コード例 #1
const char *PyBBMatcher::init()
    const char *err = call_init_file();
    if (err != NULL)
        return err;

    py_matcher_module = PyW_TryImportModule(STR_PY_MATCH_MODULE);
    if (py_matcher_module == NULL)
        return "BBMatch module is not present";

    //NOTE: To create an object instance, get a reference to the class
    //      then call PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(py_cls, NULL)
    py_instref = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_matcher_module, "bbMatcher");
    if (py_instref == NULL)
        return "BBMatcher instance not present";

    py_meth_find_similar = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_instref, "FindSimilar");
    py_meth_save_state = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_instref, "SaveState");
    py_meth_load_state = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_instref, "LoadState");
    py_meth_analyze = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_instref, "Analyze");

    if (   py_meth_find_similar == NULL
        || py_meth_save_state == NULL
        || py_meth_load_state == NULL
        || py_meth_analyze == NULL)
        return "Failed to find one or more needed methods";

    return NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: py_cvt.hpp プロジェクト: Hehouhua/idapython
// Checks if the given py_var is a special PyIdc_cvt_helper object.
// It does that by examining the magic attribute and returns its numeric value.
// It returns -1 if the object is not a recognized helper object.
// Any Python object can be treated as an cvt object if this attribute is created.
static int get_pyidc_cvt_type(PyObject *py_var)

  // Check if this our special by reference object
  ref_t attr(PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_var, S_PY_IDCCVT_ID_ATTR));
  if ( attr == NULL || (!PyInt_Check(attr.o) && !PyLong_Check(attr.o)) )
    return -1;
  return (int)PyInt_AsLong(attr.o);
コード例 #3
ファイル: py_custdata.hpp プロジェクト: EiNSTeiN-/idapython
  int register_dt(PyObject *py_obj)

    // Already registered?
    if ( dtid >= 0 )
      return dtid;

    memset(&dt, 0, sizeof(dt));
    dt.cbsize = sizeof(dt);
    dt.ud = this;

      ref_t py_attr;

      // name
      if ( !PyW_GetStringAttr(py_obj, S_NAME, &dt_name) )

      dt.name = dt_name.c_str();

      // menu_name (optional)
      if ( PyW_GetStringAttr(py_obj, S_MENU_NAME, &dt_menu_name) )
        dt.menu_name = dt_menu_name.c_str();

      // asm_keyword (optional)
      if ( PyW_GetStringAttr(py_obj, S_ASM_KEYWORD, &dt_asm_keyword) )
        dt.asm_keyword = dt_asm_keyword.c_str();

      // hotkey (optional)
      if ( PyW_GetStringAttr(py_obj, S_HOTKEY, &dt_hotkey) )
        dt.hotkey = dt_hotkey.c_str();

      // value_size
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_VALUE_SIZE);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyInt_Check(py_attr.o) )
        dt.value_size = PyInt_AsLong(py_attr.o);
      py_attr = ref_t();

      // props
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_PROPS);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyInt_Check(py_attr.o) )
        dt.props = PyInt_AsLong(py_attr.o);
      py_attr = ref_t();

      // may_create_at
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_MAY_CREATE_AT);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyCallable_Check(py_attr.o) )
        dt.may_create_at = s_may_create_at;
      py_attr = ref_t();

      // calc_item_size
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_CALC_ITEM_SIZE);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyCallable_Check(py_attr.o) )
        dt.calc_item_size = s_calc_item_size;
      py_attr = ref_t();

      // Now try to register
      dtid = register_custom_data_type(&dt);
      if ( dtid < 0 )

      // Hold reference to the PyObject
      py_self = py_obj;

      py_attr = newref_t(PyInt_FromLong(dtid));
      PyObject_SetAttrString(py_obj, S_ID, py_attr.o);
    } while ( false );
    return dtid;
コード例 #4
ファイル: py_custdata.hpp プロジェクト: EiNSTeiN-/idapython
  int register_df(int dtid, PyObject *py_obj)
    // Already registered?
    if ( dfid >= 0 )
      return dfid;

    memset(&df, 0, sizeof(df));
    df.cbsize = sizeof(df);
    df.ud = this;

      ref_t py_attr;

      // name
      if ( !PyW_GetStringAttr(py_obj, S_NAME, &df_name) )
      df.name = df_name.c_str();

      // menu_name (optional)
      if ( PyW_GetStringAttr(py_obj, S_MENU_NAME, &df_menu_name) )
        df.menu_name = df_menu_name.c_str();

      // props
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_PROPS);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyInt_Check(py_attr.o) )
        df.props = PyInt_AsLong(py_attr.o);

      // hotkey
      if ( PyW_GetStringAttr(py_obj, S_HOTKEY, &df_hotkey) )
        df.hotkey = df_hotkey.c_str();

      // value_size
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_VALUE_SIZE);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyInt_Check(py_attr.o) )
        df.value_size = PyInt_AsLong(py_attr.o);

      // text_width
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_TEXT_WIDTH);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyInt_Check(py_attr.o) )
        df.text_width = PyInt_AsLong(py_attr.o);

      // print cb
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_PRINTF);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyCallable_Check(py_attr.o) )
        df.print = s_print;

      // scan cb
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_SCAN);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyCallable_Check(py_attr.o) )
        df.scan = s_scan;

      // analyze cb
      py_attr = PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_obj, S_ANALYZE);
      if ( py_attr != NULL && PyCallable_Check(py_attr.o) )
        df.analyze = s_analyze;

      // Now try to register
      dfid = register_custom_data_format(dtid, &df);
      if ( dfid < 0 )

      // Hold reference to the PyObject
      py_self = py_obj;

      // Update the format ID
      py_attr = newref_t(PyInt_FromLong(dfid));
      PyObject_SetAttrString(py_obj, S_ID, py_attr.o);
    } while ( false );
    return dfid;
コード例 #5
ファイル: py_kernwin_choose.hpp プロジェクト: AmesianX/src
static void py_get_int(PyObject *self, T *prm, const char *name)
  ref_t attr(PyW_TryGetAttrString(self, name));
  if ( attr != NULL && attr.o != Py_None )
    *prm = T(PyInt_AsLong(attr.o));
コード例 #6
ファイル: py_cvt.hpp プロジェクト: Hehouhua/idapython
// Converts an IDC variable to a Python variable
// If py_var points to an existing object then the object will be updated
// If py_var points to an existing immutable object then ZERO is returned
// Returns one of CIP_xxxx. Check pywraps.hpp
int idcvar_to_pyvar(
  const idc_value_t &idc_var,
  ref_t *py_var)
  switch ( idc_var.vtype )
  case VT_PVOID:
    if ( *py_var == NULL )
      newref_t nr(PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(idc_var.pvoid, NULL));
      *py_var = nr;
      return CIP_IMMUTABLE;

  case VT_INT64:
      // Recycle?
      if ( *py_var != NULL )
        // Recycling an int64 object?
        int t = get_pyidc_cvt_type(py_var->o);
        if ( t != PY_ICID_INT64 )
          return CIP_IMMUTABLE; // Cannot recycle immutable object
        // Update the attribute
        PyObject_SetAttrString(py_var->o, S_PY_IDCCVT_VALUE_ATTR, PyLong_FromLongLong(idc_var.i64));
        return CIP_OK;
      ref_t py_cls(get_idaapi_attr_by_id(PY_CLSID_CVT_INT64));
      if ( py_cls == NULL )
        return CIP_FAILED;
      *py_var = newref_t(PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(py_cls.o, PyLong_FromLongLong(idc_var.i64), NULL));
      if ( PyW_GetError() || *py_var == NULL )
        return CIP_FAILED;

#if !defined(NO_OBSOLETE_FUNCS) || defined(__EXPR_SRC)
  case VT_STR:
    *py_var = newref_t(PyString_FromString(idc_var.str));

  case VT_STR2:
    if ( *py_var == NULL )
      const qstring &s = idc_var.qstr();
      *py_var = newref_t(PyString_FromStringAndSize(s.begin(), s.length()));
      return CIP_IMMUTABLE; // Cannot recycle immutable object
  case VT_LONG:
    // Cannot recycle immutable objects
    if ( *py_var != NULL )
      return CIP_IMMUTABLE;
    *py_var = newref_t(cvt_to_pylong(idc_var.num));
  case VT_FLOAT:
    if ( *py_var == NULL )
      double x;
      if ( ph.realcvt(&x, (uint16 *)idc_var.e, (sizeof(x)/2-1)|010) != 0 )

      *py_var = newref_t(PyFloat_FromDouble(x));
      return CIP_IMMUTABLE;

  case VT_REF:
      if ( *py_var == NULL )
        ref_t py_cls(get_idaapi_attr_by_id(PY_CLSID_CVT_BYREF));
        if ( py_cls == NULL )
          return CIP_FAILED;

        // Create a byref object with None value. We populate it later
        *py_var = newref_t(PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(py_cls.o, Py_None, NULL));
        if ( PyW_GetError() || *py_var == NULL )
          return CIP_FAILED;
      int t = get_pyidc_cvt_type(py_var->o);
      if ( t != PY_ICID_BYREF )
        return CIP_FAILED;

      // Dereference
      // (Since we are not using VREF_COPY flag, we can safely const_cast)
      idc_value_t *dref_v = VarDeref(const_cast<idc_value_t *>(&idc_var), VREF_LOOP);
      if ( dref_v == NULL )
        return CIP_FAILED;

      // Can we recycle the object?
      ref_t new_py_val(PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_var->o, S_PY_IDCCVT_VALUE_ATTR));
      if ( new_py_val != NULL )
        // Recycle
        t = idcvar_to_pyvar(*dref_v, &new_py_val);

        // Success? Nothing more to be done
        if ( t == CIP_OK )
          return CIP_OK;

        // Clear it so we don't recycle it
        new_py_val = ref_t();
      // Try to convert (not recycle)
      if ( idcvar_to_pyvar(*dref_v, &new_py_val) != CIP_OK )
        return CIP_FAILED;

      // Update the attribute
      PyObject_SetAttrString(py_var->o, S_PY_IDCCVT_VALUE_ATTR, new_py_val.o);

    // Can convert back into a Python object or Python dictionary
    // (Depending if py_var will be recycled and it was a dictionary)
  case VT_OBJ:
      // Check if this IDC object has __cvt_id__ and the __idc_cvt_value__ fields
      idc_value_t idc_val;
      if (    VarGetAttr(&idc_var, S_PY_IDCCVT_ID_ATTR, &idc_val) == eOk
        && VarGetAttr(&idc_var, S_PY_IDCCVT_VALUE_ATTR, &idc_val) == eOk )
        // Extract the object
        *py_var = borref_t((PyObject *) idc_val.pvoid);
        return CIP_OK_OPAQUE;
      ref_t obj;
      bool is_dict = false;

      // Need to create a new object?
      if ( *py_var == NULL )
        // Get skeleton class reference
        ref_t py_cls(get_idaapi_attr_by_id(PY_CLSID_APPCALL_SKEL_OBJ));
        if ( py_cls == NULL )
          return CIP_FAILED;

        // Call constructor
        obj = newref_t(PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(py_cls.o, NULL));
        if ( PyW_GetError() || obj == NULL )
          return CIP_FAILED;
        // Recycle existing variable
        obj = *py_var;
        if ( PyDict_Check(obj.o) )
          is_dict = true;

      // Walk the IDC attributes and store into python
      for (const char *attr_name = VarFirstAttr(&idc_var);
        attr_name != NULL;
        attr_name = VarNextAttr(&idc_var, attr_name) )
        // Get the attribute
        idc_value_t v;
        VarGetAttr(&idc_var, attr_name, &v, true);

        // Convert attribute to a python value (recursively)
        ref_t py_attr;
        int cvt = idcvar_to_pyvar(v, &py_attr);
        if ( cvt <= CIP_IMMUTABLE )
          return CIP_FAILED;
        if ( is_dict )
          PyDict_SetItemString(obj.o, attr_name, py_attr.o);
          PyObject_SetAttrString(obj.o, attr_name, py_attr.o);
      *py_var = obj;
    // Unhandled type
    *py_var = ref_t();
    return CIP_FAILED;
  return CIP_OK;
コード例 #7
ファイル: py_cvt.hpp プロジェクト: Hehouhua/idapython
// Converts a Python variable into an IDC variable
// This function returns on one CIP_XXXX
int pyvar_to_idcvar(
        const ref_t &py_var,
        idc_value_t *idc_var,
        int *gvar_sn)

  // None / NULL
  if ( py_var == NULL || py_var.o == Py_None )
  // Numbers?
  else if ( PyW_GetNumberAsIDC(py_var.o, idc_var) )
    return CIP_OK;
  // String
  else if ( PyString_Check(py_var.o) )
    idc_var->_set_string(PyString_AsString(py_var.o), PyString_Size(py_var.o));
  // Boolean
  else if ( PyBool_Check(py_var.o) )
    idc_var->set_long(py_var.o == Py_True ? 1 : 0);
  // Float
  else if ( PyFloat_Check(py_var.o) )
    double dresult = PyFloat_AsDouble(py_var.o);
    ieee_realcvt((void *)&dresult, idc_var->e, 3);
    idc_var->vtype = VT_FLOAT;
  // void*
  else if ( PyCObject_Check(py_var.o) )
  // Python list?
  else if ( PyList_CheckExact(py_var.o) || PyW_IsSequenceType(py_var.o) )
    // Create the object

    // Determine list size and type
    bool is_seq = !PyList_CheckExact(py_var.o);
    Py_ssize_t size = is_seq ? PySequence_Size(py_var.o) : PyList_Size(py_var.o);
    bool ok = true;
    qstring attr_name;

    // Convert each item
    for ( Py_ssize_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
      // Get the item
      ref_t py_item;
      if ( is_seq )
        py_item = newref_t(PySequence_GetItem(py_var.o, i));
        py_item = borref_t(PyList_GetItem(py_var.o, i));

      // Convert the item into an IDC variable
      idc_value_t v;
      ok = pyvar_to_idcvar(py_item, &v, gvar_sn) >= CIP_OK;
      if ( ok )
        // Form the attribute name
        newref_t py_int(PyInt_FromSsize_t(i));
        ok = PyW_ObjectToString(py_int.o, &attr_name);
        if ( !ok )
        // Store the attribute
        VarSetAttr(idc_var, attr_name.c_str(), &v);
      if ( !ok )
    return ok ? CIP_OK : CIP_FAILED;
  // Dictionary: we convert to an IDC object
  else if ( PyDict_Check(py_var.o) )
    // Create an empty IDC object

    // Get the dict.items() list
    newref_t py_items(PyDict_Items(py_var.o));

    // Get the size of the list
    qstring key_name;
    bool ok = true;
    Py_ssize_t size = PySequence_Size(py_items.o);
    for ( Py_ssize_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
      // Get item[i] -> (key, value)
      PyObject *py_item = PyList_GetItem(py_items.o, i);

      // Extract key/value
      newref_t key(PySequence_GetItem(py_item, 0));
      newref_t val(PySequence_GetItem(py_item, 1));

      // Get key's string representation
      PyW_ObjectToString(key.o, &key_name);

      // Convert the attribute into an IDC value
      idc_value_t v;
      ok = pyvar_to_idcvar(val, &v, gvar_sn) >= CIP_OK;
      if ( ok )
        // Store the attribute
        VarSetAttr(idc_var, key_name.c_str(), &v);
      if ( !ok )
    return ok ? CIP_OK : CIP_FAILED;
  // Possible function?
  else if ( PyCallable_Check(py_var.o) )
    idc_var->vtype = VT_FUNC;
    idc_var->funcidx = -1; // Does not apply
    return CIP_OK;
  // Objects:
  // - pyidc_cvt objects: int64, byref, opaque
  // - other python objects
    // Get the type
    int cvt_id = get_pyidc_cvt_type(py_var.o);
    switch ( cvt_id )
      // INT64
    case PY_ICID_INT64:
        // Get the value attribute
        ref_t attr(PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_var.o, S_PY_IDCCVT_VALUE_ATTR));
        if ( attr == NULL )
          return false;
        return CIP_OK;
      // BYREF
    case PY_ICID_BYREF:
        // BYREF always require this parameter
        if ( gvar_sn == NULL )
          return CIP_FAILED;

        // Get the value attribute
        ref_t attr(PyW_TryGetAttrString(py_var.o, S_PY_IDCCVT_VALUE_ATTR));
        if ( attr == NULL )
          return CIP_FAILED;

        // Create a global variable
        char buf[MAXSTR];
        qsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), S_PY_IDC_GLOBAL_VAR_FMT, *gvar_sn);
        idc_value_t *gvar = add_idc_gvar(buf);
        // Convert the python value into the IDC global variable
        bool ok = pyvar_to_idcvar(attr, gvar, gvar_sn) >= CIP_OK;
        if ( ok )
          // Create a reference to this global variable
          VarRef(idc_var, gvar);
        return ok ? CIP_OK : CIP_FAILED;
      // OPAQUE
    case PY_ICID_OPAQUE:
        if ( !wrap_PyObject_ptr(py_var, idc_var) )
          return CIP_FAILED;
        return CIP_OK_OPAQUE;
      // Other objects
      // A normal object?
      newref_t py_dir(PyObject_Dir(py_var.o));
      Py_ssize_t size = PyList_Size(py_dir.o);
      if ( py_dir == NULL || !PyList_Check(py_dir.o) || size == 0 )
        return CIP_FAILED;
      // Create the IDC object
      for ( Py_ssize_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
        borref_t item(PyList_GetItem(py_dir.o, i));
        const char *field_name = PyString_AsString(item.o);
        if ( field_name == NULL )

        size_t len = strlen(field_name);

        // Skip private attributes
        if ( (len > 2 )
          && (strncmp(field_name, "__", 2) == 0 )
          && (strncmp(field_name+len-2, "__", 2) == 0) )

        idc_value_t v;
        // Get the non-private attribute from the object
        newref_t attr(PyObject_GetAttrString(py_var.o, field_name));
        if (attr == NULL
          // Convert the attribute into an IDC value
          || pyvar_to_idcvar(attr, &v, gvar_sn) < CIP_OK)
          return CIP_FAILED;

        // Store the attribute
        VarSetAttr(idc_var, field_name, &v);
  return CIP_OK;