コード例 #1
ファイル: logfile.c プロジェクト: MalaGaM/nxscripts
VOID SCALL LogFileFormatV(const CHAR *format, va_list argList)
    DWORD       errorCode;
    LOG_ENTRY   *entry;
    size_t      remaining;

    // Preserve system error code
    errorCode = GetLastError();

    ASSERT(format != NULL);

    // Retrieve a spare entry structure (also checks log status)
    entry = GetSpareEntry();
    if (entry != NULL) {

        StringCchVPrintfExA(entry->message, ELEMENT_COUNT(entry->message),
            NULL, &remaining, 0, format, argList);

        entry->length = ELEMENT_COUNT(entry->message) - remaining;

        // Insert log entry into the write queue

    // Restore system error code
コード例 #2
ファイル: safeQueue.c プロジェクト: ShaniL23/IPCFinalProject
/* after pushing, producer can produce -1 items, and consumer can consume +1 items
in comparison to before */ 
ADTErr SafeQueuePush(SafeQueue* _queue, void* _data)
	ADTErr error;
	if (NULL == _queue)
	error = SemDown(&_queue->m_prodSem);
	if (error != ERR_OK)
		return error;

	error = QueueInsert(_queue->m_queue, _data);
	if (error != ERR_OK)
		return error;

	error = SemUp(&_queue->m_consSem);
	if (error != ERR_OK)
		return error;

	return ERR_OK;
コード例 #3
ファイル: RcvUtil.c プロジェクト: bochaqos/trmnl
//  Function:       Rcv_ProcessResponceSDU
//  Description:    Process Responce Message Data
//  Arguments:
//  Name      Type      Direction   Description
//  -----------    -----------    ----------- -----------------------------------
//  NewDataBlock  DataRecord *  OUT      Block of data ( For return status )
//  Buff      t_uchar       *  IN      Buffer with data to process
//  Len        int        IN      Length of buffer
//  Return Values:
//  Name      Explanation
//  -----------    ---------------------------------------------------------------
//  RetStatus      Responce type ( error code )
int Rcv_ProcessResponceSDU( DataRecord *pModemStatus, t_uchar *Buff, int Len )
  int          RetStatus         = RM_SUCCESS;
  QueueNodeDef     *pNode           = NULL;
  int               InternalID      = Buff[LEFT_SDU_TAG]; //Left Byte of ID

  //Buff is only data block - without [SOH], [INTEGRITY] and [EOT]
  InternalID = (InternalID<<8) + Buff[RIGHT_SDU_TAG];

  if ( (pNode = QueueFindNode( SEND_QUEUE, InternalID )) == NULL )
    //Create node for command that is NOT in my SEND_QUEUE
    pNode = QueueInsert( SEND_QUEUE, NULL );
    //Will be freed in QueueDeleteNode();
    pNode->Message.DataBuffer = (t_uchar *)Mem_Allocate( RM_MINI_BLOCK_SIZE );
    pNode->Message.DataBuffer[OPERATOR] = 0xFF; //TYPE UNKNOWN
  }//end if

  //Main function to process responce
  RetStatus = Resp_DisplayFormatted( pNode, Buff, Len );

  QueueDeleteNode( SEND_QUEUE, pNode );

  pModemStatus->extendedStatus = RM_RESPONCE;  
  return( RetStatus );  //Responce Result
コード例 #4
DWORD QueuePut (QUEUE_OBJECT *q, PVOID msg, DWORD msize, DWORD MaxWait)
    DWORD TotalWaitTime = 0;
    BOOL TimedOut = FALSE;

    WaitForSingleObject (q->qGuard, INFINITE);
    if (q->msgArray == NULL) return 1;  /* Queue has been destroyed */

    while (QueueFull (q) && !TimedOut)
        ReleaseMutex (q->qGuard);
        WaitForSingleObject (q->qNf, CV_TIMEOUT);
        if (MaxWait != INFINITE)
            TotalWaitTime += CV_TIMEOUT;
            TimedOut = (TotalWaitTime > MaxWait);
        WaitForSingleObject (q->qGuard, INFINITE);
    /* Put the message in the queue */
    if (!TimedOut) QueueInsert (q, msg, msize);
    /* Signal that the queue is not empty as we've inserted a message */
    PulseEvent (q->qNe);
    ReleaseMutex (q->qGuard);

    return TimedOut ? WAIT_TIMEOUT : 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: logfile.c プロジェクト: MalaGaM/nxscripts
VOID SCALL LogFileTraceV(const CHAR *file, const CHAR *func, INT line, const CHAR *format, va_list argList)
#if 0
    CHAR        location[MAX_PATH];
    CHAR        *messageEnd;
    DWORD       errorCode;
    DWORD       processId;
    DWORD       threadId;
    LOG_ENTRY   *entry;
    size_t      remaining;

    // Preserve system error code
    errorCode = GetLastError();

    ASSERT(file != NULL);
    ASSERT(func != NULL);
    ASSERT(format != NULL);

    processId = GetCurrentProcessId();
    threadId  = GetCurrentThreadId();

    // Retrieve a spare entry structure (also checks log status)
    entry = GetSpareEntry();
    if (entry != NULL) {
        // Available trace information:
        // file      - Source file
        // func      - Function name in the source file
        // line      - Line number in the source file
        // processId - Current process ID
        // threadId  - Current thread ID

#if 0
        StringCchPrintfA(location, ELEMENT_COUNT(location), "%s:%d", LogFileName(file), line);

        StringCchPrintfExA(entry->message, ELEMENT_COUNT(entry->message),
            &messageEnd, &remaining, 0, "%-20s - %-20s - ", location, func);
        StringCchPrintfExA(entry->message, ELEMENT_COUNT(entry->message),
            &messageEnd, &remaining, 0, "%s - ", func);
        StringCchVPrintfExA(messageEnd, remaining, NULL, &remaining, 0, format, argList);

        entry->length = ELEMENT_COUNT(entry->message) - remaining;

        // Insert log entry into the write queue

    // Restore system error code
コード例 #6
ファイル: Queue.c プロジェクト: Engineer31/BMS
bool BytesEnqueue(QueueStruct *q, byte *data, U16 length)	  //进队列
    bool flag = FALSE;
    U16 i;
    if(q->Count == 0)
        flag = TRUE;
    for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
        QueueInsert(q, data[i]);
    return flag;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Queue.c プロジェクト: godspeed1989/misc
int main()
	ULONG i, j;
	Queue Queue;
	PCACHE_BLOCK *blocks, pblock;

	blocks = (PCACHE_BLOCK*)malloc(QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof(PCACHE_BLOCK));
	for (i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE; i++) {
		assert(blocks[i] = (PCACHE_BLOCK)malloc(sizeof(CACHE_BLOCK)));
		blocks[i]->Value = i;
	assert(InitQueue(&Queue, QUEUE_SIZE/2));

	QueueInsert(&Queue, blocks[0]);
	QueueInsert(&Queue, blocks[1]);

	i = 0, j = 0;
	while (QueueInsert(&Queue, blocks[i++]) == TRUE);
	while ((pblock = QueueRemove(&Queue)) != NULL)
		assert(pblock->Value == blocks[j++]->Value);

	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
	i = 0, j = 0;
	while (i < QUEUE_SIZE)
		if (rand() & 1)
			QueueInsert(&Queue, blocks[i++]);
		else if ((pblock = QueueRemove(&Queue)) != NULL)
			assert(pblock->Value == blocks[j++]->Value);
	while ((pblock = QueueRemove(&Queue)) != NULL)
		assert(pblock->Value == blocks[j++]->Value);

	for (i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE; i++)
	return 0;
コード例 #8
int main()

    static int x[QUEUE_SIZE];
    static int RP= -1,FP=-1;
    int data;
    StackStatus status;
    char option;
    char exitFalg = 0;

    while(exitFalg == 0)
     printf("\nPlease Select \n 1: Insert \n 2: Delete \n 3: Exit\n");
    }while(!(option>=1 && option<= 3));

    switch (option)
        case 1:
        printf("\n Please Enter data\n");
        status = QueueInsert(x,data,&RP);
        if(status == OK)
            printf("Queue is full");
        case 2:
        status = QueueDelete(x,&data,&RP,&FP);
        if(status == OK)
            printf("Data = %d",data);
            printf("Queue is Empty");
        case 3:
        exitFalg =1;


return 0;

コード例 #9
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: fnivek/Investigator_UartToSPI
// Transfer one byte over UART
void UARTTransmit(uint8_t out) {
	if (!QueueInsert(&UARTTXBuf, out)) {
		// Handle Queue overflow
		for (;;); // This is here to intentionally break the code

	// Turn the transmit interrupt back on
	if(QueueSize(&UARTTXBuf) == 1) {
		IE2 |= UCA0TXIE;
コード例 #10
ファイル: QueueObj.c プロジェクト: jiangguang5201314/ZNginx
DWORD QueuePut (QUEUE_OBJECT *q, PVOID msg, DWORD mSize, DWORD maxWait)
    WaitForSingleObject (q->qGuard, INFINITE);
    if (q->msgArray == NULL) return 1;  /* Queue has been destroyed */
    while (QueueFull (q))
        SignalObjectAndWait (q->qGuard, q->qNf, INFINITE, FALSE);
        WaitForSingleObject (q->qGuard, INFINITE);
    /* Put the message in the queue */
    QueueInsert (q, msg, mSize);
    /* Signal that the queue is not empty as we've inserted a message */
    PulseEvent (q->qNe);
    ReleaseMutex (q->qGuard);

    return 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: QueueObjCV.c プロジェクト: jiangguang5201314/ZNginx
DWORD QueuePut (QUEUE_OBJECT *q, PVOID msg, DWORD msize, DWORD MaxWait)
    AcquireSRWLockExclusive (&q->qGuard);
    if (q->msgArray == NULL) return 1;  /* Queue has been destroyed */

    while (QueueFull (q))
        if (!SleepConditionVariableSRW(&q->qNf, &q->qGuard, INFINITE, 0))
            ReportError(_T("QueuePut failed. SleepConditionVariableCS."), 1, TRUE);
    /* Put the message in the queue */
    QueueInsert (q, msg, msize);
    /* Signal that the queue is not empty as we've inserted a message */
    WakeConditionVariable (&q->qNe);
    ReleaseSRWLockExclusive (&q->qGuard);
    return 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: QueueObjCancel.c プロジェクト: oneminot/wsp
DWORD QueuePut (QUEUE_OBJECT *q, PVOID msg, DWORD mSize, DWORD maxWait)
	if (q->msgArray == NULL) return 1;  /* Queue has been destroyed */
	WaitForSingleObject (q->qGuard, INFINITE);

	while (!ShutDownPut && QueueFull (q)) {
		if (SignalObjectAndWait(q->qGuard, q->qNf, INFINITE, TRUE) == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION 
			&& ShutDownPut) {
		WaitForSingleObject (q->qGuard, INFINITE);
	/* Put the message in the queue */
	if (!ShutDownPut) {
		QueueInsert (q, msg, mSize);	
		/* Signal that the queue is not empty as we've inserted a message */
		SetEvent (q->qNe);
		ReleaseMutex (q->qGuard);
	return ShutDownPut ? WAIT_TIMEOUT : 0;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ireqmgr.c プロジェクト: 01org/opa-ff
// ReqMgrGet
// Description:
//	Retrieves a number of objects, either synchronously or asynchronously.
// Inputs:
//	pReqMgr		- Pointer to a request manager.
//	pCount		- Contains the number of objects to retrieve.
//	ReqType		- Type of get operation.  Can be ReqGetSync, ReqGetAsync, or
//				ReqGetAsyncPartialOk.
//	pfnCallback	- Pointer to a callback function to store for the request.
//	Context1	- First of two contexts passed to the request callback. 
//	Context2	- Second of two contexts passed to the request callback.
// Outputs:
//	pCount		- Contains the number of objects available.
// Returns:
//	FSUCCESS	- The request callback has been invoked with elements to 
//				satisfy the request.  If the request allowed partial 
//				completions, all elements are guaranteed to have been returned.
//	FPENDING	- The request could not complete in it's entirety.  If the 
//				request allowed partial completion, some elements may have been
//				already returned.
//	FINSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES	- There were not enough objects for the request to 
//							succeed.
//	FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY	- There was not enough memory to process the 
//							request (including queuing the request).
	IN REQ_MGR* const pReqMgr,
	IN OUT uint32* const pCount,
	IN const REQ_MGR_TYPE ReqType,
	IN REQ_CALLBACK pfnCallback,
	IN void* const Context1,
	IN void* const Context2 )
	uint32				AvailableCount;
	uint32				Count;

	ASSERT( pReqMgr );
	ASSERT( pReqMgr->m_Initialized );
	ASSERT( pCount );
	ASSERT( *pCount );

	// Get the number of available objects in the grow pool.
	AvailableCount = pReqMgr->m_pfnGetCount( pReqMgr->m_GetContext );

	// Check to see if there is nothing on the queue, and there are 
	// enough items to satisfy the whole request.
	if( !QueueCount( &pReqMgr->m_RequestQueue ) && *pCount <= AvailableCount )
		return( FSUCCESS );

	if( ReqType == ReqGetSync )

	// We need a request object to place on the request queue.
	pRequest = (REQUEST_OBJECT*)GrowPoolGet( &pReqMgr->m_RequestPool );

	if( !pRequest )

	// We can return the available number of objects but we still need
	// to queue a request for the remainder.
	if( ReqType == ReqGetAsyncPartialOk && 
		!QueueCount( &pReqMgr->m_RequestQueue ) )
		Count = *pCount - AvailableCount;
		*pCount = AvailableCount;
		pRequest->PartialOk = TRUE;
		// We cannot return any objects.  We queue a request for all of them.
		Count = *pCount;
		*pCount = 0;
		pRequest->PartialOk = FALSE;

	// Set the request fields and enqueue it.
	pRequest->pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
	pRequest->Context1 = Context1;
	pRequest->Context2 = Context2;
	pRequest->Count = Count;

	if( !QueueInsert( &pReqMgr->m_RequestQueue, pRequest ) )
		// We could not queue the request.  Return the request to the pool.
		GrowPoolPut( &pReqMgr->m_RequestPool, pRequest );

	return( FPENDING );