コード例 #1
ファイル: g_missile.c プロジェクト: Asvarox/Unvanquished
static float G_MissileTimePowerReduce( gentity_t *self, int fullPower, int halfLife, powerReduce_t type )
	int lifetime = level.time - self->creationTime;
	float travelled;
	float divider = 1;

	// allow disabling via the half-life setting
	if ( halfLife < 1 )
		return 1.0f;

	switch ( type )
		travelled = lifetime + fullPower - halfLife;
		if ( travelled > halfLife * 1.25 ) // approx. point at which the two graphs meet
			divider = Q_rsqrt( travelled / halfLife );
		else if ( travelled >= 0 )
			divider = travelled / halfLife;
			divider = cos( divider * divider / 3.375 );

	case PR_COSINE:
		// curve is from -halfLife to fullPower, with a quarter-cycle being 0…fullPower
		travelled = lifetime - halfLife;
		divider = cos( travelled * M_PI / 2.0f / ( fullPower + 1 - halfLife ) );
		divider = MAX( 0.0f, divider );

	case PR_END:

	return divider;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MultiRotor_ahrs.c プロジェクト: sensiki/HT-Hawk
void AHRS_GetQ( Quaternion *pNumQ )
  fp32 ErrX, ErrY, ErrZ;
  fp32 AccX, AccY, AccZ;
  fp32 GyrX, GyrY, GyrZ;
	fp32 Normalize;
  static fp32 exInt = 0.0f, eyInt = 0.0f, ezInt = 0.0f;
	Gravity V;
	// 加速度归一化
	Normalize = Q_rsqrt(squa(sensor.acc.averag.x)+ squa(sensor.acc.averag.y) +squa(sensor.acc.averag.z));
	AccX = sensor.acc.averag.x*Normalize;
  AccY = sensor.acc.averag.y*Normalize;
  AccZ = sensor.acc.averag.z*Normalize;

	// 提取重力分量
	V = Quaternion_vectorGravity(&NumQ);
	// 向量差乘
 	ErrX = (AccY*V.z - AccZ*V.y);
  ErrY = (AccZ*V.x - AccX*V.z);
  ErrZ = (AccX*V.y - AccY*V.x);
 	exInt = exInt + ErrX * KiDef;
  eyInt = eyInt + ErrY * KiDef;
  ezInt = ezInt + ErrZ * KiDef;

  GyrX = Rad(sensor.gyro.averag.x) + KpDef * VariableParameter(ErrX) * ErrX  +  exInt;
  GyrY = Rad(sensor.gyro.averag.y) + KpDef * VariableParameter(ErrY) * ErrY  +  eyInt;
	GyrZ = Rad(sensor.gyro.averag.z) + KpDef * VariableParameter(ErrZ) * ErrZ  +  ezInt;
	// 一阶龙格库塔法, 更新四元数
	Quaternion_RungeKutta(&NumQ, GyrX, GyrY, GyrZ, SampleRateHalf);
	// 四元数归一化
コード例 #3
ファイル: tr_surfacesprites.cpp プロジェクト: Wookiee-/jaPRO
static void RB_DrawOrientedSurfaceSprites( shaderStage_t *stage, shaderCommands_t *input) 
	int curindex, curvert;
 	vec3_t dist;
	float triarea, minnormal;
	vec2_t vec1to2, vec1to3;

	vec3_t v1,v2,v3;
	float a1,a2,a3;
	float l1,l2,l3;
	vec2_t fog1, fog2, fog3;

	float posi, posj;
	float step;
	float fa,fb,fc;

	vec3_t curpoint;
	float width, height;
	float alpha, alphapos, thisspritesfadestart, light;
	byte randomindex2;
	vec2_t fogv;
	float cutdist=stage->ss->fadeMax*rangescalefactor, cutdist2=cutdist*cutdist;
	float fadedist=stage->ss->fadeDist*rangescalefactor, fadedist2=fadedist*fadedist;

	assert(cutdist2 != fadedist2);
	float inv_fadediff = 1.0/(cutdist2-fadedist2);

	// The faderange is the fraction amount it takes for these sprites to fade out, assuming an ideal fade range of 250
	float faderange = FADE_RANGE/(cutdist-fadedist);

	if (faderange > 1.0)
	{	// Don't want to force a new fade_rand
		faderange = 1.0;

	if (stage->ss->facing)
	{	// Faceup sprite.
		minnormal = 0.99f;
	{	// Normal oriented sprite
		minnormal = 0.5f;

	// Quickly calc all the alphas for each vertex
	for (curvert=0; curvert<input->numVertexes; curvert++)
		// Calc alpha at each point
		VectorSubtract(ssViewOrigin, input->xyz[curvert], dist);
		SSVertAlpha[curvert] = 1.0 - (VectorLengthSquared(dist) - fadedist2) * inv_fadediff;

	for (curindex=0; curindex<input->numIndexes-2; curindex+=3)
		curvert = input->indexes[curindex];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v1);
		if (input->normal[curvert][2] < minnormal)
		l1 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a1 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];
		fog1[0] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1));
		fog1[1] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1)+1);

		curvert = input->indexes[curindex+1];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v2);
		if (input->normal[curvert][2] < minnormal)
		l2 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a2 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];
		fog2[0] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1));
		fog2[1] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1)+1);

		curvert = input->indexes[curindex+2];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v3);
		if (input->normal[curvert][2] < minnormal)
		l3 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a3 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];
		fog3[0] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1));
		fog3[1] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1)+1);

		if (a1 <= 0.0 && a2 <= 0.0 && a3 <= 0.0)

		// Find the area in order to calculate the stepsize
		vec1to2[0] = v2[0] - v1[0];
		vec1to2[1] = v2[1] - v1[1];
		vec1to3[0] = v3[0] - v1[0];
		vec1to3[1] = v3[1] - v1[1];

		// Now get the cross product of this sum.
		triarea = vec1to3[0]*vec1to2[1] - vec1to3[1]*vec1to2[0];
		if (triarea <= 1.0)
		{	// Insanely small abhorrent triangle.
		step = stage->ss->density * Q_rsqrt(triarea);

		randomindex = (byte)(v1[0]+v1[1]+v2[0]+v2[1]+v3[0]+v3[1]);
		randominterval = (byte)(v1[0]+v2[1]+v3[2])|0x03;	// Make sure the interval is at least 3, and always odd

		for (posi=0; posi<1.0; posi+=step)
			for (posj=0; posj<(1.0-posi); posj+=step)
				randomindex += randominterval;
				if (fa>1.0)

				randomindex += randominterval;
				if (fb>(1.0-fa))

				fc = 1.0-fa-fb;

				// total alpha, minus random factor so some things fade out sooner.
				alphapos = a1*fa + a2*fb + a3*fc;
				// Note that the alpha at this point is a value from 1.0 to 0.0, but represents when to START fading
				thisspritesfadestart = faderange + (1.0-faderange) * randomchart[randomindex];
				randomindex += randominterval;

				// Find where the alpha is relative to the fadestart, and calc the real alpha to draw at.
				alpha = 1.0 - ((thisspritesfadestart-alphapos)/faderange);

				randomindex += randominterval;
				if (alpha > 0.0)
					if (alpha > 1.0) 

					if (SSUsingFog)
						fogv[0] = fog1[0]*fa + fog2[0]*fb + fog3[0]*fc;
						fogv[1] = fog1[1]*fa + fog2[1]*fb + fog3[1]*fc;

					VectorScale(v1, fa, curpoint);
					VectorMA(curpoint, fb, v2, curpoint);
					VectorMA(curpoint, fc, v3, curpoint);

					light = l1*fa + l2*fb + l3*fc;
					if (SSAdditiveTransparency)
					{	// Additive transparency, scale light value
//						light *= alpha;
						light = (128 + (light*0.5))*alpha;
						alpha = 1.0;

					randomindex2 = randomindex;
					width = stage->ss->width*(1.0 + (stage->ss->variance[0]*randomchart[randomindex2]));
					height = stage->ss->height*(1.0 + (stage->ss->variance[1]*randomchart[randomindex2++]));
					if (randomchart[randomindex2++]>0.5)
						width = -width;
					if (stage->ss->fadeScale!=0 && alphapos < 1.0)
						width *= 1.0 + (stage->ss->fadeScale*(1.0-alphapos));

					if (SSUsingFog)
						RB_OrientedSurfaceSprite(curpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0), fogv, stage->ss->facing);
						RB_OrientedSurfaceSprite(curpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0), NULL, stage->ss->facing);

コード例 #4
ファイル: tr_surfacesprites.cpp プロジェクト: Wookiee-/jaPRO
static void RB_DrawVerticalSurfaceSprites( shaderStage_t *stage, shaderCommands_t *input) 
	int curindex, curvert;
 	vec3_t dist;
	float triarea;
	vec2_t vec1to2, vec1to3;

	vec3_t v1,v2,v3;
	float a1,a2,a3;
	float l1,l2,l3;
	vec2_t fog1, fog2, fog3;
	vec2_t winddiff1, winddiff2, winddiff3;
	float  windforce1, windforce2, windforce3;

	float posi, posj;
	float step;
	float fa,fb,fc;

	vec3_t curpoint;
	float width, height;
	float alpha, alphapos, thisspritesfadestart, light;

	byte randomindex2;

	vec2_t skew={0,0};
	vec2_t fogv;
	vec2_t winddiffv;
	float windforce=0;
	qboolean usewindpoint = (qboolean) !! (curWindPointActive && stage->ss->wind > 0);

	float cutdist=stage->ss->fadeMax*rangescalefactor, cutdist2=cutdist*cutdist;
	float fadedist=stage->ss->fadeDist*rangescalefactor, fadedist2=fadedist*fadedist;

	assert(cutdist2 != fadedist2);
	float inv_fadediff = 1.0/(cutdist2-fadedist2);

	// The faderange is the fraction amount it takes for these sprites to fade out, assuming an ideal fade range of 250
	float faderange = FADE_RANGE/(cutdist-fadedist);

	if (faderange > 1.0)
	{	// Don't want to force a new fade_rand
		faderange = 1.0;

	// Quickly calc all the alphas and windstuff for each vertex
	for (curvert=0; curvert<input->numVertexes; curvert++)
		VectorSubtract(ssViewOrigin, input->xyz[curvert], dist);
		SSVertAlpha[curvert] = 1.0 - (VectorLengthSquared(dist) - fadedist2) * inv_fadediff;

	// Wind only needs initialization once per tess.
	if (usewindpoint && !tess.SSInitializedWind)
		for (curvert=0; curvert<input->numVertexes;curvert++)
		{	// Calc wind at each point
			dist[0]=input->xyz[curvert][0] - curWindPoint[0];
			dist[1]=input->xyz[curvert][1] - curWindPoint[1];
			step = (dist[0]*dist[0] + dist[1]*dist[1]);	// dist squared

			{	// No wind
				SSVertWindDir[curvert][0] = 0;
				SSVertWindDir[curvert][1] = 0;
				SSVertWindForce[curvert]=0;		// Should be < 1
				if (step<1)
				{	// Don't want to divide by zero
					SSVertWindDir[curvert][0] = 0;
					SSVertWindDir[curvert][1] = 0;
					SSVertWindForce[curvert] = curWindPointForce * stage->ss->wind;
					step = Q_rsqrt(step);		// Equals 1 over the distance.
					SSVertWindDir[curvert][0] = dist[0] * step;
					SSVertWindDir[curvert][1] = dist[1] * step;
					step = 1.0 - (1.0 / (step * WINDPOINT_RADIUS));	// 1- (dist/maxradius) = a scale from 0 to 1 linearly dropping off
					SSVertWindForce[curvert] = curWindPointForce * stage->ss->wind * step;	// *step means divide by the distance.
		tess.SSInitializedWind = qtrue;
	for (curindex=0; curindex<input->numIndexes-2; curindex+=3)
		curvert = input->indexes[curindex];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v1);
		if (stage->ss->facing)
		{	// Hang down
			if (input->normal[curvert][2] > -0.5)
		{	// Point up
			if (input->normal[curvert][2] < 0.5)
		l1 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a1 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];
		fog1[0] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1));
		fog1[1] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1)+1);
		winddiff1[0] = SSVertWindDir[curvert][0];
		winddiff1[1] = SSVertWindDir[curvert][1];
		windforce1 = SSVertWindForce[curvert];

		curvert = input->indexes[curindex+1];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v2);
		if (stage->ss->facing)
		{	// Hang down
			if (input->normal[curvert][2] > -0.5)
		{	// Point up
			if (input->normal[curvert][2] < 0.5)
		l2 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a2 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];
		fog2[0] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1));
		fog2[1] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1)+1);
		winddiff2[0] = SSVertWindDir[curvert][0];
		winddiff2[1] = SSVertWindDir[curvert][1];
		windforce2 = SSVertWindForce[curvert];

		curvert = input->indexes[curindex+2];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v3);
		if (stage->ss->facing)
		{	// Hang down
			if (input->normal[curvert][2] > -0.5)
		{	// Point up
			if (input->normal[curvert][2] < 0.5)
		l3 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a3 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];
		fog3[0] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1));
		fog3[1] = *((float *)(tess.svars.texcoords[0])+(curvert<<1)+1);
		winddiff3[0] = SSVertWindDir[curvert][0];
		winddiff3[1] = SSVertWindDir[curvert][1];
		windforce3 = SSVertWindForce[curvert];

		if (a1 <= 0.0 && a2 <= 0.0 && a3 <= 0.0)

		// Find the area in order to calculate the stepsize
		vec1to2[0] = v2[0] - v1[0];
		vec1to2[1] = v2[1] - v1[1];
		vec1to3[0] = v3[0] - v1[0];
		vec1to3[1] = v3[1] - v1[1];

		// Now get the cross product of this sum.
		triarea = vec1to3[0]*vec1to2[1] - vec1to3[1]*vec1to2[0];
		if (triarea <= 1.0)
		{	// Insanely small abhorrent triangle.
		step = stage->ss->density * Q_rsqrt(triarea);

		randomindex = (byte)(v1[0]+v1[1]+v2[0]+v2[1]+v3[0]+v3[1]);
		randominterval = (byte)(v1[0]+v2[1]+v3[2])|0x03;	// Make sure the interval is at least 3, and always odd
		rightvectorcount = 0;

		for (posi=0; posi<1.0; posi+=step)
			for (posj=0; posj<(1.0-posi); posj+=step)
				randomindex += randominterval;

				randomindex += randominterval;


				if (fa>1.0)

				if (fb>(1.0-fa))

				fc = 1.0-fa-fb;

				// total alpha, minus random factor so some things fade out sooner.
				alphapos = a1*fa + a2*fb + a3*fc;
				// Note that the alpha at this point is a value from 1.0 to 0.0, but represents when to START fading
				thisspritesfadestart = faderange + (1.0-faderange) * randomchart[randomindex];
				randomindex += randominterval;

				// Find where the alpha is relative to the fadestart, and calc the real alpha to draw at.
				alpha = 1.0 - ((thisspritesfadestart-alphapos)/faderange);
				if (alpha > 0.0)
					if (alpha > 1.0) 

					if (SSUsingFog)
						fogv[0] = fog1[0]*fa + fog2[0]*fb + fog3[0]*fc;
						fogv[1] = fog1[1]*fa + fog2[1]*fb + fog3[1]*fc;

					if (usewindpoint)
						winddiffv[0] = winddiff1[0]*fa + winddiff2[0]*fb + winddiff3[0]*fc;
						winddiffv[1] = winddiff1[1]*fa + winddiff2[1]*fb + winddiff3[1]*fc;
						windforce = windforce1*fa + windforce2*fb + windforce3*fc;
					VectorScale(v1, fa, curpoint);
					VectorMA(curpoint, fb, v2, curpoint);
					VectorMA(curpoint, fc, v3, curpoint);

					light = l1*fa + l2*fb + l3*fc;
					if (SSAdditiveTransparency)
					{	// Additive transparency, scale light value
//						light *= alpha;
						light = (128 + (light*0.5))*alpha;
						alpha = 1.0;

					randomindex2 = randomindex;
					width = stage->ss->width*(1.0 + (stage->ss->variance[0]*randomchart[randomindex2]));
					height = stage->ss->height*(1.0 + (stage->ss->variance[1]*randomchart[randomindex2++]));
					if (randomchart[randomindex2++]>0.5)
						width = -width;
					if (stage->ss->fadeScale!=0 && alphapos < 1.0)
						width *= 1.0 + (stage->ss->fadeScale*(1.0-alphapos));

					if (stage->ss->vertSkew != 0)
					{	// flrand(-vertskew, vertskew)
						skew[0] = height * ((stage->ss->vertSkew*2.0f*randomchart[randomindex2++])-stage->ss->vertSkew);
						skew[1] = height * ((stage->ss->vertSkew*2.0f*randomchart[randomindex2++])-stage->ss->vertSkew);

					if (usewindpoint && windforce > 0 && stage->ss->wind > 0.0)
						if (SSUsingFog)
							RB_VerticalSurfaceSpriteWindPoint(curpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0), 
										stage->ss->wind, stage->ss->windIdle, fogv, stage->ss->facing, skew,
										winddiffv, windforce);
							RB_VerticalSurfaceSpriteWindPoint(curpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0), 
										stage->ss->wind, stage->ss->windIdle, NULL, stage->ss->facing, skew, 
										winddiffv, windforce);
						if (SSUsingFog)
							RB_VerticalSurfaceSprite(curpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0), 
										stage->ss->wind, stage->ss->windIdle, fogv, stage->ss->facing, skew);
							RB_VerticalSurfaceSprite(curpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0), 
										stage->ss->wind, stage->ss->windIdle, NULL, stage->ss->facing, skew);

コード例 #5
ファイル: tr_surfacesprites.cpp プロジェクト: Wookiee-/jaPRO
static void RB_DrawEffectSurfaceSprites( shaderStage_t *stage, shaderCommands_t *input) 
	int curindex, curvert;
 	vec3_t dist;
	float triarea, minnormal;
	vec2_t vec1to2, vec1to3;

	vec3_t v1,v2,v3;
	float a1,a2,a3;
	float l1,l2,l3;

	float posi, posj;
	float step;
	float fa,fb,fc;
	float effecttime, effectpos;
	float density;

	vec3_t curpoint;
	float width, height;
	float alpha, alphapos, thisspritesfadestart, light;
	byte randomindex2;
	float cutdist=stage->ss->fadeMax*rangescalefactor, cutdist2=cutdist*cutdist;
	float fadedist=stage->ss->fadeDist*rangescalefactor, fadedist2=fadedist*fadedist;

	float fxalpha = stage->ss->fxAlphaEnd - stage->ss->fxAlphaStart;
	qboolean fadeinout=qfalse;
	assert(cutdist2 != fadedist2);
	float inv_fadediff = 1.0/(cutdist2-fadedist2);

	// The faderange is the fraction amount it takes for these sprites to fade out, assuming an ideal fade range of 250
	float faderange = FADE_RANGE/(cutdist-fadedist);
	if (faderange > 1.0f)
	{	// Don't want to force a new fade_rand
		faderange = 1.0f;

	if (stage->ss->facing)
	{	// Faceup sprite.
		minnormal = 0.99f;
	{	// Normal oriented sprite
		minnormal = 0.5f;

	// Make the object fade in.
	if (stage->ss->fxAlphaEnd < 0.05 && stage->ss->height >= 0.1 && stage->ss->width >= 0.1)
	{	// The sprite fades out, and it doesn't start at a pinpoint.  Let's fade it in.

	if (stage->ss->surfaceSpriteType == SURFSPRITE_WEATHERFX)
	{	// This effect is affected by weather settings.
		if (curWeatherAmount < 0.01)
		{	// Don't show these effects
			density = stage->ss->density / curWeatherAmount;
		density = stage->ss->density;

	// Quickly calc all the alphas for each vertex
	for (curvert=0; curvert<input->numVertexes; curvert++)
		// Calc alpha at each point
		VectorSubtract(ssViewOrigin, input->xyz[curvert], dist);
		SSVertAlpha[curvert] = 1.0f - (VectorLengthSquared(dist) - fadedist2) * inv_fadediff;

	// Note this is the proper equation, but isn't used right now because it would be just a tad slower.
		// Formula for alpha is 1.0f - ((len-fade)/(cut-fade))
		// Which is equal to (1.0+fade/(cut-fade)) - (len/(cut-fade))
		// So mult=1/(cut-fade), and base=(1+fade*mult).
	//	SSVertAlpha[curvert] = fadebase - (VectorLength(dist) * fademult);


	for (curindex=0; curindex<input->numIndexes-2; curindex+=3)
		curvert = input->indexes[curindex];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v1);
		if (input->normal[curvert][2] < minnormal)
		l1 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a1 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];

		curvert = input->indexes[curindex+1];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v2);
		if (input->normal[curvert][2] < minnormal)
		l2 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a2 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];

		curvert = input->indexes[curindex+2];
		VectorCopy(input->xyz[curvert], v3);
		if (input->normal[curvert][2] < minnormal)
		l3 = input->vertexColors[curvert][2];
		a3 = SSVertAlpha[curvert];

		if (a1 <= 0.0f && a2 <= 0.0f && a3 <= 0.0f)

		// Find the area in order to calculate the stepsize
		vec1to2[0] = v2[0] - v1[0];
		vec1to2[1] = v2[1] - v1[1];
		vec1to3[0] = v3[0] - v1[0];
		vec1to3[1] = v3[1] - v1[1];

		// Now get the cross product of this sum.
		triarea = vec1to3[0]*vec1to2[1] - vec1to3[1]*vec1to2[0];
		if (triarea <= 1.0f)
		{	// Insanely small abhorrent triangle.
		step = density * Q_rsqrt(triarea);

		randomindex = (byte)(v1[0]+v1[1]+v2[0]+v2[1]+v3[0]+v3[1]);
		randominterval = (byte)(v1[0]+v2[1]+v3[2])|0x03;	// Make sure the interval is at least 3, and always odd

		for (posi=0; posi<1.0f; posi+=step)
			for (posj=0; posj<(1.0-posi); posj+=step)
				effecttime = (tr.refdef.time+10000.0*randomchart[randomindex])/stage->ss->fxDuration;
				effectpos = (float)effecttime - (int)effecttime;

				randomindex2 = randomindex+effecttime;
				randomindex += randominterval;
				if (fa>1.0f)

				if (fb>(1.0-fa))

				fc = 1.0-fa-fb;

				// total alpha, minus random factor so some things fade out sooner.
				alphapos = a1*fa + a2*fb + a3*fc;
				// Note that the alpha at this point is a value from 1.0f to 0.0, but represents when to START fading
				thisspritesfadestart = faderange + (1.0-faderange) * randomchart[randomindex2];
				randomindex2 += randominterval;

				// Find where the alpha is relative to the fadestart, and calc the real alpha to draw at.
				alpha = 1.0f - ((thisspritesfadestart-alphapos)/faderange);
				if (alpha > 0.0f)
					if (alpha > 1.0f) 

					VectorScale(v1, fa, curpoint);
					VectorMA(curpoint, fb, v2, curpoint);
					VectorMA(curpoint, fc, v3, curpoint);

					light = l1*fa + l2*fb + l3*fc;
					randomindex2 = randomindex;
					width = stage->ss->width*(1.0f + (stage->ss->variance[0]*randomchart[randomindex2]));
					height = stage->ss->height*(1.0f + (stage->ss->variance[1]*randomchart[randomindex2++]));

					width = width + (effectpos*stage->ss->fxGrow[0]*width);
					height = height + (effectpos*stage->ss->fxGrow[1]*height);

					// If we want to fade in and out, that's different than a straight fade.
					if (fadeinout)
						if (effectpos > 0.5)
						{	// Fade out
							alpha = alpha*(stage->ss->fxAlphaStart+(fxalpha*(effectpos-0.5)*2.0));
						{	// Fade in
							alpha = alpha*(stage->ss->fxAlphaStart+(fxalpha*(0.5-effectpos)*2.0));
					{	// Normal fade
						alpha = alpha*(stage->ss->fxAlphaStart+(fxalpha*effectpos));

					if (SSAdditiveTransparency)
					{	// Additive transparency, scale light value
//						light *= alpha;
						light = (128 + (light*0.5))*alpha;
						alpha = 1.0;

					if (randomchart[randomindex2]>0.5f)
						width = -width;
					if (stage->ss->fadeScale!=0 && alphapos < 1.0f)
						width *= 1.0f + (stage->ss->fadeScale*(1.0-alphapos));

					if (stage->ss->wind>0.0f && curWindSpeed > 0.001)
						vec3_t drawpoint;

						VectorMA(curpoint, effectpos*stage->ss->wind, curWindBlowVect, drawpoint);
						RB_EffectSurfaceSprite(drawpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0f), stage->ss->fxDuration, stage->ss->facing);
						RB_EffectSurfaceSprite(curpoint, width, height, (byte)light, (byte)(alpha*255.0f), stage->ss->fxDuration, stage->ss->facing);

コード例 #6
void engine_move_actors (Context* context) {
	static int ticks = ANIM_LEN;
	Player* player = context->engine->player;

	if (player->v_buf->v == NULL) {
	if (
		player->target_x < 0
		|| (
			player->target_x == *player->x
			&& player->target_y == *player->y
	) {
		player->anim = 0;
		player->v_buf->v->bitmap = player->anims[0];
	Fixed vector_x = player->vector_x;
	Fixed vector_y = player->vector_y;
	if (player->recalculate) {
		vector_x = FIXED_FROM_INT(player->target_x) - player->real_x;
		vector_y = FIXED_FROM_INT(player->target_y) - player->real_y;
		Fixed dist = FIXED_FROM_FLOAT(
					FIXED_MUL(vector_x, vector_x)
					+ FIXED_MUL(vector_y, vector_y)
		vector_x = FIXED_MUL(vector_x, dist);
		vector_y = FIXED_MUL(vector_y, dist);
		player->vector_x = vector_x;
		player->vector_y = vector_y;
		player->recalculate = 0;
	player->real_x += FIXED_MUL(vector_x, FIXED_FROM_INT(PLAYER_SPEED));
	player->real_y += FIXED_MUL(vector_y, FIXED_FROM_INT(PLAYER_SPEED));
	if (ticks >= ANIM_LEN) {
		ticks = 0;
		if (vector_x > 0 && player->anim > 2) {
			player->anim = 2;
		} else if (vector_x < 0 && player->anim > 4) {
			player->anim = 4;
		} else if (vector_x < 0 && player->anim < 3) {
			player->anim = 3;
		player->v_buf->v->bitmap = player->anims[player->anim];
	if (
		(vector_x > 0 && FIXED_TO_FLOAT(player->real_x) >= player->target_x)
		|| (vector_x <= 0 && FIXED_TO_FLOAT(player->real_x) < player->target_x)
	) {
		player->real_x = FIXED_FROM_INT(player->target_x);
		player->v_buf->v->bitmap = player->anims[0];
		player->anim = 0;
	if (
		(vector_y > 0 && FIXED_TO_FLOAT(player->real_y) > player->target_y)
		|| (vector_y < 0 && FIXED_TO_FLOAT(player->real_y) < player->target_y)
	) {
		player->real_y = FIXED_FROM_INT(player->target_y);
	*player->x = FIXED_TO_INT(player->real_x);
	*player->y = FIXED_TO_INT(player->real_y);
	engine_update_box(player, context->engine);