int CManageObject::NextWord(int offset) { if(_iCacheScore != -1) { if(PushWord(_iCacheScore, _stCacheRec, offset) != 0) return -1; } return NextWord(); }
void McuMessageHandler::SendGetDealRecord(int i, EnumRecordFlag clear, int index) { StruMcuPacket *thepacket = CreatePacket(); McuPacket &packet = thepacket->packet; PushByte(packet, ((m_pos_addr[i] << 4) & MCU_POS_SRC_ADDR)); PushByte(packet, 0x06); PushByte(packet, MCU_POS_FLAG); PushByte(packet, 0x38); PushByte(packet, 0x31); if(clear == CLEAR_RECORD) { PushByte(packet, 0x02); } else { PushByte(packet, 0x01); } PushWord(packet, index); thepacket->data = (int)clear; thepacket->data2 = i; SendBody(thepacket, MCU_POS_GET_DEAL); }
static int MakeRegex( DaoRegex *self, DString *ds, void *spatt, int start, int end, int grouping ) { DaoRgxItem *patt, *patt2, *split=NULL, *patts = self->items; DaoRgxItem word = { PAT_NONE }; DaoRgxItem set = { PAT_NONE }; DCharState st = { 0, 1, 0 }; DCharState st2 = { 0, 1, 0 }; char *buf, *mbs = (char*) spatt; int i, j, k, count=0, repeat=0, refgroup=0; short type, gid = self->indexed >0 ? self->indexed + 1E4 : self->group; int alts = DString_BalancedChar( ds, '|', '(', ')', '%', start, end, 1 ); daoint pos, pos2; int chi, chi2; if( alts >0 || grouping >0 ){ split = PushRegex( self, PAT_SPLIT ); split->gid = gid; count = self->count; } self->indexed = 0; = = 1; word.jump = set.jump = 0; for(i=start; i<end; i++){ int verbatim = 0; chi = mbs[i]; chi2 = (i+1) >= end ? 0 : mbs[i+1]; type = 0; k = i; /* space chars are ignored, to avoid this, write as [ ][\t][\n] */ if( isspace( chi ) ){ if( word.type == PAT_WORD ) PushWord( self, & word ); continue; } if( chi == '%' ){ if( i+1 < end ) chi = mbs[i+1]; switch( chi ){ case 's': case 'S': case 'k': case 'K': case 'p': case 'P': case 'c': case 'C': case 'a': case 'A': case 'w': case 'W': case 'e': case 'E': case 'd': case 'D': case 'x': case 'X': type = chi; break; case 't': type = PAT_WORD; SetWord( self, & word, i, L'\t' ); break; case 'n': type = PAT_WORD; SetWord( self, & word, i, L'\n' ); break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': j = ScanInteger( & refgroup, spatt, i+1, end ); type = PAT_BACKREF; i += j-1; break; case 'b': type = PAT_NONE; if( i+3 < end ){ st = DString_DecodeChar( mbs + i + 2, mbs + end ); st2 = DString_DecodeChar( mbs + i + 2 + st.width, mbs + end ); chi = st.value; chi2 = st2.value; if( ! iswspace( chi ) && ! iswspace( chi2 ) ){ set.type = type = PAT_PAIR; set.word = i + 1; set.length = st.width + st2.width; buf = self->wordbuf + set.word; memcpy( buf, mbs + i + 2, set.length * sizeof(char) ); i += set.length; } } break; case 'B': type = PAT_NONE; chi = mbs[i+2]; if( chi == '{' ){ pos = DString_BalancedChar( ds, '}','{','}','%', i+3, end, 0 ); chi = 0; pos2 = DAO_NULLPOS; if( pos != DAO_NULLPOS ){ chi = mbs[pos+1]; pos2 = DString_BalancedChar( ds, '}','{','}','%', pos+2, end, 0 ); } if( chi == '{' && pos2 != DAO_NULLPOS ){ short count2, count3; count2 = self->count; patt = PushRegex( self, PAT_PATPAIR ); PushRegex( self, PAT_BEGIN ); MakeRegex( self, ds, spatt, i+3, pos, 0 ); PushRegex( self, PAT_STOP ); count3 = self->count; PushRegex( self, PAT_BEGIN ); MakeRegex( self, ds, spatt, pos+2, pos2, 0 ); PushRegex( self, PAT_STOP ); patt->next = self->count - count2; patt->length = count3 - count2; i = pos2; i += SetRepeat( & patt->min, & patt->max, spatt, ds, i+1, end ); continue; } } break; default : type = (i+1 < end) ? PAT_WORD : PAT_NONE; SetWord( self, & word, i, chi ); break; } i ++; }else if( chi == '{' && chi2 == '{' ){ /* {{text}} */ verbatim = 1; type = PAT_WORD; i += 2; while( i < end ){ chi = mbs[i]; i += 1; /* printf( "%c\n", chi ); */ if( chi == '}' ) break; SetWord( self, & word, i-1, chi ); } chi = 0; k = i - 1; if( i < end ){ chi = mbs[i]; k = i; } if( chi != '}' ) type = PAT_NONE; }else if( chi == '(' ){ if( word.type == PAT_WORD ) PushWord( self, & word ); pos = DString_BalancedChar( ds, ')', '(', ')', '%', i+1, end, 0 ); if( pos != DAO_NULLPOS ){ self->group ++; MakeRegex( self, ds, spatt, i+1, pos, 1 ); i = pos; continue; } }else if( chi == '[' ){ pos = DString_BalancedChar( ds, ']', 0, 0, '%', i+1, end, 0 ); pos2 = DString_BalancedChar( ds, '[', '[', ']', '%', i+1, end, 0 ); if( pos == i+2 && pos2 == DAO_NULLPOS ){ type = PAT_WORD; i ++; chi = mbs[i]; SetWord( self, & word, i, chi ); i = pos; }else if( pos != DAO_NULLPOS && pos2 == DAO_NULLPOS ){ type = PAT_SET; set.type = PAT_SET; set.length = pos - i - 1; set.word = i + 1; buf = self->wordbuf + set.word; memcpy( buf, mbs + i + 1, set.length * sizeof(char) ); buf[ set.length ] = 0; i = pos; }else{ type = PAT_NONE; } }else if( chi == '<' ){ int k; if( word.type == PAT_WORD ) PushWord( self, & word ); j = SkipSpace( spatt, i+1, end ); i += j+1; chi = mbs[i]; k = i; if( isdigit( chi ) ){ j = ScanInteger( & k, spatt, i, end ); i += j; self->indexed = k; }else if( islower( chi ) ){ if( strncmp( mbs + i, "min", 3 ) ==0 ){ self->config |= PAT_CONFIG_MIN; i += 3; } }else{ for(; i<end; i++){ chi = mbs[i]; if( chi == 'I' ){ self->config |= PAT_CONFIG_CASEINS; }else if( chi == 'C' ){ self->config &= ~ PAT_CONFIG_CASEINS; }else{ break; } } } j = SkipSpace( spatt, i, end ); i += j; chi = mbs[i]; if( chi == '>' && k != i ){ continue; }else{ type = PAT_NONE; } }else if( chi == '.' ){ type = PAT_ANY; }else if( chi == '|' ){ if( word.type == PAT_WORD ) PushWord( self, & word ); patt2 = PushRegex( self, PAT_JOIN ); patt = PushRegex( self, PAT_SPLIT ); patt->gid = patt2->gid = gid; if( split ) split->jump = patt - split; split = patt; continue; }else if( chi == '^' ){ type = PAT_START; }else if( chi == '$' ){ type = PAT_END; }else if( chi == '&' ){ type = PAT_WBORDER; }else{ type = PAT_NONE; switch( chi ){ case ']': case ')': case '{': case '}': case '|': case '-': case '?': case '*': case '+': break; default : type = PAT_WORD; break; } if( type == PAT_WORD ) SetWord( self, & word, i, chi ); } if( type != PAT_WORD && word.type == PAT_WORD ) PushWord( self, & word ); patt = patts + self->count; patt->type = type; patt->gid = 0; patt->min = patt->max = 1; patt->next = 1; patt->jump = 0; if( type == PAT_BACKREF ) patt->gid = refgroup; if( type == PAT_NONE ) patt->length = k + 1; /* store the error position */ if( word.type == PAT_WORD ){ patt->word = word.word; patt->length = word.length; }else if( set.type == PAT_SET || set.type == PAT_PAIR ){ patt->word = set.word; patt->length = set.length; set.type = PAT_NONE; } repeat = SetRepeat( & patt->min, & patt->max, spatt, ds, i+1, end ); i += repeat; if( patt->type == PAT_WORD && repeat && verbatim == 0 && patt->length > 1 ){ /* Handle single character repetition: */ int offset = patt->word; int length = patt->length; int min = patt->min; int max = patt->max; self->count += 1; patt->min = patt->max = 1; patt->length -= 1; patt = PushRegex( self, PAT_WORD ); patt->min = min; patt->max = max; patt->word = offset + length - 1; patt->length = 1; self->count -= 1; } if( patt->type != PAT_WORD || repeat ){ patt2 = NULL; if( self->count ) patt2 = patts + (self->count-1); if( patt2 && RegexCompare( self, patt, patt2 ) ){ patt2->min += patt->min; if( patt2->max >=0 && patt->max >=0 ){ patt2->max += patt->max; }else{ patt2->max = -1; } }else{ patt->config = self->config; self->count ++; } word.type = PAT_NONE; } } if( word.type == PAT_WORD ) PushWord( self, & word ); if( alts >0 || grouping >0 ){ patt = PushRegex( self, PAT_JOIN ); patt->gid = gid; for(j=count; j<self->count; j++){ patt = patts + j; if( patt->type == PAT_JOIN && patt->gid == gid ) patt->next = self->count - j; if( patt->gid == gid && j+1 < self->count ){ /* for PAT_SPLIT added for | in groups, * required for calculate matching length */ if( patt->type == PAT_SPLIT ) patt->gid = 0; } } split->length = self->count - count; } return self->count; }