コード例 #1
void R_AddInGameGuis( const drawSurf_t* const drawSurfs[], const int numDrawSurfs )
	// check for gui surfaces
	for( int i = 0; i < numDrawSurfs; i++ )
		const drawSurf_t* drawSurf = drawSurfs[i];
		idUserInterface*	gui = drawSurf->material->GlobalGui();
		int guiNum = drawSurf->material->GetEntityGui() - 1;
		if( guiNum >= 0 && guiNum < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI )
			if( drawSurf->space->entityDef != NULL )
				gui = drawSurf->space->entityDef->parms.gui[ guiNum ];
		if( gui == NULL )
		idBounds ndcBounds;
		if( !R_PreciseCullSurface( drawSurf, ndcBounds ) )
			// did we ever use this to forward an entity color to a gui that didn't set color?
			//	memcpy( tr.guiShaderParms, shaderParms, sizeof( tr.guiShaderParms ) );
			R_RenderGuiSurf( gui, drawSurf );
コード例 #2
ファイル: tr_subview.cpp プロジェクト: Justasic/DOOM-3
bool	R_GenerateSurfaceSubview( drawSurf_t *drawSurf ) {
	idBounds		ndcBounds;
	viewDef_t		*parms;
	const idMaterial		*shader;

	// for testing the performance hit
	if ( r_skipSubviews.GetBool() ) {
		return false;

	if ( R_PreciseCullSurface( drawSurf, ndcBounds ) ) {
		return false;

	shader = drawSurf->material;

	// never recurse through a subview surface that we are
	// already seeing through
	for ( parms = tr.viewDef ; parms ; parms = parms->superView ) {
		if ( parms->subviewSurface
			&& parms->subviewSurface->geo == drawSurf->geo
			&& parms->subviewSurface->space->entityDef == drawSurf->space->entityDef ) {
	if ( parms ) {
		return false;

	// crop the scissor bounds based on the precise cull
	idScreenRect	scissor;

	idScreenRect	*v = &tr.viewDef->viewport;
	scissor.x1 = v->x1 + (int)( (v->x2 - v->x1 + 1 ) * 0.5f * ( ndcBounds[0][0] + 1.0f ));
	scissor.y1 = v->y1 + (int)( (v->y2 - v->y1 + 1 ) * 0.5f * ( ndcBounds[0][1] + 1.0f ));
	scissor.x2 = v->x1 + (int)( (v->x2 - v->x1 + 1 ) * 0.5f * ( ndcBounds[1][0] + 1.0f ));
	scissor.y2 = v->y1 + (int)( (v->y2 - v->y1 + 1 ) * 0.5f * ( ndcBounds[1][1] + 1.0f ));

	// nudge a bit for safety

	scissor.Intersect( tr.viewDef->scissor );

	if ( scissor.IsEmpty() ) {
		// cropped out
		return false;

	// see what kind of subview we are making
	if ( shader->GetSort() != SS_SUBVIEW ) {
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < shader->GetNumStages() ; i++ ) {
			const shaderStage_t	*stage = shader->GetStage( i );
			switch ( stage->texture.dynamic ) {
				R_RemoteRender( drawSurf, const_cast<textureStage_t *>(&stage->texture) );
				R_MirrorRender( drawSurf, const_cast<textureStage_t *>(&stage->texture), scissor );
				R_XrayRender( drawSurf, const_cast<textureStage_t *>(&stage->texture), scissor );
		return true;

	// issue a new view command
	parms = R_MirrorViewBySurface( drawSurf );
	if ( !parms ) {
		return false;

	parms->scissor = scissor;
	parms->superView = tr.viewDef;
	parms->subviewSurface = drawSurf;

	// triangle culling order changes with mirroring
	parms->isMirror = ( ( (int)parms->isMirror ^ (int)tr.viewDef->isMirror ) != 0 );

	// generate render commands for it
	R_RenderView( parms );

	return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: tr_light.cpp プロジェクト: revelator/MHDoom
void R_AddDrawSurf( const srfTriangles_t *tri, const viewEntity_t *space, const renderEntity_t *renderEntity, const idMaterial *shader, const idScreenRect &scissor )
	drawSurf_t		*drawSurf;
	const float		*shaderParms;
	static float	refRegs[MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS];	// don't put on stack, or VC++ will do a page touch
	float			generatedShaderParms[MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS];
	drawSurf = ( drawSurf_t * ) R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *drawSurf ) );
	drawSurf->geo = tri;
	drawSurf->space = space;
	drawSurf->material = shader;
	drawSurf->scissorRect = scissor;
	drawSurf->sort = shader->GetSort() + tr.sortOffset;
	drawSurf->dsFlags = 0;
	// bumping this offset each time causes surfaces with equal sort orders to still
	// deterministically draw in the order they are added
	tr.sortOffset += 0.000001f;
	// if it doesn't fit, resize the list
	if( tr.viewDef->numDrawSurfs == tr.viewDef->maxDrawSurfs )
		drawSurf_t	**old = tr.viewDef->drawSurfs;
		int			count;
		if( tr.viewDef->maxDrawSurfs == 0 )
			tr.viewDef->maxDrawSurfs = INITIAL_DRAWSURFS;
			count = 0;
			count = tr.viewDef->maxDrawSurfs * sizeof( tr.viewDef->drawSurfs[0] );
			tr.viewDef->maxDrawSurfs *= 2;
		tr.viewDef->drawSurfs = ( drawSurf_t ** ) R_FrameAlloc( tr.viewDef->maxDrawSurfs * sizeof( tr.viewDef->drawSurfs[0] ) );
		memcpy( tr.viewDef->drawSurfs, old, count );
	tr.viewDef->drawSurfs[tr.viewDef->numDrawSurfs] = drawSurf;
	// process the shader expressions for conditionals / color / texcoords
	const float	*constRegs = shader->ConstantRegisters();
	if( constRegs )
		// shader only uses constant values
		drawSurf->shaderRegisters = constRegs;
		float *regs = ( float * ) R_FrameAlloc( shader->GetNumRegisters() * sizeof( float ) );
		drawSurf->shaderRegisters = regs;
		// a reference shader will take the calculated stage color value from another shader
		// and use that for the parm0-parm3 of the current shader, which allows a stage of
		// a light model and light flares to pick up different flashing tables from
		// different light shaders
		if( renderEntity->referenceShader )
			// evaluate the reference shader to find our shader parms
			const shaderStage_t *pStage;
			renderEntity->referenceShader->EvaluateRegisters( refRegs, renderEntity->shaderParms, tr.viewDef, renderEntity->referenceSound );
			pStage = renderEntity->referenceShader->GetStage( 0 );
			memcpy( generatedShaderParms, renderEntity->shaderParms, sizeof( generatedShaderParms ) );
			generatedShaderParms[0] = refRegs[pStage->color.registers[0]];
			generatedShaderParms[1] = refRegs[pStage->color.registers[1]];
			generatedShaderParms[2] = refRegs[pStage->color.registers[2]];
			shaderParms = generatedShaderParms;
			// evaluate with the entityDef's shader parms
			shaderParms = renderEntity->shaderParms;
		float	oldFloatTime;
		int		oldTime;
		if( space->entityDef && space->entityDef->parms.timeGroup )
			oldFloatTime = tr.viewDef->floatTime;
			oldTime = tr.viewDef->renderView.time;
			tr.viewDef->floatTime = game->GetTimeGroupTime( space->entityDef->parms.timeGroup ) * 0.001;
			tr.viewDef->renderView.time = game->GetTimeGroupTime( space->entityDef->parms.timeGroup );
		shader->EvaluateRegisters( regs, shaderParms, tr.viewDef, renderEntity->referenceSound );
		if( space->entityDef && space->entityDef->parms.timeGroup )
			tr.viewDef->floatTime = oldFloatTime;
			tr.viewDef->renderView.time = oldTime;
	// check for deformations
	R_DeformDrawSurf( drawSurf );
	// skybox surfaces need a dynamic texgen
	switch( shader->Texgen() )
			R_SkyboxTexGen( drawSurf, tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg );
			R_WobbleskyTexGen( drawSurf, tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg );
	// check for gui surfaces
	idUserInterface	*gui = NULL;
	if( !space->entityDef )
		gui = shader->GlobalGui();
		int guiNum = shader->GetEntityGui() - 1;
		if( guiNum >= 0 && guiNum < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI )
			gui = renderEntity->gui[guiNum];
		if( gui == NULL )
			gui = shader->GlobalGui();
	if( gui )
		// force guis on the fast time
		float	oldFloatTime;
		int		oldTime;
		oldFloatTime = tr.viewDef->floatTime;
		oldTime = tr.viewDef->renderView.time;
		tr.viewDef->floatTime = game->GetTimeGroupTime( 1 ) * 0.001;
		tr.viewDef->renderView.time = game->GetTimeGroupTime( 1 );
		idBounds ndcBounds;
		if( !R_PreciseCullSurface( drawSurf, ndcBounds ) )
			R_RenderGuiSurf( gui, drawSurf );
		tr.viewDef->floatTime = oldFloatTime;
		tr.viewDef->renderView.time = oldTime;
	// we can't add subviews at this point, because that would
	// increment tr.viewCount, messing up the rest of the surface
	// adds for this view