Object* PushDict(VM* vm) { Object* obj = NewObject(vm, OBJ_DICT); InitDict(&obj->dict); PushObject(vm, obj); return obj; }
void prim_prog(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(0); ref = (dbref) program; CHECKOFLOW(1); PushObject(ref); }
void PushString(VM* vm, const char* string) { Object* obj = NewObject(vm, OBJ_STRING); obj->string.raw = estrdup(string); PushObject(vm, obj); }
void prim_caller(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(0); ref = (dbref) fr->caller.st[fr->caller.top - 1]; CHECKOFLOW(1); PushObject(ref); }
void prim_trig(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(0); ref = (dbref) fr->trig; CHECKOFLOW(1); PushObject(ref); }
void prim_dbtop(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(0); ref = (dbref) db_top; CHECKOFLOW(1); PushObject(ref); }
void PushNative(VM* vm, void* value, void (*onFree)(void*), void (*onMark)()) { Object* obj = NewObject(vm, OBJ_NATIVE); obj->native.value = value; obj->native.onFree = onFree; obj->native.onMark = onMark; PushObject(vm, obj); }
static JSBool OpenObject(JSContext *cx, JSONParser *jp) { JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!obj) return JS_FALSE; return PushObject(cx, jp, obj); }
static JSBool OpenArray(JSContext *cx, JSONParser *jp) { // Add an array to an existing array or object JSObject *arr = JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0, NULL); if (!arr) return JS_FALSE; return PushObject(cx, jp, arr); }
Object* PushFunc(VM* vm, int id, Word hasEllipsis, Word isExtern, Word numArgs) { Object* obj = NewObject(vm, OBJ_FUNC); obj->func.index = id; obj->func.isExtern = isExtern; obj->func.hasEllipsis = hasEllipsis; obj->func.numArgs = numArgs; PushObject(vm, obj); return obj; }
void prim_forcedby(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOFLOW(1); if (mlev < 4) abort_interp("Wizbit only primitive."); if (forcelist) { ref = forcelist->data; } else { ref = NOTHING; } PushObject(ref); }
void Std_Fopen(VM* vm) { const char* filename = PopString(vm); const char* mode = PopString(vm); FILE* file = fopen(filename, mode); if(!file) { PushObject(vm, &NullObject); return; } PushNative(vm, file, Std_Fclose, NULL); }
void prim_online(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(0); if (mlev < (tp_compatible_muf ? LM3 : LM2)) abort_interp(tp_compatible_muf ? "M3 prim" : "M2 prim"); result = pcount(); CHECKOFLOW(result + 1); while (result) { ref = pdbref(result--); PushObject(ref); } result = pcount(); PushInt(result); }
Object* PushArray(VM* vm, int length) { Object* obj = NewObject(vm, OBJ_ARRAY); if(length == 0) obj->array.capacity = 2; else obj->array.capacity = length; obj->array.members = emalloc(sizeof(Object*) * obj->array.capacity); obj->array.length = length; memset(obj->array.members, (int)(&NullObject), sizeof(Object*) * obj->array.capacity); PushObject(vm, obj); return obj; }
void prim_condbref(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { /* int -- dbref */ CHECKOP(1); oper1 = POP(); if (mlev < (tp_compatible_muf ? LM3 : LM2)) abort_interp(tp_compatible_muf ? "M3 prim" : "M2 prim"); if (oper1->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Argument not an integer (1)"); result = oper1->data.number; if ((result < 1) || (result > pcount())) abort_interp("Invalid connection number (1)"); result = pdbref(result); CHECKOFLOW(1); CLEAR(oper1); PushObject(result); }
int TextureViewParser::GetDefaultView( lua_State *L ) { INIT_LUA_STACK_TRACKING( L ); // Texture should be the first argument auto *pTexture = *GetUserData<ITexture**>( L, 1, m_TextureLibMetatableName.c_str() ); // View type should be the second argument TEXTURE_VIEW_TYPE ViewType; m_ViewTypeParser.SetValue( L, 2, &ViewType ); auto pView = pTexture->GetDefaultView( ViewType ); if( !pView ) SCRIPT_PARSING_ERROR( L, "Failed to get default texture view of type ", GetTexViewTypeLiteralName( ViewType ) ); // Push existing object PushObject(L, pView); CHECK_LUA_STACK_HEIGHT( +1 ); // Returning one value to Lua return 1; }
void prim_regfindnext(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { struct flgchkdat check; dbref who, item, ref, i; const char *name; muf_re* re; char* text; int flags; int matchcnt = 0; const char* errstr = NULL; CHECKOP(5); oper5 = POP(); /* int:pcreflags */ oper4 = POP(); /* str:objflags */ oper3 = POP(); /* str:namepattern */ oper2 = POP(); /* ref:owner */ oper1 = POP(); /* ref:currobj */ if (oper5->type != PROG_INTEGER) abort_interp("Non-integer argument (5)"); if (oper4->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Expected string argument. (4)"); if (oper3->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Expected string argument. (3)"); if (oper2->type != PROG_OBJECT) abort_interp("Expected dbref argument. (2)"); if (oper2->data.objref < NOTHING || oper2->data.objref >= db_top) abort_interp("Bad object. (2)"); if (oper1->type != PROG_OBJECT) abort_interp("Expected dbref argument. (1)"); if (oper1->data.objref < NOTHING || oper1->data.objref >= db_top) abort_interp("Bad object. (1)"); if (oper2->data.objref != NOTHING && Typeof(oper2->data.objref) == TYPE_GARBAGE) abort_interp("Owner dbref is garbage. (2)"); item = oper1->data.objref; who = oper2->data.objref; name = DoNullInd(oper3->data.string); if (mlev < 2) abort_interp("Permission denied. Requires at least Mucker Level 2."); if (mlev < 3) { if (who == NOTHING) { abort_interp ("Permission denied. Owner inspecific searches require Mucker Level 3."); } else if (who != ProgUID) { abort_interp ("Permission denied. Searching for other people's stuff requires Mucker Level 3."); } } flags = PCRE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE; if (oper5->data.number & MUF_RE_ICASE) flags |= PCRE_CASELESS; if (oper5->data.number & MUF_RE_EXTENDED) flags |= PCRE_EXTENDED; re = regmatch_re_get(oper3->data.string, flags, &errstr); if (errstr) abort_interp(errstr) /* We're scanning a chunk of the DB, so studying should pay off. * A null return is fine, it just means we can't optimize further. */ if (re && !re->extra) { re->extra = pcre_study(re->re, 0, &errstr); if (errstr) abort_interp(errstr); } if (item == NOTHING) { item = 0; } else { item++; } ref = NOTHING; init_checkflags(PSafe, DoNullInd(oper4->data.string), &check); for (i = item; i < db_top; i++) { if ((who == NOTHING || OWNER(i) == who) && checkflags(i, check) && NAME(i)) { if (!*name) { ref = i; break; } else { text = (char *) NAME(i); if ((matchcnt = regmatch_exec(re, text)) < 0) { if (matchcnt != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) abort_interp(muf_re_error(matchcnt)); } else { ref = i; break; } } } } CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); CLEAR(oper3); CLEAR(oper4); CLEAR(oper5); PushObject(ref); }
void prim_envprop(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { double fresult; CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Non-string argument (2)"); if (!oper1->data.string) abort_interp("Empty string argument (2)"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Non-object argument (1)"); CHECKREMOTE(oper2->data.objref); { char tname[BUFFER_LEN]; dbref what; PropPtr ptr; int len = oper1->data.string->length; strcpyn(tname, sizeof(tname), oper1->data.string->data); while (len-- > 0 && tname[len] == PROPDIR_DELIMITER) { tname[len] = '\0'; } what = oper2->data.objref; ptr = envprop(&what, tname, 0); if (what != NOTHING) { if (!prop_read_perms(ProgUID, what, oper1->data.string->data, mlev)) abort_interp("Permission denied."); } CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushObject(what); if (!ptr) { result = 0; PushInt(result); } else { #ifdef DISKBASE propfetch(what, ptr); #endif switch (PropType(ptr)) { case PROP_STRTYP: PushString(PropDataStr(ptr)); break; case PROP_INTTYP: result = PropDataVal(ptr); PushInt(result); break; case PROP_FLTTYP: fresult = PropDataFVal(ptr); PushFloat(fresult); break; case PROP_REFTYP: ref = PropDataRef(ptr); PushObject(ref); break; case PROP_LOKTYP: if (PropFlags(ptr) & PROP_ISUNLOADED) { PushLock(TRUE_BOOLEXP); } else { PushLock(PropDataLok(ptr)); } break; default: result = 0; PushInt(result); break; } } } }
void prim_envpropstr(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Non-string argument (2)"); if (!oper1->data.string) abort_interp("Empty string argument (2)"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Non-object argument (1)"); CHECKREMOTE(oper2->data.objref); { char tname[BUFFER_LEN]; dbref what; PropPtr ptr; const char *temp; int len = oper1->data.string->length; strcpyn(tname, sizeof(tname), oper1->data.string->data); while (len-- > 0 && tname[len] == PROPDIR_DELIMITER) { tname[len] = '\0'; } what = oper2->data.objref; ptr = envprop(&what, tname, 0); if (!ptr) { temp = ""; } else { #ifdef DISKBASE propfetch(what, ptr); #endif switch (PropType(ptr)) { case PROP_STRTYP: temp = PropDataStr(ptr); break; /* *case PROP_INTTYP: * snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", PropDataVal(ptr)); * temp = buf; * break; */ case PROP_REFTYP: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#%d", PropDataRef(ptr)); temp = buf; break; case PROP_LOKTYP: if (PropFlags(ptr) & PROP_ISUNLOADED) { temp = "*UNLOCKED*"; } else { temp = unparse_boolexp(ProgUID, PropDataLok(ptr), 1); } break; default: temp = ""; break; } } #ifdef LOG_PROPS log2file("props.log", "#%d (%d) ENVPROPSTR: o=%d so=%d n=\"%s\" s=\"%s\"", program, pc->line, what, oper2->data.objref, tname, temp); #endif if (what != NOTHING) { if (!prop_read_perms(ProgUID, what, oper1->data.string->data, mlev)) abort_interp("Permission denied."); /* if (Typeof(what) != TYPE_PLAYER) * ts_lastuseobject(what); */ } CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); PushObject(what); PushString(temp); } }
void ExecuteCycle(VM* vm) { if(vm->pc == -1) return; if(vm->debug) printf("pc %i: ", vm->pc); if(vm->stackSize < vm->numGlobals) printf("Global(s) were removed from the stack!\n"); switch(vm->program[vm->pc]) { case OP_PUSH_NULL: { if(vm->debug) printf("push_null\n"); ++vm->pc; PushObject(vm, &NullObject); } break; case OP_PUSH_NUMBER: { if(vm->debug) printf("push_number\n"); ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); PushNumber(vm, vm->numberConstants[index]); } break; case OP_PUSH_STRING: { if(vm->debug) printf("push_string\n"); ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); PushString(vm, vm->stringConstants[index]); } break; case OP_PUSH_FUNC: { if(vm->debug) printf("push_func\n"); Word hasEllipsis = vm->program[++vm->pc]; Word isExtern = vm->program[++vm->pc]; Word numArgs = vm->program[++vm->pc]; ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); PushFunc(vm, index, hasEllipsis, isExtern, numArgs); } break; case OP_PUSH_DICT: { if(vm->debug) printf("push_dict\n"); ++vm->pc; PushDict(vm); } break; case OP_CREATE_DICT_BLOCK: { if(vm->debug) printf("create_dict_block\n"); ++vm->pc; int length = ReadInteger(vm); Object* obj = PushDict(vm); if(length > 0) { // stack (before dict) is filled with key-value pairs (backwards, key is higher on stack) for(int i = 0; i < length * 2; i += 2) DictPut(&obj->dict, vm->stack[vm->stackSize - i - 2]->string.raw, vm->stack[vm->stackSize - i - 3]); vm->stackSize -= length * 2; vm->stack[vm->stackSize - 1] = obj; } } break; case OP_CREATE_ARRAY: { if(vm->debug) printf("create_array\n"); ++vm->pc; int length = (int)PopNumber(vm); PushArray(vm, length); } break; case OP_CREATE_ARRAY_BLOCK: { if(vm->debug) printf("create_array_block\n"); ++vm->pc; int length = ReadInteger(vm); Object* obj = PushArray(vm, length); if(length > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) obj->array.members[length - i - 1] = vm->stack[vm->stackSize - 2 - i]; vm->stackSize -= length; vm->stack[vm->stackSize - 1] = obj; } } break; case OP_LENGTH: { if(vm->debug) printf("length\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopObject(vm); if(obj->type == OBJ_STRING) PushNumber(vm, strlen(obj->string.raw)); else if(obj->type == OBJ_ARRAY) PushNumber(vm, obj->array.length); else { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to get length of %s\n", ObjectTypeNames[obj->type]); exit(1); } } break; case OP_ARRAY_PUSH: { if(vm->debug) printf("array_push\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopArrayObject(vm); Object* value = PopObject(vm); while(obj->array.length + 1 >= obj->array.capacity) { obj->array.capacity *= 2; obj->array.members = erealloc(obj->array.members, obj->array.capacity * sizeof(Object*)); } obj->array.members[obj->array.length++] = value; } break; case OP_ARRAY_POP: { if(vm->debug) printf("array_pop\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopArrayObject(vm); if(obj->array.length <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot pop from empty array\n"); exit(1); } PushObject(vm, obj->array.members[--obj->array.length]); } break; case OP_ARRAY_CLEAR: { if(vm->debug) printf("array_clear\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopArrayObject(vm); obj->array.length = 0; } break; case OP_DICT_SET: { if(vm->debug) printf("dict_set\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopDict(vm); const char* key = PopString(vm); Object* value = PopObject(vm); DictPut(&obj->dict, key, value); } break; case OP_DICT_GET: { if(vm->debug) printf("dict_get\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopDict(vm); const char* key = PopString(vm); Object* value = DictGet(&obj->dict, key); if(value) PushObject(vm, value); else PushObject(vm, &NullObject); } break; case OP_DICT_PAIRS: { if(vm->debug) printf("dict_pairs\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopDict(vm); Object* aobj = PushArray(vm, obj->dict.numEntries); int len = 0; for(int i = 0; i <= obj->dict.capacity; ++i) { DictNode* node = obj->dict.buckets[i]; while(node) { Object* pair = PushArray(vm, 2); Object* key = NewObject(vm, OBJ_STRING); key->string.raw = estrdup(node->key); pair->array.members[0] = key; pair->array.members[1] = node->value; aobj->array.members[len++] = PopObject(vm); node = node->next; } } } break; #define BIN_OP_TYPE(op, operator, type) case OP_##op: { if(vm->debug) printf("%s\n", #op); Object* val2 = PopObject(vm); Object* val1 = PopObject(vm); PushNumber(vm, (type)val1->number operator (type)val2->number); ++vm->pc; } break; #define BIN_OP(op, operator) BIN_OP_TYPE(op, operator, double) BIN_OP(ADD, +) BIN_OP(SUB, -) BIN_OP(MUL, *) BIN_OP(DIV, /) BIN_OP_TYPE(MOD, %, int) BIN_OP_TYPE(OR, |, int) BIN_OP_TYPE(AND, &, int) BIN_OP(LT, <) BIN_OP(LTE, <=) BIN_OP(GT, >) BIN_OP(GTE, >=) BIN_OP_TYPE(LOGICAL_AND, &&, int) BIN_OP_TYPE(LOGICAL_OR, ||, int) #define CBIN_OP(op, operator) case OP_##op: { ++vm->pc; if(vm->debug) printf("%s\n", #op); Object* b = PopObject(vm); Object* a = PopObject(vm); a->number operator b->number; } break; CBIN_OP(CADD, +=) CBIN_OP(CSUB, -=) CBIN_OP(CMUL, *=) CBIN_OP(CDIV, /=) case OP_EQU: { ++vm->pc; Object* o2 = PopObject(vm); Object* o1 = PopObject(vm); if(o1->type != o2->type) PushNumber(vm, 0); else { if(o1->type == OBJ_STRING) { PushNumber(vm, strcmp(o1->string.raw, o2->string.raw) == 0); } else if(o1->type == OBJ_NUMBER) { PushNumber(vm, o1->number == o2->number); } else PushNumber(vm, o1 == o2); } } break; case OP_NEQU: { ++vm->pc; Object* o2 = PopObject(vm); Object* o1 = PopObject(vm); if(o1->type != o2->type) PushNumber(vm, 1); else { if(o1->type == OBJ_STRING) { PushNumber(vm, strcmp(o1->string.raw, o2->string.raw) != 0); } else if(o1->type == OBJ_NUMBER) { PushNumber(vm, o1->number != o2->number); } else PushNumber(vm, o1 != o2); } } break; case OP_NEG: { if(vm->debug) printf("neg\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopObject(vm); PushNumber(vm, -obj->number); } break; case OP_LOGICAL_NOT: { if(vm->debug) printf("not\n"); ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopObject(vm); PushNumber(vm, !obj->number); } break; case OP_SETINDEX: { ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopObject(vm); Object* indexObj = PopObject(vm); Object* value = PopObject(vm); if(vm->debug) printf("setindex\n"); if(obj->type == OBJ_ARRAY) { if(indexObj->type != OBJ_NUMBER) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index array with a %s (expected number)\n", ObjectTypeNames[indexObj->type]); exit(1); } int index = (int)indexObj->number; int arrayLength = obj->array.length; Object** members = obj->array.members; if(index >= 0 && index < arrayLength) members[index] = value; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid array index %i\n", index); exit(1); } } else if(obj->type == OBJ_STRING) { if(indexObj->type != OBJ_NUMBER) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index string with a %s (expected number)\n", ObjectTypeNames[indexObj->type]); exit(1); } if(value->type != OBJ_NUMBER) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to assign a %s to an index of a string '%s' (expected number/character)\n", ObjectTypeNames[value->type], obj->string.raw); exit(1); } obj->string.raw[(int)indexObj->number] = (char)value->number; } else if(obj->type == OBJ_DICT) { if(indexObj->type != OBJ_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index dict with a %s (expected string)\n", ObjectTypeNames[indexObj->type]); exit(1); } DictPut(&obj->dict, indexObj->string.raw, value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index a %s\n", ObjectTypeNames[obj->type]); exit(1); } } break; case OP_GETINDEX: { ++vm->pc; Object* obj = PopObject(vm); Object* indexObj = PopObject(vm); if(obj->type == OBJ_ARRAY) { if(indexObj->type != OBJ_NUMBER) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index array with a %s (expected number)\n", ObjectTypeNames[indexObj->type]); exit(1); } int index = (int)indexObj->number; int arrayLength = obj->array.length; Object** members = obj->array.members; if(index >= 0 && index < arrayLength) { if(members[index]) PushObject(vm, members[index]); else { fprintf(stderr, "attempted to index non-existent value in array\n"); exit(1); } if(vm->debug) printf("getindex %i\n", index); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid array index %i\n", index); exit(1); } } else if(obj->type == OBJ_STRING) { if(indexObj->type != OBJ_NUMBER) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index string with a %s (expected number)\n", ObjectTypeNames[indexObj->type]); exit(1); } PushNumber(vm, obj->string.raw[(int)indexObj->number]); } else if(obj->type == OBJ_DICT) { if(indexObj->type != OBJ_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index dict with a %s (expected string)\n", ObjectTypeNames[indexObj->type]); exit(1); } Object* val = (Object*)DictGet(&obj->dict, indexObj->string.raw); if(val) PushObject(vm, val); else PushObject(vm, &NullObject); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Attempted to index a %s\n", ObjectTypeNames[obj->type]); exit(1); } } break; case OP_SET: { ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); Object* top = PopObject(vm); vm->stack[index] = top; if(vm->debug) { if(top->type == OBJ_NUMBER) printf("set %i to %g\n", index, top->number); else if(top->type == OBJ_STRING) printf("set %i to %s\n", index, top->string); } } break; case OP_GET: { ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); if(vm->stack[index]) PushObject(vm, (vm->stack[index])); else PushObject(vm, &NullObject); if(vm->debug) printf("get %i\n", index); } break; case OP_WRITE: { if(vm->debug) printf("write\n"); Object* top = PopObject(vm); WriteObject(vm, top); printf("\n"); ++vm->pc; } break; case OP_READ: { if(vm->debug) printf("read\n"); char* string = ReadStringFromStdin(); PushString(vm, string); free(string); ++vm->pc; } break; case OP_GOTO: { ++vm->pc; int pc = ReadInteger(vm); vm->pc = pc; if(vm->debug) printf("goto %i\n", vm->pc); } break; case OP_GOTOZ: { ++vm->pc; int pc = ReadInteger(vm); Object* top = PopObject(vm); if(top->number == 0) { vm->pc = pc; if(vm->debug) printf("gotoz %i\n", vm->pc); } } break; case OP_CALL: { Word nargs = vm->program[++vm->pc]; ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); if(vm->debug) printf("call %s\n", vm->functionNames[index]); PushIndir(vm, nargs); vm->pc = vm->functionPcs[index]; } break; case OP_CALLP: { Word hasEllipsis, isExtern, numArgs; Word nargs = vm->program[++vm->pc]; ++vm->pc; int id = PopFunc(vm, &hasEllipsis, &isExtern, &numArgs); if(vm->debug) printf("callp %s%s\n", isExtern ? "extern " : "", isExtern ? vm->externNames[id] : vm->functionNames[id]); if(isExtern) vm->externs[id](vm); else { if(!hasEllipsis) { if(nargs != numArgs) { fprintf(stderr, "Function '%s' expected %i args but recieved %i args\n", vm->functionNames[id], numArgs, nargs); exit(1); } } else { if(nargs < numArgs) { fprintf(stderr, "Function '%s' expected at least %i args but recieved %i args\n", vm->functionNames[id], numArgs, nargs); exit(1); } } if(!hasEllipsis) PushIndir(vm, nargs); else { // runtime collapsing of arguments: // the concrete arguments (known during compilation) are on the top of // the stack. We create an array (by pushing it and then decrementing the // stack pointer) and fill it up with the ellipsed arguments (behind the // concrete arguments). We then place this array just before the concrete // arguments in the stack so that it can be accessed as an argument "args". // The indirection info is pushed onto the indirection stack (the concrete and // non-concrete [aside from the one that the 'args' array replaces] are still // present on the stack, so all of the arguments are to be removed) /*printf("args:\n"); for(int i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) { WriteObject(vm, vm->stack[vm->stackSize - i - 1]); printf("\n"); } printf("end\n");*/ //printf("members:\n"); Object* obj = PushArray(vm, nargs - numArgs); vm->stackSize -= 1; for(int i = 0; i < obj->array.length; ++i) { obj->array.members[i] = vm->stack[vm->stackSize - numArgs - 1 - i]; /*WriteObject(vm, obj->array.members[i]); printf("\n");*/ } //printf("end\n"); vm->stack[vm->stackSize - numArgs - 1] = obj; /*printf("final args:\n"); for(int i = 0; i < numArgs + 1; ++i) { WriteObject(vm, vm->stack[vm->stackSize - i - 1]); printf("\n"); } printf("end\n");*/ PushIndir(vm, nargs); } vm->pc = vm->functionPcs[id]; } } break; case OP_RETURN: { if(vm->debug) printf("ret\n"); PopIndir(vm); } break; case OP_RETURN_VALUE: { if(vm->debug) printf("retval\n"); Object* returnValue = PopObject(vm); PopIndir(vm); PushObject(vm, returnValue); } break; case OP_CALLF: { ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); if(vm->debug) printf("callf %s\n", vm->externNames[index]); vm->externs[index](vm); } break; case OP_GETLOCAL: { ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); PushObject(vm, GetLocal(vm, index)); if(vm->debug) printf("getlocal %i (fp: %i, stack size: %i)\n", index, vm->fp, vm->stackSize); } break; case OP_SETLOCAL: { if(vm->debug) printf("setlocal\n"); ++vm->pc; int index = ReadInteger(vm); SetLocal(vm, index, PopObject(vm)); } break; case OP_HALT: { if(vm->debug) printf("halt\n"); vm->pc = -1; } break; default: printf("Invalid instruction %i\n", vm->program[vm->pc]); break; } }
void PushNumber(VM* vm, double value) { Object* obj = NewObject(vm, OBJ_NUMBER); obj->number = value; PushObject(vm, obj); }
void prim_getprop(PRIM_PROTOTYPE) { const char *temp; PropPtr prptr; dbref obj2; CHECKOP(2); oper1 = POP(); oper2 = POP(); if (oper1->type != PROG_STRING) abort_interp("Non-string argument (2)"); if (!oper1->data.string) abort_interp("Empty string argument (2)"); if (!valid_object(oper2)) abort_interp("Non-object argument (1)"); CHECKREMOTE(oper2->data.objref); { char type[BUFFER_LEN]; int len = oper1->data.string->length; if (!prop_read_perms(ProgUID, oper2->data.objref, oper1->data.string->data, mlev)) abort_interp("Permission denied."); strcpyn(type, sizeof(type), oper1->data.string->data); while (len-- > 0 && type[len] == PROPDIR_DELIMITER) { type[len] = '\0'; } obj2 = oper2->data.objref; prptr = get_property(obj2, type); #ifdef LOG_PROPS log2file("props.log", "#%d (%d) GETPROP: o=%d n=\"%s\"", program, pc->line, oper2->data.objref, type); #endif CLEAR(oper1); CLEAR(oper2); if (prptr) { #ifdef DISKBASE propfetch(obj2, prptr); #endif switch (PropType(prptr)) { case PROP_STRTYP: temp = PropDataStr(prptr); PushString(temp); break; case PROP_LOKTYP: if (PropFlags(prptr) & PROP_ISUNLOADED) { PushLock(TRUE_BOOLEXP); } else { PushLock(PropDataLok(prptr)); } break; case PROP_REFTYP: PushObject(PropDataRef(prptr)); break; case PROP_INTTYP: PushInt(PropDataVal(prptr)); break; case PROP_FLTTYP: PushFloat(PropDataFVal(prptr)); break; default: result = 0; PushInt(result); break; } } else { result = 0; PushInt(result); } /* if (Typeof(oper2->data.objref) != TYPE_PLAYER) ts_lastuseobject(oper2->data.objref); */ } }