コード例 #1
void TestQgsDistanceArea::collections()
  //test measuring for collections
  QgsDistanceArea myDa;
  myDa.setSourceAuthId( "EPSG:4030" );
  myDa.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  myDa.setEllipsoid( "WGS84" );

  //collection of lines, should be sum of line length
  QgsGeometry lines( QgsGeometryFactory::geomFromWkt( "GeometryCollection( LineString(0 36.53, 5.76 -48.16), LineString(0 25.54, 24.20 36.70) )" ) );
  double result = myDa.measureLength( &lines );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( result, 12006159, 1 );
  result = myDa.measureArea( &lines );
  QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( result, 0 ) );

  //collection of polygons
  QgsGeometry polys( QgsGeometryFactory::geomFromWkt( "GeometryCollection( Polygon((0 36.53, 5.76 -48.16, 0 25.54, 0 36.53)), Polygon((10 20, 15 20, 15 10, 10 20)) )" ) );
  result = myDa.measureArea( &polys );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( result, 670434859475LL, 1 );
  result = myDa.measureLength( &polys );
  QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( result, 0 ) );

  //mixed collection
  QgsGeometry mixed( QgsGeometryFactory::geomFromWkt( "GeometryCollection( LineString(0 36.53, 5.76 -48.16), LineString(0 25.54, 24.20 36.70), Polygon((0 36.53, 5.76 -48.16, 0 25.54, 0 36.53)), Polygon((10 20, 15 20, 15 10, 10 20)) )" ) );
  //measure area specifically
  result = myDa.measureArea( &mixed );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( result, 670434859475LL, 1 );
  //measure length
  result = myDa.measureLength( &mixed );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( result, 12006159, 1 );
コード例 #2
ファイル: testqgsmaptopixel.cpp プロジェクト: wongjimsan/QGIS
void TestQgsMapToPixel::fromScale()
  QgsMapToPixel m2p = QgsMapToPixel::fromScale( 0.001, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceMeters, 96.0 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( m2p.mapUnitsPerPixel(), 0.264583, 0.000001 );
  m2p = QgsMapToPixel::fromScale( 0.0001, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceMeters, 96.0 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( m2p.mapUnitsPerPixel(), 2.645833, 0.000001 );
  m2p = QgsMapToPixel::fromScale( 0.001, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceMeters, 72.0 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( m2p.mapUnitsPerPixel(), 0.352778, 0.000001 );
  m2p = QgsMapToPixel::fromScale( 0.001, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceKilometers, 96.0 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( m2p.mapUnitsPerPixel(), 0.000265, 0.000001 );
コード例 #3
ファイル: testqgsgeometryutils.cpp プロジェクト: Gustry/QGIS
void TestQgsGeometryUtils::testAngleThreePoints()
    QgsPoint p1( 0, 0 );
    QgsPoint p2( 1, 0 );
    QgsPoint p3( 1, 1 );
    QGSCOMPARENEAR( QgsGeometryUtils::angleBetweenThreePoints( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), p3.x(), p3.y() ), M_PI / 2.0, 0.00000001 );
    p3 = QgsPoint( 1, -1 );
    QGSCOMPARENEAR( QgsGeometryUtils::angleBetweenThreePoints( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), p3.x(), p3.y() ), 3 * M_PI / 2.0, 0.00000001 );
    p3 = QgsPoint( 2, 0 );
    QGSCOMPARENEAR( QgsGeometryUtils::angleBetweenThreePoints( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), p3.x(), p3.y() ), M_PI, 0.00000001 );
    p3 = QgsPoint( 0, 0 );
    QGSCOMPARENEAR( QgsGeometryUtils::angleBetweenThreePoints( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), p3.x(), p3.y() ), 0.0, 0.00000001 );
    p3 = QgsPoint( 1, 0 );
    //undefined, but want no crash
    ( void )QgsGeometryUtils::angleBetweenThreePoints( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), p3.x(), p3.y() );
    p2 = QgsPoint( 0, 0 );
    ( void )QgsGeometryUtils::angleBetweenThreePoints( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), p3.x(), p3.y() );
コード例 #4
ファイル: testqgshistogram.cpp プロジェクト: exlimit/QGIS
void TestQgsHistogram::optimalBinWidth()
  QList<double> vals;
  vals << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 << 7 << 8 << 9 << 10;

  QgsHistogram h;
  h.setValues( vals );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( h.optimalBinWidth(), 4.641, 0.001 );
コード例 #5
void TestQgsDistanceArea::regression13601()
  //test regression #13601
  QgsDistanceArea calc;
  calc.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  calc.setEllipsoid( "NONE" );
  calc.setSourceCrs( 1108L );
  QgsGeometry geom( QgsGeometryFactory::geomFromWkt( "Polygon ((252000 1389000, 265000 1389000, 265000 1385000, 252000 1385000, 252000 1389000))" ) );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( calc.measureArea( &geom ), 52000000, 0.0001 );
コード例 #6
void TestQgsDistanceArea::regression14675()
  //test regression #14675
  QgsDistanceArea calc;
  calc.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  calc.setEllipsoid( "GRS80" );
  calc.setSourceCrs( 145L );
  QgsGeometry geom( QgsGeometryFactory::geomFromWkt( "Polygon ((917593.5791854317067191 6833700.00807378999888897, 917596.43389983859378844 6833700.67099479306489229, 917599.53056440979707986 6833700.78673478215932846, 917593.5791854317067191 6833700.00807378999888897))" ) );
  //lots of tolerance here - the formulas get quite unstable with small areas due to division by very small floats
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( calc.measureArea( &geom ), 0.83301, 0.02 );
コード例 #7
void TestQgsDistanceArea::measureUnits()
  //test regression #13610
  QgsDistanceArea calc;
  calc.setEllipsoidalMode( false );
  calc.setEllipsoid( "NONE" );
  calc.setSourceCrs( 254L );
  QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit units;
  QgsPoint p1( 1341683.9854275715, 408256.9562717728 );
  QgsPoint p2( 1349321.7807031618, 408256.9562717728 );

  double result = calc.measureLine( p1, p2, units );
  //no OTF, result will be in CRS unit (feet)
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceFeet );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( result, 7637.7952755903825, 0.001 );

  calc.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  calc.setEllipsoid( "WGS84" );
  result = calc.measureLine( p1, p2, units );
  //OTF, result will be in meters
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceMeters );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( result, 2328.0988253106957, 0.001 );
コード例 #8
ファイル: testqgsgeometryutils.cpp プロジェクト: Gustry/QGIS
void TestQgsGeometryUtils::testSqrDistToLine()

    // See http://hub.qgis.org/issues/13952#note-26
    QgsPoint qp( 771938, 6.95593e+06 );
    QgsPoint p1( 771946, 6.95593e+06 );
    QgsPoint p2( 771904, 6.95595e+06 );
    double rx = 0, ry = 0;
    double epsilon = 1e-18;
    double sqrDist = QgsGeometryUtils::sqrDistToLine( qp.x(), qp.y(),
                     p1.x(), p1.y(),
                     p2.x(), p2.y(),
                     rx, ry, epsilon );
    QGSCOMPARENEAR( sqrDist, 11.83, 0.01 );
コード例 #9
void TestQgsStatisticSummary::individualStatCalculations()
  //tests calculation of statistics one at a time, to make sure statistic calculations are not
  //dependent on each other

  QList<double> values;
  values << 4 << 4 << 2 << 3 << 3 << 3 << 5 << 5 << 8 << 8;

  QFETCH( int, statInt );
  QgsStatisticalSummary::Statistic stat = ( QgsStatisticalSummary::Statistic ) statInt;
  QFETCH( double, expected );

  //start with a summary which calculates NO statistics
  QgsStatisticalSummary s( QgsStatisticalSummary::Statistics( 0 ) );
  //set it to calculate just a single statistic
  s.setStatistics( stat );
  QCOMPARE( s.statistics(), stat );

  s.calculate( values );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( s.statistic( stat ), expected, 0.00001 );

  //also test using values added one-at-a-time
  QgsStatisticalSummary s2( QgsStatisticalSummary::Statistics( 0 ) );
  s2.setStatistics( stat );
  s2.addValue( 4 );
  s2.addValue( 4 );
  s2.addValue( 2 );
  s2.addValue( 3 );
  s2.addValue( 3 );
  s2.addValue( 3 ) ;
  s2.addValue( 5 ) ;
  s2.addValue( 5 ) ;
  s2.addValue( 8 );
  s2.addValue( 8 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.statistics(), stat );

  //make sure stat has a valid display name
  QVERIFY( !QgsStatisticalSummary::displayName( stat ).isEmpty() );
コード例 #10
void TestQgsDistanceArea::measureAreaAndUnits()
  QgsDistanceArea da;
  da.setSourceCrs( 3452 );
  da.setEllipsoidalMode( false );
  da.setEllipsoid( "NONE" );
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem daCRS;
  daCRS.createFromSrsId( da.sourceCrsId() );
  QgsPolyline ring;
  ring << QgsPoint( 0, 0 )
  << QgsPoint( 1, 0 )
  << QgsPoint( 1, 1 )
  << QgsPoint( 2, 1 )
  << QgsPoint( 2, 2 )
  << QgsPoint( 0, 2 )
  << QgsPoint( 0, 0 );
  QgsPolygon poly;
  poly << ring;

  QgsGeometry polygon( QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( poly ) );

  // We check both the measured area AND the units, in case the logic regarding
  // ellipsoids and units changes in future
  double area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit units = da.areaUnits();

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );

  QVERIFY(( qgsDoubleNear( area, 3.0, 0.00000001 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareDegrees )
          || ( qgsDoubleNear( area, 37176087091.5, 0.1 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters ) );

  da.setEllipsoid( "WGS84" );
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  QVERIFY(( qgsDoubleNear( area, 3.0, 0.00000001 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareDegrees )
          || ( qgsDoubleNear( area, 37176087091.5, 0.1 ) && units == QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters ) );

  da.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  // should always be in Meters Squared
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 37416879192.9, 0.1 );
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters );

  // test converting the resultant area
  area = da.convertAreaMeasurement( area, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMiles );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 14446.7378, 0.001 );

  // now try with a source CRS which is in feet
  ring << QgsPoint( 1850000, 4423000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1851000, 4423000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1851000, 4424000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1852000, 4424000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1852000, 4425000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1851000, 4425000 )
  << QgsPoint( 1850000, 4423000 );
  poly << ring;
  polygon = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( poly );

  da.setSourceCrs( 27469 );
  da.setEllipsoidalMode( false );
  // measurement should be in square feet
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 2000000, 0.001 );
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareFeet );

  // test converting the resultant area
  area = da.convertAreaMeasurement( area, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareYards );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 222222.2222, 0.001 );

  da.setEllipsoidalMode( true );
  // now should be in Square Meters again
  area = da.measureArea( &polygon );
  units = da.areaUnits();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in %2" ).arg( area ).arg( QgsUnitTypes::toString( units ) ) );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 184149.37, 1.0 );
  QCOMPARE( units, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareMeters );

  // test converting the resultant area
  area = da.convertAreaMeasurement( area, QgsUnitTypes::AreaSquareYards );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "measured %1 in sq yrds" ).arg( area ) );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( area, 220240.8172549, 0.00001 );
コード例 #11
void TestQgsStatisticSummary::stats()
  //note - we test everything twice, once using the statistics calculated by passing
  //a list of values and once using the statistics calculated by passing values
  QgsStatisticalSummary s( QgsStatisticalSummary::All );
  QgsStatisticalSummary s2( QgsStatisticalSummary::All );
  QList<double> values;
  values << 4 << 2 << 3 << 2 << 5 << 8;
  s.calculate( values );
  s2.addValue( 4 );
  s2.addValue( 2 );
  s2.addValue( 3 );
  s2.addValue( 2 );
  s2.addValue( 5 );
  s2.addValue( 8 );

  QCOMPARE( s.count(), 6 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.count(), 6 );
  QCOMPARE( s.sum(), 24.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.sum(), 24.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.mean(), 4.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.mean(), 4.0 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( s.stDev(), 2.0816, 0.0001 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( s2.stDev(), 2.0816, 0.0001 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( s.sampleStDev(), 2.2803, 0.0001 );
  QGSCOMPARENEAR( s2.sampleStDev(), 2.2803, 0.0001 );

  QCOMPARE( s.min(), 2.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.min(), 2.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.max(), 8.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.max(), 8.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.range(), 6.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.range(), 6.0 );

  QCOMPARE( s.median(), 3.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.median(), 3.5 );
  values << 9;
  s.calculate( values );
  s2.addValue( 9 );
  QCOMPARE( s.median(), 4.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.median(), 4.0 );

  values << 4 << 5 << 8 << 12 << 12 << 12;
  s.calculate( values );
  s2.addValue( 4 );
  s2.addValue( 5 ) ;
  s2.addValue( 8 );
  s2.addValue( 12 );
  s2.addValue( 12 );
  s2.addValue( 12 );
  QCOMPARE( s.variety(), 7 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.variety(), 7 );
  QCOMPARE( s.minority(), 3.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.minority(), 3.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.majority(), 12.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.majority(), 12.0 );

  //test quartiles. lots of possibilities here, involving odd/even/divisible by 4 counts
  values << 7 << 15 << 36 << 39 << 40 << 41;
  s.calculate( values );
  s2.addValue( 7 );
  s2.addValue( 15 );
  s2.addValue( 36 );
  s2.addValue( 39 );
  s2.addValue( 40 );
  s2.addValue( 41 );
  QCOMPARE( s.median(), 37.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.median(), 37.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s.firstQuartile(), 15.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.firstQuartile(), 15.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.thirdQuartile(), 40.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.thirdQuartile(), 40.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.interQuartileRange(), 25.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.interQuartileRange(), 25.0 );

  values << 7 << 15 << 36 << 39 << 40 << 41 << 43 << 49;
  s.calculate( values );
  s2.addValue( 7 );
  s2.addValue( 15 );
  s2.addValue( 36 );
  s2.addValue( 39 );
  s2.addValue( 40 );
  s2.addValue( 41 ) ;
  s2.addValue( 43 );
  s2.addValue( 49 );
  QCOMPARE( s.median(), 39.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.median(), 39.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s.firstQuartile(), 25.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.firstQuartile(), 25.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s.thirdQuartile(), 42.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.thirdQuartile(), 42.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.interQuartileRange(), 16.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.interQuartileRange(), 16.5 );

  values << 6 << 7 << 15 << 36 << 39 << 40 << 41 << 42 << 43 << 47 << 49;
  s.calculate( values );
  s2.addValue( 6 );
  s2.addValue( 7 );
  s2.addValue( 15 );
  s2.addValue( 36 );
  s2.addValue( 39 );
  s2.addValue( 40 );
  s2.addValue( 41 );
  s2.addValue( 42 );
  s2.addValue( 43 );
  s2.addValue( 47 );
  s2.addValue( 49 );
  QCOMPARE( s.median(), 40.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.median(), 40.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.firstQuartile(), 25.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.firstQuartile(), 25.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s.thirdQuartile(), 42.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.thirdQuartile(), 42.5 );
  QCOMPARE( s.interQuartileRange(), 17.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.interQuartileRange(), 17.0 );

  values << 6 << 7 << 15 << 36 << 39 << 40 << 41 << 42 << 43 << 47 << 49 << 50 << 58;
  s.calculate( values );
  s2.addValue( 50 );
  s2.addValue( 58 );
  QCOMPARE( s.median(), 41.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.median(), 41.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.firstQuartile(), 36.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.firstQuartile(), 36.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.thirdQuartile(), 47.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.thirdQuartile(), 47.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s.interQuartileRange(), 11.0 );
  QCOMPARE( s2.interQuartileRange(), 11.0 );