コード例 #1
QOP_asqtad_force_multi_asvec_qdp(QOP_info_t *info, QDP_ColorMatrix *links[],
				 QDP_ColorMatrix *force[], QOP_asqtad_coeffs_t *coef,
				 REAL eps[], QDP_ColorVector *xin[], int nsrc)
#define NC QDP_get_nc(xin[0])
  REAL coeff[nsrc];
  REAL OneLink[nsrc], Lepage[nsrc], Naik[nsrc], FiveSt[nsrc], ThreeSt[nsrc], SevenSt[nsrc];
  REAL mNaik[nsrc], mLepage[nsrc], mFiveSt[nsrc], mThreeSt[nsrc], mSevenSt[nsrc];

  QDP_ColorVector *P3[8][nsrc];

  QDP_ColorVector *P5[8][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *P5tmp[8][8][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *P5s[4][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *P5tmps[4][8][nsrc];

  //QDP_ColorVector *xin[nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *xintmp[8][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *Pmu[nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *Pmutmp[8][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *Pnumu[nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *Pnumutmp[8][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *Prhonumu[nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *Prhonumutmp[8][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *P7[nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *P7tmp[8][nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *P7rho[nsrc];
  QDP_ColorVector *ttv[nsrc];

  int i, dir;
  int mu, nu, rho, sig;

  double nflop1 = 253935;
  double nflop2 = 433968;
  double nflop = nflop1 + (nflop2-nflop1)*(nsrc-1);
  double dtime;
  dtime = -QOP_time();


  QOP_trace("test 1\n");
  /* setup parallel transport */
  QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat = QDP_create_M();
  for(i=0; i<QOP_common.ndim; i++) {
    fbshift[i] = QDP_neighbor[i];
    fbshiftdir[i] = QDP_forward;
    fblink[i] = links[i];
    fbshift[OPP_DIR(i)] = QDP_neighbor[i];
    fbshiftdir[OPP_DIR(i)] = QDP_backward;
    fblink[OPP_DIR(i)] = QDP_create_M();
    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[i], QDP_neighbor[i], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
    QDP_M_eq_Ma(fblink[OPP_DIR(i)], tmpmat, QDP_all);

  tv = ttv;
  for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
    tv[i] = QDP_create_V();

  QOP_trace("test 2\n");
  /* Allocate temporary vectors */
  for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
    Pmu[i] = QDP_create_V();
    Pnumu[i] = QDP_create_V();
    Prhonumu[i] = QDP_create_V();
    P7[i] = QDP_create_V();
    P7rho[i] = QDP_create_V();
    for(dir=0; dir<8; dir++) {
      xintmp[dir][i] = QDP_create_V();
      Pmutmp[dir][i] = QDP_create_V();
      Pnumutmp[dir][i] = QDP_create_V();
      Prhonumutmp[dir][i] = QDP_create_V();
      P7tmp[dir][i] = QDP_create_V();
#if 1
    for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
      P5s[mu][i] = QDP_create_V();
      for(dir=0; dir<8; dir++) {
	P5tmps[mu][dir][i] = QDP_create_V();
    for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
      P5[mu][i] = QDP_create_V();
      for(dir=0; dir<8; dir++) {
	P5tmp[mu][dir][i] = QDP_create_V();
	//printf("%p %p\n", P5tmp[mu][dir][i], &(P5tmp[mu][dir][i])); fflush(stdout);
	if(P5tmp[mu][dir][i]==NULL) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "error: can't create V\n");
  //printf("%p\n", P5tmp[0][4][0]); fflush(stdout);

  for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
    for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
      P3[mu][i] = QDP_create_V();
      //P5[mu][i] = QDP_create_V();

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    tempmom_qdp[mu] = force[mu];
    QDP_M_eqm_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_odd);

  /* Path coefficients times fermion epsilon */
  /* Load path coefficients from table */
  for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
    OneLink[i] = coef->one_link     * eps[i];
    Naik[i]    = coef->naik         * eps[i]; mNaik[i]    = -Naik[i];
    ThreeSt[i] = coef->three_staple * eps[i]; mThreeSt[i] = -ThreeSt[i];
    FiveSt[i]  = coef->five_staple  * eps[i]; mFiveSt[i]  = -FiveSt[i];
    SevenSt[i] = coef->seven_staple * eps[i]; mSevenSt[i] = -SevenSt[i];
    Lepage[i]  = coef->lepage       * eps[i]; mLepage[i]  = -Lepage[i];

#if 0
  printf("nsrc = %i\n", nsrc);
  printf("coeffs = %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", OneLink[0], ThreeSt[0], FiveSt[0],
	 SevenSt[0], Lepage[0], Naik[0]);

  /* *************************************** */

  QOP_trace("start force loop\n");
  for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
    //u_shift_hw_fermion(temp_x_qdp, Pmu, OPP_DIR(mu), temp_hw[OPP_DIR(mu)]);
    u_shift_color_vecs(xin, Pmu, OPP_DIR(mu), nsrc, xintmp[OPP_DIR(mu)]);

    for(sig=0; sig<8; sig++) if( (sig!=mu)&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(mu)) ) {
      //u_shift_hw_fermion(Pmu, P3[sig], sig, temp_hw[sig]);
      u_shift_color_vecs(Pmu, P3[sig], sig, nsrc, Pmutmp[sig]);

      if(GOES_FORWARDS(sig)) {
	/* Add the force F_sig[x+mu]:         x--+             *
	 *                                   |   |             *
	 *                                   o   o             *
	 * the 1 link in the path: - (numbering starts form 0) */
	add_forces_to_mom(P3[sig], Pmu, sig, mThreeSt, nsrc);

    for(nu=0; nu<8; nu++) if( (nu!=mu)&&(nu!=OPP_DIR(mu)) ) {
      int nP5 = 0;
      //Pnumu = hw_qdp[OPP_DIR(nu)];
      //u_shift_hw_fermion(Pmu, Pnumu, OPP_DIR(nu), temp_hw[OPP_DIR(nu)]);
      u_shift_color_vecs(Pmu, Pnumu, OPP_DIR(nu), nsrc, Pmutmp[OPP_DIR(nu)]);
      //QDP_V_veq_V(Pnumu, P3[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_all, nsrc);
      for(sig=0; sig<8; sig++) if( (sig!=mu)&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(mu)) &&
				   (sig!=nu)&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(nu)) ) {
#if 1
	for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
	  P5[sig][i] = P5s[nP5][i];
	  for(dir=0; dir<8; dir++) P5tmp[sig][dir][i] = P5tmps[nP5][dir][i];
	//u_shift_hw_fermion(Pnumu, P5[sig], sig, temp_hw[sig]);
	u_shift_color_vecs(Pnumu, P5[sig], sig, nsrc, Pnumutmp[sig]);

	if(GOES_FORWARDS(sig)) {
	  /* Add the force F_sig[x+mu+nu]:      x--+             *
	   *                                   |   |             *
	   *                                   o   o             *
	   * the 2 link in the path: + (numbering starts form 0) */
	  add_forces_to_mom(P5[sig], Pnumu, sig, FiveSt, nsrc);
      QOP_trace("test 4\n");
      for(rho=0; rho<8; rho++) if( (rho!=mu)&&(rho!=OPP_DIR(mu)) &&
				   (rho!=nu)&&(rho!=OPP_DIR(nu)) ) {
	//Prhonumu = hw_qdp[OPP_DIR(rho)];
	//u_shift_hw_fermion(Pnumu, Prhonumu, OPP_DIR(rho), 
	//		 temp_hw[OPP_DIR(rho)] );
	  u_shift_color_vecs(Pnumu, Prhonumu, OPP_DIR(rho), nsrc,
	  //QDP_V_veq_V(Prhonumu, P5[OPP_DIR(rho)], QDP_all, nsrc);
	for(sig=0; sig<8; sig++) if( (sig!=mu )&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(mu )) &&
				     (sig!=nu )&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(nu )) &&
				     (sig!=rho)&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(rho)) ) {
	  /* Length 7 paths */
	  //P7 = hw_qdp[sig];
	  //u_shift_hw_fermion(Prhonumu, P7, sig, temp_hw[sig] );
  QOP_trace("test 43\n");
	  u_shift_color_vecs(Prhonumu, P7, sig, nsrc, Prhonumutmp[sig]);
  QOP_trace("test 44\n");
	  //QDP_V_eq_r_times_V(P7[0], &SevenSt[0], P7[0], QDP_all);
	  //QDP_V_eq_r_times_V(P7[1], &SevenSt[1], P7[1], QDP_all);
	  if(GOES_FORWARDS(sig)) {
	    /* Add the force F_sig[x+mu+nu+rho]:  x--+             *
	     *                                   |   |             *
	     *                                   o   o             *
	     * the 3 link in the path: - (numbering starts form 0) */
  QOP_trace("test 45\n");
	    add_forces_to_mom(P7, Prhonumu, sig, mSevenSt, nsrc);
  QOP_trace("test 46\n");
	    //mom_meq_force(P7, Prhonumu, sig);
	  /* Add the force F_rho the 2(4) link in the path: +     */
	  //P7rho = hw_qdp[rho];
	  //u_shift_hw_fermion(P7, P7rho, rho, temp_hw[rho]);
  QOP_trace("test 47\n");
	  u_shift_color_vecs(P7, P7rho, rho, nsrc, P7tmp[rho]);
  QOP_trace("test 48\n");
	  side_link_forces(rho,sig,SevenSt,Pnumu,P7,Prhonumu,P7rho, nsrc);
  QOP_trace("test 49\n");
	  /* Add the P7rho vector to P5 */
	  for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
	    if(FiveSt[i]!=0) coeff[i] = SevenSt[i]/FiveSt[i];
	    else coeff[i] = 0;
  QOP_trace("test 410\n");
	    QDP_V_peq_r_times_V(P5[sig][i], &coeff[i], P7rho[i], QDP_all);
  QOP_trace("test 411\n");
	} /* sig */
      } /* rho */
  QOP_trace("test 5\n");
#define P5nu P7
      for(sig=0; sig<8; sig++) if( (sig!=mu)&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(mu)) &&
				   (sig!=nu)&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(nu)) ) {
	/* Length 5 paths */
	/* Add the force F_nu the 1(3) link in the path: -     */
	//P5nu = hw_qdp[nu];
	//u_shift_hw_fermion(P5[sig], P5nu, nu, temp_hw[nu]);
	u_shift_color_vecs(P5[sig], P5nu, nu, nsrc, P5tmp[sig][nu]);
	side_link_forces(nu, sig, mFiveSt, Pmu, P5[sig], Pnumu, P5nu, nsrc);
	/* Add the P5nu vector to P3 */
	for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
	  if(ThreeSt[i]!=0) coeff[i] = FiveSt[i]/ThreeSt[i]; 
	  else coeff[i] = 0;
	  QDP_V_peq_r_times_V(P3[sig][i], &coeff[i], P5nu[i], QDP_all);
      } /* sig */
    } /* nu */

#define Pmumu Pnumu
#define Pmumutmp Pnumutmp
#define P5sig Prhonumu
#define P5sigtmp Prhonumutmp
#define P3mu P7
#define Popmu P7
#define Pmumumu P7
    /* Now the Lepage term... It is the same as 5-link paths with
       nu=mu and FiveSt=Lepage. */
    //u_shift_hw_fermion(Pmu, Pmumu, OPP_DIR(mu), temp_hw[OPP_DIR(mu)] );
    u_shift_color_vecs(Pmu, Pmumu, OPP_DIR(mu), nsrc, Pmutmp[OPP_DIR(mu)]);

    for(sig=0; sig<8; sig++) if( (sig!=mu)&&(sig!=OPP_DIR(mu)) ) {
      //P5sig = hw_qdp[sig];
      //u_shift_hw_fermion(Pmumu, P5sig, sig, temp_hw[sig]);
      u_shift_color_vecs(Pmumu, P5sig, sig, nsrc, Pmumutmp[sig]);
      if(GOES_FORWARDS(sig)) {
	/* Add the force F_sig[x+mu+nu]:      x--+             *
	 *                                   |   |             *
	 *                                   o   o             *
	 * the 2 link in the path: + (numbering starts form 0) */
	add_forces_to_mom(P5sig, Pmumu, sig, Lepage, nsrc);
      /* Add the force F_nu the 1(3) link in the path: -     */
      //P5nu = hw_qdp[mu];
      //u_shift_hw_fermion(P5sig, P5nu, mu, temp_hw[mu]);
      u_shift_color_vecs(P5sig, P5nu, mu, nsrc, P5sigtmp[mu]);
      side_link_forces(mu, sig, mLepage, Pmu, P5sig, Pmumu, P5nu, nsrc);
      /* Add the P5nu vector to P3 */
      for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
	if(ThreeSt[i]!=0) coeff[i] = Lepage[i]/ThreeSt[i];
	else coeff[i] = 0;
	QDP_V_peq_r_times_V(P3[sig][i], &coeff[i], P5nu[i], QDP_all);

      /* Length 3 paths (Not the Naik term) */
      /* Add the force F_mu the 0(2) link in the path: +     */
      if(GOES_FORWARDS(mu)) {
	//P3mu = hw_qdp[mu];  /* OK to clobber P5nu */
	//u_shift_hw_fermion(P3[sig], P3mu, mu, temp_hw[mu]);
	//u_shift_color_vecs(P3[sig], P3mu, mu, 2, temp_hw[mu]);
	for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
	  QDP_V_eq_V(P5sig[i], P3[sig][i], QDP_all);
	u_shift_color_vecs(P5sig, P3mu, mu, nsrc, P5sigtmp[mu]);
      /* The above shift is not needed if mu is backwards */
      side_link_forces(mu, sig, ThreeSt, xin, P3[sig], Pmu, P3mu, nsrc);

    /* Finally the OneLink and the Naik term */
    if(GOES_BACKWARDS(mu)) {
      /* Do only the forward terms in the Dslash */
      /* Because I have shifted with OPP_DIR(mu) Pmu is a forward *
       * shift.                                                   */
      /* The one link */
      add_forces_to_mom(Pmu, xin, OPP_DIR(mu), OneLink, nsrc);
      /* For the same reason Pmumu is the forward double link */

      /* Popmu is a backward shift */
      //Popmu = hw_qdp[mu]; /* OK to clobber P3mu */
      //u_shift_hw_fermion(xin, Popmu, mu, temp_hw[mu]);
      u_shift_color_vecs(xin, Popmu, mu, nsrc, xintmp[mu]);
      /* The Naik */
      /* link no 1: - */
      add_forces_to_mom(Pmumu, Popmu, OPP_DIR(mu), mNaik, nsrc);
      /* Pmumumu can overwrite Popmu which is no longer needed */
      //Pmumumu = hw_qdp[OPP_DIR(mu)];
      //u_shift_hw_fermion(Pmumu, Pmumumu, OPP_DIR(mu), temp_hw[OPP_DIR(mu)]);
      u_shift_color_vecs(Pmumu, Pmumumu, OPP_DIR(mu), nsrc, Pmumutmp[OPP_DIR(mu)]);
      /* link no 0: + */
      add_forces_to_mom(Pmumumu, xin, OPP_DIR(mu), Naik, nsrc);
    } else {
      /* The rest of the Naik terms */
      //Popmu = hw_qdp[mu]; /* OK to clobber P3mu */
      //u_shift_hw_fermion(xin, Popmu, mu, temp_hw[mu]);
      u_shift_color_vecs(xin, Popmu, mu, nsrc, xintmp[mu]);
      /* link no 2: + */
      /* Pmumu is double backward shift */
      add_forces_to_mom(Popmu, Pmumu, mu, Naik, nsrc);
    /* Here we have to do together the Naik term and the one link term */

  }/* mu */
  QOP_trace("test 6\n");
  QOP_trace("test 7\n");

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    QDP_M_eq_M(tmpmat, tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_even);
    QDP_M_eqm_M(tmpmat, tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_odd);
    QDP_M_eq_antiherm_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], tmpmat, QDP_all);

  //printf("%p\n", P5tmp[0][4][0]); fflush(stdout);
  //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
  /* Free temporary vectors */
  for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
    //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
    for(dir=0; dir<8; dir++) {
    //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
    for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
      //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
      //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
      for(dir=0; dir<8; dir++) {
	//if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
	//printf("%p\n", P5tmp[mu][dir][i]); fflush(stdout);
	//if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
      //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }
    //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("line %i\n",__LINE__); fflush(stdout); }

  //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("here3\n"); fflush(stdout); }
  for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
    for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {

  for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++) {

  //if(QDP_this_node==0) { printf("here4\n"); fflush(stdout); }
  for(i=4; i<8; i++) {

  dtime += QOP_time();
  info->final_sec = dtime;
  info->final_flop = nflop*QDP_sites_on_node;
  info->status = QOP_SUCCESS;

#undef NC
コード例 #2
ファイル: eigen_stuff_qdp.c プロジェクト: andypea/MILC
Rayleigh_min_qdp(QDP_ColorVector *vec, QDP_ColorVector **eigVec,
		 Real Tolerance,  Real RelTol, int Nvecs, int MaxIter,
		 int Restart, QDP_Subset subset)
  QLA_Complex cc;
  QLA_Real beta, cos_theta, sin_theta;
  QLA_Real quot, P_norm, theta, real_vecMp, pMp;
  QLA_Real g_norm, old_g_norm, start_g_norm;
  QDP_ColorVector *Mvec, *grad, *P, *MP;
  int iter;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("begin Rayleigh_min_qdp\n");

  Mvec = QDP_create_V();
  grad = QDP_create_V();
  //oldgrad = QDP_create_V();
  P = QDP_create_V();
  MP = QDP_create_V();

  project_out_qdp(vec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
  normalize_qdp(vec, subset);
  Matrix_Vec_mult_qdp(vec, Mvec, subset);
  project_out_qdp(Mvec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);

  /* Compute the quotient quot=vev*M*vec */
  QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&quot, vec, Mvec, subset);
  /* quot is real since M is hermitian. quot = vec*M*vec */
#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("Rayleigh_min: Start -- quot=%g\n", quot);
  /* Compute the grad=M*vec - quot*vec */
  QDP_V_eq_V(grad, Mvec, QDP_all);
  QDP_V_meq_r_times_V(grad, &quot, vec, subset);
  /* set P (the search direction) equal to grad */
  QDP_V_eq_V(P, grad, QDP_all);
  /* compute the norms of P and grad */
  QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
  P_norm = sqrt(P_norm);
  QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&g_norm, grad, subset);
  g_norm = sqrt(g_norm);
  start_g_norm = g_norm;
  //QDP_V_eq_V(oldgrad, grad, subset);
#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("Rayleigh_min: Start -- g_norm=%g\n", g_norm);

  iter = 0;
  while( (g_norm>Tolerance*quot) &&
	 ( ((iter<MaxIter)&&(g_norm/start_g_norm>RelTol)) || (iter<MINITER) )
	 ) {
    Matrix_Vec_mult_qdp(P, MP, subset);
    QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&real_vecMp, vec, MP, subset);
    QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&pMp, P, MP, subset);
    theta = 0.5*atan(2.0*real_vecMp/(quot*P_norm - pMp/P_norm));
    sin_theta = sin(theta);
    cos_theta = cos(theta);
    if(sin_theta*cos_theta*real_vecMp>0) {
      theta = theta - 0.5*M_PI;  /* chose the minimum not the maximum */
      sin_theta = sin(theta);  /* the sin,cos calls can be avoided */
      cos_theta = cos(theta);
    sin_theta = sin_theta/P_norm;
    /* vec = cos(theta)*vec +sin(theta)*P/p_norm */
    //dax_p_by_qdp(cos_theta, vec, sin_theta, P, subset);
    QDP_V_eq_r_times_V(vec, &cos_theta, vec, subset);
    QDP_V_peq_r_times_V(vec, &sin_theta, P, subset);
    /* Mvec = cos(theta)*Mvec +sin(theta)*MP/p_norm */
    //dax_p_by_qdp(cos_theta, Mvec, sin_theta, MP, subset);
    QDP_V_eq_r_times_V(Mvec, &cos_theta, Mvec, subset);
    QDP_V_peq_r_times_V(Mvec, &sin_theta, MP, subset);
    /* renormalize vec ... */
    if( iter%Restart == 0 ) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	QLA_Real vec_norm;
	if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("Renormalizing...");
	QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&vec_norm, vec, subset);
	if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("  norm: %g\n", sqrt(vec_norm));
      /* Project vec on the orthogonal complement of eigVec */
      project_out_qdp(vec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
      normalize_qdp(vec, subset);
      Matrix_Vec_mult_qdp(vec, Mvec, subset);
      /* Recompute the quotient */
      QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&quot, vec, Mvec, subset);
      /* Recompute the grad */
      QDP_V_eq_V(grad, Mvec, QDP_all);
      QDP_V_meq_r_times_V(grad, &quot, vec, subset);
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&g_norm, grad, subset);
      //printf("g_norm = %g\n", g_norm);
      /* Project P on the orthogonal complement of eigVec */
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      //printf("P_norm = %g\n", P_norm);
      project_out_qdp(P, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      //printf("P_norm = %g\n", P_norm);
      /* make P orthogonal to vec */
      QDP_c_eq_V_dot_V(&cc, vec, P, subset);
      //printf("cc = %g\n", QLA_real(cc));
      QDP_V_meq_c_times_V(P, &cc, vec, subset);
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      //printf("P_norm = %g\n", P_norm);
      /* make P orthogonal to grad */
      QDP_c_eq_V_dot_V(&cc, grad, P, subset);
      //printf("cc = %g\n", QLA_real(cc));
      QDP_V_meq_c_times_V(P, &cc, grad, subset);
      QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      P_norm = sqrt(P_norm);
    QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&quot, vec, Mvec, subset);
#ifdef DEBUG
    node0_printf("Rayleigh_min: %i, quot=%8g g=%8g b=%6g P:%6g\n",
		 iter, quot, g_norm, beta, P_norm);
    old_g_norm = g_norm;

    QDP_V_eq_V(grad, Mvec, QDP_all);
    QDP_V_meq_r_times_V(grad, &quot, vec, subset);

    //QDP_V_meq_V(oldgrad, grad, subset);
    //QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&g_norm, oldgrad, grad, subset);
    //QDP_V_eq_V(oldgrad, grad, subset);

    QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&g_norm, grad, subset);
    g_norm = sqrt(g_norm);

    beta = cos_theta*g_norm*g_norm/(old_g_norm*old_g_norm);
    if( beta>2.0 ) beta = 2.0;  /* Cut off beta */

    QDP_c_eq_V_dot_V(&cc, vec, P, subset);
    QLA_real(cc) *= beta;
    QLA_imag(cc) *= beta;
    QDP_V_eq_r_times_V_plus_V(P, &beta, P, grad, subset);
    QDP_V_meq_c_times_V(P, &cc, vec, subset);
    QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
    P_norm = sqrt(P_norm);
  project_out_qdp(vec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
  normalize_qdp(vec, subset);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("end Rayleigh_min_qdp\n");
  return iter;