コード例 #1
static int MakeRandomGuassianPointCloud (NewtonMesh* const mesh, dVector* const points, int count)
	dVector size(0.0f);
	dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix()); 
	NewtonMeshCalculateOOBB(mesh, &matrix[0][0], &size.m_x, &size.m_y, &size.m_z);

	dVector minBox (matrix.m_posit - matrix[0].Scale (size.m_x) - matrix[1].Scale (size.m_y) - matrix[2].Scale (size.m_z));
	dVector maxBox (matrix.m_posit + matrix[0].Scale (size.m_x) + matrix[1].Scale (size.m_y) + matrix[2].Scale (size.m_z));

	size = (maxBox - minBox).Scale (0.5f);
	dVector origin = (maxBox + minBox).Scale (0.5f);

	dFloat biasExp = 10.0f;
	dFloat r = dSqrt (size.DotProduct3(size));
	r = powf(r, 1.0f/biasExp);
	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		dVector& p = points[i];
		bool test;
		do {
			p = dVector (2.0f * RandomVariable(r), 2.0f * RandomVariable(r), 2.0f * RandomVariable(r), 0.0f);
			dFloat len = dSqrt (p.DotProduct3(p));
			dFloat scale = powf(len, biasExp) / len;
			p = p.Scale (scale) + origin;
			test = (p.m_x > minBox.m_x) && (p.m_x < maxBox.m_x) && (p.m_y > minBox.m_y) && (p.m_y < maxBox.m_y) && (p.m_z > minBox.m_z) && (p.m_z < maxBox.m_z);
		} while (!test);

	return count;
コード例 #2
	ShatterEffect(NewtonWorld* const world, NewtonMesh* const mesh, int interiorMaterial)
		:dList<ShatterAtom>(), m_world (world)
		// first we populate the bounding Box area with few random point to get some interior subdivisions.
		// the subdivision are local to the point placement, by placing these points visual ally with a 3d tool
		// and have precise control of how the debris are created.
		// the number of pieces is equal to the number of point inside the Mesh plus the number of point on the mesh 
		dVector size;
		dMatrix matrix(GetIdentityMatrix()); 
		NewtonMeshCalculateOOBB(mesh, &matrix[0][0], &size.m_x, &size.m_y, &size.m_z);

		// pepper the inside of the BBox box of the mesh with random points
		int count = 0;
		dVector points[NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS + 1];
		while (count < NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS) {			
			dFloat x = RandomVariable(size.m_x);
			dFloat y = RandomVariable(size.m_y);
			dFloat z = RandomVariable(size.m_z);
			if ((x <= size.m_x) && (x >= -size.m_x) && (y <= size.m_y) && (y >= -size.m_y) && (z <= size.m_z) && (z >= -size.m_z)){
				points[count] = dVector (x, y, z);
				count ++;

		// create a texture matrix, for applying the material's UV to all internal faces
		dMatrix textureMatrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
		textureMatrix[0][0] = 1.0f / size.m_x;
		textureMatrix[1][1] = 1.0f / size.m_y;

		// now we call create we decompose the mesh into several convex pieces 
		NewtonMesh* const debriMeshPieces = NewtonMeshVoronoiDecomposition (mesh, count, sizeof (dVector), &points[0].m_x, interiorMaterial, &textureMatrix[0][0]);

		// Get the volume of the original mesh
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHullFromMesh (m_world, mesh, 0.0f, 0);
		dFloat volume = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision(m_world, collision);

		// now we iterate over each pieces and for each one we create a visual entity and a rigid body
		NewtonMesh* nextDebri;
		for (NewtonMesh* debri = NewtonMeshCreateFirstLayer (debriMeshPieces); debri; debri = nextDebri) {
			nextDebri = NewtonMeshCreateNextLayer (debriMeshPieces, debri); 

			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHullFromMesh (m_world, debri, 0.0f, 0);
			if (collision) {
				ShatterAtom& atom = Append()->GetInfo();
				atom.m_mesh = new DemoMesh(debri);
				atom.m_collision = collision;
				NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (atom.m_collision, &atom.m_momentOfInirtia[0], &atom.m_centerOfMass[0]);	
				dFloat debriVolume = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (atom.m_collision);
				atom.m_massFraction = debriVolume / volume;

コード例 #3
	void Init (dFloat location_x, dFloat location_z, PrimitiveType shapeType, int materialID, PrimitiveType castingShapeType)
		m_pith = RandomVariable(3.1416f * 2.0f);
		m_yaw = RandomVariable(3.1416f * 2.0f);
		m_roll = RandomVariable(3.1416f * 2.0f);
		m_step = 15.0f * (dAbs (RandomVariable(0.25f)) + 0.0001f) * 3.1416f/180.0f;

		CreatCasterBody(location_x, location_z, shapeType, materialID);

		NewtonWorld* const world = ((CustomControllerManager<dClosestDistanceRecord>*)GetManager())->GetWorld();
		DemoEntityManager* const scene = (DemoEntityManager*)NewtonWorldGetUserData(world);

		dMatrix matrix;
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_body, &matrix[0][0]);
		matrix.m_posit.m_y += 10.0f;
		m_castingVisualEntity = new ClosestDistanceEntity (scene, matrix, materialID, castingShapeType);
コード例 #4
ファイル: RandomVariable.cpp プロジェクト: dmilios/stochastic
RandomVariable operator /(double c_arg, RandomVariable & rv_arg)
	if (!c_arg)
		return RandomVariable();
	RandomVariable result = rv_arg.algorithm->calculateRatio(c_arg, rv_arg);
	RandomVariable::graph.setParent1For(result, new DeltaDistribution(c_arg));
	RandomVariable::graph.setParent2For(result, rv_arg);
	RandomVariable::graph.setOperationTypeFor(result, RATIO);
	return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: RandomVariable.cpp プロジェクト: dmilios/stochastic
RandomVariable RandomVariable::operator *(double c_arg)
	if (!c_arg)
		return RandomVariable();
	RandomVariable result = algorithm->calculateProduct(*this, c_arg);
	graph.setParent1For(result, *this);
	graph.setParent2For(result, new DeltaDistribution(c_arg));
	graph.setOperationTypeFor(result, PRODUCT);
	return result;
コード例 #6
static int MakeRandomPoisonPointCloud(NewtonMesh* const mesh, dVector* const points)
	dVector size(0.0f);
	dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix()); 
	NewtonMeshCalculateOOBB(mesh, &matrix[0][0], &size.m_x, &size.m_y, &size.m_z);

	dVector minBox (matrix.m_posit - matrix[0].Scale (size.m_x) - matrix[1].Scale (size.m_y) - matrix[2].Scale (size.m_z));
	dVector maxBox (matrix.m_posit + matrix[0].Scale (size.m_x) + matrix[1].Scale (size.m_y) + matrix[2].Scale (size.m_z));

	size = maxBox - minBox;
	int xCount = int (size.m_x / POINT_DENSITY_PER_METERS) + 1;
	int yCount = int (size.m_y / POINT_DENSITY_PER_METERS) + 1;
	int zCount = int (size.m_z / POINT_DENSITY_PER_METERS) + 1;

	int count = 0;
	dFloat z0 = minBox.m_z;
	for (int iz = 0; (iz < zCount) && (count < MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE); iz ++) {
		dFloat y0 = minBox.m_y;
		for (int iy = 0; (iy < yCount) && (count < MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE); iy ++) {
			dFloat x0 = minBox.m_x;
			for (int ix = 0; (ix < xCount) && (count < MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE); ix ++) {

				dFloat x = x0;
				dFloat y = y0;
				dFloat z = z0;
				x += RandomVariable(POISON_VARIANCE);
				y += RandomVariable(POISON_VARIANCE);
				z += RandomVariable(POISON_VARIANCE);
				points[count] = dVector (x, y, z);
				count ++;

	return count;
コード例 #7
    void CreateCastingShapes(DemoEntityManager* const scene, dFloat size)
        NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
        int materialID = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(world);

        dSetRandSeed (0);

        dVector shapeSize (size, size, size, 0.0f);
        m_count =  sizeof (castSelection) / sizeof (castSelection[0]);
        m_castingGeometries = new DemoMesh*[m_count];
        m_castingShapeArray = new NewtonCollision*[m_count];

        dMatrix alignMatrix (dRollMatrix(3.141592f * 90.0f / 180.0f));
        for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i ++) {
            dVector shapeSize (size + RandomVariable (size / 2.0f), size + RandomVariable (size / 2.0f), size + RandomVariable (size / 2.0f), 0.0f);
#if 1
            m_castingShapeArray[i] = CreateConvexCollision (world, &alignMatrix[0][0], shapeSize, castSelection[i], materialID);
            m_castingShapeArray[i] = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision (world, materialID);
            NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, &alignMatrix[0][0], shapeSize, castSelection[i], materialID);
            NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (m_castingShapeArray[i], collision);
            m_castingGeometries[i] = new DemoMesh("geometry", m_castingShapeArray[i], "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");

        // make and entity for showing the result of the convex cast
        dMatrix matrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
        matrix.m_posit.m_y = 2.0f;

        m_currentCastingShape = 0;
        m_castingEntity = new DemoEntity (matrix, NULL);
        m_castingEntity->SetMesh(m_castingGeometries[m_currentCastingShape], dGetIdentityMatrix());
コード例 #8
ファイル: frostedglass.cpp プロジェクト: TomCrypto/Lambda
Vector FrostedGlass::Sample(Vector* origin, Vector incident, Vector normal, float wavelength, std::mt19937* prng)
    /* Generate a random microfacet normal based on the Beckmann distribution with the given roughness. */
    float r1 = RandomVariable(prng);
    float r2 = RandomVariable(prng);
    float theta = atan(-pow(this->roughness, 2.0f) * log(1.0f - r1));
    float phi = 2.0f * PI * r2;
    Vector m = spherical(phi, theta);

    /* Rotate the microfacet normal according to the actual surface normal. */
    m = rotate(m, normal);

    /* Work out the correct n1 and n2 depending on the incident vector's direction relative to the normal. */
    float cosI = incident * normal;
    float n1, n2;
    if (cosI > 0)
        /* Incident and normal have the same direction, ray is inside the material. */
        n1 = this->refractiveIndex->Lookup(wavelength);
        n2 = 1.0f;

        /* Flip the microfacet normal around. */
        m = ZERO - m;
        /* Incident and normal have opposite directions, so the ray is outside the material. */
        n2 = this->refractiveIndex->Lookup(wavelength);
        n1 = 1.0f;

        /* Make the cosine positive. */
        cosI = -cosI;

    /* Calculate the refracted angle's cosine. */
    float cosT = 1.0f - pow(n1 / n2, 2.0f) * (1.0f - pow(cosI, 2.0f));

    /* Check for total internal reflection. */
    if (cosT < 0.0f)
        /* Total internal reflection occurred. */
        (*origin) = (*origin) + m * EPSILON;
        return reflect(incident, m);

    /* Otherwise, finish computing the angle. */
    cosT = sqrt(cosT);

    /* Now, compute the Fresnel coefficients for reflection and refraction for a randomly polarized ray. */
    float R = (pow((n1 * cosI - n2 * cosT) / (n1 * cosI + n2 * cosT), 2.0f) + pow((n2 * cosI - n1 * cosT) / (n1 * cosT + n2 * cosI), 2.0f)) * 0.5f;

    /* Perform a random trial to decide whether to reflect or refract the ray. */
    if (RandomVariable(prng) < R)
        /* Reflection. */
        (*origin) = (*origin) + m * EPSILON;
        return reflect(incident, m);
        /* Refraction. */
        (*origin) = (*origin) - m * EPSILON;
        return incident * (n1 / n2) + m * ((n1 / n2) * cosI - cosT);
コード例 #9
NewtonCollision* CreateConvexCollision (NewtonWorld* world, const dMatrix& srcMatrix, const dVector& originalSize, PrimitiveType type, int materialID__)
	dVector size (originalSize);

	NewtonCollision* collision = NULL;
	switch (type) 
			collision = NewtonCreateNull (world); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateSphere (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, 0, NULL); 

			dFloat r = size.m_x * 0.5f;
			dFloat h = size.m_y;

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateCone (world, r, h, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateCylinder (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateCapsule (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateTaperedCapsule (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_z * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateTaperedCylinder (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_z * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// Create a clouds of random point around the origin
			#define SAMPLE_COUNT 200
			dVector cloud [SAMPLE_COUNT];

			// make sure that at least the top and bottom are present
			cloud [0] = dVector ( size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			cloud [1] = dVector (-size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			cloud [2] = dVector ( 0.0f,  size.m_y * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 
			cloud [3] = dVector ( 0.0f, -size.m_y * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			cloud [4] = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f,  size.m_z * 0.5f, 0.0f); 
			cloud [5] = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, -size.m_z * 0.5f, 0.0f); 

			int count = 6;
			// populate the cloud with pseudo Gaussian random points
			for (int i = 6; i < SAMPLE_COUNT; i ++) {
				cloud [i].m_x = RandomVariable(size.m_x);
				cloud [i].m_y = RandomVariable(size.m_y);
				cloud [i].m_z = RandomVariable(size.m_z);
				count ++;
			collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull (world, count, &cloud[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.01f, 0, NULL); 

			// Create a clouds of random point around the origin
			#define STEPS_HULL 6
			//#define STEPS_HULL 3

			dVector cloud [STEPS_HULL * 4 + 256];
			int count = 0;
			dFloat radius = size.m_y;
			dFloat height = size.m_x * 0.999f;
			dFloat x = - height * 0.5f;
			dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix(2.0f * 3.141592f / STEPS_HULL));
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
				dFloat pad = ((i == 1) || (i == 2)) * 0.25f * radius;
				dVector p (x, 0.0f, radius + pad);
				x += 0.3333f * height;
				dMatrix acc (dGetIdentityMatrix());
				for (int j = 0; j < STEPS_HULL; j ++) {
					cloud[count] = acc.RotateVector(p);
					acc = acc * rotation;
					count ++;

			collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull (world, count, &cloud[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.02f, 0, NULL); 

			//dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
			dMatrix matrix (dPitchMatrix(15.0f * 3.1416f / 180.0f) * dYawMatrix(15.0f * 3.1416f / 180.0f) * dRollMatrix(15.0f * 3.1416f / 180.0f));
//			NewtonCollision* const collisionA = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
//			NewtonCollision* const collisionB = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
//			NewtonCollision* const collisionC = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 

matrix.m_posit = dVector (size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
NewtonCollision* const collisionA = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
matrix.m_posit = dVector (0.0f, size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
NewtonCollision* const collisionB = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
matrix.m_posit = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, size.m_x * 0.5f, 1.0f);
NewtonCollision* const collisionC = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 

			collision = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision (world, 0);


			NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, collisionA);
			NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, collisionB);
			NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, collisionC);



		default: dAssert (0);

	dMatrix matrix (srcMatrix);
	matrix.m_front = matrix.m_front.Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (matrix.m_front % matrix.m_front));
	matrix.m_right = matrix.m_front * matrix.m_up;
	matrix.m_right = matrix.m_right.Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (matrix.m_right % matrix.m_right));
	matrix.m_up = matrix.m_right * matrix.m_front;
	NewtonCollisionSetMatrix(collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	return collision;
コード例 #10
static void CreateSimpleVoronoiShatter (DemoEntityManager* const scene)
	// create a collision primitive
//	dVector size (2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
//	dVector size = dVector (10.0f, 0.5f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
	dVector size = dVector (5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f);
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _BOX_PRIMITIVE, 0);
	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _CAPSULE_PRIMITIVE, 0);
//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _SPHERE_PRIMITIVE, 0);
//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _REGULAR_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, 0);
//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _RANDOM_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, 0);

	// create a newton mesh from the collision primitive
	NewtonMesh* const mesh = NewtonMeshCreateFromCollision(collision);

	// apply a simple Box Mapping
	int tex0 = LoadTexture("reljef.tga");
	NewtonMeshApplyBoxMapping(mesh, tex0, tex0, tex0);

	// pepper the bing box of the mesh with random points
	dVector points[NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS + 100];
	int count = 0;

	while (count < NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS) {
		dFloat x = RandomVariable(size.m_x);
		dFloat y = RandomVariable(size.m_y);
		dFloat z = RandomVariable(size.m_z);
		if ((x <= size.m_x) && (x >= -size.m_x) && (y <= size.m_y) && (y >= -size.m_y) && (z <= size.m_z) && (z >= -size.m_z)){
			points[count] = dVector (x, y, z);
			count ++;

count = 4;

	// Create the array of convex pieces from the mesh
	int interior = LoadTexture("KAMEN-stup.tga");
//	int interior = LoadTexture("camo.tga");
	dMatrix textureMatrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	textureMatrix[0][0] = 1.0f / size.m_x;
	textureMatrix[1][1] = 1.0f / size.m_y;
	NewtonMesh* const convexParts = NewtonMeshVoronoiDecomposition (mesh, count, sizeof (dVector), &points[0].m_x, interior, &textureMatrix[0][0]);
//	NewtonMesh* const convexParts = NewtonMeshConvexDecomposition (mesh, 1000000);

#if 1
dScene xxxx(world);
dScene::dTreeNode* const modelNode = xxxx.CreateSceneNode(xxxx.GetRootNode());
dScene::dTreeNode* const meshNode = xxxx.CreateMeshNode(modelNode);
dMeshNodeInfo* const modelMesh = (dMeshNodeInfo*)xxxx.GetInfoFromNode(meshNode);
modelMesh->ReplaceMesh (convexParts);

	DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(NULL);
	entity->SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), dVector (0, 10, 0, 0));
	entity->InterpolateMatrix (*scene, 1.0f);
	scene->Append (entity);
	DemoMesh* const mesh1 = new DemoMesh(convexParts);

DemoEntity* const entity2 = new DemoEntity(NULL);
entity2->SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), dVector (0, 10, 0, 0));
entity2->InterpolateMatrix (*scene, 1.0f);

scene->Append (entity2);
DemoMesh* const mesh2 = new DemoMesh(mesh);

	// make sure the assets are released before leaving the function
	if (convexParts) {
		NewtonMeshDestroy (convexParts);
	NewtonMeshDestroy (mesh);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(world, collision);
コード例 #11
static void DestroyThisBodyCallback (const NewtonBody* body, const NewtonJoint* contactJoint)
	NewtonWorld* world;
	NewtonMesh* topMesh;
	NewtonMesh* bottomMesh;
	NewtonMesh* effectMesh;
	RenderPrimitive* srcPrimitive;
	dMatrix matrix;
	dFloat maxForce;
	dVector point;
	dVector dir0;
	dVector dir1;

	// Get the world;
	world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (body);

	// find a the strongest force 
	maxForce = 0.0f;
	for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact (contactJoint); contact; contact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact (contactJoint, contact)) {
		dVector force;
		NewtonMaterial* material;

		material = NewtonContactGetMaterial (contact);
		NewtonMaterialGetContactForce (material, &force.m_x);
		if (force.m_x > maxForce) {
			dVector normal;
			NewtonMaterialGetContactPositionAndNormal(material, &point[0], &normal[0]);
			NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentDirections (material, &dir0[0], &dir0[0]);

	// get the visual primitive
	srcPrimitive = (RenderPrimitive*) NewtonBodyGetUserData (body);

	// get the effect mesh that is use to create the debris pieces
	effectMesh = srcPrimitive->m_specialEffect;

	// calculate the cut plane plane
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (body, &matrix[0][0]);

	dMatrix clipMatrix (dgGrammSchmidt(dir0) * 
						dYawMatrix(30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f * RandomVariable(1.0f)) * 
						dRollMatrix(30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f * RandomVariable(1.0f)));

	clipMatrix.m_posit = point;
	clipMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
	clipMatrix = clipMatrix * matrix.Inverse();

	// break the mesh into two pieces
	NewtonMeshClip (effectMesh, meshClipper, &clipMatrix[0][0], &topMesh, &bottomMesh);
	if (topMesh && bottomMesh) {
		dFloat volume;
		NewtonMesh* meshPartA = NULL;
		NewtonMesh* meshPartB = NULL;

		volume = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (NewtonBodyGetCollision(body));

		// the clipper was able to make a cut now we can create new debris piece for replacement
		dMatrix clipMatrix1 (dgGrammSchmidt(dir1) * 
							 dYawMatrix(30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f * RandomVariable(1.0f)) * 
							 dRollMatrix(30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f * RandomVariable(1.0f)));
		NewtonMeshClip (bottomMesh, meshClipper, &clipMatrix1[0][0], &meshPartA, &meshPartB);
		if (meshPartA && meshPartB) {
			// creat another split (you can make as many depend of the FPS)
			CreateDebriPiece (body, meshPartA, volume);
			CreateDebriPiece (body, meshPartB, volume);

		} else {
			CreateDebriPiece (body, bottomMesh, volume);

		dMatrix clipMatrix2 (dgGrammSchmidt(dir1) * 
							 dYawMatrix(30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f * RandomVariable(1.0f)) * 
			                 dRollMatrix(30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f * RandomVariable(1.0f)));
		NewtonMeshClip (topMesh, meshClipper, &clipMatrix2[0][0], &meshPartA, &meshPartB);
		if (meshPartA && meshPartB) {
			// creat another split (you can make as many depend of the FPS)
			CreateDebriPiece (body, meshPartA, volume);
			CreateDebriPiece (body, meshPartB, volume);

		} else {
			CreateDebriPiece (body, topMesh, volume);

		// remove the old visual from graphics world
		SceneManager* system = (SceneManager*) NewtonWorldGetUserData(world);
		delete srcPrimitive;

		// finally destroy this body;
		NewtonDestroyBody(world, body);
コード例 #12
    StupidComplexOfConvexShapes (DemoEntityManager* const scene, int count)
        :DemoEntity (dGetIdentityMatrix(), NULL)
        ,m_rayP0(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
        ,m_rayP1(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)

        count = 40;
        //count = 1;
        const dFloat size = 0.5f;

        DemoMesh* gemetries[32];
        NewtonCollision* collisionArray[32];
        NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
        int materialID = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(world);

        // create a pool of predefined convex mesh
        PrimitiveType selection[] = {_SPHERE_PRIMITIVE};
        for (int i = 0; i < int (sizeof (collisionArray) / sizeof (collisionArray[0])); i ++) {
            int index = dRand() % (sizeof (selection) / sizeof (selection[0]));
            dVector shapeSize (size + RandomVariable (size / 2.0f), size + RandomVariable (size / 2.0f), size + RandomVariable (size / 2.0f), 0.0f);
            shapeSize = dVector(size, size, size, 0.0f);
            collisionArray[i] = CreateConvexCollision (world, dGetIdentityMatrix(), shapeSize, selection[index], materialID);
            gemetries[i] = new DemoMesh("geometry", collisionArray[i], "wood_4.tga", "wood_4.tga", "wood_1.tga");

        // make a large complex of plane by adding lost of these shapes at a random location and oriention;
        NewtonCollision* const compound = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision (world, materialID);

        for (int i = 0 ; i < count; i ++) {
            for (int j = 0 ; j < count; j ++) {
                float pitch = RandomVariable (1.0f) * 2.0f * 3.1416f;
                float yaw = RandomVariable (1.0f) * 2.0f * 3.1416f;
                float roll = RandomVariable (1.0f) * 2.0f * 3.1416f;

                float x = size * (j - count / 2) + RandomVariable (size * 0.5f);
                float y = RandomVariable (size * 2.0f);
                float z = size * (i - count / 2) + RandomVariable (size * 0.5f);

                dMatrix matrix (dPitchMatrix (pitch) * dYawMatrix (yaw) * dRollMatrix (roll));
                matrix.m_posit = dVector (x, y, z, 1.0f);

                int index = dRand() % (sizeof (selection) / sizeof (selection[0]));
                DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(matrix, this);

                entity->SetMesh(gemetries[index], dGetIdentityMatrix());

                NewtonCollisionSetMatrix (collisionArray[index], &matrix[0][0]);
                NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (compound, collisionArray[index]);

        CreateSimpleBody (world, NULL, 0.0f, dGetIdentityMatrix(), compound, 0);

        // destroy all collision shapes after they are used
        for (int i = 0; i < int (sizeof (collisionArray) / sizeof (collisionArray[0])); i ++) {

        // now make and array of collision shapes for convex casting by mouse point click an drag
        CreateCastingShapes(scene, size * 2.0f);
コード例 #13
static void MakeFunnyCompound (DemoEntityManager* const scene, const dVector& origin)
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

	// create an empty compound collision
	NewtonCollision* const compound = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision (world, 0);
#if 1

	// add a bunch of convex collision at random position and orientation over the surface of a big sphere
	float radio = 5.0f;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < 300; i ++) {
		NewtonCollision* collision = NULL;

		float pitch = RandomVariable (1.0f) * 2.0f * 3.1416f;
		float yaw = RandomVariable (1.0f) * 2.0f * 3.1416f;
		float roll = RandomVariable (1.0f) * 2.0f * 3.1416f;

		float x = RandomVariable (0.5f);
		float y = RandomVariable (0.5f);
		float z = RandomVariable (0.5f);
		if ((x == 0.0f) && (y == 0.0f) && (z == 0.0f)){
			x = 0.1f;
		dVector p (x, y, z, 1.0f) ;
		p = p.Scale (radio / dSqrt (p % p));

		dMatrix matrix (dPitchMatrix (pitch) * dYawMatrix (yaw) * dRollMatrix (roll));
		matrix.m_posit = p;
		int r = dRand();	
		switch ((r >>2) & 3) 
			case 0:
				collision = NewtonCreateSphere(world, 0.5, 0, &matrix[0][0]) ;

			case 1:
				collision = NewtonCreateCapsule(world, 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.5f, 0, &matrix[0][0]) ;

			case 2:
				collision = NewtonCreateCylinder(world, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0, &matrix[0][0]) ;

			case 3:
				collision = NewtonCreateCone(world, 0.25, 0.25, 0, &matrix[0][0]) ;

		dAssert (collision);
		// we can set a collision id, and use data per sub collision 
		NewtonCollisionSetUserID(collision, i);
		NewtonCollisionSetUserData(collision, (void*) i);

		// add this new collision 
		NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (compound, collision);
	// finish adding shapes

		// remove the first 10 shapes
		// test remove shape form a compound
		void* node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetFirstNode(compound);
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
			//NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode(compound, node);
			void* const nextNode = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNextNode(compound, node);
			NewtonCompoundCollisionRemoveSubCollision(compound, node);
			node = nextNode;
		// finish remove 

		void* handle1 = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNodeByIndex (compound, 30);
		void* handle2 = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNodeByIndex (compound, 100);
		NewtonCollision* const shape1 = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (compound, handle1);
		NewtonCollision* const shape2 = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (compound, handle2);

		NewtonCollision* const copyShape1 = NewtonCollisionCreateInstance (shape1);
		NewtonCollision* const copyShape2 = NewtonCollisionCreateInstance (shape2);

		// you can also remove shape by their index
		NewtonCompoundCollisionRemoveSubCollisionByIndex (compound, 30);	
		NewtonCompoundCollisionRemoveSubCollisionByIndex (compound, 100);	

		handle1 = NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (compound, copyShape1);
		handle2 = NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (compound, copyShape2);


		// show how to modify the children of a compound collision
		for (void* node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetFirstNode(compound); node; node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNextNode(compound, node)) { 
			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode(compound, node);
			// you can scale, change the matrix, change the inertia, do anything you want with the change
			NewtonCollisionSetUserData(collision, NULL);

//	NewtonCollisionSetScale(compound, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.125f);


	//test Yeside compound shape shape
	//	- Rotation="1.5708 -0 0" Translation="0 0 0.024399" Size="0.021 0.096" Pos="0 0 0.115947"
	//	- Rotation="1.5708 -0 0" Translation="0 0 0.056366" Size="0.195 0.024" Pos="0 0 0.147914"
	//	- Rotation="1.5708 -0 0" Translation="0 0 -0.056366" Size="0.0065 0.07 Pos="0 0 0.035182"


	NewtonCollision* collision;
	dMatrix offsetMatrix (dPitchMatrix(1.5708f));
	offsetMatrix.m_posit.m_z = 0.115947f;
	collision = NewtonCreateCylinder (world, 0.021f, 0.096f, 0, &offsetMatrix[0][0]) ;
	NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (compound, collision);

	offsetMatrix.m_posit.m_z = 0.035182f;
	collision = NewtonCreateCylinder (world, 0.0065f, 0.07f, 0, &offsetMatrix[0][0]) ;
	NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (compound, collision);

	offsetMatrix.m_posit.m_z = 0.147914f;
	collision = NewtonCreateCylinder (world, 0.195f, 0.024f, 0, &offsetMatrix[0][0]) ;
	NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (compound, collision);



	// for now we will simple make simple Box,  make a visual Mesh
	DemoMesh* const visualMesh = new DemoMesh ("big ball", compound, "metal_30.tga", "metal_30.tga", "metal_30.tga");

	int instaceCount = 2;
	dMatrix matrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	matrix.m_posit = origin;
	for (int ix = 0; ix < instaceCount; ix ++) {
		for (int iz = 0; iz < instaceCount; iz ++) {
			dFloat y = origin.m_y;
			dFloat x = origin.m_x + (ix - instaceCount/2) * 15.0f;
			dFloat z = origin.m_z + (iz - instaceCount/2) * 15.0f;
			matrix.m_posit = FindFloor (world, dVector (x, y + 10.0f, z, 0.0f), 20.0f); ;
			matrix.m_posit.m_y += 15.0f;
			CreateSimpleSolid (scene, visualMesh, 10.0f, matrix, compound, 0);
