コード例 #1
ファイル: lif.cpp プロジェクト: UCI-CARL/CARLsim4
TEST(LIF, cpuFI) {
	// MATLAB ground truth
	float matlab_rates[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 33.3f, 58.8f, 76.9f, 90.9f, 100.0f, 111.1f, 125.0f};

	// create a network on CPU of single LIF neuron and a dummy Izhi neuron for making a connection
	// ---------------- CONFIG STATE -------------------
	// create a network on CPU
	int numGPUs = 1;
	int randSeed = 123;
	CARLsim* sim = new CARLsim("Simple LIF neuron tuning", CPU_MODE, SILENT, numGPUs, randSeed);

	// configure the network
	// set up a single LIF neuron network to record its fi curve
	Grid3D gridSingle(1,1,1); // pre is on a 1x1 grid
	Grid3D gridDummy(1,1,1); // dummy is on a 1x1 grid
	int gSingleLIF=sim->createGroupLIF("input", gridSingle, EXCITATORY_NEURON, 0, CPU_CORES);
	int gDummyIzh=sim->createGroup("output", gridDummy, EXCITATORY_NEURON, 1, CPU_CORES);

	// set neuron parameters
	sim->setNeuronParametersLIF(gSingleLIF, 10, 2, -50.0f, -65.0f, RangeRmem(5.0f));
	sim->setNeuronParameters(gDummyIzh, 0.02f, 0.2f, -65.0f, 8.0f);
	// connect
	sim->connect(gSingleLIF, gDummyIzh, "full", RangeWeight(0.05), 1.0f, RangeDelay(1));
	sim->setIntegrationMethod(FORWARD_EULER, 1);

	// ---------------- SETUP STATE -------------------
	// build the network

	// set some monitors
	SpikeMonitor* smLIF = sim->setSpikeMonitor(gSingleLIF, "NULL");

	// ---------------- RUN STATE -------------------

	// run for a total of 10 seconds for different amount of external current
	for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) {
		std::vector<float> current(1, (float)i*0.8f);
		sim->setExternalCurrent(gSingleLIF, current);

		EXPECT_NEAR(smLIF->getPopMeanFiringRate(), matlab_rates[i], 0.5f);
	delete sim;
コード例 #2
ファイル: interface.cpp プロジェクト: UCI-CARL/CARLsim4
//! trigger all UserErrors
// TODO: add more error checking
TEST(Interface, connectDeath) {
	::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe";

	CARLsim* sim = new CARLsim("Interface.connectDeath",CPU_MODE,SILENT,1,42);
	int g1=sim->createSpikeGeneratorGroup("excit", 10, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
	int g2=sim->createGroup("excit", Grid3D(2,3,4), EXCITATORY_NEURON);
	sim->setNeuronParameters(g2, 0.02f, 0.2f,-65.0f,8.0f);

	// regular connect call
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g1,"random",RangeWeight(0.1f),0.1f),""); // g-post cannot be PoissonGroup
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"random",RangeWeight(-0.01f),0.1f),""); // weight cannot be negative
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"random",RangeWeight(0.01f,0.1f,0.1f),0.1f),""); // wt.min>0
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"random",RangeWeight(0.0f,0.01f,0.1f),0.1f),""); // SYN_FIXED wt.init!=wt.max
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"random",RangeWeight(0.0f,0.01f,0.1f),-0.1f),""); // prob<0
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"random",RangeWeight(0.0f,0.01f,0.1f),2.3f),""); // prob>1
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"one-to-one",RangeWeight(0.1f),0.1f,RangeDelay(1),RadiusRF(3,0,0)),""); // rad>0
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"random",RangeWeight(0.1f),0.1f,RangeDelay(1),RadiusRF(-1),SYN_FIXED,-1.0f,0.0f),""); // mulSynFast<0
	EXPECT_DEATH(sim->connect(g1,g2,"random",RangeWeight(0.1f),0.1f,RangeDelay(1),RadiusRF(-1),SYN_FIXED,0.0f,-1.0f),""); // mulSynSlow<0

	// custom ConnectionGenerator
	ConnectionGenerator* CGNULL = NULL;
	DummyCG* CG = new DummyCG;
	EXPECT_DEATH({sim->connect(g1,g2,CGNULL);},""); // CG=NULL
コード例 #3
ファイル: MCNeuronSim.cpp プロジェクト: sivaven/TIME
	void MCNeuronSim::setupGroups(){
		//int poissonGroup[scenCount];
			 * (A) first setup groups for somatic scenarios! - connect compartments for MC!
			float G_up, G_dn;
			for(int k = 0; k < scenCount; k++)
				//std::string poissonGroupName = "poisson_" + patch::to_string(k);
				//poissonGroup[k] = network->createSpikeGeneratorGroup(poissonGroupName, popSize_neuronCount, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
				for(int c=0; c<compCount; c++)
					std::string excGroupName = "exc_" + patch::to_string(k) + patch::to_string(c);
					excGroup[k][c] = network->createGroup(excGroupName, popSize_neuronCount, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
					network->setNeuronParameters(excGroup[k][c], 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
			//		network->setExternalCurrent(excGroup[k][c], 0);
						G_up = 0;
						G_dn = 0;
						network->setCompartmentParameters(excGroup[k][c], G_up, G_dn);
					excMonitor[k][c] = network->setSpikeMonitor(excGroup[k][c], "/dev/null");

					if(c>0){//connect compartments based on layout
						if(compCount>2 && c==1 && connLayout[c]==connLayout[c+1]){ //meaning 2 dendrites (dend 1 and dend2 ) connecting to the same point
							network->connectCompartments(excGroup[k][c], excGroup[k][connLayout[c]]);
							network->connectCompartments(excGroup[k][connLayout[c]], excGroup[k][c]);

				//network->connect(poissonGroup[k], excGroup[k][0],"random", RangeWeight(0.0f), 0.5f, RangeDelay(1));
			 * (B) secondly, setup groups for MC scenarios! - connect compartments depending on scenarios as below
			 *  - 1. rheo group : decoupled
			 *  - 2. IR: decoupled
			 *  - 3. spike prop: Coupled
			 *  - 4. syn ampl: Coupled
			for(int k = scenCount; k < scenCount+mcScenCount; k++)
				for(int c=0; c<compCount; c++)
						std::string excGroupName = "mcc_exc_" + patch::to_string(k) + patch::to_string(c);
						excGroup[k][c] = network->createGroup(excGroupName, popSize_neuronCount, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
						network->setNeuronParameters(excGroup[k][c], 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
						if(k>=scenCount+2){// coupled scenarios for mcc
							G_up = 0;
							G_dn = 0;
							network->setCompartmentParameters(excGroup[k][c], G_up, G_dn);

						excMonitor[k][c] = network->setSpikeMonitor(excGroup[k][c], "/dev/null");

							if(c>0){//connect compartments based on layout
								if(compCount>2 && c==1 && connLayout[c]==connLayout[c+1]){ //meaning 2 dendrites (dend 1 and dend2 ) connecting to the same point
									network->connectCompartments(excGroup[k][c], excGroup[k][connLayout[c]]);
									network->connectCompartments(excGroup[k][connLayout[c]], excGroup[k][c]);
			//single neuron single compartment for EPSP stimulation
			for(int pssg=0;  pssg<nPreSynSpikerGroups;pssg++){
				excGroup[scenCount+mcScenCount][pssg] = network->createGroup("spiker_"+patch::to_string(pssg), 1, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
				network->setNeuronParameters(excGroup[scenCount+mcScenCount][pssg], 121.0f, 0.5343182f,-61.20764f,-40.00114f,
									0.0336908f, 6.5490165f, 35.965454f,-41.31163f, 7.0f);

			float connProb=0.3f;
			const int epspGrpRowStartIdx = scenCount + 2+ (compCount-1);
			float _weight = 1.0f;
			for(int kc=0; kc<(compCount-1); kc++){
				 * new addition for CA1 pyramidal dendrites analysis
				if(compCount==4 && kc==0)
					_weight = 1.0f;
				if(compCount==4 && kc==1)
					_weight = 1.0f/3.0f;//1.0f/6.0f;
				if(compCount==4 && kc==2)
					_weight = 2.5f*(1.0f/3.0f); //3.0f*(1.0f/3.0f);

				/*if(compCount==4 && kc==2)
					_weight = 1.0f;
				 * new addition ends

				for(int pssg=0;  pssg<nPreSynSpikerGroups;pssg++){
					network->connect(excGroup[scenCount+mcScenCount][pssg], excGroup[epspGrpRowStartIdx + kc][kc+1],
											"random", RangeWeight(_weight), connProb,
											RangeDelay(1),  RadiusRF(-1), SYN_FIXED, 1.0f, 0.0f);

			//multi neuron single compartment spikers for new spike prop implementation via synaptic stimulation
			for(int pssg=nPreSynSpikerGroups;  pssg<nPreSynSpikerGroups*2;pssg++){
				//excGroup[scenCount+mcScenCount][pssg] = network->createGroup("spiker_"+ patch::to_string(pssg), 16, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
				excGroup[scenCount+mcScenCount][pssg] = network->createGroup("spiker_"+ patch::to_string(pssg), 85, EXCITATORY_NEURON);

				network->setNeuronParameters(excGroup[scenCount+mcScenCount][pssg], 121.0f, 0.5343182f,-61.20764f,-40.00114f,
									0.0336908f, 6.5490165f, 35.965454f,-41.31163f, 7.0f);

			const int propRateGrpRowStartIdx = scenCount + 2;

			//_weight =33.0f;
			_weight =2.0f;
			for(int kc=0; kc<(compCount-1); kc++){
				//	_weight = 10.0f;
					if(compCount==4 && kc==0)
						_weight = 1.0f;
					if(compCount==4 && kc==1)
						_weight = 1.0f;	//_weight = 0;			//0, cuz this is not a check for prop in SR. By setting this weight 0, SR only has the I(=700?, {see determine prop rate function})- this is a baseline to test conditional spike propagation
					if(compCount==4 && kc==2)
						_weight = 2.0f;

				for(int pssg=nPreSynSpikerGroups;  pssg<nPreSynSpikerGroups*2;pssg++){
					network->connect(excGroup[scenCount+mcScenCount][pssg], excGroup[propRateGrpRowStartIdx + kc][kc+1],
																"random", RangeWeight(_weight), connProb,
																RangeDelay(1,10),  RadiusRF(-1), SYN_FIXED, 1.0f, 0.0f );

				std::cout<<"pre - in";
				custom_grp_in=network->createSpikeGeneratorGroup("custom_input_0", 1, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
				std::vector<int> spkTimes = {150, 250, 400, 600};
				SpikeGeneratorFromVector SGV(spkTimes);
				network->setSpikeGenerator(custom_grp_in, &SGV);

				int compartment_to_stimulate = 1;
				//create poisson group!
				network->connect(custom_grp_in, excGroup[0][compartment_to_stimulate], "full", RangeWeight(10), 1, RangeDelay(1),RadiusRF(-1),SYN_FIXED);

				std::cout<<"custom_input EXIT ";							//

			 *  (C) Now, setup network!
			network->setIntegrationMethod(RUNGE_KUTTA4, time_step);