('GetImage', ...); from an offscreen window or texture which has multisample anti-aliasing enabled.\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: This operation is not supported. You must first use Screen('CopyWindow') to create a non-multisampled copy of the\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: texture or offscreen window, then use 'GetImage' on that copy. The copy will be anti-aliased, so you'll get what you\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: wanted with a bit more effort. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is mostly a hardware limitation.\n\n"); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to 'GetImage' from a multi-sampled texture or offscreen window. Unsupported operation."); } } } else { // Normal case: No FBO based imaging - Select drawing target as usual: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); } // Select requested read buffer, after some double-check: if (whichBuffer == 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid or unknown 'bufferName' argument provided."); glReadBuffer(whichBuffer); if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 5) printf("PTB-DEBUG: In Screen('GetImage'): GL-Readbuffer whichBuffer = %i\n", whichBuffer); // Get optional floatprecision flag: We return data with float-precision if // this flag is set. By default we return uint8 data: PsychCopyInFlagArg(4, FALSE, &floatprecision); // Get the optional number of channels flag: By default we return 3 channels, // the Red, Green, and blue color channel: nrchannels = 3; PsychCopyInIntegerArg(5, FALSE, &nrchannels); if (nrchannels < 1 || nrchannels > 4) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Number of requested channels 'nrchannels' must be between 1 and 4!"); sampleRectWidth=PsychGetWidthFromRect(sampleRect); sampleRectHeight=PsychGetHeightFromRect(sampleRect); if (!floatprecision) { // Readback of standard 8bpc uint8 pixels: PsychAllocOutUnsignedByteMatArg(1, TRUE, sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, &returnArrayBase); redPlane= PsychMallocTemp(nrchannels * sizeof(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) * sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight); planeSize=sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight; greenPlane= redPlane + planeSize; bluePlane= redPlane + 2 * planeSize; alphaPlane= redPlane + 3 * planeSize; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT,1); invertedY=windowRect[kPsychBottom]-sampleRect[kPsychBottom]; glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, redPlane); if (nrchannels>1) glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_GREEN, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, greenPlane); if (nrchannels>2) glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_BLUE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bluePlane); if (nrchannels>3) glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, alphaPlane); //in one pass transpose and flip what we read with glReadPixels before returning. //-glReadPixels insists on filling up memory in sequence by reading the screen row-wise whearas Matlab reads up memory into columns. //-the Psychtoolbox screen as setup by gluOrtho puts 0,0 at the top left of the window but glReadPixels always believes that it's at the bottom left. for(ix=0;ix<sampleRectWidth;ix++){ for(iy=0;iy<sampleRectHeight;iy++){ // Compute write-indices for returned data: redReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 0); greenReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 1); blueReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 2); alphaReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 3); // Always return RED/LUMINANCE channel: returnArrayBase[redReturnIndex]=redPlane[ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth]; // Other channels on demand: if (nrchannels>1) returnArrayBase[greenReturnIndex]=greenPlane[ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth]; if (nrchannels>2) returnArrayBase[blueReturnIndex]=bluePlane[ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth]; if (nrchannels>3) returnArrayBase[alphaReturnIndex]=alphaPlane[ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth]; } } } else { // Readback of standard 32bpc float pixels into a double matrix: PsychAllocOutDoubleMatArg(1, TRUE, sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, &returnArrayBaseDouble); dredPlane= PsychMallocTemp(nrchannels * sizeof(GL_FLOAT) * sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight); planeSize=sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight * sizeof(GL_FLOAT); dgreenPlane= redPlane + planeSize; dbluePlane= redPlane + 2 * planeSize; dalphaPlane= redPlane + 3 * planeSize; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); invertedY=windowRect[kPsychBottom]-sampleRect[kPsychBottom]; if (nrchannels==1) glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); if (nrchannels==2) glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); if (nrchannels==3) glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); if (nrchannels==4) glReadPixels(sampleRect[kPsychLeft],invertedY, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); //in one pass transpose and flip what we read with glReadPixels before returning. //-glReadPixels insists on filling up memory in sequence by reading the screen row-wise whearas Matlab reads up memory into columns. //-the Psychtoolbox screen as setup by gluOrtho puts 0,0 at the top left of the window but glReadPixels always believes that it's at the bottom left. for(ix=0;ix<sampleRectWidth;ix++){ for(iy=0;iy<sampleRectHeight;iy++){ // Compute write-indices for returned data: redReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 0); greenReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 1); blueReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 2); alphaReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 3); // Always return RED/LUMINANCE channel: returnArrayBaseDouble[redReturnIndex]=dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * nrchannels + 0]; // Other channels on demand: if (nrchannels>1) returnArrayBaseDouble[greenReturnIndex]=dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * nrchannels + 1]; if (nrchannels>2) returnArrayBaseDouble[blueReturnIndex]=dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * nrchannels + 2]; if (nrchannels>3) returnArrayBaseDouble[alphaReturnIndex]=dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * nrchannels + 3]; } } } if (viewid == -1) { // Need to reset framebuffer binding to get rid of the inputBufferFBO which is bound due to // multisample resolve ops --> Activate system framebuffer: PsychSetDrawingTarget(NULL); } return(PsychError_none); }
PsychError SCREENPutImage(void) { PsychRectType windowRect, positionRect; int ix, iy; size_t matrixRedIndex, matrixGreenIndex, matrixBlueIndex, matrixAlphaIndex, matrixGrayIndex; int inputM, inputN, inputP, positionRectWidth, positionRectHeight; size_t pixelIndex = 0; PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord; unsigned char *inputMatrixByte; double *inputMatrixDouble; GLfloat *pixelData; GLfloat matrixGrayValue, matrixRedValue, matrixGreenValue, matrixBlueValue, matrixAlphaValue; PsychArgFormatType inputMatrixType; GLfloat xZoom = 1, yZoom = -1; // All sub functions should have these two lines. PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString); if (PsychIsGiveHelp()) { PsychGiveHelp(); return PsychError_none; }; // Cap the number of inputs. PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4)); //The maximum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0)); //The maximum number of outputs // Get the image matrix. inputMatrixType = PsychGetArgType(2); switch (inputMatrixType) { case PsychArgType_none: case PsychArgType_default: PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "imageArray argument required"); break; case PsychArgType_uint8: PsychAllocInUnsignedByteMatArg(2, TRUE, &inputM, &inputN, &inputP, &inputMatrixByte); break; case PsychArgType_double: PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(2, TRUE, &inputM, &inputN, &inputP, &inputMatrixDouble); break; default: PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "imageArray must be uint8 or double type"); break; } if (inputP != 1 && inputP != 3 && inputP != 4) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Third dimension of image matrix must be 1, 3, or 4"); } // Get the window and get the rect and stuff. PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord); // A no-go on OES: if (PsychIsGLES(windowRecord)) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_unimplemented, "Sorry, Screen('PutImage') is not supported on OpenGL-ES embedded graphics hardware. Use 'MakeTexture' and 'DrawTexture' instead."); } PsychGetRectFromWindowRecord(windowRect, windowRecord); if (PsychCopyInRectArg(3, FALSE, positionRect)) { if (IsPsychRectEmpty(positionRect)) { return PsychError_none; } positionRectWidth = (int) PsychGetWidthFromRect(positionRect); positionRectHeight = (int) PsychGetHeightFromRect(positionRect); if (positionRectWidth != inputN || positionRectHeight != inputM) { // Calculate the zoom factor. xZoom = (GLfloat) positionRectWidth / (GLfloat) inputN; yZoom = -((GLfloat) positionRectHeight / (GLfloat) inputM); } } else { positionRect[kPsychLeft] = 0; positionRect[kPsychTop] = 0; positionRect[kPsychRight] = inputN; positionRect[kPsychBottom] = inputM; PsychCenterRect(positionRect, windowRect, positionRect); } // Allocate memory to hold the pixel data that we'll later pass to OpenGL. pixelData = (GLfloat*) PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(GLfloat) * (size_t) inputN * (size_t) inputM * 4); // Loop through all rows and columns of the pixel data passed from Matlab, extract it, // and stick it into 'pixelData'. for (iy = 0; iy < inputM; iy++) { for (ix = 0; ix < inputN; ix++) { if (inputP == 1) { // Grayscale // Extract the grayscale value. matrixGrayIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 1, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 0); if (inputMatrixType == PsychArgType_uint8) { // If the color range is > 255, then force it to 255 for 8-bit values. matrixGrayValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixGrayIndex]; if (windowRecord->colorRange > 255) { matrixGrayValue /= (GLfloat)255; } else { matrixGrayValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; } } else { matrixGrayValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixGrayIndex] / windowRecord->colorRange); } // RGB will all be the same for grayscale. We'll go ahead and fix alpha to the max value. pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixGrayValue; // R pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixGrayValue; // G pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixGrayValue; // B pixelData[pixelIndex++] = (GLfloat) 1.0; // A } else if (inputP == 3) { // RGB matrixRedIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 3, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 0); matrixGreenIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 3, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 1); matrixBlueIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 3, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 2); if (inputMatrixType == PsychArgType_uint8) { // If the color range is > 255, then force it to 255 for 8-bit values. matrixRedValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixRedIndex]; matrixGreenValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixGreenIndex]; matrixBlueValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixBlueIndex]; if (windowRecord->colorRange > 255) { matrixRedValue /= (GLfloat)255; matrixGreenValue /= (GLfloat)255; matrixBlueValue /= (GLfloat)255; } else { matrixRedValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; matrixGreenValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; matrixBlueValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; } } else { matrixRedValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixRedIndex] / windowRecord->colorRange); matrixGreenValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixGreenIndex] / windowRecord->colorRange); matrixBlueValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixBlueIndex] / windowRecord->colorRange); } pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixRedValue; pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixGreenValue; pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixBlueValue; pixelData[pixelIndex++] = (GLfloat)1.0; } else if (inputP == 4) { // RGBA matrixRedIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 4, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 0); matrixGreenIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 4, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 1); matrixBlueIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 4, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 2); matrixAlphaIndex = PSYCHINDEXELEMENTFROM3DARRAY((size_t) inputM, (size_t) inputN, 4, (size_t) iy, (size_t) ix, 3); if (inputMatrixType == PsychArgType_uint8) { // If the color range is > 255, then force it to 255 for 8-bit values. matrixRedValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixRedIndex]; matrixGreenValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixGreenIndex]; matrixBlueValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixBlueIndex]; matrixAlphaValue = (GLfloat)inputMatrixByte[matrixAlphaIndex]; if (windowRecord->colorRange > 255) { matrixRedValue /= (GLfloat)255; matrixGreenValue /= (GLfloat)255; matrixBlueValue /= (GLfloat)255; matrixAlphaValue /= (GLfloat)255; } else { matrixRedValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; matrixGreenValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; matrixBlueValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; matrixAlphaValue /= (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange; } } else { matrixRedValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixRedIndex] / windowRecord->colorRange); matrixGreenValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixGreenIndex] / (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange); matrixBlueValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixBlueIndex] / (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange); matrixAlphaValue = (GLfloat)(inputMatrixDouble[matrixAlphaIndex] / (GLfloat)windowRecord->colorRange); } pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixRedValue; pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixGreenValue; pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixBlueValue; pixelData[pixelIndex++] = matrixAlphaValue; } } // for (iy = 0; iy < inputM; iy++) } // for (ix = 0; ix < inputN; ix++) // Enable this windowRecords framebuffer as current drawingtarget: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); // Disable draw shader: PsychSetShader(windowRecord, 0); PsychUpdateAlphaBlendingFactorLazily(windowRecord); // Set the raster position so that we can draw starting at this location. glRasterPos2f((GLfloat)(positionRect[kPsychLeft]), (GLfloat)(positionRect[kPsychTop])); // Tell glDrawPixels to unpack the pixel array along GLfloat boundaries. glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint)sizeof(GLfloat)); // Dump the pixels onto the screen. glPixelZoom(xZoom, yZoom); glDrawPixels(inputN, inputM, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, pixelData); glPixelZoom(1,1); PsychFlushGL(windowRecord); // This does nothing if we are multi buffered, otherwise it glFlushes PsychTestForGLErrors(); return PsychError_none; }
PsychError SCREENDrawDots(void) { PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord, *parentWindowRecord; int m,n,p,mc,nc,idot_type; int i, nrpoints, nrsize; psych_bool isArgThere, usecolorvector, isdoublecolors, isuint8colors; double *xy, *size, *center, *dot_type, *colors; float *sizef; unsigned char *bytecolors; GLfloat pointsizerange[2]; psych_bool lenient = FALSE; psych_bool usePointSizeArray = FALSE; static psych_bool nocando = FALSE; int oldverbosity; // All sub functions should have these two lines PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; // Check for superfluous arguments PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(7)); //The maximum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(4)); //The maximum number of outputs // Get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &windowRecord); // Get dot_type argument, if any, as it is already needed for a pure point size range query below: isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 6); if(!isArgThere){ idot_type = 0; } else { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(6, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, &dot_type); if(p != 1 || n != 1 || m != 1 || (dot_type[0] < 0 || dot_type[0] > 4)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "dot_type must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4"); idot_type = (int) dot_type[0]; } // Query for supported point size range? if (PsychGetNumOutputArgs() > 0) { PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); // Always query and return aliased range: glGetFloatv(GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, (GLfloat*) &pointsizerange); PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(3, FALSE, (double) pointsizerange[0]); PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(4, FALSE, (double) pointsizerange[1]); // If driver supports smooth points and usercode doesn't specify a dot type (idot_type 0) // or does not request shader + point-sprite based drawing then return smooth point // size range as "smooth point size range" - query and assign it. Otherwise, ie., code // explicitely wants to use a shader (idot_type >= 3) or has to use one, we will use // point-sprites and that means the GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE limits apply also to // our shader based smooth dots, so return those: if ((windowRecord->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapSmoothPrimitives) && (idot_type < 3)) glGetFloatv(GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, (GLfloat*) &pointsizerange); // Whatever the final choice for smooth dots is, return its limits: PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, (double) pointsizerange[0]); PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(2, FALSE, (double) pointsizerange[1]); // If this was only a query then we are done: if (PsychGetNumInputArgs() < 2) return(PsychError_none); } // Query, allocate and copy in all vectors... nrpoints = 2; nrsize = 0; colors = NULL; bytecolors = NULL; PsychPrepareRenderBatch(windowRecord, 2, &nrpoints, &xy, 4, &nc, &mc, &colors, &bytecolors, 3, &nrsize, &size, (GL_FLOAT == PsychGLFloatType(windowRecord))); isdoublecolors = (colors) ? TRUE:FALSE; isuint8colors = (bytecolors) ? TRUE:FALSE; usecolorvector = (nc>1) ? TRUE:FALSE; // Assign sizef as float-type array of sizes, if float mode active, NULL otherwise: sizef = (GL_FLOAT == PsychGLFloatType(windowRecord)) ? (float*) size : NULL; // Get center argument isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 5); if(!isArgThere){ center = (double *) PsychMallocTemp(2 * sizeof(double)); center[0] = 0; center[1] = 0; } else { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(5, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, ¢er); if(p!=1 || n!=2 || m!=1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "center must be a 1-by-2 vector"); } // Turn on antialiasing to draw circles? Or idot_type 4 for shader based square dots? if (idot_type) { // Smooth point rendering supported by gfx-driver and hardware? And user does not request our own stuff? if ((idot_type == 3) || (idot_type == 4) || !(windowRecord->gfxcaps & kPsychGfxCapSmoothPrimitives)) { // No. Need to roll our own shader + point sprite solution. if (!windowRecord->smoothPointShader && !nocando) { parentWindowRecord = PsychGetParentWindow(windowRecord); if (!parentWindowRecord->smoothPointShader) { // Build and assign shader to parent window, but allow this to silently fail: oldverbosity = PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity(); PsychPrefStateSet_Verbosity(0); parentWindowRecord->smoothPointShader = PsychCreateGLSLProgram(PointSmoothFragmentShaderSrc, PointSmoothVertexShaderSrc, NULL); PsychPrefStateSet_Verbosity(oldverbosity); } if (parentWindowRecord->smoothPointShader) { // Got one compiled - assign it for use: windowRecord->smoothPointShader = parentWindowRecord->smoothPointShader; } else { // Failed. Record this failure so we can avoid retrying at next DrawDots invocation: nocando = TRUE; } } if (windowRecord->smoothPointShader) { // Activate point smooth shader, and point sprite operation on texunit 1 for coordinates on set 1: PsychSetShader(windowRecord, windowRecord->smoothPointShader); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glTexEnvi(GL_POINT_SPRITE, GL_COORD_REPLACE, GL_TRUE); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glEnable(GL_POINT_SPRITE); // Tell shader from where to get its color information: Unclamped high precision colors from texture coordinate set 0, or regular colors from vertex color attribute? glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(windowRecord->smoothPointShader, "useUnclampedFragColor"), (windowRecord->defaultDrawShader) ? 1 : 0); // Tell shader if it should shade smooth round dots, or square dots: glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(windowRecord->smoothPointShader, "drawRoundDots"), (idot_type != 4) ? 1 : 0); // Tell shader about current point size in pointSize uniform: glEnable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); usePointSizeArray = TRUE; } else if (idot_type != 4) { // Game over for round dot drawing: PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Point smoothing unsupported on your system and our shader based implementation failed as well in Screen('DrawDots')."); } else { // Type 4 requested but unsupported. Fallback to type 0, which is the same, just slower: idot_type = 0; } // Request square dots, without anti-aliasing: Better compatibility with // shader + point sprite operation, and needed for idot_type 0 fallback. glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glGetFloatv(GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, (GLfloat*) &pointsizerange); } else { // User wants hw anti-aliased round smooth dots (idot_type = 1 or 2) and // hardware + driver support this. Request smooth points from hardware: glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glGetFloatv(GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, (GLfloat*) &pointsizerange); // A dot type of 2 requests highest quality point smoothing: glHint(GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, (idot_type > 1) ? GL_NICEST : GL_DONT_CARE); } } else { glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glGetFloatv(GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, (GLfloat*) &pointsizerange); } // Does ES-GPU only support a fixed point diameter of 1 pixel? if ((pointsizerange[1] <= 1) && PsychIsGLES(windowRecord)) { // Yes. Not much point bailing on this, as it should be easily visible // during testing of a studies code on a OpenGL-ES device. lenient = TRUE; } // Accept optional 'lenient' flag, if provided: PsychCopyInFlagArg(7, FALSE, &lenient); // Set size of a single dot: if (!lenient && ((sizef && (sizef[0] > pointsizerange[1] || sizef[0] < pointsizerange[0])) || (!sizef && (size[0] > pointsizerange[1] || size[0] < pointsizerange[0])))) { printf("PTB-ERROR: You requested a point size of %f units, which is not in the range (%f to %f) supported by your graphics hardware.\n", (sizef) ? sizef[0] : size[0], pointsizerange[0], pointsizerange[1]); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unsupported point size requested in Screen('DrawDots')."); } // Setup initial common point size for all points: if (!usePointSizeArray) glPointSize((sizef) ? sizef[0] : (float) size[0]); if (usePointSizeArray) glMultiTexCoord1f(GL_TEXTURE2, (sizef) ? sizef[0] : (float) size[0]); // Setup modelview matrix to perform translation by 'center': glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Make a backup copy of the matrix: glPushMatrix(); // Apply a global translation of (center(x,y)) pixels to all following points: glTranslatef((float) center[0], (float) center[1], 0); // Render the array of 2D-Points - Efficient version: // This command sequence allows fast processing of whole arrays // of vertices (or points, in this case). It saves the call overhead // associated with the original implementation below and is potentially // optimized in specific OpenGL implementations. // Pass a pointer to the start of the point-coordinate array: glVertexPointer(2, PSYCHGLFLOAT, 0, &xy[0]); // Enable fast rendering of arrays: glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (usecolorvector) { PsychSetupVertexColorArrays(windowRecord, TRUE, mc, colors, bytecolors); } // Render all n points, starting at point 0, render them as POINTS: if ((nrsize == 1) || usePointSizeArray) { // Only one common size provided, or efficient shader based // path in use. We can use the fast path of only submitting // one glDrawArrays call to draw all GL_POINTS. For a single // common size, no further setup is needed. if (nrsize > 1) { // Individual size for each dot provided. Setup texture unit 2 // with a 1D texcoord array that stores per point size info in // texture coordinate set 2. But first validate point sizes: for (i = 0; i < nrpoints; i++) { if (!lenient && ((sizef && (sizef[i] > pointsizerange[1] || sizef[i] < pointsizerange[0])) || (!sizef && (size[i] > pointsizerange[1] || size[i] < pointsizerange[0])))) { printf("PTB-ERROR: You requested a point size of %f units, which is not in the range (%f to %f) supported by your graphics hardware.\n", (sizef) ? sizef[i] : size[i], pointsizerange[0], pointsizerange[1]); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unsupported point size requested in Screen('DrawDots')."); } } // Sizes are fine, setup texunit 2: glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE2); glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glTexCoordPointer(1, (sizef) ? GL_FLOAT : GL_DOUBLE, 0, (sizef) ? (const GLvoid*) sizef : (const GLvoid*) size); } // Draw all points: glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, nrpoints); if (nrsize > 1) { // Individual size for each dot provided. Reset texture unit 2: glTexCoordPointer(1, (sizef) ? GL_FLOAT : GL_DOUBLE, 0, (const GLvoid*) NULL); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); // Back to default texunit 0: glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); } } else { // Different size for each dot provided and we can't use our shader based implementation: // We have to do One GL - call per dot: for (i=0; i<nrpoints; i++) { if (!lenient && ((sizef && (sizef[i] > pointsizerange[1] || sizef[i] < pointsizerange[0])) || (!sizef && (size[i] > pointsizerange[1] || size[i] < pointsizerange[0])))) { printf("PTB-ERROR: You requested a point size of %f units, which is not in the range (%f to %f) supported by your graphics hardware.\n", (sizef) ? sizef[i] : size[i], pointsizerange[0], pointsizerange[1]); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unsupported point size requested in Screen('DrawDots')."); } // Setup point size for this point: if (!usePointSizeArray) glPointSize((sizef) ? sizef[i] : (float) size[i]); // Render point: glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, i, 1); } } // Disable fast rendering of arrays: glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(2, PSYCHGLFLOAT, 0, NULL); if (usecolorvector) PsychSetupVertexColorArrays(windowRecord, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL); // Restore old matrix from backup copy, undoing the global translation: glPopMatrix(); // turn off antialiasing again if (idot_type) { glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); if (windowRecord->smoothPointShader) { // Deactivate point smooth shader and point sprite operation on texunit 1: PsychSetShader(windowRecord, 0); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glTexEnvi(GL_POINT_SPRITE, GL_COORD_REPLACE, GL_FALSE); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glDisable(GL_POINT_SPRITE); glDisable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); } } // Reset pointsize to 1.0 glPointSize(1); // Mark end of drawing op. This is needed for single buffered drawing: PsychFlushGL(windowRecord); //All psychfunctions require this. return(PsychError_none); }
PsychError SCREENLoadCLUT(void) { int i, screenNumber, numEntries, inM, inN, inP, start, bits; float *outRedTable, *outGreenTable, *outBlueTable, *inRedTable, *inGreenTable, *inBlueTable; double *inTable, *outTable, maxval; psych_bool isclutprovided; start = 0; bits = 8; //all subfunctions should have these two lines PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1)); PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4)); // Read in the screen number: PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber); // Read in optional start index: PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, FALSE, &start); if (start<0 || start>255) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Argument startEntry must be between zero and 255."); } // Read in optional bits argument: PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4, FALSE, &bits); if (bits<1 || bits>16) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Argument 'bits' must be between 1 and 16."); } // Compute allowable maxval: maxval=(double) ((1 << bits) - 1); // First read the existing gamma table so we can return it. PsychReadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, &numEntries, &outRedTable, &outGreenTable, &outBlueTable); // Load and sanity check the input matrix, and convert from float to doubles: isclutprovided = PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(2, FALSE, &inM, &inN, &inP, &inTable); if (isclutprovided) { if((inM > 256 - start) || (inM < 1) || (inN != 3) || (inP != 1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The provided CLUT table must have a size between 1 and (256 - startEntry) rows and 3 columns."); inRedTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * 256); inGreenTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * 256); inBlueTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * 256); // Copy the table into the new inTable array: for(i=0; i<numEntries; i++) { inRedTable[i] = outRedTable[i]; inGreenTable[i] = outGreenTable[i]; inBlueTable[i] = outBlueTable[i]; } } // Allocate output array: PsychAllocOutDoubleMatArg(1, FALSE, numEntries, 3, 0, &outTable); // Copy read table into output array, scale it by maxval to map range 0.0-1.0 to 0-maxval: for(i=0;i<numEntries;i++){ outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 0, 0)]=(double) outRedTable[i] * maxval; outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 1, 0)]=(double) outGreenTable[i] * maxval; outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 2, 0)]=(double) outBlueTable[i] * maxval; } if (isclutprovided) { // Now we can overwrite entries 'start' to start+inM of inTable with the user provided table values. We // need to scale the users values down from 0-maxval to 0.0-1.0: for(i=start; (i<256) && (i-start < inM); i++){ inRedTable[i] = (float) (inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i-start, 0, 0)] / maxval); inGreenTable[i] = (float) (inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i-start, 1, 0)] / maxval); inBlueTable[i] = (float) (inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i-start, 2, 0)] / maxval); // Range check: if(inRedTable[i]>1 || inRedTable[i]< 0 || inGreenTable[i] > 1 || inGreenTable[i] < 0 || inBlueTable[i] >1 || inBlueTable[i] < 0) { printf("PTB-ERROR: At least one of the CLUT values in row %i is outside the valid range of 0 to %i!\n", i-start+1, ((1 << bits) - 1)); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to set a CLUT with invalid entries."); } } // Now set the new gamma table PsychLoadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, numEntries, inRedTable, inGreenTable, inBlueTable); } return(PsychError_none); }
// This also works as 'AddFrameToMovie', as almost all code is shared with 'GetImage'. // Only difference is where the fetched pixeldata is sent: To the movie encoder or to // a matlab/octave matrix. PsychError SCREENGetImage(void) { PsychRectType windowRect, sampleRect; int nrchannels, invertedY, stride; size_t ix, iy, sampleRectWidth, sampleRectHeight, redReturnIndex, greenReturnIndex, blueReturnIndex, alphaReturnIndex, planeSize; int viewid = 0; psych_uint8 *returnArrayBase, *redPlane; float *dredPlane; double *returnArrayBaseDouble; PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord; GLboolean isDoubleBuffer, isStereo; char* buffername = NULL; psych_bool floatprecision = FALSE; GLenum whichBuffer = 0; int frameduration = 1; int moviehandle = 0; unsigned int twidth, theight, numChannels, bitdepth; unsigned char* framepixels; psych_bool isOES; // Called as 2nd personality "AddFrameToMovie" ? psych_bool isAddMovieFrame = PsychMatch(PsychGetFunctionName(), "AddFrameToMovie"); // All sub functions should have these two lines if (isAddMovieFrame) { PsychPushHelp(useString2, synopsisString2, seeAlsoString); } else { PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString); } if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; //cap the numbers of inputs and outputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(5)); //The maximum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1)); //The maximum number of outputs // Get windowRecord for this window: PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord); // Embedded subset has very limited support for readback formats : isOES = PsychIsGLES(windowRecord); // Make sure we don't execute on an onscreen window with pending async flip, as this would interfere // by touching the system backbuffer -> Impaired timing of the flip thread and undefined readback // of image data due to racing with the ops of the flipperthread on the same drawable. // // Note: It would be possible to allow drawBuffer readback if the drawBuffer is not multi-sampled // or if we can safely multisample-resolve without touching the backbuffer, but checking for all // special cases adds ugly complexity and is not really worth the effort, so we don't allow this. // // If this passes then PsychSetDrawingTarget() below will trigger additional validations to check // if execution of 'GetImage' is allowed under the current conditions for offscreen windows and // textures: if (PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord) && (windowRecord->flipInfo->asyncstate > 0)) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Calling this function on an onscreen window with a pending asynchronous flip is not allowed!"); } // Set window as drawingtarget: Even important if this binding is changed later on! // We need to make sure all needed transitions are done - esp. in non-imaging mode, // so backbuffer is in a useable state: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); // Disable shaders: PsychSetShader(windowRecord, 0); // Soft-Reset drawingtarget. This is important to make sure no FBO's are bound, // otherwise the following glGets for GL_DOUBLEBUFFER and GL_STEREO will retrieve // wrong results, leading to totally wrong read buffer assignments down the road!! PsychSetDrawingTarget((PsychWindowRecordType*) 0x1); // Queries only available on desktop OpenGL: if (!isOES) { glGetBooleanv(GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &isDoubleBuffer); glGetBooleanv(GL_STEREO, &isStereo); } else { // Make something reasonable up: isStereo = FALSE; isDoubleBuffer = TRUE; } // Force "quad-buffered" stereo mode if our own homegrown implementation is active: if (windowRecord->stereomode == kPsychFrameSequentialStereo) isStereo = TRUE; // Assign read buffer: if(PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) { // Onscreen window: We read from the front- or front-left buffer by default. // This works on single-buffered and double buffered contexts in a consistent fashion: // Copy in optional override buffer name: PsychAllocInCharArg(3, FALSE, &buffername); // Override buffer name provided? if (buffername) { // Which one is it? // "frontBuffer" is always a valid choice: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "frontBuffer")) whichBuffer = GL_FRONT; // Allow selection of left- or right front stereo buffer in stereo mode: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "frontLeftBuffer") && isStereo) whichBuffer = GL_FRONT_LEFT; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "frontRightBuffer") && isStereo) whichBuffer = GL_FRONT_RIGHT; // Allow selection of backbuffer in double-buffered mode: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "backBuffer") && isDoubleBuffer) whichBuffer = GL_BACK; // Allow selection of left- or right back stereo buffer in stereo mode: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "backLeftBuffer") && isStereo && isDoubleBuffer) whichBuffer = GL_BACK_LEFT; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "backRightBuffer") && isStereo && isDoubleBuffer) whichBuffer = GL_BACK_RIGHT; // Allow AUX buffer access for debug purposes: if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux0Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX0; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux1Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX1; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux2Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX2; if (PsychMatch(buffername, "aux3Buffer")) whichBuffer = GL_AUX3; // If 'drawBuffer' is requested, but imaging pipeline inactive, ie., there is no real 'drawBuffer', then we // map this to the backbuffer, as on a non-imaging configuration, the backbuffer is pretty much exactly the // equivalent of the 'drawBuffer': if (PsychMatch(buffername, "drawBuffer") && !(windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore)) whichBuffer = GL_BACK; } else { // Default is frontbuffer: whichBuffer = GL_FRONT; } } else { // Offscreen window or texture: They only have one buffer, which is the // backbuffer in double-buffered mode and the frontbuffer in single buffered mode: whichBuffer=(isDoubleBuffer) ? GL_BACK : GL_FRONT; } // Enable this windowRecords framebuffer as current drawingtarget. This should // also allow us to "GetImage" from Offscreen windows: if ((windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore) || (windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows)) { // Special case: Imaging pipeline active - We need to activate system framebuffer // so we really read the content of the framebuffer and not of some FBO: if (PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) { // It's an onscreen window: // Homegrown frame-sequential stereo active? Need to remap some stuff: if (windowRecord->stereomode == kPsychFrameSequentialStereo) { // Back/Front buffers map to backleft/frontleft buffers: if (whichBuffer == GL_BACK) whichBuffer = GL_BACK_LEFT; if (whichBuffer == GL_FRONT) whichBuffer = GL_FRONT_LEFT; // Special case: Want to read from stereo front buffer? if ((whichBuffer == GL_FRONT_LEFT) || (whichBuffer == GL_FRONT_RIGHT)) { // These don't really exist in our homegrown implementation. Their equivalents are the // regular system front/backbuffers. Due to the bufferswaps happening every video // refresh cycle and the complex logic on when and how to blit finalizedFBOs into // the system buffers and the asynchronous execution of the parallel flipper thread, // we don't know which buffer (GL_BACK or GL_FRONT) corresponds to the leftFront or // rightFront buffer. Let's be stupid and just return the current front buffer for // FRONT_LEFT and the current back buffer for FRONT_RIGHT, but warn user about the // ambiguity: whichBuffer = (whichBuffer == GL_FRONT_LEFT) ? GL_FRONT : GL_BACK; if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 2) { printf("PTB-WARNING: In Screen('GetImage'): You selected retrieval of one of the stereo front buffers, while our homegrown frame-sequential\n"); printf("PTB-WARNING: In Screen('GetImage'): stereo display mode is active. This will impair presentation timing and may cause flicker. The\n"); printf("PTB-WARNING: In Screen('GetImage'): mapping of 'frontLeftBuffer' and 'frontRightBuffer' to actual stimulus content is very ambiguous\n"); printf("PTB-WARNING: In Screen('GetImage'): in this mode. You may therefore end up with the content of the wrong buffer returned! Check results\n"); printf("PTB-WARNING: In Screen('GetImage'): carefully! Better read from 'backLeftBuffer' or 'backRightBuffer' for well defined results.\n\n"); } } } // Homegrown frame-sequential stereo active and backleft or backright buffer requested? if (((whichBuffer == GL_BACK_LEFT) || (whichBuffer == GL_BACK_RIGHT)) && (windowRecord->stereomode == kPsychFrameSequentialStereo)) { // We can get the equivalent of the backLeft/RightBuffer from the finalizedFBO's in this mode. Get their content: viewid = (whichBuffer == GL_BACK_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0; whichBuffer = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; // Bind finalizedFBO as framebuffer to read from: glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->finalizedFBO[viewid]]->fboid); // Make sure binding gets released at end of routine: viewid = -1; } // No frame-sequential stereo: Full imaging pipeline active and one of the drawBuffer's requested? else if (buffername && (PsychMatch(buffername, "drawBuffer")) && (windowRecord->imagingMode & kPsychNeedFastBackingStore)) { // Activate drawBufferFBO: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); whichBuffer = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; // Is the drawBufferFBO multisampled? viewid = (((windowRecord->stereomode > 0) && (windowRecord->stereodrawbuffer == 1)) ? 1 : 0); if (windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->drawBufferFBO[viewid]]->multisample > 0) { // It is! We can't read from a multisampled FBO. Need to perform a multisample resolve operation and read // from the resolved unisample buffer instead. This is only safe if the unisample buffer is either a dedicated // FBO, or - in case its the final system backbuffer etc. - if preflip operations haven't been performed yet. // If non dedicated buffer (aka finalizedFBO) and preflip ops have already happened, then the backbuffer contains // final content for an upcoming Screen('Flip') and we can't use (and therefore taint) that buffer. if ((windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid] == windowRecord->finalizedFBO[viewid]) && (windowRecord->backBufferBackupDone)) { // Target for resolve is finalized FBO (probably system backbuffer) and preflip ops have run already. We // can't do the resolve op, as this would screw up the backbuffer with the final stimulus: printf("PTB-ERROR: Tried to 'GetImage' from a multisampled 'drawBuffer', but can't perform anti-aliasing pass due to\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: lack of a dedicated resolve buffer.\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: You can get what you wanted by either one of two options:\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: Either enable a processing stage in the imaging pipeline, even if you don't need it, e.g., by setting\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: the imagingmode argument in the 'OpenWindow' call to kPsychNeedImageProcessing. This will create a\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: suitable resolve buffer. Or place the 'GetImage' call before any Screen('DrawingFinished') call, then\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: i can (ab-)use the system backbuffer as a temporary resolve buffer.\n\n"); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to 'GetImage' from a multi-sampled 'drawBuffer'. Unsupported operation under given conditions."); } else { // Ok, the inputBufferFBO is a suitable temporary resolve buffer. Perform a multisample resolve blit to it: // A simple glBlitFramebufferEXT() call will do the copy & downsample operation: glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->drawBufferFBO[viewid]]->fboid); glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->fboid); glBlitFramebufferEXT(0, 0, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->width, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->height, 0, 0, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->width, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->height, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); // Bind inputBuffer as framebuffer: glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->inputBufferFBO[viewid]]->fboid); viewid = -1; } } } else { // No: Activate system framebuffer: PsychSetDrawingTarget(NULL); } } else { // Offscreen window or texture: Select drawing target as usual, // but set color attachment as read buffer: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); whichBuffer = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; // We do not support multisampled readout: if (windowRecord->fboTable[windowRecord->drawBufferFBO[0]]->multisample > 0) { printf("PTB-ERROR: You tried to Screen('GetImage', ...); from an offscreen window or texture which has multisample anti-aliasing enabled.\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: This operation is not supported. You must first use Screen('CopyWindow') to create a non-multisampled copy of the\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: texture or offscreen window, then use 'GetImage' on that copy. The copy will be anti-aliased, so you'll get what you\n"); printf("PTB-ERROR: wanted with a bit more effort. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is mostly a hardware limitation.\n\n"); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to 'GetImage' from a multi-sampled texture or offscreen window. Unsupported operation."); } } } else { // Normal case: No FBO based imaging - Select drawing target as usual: PsychSetDrawingTarget(windowRecord); } if (!isOES) { // Select requested read buffer, after some double-check: if (whichBuffer == 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid or unknown 'bufferName' argument provided."); glReadBuffer(whichBuffer); if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 5) printf("PTB-DEBUG: In Screen('GetImage'): GL-Readbuffer whichBuffer = %i\n", whichBuffer); } else { // OES: No way to select readbuffer, it is "hard-coded" by system spec, depending // on framebuffer. For bound FBO, always color attachment zero, for system framebuffer, // always front buffer on single-buffered setup, back buffer on double-buffered setup: if (buffername && PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord) && (whichBuffer != GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT)) { // Some part of the real system framebuffer of an onscreen window explicitely requested. if ((windowRecord->windowType == kPsychSingleBufferOnscreen) && (whichBuffer != GL_FRONT) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) { printf("PTB-WARNING: Tried to Screen('GetImage') single-buffered framebuffer '%s', but only 'frontBuffer' supported on OpenGL-ES. Returning that instead.\n", buffername); } if ((windowRecord->windowType == kPsychDoubleBufferOnscreen) && (whichBuffer != GL_BACK) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) { printf("PTB-WARNING: Tried to Screen('GetImage') double-buffered framebuffer '%s', but only 'backBuffer' supported on OpenGL-ES. Returning that instead.\n", buffername); } } } if (whichBuffer == GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT) { // FBO of texture / offscreen window / onscreen drawBuffer/inputBuffer // has size of clientrect -- potentially larger or smaller than backbuffer: PsychCopyRect(windowRect, windowRecord->clientrect); } else { // Non-FBO backed texture / offscreen window / onscreen window has size // of raw rect (==clientrect for non-onscreen, == backbuffer size for onscreen): PsychCopyRect(windowRect, windowRecord->rect); } // Retrieve optional read rectangle: if(!PsychCopyInRectArg(2, FALSE, sampleRect)) PsychCopyRect(sampleRect, windowRect); if (IsPsychRectEmpty(sampleRect)) return(PsychError_none); // Compute sampling rectangle: if ((PsychGetWidthFromRect(sampleRect) >= INT_MAX) || (PsychGetHeightFromRect(sampleRect) >= INT_MAX)) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Too big 'rect' argument provided. Both width and height of the rect must not exceed 2^31 pixels!"); } sampleRectWidth = (size_t) PsychGetWidthFromRect(sampleRect); sampleRectHeight= (size_t) PsychGetHeightFromRect(sampleRect); // Regular image fetch to runtime, or adding to a movie? if (!isAddMovieFrame) { // Regular fetch: // Get optional floatprecision flag: We return data with float-precision if // this flag is set. By default we return uint8 data: PsychCopyInFlagArg(4, FALSE, &floatprecision); // Get the optional number of channels flag: By default we return 3 channels, // the Red, Green, and blue color channel: nrchannels = 3; PsychCopyInIntegerArg(5, FALSE, &nrchannels); if (nrchannels < 1 || nrchannels > 4) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Number of requested channels 'nrchannels' must be between 1 and 4!"); if (!floatprecision) { // Readback of standard 8bpc uint8 pixels: // No Luminance + Alpha on OES: if (isOES && (nrchannels == 2)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Number of requested channels 'nrchannels' == 2 not supported on OpenGL-ES!"); PsychAllocOutUnsignedByteMatArg(1, TRUE, (int) sampleRectHeight, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) nrchannels, &returnArrayBase); if (isOES) { // We only do RGBA reads on OES, then discard unwanted stuff ourselves: redPlane = (psych_uint8*) PsychMallocTemp((size_t) 4 * sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight); } else { redPlane = (psych_uint8*) PsychMallocTemp((size_t) nrchannels * sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight); } planeSize = sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT,1); invertedY = (int) (windowRect[kPsychBottom] - sampleRect[kPsychBottom]); if (isOES) { glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, redPlane); stride = 4; } else { stride = nrchannels; if (nrchannels==1) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, redPlane); if (nrchannels==2) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, redPlane); if (nrchannels==3) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, redPlane); if (nrchannels==4) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, redPlane); } //in one pass transpose and flip what we read with glReadPixels before returning. //-glReadPixels insists on filling up memory in sequence by reading the screen row-wise whearas Matlab reads up memory into columns. //-the Psychtoolbox screen as setup by gluOrtho puts 0,0 at the top left of the window but glReadPixels always believes that it's at the bottom left. for(ix=0; ix < sampleRectWidth; ix++){ for(iy=0; iy < sampleRectHeight; iy++){ // Compute write-indices for returned data: redReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 0); greenReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 1); blueReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 2); alphaReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 3); // Always return RED/LUMINANCE channel: returnArrayBase[redReturnIndex] = redPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 0]; // Other channels on demand: if (nrchannels>1) returnArrayBase[greenReturnIndex] = redPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 1]; if (nrchannels>2) returnArrayBase[blueReturnIndex] = redPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 2]; if (nrchannels>3) returnArrayBase[alphaReturnIndex] = redPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 3]; } } } else { // Readback of standard 32bpc float pixels into a double matrix: // No Luminance + Alpha on OES: if (isOES && (nrchannels == 2)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Number of requested channels 'nrchannels' == 2 not supported on OpenGL-ES!"); // Only float readback on floating point FBO's with EXT_color_buffer_float support: if (isOES && ((whichBuffer != GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT) || (windowRecord->bpc < 16) || !glewIsSupported("GL_EXT_color_buffer_float"))) { printf("PTB-ERROR: Tried to 'GetImage' pixels in floating point format from a non-floating point surface, or not supported by your hardware.\n"); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "'GetImage' of floating point values from given object not supported on OpenGL-ES!"); } PsychAllocOutDoubleMatArg(1, TRUE, (int) sampleRectHeight, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) nrchannels, &returnArrayBaseDouble); if (isOES) { dredPlane = (float*) PsychMallocTemp((size_t) 4 * sizeof(float) * sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight); stride = 4; } else { dredPlane = (float*) PsychMallocTemp((size_t) nrchannels * sizeof(float) * sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight); stride = nrchannels; } planeSize = sampleRectWidth * sampleRectHeight * sizeof(float); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); invertedY = (int) (windowRect[kPsychBottom]-sampleRect[kPsychBottom]); if (!isOES) { if (nrchannels==1) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); if (nrchannels==2) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); if (nrchannels==3) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); if (nrchannels==4) glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); } else { glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, (int) sampleRectWidth, (int) sampleRectHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, dredPlane); } //in one pass transpose and flip what we read with glReadPixels before returning. //-glReadPixels insists on filling up memory in sequence by reading the screen row-wise whearas Matlab reads up memory into columns. //-the Psychtoolbox screen as setup by gluOrtho puts 0,0 at the top left of the window but glReadPixels always believes that it's at the bottom left. for(ix=0; ix < sampleRectWidth; ix++){ for(iy=0; iy < sampleRectHeight; iy++){ // Compute write-indices for returned data: redReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 0); greenReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 1); blueReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 2); alphaReturnIndex=PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(sampleRectHeight, sampleRectWidth, nrchannels, iy, ix, 3); // Always return RED/LUMINANCE channel: returnArrayBaseDouble[redReturnIndex] = dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 0]; // Other channels on demand: if (nrchannels>1) returnArrayBaseDouble[greenReturnIndex] = dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 1]; if (nrchannels>2) returnArrayBaseDouble[blueReturnIndex] = dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 2]; if (nrchannels>3) returnArrayBaseDouble[alphaReturnIndex] = dredPlane[(ix + ((sampleRectHeight-1) - iy ) * sampleRectWidth) * (size_t) stride + 3]; } } } } if (isAddMovieFrame) { // Adding of image to a movie requested: // Get optional moviehandle: moviehandle = 0; PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4, FALSE, &moviehandle); if (moviehandle < 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Provided 'moviehandle' is negative. Must be greater or equal to zero!"); // Get optional frameduration: frameduration = 1; PsychCopyInIntegerArg(5, FALSE, &frameduration); if (frameduration < 1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Number of requested framedurations 'frameduration' is negative. Must be greater than zero!"); framepixels = PsychGetVideoFrameForMoviePtr(moviehandle, &twidth, &theight, &numChannels, &bitdepth); if (framepixels) { glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT,1); invertedY = (int) (windowRect[kPsychBottom] - sampleRect[kPsychBottom]); if (isOES) { if (bitdepth != 8) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "AddFrameToMovie failed due to wrong bpc value. Only 8 bpc supported on OpenGL-ES."); if (numChannels == 4) { // OES: BGRA supported? if (glewIsSupported("GL_EXT_read_format_bgra")) { // Yep: Readback in a compatible and acceptably fast format: glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, twidth, theight, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, framepixels); } else { // Suboptimal readback path. will also cause swapped colors in movie writing: glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, twidth, theight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, framepixels); } } else if (numChannels == 3) { glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, twidth, theight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, framepixels); } else PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "AddFrameToMovie failed due to wrong number of channels. Only 3 or 4 channels are supported on OpenGL-ES."); } else { // Desktop-GL: Use optimal format and support 16 bpc bitdepth as well. switch (numChannels) { case 4: glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, twidth, theight, GL_BGRA, (bitdepth <= 8) ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, framepixels); break; case 3: glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, twidth, theight, GL_RGB, (bitdepth <= 8) ? GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, framepixels); break; case 1: glReadPixels((int) sampleRect[kPsychLeft], invertedY, twidth, theight, GL_RED, (bitdepth <= 8) ? GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, framepixels); break; default: PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "AddFrameToMovie failed due to wrong number of channels. Only 1, 3 or 4 channels are supported on OpenGL."); break; } } // Add frame to movie, mark it as "upside down", with invalid -1 timestamp and a duration of frameduration ticks: if (PsychAddVideoFrameToMovie(moviehandle, frameduration, TRUE, -1) != 0) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "AddFrameToMovie failed with error above!"); } } else { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid 'moviePtr' provided. Doesn't correspond to a movie open for recording!"); } } if (viewid == -1) { // Need to reset framebuffer binding to get rid of the inputBufferFBO which is bound due to // multisample resolve ops, or of other special FBO bindings --> Activate system framebuffer: PsychSetDrawingTarget(NULL); } return(PsychError_none); }
PsychError SCREENLoadNormalizedGammaTable(void) { int i, screenNumber, numEntries, inM, inN, inP, loadOnNextFlip, physicalDisplay, outputId; float *outRedTable, *outGreenTable, *outBlueTable, *inRedTable, *inGreenTable, *inBlueTable; double *inTable, *outTable; PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord; //all subfunctions should have these two lines PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1)); PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4)); // Get optional physicalDisplay argument - It defaults to zero on OS/X, -1 on Linux: physicalDisplay = -1; PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4, FALSE, &physicalDisplay); // Read in the screen number: // On OS/X we also accept screen indices for physical displays (as opposed to active dispays). // This only makes a difference in mirror-mode, where there is only 1 active display, but that // corresponds to two physical displays which can have different gamma setting requirements: if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_OSX) && (physicalDisplay > 0)) { PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber); if (screenNumber < 1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "A 'screenNumber' that is smaller than one provided, although 'physicalDisplay' flag set. This is not allowed!"); // Invert screenNumber as a sign its a physical display, not an active display: screenNumber = -1 * screenNumber; } else { PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber); } if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_LINUX) && (physicalDisplay > -1)) { // Affect one specific display output for given screen: outputId = physicalDisplay; } else { // Other OS'es, and Linux with default setting: Affect all outputs // for a screen. outputId = -1; } // Load and sanity check the input matrix: inM = -1; inN = -1; inP = -1; if (!PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(2, FALSE, &inM, &inN, &inP, &inTable)) { // Special case: Allow passing in an empty gamma table argument. This // triggers auto-load of identity LUT and setup of GPU for identity passthrough: inM = 0; inN = 3; inP = 1; } // Sanity check dimensions: if((inN != 3) || (inP != 1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The gamma table must have 3 columns (Red, Green, Blue)."); // Identity passthrouh setup requested? if (inM == 0) { // Yes. Try to enable it, return its status code: PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &windowRecord); i = PsychSetGPUIdentityPassthrough(windowRecord, screenNumber, TRUE); PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, (double) i); // Done. return(PsychError_none); } #if PSYCH_SYSTEM != PSYCH_WINDOWS // OS-X and Linux allow tables with other than 256 slots: // OS/X either passes them to hw if in native size, or performs // software interpolation to convert it into native size. We allow any table size with 1 - x slots. // A table size of 1 row will have a special meaning. It interprets the 1 row of the table as gamma formula // min, max, gamma and lets the OS compute a corresponding gamma correction table. // A table size of zero rows will trigger an internal upload of an identity table via byte transfer. // On Linux we need to interpolate ourselves on non-matching table sizes. #else // Windows requires 256 slots: if((inM != 256) && (inM != 0)) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The gamma table must have 256 rows."); } #endif // Copy in optional loadOnNextFlip - flag. It defaults to zero. If provided // with a non-zero value, we will defer actual update of the gamma table to // the next bufferswap as initiated via Screen('Flip'). loadOnNextFlip = 0; PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, FALSE, &loadOnNextFlip); if (loadOnNextFlip>0) { if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_OSX) && (physicalDisplay > 0)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Non-zero 'loadOnNextFlip' flag not allowed if 'physicalDisplays' flag is non-zero!"); if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_LINUX) && (physicalDisplay > -1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Non-zero 'loadOnNextFlip' flag not allowed if 'physicalDisplays' setting is positive!"); // Allocate tables in associated windowRecord: We will update during next // Flip operation for specified windowRecord. PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &windowRecord); // Sanity checks: if (!PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Target window for gamma table upload is not an onscreen window!"); if (windowRecord->inRedTable && loadOnNextFlip!=2) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "This window has already a new gamma table assigned for upload on next Flip!"); if (windowRecord->inRedTable && windowRecord->inTableSize != inM) { free(windowRecord->inRedTable); windowRecord->inRedTable = NULL; free(windowRecord->inGreenTable); windowRecord->inGreenTable = NULL; free(windowRecord->inBlueTable); windowRecord->inBlueTable = NULL; } if (windowRecord->inRedTable == NULL) { // Allocate persistent memory: inRedTable=malloc(sizeof(float) * inM); inGreenTable=malloc(sizeof(float) * inM); inBlueTable=malloc(sizeof(float) * inM); // Assign the pointers to the windowRecord: windowRecord->inRedTable = inRedTable; windowRecord->inGreenTable = inGreenTable; windowRecord->inBlueTable = inBlueTable; windowRecord->inTableSize = inM; } else { inRedTable = windowRecord->inRedTable; inGreenTable = windowRecord->inGreenTable; inBlueTable = windowRecord->inBlueTable; } windowRecord->loadGammaTableOnNextFlip = (loadOnNextFlip == 1) ? 1 : 0; } else { // Allocate temporary tables: We will update immediately. inRedTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * inM); inGreenTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * inM); inBlueTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * inM); } for(i=0;i<inM;i++){ inRedTable[i]=(float)inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i, 0, 0)]; inGreenTable[i]=(float)inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i, 1, 0)]; inBlueTable[i]=(float)inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i, 2, 0)]; if(inRedTable[i]>1 || inRedTable[i]< 0 || inGreenTable[i] > 1 || inGreenTable[i] < 0 || inBlueTable[i] >1 || inBlueTable[i] < 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Gamma Table Values must be in interval 0 =< x =< 1"); } if (loadOnNextFlip < 2) { //first read the existing gamma table so we can return it. PsychReadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, outputId, &numEntries, &outRedTable, &outGreenTable, &outBlueTable); PsychAllocOutDoubleMatArg(1, FALSE, numEntries, 3, 0, &outTable); for(i=0;i<numEntries;i++){ outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 0, 0)]=(double)outRedTable[i]; outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 1, 0)]=(double)outGreenTable[i]; outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 2, 0)]=(double)outBlueTable[i]; } } //Now set the new gamma table if (loadOnNextFlip == 0) PsychLoadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, outputId, inM, inRedTable, inGreenTable, inBlueTable); return(PsychError_none); }
PsychError SCREENDrawDots(void) { PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord; int whiteValue, m,n,p,mc,nc,pc,idot_type; int i, nrpoints, nrsize; boolean isArgThere, usecolorvector, isdoublecolors, isuint8colors; double *xy, *size, *center, *dot_type, *colors; unsigned char *bytecolors; GLfloat pointsizerange[2]; double convfactor; // All sub functions should have these two lines PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()) { PsychGiveHelp(); return(PsychError_none); }; // Check for superfluous arguments PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(6)); //The maximum number of inputs PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0)); //The maximum number of outputs // Get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &windowRecord); // Query, allocate and copy in all vectors... nrpoints = 2; nrsize = 0; colors = NULL; bytecolors = NULL; PsychPrepareRenderBatch(windowRecord, 2, &nrpoints, &xy, 4, &nc, &mc, &colors, &bytecolors, 3, &nrsize, &size); isdoublecolors = (colors) ? TRUE:FALSE; isuint8colors = (bytecolors) ? TRUE:FALSE; usecolorvector = (nc>1) ? TRUE:FALSE; // Get center argument isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 5); if(!isArgThere) { center = (double *) PsychMallocTemp(2 * sizeof(double)); center[0] = 0; center[1] = 0; } else { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(5, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, ¢er); if(p!=1 || n!=2 || m!=1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "center must be a 1-by-2 vector"); } // Get dot_type argument isArgThere = PsychIsArgPresent(PsychArgIn, 6); if(!isArgThere) { idot_type = 0; } else { PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(6, TRUE, &m, &n, &p, &dot_type); if(p!=1 || n!=1 || m!=1 || (dot_type[0]<0 || dot_type[0]>2)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "dot_type must be 0, 1 or 2"); idot_type = (int) dot_type[0]; } // Child-protection: Alpha blending needs to be enabled for smoothing to work: if (idot_type>0 && windowRecord->actualEnableBlending!=TRUE) { PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Point smoothing doesn't work with alpha-blending disabled! See Screen('BlendFunction') on how to enable it."); } // Turn on antialiasing to draw circles if(idot_type) { glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glGetFloatv(GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, (GLfloat*) &pointsizerange); // A dot type of 2 requests for highest quality point smoothing: glHint(GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, (idot_type>1) ? GL_NICEST : GL_DONT_CARE); } else { #ifndef GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE #define GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE 0x846D #endif glGetFloatv(GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, (GLfloat*) &pointsizerange); } // Set size of a single dot: if (size[0] > pointsizerange[1] || size[0] < pointsizerange[0]) { printf("PTB-ERROR: You requested a point size of %f units, which is not in the range (%f to %f) supported by your graphics hardware.\n", size[0], pointsizerange[0], pointsizerange[1]); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unsupported point size requested in Screen('DrawDots')."); } // Setup initial common point size for all points: glPointSize(size[0]); // Setup modelview matrix to perform translation by 'center': glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Make a backup copy of the matrix: glPushMatrix(); // Apply a global translation of (center(x,y)) pixels to all following points: glTranslated(center[0], center[1], 0); // Render the array of 2D-Points - Efficient version: // This command sequence allows fast processing of whole arrays // of vertices (or points, in this case). It saves the call overhead // associated with the original implementation below and is potentially // optimized in specific OpenGL implementations. // Pass a pointer to the start of the point-coordinate array: glVertexPointer(2, GL_DOUBLE, 0, &xy[0]); // Enable fast rendering of arrays: glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (usecolorvector) { if (isdoublecolors) glColorPointer(mc, GL_DOUBLE, 0, colors); if (isuint8colors) glColorPointer(mc, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, bytecolors); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); } // Render all n points, starting at point 0, render them as POINTS: if (nrsize==1) { // One common point size for all dots provided. Good! This is very efficiently // done with one single render-call: glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, nrpoints); } else { // Different size for each dot provided: We have to do One GL - call per dot. // This is *pretty inefficient* and should be reimplemented in the future via // Point-Sprite extensions, cleverly used display lists or via vertex-shaders... // For now we do it the stupid way: for (i=0; i<nrpoints; i++) { if (size[i] > pointsizerange[1] || size[i] < pointsizerange[0]) { printf("PTB-ERROR: You requested a point size of %f units, which is not in the range (%f to %f) supported by your graphics hardware.\n", size[i], pointsizerange[0], pointsizerange[1]); PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unsupported point size requested in Screen('DrawDots')."); } // Setup point size for this point: glPointSize(size[i]); // Render point: glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, i, 1); } } // Disable fast rendering of arrays: glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (usecolorvector) glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); // Restore old matrix from backup copy, undoing the global translation: glPopMatrix(); // turn off antialiasing again if(idot_type) glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); // Reset pointsize to 1.0 glPointSize(1); // Mark end of drawing op. This is needed for single buffered drawing: PsychFlushGL(windowRecord); //All psychfunctions require this. return(PsychError_none); }
PsychError PSYCHHIDGetCollections(void) { pRecDevice specDevice=NULL; UInt32 numDeviceElements; const char *elementFieldNames[]={"typeMaskName", "name", "deviceIndex", "collectionIndex", "typeValue", "typeName", "usagePageValue", "usageValue", "usageName", "memberCollectionIndices", "memberElementIndices"}; int i, numElementStructElements, numElementStructFieldNames=11, elementIndex, deviceIndex; PsychGenericScriptType *elementStruct, *memberCollectionIndicesMat, *memberIOElementIndicesMat; pRecElement currentElement; char elementTypeName[PSYCH_HID_MAX_DEVICE_ELEMENT_TYPE_NAME_LENGTH]; char usageName[PSYCH_HID_MAX_DEVICE_ELEMENT_USAGE_NAME_LENGTH]; char *typeMaskName; HIDElementTypeMask typeMask; pRecElement *memberCollectionRecords, *memberIOElementRecords; double *memberCollectionIndices, *memberIOElementIndices; int numSubCollections, numSubIOElements; PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString); if(PsychIsGiveHelp()){PsychGiveHelp();return(PsychError_none);}; PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1)); PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(1)); PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &deviceIndex); PsychHIDVerifyInit(); specDevice= PsychHIDGetDeviceRecordPtrFromIndex(deviceIndex); PsychHIDVerifyOpenDeviceInterfaceFromDeviceRecordPtr(specDevice); numDeviceElements= HIDCountDeviceElements(specDevice, kHIDElementTypeCollection); numElementStructElements = (int)numDeviceElements; PsychAllocOutStructArray(1, FALSE, numElementStructElements, numElementStructFieldNames, elementFieldNames, &elementStruct); elementIndex=0; for(currentElement=HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(specDevice,kHIDElementTypeCollection); currentElement != NULL; currentElement=HIDGetNextDeviceElement(currentElement, kHIDElementTypeCollection)) { typeMask=HIDConvertElementTypeToMask (currentElement->type); PsychHIDGetTypeMaskStringFromTypeMask(typeMask, &typeMaskName); PsychSetStructArrayStringElement("typeMaskName", elementIndex, typeMaskName, elementStruct); PsychSetStructArrayStringElement("name", elementIndex, currentElement->name, elementStruct); PsychSetStructArrayDoubleElement("deviceIndex", elementIndex, (double)deviceIndex, elementStruct); PsychSetStructArrayDoubleElement("collectionIndex", elementIndex, (double)elementIndex+1, elementStruct); PsychSetStructArrayDoubleElement("typeValue", elementIndex, (double)currentElement->type, elementStruct); HIDGetTypeName(currentElement->type, elementTypeName); PsychSetStructArrayStringElement("typeName", elementIndex, elementTypeName, elementStruct); PsychSetStructArrayDoubleElement("usagePageValue", elementIndex, (double)currentElement->usagePage, elementStruct); PsychSetStructArrayDoubleElement("usageValue", elementIndex, (double)currentElement->usage, elementStruct); HIDGetUsageName (currentElement->usagePage, currentElement->usage, usageName); PsychSetStructArrayStringElement("usageName", elementIndex, usageName, elementStruct); //find and return the indices of this collection's member collections and indices numSubCollections=PsychHIDCountCollectionElements(currentElement, kHIDElementTypeCollection); numSubIOElements=PsychHIDCountCollectionElements(currentElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); memberCollectionRecords=(pRecElement*)PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(pRecElement) * numSubCollections); memberIOElementRecords=(pRecElement*)PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(pRecElement) * numSubIOElements); PsychHIDFindCollectionElements(currentElement, kHIDElementTypeCollection, memberCollectionRecords, numSubCollections); PsychHIDFindCollectionElements(currentElement, kHIDElementTypeIO, memberIOElementRecords, numSubIOElements); memberCollectionIndices=NULL; PsychAllocateNativeDoubleMat(1, numSubCollections, 1, &memberCollectionIndices, &memberCollectionIndicesMat); memberIOElementIndices=NULL; PsychAllocateNativeDoubleMat(1, numSubIOElements, 1, &memberIOElementIndices, &memberIOElementIndicesMat); for(i=0;i<numSubCollections;i++) memberCollectionIndices[i]=PsychHIDGetIndexFromRecord(specDevice, memberCollectionRecords[i], kHIDElementTypeCollection); for(i=0;i<numSubIOElements;i++) memberIOElementIndices[i]=PsychHIDGetIndexFromRecord(specDevice, memberIOElementRecords[i], kHIDElementTypeIO); PsychFreeTemp(memberCollectionRecords); PsychFreeTemp(memberIOElementRecords); PsychSetStructArrayNativeElement("memberCollectionIndices", elementIndex, memberCollectionIndicesMat, elementStruct); PsychSetStructArrayNativeElement("memberElementIndices", elementIndex, memberIOElementIndicesMat, elementStruct); ++elementIndex; } return(PsychError_none); }