コード例 #1
QVariantMap QgsZonalHistogramAlgorithm::processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters, QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )

  std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSource > zones( parameterAsSource( parameters, QStringLiteral( "INPUT_VECTOR" ), context ) );
  if ( !zones )
    throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSourceError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "INPUT_VECTOR" ) ) );

  long count = zones->featureCount();
  double step = count > 0 ? 100.0 / count : 1;
  long current = 0;

  QList< double > uniqueValues;
  QMap< QgsFeatureId, QHash< double, qgssize > > featuresUniqueValues;

  // First loop through the zones to build up a list of unique values across all zones to determine sink fields list
  QgsFeatureRequest request;
  if ( zones->sourceCrs() != mCrs )
    request.setDestinationCrs( mCrs, context.transformContext() );
  QgsFeatureIterator it = zones->getFeatures( request );
  QgsFeature f;
  while ( it.nextFeature( f ) )
    if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )
    feedback->setProgress( current * step );

    if ( !f.hasGeometry() )

    QgsGeometry featureGeometry = f.geometry();
    QgsRectangle featureRect = featureGeometry.boundingBox().intersect( mRasterExtent );
    if ( featureRect.isEmpty() )

    int nCellsX, nCellsY;
    QgsRectangle rasterBlockExtent;
    QgsRasterAnalysisUtils::cellInfoForBBox( mRasterExtent, featureRect, mCellSizeX, mCellSizeY, nCellsX, nCellsY, mNbCellsXProvider, mNbCellsYProvider, rasterBlockExtent );

    QHash< double, qgssize > fUniqueValues;
    QgsRasterAnalysisUtils::statisticsFromMiddlePointTest( mRasterInterface.get(), mRasterBand, featureGeometry, nCellsX, nCellsY, mCellSizeX, mCellSizeY,
    rasterBlockExtent, [ &fUniqueValues]( double value ) { fUniqueValues[value]++; }, false );

    if ( fUniqueValues.count() < 1 )
      // The cell resolution is probably larger than the polygon area. We switch to slower precise pixel - polygon intersection in this case
      // TODO: eventually deal with weight if needed
      QgsRasterAnalysisUtils::statisticsFromPreciseIntersection( mRasterInterface.get(), mRasterBand, featureGeometry, nCellsX, nCellsY, mCellSizeX, mCellSizeY,
      rasterBlockExtent, [ &fUniqueValues]( double value, double ) { fUniqueValues[value]++; }, false );

    for ( auto it = fUniqueValues.constBegin(); it != fUniqueValues.constEnd(); ++it )
      if ( uniqueValues.indexOf( it.key() ) == -1 )
        uniqueValues << it.key();
      featuresUniqueValues[f.id()][it.key()] += it.value();


  std::sort( uniqueValues.begin(), uniqueValues.end() );

  QString fieldPrefix = parameterAsString( parameters, QStringLiteral( "COLUMN_PREFIX" ), context );
  QgsFields newFields;
  for ( auto it = uniqueValues.constBegin(); it != uniqueValues.constEnd(); ++it )
    newFields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "%1%2" ).arg( fieldPrefix, mHasNoDataValue && *it == mNodataValue ? QStringLiteral( "NODATA" ) : QString::number( *it ) ), QVariant::LongLong, QString(), -1, 0 ) );
  QgsFields fields = QgsProcessingUtils::combineFields( zones->fields(), newFields );

  QString dest;
  std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSink > sink( parameterAsSink( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), context, dest, fields,
                                          zones->wkbType(), zones->sourceCrs() ) );
  if ( !sink )
    throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSinkError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ) );

  it = zones->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest() );
  while ( it.nextFeature( f ) )
    QgsAttributes attributes = f.attributes();
    QHash< double, qgssize > fUniqueValues = featuresUniqueValues.value( f.id() );
    for ( auto it = uniqueValues.constBegin(); it != uniqueValues.constEnd(); ++it )
      attributes += fUniqueValues.value( *it, 0 );

    QgsFeature outputFeature;
    outputFeature.setGeometry( f.geometry() );
    outputFeature.setAttributes( attributes );

    sink->addFeature( outputFeature, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

  QVariantMap outputs;
  outputs.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), dest );
  return outputs;
コード例 #2
bool QgsGeometryAnalyzer::convexHull( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName,
                                      bool onlySelectedFeatures, int uniqueIdField, QProgressDialog* p )
  if ( !layer )
    return false;
  QgsVectorDataProvider* dp = layer->dataProvider();
  if ( !dp )
    return false;
  bool useField = false;
  if ( uniqueIdField == -1 )
    uniqueIdField = 0;
    useField = true;
  QgsFieldMap fields;
  fields.insert( 0 , QgsField( QString( "UID" ), QVariant::String ) );
  fields.insert( 1 , QgsField( QString( "AREA" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 2 , QgsField( QString( "PERIM" ), QVariant::Double ) );

  QGis::WkbType outputType = QGis::WKBPolygon;
  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = layer->crs();

  QgsVectorFileWriter vWriter( shapefileName, dp->encoding(), fields, outputType, &crs );
  QgsFeature currentFeature;
  QgsGeometry* dissolveGeometry = 0; //dissolve geometry
  QMultiMap<QString, int> map;

  if ( onlySelectedFeatures )
    //use QgsVectorLayer::featureAtId
    const QgsFeatureIds selection = layer->selectedFeaturesIds();
    QgsFeatureIds::const_iterator it = selection.constBegin();
    for ( ; it != selection.constEnd(); ++it )
#if 0
      if ( p )
        p->setValue( processedFeatures );
      if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
        // break; // it may be better to do something else here?
        return false;
      if ( !layer->featureAtId( *it, currentFeature, true, true ) )
      map.insert( currentFeature.attributeMap()[ uniqueIdField ].toString(), currentFeature.id() );
    layer->select( layer->pendingAllAttributesList(), QgsRectangle(), true, false );
    while ( layer->nextFeature( currentFeature ) )
#if 0
      if ( p )
        p->setValue( processedFeatures );
      if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
        // break; // it may be better to do something else here?
        return false;
      map.insert( currentFeature.attributeMap()[ uniqueIdField ].toString(), currentFeature.id() );

  QMultiMap<QString, int>::const_iterator jt = map.constBegin();
  while ( jt != map.constEnd() )
    QString currentKey = jt.key();
    int processedFeatures = 0;
    //take only selection
    if ( onlySelectedFeatures )
      //use QgsVectorLayer::featureAtId
      const QgsFeatureIds selection = layer->selectedFeaturesIds();
      if ( p )
        p->setMaximum( selection.size() );
      processedFeatures = 0;
      while ( jt != map.constEnd() && ( jt.key() == currentKey || !useField ) )
        if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
        if ( selection.contains( jt.value() ) )
          if ( p )
            p->setValue( processedFeatures );
          if ( !layer->featureAtId( jt.value(), currentFeature, true, true ) )
          convexFeature( currentFeature, processedFeatures, &dissolveGeometry );
      QList<double> values;
      if ( !dissolveGeometry )
        QgsDebugMsg( "no dissolved geometry - should not happen" );
        return false;
      dissolveGeometry = dissolveGeometry->convexHull();
      values = simpleMeasure( dissolveGeometry );
      QgsAttributeMap attributeMap;
      attributeMap.insert( 0 , QVariant( currentKey ) );
      attributeMap.insert( 1 , values[ 0 ] );
      attributeMap.insert( 2 , values[ 1 ] );
      QgsFeature dissolveFeature;
      dissolveFeature.setAttributeMap( attributeMap );
      dissolveFeature.setGeometry( dissolveGeometry );
      vWriter.addFeature( dissolveFeature );
    //take all features
      int featureCount = layer->featureCount();
      if ( p )
        p->setMaximum( featureCount );
      processedFeatures = 0;
      while ( jt != map.constEnd() && ( jt.key() == currentKey || !useField ) )
        if ( p )
          p->setValue( processedFeatures );

        if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
        if ( !layer->featureAtId( jt.value(), currentFeature, true, true ) )
        convexFeature( currentFeature, processedFeatures, &dissolveGeometry );
      QList<double> values;
      // QgsGeometry* tmpGeometry = 0;
      if ( !dissolveGeometry )
        QgsDebugMsg( "no dissolved geometry - should not happen" );
        return false;
      dissolveGeometry = dissolveGeometry->convexHull();
      // values = simpleMeasure( tmpGeometry );
      values = simpleMeasure( dissolveGeometry );
      QgsAttributeMap attributeMap;
      attributeMap.insert( 0 , QVariant( currentKey ) );
      attributeMap.insert( 1 , QVariant( values[ 0 ] ) );
      attributeMap.insert( 2 , QVariant( values[ 1 ] ) );
      QgsFeature dissolveFeature;
      dissolveFeature.setAttributeMap( attributeMap );
      dissolveFeature.setGeometry( dissolveGeometry );
      vWriter.addFeature( dissolveFeature );
  return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: qgsdb2provider.cpp プロジェクト: ndavid/QGIS
// loadFields() gets the type from the field record
void QgsDb2Provider::loadFields()
  QString table = QStringLiteral( "%1.%2" ).arg( mSchemaName, mTableName );

  // Use the Qt functionality to get the fields and their definitions.
  QSqlRecord r = mDatabase.record( table );
  int fieldCount = r.count();

  for ( int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++ )
    QSqlField f = r.field( i );
    int typeID = f.typeID(); // seems to be DB2 numeric type id (standard?)
    QString sqlTypeName = db2TypeName( typeID );
    QVariant::Type sqlType = f.type();
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "name: %1; length: %2; sqlTypeID: %3; sqlTypeName: %4" )
                 .arg( f.name() ).arg( f.length() ).arg( QString::number( typeID ), sqlTypeName ) );
    if ( f.name() == mGeometryColName ) continue; // Got this with uri, just skip
    if ( sqlType == QVariant::String )
        ) );
    else if ( sqlType == QVariant::Double )
        ) );
        ) );

    if ( !f.defaultValue().isNull() )
      mDefaultValues.insert( i, f.defaultValue() );
// Hack to get primary key since the primaryIndex function above doesn't work
// on z/OS. Pick first integer column.
    if ( mFidColName.isEmpty() &&
         ( sqlType == QVariant::LongLong || sqlType == QVariant::Int ) )
      mFidColName = f.name();

  if ( !mFidColName.isEmpty() )
    mFidColIdx = mAttributeFields.indexFromName( mFidColName );
    if ( mFidColIdx >= 0 )
      // primary key has not null, unique constraints
      QgsFieldConstraints constraints = mAttributeFields.at( mFidColIdx ).constraints();
      constraints.setConstraint( QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintNotNull, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintOriginProvider );
      constraints.setConstraint( QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintUnique, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintOriginProvider );
      mAttributeFields[ mFidColIdx ].setConstraints( constraints );
コード例 #4
bool QgsGeometryAnalyzer::extent( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName,
                                  bool onlySelectedFeatures, QProgressDialog* p )
  if ( !layer )
    return false;

  QgsVectorDataProvider* dp = layer->dataProvider();
  if ( !dp )
    return false;

  QGis::WkbType outputType = QGis::WKBPolygon;
  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = layer->crs();

  QgsFieldMap fields;
  fields.insert( 0 , QgsField( QString( "MINX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 1 , QgsField( QString( "MINY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 2 , QgsField( QString( "MAXX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 3 , QgsField( QString( "MAXY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 4 , QgsField( QString( "CNTX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 5 , QgsField( QString( "CNTY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 6 , QgsField( QString( "AREA" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 7 , QgsField( QString( "PERIM" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 8 , QgsField( QString( "HEIGHT" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.insert( 9 , QgsField( QString( "WIDTH" ), QVariant::Double ) );

  QgsVectorFileWriter vWriter( shapefileName, dp->encoding(), fields, outputType, &crs );

  QgsRectangle rect;
  if ( onlySelectedFeatures )  // take only selection
    rect = layer->boundingBoxOfSelected();
    rect = layer->extent();

  double minx = rect.xMinimum();
  double miny = rect.yMinimum();
  double maxx = rect.xMaximum();
  double maxy = rect.yMaximum();
  double height = rect.height();
  double width = rect.width();
  double cntx = minx + ( width / 2.0 );
  double cnty = miny + ( height / 2.0 );
  double area = width * height;
  double perim = ( 2 * width ) + ( 2 * height );

  QgsFeature feat;
  QgsAttributeMap map;
  map.insert( 0 , QVariant( minx ) );
  map.insert( 1 , QVariant( miny ) );
  map.insert( 2 , QVariant( maxx ) );
  map.insert( 3 , QVariant( maxy ) );
  map.insert( 4 , QVariant( cntx ) );
  map.insert( 5 , QVariant( cnty ) );
  map.insert( 6 , QVariant( area ) );
  map.insert( 7 , QVariant( perim ) );
  map.insert( 8 , QVariant( height ) );
  map.insert( 9 , QVariant( width ) );
  feat.setAttributeMap( map );
  feat.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromRect( rect ) );
  vWriter.addFeature( feat );
  return true;
コード例 #5
QgsDelimitedTextProvider::QgsDelimitedTextProvider( QString uri )
    : QgsVectorDataProvider( uri ),
    mXFieldIndex( -1 ), mYFieldIndex( -1 ),
    mShowInvalidLines( true )
  // Get the file name and mDelimiter out of the uri
  mFileName = uri.left( uri.indexOf( "?" ) );
  // split the string up on & to get the individual parameters
  QStringList parameters = uri.mid( uri.indexOf( "?" ) ).split( "&", QString::SkipEmptyParts );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Parameter count after split on &" + QString::number( parameters.size() ) );

  // get the individual parameters and assign values
  QStringList temp = parameters.filter( "delimiter=" );
  mDelimiter = temp.size() ? temp[0].mid( temp[0].indexOf( "=" ) + 1 ) : "";
  temp = parameters.filter( "delimiterType=" );
  mDelimiterType = temp.size() ? temp[0].mid( temp[0].indexOf( "=" ) + 1 ) : "";
  temp = parameters.filter( "xField=" );
  QString xField = temp.size() ? temp[0].mid( temp[0].indexOf( "=" ) + 1 ) : "";
  temp = parameters.filter( "yField=" );
  QString yField = temp.size() ? temp[0].mid( temp[0].indexOf( "=" ) + 1 ) : "";
  // Decode the parts of the uri. Good if someone entered '=' as a delimiter, for instance.
  mFileName  = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( mFileName.toUtf8() );
  mDelimiter = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( mDelimiter.toUtf8() );
  mDelimiterType = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( mDelimiterType.toUtf8() );
  xField    = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( xField.toUtf8() );
  yField    = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( yField.toUtf8() );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Data source uri is " + uri );
  QgsDebugMsg( "Delimited text file is: " + mFileName );
  QgsDebugMsg( "Delimiter is: " + mDelimiter );
  QgsDebugMsg( "Delimiter type is: " + mDelimiterType );
  QgsDebugMsg( "xField is: " + xField );
  QgsDebugMsg( "yField is: " + yField );

  // if delimiter contains some special characters, convert them
  if ( mDelimiterType == "regexp" )
    mDelimiterRegexp = QRegExp( mDelimiter );
    mDelimiter.replace( "\\t", "\t" ); // replace "\t" with a real tabulator

  // Set the selection rectangle to null
  mSelectionRectangle = QgsRectangle();
  // assume the layer is invalid until proven otherwise
  mValid = false;
  if ( mFileName.isEmpty() || mDelimiter.isEmpty() || xField.isEmpty() || yField.isEmpty() )
    // uri is invalid so the layer must be too...
    QString( "Data source is invalid" );

  // check to see that the file exists and perform some sanity checks
  if ( !QFile::exists( mFileName ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Data source " + dataSourceUri() + " doesn't exist" );

  // Open the file and get number of rows, etc. We assume that the
  // file has a header row and process accordingly. Caller should make
  // sure the the delimited file is properly formed.
  mFile = new QFile( mFileName );
  if ( !mFile->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Data source " + dataSourceUri() + " could not be opened" );
    delete mFile;

  // now we have the file opened and ready for parsing

  // set the initial extent
  mExtent = QgsRectangle();

  QMap<int, bool> couldBeInt;
  QMap<int, bool> couldBeDouble;

  mStream = new QTextStream( mFile );
  QString line;
  mNumberFeatures = 0;
  int lineNumber = 0;
  bool firstPoint = true;
  bool hasFields = false;
  while ( !mStream->atEnd() )
    line = mStream->readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n', default local 8 bit encoding.
    if ( !hasFields )
      // Get the fields from the header row and store them in the
      // fields vector
      QgsDebugMsg( "Attempting to split the input line: " + line + " using delimiter " + mDelimiter );

      QStringList fieldList;
      if ( mDelimiterType == "regexp" )
        fieldList = line.split( mDelimiterRegexp );
        fieldList = line.split( mDelimiter );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Split line into " + QString::number( fieldList.size() ) + " parts" );

      // We don't know anything about a text based field other
      // than its name. All fields are assumed to be text
      int fieldPos = 0;
      for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fieldList.begin();
            it != fieldList.end(); ++it )
        QString field = *it;
        if ( field.length() > 0 )
          // for now, let's set field type as text
          attributeFields[fieldPos] = QgsField( *it, QVariant::String, "Text" );

          // check to see if this field matches either the x or y field
          if ( xField == *it )
            QgsDebugMsg( "Found x field: " + ( *it ) );
            mXFieldIndex = fieldPos;
          else if ( yField == *it )
            QgsDebugMsg( "Found y field: " + ( *it ) );
            mYFieldIndex = fieldPos;

          QgsDebugMsg( "Adding field: " + ( *it ) );
          // assume that the field could be integer or double
          couldBeInt.insert( fieldPos, true );
          couldBeDouble.insert( fieldPos, true );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Field count for the delimited text file is " + QString::number( attributeFields.size() ) );
      hasFields = true;
    else if ( mXFieldIndex != -1 && mYFieldIndex != -1 )

      // split the line on the delimiter
      QStringList parts;
      if ( mDelimiterType == "regexp" )
        parts = line.split( mDelimiterRegexp );
        parts = line.split( mDelimiter );

      // Skip malformed lines silently. Report line number with nextFeature()
      if ( attributeFields.size() != parts.size() )

      // Get the x and y values, first checking to make sure they
      // aren't null.
      QString sX = parts[mXFieldIndex];
      QString sY = parts[mYFieldIndex];

      bool xOk = true;
      bool yOk = true;
      double x = sX.toDouble( &xOk );
      double y = sY.toDouble( &yOk );

      if ( xOk && yOk )
        if ( !firstPoint )
          mExtent.combineExtentWith( x, y );
        { // Extent for the first point is just the first point
          mExtent.set( x, y, x, y );
          firstPoint = false;

      int i = 0;
      for ( QStringList::iterator it = parts.begin(); it != parts.end(); ++it, ++i )
        // try to convert attribute values to integer and double
        if ( couldBeInt[i] )
          it->toInt( &couldBeInt[i] );
        if ( couldBeDouble[i] )
          it->toDouble( &couldBeDouble[i] );

  // now it's time to decide the types for the fields
  for ( QgsFieldMap::iterator it = attributeFields.begin(); it != attributeFields.end(); ++it )
    if ( couldBeInt[it.key()] )
      it->setType( QVariant::Int );
      it->setTypeName( "integer" );
    else if ( couldBeDouble[it.key()] )
      it->setType( QVariant::Double );
      it->setTypeName( "double" );

  if ( mXFieldIndex != -1 && mYFieldIndex != -1 )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Data store is valid" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Number of features " + QString::number( mNumberFeatures ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Extents " + mExtent.toString() );

    mValid = true;
    QgsDebugMsg( "Data store is invalid. Specified x,y fields do not match those in the database" );
  QgsDebugMsg( "Done checking validity" );

コード例 #6
void QgsDelimitedTextProvider::scanFile( bool buildIndexes )
  QStringList messages;

  // assume the layer is invalid until proven otherwise

  mLayerValid = false;
  mValid = false;
  mRescanRequired = false;


  // Initiallize indexes

  bool buildSpatialIndex = buildIndexes && mSpatialIndex != 0;

  // No point building a subset index if there is no geometry, as all
  // records will be included.

  bool buildSubsetIndex = buildIndexes && mBuildSubsetIndex && mGeomRep != GeomNone;

  if ( ! mFile->isValid() )
    // uri is invalid so the layer must be too...

    messages.append( tr( "File cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not valid" ) );
    reportErrors( messages );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Delimited text source invalid - filename or delimiter parameters" );

  // Open the file and get number of rows, etc. We assume that the
  // file has a header row and process accordingly. Caller should make
  // sure that the delimited file is properly formed.

  if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsWkt )
    mWktFieldIndex = mFile->fieldIndex( mWktFieldName );
    if ( mWktFieldIndex < 0 )
      messages.append( tr( "%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file" ).arg( "Wkt" ).arg( mWktFieldName ) );
  else if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsXy )
    mXFieldIndex = mFile->fieldIndex( mXFieldName );
    mYFieldIndex = mFile->fieldIndex( mYFieldName );
    if ( mXFieldIndex < 0 )
      messages.append( tr( "%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file" ).arg( "X" ).arg( mWktFieldName ) );
    if ( mYFieldIndex < 0 )
      messages.append( tr( "%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file" ).arg( "Y" ).arg( mWktFieldName ) );
  if ( messages.size() > 0 )
    reportErrors( messages );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Delimited text source invalid - missing geometry fields" );

  // Scan the entire file to determine
  // 1) the number of fields (this is handled by QgsDelimitedTextFile mFile
  // 2) the number of valid features.  Note that the selection of valid features
  //    should match the code in QgsDelimitedTextFeatureIterator
  // 3) the geometric extents of the layer
  // 4) the type of each field
  // Also build subset and spatial indexes.

  QStringList parts;
  long nEmptyRecords = 0;
  long nBadFormatRecords = 0;
  long nIncompatibleGeometry = 0;
  long nInvalidGeometry = 0;
  long nEmptyGeometry = 0;
  mNumberFeatures = 0;
  mExtent = QgsRectangle();

  QList<bool> isEmpty;
  QList<bool> couldBeInt;
  QList<bool> couldBeDouble;

  while ( true )
    QgsDelimitedTextFile::Status status = mFile->nextRecord( parts );
    if ( status == QgsDelimitedTextFile::RecordEOF ) break;
    if ( status != QgsDelimitedTextFile::RecordOk )
      recordInvalidLine( tr( "Invalid record format at line %1" ) );
    // Skip over empty records
    if ( recordIsEmpty( parts ) )

    // Check geometries are valid
    bool geomValid = true;

    if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsWkt )
      if ( mWktFieldIndex >= parts.size() || parts[mWktFieldIndex].isEmpty() )
        geomValid = false;
        // Get the wkt - confirm it is valid, get the type, and
        // if compatible with the rest of file, add to the extents

        QString sWkt = parts[mWktFieldIndex];
        QgsGeometry *geom = 0;
        if ( !mWktHasPrefix && sWkt.indexOf( WktPrefixRegexp ) >= 0 )
          mWktHasPrefix = true;
        if ( !mWktHasZM && sWkt.indexOf( WktZMRegexp ) >= 0 )
          mWktHasZM = true;
        geom = geomFromWkt( sWkt, mWktHasPrefix, mWktHasZM );

        if ( geom )
          QGis::WkbType type = geom->wkbType();
          if ( type != QGis::WKBNoGeometry )
            if ( mGeometryType == QGis::UnknownGeometry || geom->type() == mGeometryType )
              mGeometryType = geom->type();
              if ( mNumberFeatures == 0 )
                mWkbType = type;
                mExtent = geom->boundingBox();
                if ( geom->isMultipart() ) mWkbType = type;
                QgsRectangle bbox( geom->boundingBox() );
                mExtent.combineExtentWith( &bbox );
              if ( buildSpatialIndex )
                QgsFeature f;
                f.setFeatureId( mFile->recordId() );
                f.setGeometry( geom );
                mSpatialIndex->insertFeature( f );
                // Feature now has ownership of geometry, so set to null
                // here to avoid deleting twice.
                geom = 0;
              geomValid = false;
          if ( geom ) delete geom;
          geomValid = false;
          recordInvalidLine( tr( "Invalid WKT at line %1" ) );
    else if ( mGeomRep == GeomAsXy )
      // Get the x and y values, first checking to make sure they
      // aren't null.

      QString sX = mXFieldIndex < parts.size() ? parts[mXFieldIndex] : "";
      QString sY = mYFieldIndex < parts.size() ? parts[mYFieldIndex] : "";
      if ( sX.isEmpty() && sY.isEmpty() )
        geomValid = false;
        QgsPoint pt;
        bool ok = pointFromXY( sX, sY, pt, mDecimalPoint, mXyDms );

        if ( ok )
          if ( mNumberFeatures > 0 )
            mExtent.combineExtentWith( pt.x(), pt.y() );
            // Extent for the first point is just the first point
            mExtent.set( pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.x(), pt.y() );
            mWkbType = QGis::WKBPoint;
            mGeometryType = QGis::Point;
          if ( buildSpatialIndex && qIsFinite( pt.x() ) && qIsFinite( pt.y() ) )
            QgsFeature f;
            f.setFeatureId( mFile->recordId() );
            f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPoint( pt ) );
            mSpatialIndex->insertFeature( f );
          geomValid = false;
          recordInvalidLine( tr( "Invalid X or Y fields at line %1" ) );
      mWkbType = QGis::WKBNoGeometry;

    if ( ! geomValid ) continue;

    if ( buildSubsetIndex ) mSubsetIndex.append( mFile->recordId() );

    // If we are going to use this record, then assess the potential types of each colum

    for ( int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++ )

      QString &value = parts[i];
      if ( value.isEmpty() )

      // try to convert attribute values to integer and double

      while ( couldBeInt.size() <= i )
        isEmpty.append( true );
        couldBeInt.append( false );
        couldBeDouble.append( false );
      if ( isEmpty[i] )
        isEmpty[i] = false;
        couldBeInt[i] = true;
        couldBeDouble[i] = true;
      if ( couldBeInt[i] )
        value.toInt( &couldBeInt[i] );
      if ( couldBeDouble[i] )
        if ( ! mDecimalPoint.isEmpty() )
          value.replace( mDecimalPoint, "." );
        value.toDouble( &couldBeDouble[i] );

  // Now create the attribute fields.  Field types are integer by preference,
  // failing that double, failing that text.

  QStringList fieldNames = mFile->fieldNames();
  mFieldCount = fieldNames.size();

  QString csvtMessage;
  QStringList csvtTypes = readCsvtFieldTypes( mFile->fileName(), &csvtMessage );

  for ( int i = 0; i < fieldNames.size(); i++ )
    // Skip over WKT field ... don't want to display in attribute table
    if ( i == mWktFieldIndex ) continue;

    // Add the field index lookup for the column
    attributeColumns.append( i );
    QVariant::Type fieldType = QVariant::String;
    QString typeName = "text";
    if ( i < csvtTypes.size() )
      if ( csvtTypes[i] == "integer" )
        fieldType = QVariant::Int;
        typeName = "integer";
      else if ( csvtTypes[i] == "real" )
        fieldType = QVariant::Double;
        typeName = "double";
    else if ( i < couldBeInt.size() )
      if ( couldBeInt[i] )
        fieldType = QVariant::Int;
        typeName = "integer";
      else if ( couldBeDouble[i] )
        fieldType = QVariant::Double;
        typeName = "double";
    attributeFields.append( QgsField( fieldNames[i], fieldType, typeName ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Field count for the delimited text file is " + QString::number( attributeFields.size() ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( "geometry type is: " + QString::number( mWkbType ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( "feature count is: " + QString::number( mNumberFeatures ) );

  QStringList warnings;
  if ( ! csvtMessage.isEmpty() ) warnings.append( csvtMessage );
  if ( nBadFormatRecords > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to invalid format" ).arg( nBadFormatRecords ) );
  if ( nEmptyGeometry > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to missing geometry definitions" ).arg( nEmptyGeometry ) );
  if ( nInvalidGeometry > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions" ).arg( nInvalidGeometry ) );
  if ( nIncompatibleGeometry > 0 )
    warnings.append( tr( "%1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry types" ).arg( nIncompatibleGeometry ) );

  reportErrors( warnings );

  // Decide whether to use subset ids to index records rather than simple iteration through all
  // If more than 10% of records are being skipped, then use index.  (Not based on any experimentation,
  // could do with some analysis?)

  if ( buildSubsetIndex )
    long recordCount = mFile->recordCount();
    recordCount -= recordCount / SUBSET_ID_THRESHOLD_FACTOR;
    mUseSubsetIndex = mSubsetIndex.size() < recordCount;
    if ( ! mUseSubsetIndex ) mSubsetIndex = QList<quintptr>();

  mUseSpatialIndex = buildSpatialIndex;

  mValid = mGeometryType != QGis::UnknownGeometry;
  mLayerValid = mValid;

  // If it is valid, then watch for changes to the file
  connect( mFile, SIGNAL( fileUpdated() ), this, SLOT( onFileUpdated() ) );

コード例 #7
void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::load()
  QgsDebugMsg( "entered" );

  if ( !mMap )

  // Attributes are not loaded for topo layers in which case field == 0
  if ( mField == 0 )

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "cidxFieldIndex() = %1 cidxFieldNumCats() = %2" ).arg( cidxFieldIndex() ).arg( cidxFieldNumCats() ) );

  mFieldInfo = Vect_get_field( mMap->map(), mField ); // should work also with field = 0

  if ( !mFieldInfo )
    QgsDebugMsg( "No field info -> no attribute table" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Field info found -> open database" );

    QFileInfo di( mMap->grassObject().mapsetPath() + "/vector/" + mMap->grassObject().name() + "/dbln" );
    mLastLoaded = di.lastModified();

    QString error;
    dbDriver *databaseDriver = openDriver( error );

    if ( !databaseDriver || !error.isEmpty() )
      QgsDebugMsg( error );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Database opened -> open select cursor" );
      QgsGrass::lock(); // not sure if lock is necessary
      dbString dbstr;
      db_init_string( &dbstr );
      db_set_string( &dbstr, ( char * )"select * from " );
      db_append_string( &dbstr, mFieldInfo->table );

      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "SQL: %1" ).arg( db_get_string( &dbstr ) ) );
      dbCursor databaseCursor;
      if ( db_open_select_cursor( databaseDriver, &dbstr, &databaseCursor, DB_SCROLL ) != DB_OK )
        db_close_database_shutdown_driver( databaseDriver );
        QgsGrass::warning( "Cannot select attributes from table '" + QString( mFieldInfo->table ) + "'" );
        int nRecords = db_get_num_rows( &databaseCursor );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Number of records: %1" ).arg( nRecords ) );

        dbTable  *databaseTable = db_get_cursor_table( &databaseCursor );
        int nColumns = db_get_table_number_of_columns( databaseTable );

        // Read columns' description
        for ( int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++ )
          QPair<double, double> minMax( DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX );

          dbColumn *column = db_get_table_column( databaseTable, i );

          int ctype = db_sqltype_to_Ctype( db_get_column_sqltype( column ) );
          QVariant::Type qtype = QVariant::String; //default to string
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "column = %1 ctype = %2" ).arg( db_get_column_name( column ) ).arg( ctype ) );

          QString ctypeStr;
          switch ( ctype )
            case DB_C_TYPE_INT:
              ctypeStr = "integer";
              qtype = QVariant::Int;
            case DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE:
              ctypeStr = "double";
              qtype = QVariant::Double;
            case DB_C_TYPE_STRING:
              ctypeStr = "string";
              qtype = QVariant::String;
            case DB_C_TYPE_DATETIME:
              ctypeStr = "datetime";
              qtype = QVariant::String;
          mTableFields.append( QgsField( db_get_column_name( column ), qtype, ctypeStr,
                                         db_get_column_length( column ), db_get_column_precision( column ) ) );
          mMinMax << minMax;
          if ( G_strcasecmp( db_get_column_name( column ), mFieldInfo->key ) == 0 )
            mKeyColumn = i;

        if ( mKeyColumn < 0 )
          QgsGrass::warning( QObject::tr( "Key column '%1' not found in the table '%2'" ).arg( mFieldInfo->key, mFieldInfo->table ) );
          mHasTable = true;
          // Read attributes to the memory
          while ( true )
            int more;

            if ( db_fetch( &databaseCursor, DB_NEXT, &more ) != DB_OK )
              QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot fetch DB record" );
            if ( !more )
              break; // no more records

            // Check cat value
            dbColumn *column = db_get_table_column( databaseTable, mKeyColumn );
            dbValue *value = db_get_column_value( column );

            if ( db_test_value_isnull( value ) )
            int cat = db_get_value_int( value );
            if ( cat < 0 )

            QList<QVariant> values;
            for ( int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++ )
              column = db_get_table_column( databaseTable, i );
              int sqltype = db_get_column_sqltype( column );
              int ctype = db_sqltype_to_Ctype( sqltype );
              value = db_get_column_value( column );
              db_convert_value_to_string( value, sqltype, &dbstr );

              QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "column = %1 value = %2" ).arg( db_get_column_name( column ), db_get_string( &dbstr ) ), 3 );

              QVariant variant;
              if ( !db_test_value_isnull( value ) )
                int iv;
                double dv;
                //layer.mAttributes[layer.nAttributes].values[i] = strdup( db_get_string( &dbstr ) );
                switch ( ctype )
                  case DB_C_TYPE_INT:
                    iv = db_get_value_int( value );
                    variant = QVariant( iv );
                    mMinMax[i].first = qMin( mMinMax[i].first, ( double )iv );
                    mMinMax[i].second = qMin( mMinMax[i].second, ( double )iv );
                  case DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE:
                    dv = db_get_value_double( value );
                    variant = QVariant( dv );
                    mMinMax[i].first = qMin( mMinMax[i].first, dv );
                    mMinMax[i].second = qMin( mMinMax[i].second, dv );
                  case DB_C_TYPE_STRING:
                    // Store as byte array so that codec may be used later
                    variant = QVariant( QByteArray( db_get_value_string( value ) ) );
                  case DB_C_TYPE_DATETIME:
                    variant = QVariant( QByteArray( db_get_string( &dbstr ) ) );
                    variant = QVariant( QByteArray( db_get_string( &dbstr ) ) );
              QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "column = %1 variant = %2" ).arg( db_get_column_name( column ), variant.toString() ), 3 );
              values << variant;
            mAttributes.insert( cat, values );
        mValid = true;
        db_close_cursor( &databaseCursor );
        db_close_database_shutdown_driver( databaseDriver );
        db_free_string( &dbstr );

        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mTableFields.size = %1" ).arg( mTableFields.size() ) );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "number of attributes = %1" ).arg( mAttributes.size() ) );

  // Add cat if no attribute fields exist (otherwise qgis crashes)
  if ( mTableFields.size() == 0 )
    mKeyColumn = 0;
    mTableFields.append( QgsField( "cat", QVariant::Int, "integer" ) );
    QPair<double, double> minMax( 0, 0 );

    if ( cidxFieldIndex() >= 0 )
      int ncats, cat, type, id;

      ncats = Vect_cidx_get_num_cats_by_index( mMap->map(), cidxFieldIndex() );

      if ( ncats > 0 )
        Vect_cidx_get_cat_by_index( mMap->map(), cidxFieldIndex(), 0, &cat, &type, &id );
        minMax.first = cat;

        Vect_cidx_get_cat_by_index( mMap->map(), cidxFieldIndex(), ncats - 1, &cat, &type, &id );
        minMax.second = cat;
    mMinMax << minMax;
  mFields = mTableFields;
  mAttributeFields = mTableFields;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "layer loaded mTableFields.size() = %1 mAttributes.size() = %2" ).arg( mTableFields.size() ).arg( mAttributes.size() ) );
  mValid = true;
コード例 #8
void TestQgsProjectStorage::testMemoryStorage()
  QString dataDir( TEST_DATA_DIR ); // defined in CmakeLists.txt
  QString layerPath = dataDir + "/points.shp";
  QgsVectorLayer *layer1 = new QgsVectorLayer( layerPath, QStringLiteral( "points" ), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
  QVERIFY( layer1->isValid() );

  MemoryStorage *memStorage = new MemoryStorage;

  QgsApplication::projectStorageRegistry()->registerProjectStorage( memStorage );

  QVERIFY( QgsApplication::projectStorageRegistry()->projectStorages().contains( memStorage ) );

  QCOMPARE( memStorage->listProjects( QString() ).count(), 0 );

  QgsProject prj1;
  prj1.setTitle( "best project ever" );
  prj1.addMapLayer( layer1 );
  prj1.setFileName( "memory:project1" );

  // let's use the aux storage as well - so that the project will include aux database as well
  int fldCnt0 = layer1->fields().count();
  QgsAuxiliaryLayer *layerAux = prj1.auxiliaryStorage()->createAuxiliaryLayer( layer1->fields().at( 0 ), layer1 );
  layer1->setAuxiliaryLayer( layerAux );
  layerAux->addAttribute( QgsField( "fld_aux", QVariant::Int ) );
  QCOMPARE( fldCnt0, 6 );
  QCOMPARE( layer1->fields().count(), 7 );

  bool writeOk = prj1.write();

  QVERIFY( writeOk );
  QCOMPARE( memStorage->listProjects( QString() ).count(), 1 );

  QVERIFY( prj1.absoluteFilePath().isEmpty() );
  QCOMPARE( prj1.baseName(), QString( "project1" ) );
  QVERIFY( prj1.lastModified().secsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) < 1 );

  // read the project back

  QgsProject prj2;
  prj2.setFileName( "memory:project1" );
  bool readOk = prj2.read();

  QVERIFY( readOk );
  QCOMPARE( prj2.mapLayers().count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( prj2.title(), QString( "best project ever" ) );

  // let's check that our stuff from auxiliary database got stored written and read
  QgsVectorLayer *prj2layer1 = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( prj2.mapLayers().constBegin().value() );
  QVERIFY( prj2layer1 );
  QCOMPARE( prj2layer1->fields().count(), 7 );
  QCOMPARE( prj2layer1->fields().at( 6 ).name(), QString( "auxiliary_storage_fld_aux" ) );

  // test project-related variables for project storage
  QgsExpressionContext expressionContext;
  expressionContext.appendScope( QgsExpressionContextUtils::projectScope( &prj2 ) );
  QCOMPARE( QgsExpression( "@project_path" ).evaluate( &expressionContext ).toString(), QString( "memory:project1" ) );
  QCOMPARE( QgsExpression( "@project_basename" ).evaluate( &expressionContext ).toString(), QString( "project1" ) );

  // test access of non-existent project

  QgsProject prj3;
  prj3.setFileName( "memory:nooooooooo!" );
  bool readInvalidOk = prj3.read();
  QVERIFY( !readInvalidOk );

  // test metadata access

  QgsProjectStorage::Metadata meta1;
  bool readMetaOk = memStorage->readProjectStorageMetadata( "memory:project1", meta1 );
  QVERIFY( readMetaOk );
  QCOMPARE( meta1.name, QString( "project1" ) );
  QVERIFY( meta1.lastModified.secsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) < 1 );

  QgsProjectStorage::Metadata metaX;
  bool readMetaInvalidOk = memStorage->readProjectStorageMetadata( "memory:projectXYZ", metaX );
  QVERIFY( !readMetaInvalidOk );

  // test removal

  bool removeInvalidOk = memStorage->removeProject( "memory:projectXYZ" );
  QVERIFY( !removeInvalidOk );
  QCOMPARE( memStorage->listProjects( QString() ).count(), 1 );

  bool removeOk = memStorage->removeProject( "memory:project1" );
  QVERIFY( removeOk );
  QCOMPARE( memStorage->listProjects( QString() ).count(), 0 );

  QgsApplication::projectStorageRegistry()->unregisterProjectStorage( memStorage );