コード例 #1
ファイル: video.cpp プロジェクト: StefanRoss/mythtv
DTC::VideoLookupList* Video::LookupVideo( const QString    &Title,
                                              const QString    &Subtitle,
                                              const QString    &Inetref,
                                              int              Season,
                                              int              Episode,
                                              const QString    &GrabberType  )
    DTC::VideoLookupList *pVideoLookups = new DTC::VideoLookupList();

    MetadataLookupList list;

    MetadataFactory *factory = new MetadataFactory(NULL);

    if (factory)
        list = factory->SynchronousLookup(Title, Subtitle,
                                         Inetref, Season, Episode, GrabberType);

    if ( !list.size() )
        return pVideoLookups;

    for( int n = 0; n < list.size(); n++ )
        DTC::VideoLookup *pVideoLookup = pVideoLookups->AddNewVideoLookup();

        MetadataLookup *lookup = list[n];

        if (lookup)

            ArtworkList coverartlist = lookup->GetArtwork(kArtworkCoverart);
            ArtworkList::iterator c;
            for (c = coverartlist.begin(); c != coverartlist.end(); ++c)
                DTC::ArtworkItem *art = pVideoLookup->AddNewArtwork();
            ArtworkList fanartlist = lookup->GetArtwork(kArtworkFanart);
            ArtworkList::iterator f;
            for (f = fanartlist.begin(); f != fanartlist.end(); ++f)
                DTC::ArtworkItem *art = pVideoLookup->AddNewArtwork();
            ArtworkList bannerlist = lookup->GetArtwork(kArtworkBanner);
            ArtworkList::iterator b;
            for (b = bannerlist.begin(); b != bannerlist.end(); ++b)
                DTC::ArtworkItem *art = pVideoLookup->AddNewArtwork();
            ArtworkList screenshotlist = lookup->GetArtwork(kArtworkScreenshot);
            ArtworkList::iterator s;
            for (s = screenshotlist.begin(); s != screenshotlist.end(); ++s)
                DTC::ArtworkItem *art = pVideoLookup->AddNewArtwork();

            delete lookup;

    pVideoLookups->setCount         ( list.count()                 );
    pVideoLookups->setAsOf          ( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
    pVideoLookups->setVersion       ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION          );
    pVideoLookups->setProtoVer      ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION           );

    delete factory;

    return pVideoLookups;
コード例 #2
// Refresh not up to date metrics
void MetricAggregator::refreshMetrics()
コード例 #3
    QDateTime InfoTimeDestination::dateTime() const
	return QDateTime( QDate( m_year, m_month, m_day ),
			  QTime( m_hour, m_minute, 0 ) );
コード例 #4
    Sets minimum \a minTime and maximum \a maxTime in QTime format. This will allow the user to set a time range on datetime picker.

    \param minTime minimum time in QTime format.
    \param maxTime maximum time in QTime format.

    \sa setMinimumTime \sa setMaximumTime
void HbDateTimePicker::setTimeRange(const QTime &minTime, const QTime &maxTime)
    setDateTimeRange(QDateTime(d->mMinimumDate.date(), minTime),
                     QDateTime(d->mMinimumDate.date(), maxTime));
コード例 #5
        qDebug() << "Failed to save the recurrent event; error:" << defaultManager.error();
    //! [Creating a recurrent event]

    //! [Retrieving occurrences of a particular recurrent event within a time period]
    QList<QOrganizerItem> instances = defaultManager.itemOccurrences(marshmallowMeeting, startDateTime, endDateTime);
    //! [Retrieving occurrences of a particular recurrent event within a time period]
    qDebug() << "dumping retrieved instances:";
    foreach(const QOrganizerItem& currInst, instances)
        qDebug() << "....................";

    //! [Retrieving the next 5 occurrences of a particular recurrent event]
    instances = defaultManager.itemOccurrences(marshmallowMeeting, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), QDateTime(), 5);
    //! [Retrieving the next 5 occurrences of a particular recurrent event]

    //! [Retrieving the next 10 occurrences of any item (Agenda View)]
    instances = defaultManager.items(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), QDateTime());
    instances = instances.mid(0, 10);
    //! [Retrieving the next 10 occurrences of any item (Agenda View)]

    //! [Creating a non-recurrent entry]
    // a default constructed journal will have it's date/time set to the current date/time.
    QOrganizerJournal journal;
    journal.setDescription("The conference went well.  We all agree that marshmallows are awesome, "\
                    "but we were unable to reach any agreement as to how we could possibly "\
                    "increase our intake of marshmallows.  Several action points were assigned "\
                    "to various members of the group; I have been tasked with finding a good "\
                    "recipe that combines both marshmallows and chocolate, by next Wednesday.");
コード例 #6
    Sets maximum \a date in QDate format.

    \param date Maximum date to be set on datetime picker in QDate format.

    \sa maximumDate
void HbDateTimePicker::setMaximumDate(const QDate& date)
    setMaximumDateTime(QDateTime(date, d->mMaximumDate.time()));
コード例 #7
    Sets the current \a time, to be set on datetime picker widget, in QTime format.

    \param time in QTime format.

    \sa time
void HbDateTimePicker::setTime(const QTime &time)
    setDateTime(QDateTime(d->mDateTime.date(), time));
コード例 #8
ファイル: coremetadatatype.cpp プロジェクト: Nazardo/QEbu
void PublicationType::clearDate()
    m_date = QDateTime();
コード例 #9
ファイル: coremetadatatype.cpp プロジェクト: Nazardo/QEbu
void PublicationType::clearTime()
    m_time = QDateTime();
コード例 #10
void EclipsesItem::initialize()
    // set basic information
    int year, month, day, hour, min, phase;
    double secs, tz;

    phase = m_ecl->getEclYearInfo( m_index, year, month, day,
                                            hour, min, secs,
                                            tz, m_magnitude );

    switch( phase ) {
        case -4: m_phase = EclipsesItem::TotalMoon; break;
        case -3: m_phase = EclipsesItem::PartialMoon; break;
        case -2:
        case -1: m_phase = EclipsesItem::PenumbralMoon; break;
        case  1: m_phase = EclipsesItem::PartialSun; break;
        case  2: m_phase = EclipsesItem::NonCentralAnnularSun; break;
        case  3: m_phase = EclipsesItem::NonCentralTotalSun; break;
        case  4: m_phase = EclipsesItem::AnnularSun; break;
        case  5: m_phase = EclipsesItem::TotalSun; break;
        case  6: m_phase = EclipsesItem::AnnularTotalSun; break;
            mDebug() << "Invalid phase for eclipse at" << year << "/" <<
                        day << "/" << month << "!";

    m_dateMaximum = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ),
                               QTime( hour, min, secs ),
                               Qt::LocalTime );

    // get global start/end date of eclipse

    double mjd_start, mjd_end;
    m_ecl->putEclSelect( m_index );

    if( m_ecl->getPartial( mjd_start, mjd_end ) != 0 ) {
        m_ecl->getDatefromMJD( mjd_start, year, month, day, hour, min, secs );
        m_startDatePartial = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ),
                                        QTime( hour, min, secs ),
                                        Qt::LocalTime );
        m_ecl->getDatefromMJD( mjd_end, year, month, day, hour, min, secs );
        m_endDatePartial = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ),
                                      QTime( hour, min, secs ),
                                      Qt::LocalTime );
    } else {
        // duration is shorter than 1 min
        m_startDatePartial = m_dateMaximum;
        m_endDatePartial = m_dateMaximum;

    m_isTotal = ( m_ecl->getTotal( mjd_start, mjd_end ) != 0 );
    if( m_isTotal ) {
        m_ecl->getDatefromMJD( mjd_start, year, month, day, hour, min, secs );
        m_startDateTotal = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ),
                                      QTime( hour, min, secs ),
                                      Qt::LocalTime );
        m_ecl->getDatefromMJD( mjd_end, year, month, day, hour, min, secs );
        m_endDateTotal = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ),
                                    QTime( hour, min, secs ),
                                    Qt::LocalTime );

    // detailed calculations are done when required
    m_calculationsNeedUpdate = true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: qgsmaplayer.cpp プロジェクト: Br1ndavoine/QGIS
bool QgsMapLayer::writeLayerXML( QDomElement& layerElement, QDomDocument& document, QString relativeBasePath )
  // use scale dependent visibility flag
  layerElement.setAttribute( "hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag", hasScaleBasedVisibility() ? 1 : 0 );
  layerElement.setAttribute( "minimumScale", QString::number( minimumScale() ) );
  layerElement.setAttribute( "maximumScale", QString::number( maximumScale() ) );

  // ID
  QDomElement layerId = document.createElement( "id" );
  QDomText layerIdText = document.createTextNode( id() );
  layerId.appendChild( layerIdText );

  layerElement.appendChild( layerId );

  // data source
  QDomElement dataSource = document.createElement( "datasource" );

  QString src = source();

  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( this );
  // TODO: what about postgres, mysql and others, they should not go through writePath()
  if ( vlayer && vlayer->providerType() == "spatialite" )
    QgsDataSourceURI uri( src );
    QString database = QgsProject::instance()->writePath( uri.database(), relativeBasePath );
    uri.setConnection( uri.host(), uri.port(), database, uri.username(), uri.password() );
    src = uri.uri();
  else if ( vlayer && vlayer->providerType() == "ogr" )
    QStringList theURIParts = src.split( "|" );
    theURIParts[0] = QgsProject::instance()->writePath( theURIParts[0], relativeBasePath );
    src = theURIParts.join( "|" );
  else if ( vlayer && vlayer->providerType() == "gpx" )
    QStringList theURIParts = src.split( "?" );
    theURIParts[0] = QgsProject::instance()->writePath( theURIParts[0], relativeBasePath );
    src = theURIParts.join( "?" );
  else if ( vlayer && vlayer->providerType() == "delimitedtext" )
    QUrl urlSource = QUrl::fromEncoded( src.toAscii() );
    QUrl urlDest = QUrl::fromLocalFile( QgsProject::instance()->writePath( urlSource.toLocalFile(), relativeBasePath ) );
    urlDest.setQueryItems( urlSource.queryItems() );
    src = QString::fromAscii( urlDest.toEncoded() );
    bool handled = false;

    if ( !vlayer )
      QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( this );
      // Update path for subdataset
      if ( rlayer && rlayer->providerType() == "gdal" )
        if ( src.startsWith( "NETCDF:" ) )
          // NETCDF:filename:variable
          // filename can be quoted with " as it can contain colons
          QRegExp r( "NETCDF:(.+):([^:]+)" );
          if ( r.exactMatch( src ) )
            QString filename = r.cap( 1 );
            if ( filename.startsWith( '"' ) && filename.endsWith( '"' ) )
              filename = filename.mid( 1, filename.length() - 2 );
            src = "NETCDF:\"" + QgsProject::instance()->writePath( filename, relativeBasePath ) + "\":" + r.cap( 2 );
            handled = true;
        else if ( src.startsWith( "HDF4_SDS:" ) )
          // HDF4_SDS:subdataset_type:file_name:subdataset_index
          // filename can be quoted with " as it can contain colons
          QRegExp r( "HDF4_SDS:([^:]+):(.+):([^:]+)" );
          if ( r.exactMatch( src ) )
            QString filename = r.cap( 2 );
            if ( filename.startsWith( '"' ) && filename.endsWith( '"' ) )
              filename = filename.mid( 1, filename.length() - 2 );
            src = "HDF4_SDS:" + r.cap( 1 ) + ":\"" + QgsProject::instance()->writePath( filename, relativeBasePath ) + "\":" + r.cap( 3 );
            handled = true;
        else if ( src.startsWith( "HDF5:" ) )
          // HDF5:file_name:subdataset
          // filename can be quoted with " as it can contain colons
          QRegExp r( "HDF5:(.+):([^:]+)" );
          if ( r.exactMatch( src ) )
            QString filename = r.cap( 1 );
            if ( filename.startsWith( '"' ) && filename.endsWith( '"' ) )
              filename = filename.mid( 1, filename.length() - 2 );
            src = "HDF5:\"" + QgsProject::instance()->writePath( filename, relativeBasePath ) + "\":" + r.cap( 2 );
            handled = true;
        else if ( src.contains( QRegExp( "^(NITF_IM|RADARSAT_2_CALIB):" ) ) )
          // NITF_IM:0:filename
          // RADARSAT_2_CALIB:?:filename
          QRegExp r( "([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)" );
          if ( r.exactMatch( src ) )
            src = r.cap( 1 ) + ":" + r.cap( 2 ) + ":" + QgsProject::instance()->writePath( r.cap( 3 ), relativeBasePath );
            handled = true;

    if ( !handled )
      src = QgsProject::instance()->writePath( src, relativeBasePath );

  QDomText dataSourceText = document.createTextNode( src );
  dataSource.appendChild( dataSourceText );

  layerElement.appendChild( dataSource );

  // layer name
  QDomElement layerName = document.createElement( "layername" );
  QDomText layerNameText = document.createTextNode( originalName() );
  layerName.appendChild( layerNameText );

  // layer title
  QDomElement layerTitle = document.createElement( "title" );
  QDomText layerTitleText = document.createTextNode( title() );
  layerTitle.appendChild( layerTitleText );

  // layer abstract
  QDomElement layerAbstract = document.createElement( "abstract" );
  QDomText layerAbstractText = document.createTextNode( abstract() );
  layerAbstract.appendChild( layerAbstractText );

  layerElement.appendChild( layerName );
  layerElement.appendChild( layerTitle );
  layerElement.appendChild( layerAbstract );

  // layer keyword list
  QStringList keywordStringList = keywordList().split( "," );
  if ( keywordStringList.size() > 0 )
    QDomElement layerKeywordList = document.createElement( "keywordList" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < keywordStringList.size(); ++i )
      QDomElement layerKeywordValue = document.createElement( "value" );
      QDomText layerKeywordText = document.createTextNode( keywordStringList.at( i ).trimmed() );
      layerKeywordValue.appendChild( layerKeywordText );
      layerKeywordList.appendChild( layerKeywordValue );
    layerElement.appendChild( layerKeywordList );

  // layer metadataUrl
  QString aDataUrl = dataUrl();
  if ( !aDataUrl.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement layerDataUrl = document.createElement( "dataUrl" );
    QDomText layerDataUrlText = document.createTextNode( aDataUrl );
    layerDataUrl.appendChild( layerDataUrlText );
    layerDataUrl.setAttribute( "format", dataUrlFormat() );
    layerElement.appendChild( layerDataUrl );

  // layer legendUrl
  QString aLegendUrl = legendUrl();
  if ( !aLegendUrl.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement layerLegendUrl = document.createElement( "legendUrl" );
    QDomText layerLegendUrlText = document.createTextNode( aLegendUrl );
    layerLegendUrl.appendChild( layerLegendUrlText );
    layerLegendUrl.setAttribute( "format", legendUrlFormat() );
    layerElement.appendChild( layerLegendUrl );

  // layer attribution
  QString aAttribution = attribution();
  if ( !aAttribution.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement layerAttribution = document.createElement( "attribution" );
    QDomText layerAttributionText = document.createTextNode( aAttribution );
    layerAttribution.appendChild( layerAttributionText );
    layerAttribution.setAttribute( "href", attributionUrl() );
    layerElement.appendChild( layerAttribution );

  // layer metadataUrl
  QString aMetadataUrl = metadataUrl();
  if ( !aMetadataUrl.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement layerMetadataUrl = document.createElement( "metadataUrl" );
    QDomText layerMetadataUrlText = document.createTextNode( aMetadataUrl );
    layerMetadataUrl.appendChild( layerMetadataUrlText );
    layerMetadataUrl.setAttribute( "type", metadataUrlType() );
    layerMetadataUrl.setAttribute( "format", metadataUrlFormat() );
    layerElement.appendChild( layerMetadataUrl );

  // timestamp if supported
  if ( timestamp() > QDateTime() )
    QDomElement stamp = document.createElement( "timestamp" );
    QDomText stampText = document.createTextNode( timestamp().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
    stamp.appendChild( stampText );
    layerElement.appendChild( stamp );

  layerElement.appendChild( layerName );

  // zorder
  // This is no longer stored in the project file. It is superfluous since the layers
  // are written and read in the proper order.

  // spatial reference system id
  QDomElement mySrsElement = document.createElement( "srs" );
  mCRS->writeXML( mySrsElement, document );
  layerElement.appendChild( mySrsElement );

#if 0
  // <transparencyLevelInt>
  QDomElement transparencyLevelIntElement = document.createElement( "transparencyLevelInt" );
  QDomText    transparencyLevelIntText    = document.createTextNode( QString::number( getTransparency() ) );
  transparencyLevelIntElement.appendChild( transparencyLevelIntText );
  maplayer.appendChild( transparencyLevelIntElement );

  // now append layer node to map layer node

  writeCustomProperties( layerElement, document );

  return writeXml( layerElement, document );

} // bool QgsMapLayer::writeXML
コード例 #12
	void DailyRollingFileAppender::computeRollOverTime()
	    // Q_ASSERT_X(, "DailyRollingFileAppender::computeRollOverTime()", "Lock must be held by caller")
	    Q_ASSERT_X(!mActiveDatePattern.isEmpty(), "DailyRollingFileAppender::computeRollOverTime()", "No active date pattern");
	    QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
	    QDate now_date = now.date();
	    QTime now_time = now.time();
	    QDateTime start;
	    switch (mFrequency)
	        case MINUTELY_ROLLOVER:
	                start = QDateTime(now_date,
	                                        0, 0));
	                mRollOverTime = start.addSecs(60);
	        case HOURLY_ROLLOVER:
	                start = QDateTime(now_date,
	                                        0, 0, 0));
	                mRollOverTime = start.addSecs(60*60);
	                int hour = now_time.hour();
	                if (hour >=  12)
	                    hour = 12;
	                    hour = 0;
	                start = QDateTime(now_date,
	                                  QTime(hour, 0, 0, 0));
	                mRollOverTime = start.addSecs(60*60*12);
	        case DAILY_ROLLOVER:
	                start = QDateTime(now_date,
	                                  QTime(0, 0, 0, 0));
	                mRollOverTime = start.addDays(1);
	        case WEEKLY_ROLLOVER:
	                // QT numbers the week days 1..7. The week starts on Monday.
	                // Change it to being numbered 0..6, starting with Sunday.
	                int day = now_date.dayOfWeek();
	                if (day == Qt::Sunday)
	                    day = 0;
	                start = QDateTime(now_date,
	                                  QTime(0, 0, 0, 0)).addDays(-1 * day);
	                mRollOverTime = start.addDays(7);
	        case MONTHLY_ROLLOVER:
	                start = QDateTime(QDate(now_date.year(),
	                                  QTime(0, 0, 0, 0));
	                mRollOverTime = start.addMonths(1);
	            Q_ASSERT_X(false, "DailyRollingFileAppender::computeInterval()", "Invalid datePattern constant");
	            mRollOverTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(0);
	    mRollOverSuffix = static_cast<DateTime>(start).toString(mActiveDatePattern);
	    Q_ASSERT_X(static_cast<DateTime>(now).toString(mActiveDatePattern) == mRollOverSuffix, 
	               "DailyRollingFileAppender::computeRollOverTime()", "File name changes within interval");
	    Q_ASSERT_X(mRollOverSuffix != static_cast<DateTime>(mRollOverTime).toString(mActiveDatePattern),
	               "DailyRollingFileAppender::computeRollOverTime()", "File name does not change with rollover");
	    logger()->trace("Computing roll over time from %1: The interval start time is %2. The roll over time is %3",
コード例 #13
void tst_QXmppRpcIq::testDateTime()
    checkVariant(QDateTime(QDate(1998, 7, 17), QTime(14, 8, 55)),
コード例 #14
    Parse all the date formats that Firefox can.

    The official format is:
    expires=ddd(d)?, dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT

    But browsers have been supporting a very wide range of date
    strings. To work on many sites we need to support more then
    just the official date format.

    For reference see Firefox's PR_ParseTimeStringToExplodedTime in
    prtime.c. The Firefox date parser is coded in a very complex way
    and is slightly over ~700 lines long.  While this implementation
    will be slightly slower for the non standard dates it is smaller,
    more readable, and maintainable.

    Or in their own words:
        "} // else what the hell is this."
static QDateTime parseDateString(const QByteArray &dateString)
    QTime time;
    // placeholders for values when we are not sure it is a year, month or day
    int unknown[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
    int month = -1;
    int day = -1;
    int year = -1;
    int zoneOffset = -1;

    // hour:minute:second.ms pm
    QRegExp timeRx(QLatin1String("(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2})(:(\\d{1,2})|)(\\.(\\d{1,3})|)((\\s{0,}(am|pm))|)"));

    int at = 0;
    while (at < dateString.length()) {
        qDebug() << dateString.mid(at);
        bool isNum = isNumber(dateString[at]);

        // Month
        if (!isNum
            && checkStaticArray(month, dateString, at, months, sizeof(months)- 1)) {
            qDebug() << "Month:" << month;
            at += 3;
        // Zone
        if (!isNum
            && zoneOffset == -1
            && checkStaticArray(zoneOffset, dateString, at, zones, sizeof(zones)- 1)) {
            int sign = (at >= 0 && dateString[at - 1] == '-') ? -1 : 1;
            zoneOffset = sign * zoneOffsets[zoneOffset] * 60 * 60;
            qDebug() << "Zone:" << month;
            at += 3;
        // Zone offset
        if (!isNum
            && (zoneOffset == -1 || zoneOffset == 0) // Can only go after gmt
            && (dateString[at] == '+' || dateString[at] == '-')
            && (at == 0
                || isWhitespace(dateString[at - 1])
                || dateString[at - 1] == ','
                || (at >= 3
                    && (dateString[at - 3] == 'g')
                    && (dateString[at - 2] == 'm')
                    && (dateString[at - 1] == 't')))) {

            int end = 1;
            while (end < 5 && dateString.length() > at+end
                   && dateString[at + end] >= '0' && dateString[at + end] <= '9')
            int minutes = 0;
            int hours = 0;
            switch (end - 1) {
            case 4:
                minutes = atoi(dateString.mid(at + 3, 2).constData());
                // fall through
            case 2:
                hours = atoi(dateString.mid(at + 1, 2).constData());
            case 1:
                hours = atoi(dateString.mid(at + 1, 1).constData());
                at += end;
            if (end != 1) {
                int sign = dateString[at] == '-' ? -1 : 1;
                zoneOffset = sign * ((minutes * 60) + (hours * 60 * 60));
                qDebug() << "Zone offset:" << zoneOffset << hours << minutes;
                at += end;

        // Time
        if (isNum && time.isNull()
            && dateString.length() >= at + 3
            && (dateString[at + 2] == ':' || dateString[at + 1] == ':')) {
            // While the date can be found all over the string the format
            // for the time is set and a nice regexp can be used.
            int pos = timeRx.indexIn(QLatin1String(dateString), at);
            if (pos != -1) {
                QStringList list = timeRx.capturedTexts();
                int h = atoi(list.at(1).toLatin1().constData());
                int m = atoi(list.at(2).toLatin1().constData());
                int s = atoi(list.at(4).toLatin1().constData());
                int ms = atoi(list.at(6).toLatin1().constData());
                if (h < 12 && !list.at(9).isEmpty())
                    if (list.at(9) == QLatin1String("pm"))
                        h += 12;
                time = QTime(h, m, s, ms);
                qDebug() << "Time:" << list << timeRx.matchedLength();
                at += timeRx.matchedLength();

        // 4 digit Year
        if (isNum
            && year == -1
            && dateString.length() >= at + 3) {
            if (isNumber(dateString[at + 1])
                && isNumber(dateString[at + 2])
                && isNumber(dateString[at + 3])) {
                year = atoi(dateString.mid(at, 4).constData());
                at += 4;
                qDebug() << "Year:" << year;

        // a one or two digit number
        // Could be month, day or year
        if (isNum) {
            int length = 1;
            if (dateString.length() > at + 1
                && isNumber(dateString[at + 1]))
            int x = atoi(dateString.mid(at, length).constData());
            if (year == -1 && (x > 31 || x == 0)) {
                year = x;
            } else {
                if (unknown[0] == -1) unknown[0] = x;
                else if (unknown[1] == -1) unknown[1] = x;
                else if (unknown[2] == -1) unknown[2] = x;
            at += length;
            qDebug() << "Saving" << x;

        // Unknown character, typically a weekday such as 'Mon'

    // Once we are done parsing the string take the digits in unknown
    // and determine which is the unknown year/month/day

    int couldBe[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    int unknownCount = 3;
    for (int i = 0; i < unknownCount; ++i) {
        if (unknown[i] == -1) {
            couldBe[i] = ADAY | AYEAR | AMONTH;
            unknownCount = i;

        if (unknown[i] >= 1)
            couldBe[i] = ADAY;

        if (month == -1 && unknown[i] >= 1 && unknown[i] <= 12)
            couldBe[i] |= AMONTH;

        if (year == -1)
            couldBe[i] |= AYEAR;

    // For any possible day make sure one of the values that could be a month
    // can contain that day.
    // For any possible month make sure one of the values that can be a
    // day that month can have.
    // Example: 31 11 06
    // 31 can't be a day because 11 and 6 don't have 31 days
    for (int i = 0; i < unknownCount; ++i) {
        int currentValue = unknown[i];
        bool findMatchingMonth = couldBe[i] & ADAY && currentValue >= 29;
        bool findMatchingDay = couldBe[i] & AMONTH;
        if (!findMatchingMonth || !findMatchingDay)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
            if (j == i)
            for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
                if (k == 0 && !(findMatchingMonth && (couldBe[j] & AMONTH)))
                else if (k == 1 && !(findMatchingDay && (couldBe[j] & ADAY)))
                int m = currentValue;
                int d = unknown[j];
                if (k == 0)
                    qSwap(m, d);
                if (m == -1) m = month;
                bool found = true;
                switch(m) {
                    case 2:
                        // When we get 29 and the year ends up having only 28
                        // See date.isValid below
                        // Example: 29 23 Feb
                        if (d <= 29)
                            found = false;
                    case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
                        if (d <= 30)
                            found = false;
                        if (d > 0 && d <= 31)
                            found = false;
                if (k == 0) findMatchingMonth = found;
                else if (k == 1) findMatchingDay = found;
        if (findMatchingMonth)
            couldBe[i] &= ~ADAY;
        if (findMatchingDay)
            couldBe[i] &= ~AMONTH;

    // First set the year/month/day that have been deduced
    // and reduce the set as we go along to deduce more
    for (int i = 0; i < unknownCount; ++i) {
        int unset = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
            if (couldBe[j] == ADAY && day == -1) {
                day = unknown[j];
                unset |= ADAY;
            } else if (couldBe[j] == AMONTH && month == -1) {
                month = unknown[j];
                unset |= AMONTH;
            } else if (couldBe[j] == AYEAR && year == -1) {
                year = unknown[j];
                unset |= AYEAR;
            } else {
                // common case
            couldBe[j] &= ~unset;

    // Now fallback to a standardized order to fill in the rest with
    for (int i = 0; i < unknownCount; ++i) {
        if (couldBe[i] & AMONTH && month == -1) month = unknown[i];
        else if (couldBe[i] & ADAY && day == -1) day = unknown[i];
        else if (couldBe[i] & AYEAR && year == -1) year = unknown[i];
        qDebug() << "Final set" << year << month << day;

    if (year == -1 || month == -1 || day == -1) {
        qDebug() << "Parser failure" << year << month << day;
        return QDateTime();

    // Y2k behavior
    int y2k = 0;
    if (year < 70)
        y2k = 2000;
    else if (year < 100)
        y2k = 1900;

    QDate date(year + y2k, month, day);

    // When we were given a bad cookie that when parsed
    // set the day to 29 and the year to one that doesn't
    // have the 29th of Feb rather then adding the extra
    // complicated checking earlier just swap here.
    // Example: 29 23 Feb
    if (!date.isValid())
        date = QDate(day + y2k, month, year);

    QDateTime dateTime(date, time, Qt::UTC);

    if (zoneOffset != -1) {
        dateTime = dateTime.addSecs(zoneOffset);
    if (!dateTime.isValid())
        return QDateTime();
    return dateTime;
コード例 #15
ファイル: clearprivatedata.cpp プロジェクト: DmitriK/qupzilla
void ClearPrivateData::dialogAccepted()

    if (ui->history->isChecked()) {
        qint64 start = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
        qint64 end = 0;

        const QDate today = QDate::currentDate();
        const QDate week = today.addDays(1 - today.dayOfWeek());
        const QDate month = QDate(today.year(), today.month(), 1);

        switch (ui->historyLength->currentIndex()) {
        case 0: //Later Today
            end = QDateTime(today).toMSecsSinceEpoch();
        case 1: //Week
            end = QDateTime(week).toMSecsSinceEpoch();
        case 2: //Month
            end = QDateTime(month).toMSecsSinceEpoch();
        case 3: //All

        if (end == 0) {
        else {
            const QList<int> &indexes = mApp->history()->indexesFromTimeRange(start, end);

    if (ui->cookies->isChecked()) {

    if (ui->cache->isChecked()) {

    if (ui->databases->isChecked()) {

    if (ui->localStorage->isChecked()) {

    if (ui->icons->isChecked()) {



    QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(close()));
コード例 #16
ファイル: hurl.cpp プロジェクト: simio/H.VHS
    this->_set(QString(), QDateTime());         // Null QDateTime is not valid()
コード例 #17
    If \a time is \c CreationTime, return when the file was created.
    If \a time is \c ModificationTime, return when the file was most
    recently modified. If \a time is \c AccessTime, return when the
    file was most recently accessed (e.g. read or written).
    If the time cannot be determined return QDateTime() (an invalid
    date time).

    This virtual function must be reimplemented by all subclasses.

    \sa setFileName(), QDateTime, QDateTime::isValid(), FileTime
QDateTime QAbstractFileEngine::fileTime(FileTime time) const
    return QDateTime();
コード例 #18
ファイル: EPGItem.cpp プロジェクト: 0xheart0/vlc
QDateTime EPGItem::end() const
    return QDateTime( m_start ).addSecs( m_duration );
コード例 #19
    Sets minimum \a minDate and maximum \a maxDate dates in QDate format. This will allow user to set date range on datetime picker.

    \param minDate Minimum date in QDate format.
    \param maxDate Maximum date in QDate format.

    \sa setMinimumDate \sa setMaximumDate
void HbDateTimePicker::setDateRange(const QDate &minDate, const QDate &maxDate)
    setDateTimeRange(QDateTime(minDate, d->mMinimumDate.time()),
                         QDateTime(maxDate, d->mMaximumDate.time()));
コード例 #20
soundkonverter_codec_ffmpeg::soundkonverter_codec_ffmpeg( QObject *parent, const QStringList& args  )
    : CodecPlugin( parent )

    binaries["ffmpeg"] = "";

    KSharedConfig::Ptr conf = KGlobal::config();
    KConfigGroup group;

    group = conf->group( "Plugin-"+name() );
    configVersion = group.readEntry( "configVersion", 0 );
    experimentalCodecsEnabled = group.readEntry( "experimentalCodecsEnabled", false );
    ffmpegVersionMajor = group.readEntry( "ffmpegVersionMajor", 0 );
    ffmpegVersionMinor = group.readEntry( "ffmpegVersionMinor", 0 );
    ffmpegLastModified = group.readEntry( "ffmpegLastModified", QDateTime() );
    ffmpegCodecList = group.readEntry( "codecList", QStringList() ).toSet();

    CodecData data;
    FFmpegCodecData ffmpegData;

    // WARNING enabled codecs need to be rescanned everytime new codecs are added here -> increase plugin version

    data.codecName = "wav";
    ffmpegData.name = "wav";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "ogg vorbis";
    ffmpegData.name = "libvorbis";
    ffmpegData.external = true;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    ffmpegData.name = "vorbis";
    ffmpegData.external = true; // ?
    ffmpegData.experimental = true;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

//     data.ffmpegCodecList.clear();
//     data.codecName = "opus";
//     ffmpegData.name = "opus";
//     ffmpegData.external = true;
//     ffmpegData.experimental = false;
//     data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
//     codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "mp3";
    ffmpegData.name = "libmp3lame";
    ffmpegData.external = true;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "flac";
    ffmpegData.name = "flac";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "wma";
    ffmpegData.name = "wmav2";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    ffmpegData.name = "wmav1";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "aac";
    ffmpegData.name = "libfaac";
    ffmpegData.external = true;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    ffmpegData.name = "aac";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = true;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "m4a/aac";
    ffmpegData.name = "libfaac";
    ffmpegData.external = true;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    ffmpegData.name = "aac";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = true;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "ac3";
    ffmpegData.name = "ac3";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "m4a/alac";
    ffmpegData.name = "alac";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "mp2";
    ffmpegData.name = "mp2";
    ffmpegData.external = false;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

    data.codecName = "amr nb";
    ffmpegData.name = "libopencore_amrnb";
    ffmpegData.external = true;
    ffmpegData.experimental = false;
    data.ffmpegCodecList.append( ffmpegData );
    codecList.append( data );

//     codecMap["sonic"] = "sonic";
//     codecMap["sonic lossless"] = "sonicls";
//     codecMap["real audio 1"] = "real_144";
//     codecMap["e-ac3"] = "eac3";

    for( int i=0; i<codecList.count(); i++ )
        for( int j=0; j<codecList.at(i).ffmpegCodecList.count(); j++ )
            if( !codecList.at(i).ffmpegCodecList.at(j).external && ( !codecList.at(i).ffmpegCodecList.at(j).experimental || experimentalCodecsEnabled ) )
                codecList[i].currentFFmpegCodec = codecList.at(i).ffmpegCodecList.at(j);
コード例 #21
    Sets maximum \a time, to be set on datetime picker, in QTime format.

    \param time maximum time in QTime format

    \sa maximumTime
void HbDateTimePicker::setMaximumTime(const QTime& time)
    setMaximumDateTime(QDateTime(d->mMaximumDate.date(), time));
コード例 #22
ファイル: rdcut.cpp プロジェクト: LucaSoldi/rivendell
  int n;

      toInt())!=-1) {
    return n;
  return (int)length();

void RDCut::logPlayout() const
  QString sql=
    QString().sprintf("update CUTS set LAST_PLAY_DATETIME=\"%s\",\
                       PLAY_COUNTER=%d,LOCAL_COUNTER=%d where CUT_NAME=\"%s\"",
		      (const char *)QDateTime(QDate::currentDate(),
		        QTime::currentTime()).toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
		      playCounter()+1,localCounter()+1,(const char *)cut_name);
  RDSqlQuery *q=new RDSqlQuery(sql);
  delete q;

bool RDCut::copyTo(RDStation *station,RDUser *user,
		   const QString &cutname,RDConfig *config) const
#ifdef WIN32
  return false;
  QString sql;
  RDSqlQuery *q;
  bool ret=true;
コード例 #23
ファイル: kgpgfile.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/kmymoney
QDateTime KGPGFile::keyExpires(const QString& name)
  return QDateTime();
コード例 #24
ファイル: rdcut.cpp プロジェクト: LucaSoldi/rivendell
bool RDCut::isValid() const
  return isValid(QDateTime(QDate::currentDate(),QTime::currentTime()));
コード例 #25
 * \reimp
void QxtHttpSessionManager::processEvents()
    if (QThread::currentThreadId() != qxt_d().mainThread)
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "processEvents", Qt::QueuedConnection);
    QxtHttpSessionManagerPrivate& d = qxt_d();
    QMutexLocker locker(&d.eventLock);
    if (!d.eventQueue.count()) return;

    int ct = d.eventQueue.count(), sessionID = 0, requestID = 0, pagePos = -1;
    QxtWebRedirectEvent* re = 0;
    QxtWebPageEvent* pe = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ct; i++)
        if (d.eventQueue[i]->type() != QxtWebEvent::Page && d.eventQueue[i]->type() != QxtWebEvent::Redirect) continue;
        pagePos = i;
        sessionID = d.eventQueue[i]->sessionID;
        if (d.eventQueue[pagePos]->type() == QxtWebEvent::Redirect)
            re = static_cast<QxtWebRedirectEvent*>(d.eventQueue[pagePos]);
        pe = static_cast<QxtWebPageEvent*>(d.eventQueue[pagePos]);
        requestID = pe->requestID;
    if (pagePos == -1) return; // no pages to send yet

    QHttpResponseHeader header;
    QList<int> removeIDs;
    QxtWebEvent* e = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < pagePos; i++)
        if (d.eventQueue[i]->sessionID != sessionID) continue;
        e = d.eventQueue[i];
        if (e->type() == QxtWebEvent::StoreCookie)
            QxtWebStoreCookieEvent* ce = static_cast<QxtWebStoreCookieEvent*>(e);
            QString cookie = ce->name + '=' + ce->data;
            if (!ce->path.isEmpty())
                cookie += "; path=" + ce->path;
            if (ce->expiration.isValid())
                cookie += "; max-age=" + QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().secsTo(ce->expiration))
                          + "; expires=" + ce->expiration.toUTC().toString("ddd, dd-MMM-YYYY hh:mm:ss GMT");
            header.addValue("set-cookie", cookie);
        else if (e->type() == QxtWebEvent::RemoveCookie)
            QxtWebRemoveCookieEvent* ce = static_cast<QxtWebRemoveCookieEvent*>(e);
            QString path;
            if(!ce->path.isEmpty()) path = "path=" + ce->path + "; ";
            header.addValue("set-cookie", ce->name + "=; "+path+"max-age=0; expires=" + QDateTime(QDate(1970, 1, 1)).toString("ddd, dd-MMM-YYYY hh:mm:ss GMT"));

    QIODevice* device = connector()->getRequestConnection(requestID);
    QxtWebContent* content = qobject_cast<QxtWebContent*>(device);
    // TODO: This should only be invoked when pipelining occurs
    // In theory it shouldn't cause any problems as POST is specced to not be pipelined
    if (content) content->ignoreRemainingContent();
    QHash<QPair<int,int>,QxtWebRequestEvent*>::iterator iPending =
	qxt_d().pendingRequests.find(QPair<int,int>(sessionID, requestID));
    if(iPending != qxt_d().pendingRequests.end()){
	delete *iPending;

    QxtHttpSessionManagerPrivate::ConnectionState& state = qxt_d().connectionState[connector()->getRequestConnection(requestID)];
    QIODevice* source;
    header.setStatusLine(pe->status, pe->statusMessage, state.httpMajorVersion, state.httpMinorVersion);

    if (re)
        header.setValue("location", re->destination);

    // Set custom header values
    for (QMultiHash<QString, QString>::iterator it = pe->headers.begin(); it != pe->headers.end(); ++it)
        header.setValue(it.key(), it.value());

    if (state.httpMajorVersion == 0 || (state.httpMajorVersion == 1 && state.httpMinorVersion == 0))
        pe->chunked = false;

    source = pe->dataSource;
    state.finishedTransfer = false;
    bool emptyContent = !source->bytesAvailable() && !pe->streaming;
    state.readyRead = source->bytesAvailable();
    state.streaming = pe->streaming;

    if (emptyContent)
        header.setValue("connection", "close");
        connector()->writeHeaders(device, header);
        pe->dataSource = 0;     // so that it isn't destroyed when the event is deleted
        state.clearHandlers();  // disconnect old handlers

        if (!pe->chunked)
            state.keepAlive = false;
            state.onBytesWritten = QxtMetaObject::bind(this, SLOT(sendNextBlock(int, QObject*)), Q_ARG(int, requestID), Q_ARG(QObject*, source));
            state.onReadyRead = QxtMetaObject::bind(this, SLOT(blockReadyRead(int, QObject*)), Q_ARG(int, requestID), Q_ARG(QObject*, source));
            state.onAboutToClose = QxtMetaObject::bind(this, SLOT(closeConnection(int)), Q_ARG(int, requestID));
コード例 #26
ファイル: rdcut.cpp プロジェクト: LucaSoldi/rivendell
bool RDCut::isValid(const QTime &time) const
  return isValid(QDateTime(QDate::currentDate(),time));
コード例 #27
ファイル: customedit.cpp プロジェクト: JGunning/OpenAOL-TV
QString CustomEdit::evaluate(QString clause)
    int s0=0;
    int e0=0;

    while (1) {
        s0 = clause.indexOf (QRegExp("\\{[A-Z]+\\}"), e0);

        if (s0 < 0)

        e0 = clause.indexOf ("}", s0);

        QString mid = clause.mid(s0 + 1, e0 - s0 - 1);
        QString repl = "";

        if (!mid.compare("TITLE")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetTitle();
        } else if (!mid.compare("SUBTITLE")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetSubtitle();
        } else if (!mid.compare("DESCR")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetDescription();
        } else if (!mid.compare("SERIESID")) {
            repl = QString("%1").arg(m_pginfo->GetSeriesID());
        } else if (!mid.compare("PROGID")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetProgramID();
        } else if (!mid.compare("SEASON")) {
            repl = QString::number(m_pginfo->GetSeason());
        } else if (!mid.compare("EPISODE")) {
            repl = QString::number(m_pginfo->GetEpisode());
        } else if (!mid.compare("CATEGORY")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetCategory();
        } else if (!mid.compare("CHANID")) {
            repl = QString("%1").arg(m_pginfo->GetChanID());
        } else if (!mid.compare("CHANNUM")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetChanNum();
        } else if (!mid.compare("SCHEDID")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetChannelSchedulingID();
        } else if (!mid.compare("CHANNAME")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetChannelName();
        } else if (!mid.compare("DAYNAME")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetScheduledStartTime().toString("dddd");
        } else if (!mid.compare("STARTDATE")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetScheduledStartTime().toString("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss");
        } else if (!mid.compare("ENDDATE")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetScheduledEndTime().toString("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss");
        } else if (!mid.compare("STARTTIME")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetScheduledStartTime().toString("hh:mm");
        } else if (!mid.compare("ENDTIME")) {
            repl = m_pginfo->GetScheduledEndTime().toString("hh:mm");
        } else if (!mid.compare("STARTSEC")) {
            QDateTime date = m_pginfo->GetScheduledStartTime();
            QDateTime midnight = QDateTime(date.date());
            repl = QString("%1").arg(midnight.secsTo(date));
        } else if (!mid.compare("ENDSEC")) {
            QDateTime date = m_pginfo->GetScheduledEndTime(); 
            QDateTime midnight = QDateTime(date.date());
            repl = QString("%1").arg(midnight.secsTo(date));
        // unknown tags are simply removed
        clause.replace(s0, e0 - s0 + 1, repl);
    return clause;
コード例 #28
void OSCPacketDispatcher::dispatchMessage(OSCMessage& message, QHostAddress& address)
    QDateTime dtimeNull = QDateTime();
    dispatchMessage(message, address, dtimeNull);
コード例 #29
RideFile *SrmFileReader::openRideFile(QFile &file, QStringList &errorStrings, QList<RideFile*>*) const
    if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
        errorStrings << QString("can't open file %1").arg(file.fileName());
        return NULL;
    QDataStream in(&file);
    in.setByteOrder( QDataStream::LittleEndian );

    RideFile *result = new RideFile;
    result->setTag("Sport", "Bike" );

    char magic[4];
    in.readRawData(magic, sizeof(magic));
    if( strncmp(magic, "SRM", 3)){
        errorStrings << QString("Unrecognized file type, missing magic." );
        return NULL;

    int version = magic[3] - '0';
    switch( version ){
      case 5:
      case 6:
      case 7:
        // ok

        errorStrings << QString("Unsupported SRM file format version: %1")
        return NULL;

    quint16 dayssince1880 = readShort(in);
    quint16 wheelcirc = readShort(in);
    quint8 recint1 = readByte(in);
    quint8 recint2 = readByte(in);
    quint16 blockcnt = readShort(in);
    quint16 markercnt = readShort(in);
    readByte(in); // padding
    quint8 commentlen = readByte(in);

    if( commentlen > 70 )
        commentlen = 70;

    char comment[71];
    in.readRawData(comment, sizeof(comment) - 1);
    comment[commentlen] = '\0';
    result->setTag("Notes", QString(comment) );

    // assert propper markercnt to avoid segfaults
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read file header" );
        return NULL;

    result->setRecIntSecs(((double) recint1) / recint2);
    unsigned recintms = (unsigned) round(result->recIntSecs() * 1000.0);

    result->setTag("Wheel Circumference", QString("%1").arg(wheelcirc) );

    QDate date(1880, 1, 1);
    date = date.addDays(dayssince1880);

    QVector<marker> markers(markercnt + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i <= markercnt; ++i) {
        char mcomment[256];
        size_t mcommentlen = version < 6 ? 3 : 255;
        assert( mcommentlen < sizeof(mcomment) );
        in.readRawData(mcomment, mcommentlen );
        mcomment[mcommentlen] = '\0';

        quint8 active = readByte(in);
        quint16 start = readShort(in);
        quint16 end = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgwatts = readShort(in);
        quint16 avghr = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgcad = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgspeed = readShort(in);
        quint16 pwc150 = readShort(in);

    // data fixup: Although the data chunk index in srm files starts
    // with 1, some srmwin wrote files referencing index 0.
    if( end < 1 ) end = 1;
    if( start < 1 ) start = 1;

    // data fixup: some srmwin versions wrote markers with start > end
    if( end < start ){
        markers[i].start = end;
        markers[i].end = start;
    } else {
        markers[i].start = start;
        markers[i].end = end;

        markers[i].note = QString( mcomment);

        if( i == 0 ){
            result->setTag("Athlete Name", QString(mcomment) );

        (void) active;
        (void) avgwatts;
        (void) avghr;
        (void) avgcad;
        (void) avgspeed;
        (void) pwc150;
        (void) wheelcirc;

    // fail early to tell devs whats wrong with file
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read marker" );
        return NULL;

    blockhdr *blockhdrs = new blockhdr[blockcnt+1];
    for (int i = 0; i < blockcnt; ++i) {
        // In the .srm files generated by Rainer Clasen's srmcmd,
        // hsecsincemidn is a *signed* 32-bit integer.  I haven't seen a
        // negative value in any .srm files generated by srmwin.exe, but
        // since the number of hundredths of a second in a day is << 2^31,
        // it seems safe to always treat this number as signed.
        qint32 hsecsincemidn = readLong(in);
        blockhdrs[i].chunkcnt = readShort(in);
        blockhdrs[i].dt = QDateTime(date);
        blockhdrs[i].dt = blockhdrs[i].dt.addMSecs(hsecsincemidn * 10);

    // fail early to tell devs whats wrong with file
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read block headers" );
        return NULL;

    quint16 zero = readShort(in);
    quint16 slope = readShort(in);
    quint16 datacnt = readShort(in);
    readByte(in); // padding

    // fail early to tell devs whats wrong with file
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read calibration data" );
        return NULL;

    result->setTag("Slope", QString("%1")
        .arg( 140.0 / 42781 * slope, 0, 'f', 2) );
    result->setTag("Zero Offset", QString("%1").arg(zero) );

    // SRM5 files have no blocks - synthesize one
    if( blockcnt < 1 ){
        blockcnt = 0;
        blockhdrs[0].chunkcnt = datacnt;
        blockhdrs[0].dt = QDateTime(date);

    int blknum = 0, blkidx = 0, mrknum = 0, interval = 0;
    double km = 0.0, secs = 0.0;

    if (markercnt > 0)
        mrknum = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < datacnt; ++i) {
        int cad, hr, watts;
        double kph, alt;
        double temp=-255;
        if (version < 7) {
            quint8 ps[3];
            in.readRawData((char*) ps, sizeof(ps));
            cad = readByte(in);
            hr = readByte(in);
            kph = (((((unsigned) ps[1]) & 0xf0) << 3)
                   | (ps[0] & 0x7f)) * 3.0 / 26.0;
            watts = (ps[1] & 0x0f) | (ps[2] << 0x4);
            alt = 0.0;
        else {
            assert(version == 7);
            watts = readShort(in);
            cad = readByte(in);
            hr = readByte(in);

            qint32 kph_tmp = readSignedLong(in);
            kph = kph_tmp < 0 ? 0 : kph_tmp * 3.6 / 1000.0;

            alt = readSignedLong(in);
            temp = 0.1 * readSignedShort(in);

        if (i == 0) {
        if (mrknum < markers.size() && i == markers[mrknum].end) {

        // markers count from 1
        if ((i > 0) && (mrknum < markers.size()) && (i == markers[mrknum].start - 1))

        km += result->recIntSecs() * kph / 3600.0;

        double nm = watts / 2.0 / PI / cad * 60.0;
        result->appendPoint(secs, cad, hr, km, kph, nm, watts, alt, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, temp, 0.0, interval);

        if ((blkidx == blockhdrs[blknum].chunkcnt) && (blknum + 1 < blockcnt)) {
            QDateTime end = blockhdrs[blknum].dt.addMSecs(
                recintms * blockhdrs[blknum].chunkcnt);
            blkidx = 0;
            QDateTime start = blockhdrs[blknum].dt;
            qint64 endms =
                ((qint64) end.toTime_t()) * 1000 + end.time().msec();
            qint64 startms =
                ((qint64) start.toTime_t()) * 1000 + start.time().msec();
            double diff_secs = (startms - endms) / 1000.0;
            if (diff_secs < result->recIntSecs()) {
                errorStrings << QString("ERROR: time goes backwards by %1 s"
                                        " on trans " "to block %2"
                secs += result->recIntSecs(); // for lack of a better option
            else {
                secs += diff_secs;
        else {
            secs += result->recIntSecs();

    // assert some points were found. prevents segfault when looking at
    // the overall markers[0].start/.end
    // note: we're not checking in.status() to cope with truncated files

    if( result->dataPoints().size() < 1 ){
        errorStrings << QString("file contains no data points");
        return NULL;

    double last = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i < markers.size(); ++i) {
        const marker &marker = markers[i];
        int start = marker.start - 1;
        double start_secs = result->dataPoints()[start]->secs;
        int end = qMin(marker.end - 1, result->dataPoints().size() - 1);
        double end_secs = result->dataPoints()[end]->secs + result->recIntSecs();
        if( last < start_secs )
            result->addInterval(last, start_secs, "");
        QString note = QString("%1").arg(i);
        if( marker.note.length() )
            note += QString(" ") + marker.note;
        result->addInterval(start_secs, end_secs, note );
        last = end_secs;
    if (!markers.empty() && markers.last().end < result->dataPoints().size()) {
        double start_secs = result->dataPoints().last()->secs + result->recIntSecs();
        result->addInterval(last, start_secs, "");

    return result;
コード例 #30
const QDateTime CollectionConfiguration::lastRegisterTime(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
    return helpEngine.customValue(LastRegisterTime, QDateTime()).toDateTime();