コード例 #1
ファイル: cl_localentity.cpp プロジェクト: yason/ufoai
 * @brief Add function for brush models
 * @sa LE_AddToScene
bool LE_BrushModelAction (le_t* le, entity_t* ent)
	switch (le->type) {
	case ET_DOOR:
		/* These cause the model to render correctly */
		VectorCopy(ent->origin, le->origin);
		VectorCopy(ent->angles, le->angles);
		VectorCopy(le->origin, ent->origin);
		const int drawFlags = cl_map_draw_rescue_zone->integer;

		if (!((1 << cl_worldlevel->integer) & le->levelflags))
			return false;

		ent->flags = 0; /* Do not draw anything at all, if drawFlags set to 0 */
		enum { DRAW_TEXTURE = 0x1, DRAW_CIRCLES = 0x2 };
		ent->model = nullptr;
		ent->alpha = 0.3f;
		VectorSet(ent->color, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
		if ((drawFlags & DRAW_TEXTURE) && ent->texture == nullptr) {
			ent->flags = RF_BOX;
			ent->texture = R_FindPics("sfx/misc/rescue");
			VectorSet(ent->color, 1, 1, 1);

		if (!(drawFlags & DRAW_CIRCLES))
			return false;

		/* The triggerbox seems to be 'off-by-one'. The '- UNIT_SIZE' compensates for that. */
		for (vec_t x = le->aabb.getMinX(); x < le->aabb.getMaxX() - UNIT_SIZE; x += UNIT_SIZE) {
			for (vec_t y = le->aabb.getMinY(); y < le->aabb.getMaxY() - UNIT_SIZE; y += UNIT_SIZE) {
				const vec3_t center = {x + UNIT_SIZE / 2, y + UNIT_SIZE / 2, le->aabb.getMinZ()};

				entity_t circle(RF_PATH);
				VectorCopy(center, circle.origin);
				circle.oldorigin[0] = circle.oldorigin[1] = circle.oldorigin[2] = UNIT_SIZE / 2.0f;
				VectorCopy(ent->color, circle.color);
				circle.alpha = ent->alpha;


		/* no other rendering entities should be added for the local entity */
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #2
 * @brief Binds a linked model to its parent, and copies it into the view structure.
const r_entity_t *R_AddLinkedEntity(const r_entity_t *parent, const r_model_t *model,
                                    const char *tag_name) {

	if (!parent) {
		Com_Warn("NULL parent\n");
		return NULL;

	r_entity_t ent = *parent;

	ent.parent = parent;
	ent.tag_name = tag_name;

	ent.model = model;

	memset(ent.skins, 0, sizeof(ent.skins));
	ent.num_skins = 0;

	ent.frame = ent.old_frame = 0;

	ent.lerp = 1.0;
	ent.back_lerp = 0.0;

	return R_AddEntity(&ent);
コード例 #3
static void UI_PlayerSetup_Ownerdraw( void *self )
	menuCommon_s	*item = (menuCommon_s *)self;

	// draw the background
	UI_FillRect( item->x, item->y, item->width, item->height, uiPromptBgColor );

	// draw the rectangle
	UI_DrawRectangle( item->x, item->y, item->width, item->height, uiInputFgColor );

	if( !ui_showmodels->value && playerImage != 0 )
		PIC_Set( playerImage, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
		PIC_Draw( item->x, item->y, item->width, item->height );
		R_ClearScene ();

		// update renderer timings
		uiPlayerSetup.refdef.time = gpGlobals->time;
		uiPlayerSetup.refdef.frametime = gpGlobals->frametime;
		uiPlayerSetup.ent->curstate.body = 0; // clearing body each frame

		// draw the player model
		R_AddEntity( ET_NORMAL, uiPlayerSetup.ent );
		R_RenderFrame( &uiPlayerSetup.refdef );
コード例 #4
ファイル: cl_localentity.cpp プロジェクト: yason/ufoai
static void LM_AddToSceneOrder (bool parents)
	for (int i = 0; i < cl.numLMs; i++) {
		localModel_t& lm = cl.LMs[i];
		if (!lm.inuse)

		/* check for visibility */
		if (!((1 << cl_worldlevel->integer) & lm.levelflags))

		/* if we want to render the parents and this is a child (has a parent assigned)
		 * then skip it */
		if (parents && lm.parent)

		/* if we want to render the children and this is a parent (no further parent
		 * assigned), then skip it. */
		if (!parents && lm.parent == nullptr)

		/* set entity values */
		entity_t ent(RF_NONE);
		ent.model = lm.model;
		ent.skinnum = lm.skin;
		ent.lighting = &lm.lighting;

		if (lm.parent) {
			/** @todo what if the tagent is not rendered due to different level flags? */
			ent.tagent = R_GetEntity(lm.parent->renderEntityNum);
			if (ent.tagent == nullptr)
				Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Invalid parent entity num for local model (%s/%s): %i",
						lm.model->name, lm.id, lm.parent->renderEntityNum);
			ent.tagname = lm.tagname;
		} else {
			R_EntitySetOrigin(&ent, lm.origin);
			VectorCopy(lm.origin, ent.oldorigin);
			VectorCopy(lm.angles, ent.angles);

			if (lm.animname[0] != '\0') {
				ent.as = lm.as;
				/* do animation */
				R_AnimRun(&lm.as, ent.model, cls.frametime * 1000);
			} else {
				ent.as.frame = lm.frame;

		/* renderflags like RF_PULSE */
		ent.flags = lm.renderFlags;

		/* add it to the scene */
		lm.renderEntityNum = R_AddEntity(&ent);
コード例 #5
ファイル: cl_localentity.cpp プロジェクト: yason/ufoai
 * @brief Adds a box that highlights the current active door
static void LE_AddEdictHighlight (const le_t* le)
	const cBspModel_t* model = LE_GetClipModel(le);

	entity_t ent(RF_BOX);
	VectorSet(ent.color, 1, 1, 1);
	ent.alpha = (sin(cl.time * 6.28) + 1.0) / 2.0;
	CalculateMinsMaxs(le->angles, model->cbmBox, le->origin, ent.eBox);
コード例 #6
ファイル: cl_sequence.cpp プロジェクト: jklemmack/ufoai
 * @sa CL_Sequence2D
 * @sa CL_ViewRender
 * @sa CL_SequenceEnd_f
 * @sa UI_PopWindow
 * @sa CL_SequenceFindEnt
static void SEQ_Render3D (sequenceContext_t *context)
	entity_t ent;
	seqEnt_t *se;
	int i;

	if (context->numEnts == 0)

	/* set camera */

	refdef.numEntities = 0;
	refdef.mapTiles = cl.mapTiles;

	/* render sequence */
	for (i = 0, se = context->ents; i < context->numEnts; i++, se++) {
		if (!se->inuse)

		/* advance in time */
		VectorMA(se->origin, cls.frametime, se->speed, se->origin);
		VectorMA(se->angles, cls.frametime, se->omega, se->angles);
		R_AnimRun(&se->as, se->model, context->animspeed * cls.frametime);

		/* add to scene */
		ent.model = se->model;
		ent.skinnum = se->skin;
		ent.as = se->as;
		ent.alpha = se->alpha;

		R_EntitySetOrigin(&ent, se->origin);
		VectorCopy(se->origin, ent.oldorigin);
		VectorCopy(se->angles, ent.angles);

		if (se->parent && se->tag) {
			seqEnt_t *parent;

			parent = SEQ_FindEnt(context, se->parent);
			if (parent)
				ent.tagent = parent->ep;
			ent.tagname = se->tag;

		/* add to render list */
		se->ep = R_GetFreeEntity();

	refdef.rendererFlags |= RDF_NOWORLDMODEL;

	/* use a relative fixed size */
	viddef.x = context->pos[0];
	viddef.y = context->pos[1];
	viddef.viewWidth = context->size[0];
	viddef.viewHeight = context->size[1];

	/* update refdef */

	/** @todo Models are not at the right position (relative to the node position). Maybe R_SetupFrustum erase matrix. Not a trivialous task. */
	/* render the world */
コード例 #7
ファイル: cl_frame.c プロジェクト: UCyborg/xash3d
qboolean CL_AddVisibleEntity( cl_entity_t *ent, int entityType )
	if( !ent || !ent->model )
		return false;

	if( entityType == ET_TEMPENTITY )
		// copy actual origin and angles back to let StudioModelRenderer
		// get actual value directly from curstate
		VectorCopy( ent->origin, ent->curstate.origin );
		VectorCopy( ent->angles, ent->curstate.angles );

	if( CL_IsInMenu( ) && ( !cl.background || ent->player ))
		// menu entities ignores client filter
		if( !R_AddEntity( ent, entityType ))
			return false;
		// check for adding this entity
		if( !clgame.dllFuncs.pfnAddEntity( entityType, ent, ent->model->name ))
			return false;

		// don't add himself on firstperson
		if( RP_LOCALCLIENT( ent ) && !cl.thirdperson && cls.key_dest != key_menu && cl.refdef.viewentity == ( cl.playernum + 1 ))
			if( gl_allow_mirrors->integer && world.has_mirrors )
				if( !R_AddEntity( ent, entityType ))
					return false;
			// otherwise just pass to player effects like flashlight, particles etc
		else if( entityType == ET_BEAM )
			CL_AddCustomBeam( ent );
			return true;
		else if( !R_AddEntity( ent, entityType ))
			return false;

	// set actual entity type
	ent->curstate.entityType = entityType;

	// apply effects
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD )
		CL_EntityParticles( ent );

	// add in muzzleflash effect
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH )
		dlight_t	*dl;

		if( ent == &clgame.viewent )
			ent->curstate.effects &= ~EF_MUZZLEFLASH;

		dl = CL_AllocElight( 0 );

		VectorCopy( ent->attachment[0], dl->origin );
		dl->die = cl.time + 0.05f;
		dl->color.r = 255;
		dl->color.g = 180;
		dl->color.b = 64;
		dl->radius = 100;

	// add light effect
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_LIGHT )
		dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
		VectorCopy( ent->origin, dl->origin );
		dl->die = cl.time;	// die at next frame
		dl->color.r = 100;
		dl->color.g = 100;
		dl->color.b = 100;
		dl->radius = 200;
		CL_RocketFlare( ent->origin );

	// add dimlight
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT )
		if( entityType == ET_PLAYER )
			CL_UpdateFlashlight( ent );
			dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
			VectorCopy( ent->origin, dl->origin );
			dl->die = cl.time;	// die at next frame
			dl->color.r = 255;
			dl->color.g = 255;
			dl->color.b = 255;
			dl->radius = Com_RandomLong( 200, 230 );

	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT )
		dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( 0 );
		VectorSet( dl->origin, ent->origin[0], ent->origin[1], ent->origin[2] + 16.0f );
		dl->die = cl.time + 0.001f; // die at next frame
		dl->color.r = 255;
		dl->color.g = 255;
		dl->color.b = 255;

		if( entityType == ET_PLAYER )
			dl->radius = 430;
		else dl->radius = Com_RandomLong( 400, 430 );

	if( ent->model->type == mod_studio )
		if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROTATE )
			ent->angles[1] = anglemod( 100.0f * cl.time );

		if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GIB )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 2 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ZOMGIB )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 4 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 3 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER2 )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 5 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROCKET )
			dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
			VectorCopy( ent->origin, dl->origin );
			dl->color.r = 255;
			dl->color.g = 255;
			dl->color.b = 255;

			// HACKHACK: get radius from head entity
			if( ent->curstate.rendermode != kRenderNormal )
				dl->radius = max( 0, ent->curstate.renderamt - 55 );
			else dl->radius = 200;
			dl->die = cl.time + 0.01f;

			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 0 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GRENADE )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 1 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER3 )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 6 );

	return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: cl_ugv.cpp プロジェクト: jklemmack/ufoai
 * @brief Adds an UGV to the render entities.
 * @param[in] le The local entity the UGV should be created from
 * @param[out] ent
 * @sa CL_AddActor
bool CL_AddUGV (le_t * le, entity_t * ent)
	entity_t add;

	if (!LE_IsDead(le)) {
		/* add weapon */
		if (le->left != NONE) {

			add.model = cls.modelPool[le->left];

			add.tagent = R_GetFreeEntity() + 2 + (le->right != NONE);
			add.tagname = "tag_lweapon";


		/* add weapon */
		if (le->right != NONE) {

			add.alpha = le->alpha;
			add.model = cls.modelPool[le->right];

			add.tagent = R_GetFreeEntity() + 2;
			add.tagname = "tag_rweapon";


	/* add head */

	add.alpha = le->alpha;
	add.model = le->model2;
	add.skinnum = le->bodySkin;

	/** @todo */
	add.tagent = R_GetFreeEntity() + 1;
	add.tagname = "tag_head";


	/* add actor special effects */
	ent->flags |= RF_SHADOW;
	ent->flags |= RF_ACTOR;

	if (!LE_IsDead(le)) {
		if (LE_IsSelected(le))
			ent->flags |= RF_SELECTED;
		if (le->team == cls.team) {
			if (le->pnum == cl.pnum)
				ent->flags |= RF_MEMBER;
			if (le->pnum != cl.pnum)
				ent->flags |= RF_ALLIED;
		if (le->team == TEAM_CIVILIAN)
			ent->flags |= RF_NEUTRAL;

	return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: r_misc.cpp プロジェクト: XashDev/XashXT

Return 0 to filter entity from visible list for rendering
int HUD_AddEntity( int type, struct cl_entity_s *ent, const char *modelname )
	if( g_fRenderInitialized )
		// use engine renderer
		if( gl_renderer->value == 0 )
			return 1;

		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_SKYCAMERA )
			// found env_sky
			tr.sky_camera = ent;
			return 0;

		if( type == ET_BEAM )
			R_AddServerBeam( ent );
			return 0;

		if( !R_AddEntity( ent, type ))
			return 0;

		// apply effects
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD )
			gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_EntityParticles( ent );

		// add in muzzleflash effect
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH )
			if( ent == gEngfuncs.GetViewModel( ))
				ent->curstate.effects &= ~EF_MUZZLEFLASH;

			// make sure what attachment is valid
			if( ent->origin != ent->attachment[0] )
				dlight_t *dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocElight( 0 );

				dl->origin = ent->attachment[0];
				dl->die = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime() + 0.05f;
				dl->color.r = 255;
				dl->color.g = 180;
				dl->color.b = 64;
				dl->radius = 100;

		// add light effect
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_LIGHT )
			dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
			dl->origin = ent->origin;
			dl->die = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime();	// die at next frame
			dl->color.r = 100;
			dl->color.g = 100;
			dl->color.b = 100;
			dl->radius = 200;
			gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketFlare( ent->origin );

		// add dimlight
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT )
			if( type == ET_PLAYER )
				HUD_UpdateFlashlight( ent );
				dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
				dl->origin = ent->origin;
				dl->die = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime();	// die at next frame
				dl->color.r = 255;
				dl->color.g = 255;
				dl->color.b = 255;
				dl->radius = gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( 200, 230 );

		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT )
			dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( 0 );
			dl->origin = ent->origin;
			dl->origin.z += 16;
			dl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.001f; // die at next frame
			dl->color.r = 255;
			dl->color.g = 255;
			dl->color.b = 255;

			if( type == ET_PLAYER )
				dl->radius = 430;
			else dl->radius = gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( 400, 430 );

		// projected light can be attached like as normal dlight
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_PROJECTED_LIGHT )
			plight_t	*pl = CL_AllocPlight( ent->curstate.number );
			float factor = 1.0f;

			if( ent->curstate.renderfx )
				factor = RI.lightstylevalue[ent->curstate.renderfx] * (1.0f/255.0f);

			if( ent->curstate.rendercolor.r == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.g == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.b == 0 )
				pl->color.r = pl->color.g = pl->color.b = 255;
				pl->color.r = ent->curstate.rendercolor.r;
				pl->color.g = ent->curstate.rendercolor.g;
				pl->color.b = ent->curstate.rendercolor.b;

			pl->color.r *= factor;
			pl->color.g *= factor;
			pl->color.b *= factor;

			float radius = ent->curstate.scale ? (ent->curstate.scale * 8.0f) : 500; // default light radius
			float fov = ent->curstate.iuser2 ? ent->curstate.iuser2 : 50;
			pl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.05f; // die at next frame
			pl->flags = ent->curstate.iuser1;
			Vector origin, angles;

			R_GetLightVectors( ent, origin, angles );
			R_SetupLightProjectionTexture( pl, ent );
			R_SetupLightProjection( pl, origin, angles, radius, fov );
			R_SetupLightAttenuationTexture( pl, ent->curstate.renderamt );

		// dynamic light can be attached like as normal dlight
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_DYNAMIC_LIGHT )
			if( tr.attenuationTexture3D && tr.dlightCubeTexture )
				plight_t	*pl = CL_AllocPlight( ent->curstate.number );
				float factor = 1.0f;

				if( ent->curstate.renderfx )
					factor = RI.lightstylevalue[ent->curstate.renderfx] * (1.0f/255.0f);
					factor = bound( 0.0f, factor, 1.0f );

				if( ent->curstate.rendercolor.r == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.g == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.b == 0 )
					pl->color.r = pl->color.g = pl->color.b = 255;
					pl->color.r = ent->curstate.rendercolor.r;
					pl->color.g = ent->curstate.rendercolor.g;
					pl->color.b = ent->curstate.rendercolor.b;

				pl->color.r *= factor;
				pl->color.g *= factor;
				pl->color.b *= factor;

				float radius = ent->curstate.scale ? (ent->curstate.scale * 8.0f) : 300; // default light radius
				pl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.05f; // die at next frame
				pl->flags = ent->curstate.iuser1;
				pl->projectionTexture = tr.dlightCubeTexture;
				pl->pointlight = true;
				Vector origin, angles;

				R_GetLightVectors( ent, origin, angles );

				if( pl->flags & CF_NOLIGHT_IN_SOLID )
					pmtrace_t	tr;

					// test the lights who stuck in the solid geometry
					gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 );
					gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( origin, origin, PM_STUDIO_IGNORE, -1, &tr );

					// an experimental feature for point lights
					if( tr.allsolid ) radius = 0.0f;

				if( radius != 0.0f )
					R_SetupLightProjection( pl, origin, angles, radius, 90.0f );
					R_SetupLightAttenuationTexture( pl );
					// light in solid
					pl->radius = 0.0f;
				// cubemaps or 3d textures isn't supported: use old-style dlights
				dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( 0 );

				if( ent->curstate.rendercolor.r == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.g == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.b == 0 )
					dl->color.r = dl->color.g = dl->color.b = 255;
					dl->color.r = ent->curstate.rendercolor.r;
					dl->color.g = ent->curstate.rendercolor.g;
					dl->color.b = ent->curstate.rendercolor.b;

				dl->radius = ent->curstate.scale ? (ent->curstate.scale * 8.0f) : 300; // default light radius
				dl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.001f; // die at next frame
				dl->origin = ent->origin;

		if( ent->model->type == mod_studio )
			if (ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROTATE)
				ent->angles[1] = anglemod(100 * GET_CLIENT_TIME());

			if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GIB )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 2 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ZOMGIB )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 4 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 3 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER2 )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 5 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROCKET )
				dlight_t *dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
				dl->origin = ent->origin;
				dl->color.r = 255;
				dl->color.g = 255;
				dl->color.b = 255;

				// HACKHACK: get radius from head entity
				if( ent->curstate.rendermode != kRenderNormal )
					dl->radius = max( 0, ent->curstate.renderamt - 55 );
				else dl->radius = 200;
				dl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.01;

				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 0 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GRENADE )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 1 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER3 )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 6 );
		return 0;

	return 1;
コード例 #10
ファイル: cl_localentity.cpp プロジェクト: yason/ufoai
 * @sa CL_ViewRender
 * @sa CL_AddUGV
 * @sa CL_AddActor
void LE_AddToScene (void)
	for (int i = 0; i < cl.numLEs; i++) {
		le_t& le = cl.LEs[i];
		if (le.flags & LE_REMOVE_NEXT_FRAME) {
			le.inuse = false;
			le.flags &= ~LE_REMOVE_NEXT_FRAME;
		if (le.inuse && !LE_IsInvisible(&le)) {
			if (le.flags & LE_CHECK_LEVELFLAGS) {
				if (!((1 << cl_worldlevel->integer) & le.levelflags))
			} else if (le.flags & LE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE) {
				/* show them always */
			} else if (le.pos[2] > cl_worldlevel->integer)

			entity_t ent(RF_NONE);
			ent.alpha = le.alpha;

			VectorCopy(le.angles, ent.angles);
			ent.model = le.model1;
			ent.skinnum = le.bodySkin;
			ent.lighting = &le.lighting;

			switch (le.contents) {
			/* Only breakables do not use their origin; func_doors and func_rotating do!!!
			 * But none of them have animations. */
			case CONTENTS_DETAIL: /* they use mins/maxs */
				/* set entity values */
				R_EntitySetOrigin(&ent, le.origin);
				VectorCopy(le.origin, ent.oldorigin);
				/* store animation values */
				ent.as = le.as;

			if (LE_IsOriginBrush(&le)) {
				ent.isOriginBrushModel = true;
				R_EntitySetOrigin(&ent, le.origin);
				VectorCopy(le.origin, ent.oldorigin);

			if (LE_IsSelected(&le) && le.clientAction != nullptr) {
				const le_t* action = le.clientAction;
				if (action->inuse && action->type > ET_NULL && action->type < ET_MAX)

			/* call add function */
			/* if it returns false, don't draw */
			if (le.addFunc)
				if (!le.addFunc(&le, &ent))

			/* add it to the scene */

			if (cl_le_debug->integer)
				CL_ParticleSpawn("cross", 0, le.origin);