static void FlagPragma (StrBuf* B, IntStack* Stack) /* Handle a pragma that expects a boolean paramater */ { StrBuf Ident = AUTO_STRBUF_INITIALIZER; long Val; int Push; /* Try to read an identifier */ int IsIdent = SB_GetSym (B, &Ident, 0); /* Check if we have a first argument named "pop" */ if (IsIdent && SB_CompareStr (&Ident, "pop") == 0) { PopInt (Stack); /* No other arguments allowed */ return; } /* Check if we have a first argument named "push" */ if (IsIdent && SB_CompareStr (&Ident, "push") == 0) { Push = 1; if (!GetComma (B)) { goto ExitPoint; } IsIdent = SB_GetSym (B, &Ident, 0); } else { Push = 0; } /* Boolean argument follows */ if (IsIdent) { Val = BoolKeyword (&Ident); } else if (!GetNumber (B, &Val)) { goto ExitPoint; } /* Set/push the new value */ if (Push) { PushInt (Stack, Val); } else { IS_Set (Stack, Val); } ExitPoint: /* Free the identifier */ SB_Done (&Ident); }
void prim_condescr(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { /* int -- int */ CHECKOP(1); oper1 = POP(); if (mlev < LM3) abort_interp("M3 prim"); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Argument not an integer (1)"); result = oper1->data.number; if ((result < 1) || (result > pcount())) abort_interp("Invalid connection number (1)"); result = pdescr(result); CLEAR(oper1); PushInt(result); }
void prim_bwrite(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { FILE *fh; char *filename; int result, tempdat; double offset; CHECKOP(3); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); oper3 = POP(); if (getuid() == 0 ) abort_interp("Muck is running under root privs, file prims disabled."); if (mlev < LBOY) abort_interp("BOY primitive only."); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Arguement 1 is not an integer."); if (oper1->data.number < 0 ) abort_interp("Arguement 1 is a negative number."); if (oper2->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Arguement 2 is not a string."); if (!oper2->data.string) abort_interp("Arguement 2 is a null string."); if (oper3->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Arguement 3 is not an integer."); if (oper3->data.number < 0 ) abort_interp("Arguement 3 is a negative number."); offset = oper1->data.number; filename = oper2->data.string->data; tempdat = (int) oper3->data.string->data; #ifdef SECURE_FILE_PRIMS if (!(valid_name(filename))) abort_interp( "Invalid file name."); if ( strchr( filename, '$' ) == NULL ) filename = set_directory(filename); else filename = parse_token( filename ); if ( filename == NULL ) abort_interp( "Invalid shortcut used." ); #endif fh = fopen(filename, "w"); if (fh == NULL) { result = 0; } else { fseek(fh, offset, SEEK_SET); fputc(tempdat - 8, fh); fclose(fh); result = 1; if(tp_log_files) log2filetime("logs/files", "#%d by %s BWRITE : %s \n", program, unparse_object(player, player), oper2->data.string->data); } CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); CLEAR(oper3); PushInt(result); }
void prim_ignoringp(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (mlev < 3) abort_interp("Permission Denied."); if (!valid_object(oper1)) abort_interp("Invalid object. (2)"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Invalid object. (1)"); result = ignore_is_ignoring(oper2->data.objref, oper1->data.objref); CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushInt(result); }
void prim_ignoringp(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(2); oper2 = POP(); oper1 = POP(); if (!valid_object(oper1)) abort_interp("invalid argument (1)"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("invalid argument (2)"); ref = oper1->data.objref; ref = OWNER(ref); if (Typeof(ref) != TYPE_PLAYER) abort_interp("invalid argument (1)"); result = ignoring(ref, OWNER(oper2->data.objref)); PushInt(result); }
void prim_contime(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { /* int -- int */ CHECKOP(1); oper1 = POP(); if (mlev < (tp_compatible_muf ? LM3 : LM2)) abort_interp(tp_compatible_muf ? "M3 prim" : "M2 prim"); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Argument not an integer (1)"); result = oper1->data.number; if ((result < 1) || (result > pcount())) abort_interp("Invalid connection number (1)"); result = pontime(result); CHECKOFLOW(1); CLEAR(oper1); PushInt(result); }
void prim_bread(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { FILE *fh; /* Should return -1 for file open error. */ char *filename; /* -2 for EOF. */ double offset; int result; CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (getuid() == 0 ) abort_interp("Muck is running under root privs, file prims disabled."); if (mlev < LBOY) abort_interp("BOY primitive only."); if(oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Arguement 1 is not an integer."); if(oper1->data.number < 0 ) abort_interp("Arguement 1 is a negative number."); if(oper2->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Arguement 2 is not a string."); if(!oper2->data.string) abort_interp("Argueemnt 2 is a null string."); offset = oper1->data.number; filename = oper2->data.string->data; #ifdef SECURE_FILE_PRIMS if (!(valid_name(filename))) abort_interp( "Invalid file name."); if ( strchr( filename, '$' ) == NULL ) filename = set_directory(filename); else filename = parse_token( filename ); if ( filename == NULL ) abort_interp( "Invalid shortcut used." ); #endif fh = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fh == NULL) { result = -1; } else { fseek(fh, offset, SEEK_SET); result = fgetc(fh); if(tp_log_files) log2filetime("logs/files", "#%d by %s BREAD: %s \n", program, unparse_object(player, player), oper2->data.string->data); if (result == EOF) { result = -2; } fclose(fh); } CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushInt(result); }
void prim_fren(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { char *oldname, *newname; char tempB[BUFFER_LEN] = ""; CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (getuid() == 0 ) abort_interp("Muck is running under root privs, file prims disabled."); if (mlev < LBOY) abort_interp("BOY primitive only."); if(oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Argument 1 is not a string."); if(!oper1->data.string) abort_interp("Argument 1 is a null string."); if(oper2->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Argument 2 is not a string."); if(!oper2->data.string) abort_interp("Argument 2 is a null string."); newname = oper1->data.string->data; oldname = oper2->data.string->data; /* ( s<old> s<new> -- i ) */ #ifdef SECURE_FILE_PRIMS if (!(valid_name( newname ))) abort_interp( "Invalid file name. (2)"); if ( strchr( newname, '$' ) == NULL ) newname = set_directory(newname); else newname = parse_token( newname ); if ( newname == NULL ) abort_interp( "Invalid shortcut used. (2)" ); strcpy( tempB, newname ); if (!(valid_name(oldname))) abort_interp( "Invalid file name. (1)"); if ( strchr( oldname, '$' ) == NULL ) oldname = set_directory(oldname); else oldname = parse_token( oldname ); if ( oldname == NULL ) abort_interp( "Invalid shortcut used. (1)" ); newname = tempB; #endif result = rename(oldname, newname); if(tp_log_files) log2filetime("logs/files", "#%d by %s FREN: %s -> %s \n", program, unparse_object(player, player), oper2->data.string->data, oper1->data.string->data); CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushInt(result); }
void prim_fsinfo(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { struct statfs fs; if (getuid() == 0 ) abort_interp("Muck is running under root privs, file prims disabled."); if (mlev < LBOY) abort_interp("BOY primitive only."); /* Returns: */ /* Magic Number, Total Blocks, Free Blocks, Available Blocks, Total Files, */ /* Free Files, Block Size (bytes), and Max Name Length. */ statfs("/", &fs); if(tp_log_files) log2filetime("logs/files", "#%d by %s FSINFO \n", program, unparse_object(player, player)); PushInt(fs.f_type); PushInt(fs.f_blocks); PushInt(fs.f_bfree); PushInt(fs.f_bavail); PushInt(fs.f_files); PushInt(fs.f_ffree); PushInt(fs.f_bsize); PushInt(fs.f_namelen); }
void prim_clear_error(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { int loop; CHECKOP(1); oper1 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_STRING && oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Invalid argument type. (1)"); if (!err_init) init_err_val(); if (oper1->type == PROG_INTEGER) { if ((oper1->data.number < 0) || (oper1->data.number >= ERROR_NUM)) { result = 0; } else { fr->error.is_flags = fr->error.is_flags & (~err_bits[oper1->data.number].is_flags); result = 1; } } else { if (!oper1->data.string) { result = 0; } else { loop = 0; result = strlen(oper1->data.string->data); for (loop = 0; loop < result; loop++) buf[loop] = toupper(oper1->data.string->data[loop]); result = 0; loop = 0; while (loop < ERROR_NUM) { if (!strcmp(buf, err_defs[loop].error_name)) { result = 1; fr->error.is_flags = fr->error.is_flags & (~err_bits[loop].is_flags); break; } else { loop++; } } } } CLEAR(oper1); PushInt(result); }
static ssl_value MechNum( unsigned select, ssl_value parm ) { switch( select ) { case 0: Num = SSL2INT( parm ); break; case 1: Num += SSL2INT( parm ); break; case 2: PushInt( Num ); break; case 3: /* need to check that top stack entry is an integer value here? */ Num = I32FetchTrunc( ExprSP->v.sint ); PopEntry(); break; } return( 0 ); }
static unsigned MechNum( unsigned select, unsigned parm ) { switch( select ) { case 0: Num = parm; break; case 1: Num += parm; break; case 2: PushInt( Num ); break; case 3: /* need to check that top stack entry is an integer value here? */ Num = U32FetchTrunc( ExprSP->v.uint ); PopEntry(); break; } return( 0 ); }
void prim_descr_setuser(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { char *ptr; CHECKOP(3); oper3 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); oper1 = POP(); if (mlev < (tp_compatible_muf ? LMAGE : LARCH)) abort_interp(tp_compatible_muf ? "Mage prim" : "Arch prim"); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Integer descriptor number expected (1)"); if (oper2->type != PROG_OBJECT) abort_interp("Player dbref expected (2)"); ref = oper2->data.objref; if (ref != NOTHING && !valid_player(oper2)) abort_interp("Player dbref expected (2)"); if (oper3->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Password string expected"); ptr = oper3->data.string? oper3->data.string->data : ""; if ((ref != NOTHING) && DBFETCH(ref)->sp.player.password && (*DBFETCH(ref)->sp.player.password) && strcmp(ptr, DBFETCH(ref)->sp.player.password) ) abort_interp("Incorrect password"); if (ref != NOTHING) { log_status("SUID: %d %s to %s(%d)\n", oper1->data.number, unparse_object(MAN, player), NAME(ref), ref); } tmp = oper1->data.number; CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); CLEAR(oper3); result = pset_user(tmp, ref); PushInt(result); }
void prim_kill(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { /* i -- i */ CHECKOP(1); oper1 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Non-integer argument (1)"); if (oper1->data.number == fr->pid) { do_abort_silent(); } else { if (mlev < LMAGE) { if (!control_process(ProgUID, oper1->data.number)) { abort_interp(tp_noperm_mesg); } } result = dequeue_process(oper1->data.number); } CLEAR(oper1); PushInt(result); }
void prim_lreverse(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(1); oper1 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Invalid argument type."); tmp = oper1->data.number; /* Depth on stack */ if (tmp < 0) abort_interp("Argument must be positive."); EXPECT_WRITE_STACK(tmp); if (tmp > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (tmp / 2); i++) { temp2 = arg[*top - (tmp - i)]; arg[*top - (tmp - i)] = arg[*top - (i + 1)]; arg[*top - (i + 1)] = temp2; } } CLEAR(oper1); PushInt(tmp); }
void prim_fappend(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { FILE *fh; char *filename; char *writestring; CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (getuid() == 0 ) abort_interp("Muck is running under root privs, file prims disabled."); if (mlev < LBOY) abort_interp("BOY primitive only."); if(oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Argument 1 is not a string."); if(!oper1->data.string) abort_interp("Argument 1 is a null string."); if(oper2->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Arguement 2 is not a string."); if(!oper2->data.string) abort_interp("Arguement 2 is a null string."); filename = oper1->data.string->data; writestring = oper2->data.string->data; #ifdef SECURE_FILE_PRIMS if (!(valid_name(filename))) abort_interp( "Invalid file name."); if ( strchr( filename, '$' ) == NULL ) filename = set_directory(filename); else filename = parse_token( filename ); if ( filename == NULL ) abort_interp( "Invalid shortcut used." ); #endif fh = fopen(filename, "a"); if (fh == NULL) { result = 0; } else { fputs(writestring, fh); fclose(fh); result = 1; if(tp_log_files) log2filetime("logs/files", "#%d by %s FAPPEND: %s \n", program, unparse_object(player, player), oper1->data.string->data); } CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushInt(result); }
void prim_getpropval(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Non-string argument (2)"); if (!oper1->data.string) abort_interp("Empty string argument (2)"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Non-object argument (1)"); CHECKREMOTE(oper2->data.objref); if (!prop_read_perms(ProgUID, oper2->data.objref, oper1->data.string->data, mlev)) abort_interp("Permission denied."); { char type[BUFFER_LEN]; int len = oper1->data.string->length; strcpyn(type, sizeof(type), oper1->data.string->data); while (len-- > 0 && type[len] == PROPDIR_DELIMITER) { type[len] = '\0'; } result = get_property_value(oper2->data.objref, type); #ifdef LOG_PROPS log2file("props.log", "#%d (%d) GETPROPVAL: o=%d n=\"%s\" v=%d", program, pc->line, oper2->data.objref, type, result); #endif /* if (Typeof(oper2->data.objref) != TYPE_PLAYER) ts_lastuseobject(oper2->data.objref); */ } CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushInt(result); }
void prim_ldup(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { int i; CHECKOP(1); oper1 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Operand is not an integer."); result = oper1->data.number; if (result < 0) abort_interp("Operand is negative."); CLEAR(oper1); PushInt(result); result++; CHECKOP(result); nargs = 0; CHECKOFLOW(result); for (i = result; i > 0; i--) { copyinst(&arg[*top - result], &arg[*top]); (*top)++; } }
void prim_queue(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { dbref temproom; /* int dbref string -- */ CHECKOP(3); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); oper3 = POP(); if (mlev < LM3) abort_interp("M3 prim"); if (oper3->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Non-integer argument (1)"); if (oper2->type != PROG_OBJECT) abort_interp("Argument must be a dbref (2)"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Invalid dbref (2)"); if (Typeof(oper2->data.objref) != TYPE_PROGRAM) abort_interp("Object must be a program (2)"); if (oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Non-string argument (3)"); if ((oper4 = fr->variables + 1)->type != PROG_OBJECT) temproom = DBFETCH(player)->location; else temproom = oper4->data.objref; result = add_muf_delayq_event(oper3->data.number, fr->descr, player, temproom, NOTHING, oper2->data.objref, DoNullInd(oper1->data.string), "Queued Event.", 0); CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); CLEAR(oper3); PushInt(result); }
void prim_testlock(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { /* d d - i */ CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); /* boolexp lock */ oper2 = POP(); /* player dbref */ if (fr->level > 8) abort_interp("Interp call loops not allowed"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Invalid argument (1)."); if (Typeof(oper2->data.objref) != TYPE_PLAYER && Typeof(oper2->data.objref) != TYPE_THING ) { abort_interp("Invalid object type (1)."); } CHECKREMOTE(oper2->data.objref); if (oper1->type != PROG_LOCK) abort_interp("Invalid argument (2)"); result = eval_boolexp(fr->descr, oper2->data.objref, oper1->data.lock, player); CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushInt(result); }
static ssl_value MechPush_n_Pop( unsigned select, ssl_value parm ) { location_list ll; dig_type_info ti; ssl_value result; static const unsigned TypeTbl[] = { TI_CREATE( TK_VOID, TM_NONE, 0 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_UNSIGNED, 1 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_SIGNED, 1 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_UNSIGNED, 2 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_SIGNED, 2 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_UNSIGNED, 4 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_SIGNED, 4 ), TI_CREATE( TK_REAL, TM_NONE, 4 ), TI_CREATE( TK_REAL, TM_NONE, 8 ), TI_CREATE( TK_COMPLEX, TM_NONE, 8 ), TI_CREATE( TK_COMPLEX, TM_NONE, 16 ), }; result = 0; switch( select ) { case 0: PushInt( SSL2INT( parm ) ); break; case 1: PushAddr( GetDotAddr() ); break; case 2: ParseRegSet( true, &ll, &ti ); if( ti.size != 0 ) { if( ti.kind == TK_NONE ) Error( ERR_NONE, LIT_ENG( ERR_ILL_TYPE ) ); PushLocation( &ll, &ti ); result = true; } break; case 3: if( CurrToken == T_INT_NUM ) { PushNum64( IntNumVal() ); Scan(); result = true; } else if( CurrToken == T_REAL_NUM ) { PushRealNum( RealNumVal() ); Scan(); result = true; } break; case 4: BasicType( TypeTbl[parm] ); break; case 5: DupStack(); break; case 6: PopEntry(); break; case 7: PushString(); break; case 8: /* here because old debuggers will always return false */ if( (parm & SSL_VERSION_MAJOR_MASK) != SSL_VERSION_MAJOR_CURR ) { break; } #if SSL_VERSION_MINOR_CURR != 0 if( (parm & SSL_VERSION_MINOR_MASK) > SS_MINOR_VERSION_CURR ) { break; } #endif result = true; break; case 9: BasicType( parm ); break; } return( result ); }
static unsigned MechPush_n_Pop( unsigned select, unsigned parm ) { location_list ll; dip_type_info ti; unsigned result; const static unsigned TypeTbl[] = { TI_CREATE( TK_VOID, TM_NONE, 0 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_UNSIGNED, 1 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_SIGNED, 1 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_UNSIGNED, 2 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_SIGNED, 2 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_UNSIGNED, 4 ), TI_CREATE( TK_INTEGER, TM_SIGNED, 4 ), TI_CREATE( TK_REAL, TM_NONE, 4 ), TI_CREATE( TK_REAL, TM_NONE, 8 ), TI_CREATE( TK_COMPLEX, TM_NONE, 8 ), TI_CREATE( TK_COMPLEX, TM_NONE, 16 ), }; result = FALSE; switch( select ) { case 0: PushInt( parm ); break; case 1: PushAddr( GetDotAddr() ); break; case 2: ParseRegSet( TRUE, &ll, &ti ); if( ti.size != 0 ) { if( ti.kind == TK_NONE ) Error( ERR_NONE, LIT( ERR_ILL_TYPE ) ); PushLocation( &ll, &ti ); result = TRUE; } break; case 3: if( CurrToken == T_INT_NUM ) { PushNum64( IntNumVal() ); Scan(); result = TRUE; } else if( CurrToken == T_REAL_NUM ) { PushRealNum( RealNumVal() ); Scan(); result = TRUE; } else { result = FALSE; } break; case 4: BasicType( TypeTbl[ parm ] ); break; case 5: DupStack(); break; case 6: PopEntry(); break; case 7: PushString(); break; case 8: /* here because old debuggers will always return FALSE */ switch( parm & SSL_VERSION_MAJOR_MASK ) { case SSL_VERSION_MAJOR_CURR: break; default: return( FALSE ); } #if SSL_VERSION_MINOR_CURR != 0 if( (parm & SSL_VERSION_MINOR_MASK) > SS_MINOR_VERSION_CURR ) { return( FALSE ); } #endif result = TRUE; break; case 9: BasicType( parm ); break; } return( result ); }
void ParseScript() { char str[512]; while(!feof(infile)) { memset(str,'\0',512); fgets(str,512,infile); switch(GetType(str)) { case 1: { int opcode = GetID(str); if(opcode!=-1) { Push(&bytestack,opcode,1); PushArgs(&bytestack,str,opcode,4); } } break; case 2: { char *name = GetFuncName(str); int opcode = GetOpcode(name); Push(&bytestack,opcode,1); PushArgs(&bytestack,str,opcode,strlen(name)); free(name); } break; case 3: { int id = GetID(str); if(id!=-1) { PushInt(&labelstack,bytestack.size,id); scrhead.labels.size++; } else { printf("Problem parsing label: %s",str); exit(1); } } break; case 4: { int id = GetID(str); if(id!=-1) { //Push(&markerstack,id,4); markerstack[id] = bytestack.size; scrhead.markers.size = 100; } else { printf("Problem parsing marker: %s",str); exit(1); } } break; case 5: { FILE *textfile = NULL; while(str[strlen(str)-1]=='\r' || str[strlen(str)-1]=='\n') str[strlen(str)-1] = '\0'; textfile = fopen(str+9,"rb"); if(!textfile) { printf("Could not open %s\n",str+9); exit(1); } ParseText(textfile); fclose(textfile); } break; case 6: { int t = 0; sscanf(str+1,"%x",&t); if(scrhead.unk12.size==0) unk12stack = (int*)calloc(1,sizeof(int)); else unk12stack = (int*)realloc(unk12stack,(scrhead.unk12.size+1)*sizeof(int)); unk12stack[scrhead.unk12.size++] = t; } break; case 7: { int t = 0; sscanf(str+1,"%x",&t); if(scrhead.unk13.size==0) unk13stack = (int*)calloc(1,sizeof(int)); else unk13stack = (int*)realloc(unk13stack,(scrhead.unk13.size+1)*sizeof(int)); unk13stack[scrhead.unk13.size++] = t; } break; default: break; } } }
int Push(const void* d, size_t length){ PushHead<std::vector<byte> >(data); PushInt(data, length ); PushMem(data, d, length); }
void SgIncrementalStack::PushPtrEvent(int type, void* ptr) { PushPtr(ptr); PushInt(type); }
void prim_fork(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { int i, j; struct frame *tmpfr; CHECKOP(0); CHECKOFLOW(1); if (mlev < LMAGE) abort_interp("Mage prim"); fr->pc = pc; tmpfr = (struct frame *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct frame)); tmpfr-> = fr->; for (i = 0; i < fr->; i++) tmpfr->[i] = fr->[i]; tmpfr-> = fr->; for (i = 0; i < fr->; i++) copyinst(&fr->[i], &tmpfr->[i]); tmpfr-> = fr->; for (i = 0; i <= fr->; i++) { tmpfr->[i] = fr->[i]; if (i > 0) DBFETCH(fr->[i])->sp.program.instances++; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VAR; i++) copyinst(&fr->variables[i], &tmpfr->variables[i]); tmpfr-> = fr->; for (i = fr->; i >= 0; i--) { tmpfr->[i] = (vars *) calloc(1, sizeof(vars)); for (j = 0; j < MAX_VAR; j++) copyinst(&((*fr->[i])[j]), &((*tmpfr->[i])[j])); } tmpfr->pc = pc; tmpfr->pc++; tmpfr->level = fr->level; tmpfr->already_created = fr->already_created; tmpfr->trig = fr->trig; tmpfr->brkpt.debugging = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.count = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.showstack = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.isread = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.bypass = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.lastcmd = NULL; tmpfr->pid = top_pid++; tmpfr->multitask = BACKGROUND; tmpfr->writeonly = 1; tmpfr->started = time(NULL); tmpfr->instcnt = 0; /* child process gets a 0 returned on the stack */ result = 0; push(tmpfr->, &(tmpfr->, PROG_INTEGER, MIPSCAST & result); result = add_muf_delay_event(0, fr->descr, player, NOTHING, NOTHING, program, tmpfr, "BACKGROUND"); /* parent process gets the child's pid returned on the stack */ if (!result) result = -1; PushInt(result); }
void prim_fork(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { struct frame *tmpfr; CHECKOP(0); CHECKOFLOW(1); if (mlev < 3) abort_interp("Permission Denied."); fr->pc = pc; tmpfr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct frame)); tmpfr->next = NULL; array_init_active_list(&tmpfr->array_active_list); stk_array_active_list = &tmpfr->array_active_list; tmpfr-> = fr->; for (int i = 0; i < fr->; i++) tmpfr->[i] = fr->[i]; tmpfr-> = fr->; for (int i = 0; i < fr->; i++) deep_copyinst(&fr->[i], &tmpfr->[i], -1); tmpfr-> = fr->; for (int i = 0; i <= fr->; i++) { tmpfr->[i] = fr->[i]; if (i > 0) PROGRAM_INC_INSTANCES(fr->[i]); } tmpfr-> = fr->; tmpfr-> = copy_trys(fr->; tmpfr-> = fr->; tmpfr-> = copy_fors(fr->; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VAR; i++) deep_copyinst(&fr->variables[i], &tmpfr->variables[i], -1); localvar_dupall(tmpfr, fr); scopedvar_dupall(tmpfr, fr); tmpfr->error.is_flags = fr->error.is_flags; if (fr->rndbuf) { tmpfr->rndbuf = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long) * 4); if (tmpfr->rndbuf) { memcpy(tmpfr->rndbuf, fr->rndbuf, 16); } } else { tmpfr->rndbuf = NULL; } tmpfr->pc = pc; tmpfr->pc++; tmpfr->level = fr->level; tmpfr->already_created = fr->already_created; tmpfr->trig = fr->trig; tmpfr->brkpt.debugging = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.bypass = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.isread = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.showstack = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.lastline = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.lastpc = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.lastlisted = 0; tmpfr->brkpt.lastcmd = NULL; tmpfr->brkpt.breaknum = -1; tmpfr->brkpt.lastproglisted = NOTHING; tmpfr->brkpt.proglines = NULL; tmpfr->brkpt.count = 1; tmpfr->brkpt.temp[0] = 1; tmpfr->brkpt.level[0] = -1; tmpfr->brkpt.line[0] = -1; tmpfr->brkpt.linecount[0] = -2; tmpfr->brkpt.pc[0] = NULL; tmpfr->brkpt.pccount[0] = -2; tmpfr->brkpt.prog[0] = program; tmpfr->proftime.tv_sec = 0; tmpfr->proftime.tv_usec = 0; tmpfr->totaltime.tv_sec = 0; tmpfr->totaltime.tv_usec = 0; tmpfr->pid = top_pid++; tmpfr->multitask = BACKGROUND; tmpfr->been_background = 1; tmpfr->writeonly = 1; tmpfr->started = time(NULL); tmpfr->instcnt = 0; tmpfr->skip_declare = fr->skip_declare; tmpfr->wantsblanks = fr->wantsblanks; tmpfr->perms = fr->perms; tmpfr->descr = fr->descr; tmpfr->supplicant = fr->supplicant; tmpfr->events = NULL; tmpfr->waiters = NULL; tmpfr->waitees = NULL; tmpfr->dlogids = NULL; tmpfr->timercount = 0; /* child process gets a 0 returned on the stack */ result = 0; push(tmpfr->, &(tmpfr->, PROG_INTEGER, MIPSCAST & result); result = add_muf_delay_event(0, fr->descr, player, NOTHING, NOTHING, program, tmpfr, "BACKGROUND"); stk_array_active_list = &fr->array_active_list; /* parent process gets the child's pid returned on the stack */ if (!result) result = -1; PushInt(result); }
void SgIncrementalStack::StartMoveInfo() { PushInt(SG_NEXTMOVE); }
void prim_force_level(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOFLOW(1); PushInt(force_level); }
void prim_ext_name_okp(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { /* These are function pointers */ int (*ok1) (const char *) = NULL; int (*ok2) (const char *) = NULL; CHECKOP(2); oper2 = POP(); oper1 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Object name string expected (1)."); if (!oper1->data.string) abort_interp("Cannot be an empty string (1)."); if (oper2->type == PROG_STRING) { if (!oper2->data.string) abort_interp("Cannot be an empty string (2)."); strcpyn(buf, sizeof(buf), oper2->data.string->data); for (ref = 0; buf[ref]; ref++) buf[ref] = tolower(buf[ref]); if (!strcmp(buf, "e") || !strcmp(buf, "exit")) { ok1 = ok_ascii_other; ok2 = ok_name; } else if (!strcmp(buf, "r") || !strcmp(buf, "room")) { ok1 = ok_ascii_other; ok2 = ok_name; } else if (!strcmp(buf, "t") || !strcmp(buf, "thing")) { ok1 = ok_ascii_thing; ok2 = ok_name; } else if (!strcmp(buf, "p") || !strcmp(buf, "player")) { ok1 = ok_player_name; } else if (!strcmp(buf, "f") || !strcmp(buf, "muf") || !strcmp(buf, "program")) { ok1 = ok_ascii_other; ok2 = ok_name; } else { abort_interp("String must be a valid object type (2)."); } } else if (oper2->type == PROG_OBJECT) { if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Invalid argument (2)."); switch (Typeof(oper2->data.objref)) { case TYPE_EXIT: case TYPE_ROOM: case TYPE_PROGRAM: ok1 = ok_ascii_other; ok2 = ok_name; break; case TYPE_THING: ok1 = ok_ascii_thing; ok2 = ok_name; break; case TYPE_PLAYER: ok1 = ok_player_name; break; } } else { abort_interp("Dbref or object type name expected (2)."); } result = ok1 && ok1(oper1->data.string->data); if (ok2 && result) result = ok2(oper1->data.string->data); CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushInt(result); }