コード例 #1
ファイル: ui_video.c プロジェクト: postfix/quake2vr
static void AntialiasCallback ( void *usused )
//	int old = Cvar_VariableInteger("r_antialias");
	int newVal = s_antialias_box.curvalue;
	float oldscale, newscale, ratio;
	oldscale = R_AntialiasGetScale();
	Cvar_SetValue( "r_antialias", newVal);
	newscale = R_AntialiasGetScale();

	if (Cvar_VariableInteger("vr_enabled"))

	ratio = newscale / oldscale;
	cursor.x *= ratio;
	cursor.y *= ratio;
コード例 #2
ファイル: r_vr_ovr.c プロジェクト: Nephatrine/nephq2
void OVR_FrameStart(int32_t changeBackBuffers)
	if (vr_ovr_maxfov->modified)
		int newValue =  vr_ovr_maxfov->value ? 1 : 0;
		if (newValue != (int)vr_ovr_maxfov->value)
		changeBackBuffers = 1;
		vr_ovr_maxfov->modified = (qboolean) false;

	if (vr_ovr_supersample->modified)
		if (vr_ovr_supersample->value < 1.0)
			Cvar_Set("vr_ovr_supersample", "1.0");
		else if (vr_ovr_supersample->value > 2.0)
			Cvar_Set("vr_ovr_supersample", "2.0");
		changeBackBuffers = 1;
		vr_ovr_supersample->modified = false;
	if (useChroma != (qboolean) !!vr_chromatic->value)
		useChroma = (qboolean) !!vr_chromatic->value;

	if (vr_ovr_lumoverdrive->modified)
		changeBackBuffers = 1;
		currentFrame = 0;
		vr_ovr_lumoverdrive->modified = false;

	if (changeBackBuffers)
		int i;
		float width, height;
		float ovrScale;


		width = glConfig.render_width / (float) hmd->Resolution.w;
		height = glConfig.render_height / (float) hmd->Resolution.h;
		ovrScale = (width + height) / 2.0;
		ovrScale *= R_AntialiasGetScale() * vr_ovr_supersample->value;
		if (vr_ovr_debug->value)
			Com_Printf("VR_OVR: Set render target scale to %.2f\n",ovrScale);
		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
			ovrRecti viewport = {{0,0}, {0,0}};
			renderInfo[i].renderTarget = ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize(hmd, (ovrEyeType) i, renderInfo[i].eyeFov, ovrScale);
			viewport.Size.w = renderInfo[i].renderTarget.w;
			viewport.Size.h = renderInfo[i].renderTarget.h;
			ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset(renderInfo[i].eyeFov, renderInfo[i].renderTarget, viewport, (ovrVector2f*) renderInfo[i].UVScaleOffset);

			if (renderInfo[i].renderTarget.w != renderInfo[i].eyeFBO.width || renderInfo[i].renderTarget.h != renderInfo[i].eyeFBO.height)
				if (vr_ovr_debug->value)
					Com_Printf("VR_OVR: Set buffer %i to size %i x %i\n",i,renderInfo[i].renderTarget.w, renderInfo[i].renderTarget.h);
				R_ResizeFBO(renderInfo[i].renderTarget.w, renderInfo[i].renderTarget.h, 1, GL_RGBA8, &renderInfo[i].eyeFBO);
