int hal_btif_dma_hw_init(P_MTK_DMA_INFO_STR p_dma_info) { int i_ret = 0; unsigned long base = p_dma_info->base; P_DMA_VFIFO p_vfifo = p_dma_info->p_vfifo; P_MTK_BTIF_DMA_VFIFO p_mtk_dma_vfifo = container_of(p_vfifo, MTK_BTIF_DMA_VFIFO, vfifo); if (DMA_DIR_RX == p_dma_info->dir) { /*Rx DMA*/ /*do hardware reset*/ // BTIF_SET_BIT(RX_DMA_RST(base), DMA_HARD_RST); // BTIF_CLR_BIT(RX_DMA_RST(base), DMA_HARD_RST); BTIF_SET_BIT(RX_DMA_RST(base), DMA_WARM_RST); while((0x01 & BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_EN(base)))); /*write vfifo base address to VFF_ADDR*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_vfifo->phy_addr, RX_DMA_VFF_ADDR(base)); /*write vfifo length to VFF_LEN*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_vfifo->vfifo_size, RX_DMA_VFF_LEN(base)); /*write wpt to VFF_WPT*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_mtk_dma_vfifo->wpt, RX_DMA_VFF_WPT(base)); btif_reg_sync_writel(p_mtk_dma_vfifo->rpt, RX_DMA_VFF_RPT(base)); /*write vff_thre to VFF_THRESHOLD*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_vfifo->thre, RX_DMA_VFF_THRE(base)); /*clear Rx DMA's interrupt status*/ BTIF_SET_BIT(RX_DMA_INT_FLAG(base), RX_DMA_INT_DONE | RX_DMA_INT_THRE); /*enable Rx IER by default*/ btif_rx_dma_ier_ctrl(p_dma_info, true); } else { /*Tx DMA*/ /*do hardware reset*/ // BTIF_SET_BIT(TX_DMA_RST(base), DMA_HARD_RST); // BTIF_CLR_BIT(TX_DMA_RST(base), DMA_HARD_RST); BTIF_SET_BIT(TX_DMA_RST(base), DMA_WARM_RST); while((0x01 & BTIF_READ32(TX_DMA_EN(base)))); /*write vfifo base address to VFF_ADDR*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_vfifo->phy_addr, TX_DMA_VFF_ADDR(base)); /*write vfifo length to VFF_LEN*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_vfifo->vfifo_size, TX_DMA_VFF_LEN(base)); /*write wpt to VFF_WPT*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_mtk_dma_vfifo->wpt, TX_DMA_VFF_WPT(base)); btif_reg_sync_writel(p_mtk_dma_vfifo->rpt, TX_DMA_VFF_RPT(base)); /*write vff_thre to VFF_THRESHOLD*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(p_vfifo->thre, TX_DMA_VFF_THRE(base)); BTIF_CLR_BIT(TX_DMA_INT_FLAG(base), TX_DMA_INT_FLAG_MASK); hal_btif_dma_ier_ctrl(p_dma_info, false); } return i_ret; }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION * hal_rx_dma_irq_handler * DESCRIPTION * lower level rx interrupt handler * PARAMETERS * p_dma_info [IN] pointer to BTIF dma channel's information * p_buf [IN/OUT] pointer to rx data buffer * max_len [IN] max length of rx buffer * RETURNS * 0 means success, negative means fail *****************************************************************************/ int hal_rx_dma_irq_handler(P_MTK_DMA_INFO_STR p_dma_info, unsigned char *p_buf, const unsigned int max_len) { int i_ret = -1; unsigned int valid_len = 0; unsigned int wpt_wrap = 0; unsigned int rpt_wrap = 0; unsigned int wpt = 0; unsigned int rpt = 0; unsigned int tail_len = 0; unsigned int real_len = 0; unsigned int base = p_dma_info->base; P_DMA_VFIFO p_vfifo = p_dma_info->p_vfifo; dma_rx_buf_write rx_cb = p_dma_info->rx_cb; unsigned char *p_vff_buf = NULL; unsigned char *vff_base = p_vfifo->p_vir_addr; unsigned int vff_size = p_vfifo->vfifo_size; P_MTK_BTIF_DMA_VFIFO p_mtk_vfifo = container_of(p_vfifo, MTK_BTIF_DMA_VFIFO, vfifo); unsigned long flag = 0; spin_lock_irqsave(&(g_clk_cg_spinlock), flag); if (0 == clock_is_on(MTK_BTIF_APDMA_CLK_CG)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(g_clk_cg_spinlock), flag); BTIF_ERR_FUNC("%s: clock is off before irq handle done!!!\n", __FILE__); return i_ret; } /*disable DMA Rx IER*/ hal_btif_dma_ier_ctrl(p_dma_info, false); /*clear Rx DMA's interrupt status*/ BTIF_SET_BIT(RX_DMA_INT_FLAG(base), RX_DMA_INT_DONE | RX_DMA_INT_THRE); valid_len = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_VALID_SIZE(base)); rpt = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_RPT(base)); wpt = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_WPT(base)); if ((0 == valid_len) && (rpt == wpt)) { BTIF_DBG_FUNC ("rx interrupt, no data available in Rx DMA, wpt(0x%08x), rpt(0x%08x)\n", rpt, wpt); } i_ret = 0; while ((0 < valid_len) || (rpt != wpt)) { rpt_wrap = rpt & DMA_RPT_WRAP; wpt_wrap = wpt & DMA_WPT_WRAP; rpt &= DMA_RPT_MASK; wpt &= DMA_WPT_MASK; /*calcaute length of available data in vFIFO*/ if (wpt_wrap != p_mtk_vfifo->last_wpt_wrap) { real_len = wpt + vff_size - rpt; } else { real_len = wpt - rpt; } if (NULL != rx_cb) { tail_len = vff_size - rpt; p_vff_buf = vff_base + rpt; if (tail_len >= real_len) { (*rx_cb) (p_dma_info, p_vff_buf, real_len); } else { (*rx_cb) (p_dma_info, p_vff_buf, tail_len); p_vff_buf = vff_base; (*rx_cb) (p_dma_info, p_vff_buf, real_len - tail_len); } i_ret += real_len; } else { BTIF_ERR_FUNC ("no rx_cb found, please check your init process\n"); } dsb(); rpt += real_len; if (rpt >= vff_size) { /*read wrap bit should be revert*/ rpt_wrap ^= DMA_RPT_WRAP; rpt %= vff_size; } rpt |= rpt_wrap; /*record wpt, last_wpt_wrap, rpt, last_rpt_wrap*/ p_mtk_vfifo->wpt = wpt; p_mtk_vfifo->last_wpt_wrap = wpt_wrap; p_mtk_vfifo->rpt = rpt; p_mtk_vfifo->last_rpt_wrap = rpt_wrap; /*update rpt information to DMA controller*/ btif_reg_sync_writel(rpt, RX_DMA_VFF_RPT(base)); /*get vff valid size again and check if rx data is processed completely*/ valid_len = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_VALID_SIZE(base)); rpt = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_RPT(base)); wpt = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_WPT(base)); } /*enable DMA Rx IER*/ hal_btif_dma_ier_ctrl(p_dma_info, true); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(g_clk_cg_spinlock), flag); return i_ret; }
static int hal_rx_dma_dump_reg(P_MTK_DMA_INFO_STR p_dma_info, ENUM_BTIF_REG_ID flag) { int i_ret = -1; unsigned int base = p_dma_info->base; unsigned int int_flag = 0; unsigned int enable = 0; unsigned int stop = 0; unsigned int flush = 0; unsigned int wpt = 0; unsigned int rpt = 0; unsigned int int_buf = 0; unsigned int valid_size = 0; /*unsigned long irq_flag = 0;*/ /*spin_lock_irqsave(&(g_clk_cg_spinlock), irq_flag);*/ if (0 == clock_is_on(MTK_BTIF_APDMA_CLK_CG)) { /*spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(g_clk_cg_spinlock), irq_flag);*/ BTIF_ERR_FUNC("%s: clock is off, this should never happen!!!\n", __FILE__); return i_ret; } int_flag = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_INT_FLAG(base)); enable = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_EN(base)); stop = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_STOP(base)); flush = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_FLUSH(base)); wpt = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_WPT(base)); rpt = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_RPT(base)); int_buf = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_INT_BUF_SIZE(base)); valid_size = BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_VALID_SIZE(base)); /*spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(g_clk_cg_spinlock), irq_flag);*/ BTIF_INFO_FUNC("DMA's clock is on\n"); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("Rx DMA's base address: 0x%x\n", base); if (REG_RX_DMA_ALL == flag) { BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_EN(:0x%x\n", enable); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_STOP:0x%x\n", stop); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_FLUSH:0x%x\n", flush); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("INT_FLAG:0x%x\n", int_flag); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_WPT:0x%x\n", wpt); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_RPT:0x%x\n", rpt); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("INT_BUF_SIZE:0x%x\n", int_buf); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("VALID_SIZE:0x%x\n", valid_size); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("INT_EN:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_INT_EN(base))); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_RST:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_RST(base))); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("VFF_ADDR:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_ADDR(base))); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("VFF_LEN:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_LEN(base))); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_THRE:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_THRE(base))); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("RX_FLOW_CTRL_THRE:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_FLOW_CTRL_THRE(base))); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("LEFT_SIZE:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_VFF_LEFT_SIZE(base))); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("DBG_STATUS:0x%x\n", BTIF_READ32(RX_DMA_DEBUG_STATUS(base))); i_ret = 0; } else { BTIF_WARN_FUNC("unknown flag:%d\n", flag); } BTIF_INFO_FUNC("rx dma %s\n", (enable & DMA_EN_BIT) && (!(stop && DMA_STOP_BIT)) ? "enabled" : "stoped"); BTIF_INFO_FUNC("data in rx dma is %s by driver\n", ((wpt == rpt) && (int_buf == 0)) ? "received" : "not received"); return i_ret; }