コード例 #1
/* duplicate RFG regions object */
RFG_Regions* RFG_Regions_dup( const RFG_Regions* oldRegions )
  RFG_Regions* ret = RFG_Regions_init();

  if( ret )
    uint32_t i;

    /* copy region info hash table */

    if( oldRegions->num_region_infos > 0 )
      for( i = 0; i < REGION_INFO_HASH_MAX; i++ )
        RFG_RegionInfoHN* curr = oldRegions->region_infos[i];
        while( curr )
          region_info_hash_put( ret->region_infos, curr->info.regionId,
            curr->info.regionName, curr->info.groupName, curr->info.callLimit,
            curr->info.stackBounds, curr->info.flags );

          curr = curr->next;

    /* copy call-path info hash table */

    if( oldRegions->num_cpath_infos > 0 )
      for( i = 0; i < CPATH_INFO_HASH_MAX; i++ )
        RFG_CallPathInfoHN* curr = oldRegions->cpath_infos[i];
        while( curr )
          cpath_info_hash_put( ret->cpath_infos, curr->info.hash,
            curr->info.size, curr->info.regionIds, curr->info.callLimit );

          curr = curr->next;

  return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: vt_thrd.c プロジェクト: bringhurst/ompi
void VTThrd_create(uint32_t tid, uint32_t ptid, const char* tname, uint8_t is_virtual)
  VTThrd *thread;
#if defined(VT_METR)
  uint32_t num_metrics = (uint32_t)vt_metric_num();
#endif /* VT_METR */
#if defined(VT_RUSAGE)
  uint32_t num_rusage = (uint32_t)vt_rusage_num();
#endif /* VT_RUSAGE */

  thread = (VTThrd*)calloc(1, sizeof(VTThrd));
  if ( thread == NULL )

  /* set thread name, if available */
  if ( tname == NULL )
    if ( tid == 0 ) tname = "Process";
    else tname = "Thread";

  /* set thread name */
  strncpy(thread->name, tname, sizeof(thread->name));
  thread->name[sizeof(thread->name)-1] = '\0';

  /* set thread name suffix */
  if ( tid != 0 )
#if (defined(VT_MT) || defined(VT_HYB) || defined(VT_JAVA))
#endif /* VT_MT || VT_HYB || VT_JAVA */

    snprintf(thread->name_suffix, sizeof(thread->name_suffix)-1, "%s:%d",
             VTThrdv[ptid]->name_suffix, ++(VTThrdv[ptid]->child_num));

#if (defined(VT_MT) || defined(VT_HYB) || defined(VT_JAVA))
#endif /* VT_MT || VT_HYB || VT_JAVA */

  /* set parent ID of thread */
  thread->parent_tid = ptid;

  /* set the virtual thread flag */
  thread->is_virtual_thread = is_virtual;

#if defined(VT_GETCPU)
  thread->cpuid_val = (uint32_t)-1;
#endif /* VT_GETCPU */

#if defined(VT_RUSAGE)
  if ( num_rusage > 0 )
    /* create rusage object */
    thread->ru_obj = vt_rusage_create();

    /* initialize per-thread arrays for rusage counter values */
    thread->ru_valv = (uint64_t*)calloc(num_rusage, sizeof(uint64_t));
    if ( thread->ru_valv == NULL )

    /* initialize next timestamp for reading rusage counters */
    thread->ru_next_read = 0;
#endif /* VT_RUSAGE */

#if defined(VT_METR)
  if ( num_metrics > 0 && is_virtual == 0)
    /* create event set */
    thread->metv = vt_metric_create();

# if (defined(VT_MT) || defined(VT_HYB) || defined(VT_JAVA))
    /* initialize per-thread arrays for counter offsets */
    thread->offv = (uint64_t*)calloc(num_metrics, sizeof(uint64_t));
    if ( thread->offv == NULL )
#endif /* VT_MT || VT_HYB || VT_JAVA */

    /* initialize per-thread arrays for counter values */
    thread->valv = (uint64_t*)calloc(num_metrics, sizeof(uint64_t));
    if ( thread->valv == NULL )
#endif /* VT_METR */

#if !defined(VT_DISABLE_RFG)
  /* initialize region filter and grouping management */
  thread->rfg_regions = RFG_Regions_init();

  if( thread->rfg_regions == NULL )
    vt_error_msg("Could not initialize region filter and grouping management");
#endif /* VT_DISABLE_RFG */

  /* enable tracing */
  thread->trace_status = VT_TRACE_ON;

  VTThrdv[tid] = thread;

#if (defined(VT_MT) || defined(VT_HYB) || defined(VT_JAVA))
  vt_cntl_msg(2, "Thread object #%u created, total number is %u",
              tid, VTThrdn);
#else /* VT_MT || VT_HYB || VT_JAVA */
  vt_cntl_msg(2, "Thread object #%u created, total number is %u",
                 tid, VTThrdn);
#endif /* VT_MT || VT_HYB || VT_JAVA */