コード例 #1
ファイル: r128_lock.c プロジェクト: AchironOS/chromium.src
/* Update the hardware state.  This is called if another main/context.has
 * grabbed the hardware lock, which includes the X server.  This
 * function also updates the driver's window state after the X server
 * moves, resizes or restacks a window -- the change will be reflected
 * in the drawable position and clip rects.  Since the X server grabs
 * the hardware lock when it changes the window state, this routine will
 * automatically be called after such a change.
void r128GetLock( r128ContextPtr rmesa, GLuint flags )
   __DRIdrawable *dPriv = rmesa->driDrawable;
   __DRIscreen *sPriv = rmesa->driScreen;
   drm_r128_sarea_t *sarea = rmesa->sarea;
   int i;

   drmGetLock( rmesa->driFd, rmesa->hHWContext, flags );

   /* The window might have moved, so we might need to get new clip
    * rects.
    * NOTE: This releases and regrabs the hw lock to allow the X server
    * to respond to the DRI protocol request for new drawable info.
    * Since the hardware state depends on having the latest drawable
    * clip rects, all state checking must be done _after_ this call.

   if ( rmesa->lastStamp != dPriv->lastStamp ) {
      r128UpdatePageFlipping( rmesa );
      driUpdateFramebufferSize(rmesa->glCtx, dPriv);
      rmesa->lastStamp = dPriv->lastStamp;
      rmesa->new_state |= R128_NEW_CLIP;
      RENDERINPUTS_ONES( rmesa->tnl_state_bitset );

   rmesa->dirty |= R128_UPLOAD_CONTEXT | R128_UPLOAD_CLIPRECTS;

   rmesa->numClipRects = dPriv->numClipRects;
   rmesa->pClipRects = dPriv->pClipRects;

   if ( sarea->ctx_owner != rmesa->hHWContext ) {
      sarea->ctx_owner = rmesa->hHWContext;
      rmesa->dirty = R128_UPLOAD_ALL;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < rmesa->nr_heaps ; i++ ) {
      DRI_AGE_TEXTURES( rmesa->texture_heaps[i] );
コード例 #2
/* Create the device specific context.
GLboolean r128CreateContext( const __GLcontextModes *glVisual,
			     __DRIcontextPrivate *driContextPriv,
                             void *sharedContextPrivate )
   GLcontext *ctx, *shareCtx;
   __DRIscreenPrivate *sPriv = driContextPriv->driScreenPriv;
   struct dd_function_table functions;
   r128ContextPtr rmesa;
   r128ScreenPtr r128scrn;
   int i;

   /* Allocate the r128 context */
   rmesa = (r128ContextPtr) CALLOC( sizeof(*rmesa) );
   if ( !rmesa )
      return GL_FALSE;

   /* Init default driver functions then plug in our Radeon-specific functions
    * (the texture functions are especially important)
   _mesa_init_driver_functions( &functions );
   r128InitDriverFuncs( &functions );
   r128InitIoctlFuncs( &functions );
   r128InitTextureFuncs( &functions );

   /* Allocate the Mesa context */
   if (sharedContextPrivate)
      shareCtx = ((r128ContextPtr) sharedContextPrivate)->glCtx;
      shareCtx = NULL;
   rmesa->glCtx = _mesa_create_context(glVisual, shareCtx,
                                       &functions, (void *) rmesa);
   if (!rmesa->glCtx) {
      return GL_FALSE;
   driContextPriv->driverPrivate = rmesa;
   ctx = rmesa->glCtx;

   rmesa->driContext = driContextPriv;
   rmesa->driScreen = sPriv;
   rmesa->driDrawable = NULL;
   rmesa->hHWContext = driContextPriv->hHWContext;
   rmesa->driHwLock = &sPriv->pSAREA->lock;
   rmesa->driFd = sPriv->fd;

   r128scrn = rmesa->r128Screen = (r128ScreenPtr)(sPriv->private);

   /* Parse configuration files */
   driParseConfigFiles (&rmesa->optionCache, &r128scrn->optionCache,
                        r128scrn->driScreen->myNum, "r128");

   rmesa->sarea = (drm_r128_sarea_t *)((char *)sPriv->pSAREA +

   rmesa->CurrentTexObj[0] = NULL;
   rmesa->CurrentTexObj[1] = NULL;

   (void) memset( rmesa->texture_heaps, 0, sizeof( rmesa->texture_heaps ) );
   make_empty_list( & rmesa->swapped );

   rmesa->nr_heaps = r128scrn->numTexHeaps;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < rmesa->nr_heaps ; i++ ) {
      rmesa->texture_heaps[i] = driCreateTextureHeap( i, rmesa,
	    sizeof( r128TexObj ),
	    (destroy_texture_object_t *) r128DestroyTexObj );

      driSetTextureSwapCounterLocation( rmesa->texture_heaps[i],
					& rmesa->c_textureSwaps );
   rmesa->texture_depth = driQueryOptioni (&rmesa->optionCache,
   if (rmesa->texture_depth == DRI_CONF_TEXTURE_DEPTH_FB)
      rmesa->texture_depth = ( r128scrn->cpp == 4 ) ?

   rmesa->RenderIndex = -1;		/* Impossible value */
   rmesa->vert_buf = NULL;
   rmesa->num_verts = 0;
   RENDERINPUTS_ONES( rmesa->tnl_state_bitset );

   /* Set the maximum texture size small enough that we can guarentee that
    * all texture units can bind a maximal texture and have them both in
    * texturable memory at once.

   ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits = 2;
   ctx->Const.MaxTextureImageUnits = 2;
   ctx->Const.MaxTextureCoordUnits = 2;

   driCalculateMaxTextureLevels( rmesa->texture_heaps,
				 & ctx->Const,
				 10, /* max 2D texture size is 1024x1024 */
				 0,  /* 3D textures unsupported. */
				 0,  /* cube textures unsupported. */
				 0,  /* texture rectangles unsupported. */
				 0 );

   /* No wide points.
   ctx->Const.MinPointSize = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MinPointSizeAA = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MaxPointSize = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MaxPointSizeAA = 1.0;

   /* No wide lines.
   ctx->Const.MinLineWidth = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MinLineWidthAA = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MaxLineWidth = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MaxLineWidthAA = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.LineWidthGranularity = 1.0;

   ctx->Const.MaxDrawBuffers = 1;

   rmesa->boxes = driQueryOptionb(&rmesa->optionCache, "performance_boxes");

   /* Initialize the software rasterizer and helper modules.
   _swrast_CreateContext( ctx );
   _vbo_CreateContext( ctx );
   _tnl_CreateContext( ctx );
   _swsetup_CreateContext( ctx );

   /* Install the customized pipeline:
/*     _tnl_destroy_pipeline( ctx ); */
/*     _tnl_install_pipeline( ctx, r128_pipeline ); */

   /* Configure swrast and T&L to match hardware characteristics:
   _swrast_allow_pixel_fog( ctx, GL_FALSE );
   _swrast_allow_vertex_fog( ctx, GL_TRUE );
   _tnl_allow_pixel_fog( ctx, GL_FALSE );
   _tnl_allow_vertex_fog( ctx, GL_TRUE );

   driInitExtensions( ctx, card_extensions, GL_TRUE );
   if (sPriv->drm_version.minor >= 4)
      _mesa_enable_extension( ctx, "GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture" );

   r128InitTriFuncs( ctx );
   r128DDInitStateFuncs( ctx );
   r128DDInitSpanFuncs( ctx );
   r128DDInitState( rmesa );

   driContextPriv->driverPrivate = (void *)rmesa;

   R128_DEBUG = driParseDebugString( getenv( "R128_DEBUG" ),
				     debug_control );

   if (driQueryOptionb(&rmesa->optionCache, "no_rast")) {
      fprintf(stderr, "disabling 3D acceleration\n");
      FALLBACK(rmesa, R128_FALLBACK_DISABLE, 1);

   return GL_TRUE;