static void draw_bitmap_button(PCONTROL pCtrl, HDC hdc, DWORD dwStyle, RECT *prcText) { if (BUTTON_DATA(pCtrl)) { int x = prcText->left; int y = prcText->top; int w = RECTWP (prcText); int h = RECTHP (prcText); PBITMAP bmp = (PBITMAP)(BUTTON_DATA(pCtrl)); RECT prcClient; GetClientRect ((HWND)pCtrl, &prcClient); if (dwStyle & BS_REALSIZEIMAGE) { x += (w - bmp->bmWidth) >> 1; y += (h - bmp->bmHeight) >> 1; w = h = 0; if (bmp->bmWidth > RECTW(prcClient)){ x = + BTN_WIDTH_BORDER; y = prcClient.left + BTN_WIDTH_BORDER; w = RECTW(prcClient) - 2*BTN_WIDTH_BORDER-1; } if (bmp->bmHeight > RECTH(prcClient)){ x = + BTN_WIDTH_BORDER; y = prcClient.left + BTN_WIDTH_BORDER; h = RECTH(prcClient) - 2*BTN_WIDTH_BORDER-1; } } else {
static void slider_draw_attached (HDC hdc, skin_item_t* item) { int pos_min, pos_max, x, y, w, h; si_nrmslider_t* slider = (si_nrmslider_t*) item->type_data; double percent; if ( slider->slider_info.cur_pos < slider->slider_info.min_pos ) slider->slider_info.cur_pos = slider->slider_info.min_pos; if ( slider->slider_info.cur_pos > slider->slider_info.max_pos ) slider->slider_info.cur_pos = slider->slider_info.max_pos; percent = (slider->slider_info.cur_pos - slider->slider_info.min_pos) * 1. / (slider->slider_info.max_pos - slider->slider_info.min_pos); if (item->style & SI_NRMSLIDER_HORZ) { /* - */ pos_min = item->rc_hittest.left; pos_max = item->rc_hittest.right - BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmWidth; x = pos_min + (pos_max - pos_min) * percent; y = item->; // pbar w = RECTW(item->rc_hittest) * percent; h = RECTH(item->rc_hittest); h = h < BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmHeight ? h : BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmHeight; } else{ /* | */ pos_min = item->; pos_max = item->rc_hittest.bottom - BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmHeight; y = pos_min + (pos_max - pos_min) * percent; x = item->rc_hittest.left; // pbar h = RECTH(item->rc_hittest) * percent; w = RECTW(item->rc_hittest); w = w < BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmWidth? w : BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmWidth; } if ( item->style & SI_NRMSLIDER_STATIC ) FillBoxWithBitmap ( hdc, item->rc_hittest.left, item->, w, h, &BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index) ); else FillBoxWithBitmapPart ( hdc, x, y, BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmWidth, BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index).bmHeight, 0, 0, &BMP(item, slider->thumb_bmp_index), 0, 0); }
static int get_changed_pos (skin_item_t* item, int x, int y) { sie_slider_t sie; int cur_pos = 0; si_nrmslider_t* nrmslider = (si_nrmslider_t*) item->type_data; sie.min_pos = 0; if (item->style & SI_NRMSLIDER_HORZ) { /* - */ sie.max_pos = RECTW (item->rc_hittest) - BMP(item,nrmslider->thumb_bmp_index).bmWidth; sie.cur_pos = x - item->rc_hittest.left - BMP(item,nrmslider->thumb_bmp_index).bmWidth/2; ROUND (sie.cur_pos, sie.min_pos, sie.max_pos); cur_pos = .5 + nrmslider->slider_info.min_pos + sie.cur_pos * (0. + nrmslider->slider_info.max_pos - nrmslider->slider_info.min_pos) / sie.max_pos; } else { /* | */ sie.max_pos = RECTH (item->rc_hittest) - BMP(item,nrmslider->thumb_bmp_index).bmHeight; sie.cur_pos = y - item-> - BMP(item,nrmslider->thumb_bmp_index).bmHeight/2; ROUND (sie.cur_pos, sie.min_pos, sie.max_pos); cur_pos = .5 + nrmslider->slider_info.min_pos + sie.cur_pos * (0. + nrmslider->slider_info.max_pos - nrmslider->slider_info.min_pos) / sie.max_pos; } return cur_pos; }
void COptionsAbout::DrawScroller( HDC hdc ) { bDrawingScroller = TRUE; HDC hDC = hdc; if (!hdc ) hDC = ::GetDC( m_hWnd ); HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC ); ::SelectObject( hdcSrc, pimgAboutScroller->hBitmap ); RECT rc; GetWindowRect( &rc ); int x = (RECTW(rc)-pimgAbout->w)/2 + 40, y = (RECTH(rc)-pimgAbout->h)/2 + 215, w = 270, h = 23; HRGN hrgnClip = CreateRectRgn( x,y, x+w, y+h ); SelectClipRgn( hDC, hrgnClip ); ::DeleteObject( hrgnClip ); ::BitBlt( hDC, x,y, w, h, hdcSrc, frame,0, SRCCOPY ); if ( frame > pimgAboutScroller->w) frame=-270; DeleteDC( hdcSrc ); if ( !hdc ) ::ReleaseDC( m_hWnd, hDC ); bDrawingScroller = FALSE; }
PlayBack::PlayBack(CdrMain *cdrMain) : mCurrentState(STATE_IDLE), mTargetState(STATE_IDLE), mStopFlag(0), bmpIcon() { RECT rect; HWND hMainWnd = cdrMain->getHwnd(); db_msg("PlayBack:-----------------------\n"); GetWindowRect(hMainWnd, &rect); mHwnd = CreateWindowEx(WINDOW_PLAYBACK, "", WS_NONE, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | WS_EX_USEPARENTFONT, WINDOWID_PLAYBACK, 0, 0, RECTW(rect), RECTH(rect), hMainWnd, (DWORD)this); if(mHwnd == HWND_INVALID) { return; } showWindow(SW_HIDE); mCdrMain = cdrMain; mIZetaMediaPlayer = new zeta::iZetaMediaPlayer(); mPlayBackListener = new PlayBackListener(this); ResourceManager *rm = ResourceManager::getInstance(); rm->setHwnd(WINDOWID_PLAYBACK, mHwnd); mCurId=0; }
void gdi_dump_cliprgn(cliprgn_t *p_rgn) { u16 i = 0; cliprc_t *p_rc; GDI_PRINTF("rgn = 0x%.8x\nbound (%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d)\n", p_rgn, p_rgn->bound.left, p_rgn->, RECTW(p_rgn->bound), RECTH(p_rgn->bound)); p_rc = p_rgn->p_head; while(p_rc != NULL) { GDI_PRINTF("rc%.2d (%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d)\n", i + 1, p_rc->rc.left, p_rc->, RECTW(p_rc->rc), RECTH(p_rc->rc)); p_rc = p_rc->p_next, i++; } }
BOOL GUIAPI SaveMainWindowContent (HWND hWnd, const char* filename) { RECT rcScreen; RECT rcWin; BITMAP bitmap; int save_ret; SetRect (&rcScreen, 0, 0, WIDTHOFPHYGC, HEIGHTOFPHYGC); if (hWnd) { GetWindowRect (hWnd, &rcWin); if (!IntersectRect (&rcWin, &rcWin, &rcScreen)) return FALSE; } else rcWin = rcScreen; bitmap.bmType = BMP_TYPE_NORMAL; bitmap.bmBitsPerPixel = BITSPERPHYPIXEL; bitmap.bmBytesPerPixel = BYTESPERPHYPIXEL; bitmap.bmWidth = RECTW (rcWin); bitmap.bmHeight = RECTH (rcWin); bitmap.bmPitch = bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmBytesPerPixel; if (bitmap.bmWidth == 0 || bitmap.bmHeight == 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "SaveContent: Empty Rect.\n"); #endif return FALSE; } bitmap.bmBits = SaveCoveredScreenBox (rcWin.left,, RECTW (rcWin), RECTH (rcWin)); if (!bitmap.bmBits) { #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "SaveContent: SaveBox error.\n"); #endif return FALSE; } save_ret = SaveBitmap (HDC_SCREEN, &bitmap, filename); free (bitmap.bmBits); return (save_ret == 0); }
void GUIAPI BitBlt(HDC hsdc, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, HDC hddc, int dx, int dy, DWORD dwRop) { PCLIPRECT pClipRect; PDC psdc, pddc; RECT rcOutput; psdc = dc_HDC2PDC(hsdc); pddc = dc_HDC2PDC(hddc); if (dc_IsGeneralHDC(hddc)) { if (!dc_GenerateECRgn (pddc, FALSE)) { return; } } if (sw <= 0 || sh <= 0) { sw = RECTW (psdc->DevRC); sh = RECTH (psdc->DevRC); } // Transfer logical to device to screen here. sw += sx; sh += sy; coor_LP2SP(psdc, &sx, &sy); coor_LP2SP(psdc, &sw, &sh); (sw > sx) ? (sw -= sx) : (sw = sx - sw); (sh > sy) ? (sh -= sy) : (sh = sy - sh); coor_LP2SP(pddc, &dx, &dy); rcOutput.left = dx; = dy; rcOutput.right = dx + sw; rcOutput.bottom = dy + sh; NormalizeRect(&rcOutput); ShowCursorForGDI(FALSE, &g_rcScr); // set graphics context. GAL_SetGC (pddc->gc); pClipRect = pddc->ecrgn.head; while(pClipRect) { if (DoesIntersect (&rcOutput, &pClipRect->rc)) { GAL_SetClipping(pddc->gc, pClipRect->rc.left, pClipRect->, pClipRect->rc.right - 1, pClipRect->rc.bottom - 1); GAL_CrossBlit (psdc->gc, sx, sy, sw, sh, pddc->gc, dx, dy); } pClipRect = pClipRect->next; } ShowCursorForGDI(TRUE, &g_rcScr); }
static void this_paint_desktop(void* context, HDC dc_desktop, const RECT* inv_rc) { PBITMAP bg_bmp = NULL; int i = 0; DSPITEM* item; if(((Context *)context)->bg) bg_bmp = ((Context *)context)->bg; SelectClipRect (dc_desktop, inv_rc); if (bg_bmp) { FillBoxWithBitmap (dc_desktop, 0, 0, g_rcDesktop.right, g_rcDesktop.bottom, bg_bmp); }else { SetBrushColor (dc_desktop, PIXEL_blue); FillBox(dc_desktop, g_rcDesktop.left,, RECTW(g_rcDesktop), RECTH(g_rcDesktop)); } item = icon_info.app_items; for(i = 0; i < icon_info.nr_apps; i++, item++) { if(i == icon_info.focus) { SetBrushColor (dc_desktop, PIXEL_darkblue); FillBox(dc_desktop, item->hot_spot_rc.left, item->, RECTW(item->hot_spot_rc), RECTH(item->hot_spot_rc)); } FillBoxWithBitmap (dc_desktop, item->hot_spot_rc.left, item->, RECTW(item->hot_spot_rc), RECTH(item->hot_spot_rc), &item->bmp); SetBkMode(dc_desktop, BM_TRANSPARENT); TextOut(dc_desktop, item->text_rc.left, item->, item->name); } }
void WindowClearAll (PCONINFO con, int color) { HDC hdc; RECT rcClient; GetClientRect (con->hWnd, &rcClient); hdc = GetPrivateClientDC (con->hWnd); SetBrushColor (hdc, SysColorIndex [color_map (color)]); FillBox (hdc, rcClient.left,, RECTW (rcClient), RECTH (rcClient)); }
static void drawButton(HWND hDlg, HDC IDCButton, unsigned int flag) { HWND hWnd; RECT rect; MBPrivData* privData; DWORD old_bkmode; gal_pixel old_color; HDC hdc; char* text; privData = (MBPrivData*)GetWindowAdditionalData(hDlg); hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDCButton); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); hdc = GetDC(hWnd); if(flag == BUTTON_SELECTED) { old_color = SetBrushColor(hdc, gp_hilite_bgc); old_bkmode = SetBkMode(hdc, BM_TRANSPARENT); FillBox(hdc, rect.left,, RECTW(rect), RECTH(rect)); SetTextColor(hdc, gp_hilite_fgc); text = (char*)GetWindowAdditionalData2(hWnd); DrawText(hdc, text, -1, &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); SetBrushColor(hdc, old_color); SetBkMode(hdc, old_bkmode); } else if(flag == BUTTON_UNSELECTED) { old_color = SetBrushColor(hdc, gp_normal_bgc); old_bkmode = SetBkMode(hdc, BM_TRANSPARENT); FillBox(hdc, rect.left,, RECTW(rect), RECTH(rect)); SetTextColor (hdc, gp_normal_fgc); text = (char*)GetWindowAdditionalData2(hWnd); DrawText(hdc, text, -1, &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); SetBrushColor(hdc, old_color); SetBkMode(hdc, old_bkmode); } ReleaseDC(hdc); }
/* * * * ¨x¨x¨x¨x¨x¨x¨xtop_line(dark) * ---------top_line(light) * ¨† ¨‡ ¨‡¨† * left_line(dark+light) ¨† ¨‡ ¨‡¨†right_line(light+dark) * ¨† ¨‡ ¨‡¨† * base_line_left ¨{¨{¨{¨{¨{¨{¨{ ¨{¨{¨{¨{¨{¨{¨{ base_line_right */ static void draw_hilight_box (HWND hWnd, HDC hdc, COOL_INDICATOR_ITEMDATA* item) { int l,r,t,b; WINDOWINFO *info = (WINDOWINFO*)GetWindowInfo (hWnd); DWORD color; DWORD mainc = GetWindowElementAttr (hWnd, WE_FGC_THREED_BODY); //UI@hilight_box_color if(item == NULL) return; l = item->RcTitle.left; t = item-> + 2; r = item->RcTitle.right + 1; b = item->RcTitle.bottom + 1; color = info->we_rdr->calc_3dbox_color (mainc, LFRDR_3DBOX_COLOR_DARKER); SetPenColor (hdc, RGBA2Pixel (hdc, GetRValue (color), GetGValue (color), GetBValue (color), GetAValue (color))); MoveTo (hdc, l, t); LineTo (hdc, l, b); //left_line_dark MoveTo (hdc, r, t); LineTo (hdc, r, b); //right_line_dark MoveTo (hdc, l, t); LineTo (hdc, r, t); //top_line_dark color = info->we_rdr->calc_3dbox_color (mainc, LFRDR_3DBOX_COLOR_LIGHTER); SetPenColor (hdc, RGBA2Pixel (hdc, GetRValue (color), GetGValue (color), GetBValue (color), GetAValue (color))); MoveTo (hdc, l + 1, t); LineTo (hdc, l + 1, b); //left_line_light MoveTo (hdc, r - 1, t); LineTo (hdc, r - 1, b); //right_line_light MoveTo (hdc, l, t+1); LineTo (hdc, r, t+1); //top_line_light mainc = GetWindowElementPixelEx(hWnd, hdc, WE_FGC_THREED_BODY); //to avoid hdc use the color as ARGB SetBrushColor(hdc, mainc); //base line color RECT rP; GetWindowRect(GetParent(hWnd), &rP); int x, y, w, h; x = 0; y = item->RcTitle.bottom + 2; w = item->RcTitle.left + 2; h = 4; FillBox(hdc, x, y, w, h); //base_line_left x = item->RcTitle.right + 1; y = item->RcTitle.bottom + 2; w = RECTW(rP) - x; h = 4; FillBox(hdc, x, y, w, h); //base_line_right }
static void draw_hilighted_item(HWND hDlg, HDC hdc) { LicensePlate_CtrlInfo_t* ctrlInfo; HWND hwndWidget; int prevSel; RECT rect; int x, y, w, h; gal_pixel hilightColor, normalColor; hilightColor = RGBA2Pixel(HDC_SCREEN, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xFF); // hilightColor = RGBA2Pixel(HDC_SCREEN, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x99, 0xFF); normalColor = RGBA2Pixel(HDC_SCREEN, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0xFF); ctrlInfo = (LicensePlate_CtrlInfo_t*)GetWindowAdditionalData(hDlg); if(ctrlInfo != NULL) { if(ctrlInfo->curSel >= 0) { hwndWidget = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_NUMBER_START + ctrlInfo->curSel); GetWindowRect(hwndWidget, &rect); w = ctrlInfo->pBmpArrow->bmWidth; h = ctrlInfo->pBmpArrow->bmHeight; x = rect.left; y = - h - 4; if(w < RECTW(rect)) { x = rect.left + ( (RECTW(rect) - w) >> 1 ); } FillBoxWithBitmap(hdc, x, y, w, h, ctrlInfo->pBmpArrow); if(hwndWidget && hwndWidget != HWND_INVALID) { SetWindowBkColor(hwndWidget, hilightColor ); } prevSel = ctrlInfo->curSel - 1; if(prevSel >= 0) { hwndWidget = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_NUMBER_START + prevSel ); if(hwndWidget && hwndWidget != HWND_INVALID) { SetWindowBkColor(hwndWidget, normalColor ); } } } else {
/* * Function: HDC GUIAPI CreateCompatibleDC (HDC hdc) * This function create a memory dc, which is compatible * with specified hdc. * Parameters: * HDC hdc: the specified DC handle. * Return: * None. */ HDC GUIAPI CreateCompatibleDC(HDC hdc) { GAL_GC gc; PDC pdc; PDC pMemDC = NULL; pdc = dc_HDC2PDC(hdc); if (!(pMemDC = malloc (sizeof(DC)))) return HDC_INVALID; pthread_mutex_lock (&__mg_gdilock); if (GAL_AllocateGC (pdc->gc, RECTW (pdc->DevRC), RECTH (pdc->DevRC), GAL_BytesPerPixel (pdc->gc), &gc) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&__mg_gdilock); return HDC_INVALID; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&__mg_gdilock); memcpy (pMemDC, pdc, sizeof(DC)); pMemDC->DataType = TYPE_HDC; pMemDC->DCType = TYPE_MEMDC; pMemDC->inuse = TRUE; pMemDC->gc = gc; // clip region info InitClipRgn (&pMemDC->lcrgn, &sg_FreeClipRectList); InitClipRgn (&pMemDC->ecrgn, &sg_FreeClipRectList); pMemDC->pGCRInfo = NULL; pMemDC->oldage = 0; pMemDC->DevRC.left = 0; pMemDC-> = 0; pMemDC->DevRC.right = RECTW(pdc->DevRC); pMemDC->DevRC.bottom = RECTH(pdc->DevRC); SetClipRgn (&pMemDC->ecrgn, &pMemDC->DevRC); return (HDC)pMemDC; }
static RET_CODE on_sbox_created(control_t *p_ctrl, u16 msg, u32 para1, u32 para2) { rect_t frame = {0}; MT_ASSERT(p_ctrl != NULL); ctrl_get_frame(p_ctrl, &frame); sbox_set_mid_rect(p_ctrl, 0, 0, RECTW(frame), RECTH(frame)); return ERR_NOFEATURE; }
static void _text_get_draw_rect(control_t *p_ctrl, rect_t *p_rc) { ctrl_text_data_t *p_data = NULL; rect_t client_rect = {0}; MT_ASSERT(p_ctrl != NULL); ctrl_get_client_rect(p_ctrl, &client_rect); p_data = (ctrl_text_data_t *)p_ctrl->priv_data; p_rc->left = client_rect.left + p_data->mid_rect.left; p_rc->top = + p_data->; p_rc->right = p_rc->left + RECTW(p_data->mid_rect); p_rc->bottom = p_rc->top + RECTH(p_data->mid_rect); }
/****************************** Bitmap Support *******************************/ void GUIAPI FillBox (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h) { PCLIPRECT pClipRect; PDC pdc; RECT rcOutput; pdc = dc_HDC2PDC(hdc); if (dc_IsGeneralHDC(hdc)) { if (!dc_GenerateECRgn (pdc, FALSE)) { return; } } // Transfer logical to device to screen here. w += x; h += y; coor_LP2SP(pdc, &x, &y); coor_LP2SP(pdc, &w, &h); rcOutput.left = x; = y; rcOutput.right = w; rcOutput.bottom = h; NormalizeRect (&rcOutput); w = RECTW (rcOutput); h = RECTH (rcOutput); IntersectRect (&rcOutput, &rcOutput, &pdc->ecrgn.rcBound); if( !dc_IsMemHDC(hdc) ) ShowCursorForGDI(FALSE, &rcOutput); // set graphics context. GAL_SetGC (pdc->gc); GAL_SetFgColor (pdc->gc, pdc->brushcolor); pClipRect = pdc->ecrgn.head; while(pClipRect) { if (DoesIntersect (&rcOutput, &pClipRect->rc)) { GAL_SetClipping(pdc->gc, pClipRect->rc.left, pClipRect->, pClipRect->rc.right - 1, pClipRect->rc.bottom - 1); GAL_FillBox (pdc->gc, x, y, w, h, pdc->brushcolor); } pClipRect = pClipRect->next; } if( !dc_IsMemHDC(hdc) ) ShowCursorForGDI(TRUE, &rcOutput); }
void text_set_mid_rect(control_t *p_ctrl, s16 left, s16 top, u16 width, u16 height) { ctrl_text_data_t *p_data = NULL; rect_t frame; MT_ASSERT(p_ctrl != NULL); ctrl_get_frame(p_ctrl, &frame); MT_ASSERT((left + width) <= RECTW(frame)); MT_ASSERT((top + height) <= RECTH(frame)); p_data = (ctrl_text_data_t *)p_ctrl->priv_data; set_rect(&p_data->mid_rect, left, top, (s16)(left + width), (s16)(top + height)); }
static void draw_frame_lines(HWND hDlg, HDC hdc) { RECT rect_parent, rect_plate_num; gal_pixel lineColor; GetClientRect(hDlg, &rect_parent); int line_w = RECTW(rect_parent); //three lines lineColor = RGBA2Pixel(hdc, 0X42, 0xCE, 0xFF, 0xFF); SetPenColor(hdc, lineColor); MoveTo(hdc, 0, ctrlData[IDX_SWITCH_ICON].y-1); LineTo(hdc, line_w, ctrlData[IDX_SWITCH_ICON].y-1); MoveTo(hdc, 0, ctrlData[IDX_SWITCH_ICON].y+ctrlData[IDX_SWITCH_ICON].h+1); LineTo(hdc, line_w, ctrlData[IDX_SWITCH_ICON].y+ctrlData[IDX_SWITCH_ICON].h+1); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_NUMBER_START), &rect_plate_num); MoveTo(hdc, 0, rect_plate_num.bottom + 24); LineTo(hdc, line_w, rect_plate_num.bottom + 24); }
void COptionsAbout::DrawAbout( HDC hdc ) { HDC hDC = hdc; if (!hdc ) hDC = ::GetDC( m_hWnd ); HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC ); ::SelectObject( hdcSrc, pimgAbout->hBitmap ); RECT rc; GetWindowRect( &rc ); int x = (RECTW(rc)-pimgAbout->w)/2, y = (RECTH(rc)-pimgAbout->h)/2; TransparentBlt( hDC, x,y, pimgAbout->w, pimgAbout->h, hdcSrc, 0,0,pimgAbout->w, pimgAbout->h, RGB(255,255,255) ); DeleteDC( hdcSrc ); DrawScroller( hDC ); if ( !hdc ) ::ReleaseDC( m_hWnd, hDC ); }
static void pbarOnNewPos (const CONTROL* pCtrl, PROGRESSDATA* pData, unsigned int new_pos) { double d; unsigned int old_pos; int range = pData->nMax - pData->nMin; int old_prog, new_prog, width; RECT rc_client; if (range == 0 || new_pos == pData->nPos) return; old_pos = pData->nPos; pData->nPos = new_pos; pbarNormalizeParams (pCtrl, pData, pCtrl->dwStyle & PBS_NOTIFY); if (old_pos == pData->nPos) return; GetClientRect ((HWND)pCtrl, &rc_client); if (pCtrl->dwStyle & PBS_VERTICAL) width = RECTH (rc_client) - (WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER << 1); else width = RECTW (rc_client) - (WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER << 1); old_prog = old_pos - pData->nMin; d = (old_prog*1.0)/range; old_prog = (int) (d * width); new_prog = pData->nPos - pData->nMin; d = (new_prog*1.0)/range; new_prog = (int) (d * width); if (pCtrl->dwStyle & PBS_VERTICAL) { #if 0 old_prog = rc_client.bottom - WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER - old_prog; new_prog = rc_client.bottom - WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER - new_prog; = MIN (old_prog, new_prog) - 4; rc_client.bottom = MAX (old_prog, new_prog) + 4; #endif } else { HDC hdc; char text [10]; RECT rc_text; SIZE text_ext; sprintf (text, "%.0f%%", (d*100)); hdc = GetClientDC ((HWND)pCtrl); GetTextExtent (hdc, text, -1, &text_ext); ReleaseDC (hdc); rc_text.left = rc_client.left + ((RECTW(rc_client) - >> 1); = + ((RECTH(rc_client) - >> 1); rc_text.right = rc_text.left +; rc_text.bottom = +; InvalidateRect ((HWND)pCtrl, &rc_client, TRUE); rc_client.left = MIN (old_prog, new_prog); rc_client.right = MAX (old_prog, new_prog); } InvalidateRect ((HWND)pCtrl, &rc_client, TRUE); }
static void pbarOnDraw (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, PROGRESSDATA* pData, BOOL fVertical) { RECT rcClient; int x, y, w, h; ldiv_t ndiv_progress; unsigned int nAllPart; unsigned int nNowPart; int whOne, nRem; int ix, iy; int i; int step; if (pData->nMax == pData->nMin) return; if ((pData->nMax - pData->nMin) > 5) step = 5; else step = 1; GetClientRect (hwnd, &rcClient); x = rcClient.left + WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER; y = + WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER; w = RECTW (rcClient) - (WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER << 1); h = RECTH (rcClient) - (WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER << 1); ndiv_progress = ldiv (pData->nMax - pData->nMin, step); nAllPart = ndiv_progress.quot; ndiv_progress = ldiv (pData->nPos - pData->nMin, step); nNowPart = ndiv_progress.quot; if (fVertical) ndiv_progress = ldiv (h, nAllPart); else ndiv_progress = ldiv (w, nAllPart); whOne = ndiv_progress.quot; nRem = ndiv_progress.rem; SetBrushColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_HILIGHT_NORMAL)); if (whOne >= 4) { if (fVertical) { for (i = 0, iy = y + h - 1; i < nNowPart; ++i) { if ((iy - whOne) < y) whOne = iy - y; FillBox (hdc, x + 1, iy - whOne, w - 2, whOne - 1); iy -= whOne; if(nRem > 0) { iy --; nRem --; } } } else { for (i = 0, ix = x + 1; i < nNowPart; ++i) { if ((ix + whOne) > (x + w)) whOne = x + w - ix; FillBox (hdc, ix, y + 1, whOne - 1, h - 2); ix += whOne; if(nRem > 0) { ix ++; nRem --; } } } } else { // no vertical support double d = (nNowPart*1.0)/nAllPart; if (fVertical) { int prog = (int)(h*d); FillBox (hdc, x + 1, rcClient.bottom - WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER - prog, w - 2, prog); } else { char szText[8]; SIZE text_ext; RECT rc_clip = rcClient; int prog = (int)(w*d); FillBox (hdc, x, y + 1, (int)(w*d), h - 2); SetBkMode (hdc, BM_TRANSPARENT); sprintf (szText, "%.0f%%", (d*100)); GetTextExtent (hdc, szText, -1, &text_ext); x += ((w - >> 1); y += ((h - >> 1); rc_clip.right = prog; SelectClipRect (hdc, &rc_clip); SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_HILIGHT_NORMAL)); SetBkColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_HILIGHT_NORMAL)); TextOut (hdc, x, y, szText); rc_clip.right = rcClient.right; rc_clip.left = prog; SelectClipRect (hdc, &rc_clip); SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_NORMAL)); SetBkColor (hdc, GetWindowBkColor (hwnd)); TextOut (hdc, x, y, szText); } } }
/* re-draw */ static void draw_propsheet (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, PCONTROL ctrl, PPROPSHEETDATA propsheet, PPROPPAGE page) { int x, ty, by, text_extent; RECT title_rc = {0, 0, 1, 0}; title_rc.bottom = propsheet->head_rc.bottom; if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { = propsheet->; } /* Draw the content window */ #ifdef _FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { DrawFlatControlFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top - (propsheet->head_rc.bottom - propsheet-> + 1 , 1, DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } else { DrawFlatControlFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top, 1, DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } #else if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { Draw3DThickFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top - (propsheet->head_rc.bottom - propsheet-> + 2 , DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } else { Draw3DThickFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top, DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } #endif SetBrushColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_CONTROL_DEF)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { FillBox (hdc, 0, propsheet-> + 1, propsheet->head_rc.right, propsheet->head_rc.bottom ); }else { FillBox (hdc, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2); } /* Just for PSS_SCROLLABLE style if title is overload (too many titles for the propsheet) we should move-right the leftmot title some pixel and we should draw a small icon (left arrow) for the sheet */ if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0x0fL) == PSS_SCROLLABLE) { title_rc.right = (propsheet->overload == TRUE) ? title_rc.right + GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_SB_WIDTH) : title_rc.right; } while (page) { SIZE size; int eff_chars, eff_len; /* draw some box for title */ if (title_rc.right == 1) title_rc.left = title_rc.right - 1; else title_rc.left = title_rc.right; title_rc.right = title_rc.left + page->width; SelectClipRect (hdc, &title_rc); x = title_rc.left + _ICON_OFFSET; ty =; if (page != propsheet->active) { /* bottom tab or top tab */ if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { ty -= 2; by = title_rc.bottom - 2; } else { ty += 2; by = title_rc.bottom; } } else { by = title_rc.bottom ; FillBox (hdc, title_rc.left+1, ty, title_rc.right - title_rc.left, by); } /* draw the title's edge */ /* pc3d style & flat & grap */ SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_INNER)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left, ty); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left, by - 1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right, by - 1); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left, by - 1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left, ty); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right, ty); } SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_RIGHT_OUTER)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { if (page != propsheet->active) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty + 3); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty - 2); } LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by - 2); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by - 2); } else { if (page != propsheet->active) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by - 2); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by); } LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty + 1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty + 1); } SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_INNER)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by -1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty); }else { if (!page->next && (title_rc.right == propsheet->head_rc.right)) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 2, ty ); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 2, by - 1); SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_OUTER)); MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right -1, ty ); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right -1, by - 1); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty ); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by - 1); } } /* draw the ICON */ ty += _ICON_OFFSET + 2; text_extent = RECTW (title_rc) - _ICON_OFFSET * 2; if (page->icon) { DrawIcon (hdc, x, ty, GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX), GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONY), page->icon); x += GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX); x += _GAP_ICON_TEXT; text_extent -= GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX) + _GAP_ICON_TEXT; } /* draw the TEXT */ /* #if defined(_FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE) && !defined(_GRAY_SCREEN) */ #ifdef _FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE if (page != propsheet->active) { SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_DISABLED)); } else { SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_NORMAL)); } #else SetBkColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_CONTROL_DEF)); #endif text_extent -= 4; eff_len = GetTextExtentPoint (hdc, page->title, strlen(page->title), text_extent, &eff_chars, NULL, NULL, &size); TextOutLen (hdc, x + 2, ty, page->title, eff_len); page = page->next; } /* draw scroll button , just for PSS_SCROLLABLE style */ if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0x0fL) == PSS_SCROLLABLE && propsheet->overload == TRUE) { draw_scroll_button (hwnd, hdc, &title_rc, propsheet, ctrl->dwStyle); } }
/******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * RepaintVideo * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CMpegMovie::RepaintVideo( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; long lnativeWidth=0, lnativeHeight=0; GetNativeMovieSize( &lnativeWidth, &lnativeHeight ); if ( !lnativeWidth || !lnativeHeight ) { // No picture, sound only. HDC hDC = GetDC( hwnd ); RECT *prc = &m_rcMovieWindow; BitBlt( hDC, prc->left, prc->top, RECTW((*prc)), RECTH((*prc)), NULL, 0, 0, BLACKNESS ); ReleaseDC( hwnd, hDC ); return TRUE; } if ( m_Vw ) { // Windowed movie playback don't need repaint. return TRUE; } else if( m_Wc ) { bRet = (m_Wc->RepaintVideo(hwnd, hdc) == S_OK); HDC hDC = GetDC( hwnd ); int mx = m_rcMovieWindow.left, my =, mw = m_rcMovieWindow.right - mx, mh = m_rcMovieWindow.bottom - my, dx = m_rcMovieDest.left, dy =, dw = m_rcMovieDest.right - dx, dh = m_rcMovieDest.bottom - dy; int x=0,y=0,w=0,h=0; x = mx; y= my; w = mw; h = dy-my; BitBlt(hDC, x,y,w,h, NULL, 0,0, BLACKNESS); x = mx; y= dy+dh; w = mw; h = my+mh-y; BitBlt(hDC, x,y,w,h, NULL, 0,0, BLACKNESS); x=mx; y=my; w=dx-mx; h = mh; BitBlt(hDC, x,y,w,h, NULL, 0,0, BLACKNESS); x=dx+dw; y=my; w=mx+mw-x; h = mh; BitBlt(hDC, x,y,w,h, NULL, 0,0, BLACKNESS); ReleaseDC( hwnd, hDC ); } return bRet; }
static int ProxyBoxProc(HWND hDlg, int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { RECT rc; PROXY_INFO proxys; switch (message) { case MSG_INITDIALOG: { for (int i=PROXY_HTTP; i<PROXY_MAX; i++) { PROXY_ITEM proxy; int idc = 0; memset(&proxy, 0x0, sizeof(proxy)); mdolphin_get_proxy((PROXY_TYPE)i, &proxy); switch (i) { case PROXY_HTTP: idc = IDC_HTTP_PROXY_HOST; break; case PROXY_SOCKS4: case PROXY_SOCKS5: idc = IDC_SOCKS_PROXY_HOST; break; } setProxyItem(hDlg, idc,; setProxyItem(hDlg, idc+1, proxy.port); setProxyItem(hDlg, idc+2,; setProxyItem(hDlg, idc+3, proxy.pwd); } GetWindowRect((HWND)(lParam), &rc); MoveWindow(hDlg, RECTW(rc)/2-160, RECTH(rc)/2-120, WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, TRUE); return 1; } case MSG_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { case IDC_PROXY_MANUAL: setProxyCtrlsEnable(hDlg, TRUE); break; case IDC_PROXY_AUTO: setProxyCtrlsEnable(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDOK: { BOOL enable = FALSE; proxys.num = 2; proxys.items = (PROXY_ITEM*)malloc(sizeof(PROXY_ITEM) * proxys.num); memset(proxys.items, 0x0, sizeof(PROXY_ITEM) * proxys.num); for (int i=0; i<proxys.num; i++) { int idc = (i<<2) + IDC_HTTP_PROXY_HOST; if (! getProxyItem(hDlg, idc, &proxys.items[i].host)) goto err; if (! getProxyItem(hDlg, idc+1, &proxys.items[i].port)) goto err; if (! getProxyItem(hDlg, idc+2, &proxys.items[i].name)) goto err; if (! getProxyItem(hDlg, idc+3, &proxys.items[i].pwd)) goto err; switch (idc) { case IDC_HTTP_PROXY_HOST: proxys.items[i].type = PROXY_HTTP; break; case IDC_SOCKS_PROXY_HOST: proxys.items[i].type = PROXY_SOCKS5; break; default: proxys.items[i].type = PROXY_MAX; break; } } enable = (GetWindowStyle(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PROXY_AUTO)) & BS_CHECKED)?FALSE:TRUE; mdolphin_set_proxy(&proxys, enable); err: for (int i=0; i<proxys.num; i++) { if (proxys.items[i].host) free(proxys.items[i].host); if (proxys.items[i].port) free(proxys.items[i].port); if (proxys.items[i].name) free(proxys.items[i].name); if (proxys.items[i].pwd) free(proxys.items[i].pwd); } } case IDCANCEL: EndDialog (hDlg, wParam); break; } break; case MSG_CLOSE: EndDialog (hDlg, IDCANCEL); break; } return DefaultDialogProc (hDlg, message, wParam, lParam); }
int DrawTextEx (HDC hdc, const char* pText, int nCount, RECT* pRect, int indent, UINT nFormat) { PDC pdc; int n, nLines = 0, width = 0; BOOL bOutput = TRUE; int x, y; RECT rcDraw, rcOutput; int nTabWidth, tabs; SIZE size; int line_height; pdc = dc_HDC2PDC(hdc); if (nCount == -1) nCount = strlen (pText); line_height = pdc->pLogFont->size + pdc->alExtra + pdc->blExtra; if (nFormat & DT_TABSTOP) nTabWidth = HIWORD (nFormat) * (*pdc->pLogFont->sbc_devfont->font_ops->get_ave_width) (pdc->pLogFont, pdc->pLogFont->sbc_devfont); else nTabWidth = pdc->tabstop * (*pdc->pLogFont->sbc_devfont->font_ops->get_ave_width) (pdc->pLogFont, pdc->pLogFont->sbc_devfont); // Transfer logical to device to screen here. rcDraw = *pRect; coor_LP2SP(pdc, &rcDraw.left, &; coor_LP2SP(pdc, &rcDraw.right, &rcDraw.bottom); NormalizeRect (&rcDraw); if (dc_IsGeneralHDC(hdc)) { pthread_mutex_lock (&pdc->pGCRInfo->lock); if (!dc_GenerateECRgn (pdc, FALSE)) bOutput = FALSE; } pthread_mutex_lock (&__mg_gdilock); // set graphics context. GAL_SetGC (pdc->gc); // Draw text here. if (nFormat & DT_CALCRECT) bOutput = FALSE; y =; if (nFormat & DT_SINGLELINE) { if (nFormat & DT_BOTTOM) y = rcDraw.bottom - pdc->pLogFont->size; else if (nFormat & DT_VCENTER) y = + ((RECTH (rcDraw) - pdc->pLogFont->size) >> 1); } while (nCount != 0) { int nOutput; int maxwidth; if (nLines == 0) { maxwidth = rcDraw.right - rcDraw.left - indent; if (maxwidth <= 0) { // new line y += pdc->pLogFont->size; nLines ++; continue; } } else maxwidth = rcDraw.right - rcDraw.left; gdi_start_new_line (pdc->pLogFont); tabs = txtGetOneLine (pdc, pText, nCount, nTabWidth, maxwidth, nFormat, &n); gdi_get_TextOut_extent (pdc, pdc->pLogFont, pText, n, &size); width = + tabs * nTabWidth; n += tabs; if ( (pText[n-1] == '\n' || pText[n-1] == '\r') && !(nFormat & DT_SINGLELINE) ) { int tmpx = 0, tmpy = 0; nOutput = n - 1; width -= gdi_width_one_char (pdc->pLogFont, pdc->pLogFont->sbc_devfont, pText + n - 1, 1, &tmpx, &tmpy); } else nOutput = n; if (nFormat & DT_RIGHT) x = rcDraw.right - width; else if (nFormat & DT_CENTER) x = rcDraw.left + ((RECTW (rcDraw) - width) >> 1); else x = rcDraw.left; x += (nLines ? 0 : indent); rcOutput.left = x; = y; rcOutput.right = rcOutput.left + width; rcOutput.bottom = + line_height; NormalizeRect(&rcOutput); if (nFormat & DT_CALCRECT) { if (nLines == 0) *pRect = rcOutput; else GetBoundRect (pRect, pRect, &rcOutput); } // draw one line if (bOutput && width > 0) { if (!dc_IsMemHDC(hdc)) ShowCursorForGDI(FALSE, &rcOutput); if (nFormat & DT_NOCLIP) txtDrawOneLine (pdc, pText, nOutput, x, y, &rcOutput, nFormat, nTabWidth); else { RECT rcClip; IntersectRect (&rcClip, &rcOutput, &rcDraw); txtDrawOneLine (pdc, pText, nOutput, x, y, &rcClip, nFormat, nTabWidth); } if (!dc_IsMemHDC(hdc)) ShowCursorForGDI (TRUE, &rcOutput); } pText += n; // new line y += line_height; nLines ++; // left characters nCount = nCount - n; }
static int ColorDlgProc (HWND hDlg, int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PSCOLORDIA scld; switch (message) { case MSG_INITDIALOG: { int i, j; Uint8 r, g, b; HDC hdc, mdc; scld = (PSCOLORDIA)lParam; SetWindowAdditionalData (hDlg, (LPARAM)scld); hdc = GetClientDC (hDlg); scld->SpaceDC = CreateCompatibleDCEx(hdc, scld->sp_w, scld->sp_h); mdc = CreateCompatibleDCEx (hdc, 360, 256); for (i = 0; i < 360; i ++) { for (j = 0; j < 256; j ++) { HSV2RGB (i, j, 200, &r, &g, &b); SetPixelRGB(mdc, i, 256-j, r, g, b); } } StretchBlt(mdc, 0, 0, 360, 256, scld->SpaceDC, 0, 0, scld->sp_w, scld->sp_h, 0); DeleteMemDC(mdc); ReleaseDC(hdc); } break; case MSG_CLOSE: EndDialog (hDlg, SELCOLOR_CANCEL); break; case MSG_DESTROY: scld = (PSCOLORDIA)GetWindowAdditionalData (hDlg); DeleteMemDC (scld->SpaceDC); break; case MSG_PAINT: { HDC hdc; scld = (PSCOLORDIA)GetWindowAdditionalData (hDlg); hdc = BeginPaint (hDlg); DrawAllSpace (hdc, scld); EndPaint (hDlg, hdc); return 0; } case MSG_COMMAND: { int msg = HIWORD(wParam); int id = LOWORD(wParam); scld = (PSCOLORDIA)GetWindowAdditionalData (hDlg); if (msg == EN_CONTCHANGED) { UpdateValue (hDlg, id, scld); } switch(id) { case IDC_CANCEL: EndDialog (hDlg, SELCOLOR_CANCEL); break; case IDC_OK: scld->H = scld->clrh; scld->S = scld->clrs; scld->V = scld->clrv; HSV2RGB (scld->clrh, scld->clrs, scld->clrv, &scld->R, &scld->G, &scld->B); scld->PIXEL = RGB2Pixel (HDC_SCREEN, scld->R, scld->G, scld->B); EndDialog (hDlg, SELCOLOR_OK); break; } break; } case MSG_LBUTTONDOWN: { int x = LOSWORD (lParam); int y = HISWORD (lParam); scld = (PSCOLORDIA)GetWindowAdditionalData (hDlg); if (PtInRect (&scld->rcSpace, x, y)) { HDC dc = GetClientDC (hDlg); scld->clrh = (x-scld->rcSpace.left)*360/RECTW(scld->rcSpace); scld->clrs = 256-(y-scld->*256/RECTH(scld->rcSpace); DrawAllSpace (dc, scld); SetValue (hDlg, scld); ReleaseDC (dc); } if (PtInRect(&scld->rcYSpace, x,y)) { HDC dc = GetClientDC (hDlg); scld->clrv = (y-scld->*256 / RECTH(scld->rcYSpace); DrawAllSpace (dc, scld); SetValue (hDlg, scld); ReleaseDC (dc); } } } return DefaultDialogProc (hDlg, message, wParam, lParam); }
control_t *cbox_create_droplist(control_t *p_ctrl, u16 page, u16 sbar_width, u16 sbar_gap) { ctrl_cbox_data_t *p_data = NULL; control_t *p_sbar = NULL; control_t *p_root = NULL; rect_t rc_cbox, rc_root; u16 list_width = 0, list_height = 0; u16 sbar_left = 0, sbar_top = 0; MT_ASSERT(p_ctrl != NULL); p_data = (ctrl_cbox_data_t *)p_ctrl->priv_data; ctrl_get_frame(p_ctrl, &rc_cbox); // check coordinate MT_ASSERT((RECTW(rc_cbox) > sbar_gap + sbar_width) && (RECTH(rc_cbox) * page > 2 * sbar_gap)); list_width = RECTW(rc_cbox); list_height = RECTH(rc_cbox) * page; p_root = ctrl_get_root(p_ctrl); ctrl_get_frame(p_root, &rc_root); ctrl_client2screen(p_root, &rc_root); ctrl_client2screen(p_ctrl, &rc_cbox); p_data->p_droplist = ctrl_create_ctrl((u8 *)CTRL_LIST, IDC_CBOX_DROPLIST, rc_cbox.left - rc_root.left, -, list_width, list_height, p_root, 0); MT_ASSERT(p_data->p_droplist != NULL); if(p_data->p_droplist != NULL) { // set attr list_set_count(p_data->p_droplist, _cbox_calc_droplist_count(p_ctrl), page); list_set_field_count(p_data->p_droplist, 1, page); list_set_update(p_data->p_droplist, _cbox_droplist_update, (u32)p_ctrl); ctrl_set_attr(p_data->p_droplist, OBJ_ATTR_HIDDEN); // add scrollbar if(sbar_width > 0) { sbar_left = list_width - 2 * sbar_gap - sbar_width + rc_cbox.left - rc_root.left; sbar_top = sbar_gap + -; p_sbar = ctrl_create_ctrl((u8 *)CTRL_SBAR, IDC_CBOX_DROPLIST_SBAR, sbar_left, sbar_top, sbar_width, list_height - 2 * sbar_gap, p_root, 0); MT_ASSERT(p_sbar != NULL); sbar_set_autosize_mode(p_sbar, TRUE); sbar_set_direction(p_sbar, FALSE); ctrl_set_attr(p_sbar, OBJ_ATTR_HIDDEN); list_set_scrollbar(p_data->p_droplist, p_sbar); } } return p_data->p_droplist; }
/* create a new page */ static BOOL create_page (HWND hwnd, DWORD style, PPROPSHEETDATA propsheet, PROPPAGE *page, PDLGTEMPLATE dlgtpl, WNDPROC proc) { int i, len, w, h; PCTRLDATA ctrl; HWND hCtrl; RECT rcPage; DWORD ex_style; if ((dlgtpl->controlnr > 0) && !dlgtpl->controls) return FALSE; if (GetWindowExStyle (hwnd) & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) ex_style = WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | WS_EX_USEPARENTRDR; else ex_style = WS_EX_USEPARENTRDR; GetClientRect (hwnd, &rcPage); w = RECTW(rcPage) - OFFSET_VALUE*2; h = RECTH(rcPage) -RECTH(propsheet->head_rc) - OFFSET_VALUE*2; /* create content page */ if ((style & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { page->hwnd = CreateWindowEx (CTRL_STATIC, "", SS_LEFT, ex_style, IDC_STATIC, OFFSET_VALUE, OFFSET_VALUE, w, h, hwnd, dlgtpl->dwAddData); } else { page->hwnd = CreateWindowEx (CTRL_STATIC, "", SS_LEFT, ex_style, IDC_STATIC, OFFSET_VALUE, OFFSET_VALUE + propsheet->head_rc.bottom, w, h, hwnd, dlgtpl->dwAddData); } if (page->hwnd == HWND_INVALID) return FALSE; len = strlen (dlgtpl->caption); page->title = FixStrAlloc (len); if (page->title) strcpy (page->title, dlgtpl->caption); page->proc = proc; page->icon = dlgtpl->hIcon; for (i = 0; i < dlgtpl->controlnr; i++) { ctrl = dlgtpl->controls + i; hCtrl = CreateWindowEx (ctrl->class_name, ctrl->caption, ctrl->dwStyle | WS_CHILD, ctrl->dwExStyle, ctrl->id, ctrl->x, ctrl->y, ctrl->w, ctrl->h, page->hwnd, ctrl->dwAddData); if (hCtrl == HWND_INVALID) { DestroyWindow (page->hwnd); if (page->title) { FreeFixStr (page->title); } return FALSE; } } SetWindowCallbackProc (page->hwnd, page->proc); SendMessage (page->hwnd, MSG_INITPAGE, 0, dlgtpl->dwAddData); return TRUE; }
int CIMEWnd::MsgProc (HWND hwnd, int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HDC hdc; switch (message) { case MSG_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd); draw_border (hwnd, hdc); logo.Show(hdc, IMELOGO_LEFT,IMELOGO_TOP,1); icon.Show (hdc,imeRect.left,, imemgr.cur_ime_bmp_idx); icon.Show (hdc,subimeRect.left,,imemgr.cur_subime_bmp_idx); EndPaint (hwnd, hdc); break; case MSG_LBUTTONDOWN: { old_x = LOWORD(lParam); old_y = HIWORD(lParam); int ret = Key_Check(old_x,old_y); if(ret == 1) { changeInputMothed(hwnd); }else if(ret == 2) { if(imemgr.cur_ime_type == IME_QUANPIN) { SendMessage(HWND_DESKTOP,MSG_KEYDOWN,SCANCODE_LEFTCONTROL,0); SendMessage(HWND_DESKTOP,MSG_KEYUP,SCANCODE_LEFTCONTROL,0); }else if(imemgr.cur_ime_type == IME_T9){ SendMessage(HWND_DESKTOP,MSG_KEYDOWN,SCANCODE_LEFTCONTROL,0); SendMessage(HWND_DESKTOP,MSG_KEYUP,SCANCODE_LEFTCONTROL,0); }else{ //关闭状态不用发消息 } }else{ SetCapture (hwnd); ClientToScreen (hwnd,&old_x,&old_y); fCaptured=true; } break; } case MSG_LBUTTONUP: { if(fCaptured){ ReleaseCapture (); fCaptured=false; } } break; case MSG_MOUSEMOVE: { if (fCaptured) { RECT rcWindow; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rcWindow); int x = LOSWORD(lParam); int y = HISWORD(lParam); /* if( rcWindow.left < 0) rcWindow.left = 0; if(rcWindow.right > 800) rcWindow.right = 800; if( < 0) = 0; if(rcWindow.bottom > 480) rcWindow.bottom = 480; */ OffsetRect(&rcWindow, x - old_x, y - old_y); //if( (rcWindow.left > 0) && (rcWindow.right < 800) && ( > 0) && (rcWindow.bottom < 480)) { MoveWindow(hwnd, rcWindow.left,, RECTW(rcWindow), RECTH(rcWindow), TRUE); //RECT rc; //GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rc); //DPRINTF(JINFO, "rc %d %d\n",rc.left,; //g_SKB->move(rc.left, - 50); old_x = x; old_y = y; } } break; } case MSG_USER_IME_STATUS: { int type = imemgr.changeIme (); //fprintf(stderr,"get type %d \n",type); if(type == IME_CLOSE){ //std::cerr << "ime close\n"; mgiSetActiveIMEWindow(imecon_handle,""); }else if(type == IME_QUANPIN){ mgiSetActiveIMEWindow(imecon_handle,"quanpin"); }else if(type == IME_T9){ //fprintf(stderr,"change to mgphone\n"); if(!mgiSetActiveIMEWindow(imecon_handle,"mgphone")) { fprintf(stderr,"change ime to mgphone faild\n"); }else { SendNotifyMessage (t9_ime_hwnd, MSG_IME_OPEN, 0, 0); ShowWindow (t9_ime_hwnd,SW_SHOW); } } InvalidateRect (hwnd,&refRect,TRUE); } break; }; return DefaultMainWinProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }