コード例 #1
// a quickie
// this url gives a m_preCount that is too low. why?
// http://go.tfol.com/163/speed.asp
long countWords ( char *p , long plen , long niceness ) {
	char *pend  = p + plen;
	long  count = 1;

	// sequence of punct
	for  ( ; p < pend && ! is_alnum_utf8 (p) ; p += getUtf8CharSize(p) ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
		// in case being set from xml tags, count as words now
		if ( *p=='<') count++; 

	// sequence of alnum
	for  ( ; p < pend && is_alnum_utf8 (p) ; p += getUtf8CharSize(p) )
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( niceness );


	if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
	// some extra for good meaure
	return count+10;
コード例 #2
// . ***** META LIST DELETE LOOP *****
// . scan for meta lists to remove from syncdb
// . check every D KEY
// . must NOT have any "need to send request" keys (a bit set)
// . must NOT have any "need to recv request" keys (b bit set)
// . must NOT have our "need to add" key (c bit set)
void Syncdb::loop3 ( ) {
	// . loop over the meta lists we need to delete
	// . these are "d" keys
	// . use a "tid" of 0
	key128_t sk = makeKey ( 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0 );
	key128_t ek = makeKey ( 0,0,0,1,0,0xffffffff,0xffffffffffffffffLL,1 );
	// get the first node in sequence, if any
	long nn = m_qt.getNextNode ( 0 , (char *)&sk );
	// do the loop
	for ( ; nn >= 0 ; nn = m_qt.getNextNode ( nn ) ) {
		// breathe
		// get key
		key128_t k = *(key128_t *)m_qt.getKey ( nn );
		// stop when we hit the end
		if ( k > ek ) break;
		// get zid
		uint64_t zid = getZid ( &k );
		// get sid
		uint32_t sid = getSid ( &k );
		// have we sent/recvd all checkoff requests required? have
		// we added the meta list? if so, we can nuke it from syncdb
		if ( ! canDeleteMetaList ( sid, zid ) ) {
			// no use banging away at this sid any more since we
			// are missing another action for this one
			// find the key of the FIRST meta list we need to add
			// for this new senderId, "sid"
			key128_t nk = makeKey ( 0,0,0,1,0,sid,0,0 );
			// undo the m_qt.getNextNode(nn) we call in for loop
			nn = m_qt.getPrevNode ( 0 , (char *)&nk );
			// sanity check
			if ( nn < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
			// get next key from this new sid
		// . make the negative key for syncdb
		// . it just uses a negative "c" key, with a tid of 0
		key128_t dk = makeKey ( 0,0,1,0,0,sid,zid,0);
		// . add it to syncdb to signifiy a delete
		// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error
		if(!m_rdb.addRecord((collnum_t)0,(char *)&dk,NULL,0,
				    MAX_NICENESS)) return;
		// delete it from quick tree now that we added the negative
		// key successfully to syncdb
		long dn = m_qt.getNode ( 0, (char *)&k );
		// must be there!
		if ( ! dn ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// nuke it
		m_qt.deleteNode ( dn , true );
	// . success
	// . do not recall until big loop completes a round
	m_calledLoop3 = true;
コード例 #3
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . we are responsible for freeing reply/replySize
void Msg0::gotReply ( char *reply , int32_t replySize , int32_t replyMaxSize ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "BEGIN" );

	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet && m_rdbId==RDB_POSDB && m_startTime > 0 )
		log(LOG_TIMING,"net: msg0: Got termlist, termId=%" PRIu64". "
		    "Took %" PRId64" ms, replySize=%" PRId32" (niceness=%" PRId32").",
		    g_posdb.getTermId ( m_startKey ) ,
	// TODO: insert some seals for security, may have to alloc
	//       separate space for the list then
	// set the list w/ the remaining data

	m_list->set ( reply                , 
		      replySize            , 
		      reply                , // alloc buf begins here, too
		      replyMaxSize         ,
		      m_startKey           , 
		      m_endKey             , 
		      m_fixedDataSize      ,
		      true                 , // ownData?
		      m_useHalfKeys        ,
		      m_ks                 );

	// return now if we don't add to cache
	//if ( ! m_addToCache ) return;
	// add posdb list to termlist cache
	//if ( m_rdbId != RDB_POSDB ) return;
	// add to LOCAL termlist cache
	// ignore any error adding to cache
	//g_errno = 0;

	// . NO! no more network caching, we got gigabit... save space
	//   for our disk, no replication, man, mem is expensive

	// . throw the just the list into the net cache
	// . addToNetCache() will copy it for it's own
	// . our current copy should be freed by the user's callback somewhere
	// . grab our corresponding rdb's local cache
	// . we'll use it to store this list since there's no collision chance
	//RdbCache *cache = m_rdb->getCache ();
	// . add the list to this cache
	// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
	// . will not be added if cannot copy the data
	//cache->addList ( m_startKey , m_list ) ;
	// reset g_errno -- we don't care if cache coulnd't add it
	//g_errno = 0;
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END" );
コード例 #4
// after you read/write from/to disk, copy into the page cache
void DiskPageCache::addPages ( long vfd,
			       char *buf,
			       long numBytes,
			       long long offset ,
			       long niceness ){
	// check for override function
	//if ( m_isOverriden ) {
	//	m_addPages2 ( this,
	//		      vfd,
	//		      buf,
	//		      numBytes,
	//		      offset );
	//	return;
	// if vfd is -1, then we were not able to add a map for this file
	if ( vfd < 0 ) return;
	// no NULL ptrs
	if ( ! buf ) return;
	// return if no pages allowed in page cache
	if ( m_maxMemOff == 0 ) return;
	// or disabled
	if ( ! m_enabled ) return;
	// disabled at the master controls?
	if ( m_switch && ! *m_switch ) return;
	// sometimes the file got unlinked on us
	if ( ! m_memOff[vfd] ) return;
	// what is the page range?
	long long sp = offset / m_pageSize ;
	// point to it
	char *bufPtr = buf;
	char *bufEnd = buf + numBytes;
	// . do not add first page unless right on the boundary
	// . how much did we exceed the boundary by?
	oldshort skip = offset - sp * m_pageSize ;
	long  size = m_pageSize - skip;
	// now add the remaining pages
	while ( bufPtr < bufEnd ) {
		// breathe
		// ensure "size" is not too big
		if ( bufPtr + size > bufEnd ) size = bufEnd - bufPtr;
		// add the page to memory
		addPage ( vfd , sp , bufPtr , size , skip );
		// advance
		bufPtr += size;
		size    = m_pageSize;
		skip    = 0;
コード例 #5
// . returns true if document is adult, false otherwise
bool AdultBit::getBit ( char *s , int32_t niceness) {

	// rudimentary adult detection algorithm
	int32_t  i   = 0;
	int32_t  dirties = 0;
	int32_t  j;
	int32_t  slen;

	// skip until we hit an alpha
	while ( s[i] && ! is_alpha_a(s[i]) ) i++;
	// return if done
	if ( ! s[i] ) return false;
	// . point to char after this alpha
	// . return if none
	j = i + 1;
	// find end of the alpha char sequence
	while ( s[j] && is_alpha_a(s[j]) ) j++;
	// skip over 1 or 2 letter words
	slen = j - i; 
	if ( slen <= 2 ) { i = j; goto loop; }
	// it's adult content if it has just 1 obscene word
	if ( isObscene ( (char *) s+i , slen ) ) return true;

	// W = non-dirty word
	// D = dirty word
	// . = sequence of punctuation/num and/or 1 to 2 letter words
	// dirty sequences: 
	// . D . D . D .     (dirties=6)
	// . D . W . D . D . (dirties=5)
	// . basically, if 3 out of 4 words in a subsequence are
	//   "dirty" then the whole document is "adult" content
	if ( isDirty ( (char *) s+i , slen ) ) {
		dirties += 2;
		if ( dirties >= 5 ) return true;
		i = j;
		goto loop;

	if ( dirties < 0 ) dirties = 0;

	i = j;
	goto loop;
コード例 #6
// . return false with g_errno set on error, true otherwise
// . looking at the number of points per second
// . average query latency for last 20 queries
// . average disk bytes read for last 20 accesses
// . val is the State::m_value measurement, a float
// . also each point may represent a number of bytes transferred in which
//   case we use that number rather than "1", which is the default
bool Statsdb::addPointsFromList ( Label *label ) {

	StatState *ss  = getStatState ( label->m_graphHash );
	// return false with g_errno set
	if ( ! ss ) return false;

	// scan the list for our junk
	for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
		// breathe
		// get that
		StatKey *sk = (StatKey *)m_list.getCurrentRec();
		// and data
		StatData *sd = (StatData *)m_list.getCurrentData();
		// must be a "query" stat
		if ( sk->m_labelHash != label->m_labelHash ) continue;
		// add that
		addPoint ( sk , sd , ss , label );
	return true;
コード例 #7
// . add EventPoints to m_sb3/m_ht3
// . these basically represent binary events or parm state changes
// . i.e. "a merge operation"
// . i.e. "changing a parm value"
bool Statsdb::addEventPointsFromList ( ) {

	// scan the list for our junk
	for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
		// breathe
		// get that
		StatKey *sk = (StatKey *)m_list.getCurrentRec();
		// and data
		StatData *sd = (StatData *)m_list.getCurrentData();
		// must be an "event" stat... i.e. a status change
		if ( ! sd->isEvent() ) continue;
		// make sure to stack lines so they do not touch
		// each other...
		if ( ! addEventPoint ( sk->m_time1       ,
				       sk->m_labelHash   , // parmHash
				       sd->getOldVal  () ,
				       sd->getNewVal  () ,
				       10                )) // thickness
			return false;
	return true;
コード例 #8
// . THIS Msg0 class must be alloc'd, i.e. not on the stack, etc.
// . if list is stored locally this tries to get it locally
// . otherwise tries to get the list from the network
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . NOTE: i was having problems with queries being cached too long, you
//   see the cache here is a NETWORK cache, so when the machines that owns
//   the list updates it on disk it can't flush our cache... so use a small
//   maxCacheAge of like , 30 seconds or so...
bool Msg0::getList ( int64_t hostId      , // host to ask (-1 if none)
		     int32_t      ip          , // info on hostId
		     int16_t     port        ,
		     int32_t      maxCacheAge , // max cached age in seconds
		     bool      addToCache  , // add net recv'd list to cache?
		     char      rdbId       , // specifies the rdb
		     collnum_t collnum ,
		     RdbList  *list        ,
		     const char     *startKey    ,
		     const char     *endKey      ,
		     int32_t      minRecSizes ,  // use -1 for no max
		     void     *state       ,
		     void    (* callback)(void *state ),//, RdbList *list ) ,
		     int32_t      niceness    ,
		     bool      doErrorCorrection ,
		     bool      includeTree ,
		     bool      doMerge     ,
		     int32_t      firstHostId   ,
		     int32_t      startFileNum  ,
		     int32_t      numFiles      ,
		     int64_t      timeout       ,
		     int64_t syncPoint     ,
		     int32_t      preferLocalReads ,
		     Msg5     *msg5             ,
		     bool      isRealMerge      ,
		     bool      allowPageCache    ,
		     bool      forceLocalIndexdb ,
		     bool      noSplit ,
		     int32_t      forceParitySplit  ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "BEGIN. hostId: %" PRId64", rdbId: %d", hostId, (int)rdbId );

	// warning
	if ( collnum < 0 ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg0.");

	// reset the list they passed us
	// get keySize of rdb
	m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
//	if( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0 ) 
//	{
//		log("%s:%s:%d: rdbId. [%d]", __FILE__,__func__,__LINE__, (int)rdbId);
//		log("%s:%s:%d: m_ks.. [%d]", __FILE__,__func__,__LINE__, (int)m_ks);
//		log("%s:%s:%d: hostId [%" PRId64"]", __FILE__,__func__,__LINE__, hostId);
//	}

	// if startKey > endKey, don't read anything
	//if ( startKey > endKey ) return true;
	if ( KEYCMP(startKey,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }//rettrue
	// . reset hostid if it is dead
	// . this is causing UOR queries to take forever when we have a dead
	if ( hostId >= 0 && g_hostdb.isDead ( hostId ) ) hostId = -1;
	// no longer accept negative minrecsize
	if ( minRecSizes < 0 ) {
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END" );

		log(LOG_LOGIC, "net: msg0: Negative minRecSizes no longer supported.");
		char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;

	// remember these
	m_state         = state;
	m_callback      = callback;
	m_list          = list;
	m_hostId        = hostId;
	m_niceness      = niceness;
	m_addToCache    = addToCache;
	// . these define our request 100%
	m_minRecSizes   = minRecSizes;
	m_rdbId         = rdbId;
	m_collnum = collnum;//          = coll;
	m_isRealMerge   = isRealMerge;
	m_allowPageCache = allowPageCache;

	// . group to ask is based on the first key 
	// . we only do 1 group per call right now
	// . groupMask must turn on higher bits first (count downwards kinda)
	// . titledb and spiderdb use special masks to get groupId

	// if diffbot.cpp is reading spiderdb from each shard we have to
	// get groupid from hostid here lest we core in getGroupId() below.
	// it does that for dumping spiderdb to the client browser. they
	// can download the whole enchilada.
	if ( hostId >= 0 && m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB )
		m_shardNum = 0;
	// did they force it? core until i figure out what this is
	else if ( forceParitySplit >= 0 ) 
		//m_groupId =  g_hostdb.getGroupId ( forceParitySplit );
		m_shardNum = forceParitySplit;
		//m_groupId = getGroupId ( m_rdbId , startKey , ! noSplit );
		m_shardNum = getShardNum ( m_rdbId , startKey );

	// if we are looking up a termlist in posdb that is split by termid and
	// not the usual docid then we have to set this posdb key bit that tells
	// us that ...
	if ( noSplit && m_rdbId == RDB_POSDB )
		m_shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( startKey );

	// how is this used?
	if ( forceLocalIndexdb ) m_shardNum = getMyShardNum();

//	if( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0 ) log("%s:%s:%d: shardNum [%" PRId32"]", __FILE__,__func__, __LINE__, m_shardNum);

	// . store these parameters
	// . get a handle to the rdb in case we can satisfy locally
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( m_rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) return true;
	// we need the fixedDataSize
	m_fixedDataSize = rdb->getFixedDataSize();
	m_useHalfKeys   = rdb->useHalfKeys();
	// . debug msg
	// . Msg2 does this when checking for a cached compound list.
	//   compound lists do not actually exist, they are merges of smaller
	//   UOR'd lists.
	if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache && (numFiles > 0 || includeTree)) {
		log( LOG_LOGIC, "net: msg0: Weird. check but don't add... rdbid=%" PRId32".", ( int32_t ) m_rdbId );

	// set this here since we may not call msg5 if list not local
	//m_list->setFixedDataSize ( m_fixedDataSize );

	// . now that we do load balancing we don't want to do a disk lookup
	//   even if local if we are merging or dumping
	// . UNLESS g_conf.m_preferLocalReads is true
	if ( preferLocalReads == -1 ) 
		preferLocalReads = g_conf.m_preferLocalReads;

	// . always prefer local for full split clusterdb
	// . and keep the tfndb/titledb lookups in the same stripe
	// . so basically we can't do biased caches if fully split
	//if ( g_conf.m_fullSplit ) preferLocalReads = true;
	preferLocalReads = true;

	// it it stored locally?
	bool isLocal = ( m_hostId == -1 && //g_hostdb.m_groupId == m_groupId );
			 m_shardNum == getMyShardNum() );
	// only do local lookups if this is true
	if ( ! preferLocalReads ) isLocal = false;

	int64_t singleDocIdQuery = 0LL;
	if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
		int64_t d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_startKey);
		int64_t d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_endKey);
		if ( d1+1 == d2 ) singleDocIdQuery = d1;

	// . try the LOCAL termlist cache
	// . so when msg2 is evaluating a gbdocid:| query and it has to
	//   use msg0 to go across the network to get the same damn termlist
	//   over and over again for the same docid, this will help alot.
	// . ideally it'd be nice if the seo pipe in xmldoc.cpp can try to
	//   send the same gbdocid:xxxx docids to the same hosts. maybe hash
	//   based on docid into the list of hosts and if that host is busy
	//   just chain until we find someone not busy.
	if ( singleDocIdQuery &&
	     getListFromTermListCache ( coll,
					list ) )
		// found!
		return true;

	// but always local if only one host
	if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() == 1 ) isLocal = true;

	// . if the group is local then do it locally
	// . Msg5::getList() returns false if blocked, true otherwise
	// . Msg5::getList() sets g_errno on error
	// . don't do this if m_hostId was specified
	if ( isLocal ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "isLocal" );

		if ( msg5 ) {
			m_msg5 = msg5;
			m_deleteMsg5 = false;
		else {
			try { m_msg5 = new ( Msg5 ); } 
			catch ( ... ) {
				g_errno = ENOMEM;
				log("net: Local alloc for disk read failed "
				    "while tring to read data for %s. "
				    "Trying remote request.",
				goto skip;
			mnew ( m_msg5 , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0::Msg5" );
			m_deleteMsg5 = true;

		if ( ! m_msg5->getList ( rdbId,
					 m_collnum ,
					 m_list ,
					 m_startKey ,
					 m_endKey   ,
					 m_minRecSizes ,
					 includeTree   , // include Tree?
					 addToCache    , // addToCache?
					 maxCacheAge   ,
					 startFileNum  , 
					 numFiles      ,
					 this ,
					 gotListWrapper2   ,
					 niceness          ,
					 doErrorCorrection ,
					 NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
					 0    , // retryNum
					 -1   , // maxRetries
					 true , // compensateForMerge
					 syncPoint ,
					 m_isRealMerge ,
					 m_allowPageCache ) ) {
			logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END, return false" );
			return false;

		// nuke it
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END, return true" );
		return true;
	// debug msg
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"net: msg0: Sending request for data to "
		    "shard=%" PRIu32" "
		    "listPtr=%" PTRFMT" minRecSizes=%" PRId32" termId=%" PRIu64" "
		    //"startKey.n1=%" PRIx32",n0=%" PRIx64" (niceness=%" PRId32")",
		    "startKey.n1=%" PRIx64",n0=%" PRIx64" (niceness=%" PRId32")",
		    //g_hostdb.makeHostId ( m_groupId ) ,
		    m_minRecSizes, g_posdb.getTermId(m_startKey) , 
		    //m_startKey.n1,m_startKey.n0 , (int32_t)m_niceness);

	char *replyBuf = NULL;
	int32_t  replyBufMaxSize = 0;
	bool  freeReply = true;

	// . make a request with the info above (note: not in network order)
	// . IMPORTANT!!!!! if you change this change 
	//   Multicast.cpp::sleepWrapper1 too!!!!!!!!!!!!
	//   no, not anymore, we commented out that request peeking code
	char *p = m_request;
	*(int64_t *) p = syncPoint        ; p += 8;
	//*(key_t     *) p = m_startKey       ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	//*(key_t     *) p = m_endKey         ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	*(int32_t      *) p = m_minRecSizes    ; p += 4;
	*(int32_t      *) p = startFileNum     ; p += 4;
	*(int32_t      *) p = numFiles         ; p += 4;
	*(int32_t      *) p = maxCacheAge      ; p += 4;
	if ( p - m_request != RDBIDOFFSET ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	*p               = m_rdbId          ; p++;
	*p               = addToCache       ; p++;
	*p               = doErrorCorrection; p++;
	*p               = includeTree      ; p++;
	*p               = (char)niceness   ; p++;
	*p               = (char)m_allowPageCache; p++;
	KEYSET(p,m_startKey,m_ks);          ; p+=m_ks;
	KEYSET(p,m_endKey,m_ks);            ; p+=m_ks;
	// NULL terminated collection name
	//strcpy ( p , coll ); p += gbstrlen ( coll ); *p++ = '\0';
	*(collnum_t *)p = m_collnum; p += sizeof(collnum_t);
	m_requestSize    = p - m_request;
	// ask an individual host for this list if hostId is NOT -1
	if ( m_hostId != -1 ) {
		// get Host
		Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( m_hostId );
		if ( ! h ) { 
			g_errno = EBADHOSTID; 
			log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Bad hostId of %" PRId64".", m_hostId);
			logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END, return true. Bad hostId" );
			return true;
		// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
		UdpServer *us ;
		uint16_t port;

		us = &g_udpServer ; port = h->m_port ; 
		// . returns false on error and sets g_errno, true otherwise
		// . calls callback when reply is received (or error)
		// . we return true if it returns false
		if ( ! us->sendRequest ( m_request     ,
					 m_requestSize ,
					 0x00          , // msgType
					 h->m_ip       ,
					 port          ,
					 m_hostId      ,
					 NULL          , // the slotPtr
					 this          ,
					 gotSingleReplyWrapper ,
					 timeout       ,
					 -1            , // backoff
					 -1            , // maxwait
					 replyBuf      ,
					 replyBufMaxSize ,
					 m_niceness     ) ) { // cback niceness
			logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END, return true. Request sent" );
			return true;
		// return false cuz it blocked
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END, return false. sendRequest blocked" );
		return false;
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
		m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
		m_startTime = 0;

	// . get the top int32_t of the key
	// . i guess this will work for 128 bit keys... hmmmmm
	int32_t keyTop = hash32 ( (char *)startKey , m_ks );

	// . otherwise, multicast to a host in group "groupId"
	// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
	// . calls callback on completion
	// . select first host to send to in group based on upper 32 bits
	//   of termId (m_startKey.n1)
	// . need to send out to all the indexdb split hosts
	m_numRequests = 0;
	m_numReplies  = 0;
	//for ( int32_t i = 0; i < m_numSplit; i++ ) {

	//int32_t gr;
	char *buf;
	buf = replyBuf;

	// get the multicast
	Multicast *m = &m_mcast;

        if ( ! m->send ( m_request    , 
			      0x00         , // msgType 0x00
			      false        , // does multicast own request?
			 m_shardNum ,
			      false        , // send to whole group?
			      //m_startKey.n1, // key is passed on startKey
			      keyTop       , // key is passed on startKey
			      this         , // state data
			      NULL         , // state data
			      gotMulticastReplyWrapper0 ,
			      timeout*1000 , // timeout
			      niceness     ,
			      firstHostId  ,
			      buf             ,
			      replyBufMaxSize ,
			      freeReply       , // free reply buf?
			      true            , // do disk load balancing?
			      maxCacheAge     ,
			      //(key_t *)cacheKey        ,
			      // multicast uses it for determining the best
			      // host to send the request to when doing 
			      // disk load balancing. if the host has our 
			      // data cached, then it will probably get to
			      // handle the request. for now let's just assume
			      // this is a 96-bit key. TODO: fix...
			 0 , // *(key_t *)cacheKey        ,
			      rdbId           ,
			      minRecSizes     ) ) 
		log(LOG_ERROR, "net: Failed to send request for data from %s in shard "
		    "#%" PRIu32" over network: %s.",
		    getDbnameFromId(m_rdbId),m_shardNum, mstrerror(g_errno));
		// but speed it up
		m_errno = g_errno;
		if ( m_numRequests > 0 ) {
			logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END - returning false" );
			return false;

		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END - returning true" );
		return true;


	// we blocked
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END - returning false, blocked" );
	return false;
コード例 #9
// . slot should be auto-nuked upon transmission or error
// . TODO: ensure if this sendReply() fails does it really nuke the slot?
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *listb , Msg5 *msg5xx ) {
	// get the state
	State00 *st0 = (State00 *)state;
	// extract the udp slot and list and msg5
	UdpSlot   *slot =  st0->m_slot;
	RdbList   *list = &st0->m_list;
	Msg5      *msg5 = &st0->m_msg5;
	UdpServer *us   =  st0->m_us;
	// sanity check -- ensure they match
	//if ( niceness != st0->m_niceness )
	//	log("Msg0: niceness mismatch");
	// debug msg
	//if ( niceness != 0 ) 
	//	log("HEY! niceness is not 0");
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet || g_conf.m_logDebugNet ) {
		//log("Msg0:hndled request %"UINT64"",gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
		int32_t size = -1;
		if ( list ) size     = list->getListSize();
		    "net: msg0: Handled request for data. "
		    "Now sending data termId=%"UINT64" size=%"INT32""
		    " transId=%"INT32" ip=%s port=%i took=%"INT64" "
		    gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - st0->m_startTime ,
		    st0->m_niceness );
	// debug
	//if ( ! msg5->m_includeTree )
	//	log("hotit\n");
	// on error nuke the list and it's data
	if ( g_errno ) {
		mdelete ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "Msg0" );
		delete (st0);
		// TODO: free "slot" if this send fails
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );

	// point to the serialized list in "list"
	char *data      = list->getList();
	int32_t  dataSize  = list->getListSize();
	char *alloc     = list->getAlloc();
	int32_t  allocSize = list->getAllocSize();
	// tell list not to free the data since it is a reply so UdpServer
	// will free it when it destroys the slot
	list->setOwnData ( false );
	// keep track of stats
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( st0->m_rdbId );
	if ( rdb ) rdb->sentReplyGet ( dataSize );
	// TODO: can we free any memory here???

	// keep track of how long it takes to complete the send
	st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// debug point
	int32_t oldSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes;
	int32_t newSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes + 20;
	// watch for wrap around
	if ( newSize < oldSize ) newSize = 0x7fffffff;
	if ( dataSize > newSize && list->getFixedDataSize() == 0 &&
	     // do not annoy me with these linkdb msgs
	     dataSize > newSize+100 ) 
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Sending more data than what was "
		    "requested. Ineffcient. Bad engineer. dataSize=%"INT32" "
	// always compress these lists
	if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB ) { // && 1 == 3) {

		// get sh48, the sitehash
		key128_t *startKey = (key128_t *)msg5->m_startKey ;
		int64_t sh48 = g_datedb.getTermId(startKey);

		// debug
		//log("msg0: got sectiondblist from disk listsize=%"INT32"",
		//    list->getListSize());

		if ( dataSize > 50000 )
			log("msg0: sending back list rdb=%"INT32" "
			    "listsize=%"INT32" sh48=0x%"XINT64"",

		// save it
		int32_t origDataSize = dataSize;
		// store compressed list on itself
		char *dst = list->m_list;
		// warn if niceness is 0!
		if ( st0->m_niceness == 0 )
			log("msg0: compressing sectiondb list at niceness 0!");
		// compress the list
		uint32_t lastVoteHash32 = 0LL;
		SectionVote *lastVote = NULL;
		for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
			// breathe
			QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
			// get rec
			char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
			// for ehre
			key128_t *key = (key128_t *)rec;
			// the score is the bit which is was set in 
			// Section::m_flags for that docid
			int32_t secType = g_indexdb.getScore ( (char *)key );
			// 0 means it probably used to count # of voters
			// from this site, so i don't think xmldoc uses
			// that any more
			if ( secType == SV_SITE_VOTER ) continue;
			// treat key like a datedb key and get the taghash
			uint32_t h32 = g_datedb.getDate ( key );
			// get data/vote from the current record in the 
			// sectiondb list
			SectionVote *sv=(SectionVote *)list->getCurrentData ();
			// get the average score for this doc
			float avg = sv->m_score ;
			if ( sv->m_numSampled > 0.0 ) avg /= sv->m_numSampled;
			// if same as last guy, add to it
			if ( lastVoteHash32 == h32 && lastVote ) {
				// turn possible multi-vote into single docid
				// into a single vote, with the score averaged.
				lastVote->m_score += avg;
			// otherwise, add in a new guy!
			*(key128_t *)dst = *key;
			dst += sizeof(key128_t);
			// the new vote
			SectionVote *dsv = (SectionVote *)dst;
			dsv->m_score = avg;
			dsv->m_numSampled = 1;
			// set this
			lastVote = dsv;
			lastVoteHash32 = h32;
			// skip over
			dst += sizeof(SectionVote);
		// update the list size now for sending back
		dataSize = dst - data;
		// if the list was over the requested minrecsizes we need
		// to set a flag so that the caller will do a re-call.
		// so making the entire odd, will be the flag.
	        if ( origDataSize > msg5->m_minRecSizes && 
		     dataSize < origDataSize ) {
			*dst++ = '\0';

		// debug
		//log("msg0: compressed sectiondblist from disk "
		//    "newlistsize=%"INT32"", dataSize);
		// use this timestamp
		int32_t now = getTimeLocal();//Global();
		// finally, cache this sucker
		s_sectiondbCache.addRecord ( msg5->m_coll,
					     (char *)startKey,//(char *)&sh48
					     dataSize ,
					     now );
		// ignore errors
		g_errno = 0;
	// for linkdb lists, remove all the keys that have the same IP32
	// and store a count of what we removed somewhere
	if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_LINKDB ) {
		// store compressed list on itself
		char *dst = list->m_list;
		// keep stats
		int32_t totalOrigLinks = 0;
		int32_t ipDups = 0;
		int32_t lastIp32 = 0;
		char *listEnd = list->getListEnd();
		// compress the list
		for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
			// breathe
			QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
			// count it
			// get rec
			char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
			int32_t ip32 = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp_uk((key224_t *)rec );
			// same as one before?
			if ( ip32 == lastIp32 && 
			     // are we the last rec? include that for
			     // advancing the m_nextKey in Linkdb more 
			     // efficiently.
			     rec + LDBKS < listEnd ) {
			// store it
			gbmemcpy (dst , rec , LDBKS );
			dst += LDBKS;
			// update it
			lastIp32 = ip32;
		// . if we removed one key, store the stats
		// . caller should recognize reply is not a multiple of
		//   the linkdb key size LDBKS and no its there!
		if ( ipDups ) {
			//*(int32_t *)dst = totalOrigLinks;
			//dst += 4;
			//*(int32_t *)dst = ipDups;
			//dst += 4;
		// update list parms
		list->m_listSize = dst - list->m_list;
		list->m_listEnd  = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;
		data      = list->getList();
		dataSize  = list->getListSize();

	//log("sending replySize=%"INT32" min=%"INT32"",dataSize,msg5->m_minRecSizes);
	// . TODO: dataSize may not equal list->getListMaxSize() so
	//         Mem class may show an imblanace
	// . now g_udpServer is responsible for freeing data/dataSize
	// . the "true" means to call doneSending_ass() from the signal handler
	//   if need be
	st0->m_us->sendReply_ass  ( data            ,
				    dataSize        ,
				    alloc           , // alloc
				    allocSize       , // alloc size
				    slot            ,
				    60              ,
				    st0             ,
				    doneSending_ass ,
				    -1              ,
				    -1              ,
				    true            );
コード例 #10
// hostId is the remote hostid sending us the lock request
void removeExpiredLocks ( int32_t hostId ) {
	// when we last cleaned them out
	static time_t s_lastTime = 0;

	int32_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobalNoCore();

	// only do this once per second at the most
	if ( nowGlobal <= s_lastTime ) return;

	// shortcut
	HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;


	// scan the slots
	int32_t ns = ht->m_numSlots;
	// . clean out expired locks...
	// . if lock was there and m_expired is up, then nuke it!
	// . when Rdb.cpp receives the "fake" title rec it removes the
	//   lock, only it just sets the m_expired to a few seconds in the
	//   future to give the negative doledb key time to be absorbed.
	//   that way we don't repeat the same url we just got done spidering.
	// . this happens when we launch our lock request on a url that we
	//   or a twin is spidering or has just finished spidering, and
	//   we get the lock, but we avoided the negative doledb key.
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		// skip if empty
		if ( ! ht->m_flags[i] ) continue;
		// cast lock
		UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(i);
		int64_t lockKey = *(int64_t *)ht->getKeyFromSlot(i);
		// if collnum got deleted or reset
		collnum_t collnum = lock->m_collnum;
		if ( collnum >= g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ||
		     ! g_collectiondb.m_recs[collnum] ) {
			log("spider: removing lock from missing collnum "
			    "%" PRId32,(int32_t)collnum);
			goto nuke;
		// skip if not yet expired
		if ( lock->m_expires == 0 ) continue;
		if ( lock->m_expires >= nowGlobal ) continue;
		// note it for now
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
			log("spider: removing lock after waiting. elapsed=%" PRId32"."
			    " lockKey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32" expires=%" PRIu32" "
			    "nowGlobal=%" PRIu32,
			    (nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp),
		// nuke the slot and possibly re-chain
		ht->removeSlot ( i );
		// gotta restart from the top since table may have shrunk
		goto restart;
	// store it
	s_lastTime = nowGlobal;
コード例 #11
// . now come here when we got the necessary index lists
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg39::intersectLists ( ) { // bool updateReadInfo ) {
	// bail on error
	if ( g_errno ) { 
		log("msg39: Had error getting termlists: %s.",
		if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		//sendReply (m_slot,this,NULL,0,0,true);
		return true; 
	// timestamp log
	if ( m_debug ) {
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
		    "Got %"INT32" lists in %"INT64" ms"
		    , (PTRTYPE)this,m_tmpq.getNumTerms(),
		     gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime);
		m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( m_r->m_niceness );

	// ensure collection not deleted from under us
	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_r->m_collnum );
	if ( ! cr ) {
		g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
		goto hadError;

	// . set the IndexTable so it can set it's score weights from the
	//   termFreqs of each termId in the query
	// . this now takes into account the special termIds used for sorting
	//   by date (0xdadadada and 0xdadadad2 & TERMID_MASK)
	// . it should weight them so much so that the summation of scores
	//   from other query terms cannot make up for a lower date score
	// . this will actually calculate the top
	// . this might also change m_tmpq.m_termSigns 
	// . this won't do anything if it was already called
	m_posdbTable.init ( &m_tmpq                ,
			    m_debug              ,
			    this                   ,
			    &m_tt                  ,
			    m_r->m_collnum,//ptr_coll          , 
			    &m_msg2 , // m_lists                ,
			    //m_tmpq.m_numTerms      , // m_numLists
			    m_r                              );

	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( m_r->m_niceness );

	// . we have to do this here now too
	// . but if we are getting weights, we don't need m_tt!
	// . actually we were using it before for rat=0/bool queries but
	//   i got rid of NO_RAT_SLOTS
	if ( ! m_allocedTree && ! m_posdbTable.allocTopTree() ) {
		if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		//sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 , true);
		return true;

	// if msg2 had ALL empty lists we can cut it int16_t
	if ( m_posdbTable.m_topTree->m_numNodes == 0 ) {
		//estimateHitsAndSendReply ( );
		return true;

	// we have to allocate this with each call because each call can
	// be a different docid range from doDocIdSplitLoop.
	if ( ! m_posdbTable.allocWhiteListTable() ) {
		log("msg39: Had error allocating white list table: %s.",
		if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		//sendReply (m_slot,this,NULL,0,0,true);
		return true; 

	// do not re do it if doing docid range splitting
	m_allocedTree = true;

	// . now we must call this separately here, not in allocTopTree()
	// . we have to re-set the QueryTermInfos with each docid range split
	//   since it will set the list ptrs from the msg2 lists
	if ( ! m_posdbTable.setQueryTermInfo () ) return true;

	// print query term bit numbers here
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; m_debug && i < m_tmpq.getNumTerms() ; i++ ) {
		QueryTerm *qt = &m_tmpq.m_qterms[i];
		//utf16ToUtf8(bb, 256, qt->m_term, qt->m_termLen);
		char *tpc = qt->m_term + qt->m_termLen;
		char  tmp = *tpc;
		*tpc = '\0';
		SafeBuf sb;
		sb.safePrintf("query: msg39: BITNUM query term #%"INT32" \"%s\" "
			      "bitnum=%"INT32" ", i , qt->m_term, qt->m_bitNum );
		// put it back
		*tpc = tmp;

	// timestamp log
	if ( m_debug ) {
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
		    "Preparing to intersect "
		     "took %"INT64" ms",
		    gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime );
		m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// time it
	int64_t start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	int64_t diff;

	// . don't bother making a thread if lists are small
	// . look at STAGE? in IndexReadInfo.cpp to see how we read in stages
	// . it's always saying msg39 handler is hogging cpu...could this be it
	//if ( m_msg2.getTotalRead() < 2000*8 ) goto skipThread;

	// debug
	//goto skipThread;

	// . NOW! let's do this in a thread so we can continue to service
	//   incoming requests
	// . don't launch more than 1 thread at a time for this
	// . set callback when thread done

	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( m_r->m_niceness );

	// . create the thread
	// . only one of these type of threads should be launched at a time
	if ( ! m_debug &&
	     g_threads.call ( INTERSECT_THREAD  , // threadType
			      m_r->m_niceness   ,
			      this              , // top 4 bytes must be cback
			      controlLoopWrapper2,//threadDoneWrapper ,
			      addListsWrapper   ) ) {
		m_blocked = true;
		return false;
	// if it failed
	//log(LOG_INFO,"query: Intersect thread creation failed. Doing "
	//    "blocking. Hurts performance.");
	// check tree
	if ( m_tt.m_nodes == NULL ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg39: Badness."); 
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }

	// sometimes we skip the thread
	// . addLists() should never have a problem
	// . g_errno should be set by prepareToAddLists() above if there is
	//   going to be a problem
	//if ( m_r->m_useNewAlgo )
	m_posdbTable.intersectLists10_r ( );
	//	m_posdbTable.intersectLists9_r ( );

	// time it
	diff = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - start;
	if ( diff > 10 ) log("query: Took %"INT64" ms for intersection",diff);

	// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
	//return addedLists ();
	return true;
コード例 #12
// . the main function to get the docids for the provided query in "req"
// . it always blocks i guess
void Msg39::getDocIds2 ( Msg39Request *req ) {

	// flag it as in use
	m_inUse = true;

	// store it, might be redundant if called from getDocIds() above
	m_r = req;

	// a handy thing
	m_debug = false;
	if ( m_r->m_debug          ) m_debug = true;
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery  ) m_debug = true;
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery ) m_debug = true;

        // ensure it's size is ok
        if ( m_r->size_whiteList <= 0 ) {
		g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg39: getDocIds: %s." , 
		    mstrerror(g_errno) );
		sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 , true );
		return ; 

        CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_r->m_collnum );
        if ( ! cr ) {
		g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg39: getDocIds: %s." , 
		    mstrerror(g_errno) );
		sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 , true );
		return ; 

	// . set our m_q class
	// . m_boolFlag is either 1 or 0 in this case, the caller did the
	//   auto-detect (boolFlag of 2) before calling us
	// . this now calls Query::addCompoundTerms() for us
	if ( ! m_tmpq.set2 ( m_r->ptr_query  , 
			     m_r->m_language ,
			     m_r->m_queryExpansion ,
			     m_r->m_useQueryStopWords ) ) {
		log("query: msg39: setQuery: %s." , 
		    mstrerror(g_errno) );
		sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 , true );
		return ; 

	// wtf?
	if ( g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	QUICKPOLL ( m_r->m_niceness );

	// set m_errno
	if ( m_tmpq.m_truncated ) m_errno = EQUERYTRUNCATED;
	// ensure matches with the msg3a sending us this request
	if ( m_tmpq.getNumTerms() != m_r->m_nqt ) {
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		log("query: Query parsing inconsistency for q=%s. "
		    "langid=%"INT32". Check langids and m_queryExpansion parms "
		    "which are the only parms that could be different in "
		    "Query::set2(). You probably have different mysynoyms.txt "
		    "files on two different hosts! check that!!"
		sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 , true );
		return ; 
	// debug
	if ( m_debug )
		logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] Got request "
		     "for q=%s", (PTRTYPE) this,m_tmpq.m_orig);

	// reset this

	QUICKPOLL ( m_r->m_niceness );

	// . if caller already specified a docid range, then be loyal to that!
	// . or if we do not have enough query terms to warrant splitting
	//if ( m_numDocIdSplits == 1 ) {
	//	getLists();
	//	return;

	// . set up docid range cursor
	// . do twin splitting
	// . we do no do it this way any more... we subsplit each split
	//   into two halves...!!! see logic in getLists() below!!!
	//if ( m_r->m_stripe == 1 ) {
	//	m_ddd = MAX_DOCID / 2LL;
	//	m_dddEnd = MAX_DOCID + 1LL;
	//else if ( m_r->m_stripe == 0 ) {
	//	m_ddd = 0;
	//	m_dddEnd = MAX_DOCID / 2LL;
	// support triplets, etc. later
	//else {
	//	char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; 

	// do not do twin splitting if only one host per group
	//if ( g_hostdb.getNumStripes() == 1 ) {
	m_ddd    = 0;
	m_dddEnd = MAX_DOCID;

	m_phase = 0;

	// if ( m_r->m_docsToGet <= 0 ) {
	// 	estimateHitsAndSendReply ( );
	// 	return;
	// }

	// if ( m_tmpq.m_numTerms <= 0 ) {
	// 	estimateHitsAndSendReply ( );
	// 	return;
	// }

	// . otherwise, to prevent oom, split up docids into ranges
	//   and get winners of each range.
	//if ( ! doDocIdSplitLoop() ) return;

	// . return false if it blocks true otherwise
	// . it will send a reply when done
	if ( ! controlLoop() ) return;

	// error?
	// if ( g_errno ) {
	// 	log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg39: doDocIdSplitLoop: %s." , 
	// 	    mstrerror(g_errno) );
	// 	sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 , true );
	// 	return ; 
	// }
	// it might not have blocked! if all lists in tree and used no thread
	// it will come here after sending the reply and destroying "this"
コード例 #13
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Statsdb::gifLoop ( ) {
	// shortcut
	Msg5 *m = &m_msg5;

	//#ifndef _USEPLOTTER_
	//return true;

	// loop over all the lists in the time range, [m_t1,m_t2]
	for ( ; ! m_done ; ) {
		if ( ! m->getList ( (char)RDB_STATSDB	,
				    "statsdb"		, // coll
				    &m_list		,
				    (char *)&m_startKey	,
				    (char *)&m_endKey	,
				    32000	, // requested scan size
				    true 	, // include tree?
				    false	, // add to cache?
				    0		, // max cache age
				    0		, // start file number
				    -1		, // number of files
				    NULL	, // state
				    gotListWrapper, // callback
				    m_niceness	, // niceness
				    false	, // do error correction?
				    NULL	, // cache key pointer
				    0		, // # retries
				    -1		, // max # retries
				    true	, // compensate for merge?
				    -1		, // sync point
				    NULL	) ) // msg5b
			return false;
		// . process list
		// . returns false with g_errno set on error
		if ( ! processList() ) return true;

	// define time delta - commented out because it's currently not used.
	long dt = m_t2 - m_t1;

	//#ifdef _USEPLOTTER_

	// gif size
	//char tmp[64];
	// dimensions of the gif
	//sprintf ( tmp , "%lix%li", (long)DX+m_bx*2 , (long)DY+m_by*2 );
	//GIFPlotter::parampl ( "BITMAPSIZE" , (void *)tmp );
	// create one
	//GIFPlotter plotter ( NULL , m_fd , NULL );
	// open it
	//plotter.openpl ( );

	// define the space with boundaries 100 unit wide boundaries
	//plotter.space ( 0 , 0 , DX + m_bx * 2 , DY + m_by * 2 );

	// line thickness in user coordinates (pixels for us)
	//plotter.linewidth ( 1 );       
	// set bg color to gray (r/g/b) 
	//plotter.bgcolor ( 0xd600 , 0xce00 , 0xd600 );
	// erase Plotter's graphics display
	//plotter.erase ();                
	// draw axises in black
	//plotter.pencolorname ("black");    

	// main graphing window
	m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:relative;"
		      // the tick marks we print below are based on it
		      // being a window of the last 20 seconds... and using
		      // DX pixels
		      ,(long)DX + 2 *m_bx
			,(long)DY + 2*m_by);

	// draw the x-axis
	//plotter.line ( m_bx , m_by , DX + m_bx , m_by  );

	// 10 x-axis tick marks
	for ( int x = DX/20 ; x <= DX ; x += DX/20 ) {
		// tick mark
		//plotter.line ( x , -20 , x , 20 );
		m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
			      , m_bx + (long)x-1
		long xv = (long)(dt * (long long)x/(long long)DX)-(long)dt;
		// LABEL
		m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
				, (long)x-10 + m_bx
				// the label:
				, xv

	HashTableX tmpht;

	long col = 0;

	m_sb2->safePrintf("<table border=1 width=100%%>\n");

	// label offset to prevent collisions of superimposing multiple
	// graph calbrations
	long zoff = 0;

	// point to the triplets in m_sb1's buffer (x,y,c)
	char *p    = m_sb1.getBufStart();
	char *pend = p + m_sb1.length();
	for ( ; p < pend ; p += 12 ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// get graph hash of this point
		long  gh = *(long *)(p +8);

		// if we already did this graph, skip it
		if ( tmpht.isInTable ( &gh ) ) continue;

		// . graph this single graph of this color
		// . returns ptr to first point of different color!
		plotGraph ( p , pend , gh , m_gw , zoff );
		// prevent collisions
		zoff += 20;

		// get the label based on graphHash
		Label *bb = getLabel ( gh );

		// add to key
		if ( col == 0 )

		m_sb2->safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%06lx>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>"
				 bb->m_color ,
				 bb->m_keyDesc );

		if ( col == 1 )

		// inc column and wrap
		if ( ++col >= 2 ) col = 0;

		// . do not re-display 
		// . TODO: deal with error
		tmpht.addKey ( &gh );

	// clear that up

	// now plot the events, horizontal line segments like the performance
	// graph uses
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_ht3.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// skip if slot empty
		if ( ! m_ht3.m_flags[i] ) continue;
		// get the offset into m_sb3
		long offset = *(long *)m_ht3.getValueFromSlot(i);
		// get buf start
		char *bufStart = m_sb3.getBufStart();
		// get the ptr
		EventPoint *pp = (EventPoint *)(bufStart + offset);

		// get name of parm
		Parm *m = g_parms.getParmFromParmHash ( pp->m_parmHash );
		// make sure we got it
		if ( ! m ) { 
			log("statsdb: unrecognized parm hash = %li",
			//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

		// set the line width
		//plotter.linewidth ( pp->m_thickness );

		// get parm hash
		long colorHash = pp->m_parmHash;
		// add in old/new values to make it different
		colorHash = hash32h ( (long)pp->m_oldVal , colorHash );
		colorHash = hash32h ( (long)pp->m_newVal , colorHash );
		// . get color
		// . is really the parm hash in disguise
		long c1 = colorHash & 0x00ffffff;
		// use the color specified from addStat_r() for this line/pt
		//plotter.pencolor ( ((c1 >> 16) & 0xff) << 8 ,
		//		   ((c1 >>  8) & 0xff) << 8 ,
		//		   ((c1 >>  0) & 0xff) << 8 );

		long x1 = pp->m_a;
		long x2 = pp->m_b;
		long y1 = *(long *)m_ht3.getKey(i); // i value
		// ensure at least 3 units wide for visibility
		if ( x2 < x1 + 10 ) x2 = x1 + 10;
		// . flip the y so we don't have to scroll the browser down
		// . DY does not include the axis and tick marks
		//long fy1 = DY - y1 + m_by ;
		// plot it
		//plotter.line ( x1 , fy1 , x2 , fy1 );
		drawLine3 ( m_gw , x1 , x2 , y1 , c1 , pp->m_thickness );

		// add to map key? only if we haven't already
		if ( tmpht.isInTable ( &colorHash ) ) continue;

		// add it
		if ( col == 0 )

		char *title = "unknown parm";
		if ( m ) title = m->m_title;

		m_sb2->safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%06lx>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>",c1);

		// print the parm name and old/new values

		if ( pp->m_oldVal != pp->m_newVal )
			m_sb2->safePrintf(" (%.02f -> %.02f)",


		if ( col == 1 )

		// inc column and wrap
		if ( ++col >= 2 ) col = 0;

		// . do not re-display 
		// . TODO: deal with error
		tmpht.addKey ( &colorHash ) ;

	// clear that up

	// and stat states

	// all done free some mem

	// but not m_sb2 cuz that has the html in it!!

	// all done
	//if ( plotter.closepl () < 0 ) 
	//	log("admin: Could not close performance graph object.");
	// close the file
	//fclose ( m_fd );


	// close main graphing window

	return true;
コード例 #14
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Title::setTitle ( Xml *xml, Words *words, int32_t maxTitleLen, Query *query,
                       LinkInfo *linkInfo, Url *firstUrl, const char *filteredRootTitleBuf, int32_t filteredRootTitleBufSize,
                       uint8_t contentType, uint8_t langId, int32_t niceness ) {
	// make Msg20.cpp faster if it is just has
	// Msg20Request::m_setForLinkInfo set to true, no need to extricate a title.
	if ( maxTitleLen <= 0 ) {
		return true;

	m_niceness = niceness;
	m_maxTitleLen = maxTitleLen;

	// if this is too big the "first line" algo can be huge!!!
	// and really slow everything way down with a huge title candidate
	int32_t maxTitleWords = 128;

	// assume no title

	int32_t NW = words->getNumWords();

	// now get all the candidates

	// . allow up to 100 title CANDIDATES
	// . "as" is the word # of the first word in the candidate
	// . "bs" is the word # of the last word IN the candidate PLUS ONE
	int32_t n = 0;
	int32_t as[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t bs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float scores[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	Words *cptrs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t types[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t parent[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// record the scoring algos effects
	float  baseScore        [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  noCapsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  qtermsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  inCommonCandBoost[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// reset these
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
		// assume no parent
		parent[i] = -1;

	// xml and words class for each link info, rss item
	int32_t  ti = 0;

	// restrict how many link texts and rss blobs we check for titles
	// because title recs like www.google.com have hundreds and can
	// really slow things down to like 50ms for title generation
	int32_t kcount = 0;
	int32_t rcount = 0;

	//int64_t x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . get every link text
	// . TODO: repeat for linkInfo2, the imported link text
	for ( Inlink *k = NULL; linkInfo && (k = linkInfo->getNextInlink(k)) ; ) {
		// breathe
		// fast skip check for link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 && ++kcount >= 20 ) continue;
		// fast skip check for rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem > 10 && ++rcount >= 20 ) continue;

		// set Url
		Url u;
		u.set( k->getUrl(), k->size_urlBuf );

		// is it the same host as us?
		bool sh = true;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( firstUrl->getHostLen() != u.getHostLen() ) {
			sh = false;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( strncmp( firstUrl->getHost(), u.getHost(), u.getHostLen() ) ) {
			sh = false;

		// get the link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 ) {
			char *p    = k->getLinkText();
			int32_t  plen = k->size_linkText - 1;
			if ( ! verifyUtf8 ( p , plen ) ) {
				log("title: set4 bad link text from url=%s", k->getUrl());

			// now the words.
			if ( !tw[ti].set( k->getLinkText(), k->size_linkText - 1, true, 0 ) ) {
				return false;

			// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			// score higher if same host
			if ( sh ) scores[n] = 1.05;
			// do not count so high if remote!
			else      scores[n] = 0.80;
			// set the type
			if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL;
			else      types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE;
			// another candidate
			// use xml and words
			// break out if too many already. save some for below.
			if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;
		// get the rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem <= 10 ) continue;
		// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
		// . use a 0 for niceness
		if ( ! k->setXmlFromRSS ( &tx[ti] , 0 ) ) return false;
		// get the word range
		int32_t tslen;
		bool isHtmlEnc;
		char *ts = tx[ti].getRSSTitle ( &tslen , &isHtmlEnc );
		// skip if not in the rss
		if ( ! ts ) continue;
		// skip if empty
		if ( tslen <= 0 ) continue;
		// now set words to that
		if ( !tw[ti].set( ts, tslen, true, 0 ) ) {
			return false;

		// point to that
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		// increment since we are using it
		// base score for rss title
		if ( sh ) scores[n] = 5.0;
		// if not same host, treat like link text
		else      scores[n] = 2.0;
		// set the type
		if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_RSSITEMLOCAL;
		else      types [n] = TT_RSSITEMREMOTE;
		// advance
		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took1=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . set the flags array
	// . indicates what words are in title candidates already, but
	//   that is set below
	// . up here we set words that are not allowed to be in candidates,
	//   like words that are in a link that is not a self link
	// . alloc for it
	char *flags = NULL;
	char localBuf[10000];

	int32_t  need = words->getNumWords();
	if ( need <= 10000 ) {
		flags = (char *)localBuf;
	} else {
		flags = (char *)mmalloc(need,"TITLEflags");

	if ( ! flags ) {
		return false;

	// clear it
	memset ( flags , 0 , need );

	// check tags in body
	nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();

	// scan to set link text flags
	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	char inLink   = false;
	char selfLink = false;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// breathe

		// if in a link that is not self link, cannot be in a candidate
		if ( inLink && ! selfLink ) {
			flags[i] |= 0x02;

		// out of a link
		if ( tids[i] == (TAG_A | BACKBIT) ) {
			inLink = false;

		// if not start of <a> tag, skip it
		if ( tids[i] != TAG_A ) {

		// flag it
		inLink = true;

		// get the node in the xml
		int32_t xn = words->getNodes()[i];

		// is it a self link?
		int32_t len;
		char *link = xml->getString(xn,"href",&len);

		// . set the url class to this
		// . TODO: use the base url in the doc
		Url u;
		u.set( link, len, true, false );

		// compare
		selfLink = u.equals ( firstUrl );

		// skip if not selfLink
		if ( ! selfLink ) {

		// if it is a selflink , check for an "onClick" tag in the
		// anchor tag to fix that Mixx issue for:
		// http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137

		int32_t  oclen;
		char *oc = xml->getString(xn,"onclick",&oclen);

		if ( ! oc ) {
			oc = xml->getString(xn,"onClick",&oclen);

		// assume not a self link if we see that...
		if ( oc ) {
			selfLink = false;

		// if this <a href> link has a "title" attribute, use that
		// instead! that thing is solid gold.
		int32_t  atlen;
		char *atitle = xml->getString(xn,"title",&atlen);

		// stop and use that, this thing is gold!
		if ( ! atitle || atlen <= 0 ) {

		// craziness? ignore it...
		if ( atlen > 400 ) {

		// if it contains permanent, permalink or share, ignore it!
		if ( strncasestr ( atitle, "permalink", atlen ) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"permanent", atlen) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"share", atlen) ) {

		// do not count the link text as viable
		selfLink = false;

		// aw, dammit
		if ( ti >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// other dammit
		if ( n >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// ok, process it
		if ( ! tw[ti].set ( atitle, atlen, true, 0 )) {
			return false;

		// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		scores  [n] = 3.0; // not ALWAYS solid gold!
		types   [n] = TT_TITLEATT;

		// we are using the words class

		// advance

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 20 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took2=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	//int64_t *wids = WW->getWordIds();
	// . find the last positive scoring guy
	// . do not consider title candidates after "r" if "r" is non-zero
	// . FIXES http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/

	// the candidate # of the title tag
	int32_t tti = -1;

	// allow up to 4 tags from each type
	char table[512];

	// sanity check
	if ( getNumXmlNodes() > 512 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// clear table counts
	memset ( table , 0 , 512 );

	// the first word
	char *wstart = NULL;
	if ( NW > 0 ) {
		wstart = words->getWord(0);

	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// come back up here if we encounter another "title-ish" tag
		// within our first alleged "title-ish" tag
		// stop after 30k of text
		if ( words->getWord(i) - wstart > 200000 ) {
			break; // 1106

		// get the tag id minus the back tag bit
		nodeid_t tid = tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP;

		// pen up and pen down for these comment like tags
		if ( tid == TAG_SCRIPT || tid == TAG_STYLE ) {
			// ignore "titles" in script or style tags
			if ( ! (tids[i] & BACKBIT) ) {

		/// @todo ALC we should allow more tags than just title/link
		// skip if not a good tag.
		if (tid != TAG_TITLE && tid != TAG_A) {

		// must NOT be a back tag
		if ( tids[i] & BACKBIT ) {

		// skip if we hit our limit
		if ( table[tid] >= 4 ) {

		// skip over tag/word #i

		// no words in links, unless it is a self link
		if ( i < NW && (flags[i] & 0x02) ) {

		// the start should be here
		int32_t start = -1;

		// do not go too far
		int32_t max = i + 200;

		// find the corresponding back tag for it
		for (  ; i < NW && i < max ; i++ ) {
			// hey we got it, BUT we got no alnum word first
			// so the thing was empty, so loop back to subloop
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == tid  &&   
			     (tids[i] & BACKBIT    ) && 
			     start == -1 ) {
				goto subloop;

			// if we hit another title-ish tag, loop back up
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_TITLE || (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_A ) {
				// if no alnum text, restart at the top
				if ( start == -1 ) {
					goto subloop;

				// otherwise, break out and see if title works

			// if we hit a breaking tag...
			if ( isBreakingTagId ( tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP ) &&
			     // do not consider <span> tags breaking for 
			     // our purposes. i saw a <h1><span> setup before.
			     tids[i] != TAG_SPAN ) {

			// skip if not alnum word
			if ( ! words->isAlnum(i) ) {

			// if we hit an alnum word, break out
			if ( start == -1 ) {
				start = i;

		// if no start was found, must have had a 0 score in there
		if ( start == -1 ) {

		// if we exhausted the doc, we are done
		if ( i >= NW ) {

		// skip if way too big!
		if ( i >= max ) {

		// if was too long do not consider a title
		if ( i - start > 300 ) {

		// . skip if too many bytes
		// . this does not include the length of word #i, but #(i-1)
		if ( words->getStringSize ( start , i ) > 1000 ) {

		// when using pdftohtml, the title tag is the filename when PDF property does not have title tag
		if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && contentType == CT_PDF ) {
			// skip if title == '/in.[0-9]*'
			char* title_start = words->getWord(start);
			char* title_end = words->getWord(i);
			size_t title_size = title_end - title_start;
			const char* result = strnstr( title_start, "/in.", title_size );
			if (result != NULL) {
				char* endp = NULL;
				// do some further verification to avoid screwing up title
				if ((strtoll(result + 4, &endp, 10) > 0) && (endp == title_end)) {

		// count it

		// max it out if we are positive scoring. stop after the
		// first positive scoring guy in a section. this might
		// hurt the "Hamlet" thing though...

		// store a point to the title tag guy. Msg20.cpp needs this
		// because the zak's proximity algo uses it in Summary.cpp
		// and in Msg20.cpp

		// only get the first one! often the 2nd on is in an iframe!! which we now expand into here.
		if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && m_titleTagStart == -1 ) {
			m_titleTagStart = start;
			m_titleTagEnd   = i;

			// save the candidate # because we always use this
			// as the title if we are a root
			if ( tti < 0 ) {
				tti = n;

		// point to words class of the body that was passed in to us
		cptrs[n] = words;
		as[n] = start;
		bs[n] = i;
		if ( tid == TAG_B ) {
			types[n] = TT_BOLDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H1 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.8;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H2 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.7;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H3 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.6;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) {
			types[n] = TT_TITLETAG;
			scores[n] = 3.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_DIV ) {
			types[n] = TT_DIVTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TD ) {
			types[n] = TT_TDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_P ) {
			types[n] = TT_PTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_FONT ) {
			types[n] = TT_FONTTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_A ) {
			types[n] = TT_ATAG;
			// . self link is very powerful BUT
			//   http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137
			//   doesn't use it right! so use
			//   1.3 instead of 3.0. that has an "onClick" thing in the
			//   <a> tag, so check for that!
			// this was bad for
			// http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			// so i am demoting from 3.0 to 1.5
			scores[n] = 1.5;

		// count it

		// start loop over at tag #i, for loop does an i++, so negate
		// that so this will work

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 10 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took3=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// to handle text documents, throw in the first line of text
	// as a title candidate, just make the score really low
	bool textDoc = (contentType == CT_UNKNOWN || contentType == CT_TEXT);

	if (textDoc) {
		// make "i" point to first alphabetical word in the document
		int32_t i ;

		for ( i = 0 ; i < NW && !words->isAlpha(i) ; i++);

		// if we got a first alphabetical word, then assume that to be the start of our title
		if ( i < NW && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// first word in title is "t0"
			int32_t t0 = i;
			// find end of first line
			int32_t numWords = 0;

			// set i to the end now. we MUST find a \n to terminate the
			// title, otherwise we will not have a valid title
			while (i < NW && numWords < maxTitleWords && (words->isAlnum(i) || !words->hasChar(i, '\n'))) {
				if(words->isAlnum(i)) {


			// "t1" is the end
			int32_t t1 = -1;

			// we must have found our \n in order to set "t1"
			if (i <= NW && numWords < maxTitleWords ) {
				t1 = i;

			// set the ptrs
			cptrs   [n] =  words;

			// this is the last resort i guess...
			scores  [n] =  0.5;
			types   [n] =  TT_FIRSTLINE;
			as      [n] =  t0;
			bs      [n] =  t1;

			// add it as a candidate if t0 and t1 were valid
			if (t0 >= 0 && t1 > t0) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took4=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

		// now add the last url path to contain underscores or hyphens
		char *pstart = firstUrl->getPath();

		// get first url
		Url *fu = firstUrl;

		// start at the end
		char *p = fu->getUrl() + fu->getUrlLen();

		// end pointer
		char *pend = NULL;

		// come up here for each path component
		while ( p >= pstart ) {
			// save end
			pend = p;

			// skip over /
			if ( *p == '/' ) {

			// now go back to next /
			int32_t count = 0;
			for ( ; p >= pstart && *p !='/' ; p-- ) {
				if ( *p == '_' || *p == '-' ) {

			// did we get it?
			if ( count > 0 ) {

		// did we get any?
		if ( p > pstart && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// now set words to that
			if ( ! tw[ti].set ( p, (pend - p), true, 0 )) {
				return false;

			// point to that
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			scores  [n] = 1.0;
			types   [n] = TT_URLPATH;

			// increment since we are using it

			// advance

	// save old n
	int32_t oldn = n;

	// . do not split titles if we are a root url maps.yahoo.com was getting "Maps" for the title
	if ( firstUrl->isRoot() ) {
		oldn = -2;

	// point to list of \0 separated titles
	const char *rootTitleBuf    = NULL;
	const char *rootTitleBufEnd = NULL;

	// get the root title if we are not root!
	if (filteredRootTitleBuf) {
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
		// point to list of \0 separated titles
		rootTitleBuf    = filteredRootTitleBuf;
		rootTitleBufEnd =  filteredRootTitleBuf + filteredRootTitleBufSize;

		Matches m;
		if ( rootTitleBuf && query ) {
			m.setQuery ( query );

		// convert into an array
		int32_t nr = 0;
		const char *pr = rootTitleBuf;
		const char *rootTitles[20];
		int32_t  rootTitleLens[20];

		// loop over each root title segment
		for ( ; pr && pr < rootTitleBufEnd ; pr += strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr) + 1 ) {
			// if we had a query...
			if ( query ) {
				// reset it

				// see if root title segment has query terms in it
				m.addMatches ( const_cast<char*>(pr), strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr), MF_TITLEGEN, m_niceness );

				// if matches query, do NOT add it, we only add it for
				// removing from the title of the page...
				if ( m.getNumMatches() ) {
			// point to it. it should start with an alnum already
			// since it is the "filtered" list of root titles...
			// if not, fix it in xmldoc then.
			rootTitles   [nr] = pr;
			rootTitleLens[nr] = gbstrlen(pr);
			// advance
			// no breaching
			if ( nr >= 20 ) break;

		// now split up candidates in children candidates by tokenizing
		// using :, | and - as delimters.
		// the hyphen must have a space on at least one side, so "cd-rom" does
		// not create a pair of tokens...
		// FIX: for the title:
		// Best Careers 2009: Librarian - US News and World Report
		// we need to recognize "Best Careers 2009: Librarian" as a subtitle
		// otherwise we don't get it as the title. so my question is are we
		// going to have to do all the permutations at some point? for now
		// let's just add in pairs...
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < oldn && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
			// stop if no root title segments
			if ( nr <= 0 ) break;
			// get the word info
			Words *w = cptrs[i];
			int32_t   a = as[i];
			int32_t   b = bs[i];
			// init
			int32_t lasta = a;
			char prev  = false;
			// char length in bytes
			//int32_t charlen = 1;
			// see how many we add
			int32_t added = 0;
			char *skipTo = NULL;
			bool qualified = true;
			// . scan the words looking for a token
			// . sometimes the candidates end in ": " so put in "k < b-1"
			// . made this from k<b-1 to k<b to fix
			//   "Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) - IMDb" to strip IMDb
			for ( int32_t k = a ; k < b && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES; k++){
				// get word
				char *wp = w->getWord(k);
				// skip if not alnum
				if ( ! w->isAlnum(k) ) {
					// in order for next alnum word to
					// qualify for "clipping" if it matches
					// the root title, there has to be more
					// than just spaces here, some punct.
					// otherwise title
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from Answers.com"
					// becomes
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from"
				// gotta be qualified!
				if ( ! qualified ) continue;
				// skip if in root title
				if ( skipTo && wp < skipTo ) continue;
				// does this match any root page title segments?
				int32_t j;
				for ( j = 0 ; j < nr ; j++ ) {
					// . compare to root title
					// . break out if we matched!
					if ( ! strncmp( wp, rootTitles[j], rootTitleLens[j] ) ) {

				// if we did not match a root title segment,
				// keep on chugging
				if ( j >= nr ) continue;
				// . we got a root title match!
				// . skip over
				skipTo = wp + rootTitleLens[j];
				// must land on qualified punct then!!
				int32_t e = k+1;
				for ( ; e<b && w->getWord(e)<skipTo ; e++ );
				// ok, word #e must be a qualified punct
				if ( e<b &&
				     ! isWordQualified(w->getWord(e),w->getWordLen(e)))
					// assume no match then!!
				// if we had a previous guy, reset the end of the
				// previous candidate
				if ( prev ) {
					bs[n-2] = k;
					bs[n-1] = k;
				// . ok, we got two more candidates
				// . well, only one more if this is not the 1st time
				if ( ! prev ) {
					cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
					scores  [n] = scores  [i];
					types   [n] = types   [i];
					as      [n] = lasta;
					bs      [n] = k;
					parent  [n] = i;
				// the 2nd one
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = e + 1;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// now add in the last pair as a whole token
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = lasta;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// nuke the current candidate then since it got
				// split up to not contain the root title...
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

				// update this
				lasta = k+1;

				// if we encounter another delimeter we will have to revise bs[n-1], so note that
				prev = true;

			// nuke the current candidate then since it got
			// split up to not contain the root title...
			if ( added ) {
				scores[i] = 0.001;
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

			// erase the pair if that there was only one token
			if ( added == 3 ) n--;

	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) baseScore[i] = scores[i];
	// . now punish by 0.85 for every lower case non-stop word it has
	// . reward by 1.1 if has a non-stopword in the query
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w ) {

		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();

		// skip if empty
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) {

		// get the word boundaries
		int32_t a = as[i];
		int32_t b = bs[i];

		// record the boosts
		float ncb = 1.0;
		float qtb = 1.0;

		// a flag
		char uncapped = false;

		// scan the words in this title candidate
		for ( int32_t j = a ; j < b ; j++ ) {
			// skip stop words
			if ( w->isQueryStopWord( j, langId ) ) {

			// punish if uncapitalized non-stopword
			if ( ! w->isCapitalized(j) ) {
				uncapped = true;

			// skip if no query
			if ( ! query ) {

			int64_t wid = w->getWordId(j);

			// reward if in the query
			if ( query->getWordNum(wid) >= 0 ) {
				qtb       *= 1.5;
				scores[i] *= 1.5;

		// . only punish once if missing a capitalized word hurts us for:
		//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
		if ( uncapped ) {
			ncb *= 1.00;
			scores[i] *= 1.00;

		// punish if a http:// title thingy
		char *s = wptrs[a];
		int32_t size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		if ( size > 9 && memcmp("http://", s, 7) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;
		if ( size > 14 && memcmp("h\0t\0t\0p\0:\0/\0/", s, 14) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;

		// set these guys
		scores[i] *= ncb;

		noCapsBoost[i]  = ncb;
		qtermsBoost[i]  = qtb;

	// . now compare each candidate to the other candidates
	// . give a boost if matches
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w1 = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w1 ) {

		int32_t a1 = as[i];
		int32_t b1 = bs[i];

		// reset some flags
		char localFlag1 = 0;
		char localFlag2 = 0;

		// record the boost
		float iccb = 1.0;

		// total boost
		float total = 1.0;

		// to each other candidate
		for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
			// not to ourselves
			if ( j == i ) {

			// or our derivatives
			if ( parent[j] == i ) {

			// or derivates to their parent
			if ( parent[i] == j ) {

			// only check parents now. do not check kids.
			// this was only for when doing percent contained
			// not getSimilarity() per se
			//if ( parent[j] != -1 ) continue;

			// TODO: do not accumulate boosts from a parent
			// and its kids, subtitles...
			// do not compare type X to type Y
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_TITLETAG ) {

			// do not compare a div candidate to another div cand
			// http://friendfeed.com/foxiewire?start=30
			// likewise, a TD to another TD
			// http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/match/351681.html
			// ... etc.
			if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG ||
			     types[i] == TT_HTAG    ||
			     types[i] == TT_DIVTAG  ||
			     types[i] == TT_TDTAG   ||
			     types[i] == TT_FONTTAG    ) {
				if ( types[j] == types[i] ) continue;
			// . do not compare one kid to another kid
			// . i.e. if we got "x | y" as a title and "x | z"
			//   as a link text, it will emphasize "x" too much
			//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
			if ( parent[j] != -1 && parent[i] != -1 ) continue;

			// . body type tags are mostly mutually exclusive
			// . for the legacy.com url mentioned below, we have
			//   good stuff in <td> tags, so this hurts us...
			// . but for the sake of 
			//   http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/
			//   i put bold tags back

			if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) continue;
			if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) continue;

			// only compare to one local link text for each i
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL && localFlag1 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  && localFlag2 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				localFlag1 = 1;
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  ) {
				localFlag2 = 1;

			// not link title attr to link title attr either
			// fixes http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT &&
			     types[j] == TT_TITLEATT )

			// get our words
			Words *w2 = cptrs[j];

			// skip if got nuked above
			if ( ! w2 ) continue;
			int32_t   a2 = as   [j];
			int32_t   b2 = bs   [j];

			// how similar is title #i to title #j ?
			float fp = getSimilarity ( w2 , a2 , b2 , w1 , a1 , b1 );

			// error?
			if ( fp == -1.0 ) return false;

			// custom boosting...
			float boost = 1.0;
			if      ( fp >= .95 ) boost = 3.0;
			else if ( fp >= .90 ) boost = 2.0;
			else if ( fp >= .85 ) boost = 1.5;
			else if ( fp >= .80 ) boost = 1.4;
			else if ( fp >= .75 ) boost = 1.3;
			else if ( fp >= .70 ) boost = 1.2;
			else if ( fp >= .60 ) boost = 1.1;
			else if ( fp >= .50 ) boost = 1.08;
			else if ( fp >= .40 ) boost = 1.04;

			// limit total
			total *= boost;
			if ( total > 100.0 ) break;
			// if you are matching the url path, that is pretty 
			// good so give more!
			// actually, that would hurt:
			// http://michellemalkin.com/2008/12/29/gag-worthy/

			// custom boosting!
			if ( fp > 0.0 && g_conf.m_logDebugTitle )
				logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: i=%" PRId32" j=%" PRId32" fp=%.02f "
				     "b=%.02f", i,j,fp,boost);
			// apply it
			scores[i] *= boost;

			iccb      *= boost;

		inCommonCandBoost[i] = iccb;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took7=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// loop over all n candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if not in the document body
		if ( cptrs[i] != words ) continue;
		// point to the words
		int32_t       a1    = as   [i];
		int32_t       b1    = bs   [i];

		// . loop through this candidates words
		// . TODO: use memset here?
		for ( int32_t j = a1 ; j <= b1 && j < NW ; j++ ) {
			// flag it
			flags[j] |= 0x01;

	// free our stuff
	if ( flags!=localBuf ) {
		mfree (flags, need, "TITLEflags");

	// now get the highest scoring candidate title
	float max    = -1.0;
	int32_t  winner = -1;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if got nuked
		if ( ! cptrs[i] ) {

		if ( winner != -1 && scores[i] <= max ) {

		// url path's cannot be titles in and of themselves
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH ) {

		// skip if empty basically, like if title was exact
		// copy of root, then the whole thing got nuked and
		// some empty string added, where a > b
		if ( as[i] >= bs[i] ) {

		// got one
		max = scores[i];

		// save it
		winner = i;

	// if we are a root, always pick the title tag as the title
	if ( oldn == -2 && tti >= 0 ) {
		winner = tti;

	// if no winner, all done. no title
	if ( winner == -1 ) {
		// last resort use file name
		if ((contentType == CT_PDF) && (firstUrl->getFilenameLen() != 0)) {
			Words w;
			w.set(firstUrl->getFilename(), firstUrl->getFilenameLen(), true);
			if (!copyTitle(&w, 0, w.getNumWords())) {
				return false;
		return true;

	// point to the words class of the winner
	Words *w = cptrs[winner];
	// skip if got nuked above
	if ( ! w ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// need to make our own Pos class if title not from body
	Pos  tp;
	if ( w != words ) {
		// set "Scores" ptr to NULL. we assume all are positive scores
		if ( ! tp.set ( w ) ) {
			return false;

	// the string ranges from word #a up to and including word #b
	int32_t a = as[winner];
	int32_t b = bs[winner];
	// sanity check
	if ( a < 0 || b > w->getNumWords() ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// save the title
	if ( ! copyTitle(w, a, b) ) {
		return false;

	// debug logging
	SafeBuf sb;
	SafeBuf *pbuf = &sb;

	log("title: candidates for %s",xd->getFirstUrl()->getUrl() );

	pbuf->safePrintf("<div stype=\"border:1px solid black\">");
	pbuf->safePrintf("<b>***Finding Title***</b><br>\n");

	pbuf->safePrintf("<table cellpadding=5 border=2><tr>"
			 "<td colspan=20><center><b>Title Generation</b>"
			 "<td>base score</td>"
			 "<td>format penalty</td>"
			 "<td>query term boost</td>"
			 "<td>candidate intersection boost</td>"
			 "<td>FINAL SCORE</td>"
			 "</tr>\n" );

	// print out all candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		char *ts = "unknown";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL  ) ts = "local inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE ) ts = "remote inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL   ) ts = "local rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMREMOTE  ) ts = "remote rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG        ) ts = "bold tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_HTAG           ) ts = "header tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG       ) ts = "title tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FIRSTLINE      ) ts = "first line in text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FONTTAG        ) ts = "font tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_ATAG           ) ts = "anchor tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_DIVTAG         ) ts = "div tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TDTAG          ) ts = "td tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_PTAG           ) ts = "p tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH        ) ts = "url path";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT       ) ts = "title attribute";
		// get the title
				 "<td>#%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%0.2f</td>" // baseScore
				 ts ,
		// ptrs
		Words *w = cptrs[i];
		int32_t   a = as[i];
		int32_t   b = bs[i];
		// skip if no words
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) continue;
		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();
		// string ptrs
		char *ptr  = wptrs[a];//w->getWord(a);
		int32_t  size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		// it is utf8
		pbuf->safeMemcpy ( ptr , size );
		// end the line


	// log these for now
	log("title: %s",sb.getBufStart());

	return true;

コード例 #15
// . add the phrase that starts with the ith word
// . "read Of Mice and Men" should make 3 phrases:
// . read.ofmice
// . ofmice
// . mice.andmen
void Phrases::setPhrase ( int32_t i, int32_t niceness ) {
	// . if the ith word cannot start a phrase then we have no phrase
	// . we indicate NULL phrasesIds with a spam of PSKIP
	// . we now index all regardless! we want to be able to search
	//   for "a thing" or something. so do it!
	//if ( ! m_bits->canStartPhrase ( i ) ) {
	//	m_phraseSpam[i] = PSKIP; 
	//	m_phraseIds [i] = 0LL;
	//	return;

	// MDW: now Weights.cpp should encompass all this logic
	// or if score <= 0, set in Scores.cpp
	//if ( m_wordScores && m_wordScores[i] <= 0 ) {
	//	m_phraseSpam[i] = PSKIP; 
	//	m_phraseIds [i] = 0LL;
	//	return;

	// hash of the phrase
	int64_t h   = 0LL; 
	// the hash of the two-word phrase (now we do 3,4 and 5 word phrases)
	int64_t h2  = 0LL; 
	int64_t h3  = 0LL; 
	//int64_t h4  = 0LL; 
	//int64_t h5  = 0LL; 
	// reset
	unsigned char pos = 0;
	// now look for other tokens that should follow the ith token
	int32_t          nw               = m_words->getNumWords();
	int32_t          numWordsInPhrase = 1;
	// use the min spam from all words in the phrase as the spam for phrase
	char minSpam = -1;
	// we need to hash "1 / 8" differently from "1.8" from "1,000" etc.
	char isNum = is_digit(m_wptrs[i][0]);
	// min score
	//int32_t minScore ;
	//if ( m_wordScores ) minScore = m_wordScores[i];
	// if i is not a stop word, it can set the min spam initially
	//if ( ! m_bits->isStopWord(i) &&m_spam ) minSpam = m_spam->getSpam(i);
	// do not include punct/tag words in the m_numWordsTotal[j] count
	// of the total words in the phrase. these are just usesless tails.
	int32_t lastWordj = -1;
	// loop over following words
	int32_t j;
	bool hasHyphen ;
	bool hasStopWord2 ;

	// . NOTE: a token can start a phrase but NOT be in it. 
	// . like a large number for example.
	// . wordId is the lower ascii hash of the ith word
	// . NO... this is allowing the query operator PiiPe to start
	//   a phrase but not be in it, then the phrase id ends up just
	//   being the following word's id. causing the synonyms code to
	//   give a synonym which it should not un Synonyms::set()
	if ( ! m_bits->canBeInPhrase(i) )
		// so indeed, skip it then
		goto nophrase;

	//h = hash64 ( h, m_words->getWordId(i));
	h = m_wids[i];
	// set position
	pos = (unsigned char)m_wlens[i];
	//if (m_words->getStripWordId(i)) 
	//	h2 = hash64 ( h2, m_words->getStripWordId(i));
	//else h2 = h;

	hasHyphen = false;
	hasStopWord2 = m_bits->isStopWord(i);
	// this makes it true now too
	//if ( m_wlens[i] <= 2 ) hasStopWord = true;

	for ( j = i + 1 ; j < nw ; j++ ) {

		// . do not allow more than 32 alnum/punct "words" in a phrase
		// . this prevents phrases with 100,000 words from slowing
		//   us down. would put us in a huge double-nested for loop
		if ( j > i + 32 ) goto nophrase;
		// deal with punct words
		if ( ! m_wids[j] ) {
			// if we cannot pair across word j then break
			if ( ! m_bits->canPairAcross (j) ) break;
			// does it have a hyphen?
			if (j==i+1 && m_words->hasChar(j,'-')) hasHyphen=true;
			// "D & B" --> dandb
			if (j==i+1 && m_words->hasChar(j,'&')) {
				// set this
				hasStopWord = true;
				// insert "and"
				int32_t conti=pos;
				h = hash64Lower_utf8_cont("and",3,h,&conti);
				// the two-word phrase, set it if we need to
				h2 = h;
				m_numWordsTotal2[i] = j-i+1;
		// . if this word can not be in a phrase then continue our 
		//   search for a word that can
		// . no punctuation can be in a phrase currently (++?)
		//if ( m_bits->canBeInPhrase (j) ) {

		// keep this set right
		//if (m_bits->isStopWord(j)||m_wlens[j]<=2) hasStopWord = true;
		//if ( m_bits->isStopWord(j) ) hasStopWord = true;

		// record lastWordj to indicate that word #j was a true word
		lastWordj = j;
		// . stop words should have a 0 spam value so don't count those
		// . added by mdw in march 2002
		if ( ! m_bits->isStopWord(j) && m_spam ) {
			// maintain the min spam
			char spam  = m_spam->getSpam ( j );
			if ( minSpam == -1 || spam < minSpam ) minSpam = spam;
			// . min weight from score vector
			// . normal score here is 256, not 128, so shift
			//   down 3 to normalize it relatively
			//if ( m_wordScores && (m_wordScores[j]>>3)<minScore) 
			//	minScore = m_wordScores[j]>>3;
			//if ( m_wordScores && m_wordScores[j] < minScore ) 
			//	minScore = m_wordScores[j];
		// if word #j can be in phrase then incorporate it's hash
		if ( m_bits->canBeInPhrase (j) ) {
			// continue the hash
		        //unsigned char *p= (unsigned char *)m_wptrs[j];
			//unsigned char *pend = p + m_wlens[j];
			//for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) 
			//	h ^= g_hashtab[pos++][*p];

			int32_t conti = pos;

			// . get the punctuation mark separting two numbers
			// . use space if can't find one
			// . 1/234 1,234 1.234 10/11 "1 234" 1-5
			//if (isNum && j==i + 2 && is_digit(m_wptrs[j][0]) ) {
			//	// get punct mark
			//	char c = m_wptrs[i+1][0];
			//	// if space try next
			//	if(c==' '&&m_wlens[i+1]>1) c=m_wptrs[i+1][1];
			//	// treat comma as nothing
			//	if ( c==',' ) c='\0';
			//	// treat / and . and - as they are, everything
			//	// else should be treated as a space
			//	else if(c!='/'&&c !='.'&& c!='-'&&c!=':')c=' ';
			//	// incorporate into hash if c is there
			//	if (c)h=hash64Lower_utf8_cont(&c,1,h,&conti);

			// hash the jth word into the hash
			h = hash64Lower_utf8_cont(m_wptrs[j], 
						  &conti );
			pos = conti;
			//h = hash64 ( h , m_words->getWordId (j) );
			//if (m_words->getStripWordId(j)) 
			//	h2 = hash64 ( h2, m_words->getStripWordId(j));
			//else h2 = hash64(h2, m_words->getWordId(j));

			// N-word phrases?
			if ( numWordsInPhrase == 2 ) { // h != h2 ) {
				h2 = h;
				m_numWordsTotal2[i] = j-i+1;
				if ( m_bits->isStopWord(j) ) 
					hasStopWord2 = true;
			if ( numWordsInPhrase == 3 ) {
				h3 = h;
				m_numWordsTotal3[i] = j-i+1;
			if ( numWordsInPhrase == 4 ) {
				h4 = h;
				m_numWordsTotal4[i] = j-i+1;
			if ( numWordsInPhrase == 5 ) {
				h5 = h;
				m_numWordsTotal5[i] = j-i+1;
		// if we cannot pair across word j then break
		if ( ! m_bits->canPairAcross (j) ) break;
		// keep chugging?
		if ( numWordsInPhrase >= 5 ) {
			// if we're not using stop words then break
			if ( ! m_useStopWords ) break;
			// if it's not a stop word then break
			if ( ! m_bits->isStopWord (j) ) break;
		// otherwise, get the next word
	// if we had no phrase then use 0 as id (need 2+ words to be a pharse)
	if ( numWordsInPhrase <= 1 ) { 
		m_phraseSpam[i]      = PSKIP; 
		//m_phraseIds [i]      = 0LL; 
		m_phraseIds2[i]      = 0LL; 
		m_phraseIds3[i]      = 0LL; 
		//m_stripPhraseIds [i] = 0LL; 
		//m_numWordsTotal[i]   = 0;
		m_numWordsTotal2[i]   = 0;
		m_numWordsTotal3[i]   = 0;
	// don't jump the edge
	//if ( j >= nw ) j = nw - 1;
	// sanity check
	if ( lastWordj == -1 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
	// set the phrase length (from word #i upto & including word #j)
	//m_numWordsTotal[i] = j - i + 1;
	//m_numWordsTotal [i] = lastWordj - i + 1;
	// sanity check
	if ( lastWordj - i + 1 > 255 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// set the phrase spam
	if ( minSpam == -1 ) minSpam = 0;
	m_phraseSpam[i] = minSpam;
	// return the phraseId
	//m_phraseIds [i] = h;
	// hyphen between numbers does not count (so 1-2 != 12)
	if ( isNum ) hasHyphen = false;
	// . the two word phrase id
	// . "cd rom"    -> cdrom
	// . "fly paper" -> flypaper
	// . "i-phone"   -> iphone
	// . "e-mail"    -> email
	if ( hasHyphen || ! hasStopWord2 ) {
		//m_phraseIds [i] = h;
		m_phraseIds2[i] = h2;
	// . "st. and"    !-> stand
	// . "the rapist" !-> therapist
	else {
		//m_phraseIds [i] = h  ^ 0x768867;
		m_phraseIds2[i] = h2 ^ 0x768867;
	// forget hyphen logic for these
	m_phraseIds3[i] = h3;
	//m_phraseIds4[i] = h4;
	//m_phraseIds5[i] = h5;

	//if ( h != h2 ) m_stripPhraseIds[i] = h2;
	//else m_stripPhraseIds[i] = 0LL;
	// the score weight, if any
	//if ( m_phraseScores ) m_phraseScores [i] = minScore;
	// sanity check
	//if(m_phraseScores && minScore == 0x7fffffff ) {char *xx =NULL;*xx=0;}
	// debug msg
	//char *w = m_words->getWord(i) ;
	//int32_t  wlen = m_words->getWordLen(i) ; 
	//for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < wlen ; k++ )
	//	fprintf(stderr,"%c",w[k]);
	//fprintf(stderr,"--> hash=%"UINT64"\n",(uint64_t)h);
コード例 #16
// . when a dump completes we free the primary mem space and make
//   the secondary mem space the new primary mem space
void RdbMem::freeDumpedMem( RdbTree *tree ) {
	// bail if we have no mem
	if ( m_memSize == 0 ) return;
    log("rdbmem: start freeing dumped mem");

    //char *memEnd = m_mem + m_memSize;

    // this should still be true so allocData() returns m_ptr2 ptrs
    if ( ! m_rdb->m_inDumpLoop ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }

    // count how many data nodes we had to move to avoid corruption
    int32_t count = 0;
    int32_t scanned = 0;
    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < tree->m_minUnusedNode ; i++ ) {
		// give up control to handle search query stuff of niceness 0
		// skip node if parents is -2 (unoccupied)
		if ( tree->m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
		// get the ptr
		char *data = tree->m_data[i];
		if ( ! data ) continue;
		// how could it's data not be stored in here?
		// if ( data < m_mem ) {
		//      log("rdbmem: bad data1");
		//      continue;
		// }
		// if ( data >= memEnd ) {
		//      log("rdbmem: bad data2");
		//      continue;
		// }
		// is it in primary mem? m_ptr1 mem was just dump
		// if growing upward
		bool needsMove = false;
		// if the primary mem (that was dumped) is
		// growing upwards
		if ( m_ptr1 < m_ptr2 ) {
			// and the node data is in it...
			if ( data < m_ptr1 )
				needsMove = true;
		// growing downward otherwise
		else if ( data >= m_ptr1 ) {
			needsMove = true;
		if ( ! needsMove ) continue;
		// move it. m_inDumpLoop should still
		// be true so we will get added to
		// m_ptr2
		int32_t size;
		if ( tree->m_sizes ) size = tree->m_sizes[i];
		else size = tree->m_fixedDataSize;
		if ( size < 0 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
		if ( size == 0 ) continue;
		// m_inDumpLoop is still true at this point so
		// so allocData should return m_ptr2 guys
		char *newData = (char *)allocData(NULL,size,0);
		if ( ! newData ) {
			log("rdbmem: failed to alloc %i "
				"bytes node %i",(int)size,(int)i);
		// debug test
		bool stillNeedsMove = false;
		if ( m_ptr1 < m_ptr2 ) {
			// and the node data is in it...
			if ( newData < m_ptr1 )
				stillNeedsMove = true;
		// growing downward otherwise
		else if ( newData >= m_ptr1 ) {
			stillNeedsMove = true;
		if ( stillNeedsMove ) {// this should never happen!!
			log("rdbmem: olddata=0x%" PTRFMT" newdata=0x%" PTRFMT,
				(PTRTYPE)data, (PTRTYPE)newData);
			log("rdbmem: still needs move!");
		tree->m_data[i] = newData;
    if ( count > 0 )
		log("rdbmem: moved %i tree nodes for %s",(int)count,
	log("rdbmem: stop freeing dumped mem. scanned %i nodes.",(int)scanned);		

	// save primary ptr
	char *tmp = m_ptr1;
	// debug
	//     "db: freeing dumped mem ptr1=%" PRIx32" ptr2=%" PRIx32".",m_ptr1,m_ptr2);
	// primary pointer, m_ptr1, becomes m_ptr2
	m_ptr1 = m_ptr2;
	// secondary ptr becomes primary
	m_ptr2 = tmp;
	// reset secondary (old primary mem was dumped out to disk)
	if ( m_ptr2 > m_ptr1 ) m_ptr2  = m_mem + m_memSize;
	else                   m_ptr2  = m_mem;
	// no longer 90% full
	m_is90PercentFull = false;
コード例 #17
// returns -1 and sets g_errno on error, because 0 means langUnknown
long Words::getLanguage( Sections *sections ,
			 long maxSamples,
			 long niceness,
			 long *langScore) {
	// calculate scores if not given
	//Scores calcdScores;
	//if ( ! scores ) {
	//	if ( ! calcdScores.set( this,m_version,false ) )
	//		return -1;
	//	scores = &calcdScores;

	// . take a random sample of words and look them up in the
	//   language dictionary
	//HashTableT<long long, char> ht;
	HashTableX ht;
	long long langCount[MAX_LANGUAGES];
	long long langWorkArea[MAX_LANGUAGES];
	long numWords = m_numWords;
	//long skip = numWords/maxSamples;
	//if ( skip == 0 ) skip = 1;
	// reset the language count
	memset(langCount, 0, sizeof(long long)*MAX_LANGUAGES);
	// sample the words
	//long wordBase  = 0;
	long wordi     = 0;
	//if ( ! ht.set(maxSamples*1.5) ) return -1;
	if ( ! ht.set(8,1,(long)(maxSamples*8.0),NULL,0,false,
		return -1;
	// . avoid words in these bad sections
	// . google seems to index SEC_MARQUEE so i took that out of badFlags
	// shortcuts
	long long *wids  = m_wordIds;
	long      *wlens = m_wordLens;
	char     **wptrs = m_words;

	//long langTotal = 0;
// 	log ( LOG_WARN, "xmldoc: Picking language from %li words with %li skip",
// 			numWords, skip );
	char numOne = 1;
	Section **sp = NULL;
	if ( sections ) sp = sections->m_sectionPtrs;
	// this means null too
	if ( sections && sections->m_numSections == 0 ) sp = NULL;

	long maxCount = 1000;

	while ( wordi < numWords ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL( niceness );
		// move to the next valid word
		if ( ! wids [wordi]     ) { wordi++; continue; }
		if (   wlens[wordi] < 2 ) { wordi++; continue; }
		// skip if in a bad section
		//long flags = sections->m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_flags;
		// meaning script section ,etc
		if ( sp && ( sp[wordi]->m_flags & badFlags ) ) {
			wordi++; continue; }
		// check the language
		//unsigned char lang = 0;

		// Skip if word is capitalized and not preceded by a tag
		//if(s_isWordCap(getWord(wordi), getWordLen(wordi)) &&
		//   wordi > 0 && !getTagId(wordi - 1)) {
		//	wordi++;
		//	continue;

		// Skip word if bounded by '/' or '?' might be in a URL
		if(isBounded(wordi)) {

		// is it arabic? sometimes they are spammy pages and repeat
		// a few arabic words over and over again, so don't do deduping
		// with "ht" before checking this.
		char cl = getCharacterLanguage ( wptrs[wordi] );
		if ( cl ) {
		        langCount[(unsigned char)cl]++;

		//if(ht.getSlot(m_wordIds[wordi]) !=-1) {
		if(!ht.isEmpty(&m_wordIds[wordi]) ) {

		// If we can't add the word, it's not that bad.
		// Just gripe about it in the log.
		if(!ht.addKey(&m_wordIds[wordi], &numOne)) {
			log(LOG_WARN, "build: Could not add word to temporary "
			    "table, memory error?\n");
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			return -1;

		if ( maxCount-- <= 0 ) break;

		// No lang from charset, got a phrase, and 0 language does not have 
		// a score Order is very important!
		int foundone = 0;
		if ( // lang == 0 &&
		    // we seem to be missing hungarian and thai
						 langWorkArea) &&
		    // why must it have an "unknown score" of 0?
		    // allow -1... i don't know what that means!!
		    langWorkArea[0] <= 0) {
			int lasty = -1;
			for(int y = 1; y < MAX_LANGUAGES; y++) {
				if(langWorkArea[y] == 0) continue;
				long pop = langWorkArea[y];
				// negative means in an official dictionary
				if ( pop < 0 ) {
					pop *= -1;
					langCount[y] += 1;
				// extra?
				if ( pop > 1000 )
					langCount[y] += 2;
				if ( pop > 10000 )
					langCount[y] += 2;
				lasty = y;
			// . if it can only belong to one language
			// . helps fix that fact that our unifiedDict is crummy
			//   and identifes some words as being in a lot of languages
			//   like "Pronto" as being in english and not giving
			//   the popularities correctly.
			if ( foundone == 1 )
				// give massive boost
				langCount[lasty] += 10;
		// . try to skip unknown words without killing sample size
		// . we lack russian, hungarian and arabic in the unified
		//   dict, so try to do character detection for those langs.
		// . should prevent them from being detected as unknown
		//   langs and coming up for english search 'gigablast'
		if ( ! foundone ) {
			// do not count towards sample size

		// skip to the next word
		//wordBase += skip;
		//if ( wordi < wordBase )
		//	wordi = wordBase;
	// punish unknown count in case a doc has a lot of proper names
	// or something
	//langCount[langUnknown] /= 2;
	// get the lang with the max score then
	int l = s_findMaxIndex(langCount, MAX_LANGUAGES);
	// if(langCount[l] < 15) return(langUnknown);
	if(langScore) *langScore = langCount[l];
	// return if known now
	return l;
コード例 #18
// . THIS Msg0 class must be alloc'd, i.e. not on the stack, etc.
// . if list is stored locally this tries to get it locally
// . otherwise tries to get the list from the network
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . NOTE: i was having problems with queries being cached too long, you
//   see the cache here is a NETWORK cache, so when the machines that owns
//   the list updates it on disk it can't flush our cache... so use a small
//   maxCacheAge of like , 30 seconds or so...
bool Msg0::getList ( int64_t hostId      , // host to ask (-1 if none)
		     int32_t      ip          , // info on hostId
		     int16_t     port        ,
		     int32_t      maxCacheAge , // max cached age in seconds
		     bool      addToCache  , // add net recv'd list to cache?
		     char      rdbId       , // specifies the rdb
		     //char     *coll        ,
		     collnum_t collnum ,
		     RdbList  *list        ,
		     //key_t     startKey    , 
		     //key_t     endKey      , 
		     char     *startKey    ,
		     char     *endKey      ,
		     int32_t      minRecSizes ,  // use -1 for no max
		     void     *state       ,
		     void    (* callback)(void *state ),//, RdbList *list ) ,
		     int32_t      niceness    ,
		     bool      doErrorCorrection ,
		     bool      includeTree ,
		     bool      doMerge     ,
		     int32_t      firstHostId   ,
		     int32_t      startFileNum  ,
		     int32_t      numFiles      ,
		     int32_t      timeout       ,
		     int64_t syncPoint     ,
		     int32_t      preferLocalReads ,
		     Msg5     *msg5             ,
		     Msg5     *msg5b            ,
		     bool      isRealMerge      ,
		     bool      allowPageCache    ,
		     bool      forceLocalIndexdb ,
		     bool      noSplit , // doIndexdbSplit    ,
		     int32_t      forceParitySplit  ) {
//		     bool      allowPageCache ) {
	// this is obsolete! mostly, but we need it for PageIndexdb.cpp to 
	// show a "termlist" for a given query term in its entirety so you 
	// don't have to check each machine in the network. if this is true it
	// means to query each split and merge the results together into a
	// single unified termlist. only applies to indexdb/datedb.
	//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
	// note this because if caller is wrong it hurts performance major!!
	//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) 
	//	logf(LOG_DEBUG,"net: doing msg0 with indexdb split true");
	// warning
	if ( collnum < 0 ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg0.");

	//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// reset the list they passed us
	// get keySize of rdb
	m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
	// if startKey > endKey, don't read anything
	//if ( startKey > endKey ) return true;
	if ( KEYCMP(startKey,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }//rettrue
	// . reset hostid if it is dead
	// . this is causing UOR queries to take forever when we have a dead
	if ( hostId >= 0 && g_hostdb.isDead ( hostId ) ) hostId = -1;
	// no longer accept negative minrecsize
	if ( minRecSizes < 0 ) {
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		    "net: msg0: Negative minRecSizes no longer supported.");
		char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
		return true;

	// debug msg
	//if ( niceness != 0 ) log("HEY start");
	// ensure startKey last bit clear, endKey last bit set
	//if ( (startKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x01 ) 
	//	log("Msg0::getList: warning startKey lastbit set"); 
	//if ( (endKey.n0   & 0x01) == 0x00 ) 
	//	log("Msg0::getList: warning endKey lastbit clear"); 
	// remember these
	m_state         = state;
	m_callback      = callback;
	m_list          = list;
	m_hostId        = hostId;
	m_niceness      = niceness;
	//m_ip            = ip;
	//m_port          = port;
	m_addToCache    = addToCache;
	// . these define our request 100%
	//m_startKey      = startKey;
	//m_endKey        = endKey;
	m_minRecSizes   = minRecSizes;
	m_rdbId         = rdbId;
	m_collnum = collnum;//          = coll;
	m_isRealMerge   = isRealMerge;
	m_allowPageCache = allowPageCache;

	// . group to ask is based on the first key 
	// . we only do 1 group per call right now
	// . groupMask must turn on higher bits first (count downwards kinda)
	// . titledb and spiderdb use special masks to get groupId

	// if diffbot.cpp is reading spiderdb from each shard we have to
	// get groupid from hostid here lest we core in getGroupId() below.
	// it does that for dumping spiderdb to the client browser. they
	// can download the whole enchilada.
	if ( hostId >= 0 && m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB )
		m_shardNum = 0;
	// did they force it? core until i figure out what this is
	else if ( forceParitySplit >= 0 ) 
		//m_groupId =  g_hostdb.getGroupId ( forceParitySplit );
		m_shardNum = forceParitySplit;
		//m_groupId = getGroupId ( m_rdbId , startKey , ! noSplit );
		m_shardNum = getShardNum ( m_rdbId , startKey );

	// if we are looking up a termlist in posdb that is split by termid and
	// not the usual docid then we have to set this posdb key bit that tells
	// us that ...
	if ( noSplit && m_rdbId == RDB_POSDB )
		m_shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( startKey );

	// how is this used?
	//if ( forceLocalIndexdb ) m_groupId = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
	if ( forceLocalIndexdb ) m_shardNum = getMyShardNum();

	// . store these parameters
	// . get a handle to the rdb in case we can satisfy locally
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( m_rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) return true;
	// we need the fixedDataSize
	m_fixedDataSize = rdb->getFixedDataSize();
	m_useHalfKeys   = rdb->useHalfKeys();
	// . debug msg
	// . Msg2 does this when checking for a cached compound list.
	//   compound lists do not actually exist, they are merges of smaller
	//   UOR'd lists.
	if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache && (numFiles > 0 || includeTree))
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: "
		    "Weird. check but don't add... rdbid=%"INT32".",(int32_t)m_rdbId);
	// set this here since we may not call msg5 if list not local
	//m_list->setFixedDataSize ( m_fixedDataSize );

	// . now that we do load balancing we don't want to do a disk lookup
	//   even if local if we are merging or dumping
	// . UNLESS g_conf.m_preferLocalReads is true
	if ( preferLocalReads == -1 ) 
		preferLocalReads = g_conf.m_preferLocalReads;

	// . always prefer local for full split clusterdb
	// . and keep the tfndb/titledb lookups in the same stripe
	// . so basically we can't do biased caches if fully split
	//if ( g_conf.m_fullSplit ) preferLocalReads = true;
	preferLocalReads = true;

	// it it stored locally?
	bool isLocal = ( m_hostId == -1 && //g_hostdb.m_groupId == m_groupId );
			 m_shardNum == getMyShardNum() );
	// only do local lookups if this is true
	if ( ! preferLocalReads ) isLocal = false;

	m_numSplit = 1;
	if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 &&
	     ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId==RDB_DATEDB)&&
	     ! forceLocalIndexdb && doIndexdbSplit ) {
		isLocal  = false;
		//m_numSplit = INDEXDB_SPLIT;
		m_numSplit = g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
		char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
	int64_t singleDocIdQuery = 0LL;
	if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
		int64_t d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_startKey);
		int64_t d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_endKey);
		if ( d1+1 == d2 ) singleDocIdQuery = d1;

	// . try the LOCAL termlist cache
	// . so when msg2 is evaluating a gbdocid:| query and it has to
	//   use msg0 to go across the network to get the same damn termlist
	//   over and over again for the same docid, this will help alot.
	// . ideally it'd be nice if the seo pipe in xmldoc.cpp can try to
	//   send the same gbdocid:xxxx docids to the same hosts. maybe hash
	//   based on docid into the list of hosts and if that host is busy
	//   just chain until we find someone not busy.
	if ( singleDocIdQuery &&
	     getListFromTermListCache ( coll,
					list ) )
		// found!
		return true;

	// but always local if only one host
	if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() == 1 ) isLocal = true;

	// force a msg0 if doing a docid restrictive query like
	// gbdocid:xxxx|<query> so we call cacheTermLists() 
	//if ( singleDocIdQuery ) isLocal = false;

	// . if the group is local then do it locally
	// . Msg5::getList() returns false if blocked, true otherwise
	// . Msg5::getList() sets g_errno on error
	// . don't do this if m_hostId was specified
	if ( isLocal ) { // && !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) {
		if ( msg5 ) {
			m_msg5 = msg5;
			m_deleteMsg5 = false;
		else {
			try { m_msg5 = new ( Msg5 ); } 
			catch ( ... ) {
				g_errno = ENOMEM;
				log("net: Local alloc for disk read failed "
				    "while tring to read data for %s. "
				    "Trying remote request.",
				goto skip;
			mnew ( m_msg5 , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0" );
			m_deleteMsg5 = true;

		// same for msg5b
		if ( msg5b ) {
			m_msg5b = msg5b;
			m_deleteMsg5b = false;
		else if ( m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) {
			try { m_msg5b = new ( Msg5 ); } 
			catch ( ... ) {
				g_errno = ENOMEM;
				log("net: Local alloc for disk read failed "
				    "while tring to read data for %s. "
				    "Trying remote request. 2.",
				goto skip;
			mnew ( m_msg5b , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0b" );
			m_deleteMsg5b = true;
		if ( ! m_msg5->getList ( rdbId,
					 m_collnum ,
					 m_list ,
					 m_startKey ,
					 m_endKey   ,
					 m_minRecSizes ,
					 includeTree   , // include Tree?
					 addToCache    , // addToCache?
					 maxCacheAge   ,
					 startFileNum  , 
					 numFiles      ,
					 this ,
					 gotListWrapper2   ,
					 niceness          ,
					 doErrorCorrection ,
					 NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
					 0    , // retryNum
					 -1   , // maxRetries
					 true , // compensateForMerge
					 syncPoint ,
					 NULL,//m_msg5b   ,
					 m_isRealMerge ,
					 m_allowPageCache ) ) return false;
		// nuke it
		return true;
	// debug msg
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"net: msg0: Sending request for data to "
		    "shard=%"UINT32" "
		    "listPtr=%"PTRFMT" minRecSizes=%"INT32" termId=%"UINT64" "
		    //"startKey.n1=%"XINT32",n0=%"XINT64" (niceness=%"INT32")",
		    "startKey.n1=%"XINT64",n0=%"XINT64" (niceness=%"INT32")",
		    //g_hostdb.makeHostId ( m_groupId ) ,
		    m_minRecSizes, g_posdb.getTermId(m_startKey) , 
		    //m_startKey.n1,m_startKey.n0 , (int32_t)m_niceness);

	char *replyBuf = NULL;
	int32_t  replyBufMaxSize = 0;
	bool  freeReply = true;

	// adjust niceness for net transmission
	bool realtime = false;
	//if ( minRecSizes + 32 < TMPBUFSIZE ) realtime = true;

	// if we're niceness 0 we need to pre-allocate for reply since it
	// might be received within the asynchronous signal handler which
	// cannot call mmalloc()
	if ( realtime ) { // niceness <= 0 || netnice == 0 ) {
		// . we should not get back more than minRecSizes bytes since 
		//   we are now performing merges
		// . it should not slow things down too much since the hashing
		//   is 10 times slower than merging anyhow...
		// . CAUTION: if rdb is not fixed-datasize then this will
		//            not work for us! it can exceed m_minRecSizes.
		replyBufMaxSize = m_minRecSizes ;
		// . get a little extra to fix the error where we ask for 64 
		//   but get 72
		// . where is that coming from?
		// . when getting titleRecs we often exceed the minRecSizes 
		// . ?Msg8? was having trouble. was int16_t 32 bytes sometimes.
		replyBufMaxSize += 36;
		// why add ten percent?
		//replyBufMaxSize *= 110 ;
		//replyBufMaxSize /= 100 ;
		// make a buffer to hold the reply
		if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
			m_replyBufSize = replyBufMaxSize * m_numSplit;
			replyBuf = (char *) mmalloc(m_replyBufSize, "Msg0");
			m_replyBuf  = replyBuf;
			freeReply = false;
			replyBuf = (char *) mmalloc(replyBufMaxSize , "Msg0");
		// g_errno is set and we return true if it failed
		if ( ! replyBuf ) {
			log("net: Failed to pre-allocate %"INT32" bytes to hold "
			    "data read remotely from %s: %s.",
			return true;

	// . make a request with the info above (note: not in network order)
	// . IMPORTANT!!!!! if you change this change 
	//   Multicast.cpp::sleepWrapper1 too!!!!!!!!!!!!
	//   no, not anymore, we commented out that request peeking code
	char *p = m_request;
	*(int64_t *) p = syncPoint        ; p += 8;
	//*(key_t     *) p = m_startKey       ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	//*(key_t     *) p = m_endKey         ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	*(int32_t      *) p = m_minRecSizes    ; p += 4;
	*(int32_t      *) p = startFileNum     ; p += 4;
	*(int32_t      *) p = numFiles         ; p += 4;
	*(int32_t      *) p = maxCacheAge      ; p += 4;
	if ( p - m_request != RDBIDOFFSET ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	*p               = m_rdbId          ; p++;
	*p               = addToCache       ; p++;
	*p               = doErrorCorrection; p++;
	*p               = includeTree      ; p++;
	*p               = (char)niceness   ; p++;
	*p               = (char)m_allowPageCache; p++;
	KEYSET(p,m_startKey,m_ks);          ; p+=m_ks;
	KEYSET(p,m_endKey,m_ks);            ; p+=m_ks;
	// NULL terminated collection name
	//strcpy ( p , coll ); p += gbstrlen ( coll ); *p++ = '\0';
	*(collnum_t *)p = m_collnum; p += sizeof(collnum_t);
	m_requestSize    = p - m_request;
	// ask an individual host for this list if hostId is NOT -1
	if ( m_hostId != -1 ) {
		// get Host
		Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( m_hostId );
		if ( ! h ) { 
			g_errno = EBADHOSTID; 
			log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Bad hostId of %"INT64".",
			return true;
		// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
		UdpServer *us ;
		uint16_t port;
		//if ( niceness <= 0 || netnice == 0 ) { 
		//if ( realtime ) {
		//	us = &g_udpServer2; port = h->m_port2; }
		//else                 { 
		us = &g_udpServer ; port = h->m_port ; 
		// . returns false on error and sets g_errno, true otherwise
		// . calls callback when reply is received (or error)
		// . we return true if it returns false
		if ( ! us->sendRequest ( m_request     ,
					 m_requestSize ,
					 0x00          , // msgType
					 h->m_ip       ,
					 port          ,
					 m_hostId      ,
					 NULL          , // the slotPtr
					 this          ,
					 gotSingleReplyWrapper ,
					 timeout       ,
					 -1            , // backoff
					 -1            , // maxwait
					 replyBuf      ,
					 replyBufMaxSize ,
					 m_niceness     ) ) // cback niceness
			return true;
		// return false cuz it blocked
		return false;
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
		m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
		m_startTime = 0;
	//if ( m_rdbId == RDB_INDEXDB ) log("Msg0:: getting remote indexlist. "
	//			"termId=%"UINT64", "
	//			"groupNum=%"UINT32"",
	//			g_indexdb.getTermId(m_startKey) ,
	//			g_hostdb.makeHostId ( m_groupId ) );

	// make the cache key so we can see what remote host cached it, if any
	char cacheKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
	//key_t cacheKey = makeCacheKey ( startKey     ,
	makeCacheKey ( startKey     ,
		       endKey       ,
		       includeTree  ,
		       minRecSizes  ,
		       startFileNum ,
		       numFiles     ,
		       cacheKey     ,
		       m_ks         );

	// . get the top int32_t of the key
	// . i guess this will work for 128 bit keys... hmmmmm
	int32_t keyTop = hash32 ( (char *)startKey , m_ks );

	// allocate space
	if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
		int32_t  need = m_numSplit * sizeof(Multicast) ;
		char *buf  = (char *)mmalloc ( need,"msg0mcast" );
		if ( ! buf ) return true;
		m_mcasts = (Multicast *)buf;
		for ( int32_t i = 0; i < m_numSplit ; i++ )

        // . otherwise, multicast to a host in group "groupId"
	// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
	// . calls callback on completion
	// . select first host to send to in group based on upper 32 bits
	//   of termId (m_startKey.n1)
	// . need to send out to all the indexdb split hosts
	m_numRequests = 0;
	m_numReplies  = 0;
	//for ( int32_t i = 0; i < m_numSplit; i++ ) {

	//int32_t gr;
	char *buf;
	if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
		gr  = g_indexdb.getSplitGroupId ( baseGroupId, i );
		buf = &replyBuf[i*replyBufMaxSize];
	else {
	//gr  = m_groupId;
	buf = replyBuf;

	// get the multicast
	Multicast *m = &m_mcast;
	//if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) m = &m_mcasts[i];

        if ( ! m->send ( m_request    , 
//        if ( ! m_mcast.send ( m_request    , 
			      0x00         , // msgType 0x00
			      false        , // does multicast own request?
			 m_shardNum ,
//			      gr           , // group + offset
//			      m_groupId    , // group to send to (groupKey)
			      false        , // send to whole group?
			      //m_startKey.n1, // key is passed on startKey
			      keyTop       , // key is passed on startKey
			      this         , // state data
			      NULL         , // state data
			      gotMulticastReplyWrapper0 ,
			      timeout      , // timeout in seconds (was 30)
			      niceness     ,
			      realtime     ,
			      firstHostId  ,
//			      &replyBuf[i*replyBufMaxSize] ,
//			      replyBuf        ,
			      buf             ,
			      replyBufMaxSize ,
			      freeReply       , // free reply buf?
			      true            , // do disk load balancing?
			      maxCacheAge     ,
			      //(key_t *)cacheKey        ,
			      // multicast uses it for determining the best
			      // host to send the request to when doing 
			      // disk load balancing. if the host has our 
			      // data cached, then it will probably get to
			      // handle the request. for now let's just assume
			      // this is a 96-bit key. TODO: fix...
			 0 , // *(key_t *)cacheKey        ,
			      rdbId           ,
			      minRecSizes     ) ) {
		log("net: Failed to send request for data from %s in shard "
		    "#%"UINT32" over network: %s.",
		    getDbnameFromId(m_rdbId),m_shardNum, mstrerror(g_errno));
		// no, multicast will free this when it is destroyed
		//if (replyBuf) mfree ( replyBuf , replyBufMaxSize , "Msg22" );
		// but speed it up
		m_errno = g_errno;
		if ( m_numRequests > 0 )
			return false;
//		m_mcast.reset();
		return true;

	// we blocked
	return false;
コード例 #19
// . reply to a request for an RdbList
// . MUST call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so slot can
//   be destroyed
void handleRequest0 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
	// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	//if ( netnice == 0 ) us = &g_udpServer2;
	// get the request
	char *request     = slot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	// collection is now stored in the request, so i commented this out
	//if ( requestSize != MSG0_REQ_SIZE ) {
	//	log("net: Received bad data request size of %"INT32" bytes. "
	//	    "Should be %"INT32".", requestSize ,(int32_t)MSG0_REQ_SIZE);
	//	us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );
	//	return;
	// parse the request
	char *p                  = request;
	int64_t syncPoint          = *(int64_t *)p ; p += 8;
	//key_t     startKey           = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	//key_t     endKey             = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	int32_t      minRecSizes        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      startFileNum       = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      numFiles           = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      maxCacheAge        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	char      rdbId              = *p++;
	char      addToCache         = *p++;
	char      doErrorCorrection  = *p++;
	char      includeTree        = *p++;
	// this was messing up our niceness conversion logic
	int32_t      niceness           = slot->m_niceness;//(int32_t)(*p++);
	// still need to skip it though!
	bool      allowPageCache     = (bool)(*p++);
	char ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
	char     *startKey           = p; p+=ks;
	char     *endKey             = p; p+=ks;
	// then null terminated collection
	//char     *coll               = p;
	collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)p; p += sizeof(collnum_t);

	CollectionRec *xcr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );
	if ( ! xcr ) g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
	// error set from XmlDoc::cacheTermLists()?
	if ( g_errno ) {
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); return;}

	// is this being called from callWaitingHandlers()
	//bool isRecall = (netnice == 99);

	// . get the rdb we need to get the RdbList from
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	//Msg0 msg0;
	//Rdb *rdb = msg0.getRdb ( rdbId );
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) { 
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); return;}

	// keep track of stats
	rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );

	// keep track of stats
	if ( ! isRecall ) rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );

	int64_t singleDocId2 = 0LL;
	if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB && maxCacheAge ) {
		int64_t d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(startKey);
		int64_t d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(endKey);
		if ( d1+1 == d2 ) singleDocId2 = d1;

	// have we parsed this docid and cached its termlists?
	bool shouldBeCached2 = false;
	if ( singleDocId2 && 
	     isDocIdInTermListCache ( singleDocId2 , coll ) ) 
		shouldBeCached2 = true;

	// if in the termlist cache, send it back right away
	char *trec;
	int32_t trecSize;
	if ( singleDocId2 &&
				     &trecSize) ) {
		// if in cache send it back!

	// if should be cached but was not found then it's probably a
	// synonym form not in the doc content. make an empty list then.
	if ( shouldBeCached2 ) {
		// send back an empty termlist

	// MUST be in termlist cache! if not in there it is a probably
	// a synonym term termlist of a word in the doc.
	if ( isRecall ) {
		// send back an empty termlist
	// init waiting table?
	static bool s_waitInit = false;
	if ( ! s_waitInit ) {
		// do not repeat
		s_waitInit = true;
		// niceness = 0
		if ( ! g_waitingTable.set(8,4,2048,NULL,0,true,0,"m5wtbl")){
			log("msg5: failed to init waiting table");
			// error kills us!
			us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); 

	// wait in waiting table?
	if ( singleDocId2 && g_waitingTable.isInTable ( &singleDocId2 ) ) {
		g_waitingTable.addKey ( &singleDocId2 , &slot );

	// if it's for a special gbdocid: query then cache ALL termlists
	// for this docid into g_termListCache right now
	if ( singleDocId2 ) {
		// have all further incoming requests for this docid
		// wait in the waiting table
		g_waitingTable.addKey ( &singleDocId2 , &slot );
		// load the title rec and store its posdb termlists in cache
		XmlDoc *xd;
		try { xd = new ( XmlDoc ); }
		catch ( ... ) {
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
		mnew ( xd, sizeof(XmlDoc),"msg0xd");
		// always use niceness 1 now even though we use niceness 0
		// to make the cache hits fast
		//niceness = 1;
		// . load the old title rec first and just recycle all
		// . typically there might be a few hundred related docids
		//   each with 50,000 matching queries on average to evaluate
		//   with the gbdocid:xxxx| restriction?
		if ( ! xd->set3 ( singleDocId2 , coll , niceness ) ) {
			us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); return;}
		// init the new xmldoc
		xd->m_callback1 = callWaitingHandlers;
		xd->m_state     = xd;
		// . if this blocks then return
		// . should call loadOldTitleRec() and get JUST the posdb recs
		//   by setting m_useTitledb, etc. to false. then it should
		//   make posdb termlists with the compression using
		//   RdbList::addRecord() and add those lists to 
		//   g_termListCache
		if ( ! xd->cacheTermLists ( ) ) return;
		// otherwise, it completed right away!
		callWaitingHandlers ( xd );

	// init special sectiondb cache?
	if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB && ! s_initCache ) {
		// try to init cache
		if ( ! s_sectiondbCache.init ( 20000000 , // 20MB max mem
					       -1       , // fixed data size
					       false    , // support lists?
					       20000    , // 20k max recs
					       false    , // use half keys?
					       "secdbche", // dbname
					       false, // load from disk?
					       sizeof(key128_t), //cachekeysize
					       0 , // data key size
					       20000 )) // numPtrs max
			log("msg0: failed to init sectiondb cache: %s",
			s_initCache = true;

	// check the sectiondb cache
	if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB ) {
		//int64_t sh48 = g_datedb.getTermId((key128_t *)startKey);
		// use the start key now!!!
		char *data;
		int32_t  dataSize;
		if (s_sectiondbCache.getRecord ( coll,
						 true, // docopy?
						 600, // maxage (10 mins)
						 true, // inc counts?
						 NULL, // cachedtime
						 true // promoteRec?
			// debug
			//log("msg0: got sectiondblist in cache datasize=%"INT32"",
			//    dataSize);
			// send that back
			g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( data            ,
						    dataSize        ,
						    data            ,
						    dataSize        ,
						    slot            ,
						    60              ,
						    NULL            ,
						    doneSending_ass ,
						    -1              ,
						    -1              ,
						    true            );

	// . do a local get
	// . create a msg5 to get the list
	State00 *st0 ;
	try { st0 = new (State00); }
	catch ( ... ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("Msg0: new(%"INT32"): %s", 
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 
	mnew ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "State00" );
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
		st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// save slot in state
	st0->m_slot = slot;
	// save udp server to send back reply on
	st0->m_us = us;
	// init this one
	st0->m_niceness = niceness;
	st0->m_rdbId    = rdbId;


	// debug msg
	if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache )
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: check but don't add... rdbid=%"INT32".",
	// . if this request came over on the high priority udp server
	//   make sure the priority gets passed along
	// . return if this blocks
	// . we'll call sendReply later
	if ( ! st0->m_msg5.getList ( rdbId             ,
				     collnum           ,
				     &st0->m_list      ,
				     startKey          ,
				     endKey            ,
				     minRecSizes       ,
				     includeTree       , // include tree?
				     addToCache        , // addToCache?
				     maxCacheAge       ,
				     startFileNum      , 
				     numFiles          ,
				     st0               ,
				     gotListWrapper    ,
				     niceness          ,
				     doErrorCorrection ,
				     NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
				     0    , // retryNum
				     2    , // maxRetries
				     true , // compensateForMerge
				     syncPoint ,
				     NULL,//&st0->m_msg5b ,
				     allowPageCache ) )
	// call wrapper ouselves
	gotListWrapper ( st0 , NULL , NULL );
コード例 #20
// . but now that we may get a list remotely to fix data corruption,
//   this may indeed block
bool Msg3::doneScanning ( ) {
	// . did we have any error on any scan?
	// . if so, repeat ALL of the scans
	g_errno = m_errno;
	// 2 retry is the default
	int32_t max = 2;
	// see if explicitly provided by the caller
	if ( m_maxRetries >= 0 ) max = m_maxRetries;
	// now use -1 (no max) as the default no matter what
	max = -1;
	// ENOMEM is particulary contagious, so watch out with it...
	if ( g_errno == ENOMEM && m_maxRetries == -1 ) max = 0;
	// msg0 sets maxRetries to 2, don't let max stay set to -1
	if ( g_errno == ENOMEM && m_maxRetries != -1 ) max = m_maxRetries;
	// when thread cannot alloc enough read buf it keeps the read buf
	// set to NULL and BigFile.cpp sets g_errno to EBUFTOOSMALL
	if ( g_errno == EBUFTOOSMALL && m_maxRetries == -1 ) max = 0;
	// msg0 sets maxRetries to 2, don't let max stay set to -1
	if ( g_errno == EBUFTOOSMALL && m_maxRetries != -1 ) max = m_maxRetries;
	// . if no thread slots available, that hogs up serious memory.
	//   the size of Msg3 is 82k, so having just 5000 of them is 430MB.
	// . i just made Msg3 alloc mem when it needs more than about 2k
	//   so this problem is greatly reduced, therefore let's keep 
	//   retrying... forever if no thread slots in thread queue since
	//   we become the thread queue in a way.
	if ( g_errno == ENOTHREADSLOTS ) max = -1;
	// this is set above if the map has the same consecutive key repeated
	// and the read is enormous
	if ( g_errno == ECORRUPTDATA ) max = 0;
	// usually bad disk failures, don't retry those forever
	//if ( g_errno == EIO ) max = 3;
        // no, now our hitachis return these even when they're good so
	// we have to keep retrying forever
	if ( g_errno == EIO ) max = -1;
	// count these so we do not take drives offline just because
	// kernel ring buffer complains...
	if ( g_errno == EIO ) g_numIOErrors++;
	// bail early on high priority reads for these errors
	if ( g_errno == EDISKSTUCK && m_niceness == 0 ) max = 0;
	if ( g_errno == EIO        && m_niceness == 0 ) max = 0;

	// how does this happen? we should never bail out on a low priority
	// disk read... we just wait for it to complete...
	if ( g_errno == EDISKSTUCK && m_niceness != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}

	// on I/O, give up at call it corrupt after a while. some hitachis
	// have I/O errros on little spots, like gk88, maybe we can fix him
	if ( g_errno == EIO && m_retryNum >= 5 ) {
		m_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
		m_hadCorruption = true;
		// do not do any retries any more
		max = 0;

	// convert m_errno to ECORRUPTDATA if it is EBUFTOOSMALL and the
	// max of the bytesToRead are over 500MB.
	// if bytesToRead was ludicrous, then assume that the data file
	// was corrupted, the map was regenerated and it patched
	// over the corrupted bits which were 500MB or more in size.
	// we cannot practically allocate that much, so let's just
	// give back an empty buffer. treat it like corruption...
	// the way it patches is to store the same key over all the corrupted
	// pages, which can get pretty big. so if you read a range with that
	// key you will be hurting!!
	// this may be the same scenario as when the rdbmap has consecutive
	// same keys. see above where we set m_errno to ECORRUPTDATA...
	if ( g_errno == EBUFTOOSMALL ) { 
		int32_t biggest = 0;
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
			if ( m_scans[i].m_bytesToRead < biggest ) continue;
			biggest = m_scans[i].m_bytesToRead;
		if ( biggest > 500000000 ) {
			log("db: Max read size was %" PRId32" > 500000000. Assuming "
			    "corrupt data in data file.",biggest);
			m_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
			m_hadCorruption = true;
			// do not do any retries on this, the read was > 500MB
			max = 0;

	// if shutting down gb then limit to 20 so we can shutdown because
	// it can't shutdown until all threads are out of the queue i think
	if ( g_process.m_mode == EXIT_MODE && max < 0 ) {
		//log("msg3: forcing retries to 0 because shutting down");
		max = 0;

	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *base = getRdbBase( m_rdbId, m_collnum );
	if ( ! base ) {
		return true;

	// this really slows things down because it blocks the cpu so
	// leave it out for now
	// check for corruption here, do not do it again in Msg5 if we pass
	if ( ! g_errno ) { // && g_conf.m_doErrorCorrection ) {
		int32_t i;
		for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ )
			if ( ! m_lists[i].checkList_r ( false, false ) ) break;
		if ( i < m_numFileNums ) {
			g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
			m_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
			max     = g_conf.m_corruptRetries; // try 100 times
			log("db: Encountered corrupt list in file %s.",
			m_listsChecked = true;

	// try to fix this error i've seen
	if ( g_errno == EBADENGINEER && max == -1 )
		max = 100;

	// . if we had a ETRYAGAIN error, then try again now
	// . it usually means the whole file or a part of it was deleted 
	//   before we could finish reading it, so we should re-read all now
	// . RdbMerge deletes BigFiles after it merges them and also chops
	//   off file heads
	// . now that we have threads i'd imagine we'd get EBADFD or something
	// . i've also seen "illegal seek" as well
	if ( m_errno && (m_retryNum < max || max < 0) &&
	     // this will complete in due time, we can't call a sleep wrapper
	     // on it because the read is really still pending...
	     m_errno != EDISKSTUCK ) {
		// print the error
		static time_t s_time  = 0;
		time_t now = getTime();
		if ( now - s_time > 5 || g_errno != ENOTHREADSLOTS ) {
			log("net: Had error reading %s: %s. Retrying. "
			    "(retry #%" PRId32")", 
			    base->m_dbname,mstrerror(m_errno) , m_retryNum );
			s_time = now;
		// send email alert if in an infinite loop, but don't send
		// more than once every 2 hours
		static int32_t s_lastSendTime = 0;
		if ( m_retryNum == 100 && getTime() - s_lastSendTime > 3600*2){
			// remove this for now it is going off all the time
			//		       "100 read retries",true);
			s_lastSendTime = getTime();
		// clear g_errno cuz we should for call to readList()
		g_errno = 0;
		// free the list buffer since if we have 1000 Msg3s retrying
		// it will totally use all of our memory
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numChunks ; i++ ) 
		// count retries
		// backoff scheme, wait 100ms more each time
		int32_t wait ;
		if ( m_retryNum == 1 ) wait = 10;
		else                   wait = 200 * m_retryNum;
		// . don't wait more than 10 secs between tries
		// . i've seen gf0 and gf16 get mega saturated
		if ( wait > 10000 ) wait = 10000;
		// wait 500 ms
		if ( g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( wait  , // ms
						    this  ,
			return false;
		// otherwise, registration failed
		    "net: Failed to register sleep callback for retry. "
		    "Abandoning read. This is bad.");
		// return, g_errno should be set
		g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL;
		m_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL;
		return true;

	// if we got an error and should not retry any more then give up
	if ( g_errno ) {
		    "net: Had error reading %s: %s. Giving up after %" PRId32" "
		    base->m_dbname,mstrerror(g_errno) , m_retryNum );
		return true;

	// note it if the retry finally worked
	if ( m_retryNum > 0 ) 
		log(LOG_INFO,"disk: Read succeeded after retrying %" PRId32" times.",

	// count total bytes for logging
	int32_t count = 0;
	// . constrain all lists to make merging easier
	// . if we have only one list, then that's nice cuz the constrain
	//   will allow us to send it right away w/ zero copying
	// . if we have only 1 list, it won't be merged into a final list,
	//   that is, we'll just set m_list = &m_lists[i]
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
		// count total bytes for logging
		count += m_lists[i].getListSize();
		// . hint offset is relative to the offset of first key we read
		// . if that key was only 6 bytes RdbScan shift the list buf
		//   down 6 bytes to make the first key 12 bytes... a 
		//   requirement for all RdbLists
		// . don't inc it, though, if it was 0, pointing to the start
		//   of the list because our shift won't affect that
		if ( m_scans[i].m_shifted == 6 && m_hintOffsets[i] > 0 ) 
			m_hintOffsets[i] += 6;
		// posdb double compression
		if ( m_scans[i].m_shifted == 12 && m_hintOffsets[i] > 0 ) 
			m_hintOffsets[i] += 12;
		// . don't constrain on minRecSizes here because it may
		//   make our endKey smaller, which will cause problems
		//   when Msg5 merges these lists.
		// . If all lists have different endKeys RdbList's merge
		//   chooses the min and will merge in recs beyond that
		//   causing a bad list BECAUSE we don't check to make
		//   sure that recs we are adding are below the endKey
		// . if we only read from one file then constrain based 
		//   on minRecSizes so we can send the list back w/o merging
		//   OR if just merging with RdbTree's list
		int32_t mrs ;
		// . constrain to m_minRecSizesOrig, not m_minRecSizes cuz 
		//   that  could be adjusted by compensateForNegativeRecs()
		// . but, really, they should be the same if we only read from
		//   the root file
		if ( m_numFileNums == 1 ) mrs = m_minRecSizesOrig;
		else                      mrs = -1;
		// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error
		// . like if data is corrupt
		BigFile *ff = base->getFile(m_fileNums[i]);
		// if we did a merge really quick and delete one of the 
		// files we were reading, i've seen 'ff' be NULL
		char *filename = "lostfilename";
		if ( ff ) filename = ff->getFilename();

		// compute cache info
		RdbCache *rpc = getDiskPageCache ( m_rdbId );
		if ( ! m_allowPageCache ) rpc = NULL;
		int64_t vfd ;
		if ( ff ) vfd = ff->getVfd();
		key192_t ck ;
		if ( ff )
			ck = makeCacheKey ( vfd ,
					    m_scans[i].m_offset ,
					    m_scans[i].m_bytesToRead );
		if ( m_validateCache && ff && rpc && vfd != -1 ) {
			bool inCache;
			char *rec; int32_t recSize;
			inCache = rpc->getRecord ( (collnum_t)0 , // collnum
						   (char *)&ck , 
						   &rec , 
						   &recSize ,
						   true , // copy?
						   -1 , // maxAge, none 
						   true ); // inccounts?
			if ( inCache && 
			     // 1st byte is RdbScan::m_shifted
			     ( m_lists[i].m_listSize != recSize-1 ||
			       memcmp ( m_lists[i].m_list , rec+1,recSize-1) ||
			       *rec != m_scans[i].m_shifted ) ) {
				log("msg3: cache did not validate");
				char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
			mfree ( rec , recSize , "vca" );

		// store what we read in the cache. don't bother storing
		// if it was a retry, just in case something strange happened.
		// store pre-constrain call is more efficient.
		if ( m_retryNum<=0 && ff && rpc && vfd != -1 &&
		     ! m_scans[i].m_inPageCache )
			rpc->addRecord ( (collnum_t)0 , // collnum
					 (char *)&ck , 
					 // rec1 is this little thingy
					 // rec2
					 m_lists[i].getList() ,
					 m_lists[i].getListSize() ,
					 0 ); // timestamp. 0 = now


		// if from our 'page' cache, no need to constrain
		if ( ! m_lists[i].constrain ( m_startKey       ,
					      m_constrainKey   , // m_endKey
					      mrs           , // m_minRecSizes
					      m_hintOffsets[i] ,
					      //m_hintKeys   [i] ,
					      &m_hintKeys   [i*m_ks] ,
					      filename,//ff->getFilename() ,
					      m_niceness ) ) {
			log("net: Had error while constraining list read from "
			    "%s: %s/%s. vfd=%" PRId32" parts=%" PRId32". "
			    "This is likely caused by corrupted "
			    "data on disk.", 
			    mstrerror(g_errno), ff->getDir(),
			    ff->getFilename(), ff->m_vfd , 
			    (int32_t)ff->m_numParts );

	// print the time
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingDb ) {
		int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
		int64_t took = now - m_startTime;
		    "net: Took %" PRId64" ms to read %" PRId32" lists of %" PRId32" bytes total"
		     " from %s (niceness=%" PRId32").",
	return true;
コード例 #21
bool Statsdb::addEventPoint ( long  t1        ,
			      long  parmHash  ,
			      float oldVal    ,
			      float newVal    ,
			      long  thickness ) {
	// convert t1 into pixel position
	float af = (float)DX * (float)(t1 - m_t1) / (float)(m_t2 - m_t1);
	// round it to nearest pixel
	long  a = (long)(af + .5) ;//+ m_bx;

	// convert t2 into pixel position
	//float bf = (float)DX * (float)(t2 - m_t1) / (float)(m_t2 - m_t1);
	// round it to nearest pixel
	//long  b = (long)(bf + .5) + m_bx;
	//if ( a > b ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// 5 pixel width when rendering the square, 2 pixel boundary
	long b = a + 7;

	// make sure we got it
	Parm *m = g_parms.getParmFromParmHash ( parmHash );
	if ( ! m ) { 
		log("statsdb: unrecognized parm hash = %li",parmHash);
		return true;
		//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// go down each line of points
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_LINES ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// . is there room for us in this line?
		// . see what other lines/events are on this line
		long slot = m_ht3.getSlot ( &i );
		// loop over all events on this line
		for ( ; slot >= 0 ; slot = m_ht3.getNextSlot ( slot , &i ) ) {
			// breathe
			QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
			// get the offset
			long offset = *(long *)m_ht3.getValueFromSlot ( slot );
			// get buffer
			char *buf = m_sb3.getBufStart();
			// get its value
			EventPoint *p = (EventPoint *)(buf + offset);
			// check its boundaries, require 2 pixel spacing
			if ( a <  p->m_a && b >= p->m_a ) break;
			if ( b >  p->m_b && a <= p->m_b ) break;
			if ( a >= p->m_a && b <= p->m_b ) break;
		// we collided with another event on this line, try next line
		if ( slot >= 0 ) continue;
		// make sure we got room
		if ( ! m_sb3.reserve2x ( sizeof(EventPoint) ) ) return false;
		// add it in
		EventPoint *pp = (EventPoint *)m_sb3.getBuf();
		// set it
		pp->m_a         = a;
		pp->m_b         = b;
		//pp->m_colorRGB  = colorRGB;
		pp->m_parmHash  = parmHash;
		pp->m_oldVal    = oldVal;
		pp->m_newVal    = newVal;
		pp->m_thickness = thickness;
		// store the offset incase m_sb3 reallocates
		long length = m_sb3.length();
		// tell safebuf to skip over it now
		m_sb3.incrementLength ( sizeof(EventPoint) );
		// add line to hashtable
		if ( ! m_ht3.addKey ( (void *)&i , &length ) ) return false;
		// all done now
		return true;
	// crap no room!
	log("stats: no room in graph for event");
	return true;
コード例 #22
bool sendTurkPageReply ( State60 *st ) {

	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
	//char *content    = xd->ptr_utf8Content;
	//int32_t  contentLen = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;

	// count the total number of EventDesc classes for all evids
	//char *evd = xd->ptr_eventData;
	//EventDisplay *ed = (EventDisplay *)evd;
	//char *addr = evd + (int32_t)ed->m_addr;
	//char timeZoneOffset = getTimeZoneFromAddr ( addr );

	// in case getSections() block come right back in
	xd->setCallback ( st , xdcallback );

	// . set niceness to 1 so all this processing doesn't slow queries down
	// . however, g_niceness should still be zero... hmmm...
	xd->m_niceness = 1;

	// default to 1 niceness
	st->m_niceness = 1;

	// now set the sections class
	Sections *ss = xd->getSections();

	// now for each section with alnum text, telescope up as far as 
	// possible without containing anymore alnum text than what it 
	// contained. set SEC_CONTROL bit. such sections will have the
	// 2 green/blue dots, that are used for turning on/off title/desc.
	// but really the indians will only turn off sections that should
	// not have a title/desc.
	for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
		// breathe
		// skip if does not have text
		if ( si->m_firstWordPos < 0 ) continue;
		// otherwise, find biggest parent that contains just that text
		Section *p    = si->m_parent;
		Section *last = si;
		for ( ; p ; p = p->m_parent ) {
			if ( p->m_firstWordPos != si->m_firstWordPos ) break;
			if ( p->m_lastWordPos  != si->m_lastWordPos  ) break;
			last = p;
		// set that bit then
		last->m_flags |= SEC_CONTROL;
		// and speed up the loop
		si = last;

	// * now each SEC_CONTROL sections have a fence activated by a turker

	// * an event title or description can not span a fence. it must be
	//   confined within a fence. however, it is allowed to include
	//   title or description from a "title section".

	// * hold shift down to designate as title section when clicking it

	// * show the raw text of each event changing as you fence
	//   sections in or out.  show in a right frame.

	// * show list of events on page in the top frame. can toggle them
	//   all individually.

	// * and remove no-display from all tags so we can see everything.

	// * highlight addresses, not just dates.

	// * each section hash has its own unique bg color when activated

	// * with a single click, completely reject an event because:
	//   contains bad time, address, title or desc. specify which so
	//   we can improve our algo.

	// * when selecting an individual event, scroll to its tod...

	// * remove all color from webpage that we can so our colors show up

	// * remove all imgs. just src them to dev null.

	// * allow for entering a custom title for an event or all events
	//   that are or will ever appear on the page. 

	// * when displaying the text of the events, use hyphens to
	//   delineate the section topology. strike out text as a section
	//   fence is activated.

	// * when a section is activated is it easier to just redownload
	//   the whole text of the page? maybe just the text frame?

	// * clicking on an individual sentence section should just remove
	//   that sentence. that is kinda a special content hash removal
	//   tag. like "Click here for video."

	// * when an event id is selected i guess activate its bgcolor to
	//   be light blue for all sentences currently in the event that
	//   are not in activated sections. (make exception for designated 
	//   title sections). so we need multiple tags for each events
	//   sentence div section. if sentence is split use multiple div tags
	//   then to keep the order. so each event sentence would have 
	//   <div ev1=1 ev2=1 ev10=1>...</div> if it is in event ids 1,2 and
	//   10. that way we can activate it when one of those event ids is
	//   activated.

	SafeBuf sb;

	// int16_tcuts
	if ( ! xd->m_wordsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	Words     *words = &xd->m_words;
	int32_t       nw    = words->getNumWords();
	char     **wptrs = words->getWords();
	int32_t      *wlens = words->getWordLens();
	nodeid_t  *tids  = words->getTagIds();

	// a special array for printing </div> tags
	char *endCounts = (char *)mcalloc ( nw ,"endcounts");
	if ( ! endCounts ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// now loop over all the words. if word starts a section that has
	// SEC_CONTROL bit set, and print out the section hash and a color
	// tag to be activated if the turkey activates us.
	// CAUTION: word may start multiple sections.
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) { 
		// get section ptr
		Section *sj = ss->m_sectionPtrs[i];
		// sanity check. sj must be first section ptr that starts @ a
		if ( sj && sj->m_a==i && sj->m_prev && sj->m_prev->m_a==i ) {
			char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// . does word #i start a section?
		// . if section is control, print out the control
		while ( sj && sj->m_a == i ) {
			// print this section's hash
			if ( sj->m_flags & SEC_CONTROL) {
				// after the turkeys have made all the edits
				// they need to submit the changes they made.
				// how can we get that data sent back to the
				// back end? we need to send back the colors
				// of the sections that have been activated
				// i guess. just do a loop over them.
				sb.safePrintf("<div nobreak gbsecid=%"UINT32" "
					      "bgcolor=#%"XINT32" "
				// sanity check
				if ( sj->m_b < 0  ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
				if ( sj->m_b > nw ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
				// and inc the /div count for that word
			// try next section too
			sj = sj->m_next;
		// if this is a tag, remove any coloring
		if ( tids[i] ) {
		// print the word, be it a tag, alnum, punct
		sb.safeMemcpy ( wptrs[i] , wlens[i] );
		// end a div tag?
		if ( ! endCounts[i] ) continue;
		// might be many so loop it
		for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < endCounts[i] ; j++ )

	return false;
コード例 #23
char *Statsdb::plotGraph ( char *pstart , 
			   char *pend , 
			   long graphHash , 
			   //GIFPlotter *plotter ,
			   SafeBuf &gw ,
			   long zoff ) {

	// . use "graphHash" to map to unit display
	// . this is a disk read volume
	Label *label = getLabel ( graphHash );
	if ( ! label ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	log("stats: plotting %s",label->m_keyDesc) ;

	// let's first scan m_sb1 to normalize the y values
	bool needMin = true;
	bool needMax = true;
	float ymin = 0.0;
	float ymax = 0.0;

	char *p = pstart;

	for ( ; p < pend ; p += 12 ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// get the y
		float y2 = *(float *)(p+4);
		// get color of this point
		long  gh = *(long *)(p +8);
		// stop if not us
		if ( gh != graphHash ) continue;
		// put into scaled space right away
		y2 = y2 * label->m_yscalar;
		// . limit y to absolute max
		// . these units should be scaled as well!
		if ( y2 > label->m_absYMax && label->m_absYMax > 0.0 )
			y2 = label->m_absYMax;
		// get min and max
		if ( y2 < ymin || needMin ) ymin = y2;
		if ( y2 > ymax || needMax ) ymax = y2;
		needMin = false;
		needMax = false;

	// force to zero for now
	ymin = 0.0;
	// . and force to ymax for now as well
	// . -1 indicates dynamic though!
	if ( label->m_absYMax > 0.0 ) ymax = label->m_absYMax;
	// add a 20% ceiling
	else                          ymax *= 1.20;

	// return that!
	char *retp = p;

	// set the line width
	//plotter->linewidth ( 1 );

	long color = label->m_color;

	// use the color specified from addStat_r() for this line/pt
	//plotter->pencolor ( ((color >> 16) & 0xff) << 8 ,
	//		    ((color >>  8) & 0xff) << 8 ,
	//		    ((color >>  0) & 0xff) << 8 );

	// . the minimum difference between ymax and ymin is minDiff.
	// . this prevents us from zooming in too close!
	float minDiff = (float)DY     * label->m_minRes ;
	// we are already scaled!
	float ourDiff = (ymax - ymin) ;

	// . pad y range if total range is small
	// . only do this for certain types of stats, like qps and disk i/o
	if ( ourDiff < minDiff ) {
		float pad = (minDiff - ourDiff) / 2;
		// pad it out
		ymin -= pad ;
		ymax += pad ;
		// fix it some
		if ( ymin < 0 ) {
			ymax += -1*ymin;
			ymin  = 0;
		// limit again just in case
		if ( ymax > label->m_absYMax && label->m_absYMax > 0.0 )
			ymax = label->m_absYMax;

	// set the line width
	//plotter->linewidth ( 2 );

	// reset for 2nd scan
	p = pstart;

	long  lastx = -1;
	float lasty ;
	bool  firstPoint = true;

	// now the m_sb1 buffer consists of points to make lines with
	for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// first is x pixel pos
		long  x2 = *(long *)p; p += 4;
		// then y pos
		float y2 = *(float *)p; p += 4;

		// scale it right away
		y2 *= label->m_yscalar;

		// adjust
		if ( y2 > ymax ) y2 = ymax;

		// then graphHash
		long  gh = *(long *)p; p += 4;

		// skip if wrong graph
		if ( gh != graphHash ) continue;

		// set first point for making the line
		long  x1 = lastx;
		float y1 = lasty;

		// normalize y into pixel space
		y2 = ((float)DY * (y2 - ymin)) / (ymax-ymin);

		// set lasts for next iteration of this loop
		lastx = x2;
		lasty = y2;

		// . flip the y so we don't have to scroll the browser down
		// . DY does not include the axis and tick marks
		// . do not flip y any more for statsdb graphs
		long fy1 = (long)(y1+.5);// + m_by ;
		long fy2 = (long)(y2+.5);// + m_by ;

		// how are we getting -.469 for "query" point?
		if ( fy1 < 0 ) continue;
		if ( fy2 < 0 ) continue;

		// skip if can't make a line
		if ( firstPoint ) { 
			//plotter->circle ( x2 , fy2 , 2 );
			long width = POINTWIDTH;
			// draw a 4x4 box now:
			firstPoint = false;

		// log it
		//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"plot: (%li,%.02f) - (%li,%.02f) [%s]",
		//     x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , label->m_label );

		// ensure at least 3 units wide for visibility
		//if ( x2 < x1 + 10 ) x2 = x1 + 10;

		// plot it
		// BUT only iff not more than 5 seconds difference
		//float secondsPerPixel = (m_t2-m_t1)/(float)DX;

		// avoid this for now. mdw oct 14 2013.
		//float dt = (x2 - x1) * secondsPerPixel;
		//if ( dt <= 13 || x2 - x1 <= 10 )
		//	plotter->line ( x1 , fy1 , x2  , fy2 );

		// circle second point
		//plotter->circle ( x1 , fy1 , 2 );
		//plotter->circle ( x2 , fy2 , 2 );
		// draw a 4x4 boxes now:
		long width = POINTWIDTH;
		drawLine3 ( m_gw,x1-width/2, x1+width/2, fy1,color, width); 
		drawLine3 ( m_gw,x2-width/2, x2+width/2, fy2,color, width); 

	//plotter->linewidth ( 1 );

	// plot unit lines
	float deltaz = (ymax-ymin) / 6;
	if ( strstr(label->m_keyDesc,"latency" ) ) {
		// draw it
		drawHR ( 400.0 - 111.0 , ymin,ymax,m_gw,label,zoff,0xff0000);
		drawHR ( 600.0-111.0,ymin,ymax,m_gw,label,zoff,color);

	if ( strstr(label->m_keyDesc,"queries per sec" ) ) {
		// draw it
		//deltaz /= 2;
		//drawHR(120.0, ymin , ymax , plotter , label , zoff , color );
		//drawHR(130.0, ymin , ymax , plotter , label , zoff , color );
		drawHR ( 140.0 , ymin , ymax ,m_gw , label , zoff , color );

	for ( float z = ymin ; z < ymax ; z += deltaz ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// draw it
		drawHR ( z , ymin , ymax , m_gw , label , zoff , color );

	return retp;
コード例 #24
void gotTitleList ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {

	State22 *st = (State22 *)state;
	// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// shortcut
	Msg22Request *r = st->m_r;
	// breathe

	// send error reply on error
	if ( g_errno ) { 
		log("db: Had error getting title record from titledb: %s.",
		if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		us->sendErrorReply ( st->m_slot , g_errno ); 
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st ); 
		return ;

	// convenience var
	RdbList *tlist = &st->m_tlist;

	// set probable docid
	long long pd = 0LL;
	if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
		pd = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(r->m_url);
		if ( pd != st->m_pd ) { 
			log("db: crap probable docids do not match! u=%s",
			g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
			goto hadError;
		// sanity
		//if ( pd != st->m_pd ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// the probable docid is the PREFERRED docid in this case
	if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) pd = st->m_r->m_docId;

	// . these are both meant to be available docids
	// . if ad2 gets exhausted we use ad1
	long long ad1 = st->m_docId1;
	long long ad2 = pd;

	bool docIdWasFound = false;

	// scan the titleRecs in the list
	for ( ; ! tlist->isExhausted() ; tlist->skipCurrentRecord ( ) ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness );
		// get the rec
		char *rec     = tlist->getCurrentRec();
		long  recSize = tlist->getCurrentRecSize();
		// get that key
		key_t *k = (key_t *)rec;
		// skip negative recs, first one should not be negative however
		if ( ( k->n0 & 0x01 ) == 0x00 ) continue;

		// get docid of that titlerec
		long long dd = g_titledb.getDocId(k);

		if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) {
			// make sure our available docids are availble!
			if ( dd == ad1 ) ad1++;
			if ( dd == ad2 ) ad2++;
		// if we had a url make sure uh48 matches
		else if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
			// get it
			long long uh48 = g_titledb.getUrlHash48(k);
			// sanity check
			if ( st->m_uh48 == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
			// make sure our available docids are availble!
			if ( dd == ad1 ) ad1++;
			if ( dd == ad2 ) ad2++;
			// we must match this exactly
			if ( uh48 != st->m_uh48 ) continue;
		// otherwise, check docid
		else {
			// compare that
			if ( r->m_docId != dd ) continue;

		// flag that we matched m_docId
		docIdWasFound = true;

		// do not set back titlerec if just want avail docid
		//if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) continue;

		// ok, if just "checking tfndb" no need to go further
		if ( r->m_justCheckTfndb ) {
			// send back a good reply (empty means found!)
			us->sendReply_ass ( NULL,0,NULL,0,st->m_slot);
			// don't forget to free the state
			mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
			delete ( st );

		// use rec as reply
		char *reply = rec;

		// . send this rec back, it's a match
		// . if only one rec in list, steal the list's memory
		if ( recSize != tlist->getAllocSize() ) {
			// otherwise, alloc space for the reply
			reply = (char *)mmalloc (recSize, "Msg22");
			if ( ! reply ) goto hadError;
			memcpy ( reply , rec , recSize );
		// otherwise we send back the whole list!
		else {
			// we stole this from list
			tlist->m_ownData = false;
		// off ya go
		// don't forget to free the state
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st );
		// all done

	// maybe no available docid if we breached our range
	if ( ad1 >= pd           ) ad1 = 0LL;
	if ( ad2 >  st->m_docId2 ) ad2 = 0LL;
	// get best
	long long ad = ad2;
	// but wrap around if we need to
	if ( ad == 0LL ) ad = ad1;
	// if "docId" was unmatched that should be the preferred available
	// docid then...
	//if(! docIdWasFound && r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly && ad != r->m_docId ) { 
	//	char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// remember it. this might be zero if none exist!
	st->m_availDocId = ad;
	// note it
	if ( ad == 0LL && (r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly || r->m_url[0]) ) 
		log("msg22: avail docid is 0 for pd=%lli!",pd);

	// . ok, return an available docid
	if ( r->m_url[0] || r->m_justCheckTfndb || r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) {
		// store docid in reply
		char *p = st->m_slot->m_tmpBuf;
		// send back the available docid
		*(long long *)p = st->m_availDocId;
		// send it
		us->sendReply_ass ( p , 8 , p , 8 , st->m_slot );
		// don't forget to free state
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st );

	// not found! and it was a docid based request...
	log("msg22: could not find title rec for docid %llu",r->m_docId);
	g_errno = ENOTFOUND;
	goto hadError;
コード例 #25
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . called either from 
//   1) doDocIdSplitLoop
//   2) or getDocIds2() if only 1 docidsplit
bool Msg39::getLists () {

	if ( m_debug ) m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// . ask Indexdb for the IndexLists we need for these termIds
	// . each rec in an IndexList is a termId/score/docId tuple

	// restrict to docid range?
	// . get the docid start and end
	// . do docid paritioning so we can send to all hosts
	//   in the network, not just one stripe
	int64_t docIdStart = 0;
	int64_t docIdEnd = MAX_DOCID;
	// . restrict to this docid?
	// . will really make gbdocid:| searches much faster!
	int64_t dr = m_tmpq.m_docIdRestriction;
	if ( dr ) {
		docIdStart = dr;
		docIdEnd   = dr + 1;
	// . override
	// . this is set from Msg39::doDocIdSplitLoop() to compute 
	//   search results in stages, so that we do not load massive
	//   termlists into memory and got OOM (out of memory)
	if ( m_r->m_minDocId != -1 ) docIdStart = m_r->m_minDocId;
	if ( m_r->m_maxDocId != -1 ) docIdEnd   = m_r->m_maxDocId+1;
	// if we have twins, then make sure the twins read different
	// pieces of the same docid range to make things 2x faster
	//bool useTwins = false;
	//if ( g_hostdb.getNumStripes() == 2 ) useTwins = true;
	//if ( useTwins ) {
	//	int64_t delta2 = ( docIdEnd - docIdStart ) / 2;
	//	if ( m_r->m_stripe == 0 ) docIdEnd = docIdStart + delta2;
	//	else                      docIdStart = docIdStart + delta2;
	// new striping logic:
	int32_t numStripes = g_hostdb.getNumStripes();
	int64_t delta2 = ( docIdEnd - docIdStart ) / numStripes;
	int32_t stripe = g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_stripe;
	docIdStart += delta2 * stripe; // is this right?
	docIdEnd = docIdStart + delta2;
	// add 1 to be safe so we don't lose a docid
	// TODO: add triplet support later for this to split the
	// read 3 ways. 4 ways for quads, etc.
	//if ( g_hostdb.getNumStripes() >= 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
	// do not go over MAX_DOCID  because it gets masked and
	// ends up being 0!!! and we get empty lists
	if ( docIdEnd > MAX_DOCID ) docIdEnd = MAX_DOCID;
	// remember so Msg2.cpp can use them to restrict the termlists 
	// from "whiteList" as well
	m_docIdStart = docIdStart;
	m_docIdEnd   = docIdEnd;

	// set startkey/endkey for each term/termlist
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_tmpq.getNumTerms() ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_r->m_niceness );
		// int16_tcuts
		QueryTerm *qterm = &m_tmpq.m_qterms[i];
		char *sk = qterm->m_startKey;
		char *ek = qterm->m_endKey;
		// get the term id
		int64_t tid = m_tmpq.getTermId(i);
		// if only 1 stripe
		//if ( g_hostdb.getNumStripes() == 1 ) {
		//	docIdStart = 0;
		//	docIdEnd   = MAX_DOCID;
		// debug
		if ( m_debug )
			log("query: setting sk/ek for docids %"INT64""
			    " to %"INT64" for termid=%"INT64""
			    , docIdStart
			    , docIdEnd
			    , tid
		// store now in qterm
		g_posdb.makeStartKey ( sk , tid , docIdStart );
		g_posdb.makeEndKey   ( ek , tid , docIdEnd   );
		qterm->m_ks = sizeof(POSDBKEY);//key144_t);

	// debug msg
	if ( m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) {
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_tmpq.getNumTerms() ; i++ ) {
			// get the term in utf8
			//char bb[256];
			QueryTerm *qt = &m_tmpq.m_qterms[i];
			//utf16ToUtf8(bb, 256, qt->m_term, qt->m_termLen);
			char *tpc = qt->m_term + qt->m_termLen;
			char  tmp = *tpc;
			*tpc = '\0';
			char sign = qt->m_termSign;
			if ( sign == 0 ) sign = '0';
			QueryWord *qw = qt->m_qword;
			int32_t wikiPhrId = qw->m_wikiPhraseId;
			if ( m_tmpq.isPhrase(i) ) wikiPhrId = 0;
			char leftwikibigram = 0;
			char rightwikibigram = 0;
			if ( qt->m_leftPhraseTerm &&
			     qt->m_leftPhraseTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram )
				leftwikibigram = 1;
			if ( qt->m_rightPhraseTerm &&
			     qt->m_rightPhraseTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram )
				rightwikibigram = 1;
			char c = m_tmpq.getTermSign(i);
			char tt[512];
			int32_t ttlen = m_tmpq.getTermLen(i);
			if ( ttlen > 254 ) ttlen = 254;
			if ( ttlen < 0   ) ttlen = 0;
			// old:painful: convert each term from unicode to ascii
			gbmemcpy ( tt , m_tmpq.getTerm(i) , ttlen );
			int32_t isSynonym = 0;
			QueryTerm *st = qt->m_synonymOf;
			if ( st ) isSynonym = true;
			SafeBuf sb;
			// now we can display it
			//if ( c == '\0' ) c = ' ';
			     "query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
			     "query term #%"INT32" \"%s\" "
			     "phr=%"INT32" termId=%"UINT64" rawTermId=%"UINT64" "
			     //"estimatedTermFreq=%"INT64" (+/- ~16000) "
			     "tfweight=%.02f "
			     "sign=%c "
			     "numPlusses=%hhu "
			     "required=%"INT32" "
			     "fielcode=%"INT32" "

			     "ebit=0x%0"XINT64" "
			     "impBits=0x%0"XINT64" "

			     "wikiphrid=%"INT32" "
			     "leftwikibigram=%"INT32" "
			     "rightwikibigram=%"INT32" "
			     //"range.startTermNum=%hhi range.endTermNum=%hhi "
			     //"minRecSizes=%"INT32" "
			     "readSizeInBytes=%"INT32" "
			     //"ebit=0x%"XINT64" "
			     //"impBits=0x%"XINT64" "
			     "hc=%"INT32" "
			     "component=%"INT32" "
			     "otermLen=%"INT32" "
			     "isSynonym=%"INT32" "
			     "querylangid=%"INT32" " ,
			     (PTRTYPE)this ,
			     i          ,
			     qt->m_term,//bb ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.isPhrase (i) ,
			     m_tmpq.getTermId      (i) ,
			     m_tmpq.getRawTermId   (i) ,
			     ((float *)m_r->ptr_termFreqWeights)[i] ,
			     sign , //c ,
			     0 , 

			     (int64_t)qt->m_explicitBit  ,
			     (int64_t)qt->m_implicitBits ,

			     ((int32_t *)m_r->ptr_readSizes)[i]         ,
			     //(int64_t)m_tmpq.m_qterms[i].m_explicitBit  ,
			     //(int64_t)m_tmpq.m_qterms[i].m_implicitBits ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.m_qterms[i].m_hardCount ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.getTermLen(i) ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.m_langId ); // ,tt
			// put it back
			*tpc = tmp;
			if ( st ) {
				int32_t stnum = st - m_tmpq.m_qterms;
				sb.pushChar(' ');
				sb.safePrintf("synwid0=%"INT64" ",qt->m_synWids0);
				sb.safePrintf("synwid1=%"INT64" ",qt->m_synWids1);
				sb.safePrintf("synalnumwords=%"INT32" ",
				// like for synonym "nj" it's base,
				// "new jersey" has 2 alnum words!
				sb.safePrintf("synbasealnumwords=%"INT32" ",

	// timestamp log
	if ( m_debug ) 
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
		    "Getting %"INT32" index lists ",
	// . now get the index lists themselves
	// . return if it blocked
	// . not doing a merge (last parm) means that the lists we receive
	//   will be an appending of a bunch of lists so keys won't be in order
	// . merging is uneccessary for us here because we hash the keys anyway
	// . and merging takes up valuable cpu time
	// . caution: the index lists returned from Msg2 are now compressed
	// . now i'm merging because it's 10 times faster than hashing anyway
	//   and the reply buf should now always be <= minRecSizes so we can
	//   pre-allocate one better, and, 3) this should fix the yahoo.com 
	//   reindex bug
	char rdbId = RDB_POSDB;

	// . TODO: MDW: fix
	// . partap says there is a bug in this??? we can't cache UOR'ed lists?
	bool checkCache = false;
	// split is us????
	//int32_t split = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_group;
	int32_t split = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_shardNum;
	// call msg2
	if ( ! m_msg2.getLists ( rdbId                      ,
				 m_r->m_collnum,//m_r->ptr_coll              ,
				 m_r->m_maxAge              ,
				 m_r->m_addToCache          ,
				 //m_tmpq.m_qterms ,
				 // we need to restrict docid range for
				 // whitelist as well! this is from
				 // doDocIdSplitLoop()
				 // how much of each termlist to read in bytes
				 (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_readSizes ,
				 //m_tmpq.getNumTerms()       , // numLists
				 // 1-1 with query terms
				 m_lists                    ,
				 this                       ,
				 controlLoopWrapper,//gotListsWrapper      ,
				 m_r                        ,
				 m_r->m_niceness            ,
				 true                       , // do merge?
				 m_debug                  ,
				 NULL                       ,  // best hostids
				 m_r->m_restrictPosdbForQuery  ,
				 split                      ,
				 checkCache                 )) {
		m_blocked = true;
		return false;

	// error?
	//if ( g_errno ) { 
	//	log("msg39: Had error getting termlists2: %s.",
	//	    mstrerror(g_errno));
	//	// don't bail out here because we are in docIdSplitLoop()
	//	//sendReply (m_slot,this,NULL,0,0,true);
	//	return true; 
	//return gotLists ( true );
	return true;
コード例 #26
// . reply to a request for an RdbList
// . MUST call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so slot can
//   be destroyed
void handleRequest0 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "BEGIN. Got request for an RdbList" );

	// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	//if ( netnice == 0 ) us = &g_udpServer2;
	// get the request
	char *request     = slot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	// collection is now stored in the request, so i commented this out
	//if ( requestSize != MSG0_REQ_SIZE ) {
	//	log("net: Received bad data request size of %" PRId32" bytes. "
	//	    "Should be %" PRId32".", requestSize ,(int32_t)MSG0_REQ_SIZE);
	//	us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );
	//	return;
	// parse the request
	char *p                  = request;
	int64_t syncPoint          = *(int64_t *)p ; p += 8;
	//key_t     startKey           = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	//key_t     endKey             = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	int32_t      minRecSizes        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      startFileNum       = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      numFiles           = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      maxCacheAge        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	char      rdbId              = *p++;
	char      addToCache         = *p++;
	char      doErrorCorrection  = *p++;
	char      includeTree        = *p++;
	// this was messing up our niceness conversion logic
	int32_t      niceness           = slot->m_niceness;//(int32_t)(*p++);
	// still need to skip it though!
	bool      allowPageCache     = (bool)(*p++);
	char ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
	char     *startKey           = p; p+=ks;
	char     *endKey             = p; p+=ks;
	collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)p; p += sizeof(collnum_t);

	CollectionRec *xcr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );
	if ( ! xcr ) g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;

	if( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0 ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "rdbId....... %d", (int)rdbId );
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "key size.... %d", (int)ks );
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "startFileNum %" PRId32, startFileNum );
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "numFiles.... %" PRId32, numFiles );

	// error set from XmlDoc::cacheTermLists()?
	if ( g_errno ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END. Invalid collection" );

		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); 

	// . get the rdb we need to get the RdbList from
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	//Msg0 msg0;
	//Rdb *rdb = msg0.getRdb ( rdbId );
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END. Invalid rdbId" );
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); 

	// keep track of stats
	rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );

	// . do a local get
	// . create a msg5 to get the list
	State00 *st0 ;
	try { st0 = new (State00); }
	catch ( ... ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("Msg0: new(%" PRId32"): %s", 
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 
	mnew ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "State00" );
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
		st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// save slot in state
	st0->m_slot = slot;
	// save udp server to send back reply on
	st0->m_us = us;
	// init this one
	st0->m_niceness = niceness;
	st0->m_rdbId    = rdbId;


	// debug msg
	if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache ) {
		log( LOG_LOGIC, "net: msg0: check but don't add... rdbid=%" PRId32".", ( int32_t ) rdbId );

	// . if this request came over on the high priority udp server
	//   make sure the priority gets passed along
	// . return if this blocks
	// . we'll call sendReply later
	if ( ! st0->m_msg5.getList ( rdbId             ,
				     collnum           ,
				     &st0->m_list      ,
				     startKey          ,
				     endKey            ,
				     minRecSizes       ,
				     includeTree       , // include tree?
				     addToCache        , // addToCache?
				     maxCacheAge       ,
				     startFileNum      , 
				     numFiles          ,
				     st0               ,
				     gotListWrapper    ,
				     niceness          ,
				     doErrorCorrection ,
				     NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
				     0    , // retryNum
				     2    , // maxRetries
				     true , // compensateForMerge
				     syncPoint ,
				     allowPageCache ) ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END. m_msg5.getList returned false" );

	// call wrapper ouselves
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "Calling gotListWrapper" );

	gotListWrapper ( st0 , NULL , NULL );

	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END" );
コード例 #27
void handleRequest12 ( UdpSlot *udpSlot , int32_t niceness ) {
	// get request
	char *request = udpSlot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  reqSize = udpSlot->m_readBufSize;
	// shortcut
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( niceness );

	// shortcut
	char *reply = udpSlot->m_tmpBuf;

	// . is it confirming that he got all the locks?
	// . if so, remove the doledb record and dock the doleiptable count
	//   before adding a waiting tree entry to re-pop the doledb record
	if ( reqSize == sizeof(ConfirmRequest) ) {
		char *msg = NULL;
		ConfirmRequest *cq = (ConfirmRequest *)request;

		// confirm the lock
		HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
		int32_t slot = ht->getSlot ( &cq->m_lockKeyUh48 );
		if ( slot < 0 ) { 
			log("spider: got a confirm request for a key not "
			    "in the table! coll must have been deleted "
			    " or reset "
			    "while lock request was outstanding.");
			g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
			log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
			us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
			//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
		lock->m_confirmed = true;

		// note that
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) // Wait )
			log("spider: got confirm lock request for ip=%s",

		// get it
		SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(cq->m_collnum);
		// make it negative
		cq->m_doledbKey.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffeLL;
		// and add the negative rec to doledb (deletion operation)
		Rdb *rdb = &g_doledb.m_rdb;
		if ( ! rdb->addRecord ( cq->m_collnum,
					(char *)&cq->m_doledbKey,
					NULL , // data
					0    , //dataSize
					1 )){ // niceness
			// tree is dumping or something, probably ETRYAGAIN
			if ( g_errno != ETRYAGAIN ) {msg = "error adding neg rec to doledb";	log("spider: %s %s",msg,mstrerror(g_errno));
			//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
			log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
			us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
		// now remove from doleiptable since we removed from doledb
		if ( sc ) sc->removeFromDoledbTable ( cq->m_firstIp );

		// how many spiders outstanding for this coll and IP?
		//int32_t out=g_spiderLoop.getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( cq->m_firstIp);

		// DO NOT add back to waiting tree if max spiders
		// out per ip was 1 OR there was a crawldelay. but better
		// yet, take care of that in the winReq code above.

		// . now add to waiting tree so we add another spiderdb
		//   record for this firstip to doledb
		// . true = callForScan
		// . do not add to waiting tree if we have enough outstanding
		//   spiders for this ip. we will add to waiting tree when
		//   we receive a SpiderReply in addSpiderReply()
		if ( sc && //out < cq->m_maxSpidersOutPerIp &&
		     // this will just return true if we are not the 
		     // responsible host for this firstip
		    // DO NOT populate from this!!! say "false" here...
		     ! sc->addToWaitingTree ( 0 , cq->m_firstIp, false ) &&
		     // must be an error...
		     g_errno ) {
			log("spider: %s %s",msg,mstrerror(g_errno));
			log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
			us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
		// success!!
		reply[0] = 1;
		us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );

	// sanity check
	if ( reqSize != sizeof(LockRequest) ) {
		log("spider: bad msg12 request size of %" PRId32,reqSize);
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , EBADREQUEST );
	// deny it if we are not synced yet! otherwise we core in 
	// getTimeGlobal() below
	if ( ! isClockInSync() ) { 
		// log it so we can debug it
		//log("spider: clock not in sync with host #0. so "
		//    "returning etryagain for lock reply");
		// let admin know why we are not spidering
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , ETRYAGAIN );

	LockRequest *lr = (LockRequest *)request;
	//uint64_t lockKey = *(int64_t *)request;
	//int32_t lockSequence = *(int32_t *)(request+8);
	// is this a remove operation? assume not
	//bool remove = false;
	// get top bit
	//if ( lockKey & 0x8000000000000000LL ) remove = true;

	// mask it out
	//lockKey &= 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
	// sanity check, just 6 bytes! (48 bits)
	if ( lr->m_lockKeyUh48 &0xffff000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// note it
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
		log("spider: got msg12 request uh48=%" PRId64" remove=%" PRId32,
		    lr->m_lockKeyUh48, (int32_t)lr->m_removeLock);
	// get time
	int32_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
	// shortcut
	HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;

	int32_t hostId = g_hostdb.getHostId ( udpSlot->m_ip , udpSlot->m_port );
	// this must be legit - sanity check
	if ( hostId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// remove expired locks from locktable
	removeExpiredLocks ( hostId );

	int64_t lockKey = lr->m_lockKeyUh48;

	// check tree
	int32_t slot = ht->getSlot ( &lockKey ); // lr->m_lockKeyUh48 );
	// put it here
	UrlLock *lock = NULL;
	// if there say no no
	if ( slot >= 0 ) lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );

	// if doing a remove operation and that was our hostid then unlock it
	if ( lr->m_removeLock && 
	     lock && 
	     lock->m_hostId == hostId &&
	     lock->m_lockSequence == lr->m_lockSequence ) {
		// note it for now
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
			log("spider: removing lock for lockkey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
		// unlock it
		ht->removeSlot ( slot );
		// it is gone
		lock = NULL;
	// ok, at this point all remove ops return
	if ( lr->m_removeLock ) {
		reply[0] = 1;
		us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );

	// add new lock

	// if lock > 1 hour old then remove it automatically!!
	if ( lock && nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp > MAX_LOCK_AGE ) {
		// note it for now
		log("spider: removing lock after %" PRId32" seconds "
		    "for lockKey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
		    (nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp),
		// unlock it
		ht->removeSlot ( slot );
		// it is gone
		lock = NULL;
	// if lock still there, do not grant another lock
	if ( lock ) {
		// note it for now
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
			log("spider: refusing lock for lockkey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
		reply[0] = 0;
		us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
	// make the new lock
	UrlLock tmp;
	tmp.m_hostId       = hostId;
	tmp.m_lockSequence = lr->m_lockSequence;
	tmp.m_timestamp    = nowGlobal;
	tmp.m_expires      = 0;
	tmp.m_firstIp      = lr->m_firstIp;
	tmp.m_collnum      = lr->m_collnum;

	// when the spider returns we remove its lock on reception of the
	// spiderReply, however, we actually just set the m_expires time
	// to 5 seconds into the future in case there is a current request
	// to get a lock for that url in progress. but, we do need to
	// indicate that the spider has indeed completed by setting
	// m_spiderOutstanding to true. this way, addToWaitingTree() will
	// not count it towards a "max spiders per IP" quota when deciding
	// on if it should add a new entry for this IP.
	tmp.m_spiderOutstanding = true;
	// this is set when all hosts in the group (shard) have granted the
	// lock and the host sends out a confirmLockAcquisition() request.
	// until then we do not know if the lock will be granted by all hosts
	// in the group (shard)
	tmp.m_confirmed    = false;

	// put it into the table
	if ( ! ht->addKey ( &lockKey , &tmp ) ) {
		// return error if that failed!
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
	// note it for now
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
		log("spider: granting lock for lockKey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
	// grant the lock
	reply[0] = 1;
	us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
コード例 #28
// . slot should be auto-nuked upon transmission or error
// . TODO: ensure if this sendReply() fails does it really nuke the slot?
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *listb , Msg5 *msg5xx ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "BEGIN" );
	// get the state
	State00 *st0 = (State00 *)state;
	// extract the udp slot and list and msg5
	UdpSlot   *slot =  st0->m_slot;
	RdbList   *list = &st0->m_list;
	Msg5      *msg5 = &st0->m_msg5;
	UdpServer *us   =  st0->m_us;

	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet || g_conf.m_logDebugNet ) {
		//log("Msg0:hndled request %" PRIu64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
		int32_t size = -1;
		if ( list ) size     = list->getListSize();
		    "net: msg0: Handled request for data. "
		    "Now sending data termId=%" PRIu64" size=%" PRId32
		    " transId=%" PRId32" ip=%s port=%i took=%" PRId64" "
		    "(niceness=%" PRId32").",
		    gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - st0->m_startTime ,
		    st0->m_niceness );

	// on error nuke the list and it's data
	if ( g_errno ) {
		mdelete ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "Msg0" );
		delete (st0);
		// TODO: free "slot" if this send fails
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );

	// point to the serialized list in "list"
	char *data      = list->getList();
	int32_t  dataSize  = list->getListSize();
	char *alloc     = list->getAlloc();
	int32_t  allocSize = list->getAllocSize();
	// tell list not to free the data since it is a reply so UdpServer
	// will free it when it destroys the slot
	list->setOwnData ( false );
	// keep track of stats
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( st0->m_rdbId );
	if ( rdb ) rdb->sentReplyGet ( dataSize );
	// TODO: can we free any memory here???

	// keep track of how long it takes to complete the send
	st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// debug point
	int32_t oldSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes;
	int32_t newSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes + 20;
	// watch for wrap around
	if ( newSize < oldSize ) newSize = 0x7fffffff;
	if ( dataSize > newSize && list->getFixedDataSize() == 0 &&
	     // do not annoy me with these linkdb msgs
	     dataSize > newSize+100 ) 
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Sending more data than what was "
		    "requested. Ineffcient. Bad engineer. dataSize=%" PRId32" "
		    "minRecSizes=%" PRId32".",dataSize,oldSize);
	// for linkdb lists, remove all the keys that have the same IP32
	// and store a count of what we removed somewhere
	if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_LINKDB ) {
		// store compressed list on itself
		char *dst = list->m_list;
		// keep stats
		int32_t totalOrigLinks = 0;
		int32_t ipDups = 0;
		int32_t lastIp32 = 0;
		char *listEnd = list->getListEnd();
		// compress the list
		for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
			// breathe
			QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
			// count it
			// get rec
			char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
			int32_t ip32 = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp_uk((key224_t *)rec );
			// same as one before?
			if ( ip32 == lastIp32 && 
			     // are we the last rec? include that for
			     // advancing the m_nextKey in Linkdb more 
			     // efficiently.
			     rec + LDBKS < listEnd ) {
			// store it
			gbmemcpy (dst , rec , LDBKS );
			dst += LDBKS;
			// update it
			lastIp32 = ip32;
		// . if we removed one key, store the stats
		// . caller should recognize reply is not a multiple of
		//   the linkdb key size LDBKS and no its there!
		if ( ipDups ) {
			//*(int32_t *)dst = totalOrigLinks;
			//dst += 4;
			//*(int32_t *)dst = ipDups;
			//dst += 4;
		// update list parms
		list->m_listSize = dst - list->m_list;
		list->m_listEnd  = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;
		data      = list->getList();
		dataSize  = list->getListSize();

	//log("sending replySize=%" PRId32" min=%" PRId32,dataSize,msg5->m_minRecSizes);
	// . TODO: dataSize may not equal list->getListMaxSize() so
	//         Mem class may show an imblanace
	// . now g_udpServer is responsible for freeing data/dataSize
	// . the "true" means to call doneSending_ass() from the signal handler
	//   if need be
	st0->m_us->sendReply_ass( data, dataSize, alloc, allocSize, slot, st0, doneSending_ass, -1, -1, true );

	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END" );
コード例 #29
// . set table size to "n" slots
// . rehashes the termId/score pairs into new table
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool HashTableX::setTableSize ( long oldn , char *buf , long bufSize ) {
	// don't change size if we do not need to
	if ( oldn == m_numSlots ) return true;

	long long n = (long long)oldn;
	// make it a power of 2 for speed if small
	n = getHighestLitBitValueLL((unsigned long long)oldn * 2LL -1);
	// sanity check, must be less than 1B
	if ( n > 1000000000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// limit...
	//if ( n > m_maxSlots ) n = m_maxSlots;
	// do not go negative on me
	if ( oldn == 0 ) n = 0;
	// sanity check
	if ( n < oldn ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
	// do we have a buf?
	long need = (m_ks+m_ds+1) * n;
	// sanity check, buf should also meet what we need
	if ( buf && bufSize < need ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }

	// we grow kinda slow, it slows things down, so note it
	long long startTime =0LL;
	long old = -1;
	if ( m_numSlots > 2000 ) {
		startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
		old = m_numSlots;

	// if we should not free note that
	bool  savedDoFree  = m_doFree ;
	char *savedBuf     = m_buf;
	long  savedBufSize = m_bufSize;

	// use what they gave us if we can
	m_buf    = buf;
	m_doFree = false;
	// alloc if we should
	if ( ! m_buf ) {
		m_buf     = (char *)mmalloc ( need , m_allocName);
		m_bufSize = need;
		m_doFree  = true;
		if ( ! m_buf ) return false;

	// save the old junk
	char *oldFlags = m_flags;
	char *oldKeys  = m_keys;
	char *oldVals  = m_vals;

	// now point to the new bigger and empty table
	m_keys  = m_buf;
	m_vals  = m_buf + m_ks * n;
	m_flags = m_buf + m_ks * n + m_ds * n;

	// clear flags only
	//bzero ( m_flags , n );
	memset ( m_flags , 0 , n );

	// rehash the slots if we had some
	long ns = m_numSlots; if ( ! m_keys ) ns = 0;

	// update these for the new empty table
	m_numSlots = n;
	m_mask     = n - 1;

	long oldUsed = m_numSlotsUsed;
	// reset this before re-adding all of them
	m_numSlotsUsed = 0;

	// loop over results in old table, if any
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// skip the empty slots 
		if ( oldFlags [ i ] == 0 ) continue;
		// add old key/val into the empty table
		if ( m_ks == sizeof(key144_t) )
			// use this special adder that hashes it up better!
			addTerm144 ( (key144_t *)(oldKeys + m_ks * i) ,
				     *(long *)(oldVals + m_ds * i) );
			addKey ( oldKeys + m_ks * i , oldVals + m_ds * i );

	if ( startTime ) {
		char *name ="";
		if ( m_allocName ) name = m_allocName;
		//if ( name && strcmp(name,"HashTableX")==0 )
		//	log("hey");
		long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
		logf(LOG_DEBUG,"table: grewtable %s from %li to %li slots "
		     "in %lli ms (this=0x%lx) (used=%li)",  
		     name,old,m_numSlots ,now - startTime,(long)this,oldUsed);

	// free the old guys
	if ( ! savedDoFree ) return true;
	if ( ! savedBuf    ) return true;

	// let the old table go
	mfree ( savedBuf , savedBufSize , m_allocName );

	return true;
コード例 #30
bool Words::addWords(char *s,long nodeLen,bool computeWordIds, long niceness) {
	long  i = 0;
	long  j;
	//long  k = 0;
	long  wlen;
	//unsigned long e;
	//long  skip;
	long badCount = 0;

	bool hadApostrophe = false;

	UCScript oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
	UCScript saved;
	UCProps props;


	// bad utf8 can cause a breach
	if ( i >= nodeLen ) goto done;

	if ( ! s[i] ) goto done;

	if ( ! is_alnum_utf8(s+i) ) { // && m_numWords < m_preCount ) {

		if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;

		// tag?
		if ( s[i]=='<' && m_hasTags && isTagStart(s+i) ) {
			// get the tag id
			if ( s[i+1]=='/' ) {
				// skip over /
				m_tagIds [m_numWords] = ::getTagId(s+i+2);
				m_tagIds [m_numWords] |= BACKBIT;
				m_tagIds [m_numWords] = ::getTagId(s+i+1);
			// word start
			m_words    [m_numWords] = s + i;
			m_wordIds  [m_numWords] = 0LL;
			// skip till end
			long tagLen = getTagLen(s+i); // ,niceness);
			m_wordLens [m_numWords] = tagLen;
			// advance
			i += tagLen;
			goto uptop;

		// it is a punct word, find end of it
		char *start = s+i;
		//for (;s[i] && ! is_alnum_utf8(s+i);i+=getUtf8CharSize(s+i));
		for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i)){
			// stop on < if we got tags
			if ( s[i] == '<' && m_hasTags ) break;
			// breathe
			// if we are simple ascii, skip quickly
			if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
				// accumulate NON-alnum chars
				if ( ! is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) continue;
				// update
				oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
				// otherwise, stop we got alnum
			// if we are utf8 we stop on special props
			UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );
			// stop if word char
			if ( ! ucIsWordChar ( c ) ) continue;
			// update first though
			oldScript = ucGetScript ( c );
			// then stop
		m_words        [ m_numWords  ] = start;
		m_wordLens     [ m_numWords  ] = s+i - start;
		m_wordIds      [ m_numWords  ] = 0LL;
		if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
		goto uptop;

	// get an alnum word
	j = i;
	//for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (&s[i] ) ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) );
	for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) ) {
		// breathe
		// simple ascii?
		if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
			// accumulate alnum chars
			if ( is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) continue;
			// update
			oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
			// otherwise, stop we got punct
		// get the code point of the utf8 char
		UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );
		// get props
		props = ucProperties ( c );
		// good stuff?
		if ( props & (UC_IGNORABLE|UC_EXTEND) ) continue;
		// stop? if UC_WORCHAR is set, that means its an alnum
		if ( ! ( props & UC_WORDCHAR ) ) {
			// reset script between words
			oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
		// save it
		saved = oldScript;
		// update here
		oldScript = ucGetScript(c);
		// treat ucScriptLatin (30) as common so we can have latin1
		// like char without breaking the word!
		if ( oldScript == ucScriptLatin ) oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
		// stop on this crap too i guess. like japanes chars?
		if ( props & ( UC_IDEOGRAPH | UC_HIRAGANA | UC_THAI ) ) {
			// include it
			i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i);
			// but stop
		// script change?
		if ( saved != oldScript ) break;
	// . java++, A++, C++ exception
	// . A+, C+, exception
	// . TODO: consider putting in Bits.cpp w/ D_CAN_BE_IN_PHRASE
	if ( s[i]=='+' ) {
		if ( s[i+1]=='+' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+2]) ) i += 2;
		else if ( !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;
	// . c#, j#, ...
	if ( s[i]=='#' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;
	// allow for words like we're dave's and i'm
		hadApostrophe = true;
		goto again;
	hadApostrophe = false;
	// get word length
	wlen = i - j;
	if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
	m_words   [ m_numWords  ] = &s[j];
	m_wordLens[ m_numWords  ] = wlen;
	// . Lars says it's better to leave the accented chars intact
	// . google agrees
	// . but what about "re'sume"?
	if ( computeWordIds ) {
		long long h = hash64Lower_utf8(&s[j],wlen);
		m_wordIds [m_numWords] = h;
		// until we get an accent removal algo, comment this
		// out and possibly use the query synonym pipeline
		// to search without accents. MDW
		//long long h2 = hash64AsciiLowerE(&s[j],wlen);
		//if ( h2 != h ) m_stripWordIds [m_numWords] = h2;
		//else           m_stripWordIds [m_numWords] = 0LL;
		//m_stripWordIds[m_numWords] = 0;
	if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
	// break on \0 or MAX_WORDS
	//if ( ! s[i] ) goto done;
	// get a punct word
	goto uptop;
	  j = i;
	  // delineate the "punctuation" word
	  for ( ; s[i] && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i]);i+=getUtf8CharSize(s+i));
	  // bad utf8 could cause us to breach the node, so watch out!
	  if ( i > nodeLen ) {
	  i = nodeLen;
	  // get word length
	  wlen = i - j;
	  if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
	  m_words        [m_numWords  ] = &s[j];
	  m_wordLens     [m_numWords  ] = wlen;
	  m_wordIds      [m_numWords  ] = 0LL;
	  if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;

	// bad programming warning
	if ( m_numWords > m_preCount ) {
		    "build: words: set: Fix counting routine.");
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
	// compute total length
	if ( m_numWords <= 0 ) m_totalLen = 0;
	else m_totalLen = m_words[m_numWords-1] - s + m_wordLens[m_numWords-1];

	if ( badCount )
		log("words: had %li bad utf8 chars",badCount);

	return true;