コード例 #1
void ReSituation::setPitCommand(int nCarIndex, const tCarPitCmd *pPitCmd)

	// Retrieve the car in situation with 'nCarIndex' index.
	//GfLogDebug("ReSituation::updateCarPitCmd(i=%d)\n", nCarIndex);
	tCarElt* pCurrCar = 0;
	for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < _pReInfo->s->_ncars; nCarInd++)
		if (_pReInfo->s->cars[nCarInd]->index == nCarIndex)
			// Found : update its pit command information from pit menu data.
			pCurrCar = _pReInfo->s->cars[nCarInd];
			pCurrCar->_pitFuel = pPitCmd->fuel;
			pCurrCar->_pitRepair = pPitCmd->repair;
			pCurrCar->_pitStopType = pPitCmd->stopType;
	// Compute and set pit time.
	if (pCurrCar)
		GfLogError("Failed to retrieve car with index %d when computing pit time\n", nCarIndex);
コード例 #2
ファイル: racecars.cpp プロジェクト: 702nADOS/speed-dreams
ReCarsManageCar(tCarElt *car, bool& bestLapChanged)
	char msg[64];
	int i;
	int xx;
	tTrackSeg *sseg;
	tdble wseg;
	static const float ctrlMsgColor[] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0};
	tSituation *s = ReInfo->s;
	tReCarInfo *info = &(ReInfo->_reCarInfo[car->index]);

	// Update top speeds.
	if (car->_speed_x > car->_topSpeed)
		car->_topSpeed = car->_speed_x;

	// (practice and qualification only).
	if (car->_speed_x > info->topSpd)
		info->topSpd = car->_speed_x;
	if (car->_speed_x < info->botSpd)
		info->botSpd = car->_speed_x;
	// Pitstop management.
	if (car->_pit) {

		// If the driver can ask for a pit, update control messages whether slot occupied or not.
		if (car->ctrl.raceCmd & RM_CMD_PIT_ASKED) {
			// Pit already occupied?
			if (car->_pit->pitCarIndex == TR_PIT_STATE_FREE)
				snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "Can Pit");
				snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "Pit Occupied");
			car->ctrl.msg[2][RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
			memcpy(car->ctrl.msgColor, ctrlMsgColor, sizeof(car->ctrl.msgColor));

		// If pitting, check if pitting delay over, and end up with pitting process if so.
		if (car->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_PIT) {
			car->ctrl.raceCmd &= ~RM_CMD_PIT_ASKED; // clear the flag.
			// Note: Due to asynchronous behaviour of the main updater and the situation updater,
			//       we have to wait for car->_scheduledEventTime being set to smthg > 0.
			if (car->_scheduledEventTime > 0.0) {
				if (car->_scheduledEventTime < s->currentTime) {
					car->_state &= ~RM_CAR_STATE_PIT;
					car->_pit->pitCarIndex = TR_PIT_STATE_FREE;
					snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s pit stop %.1f s", car->_name, info->totalPitTime);
					msg[sizeof(msg)-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
					ReSituation::self().setRaceMessage(msg, 5);
					GfLogInfo("%s exiting pit (%.1f s elapsed).\n", car->_name, info->totalPitTime);
				} else {
					snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "In pits %.1f s",
							s->currentTime - info->startPitTime);
					car->ctrl.msg[2][RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
		// If the driver asks for a pit, check if the car is in the right conditions
		// (position, speed, ...) and start up pitting process if so.
		} else if ((car->ctrl.raceCmd & RM_CMD_PIT_ASKED) &&
				   car->_pit->pitCarIndex == TR_PIT_STATE_FREE &&	
				   (s->_maxDammage == 0 || car->_dammage <= s->_maxDammage)) {
			snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "Pit request");
			car->ctrl.msg[2][RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
			tdble lgFromStart = car->_trkPos.seg->lgfromstart;
			switch (car->_trkPos.seg->type) {
				case TR_STR:
					lgFromStart += car->_trkPos.toStart;
					lgFromStart += car->_trkPos.toStart * car->_trkPos.seg->radius;
			if ((lgFromStart > car->_pit->lmin) && (lgFromStart < car->_pit->lmax)) {
				int side;
				tdble toBorder;
				if (ReInfo->track->pits.side == TR_RGT) {
					side = TR_SIDE_RGT;
					toBorder = car->_trkPos.toRight;
				} else {
					side = TR_SIDE_LFT;
					toBorder = car->_trkPos.toLeft;
				sseg = car->_trkPos.seg->side[side];
				wseg = RtTrackGetWidth(sseg, car->_trkPos.toStart);
				if (sseg->side[side]) {
					sseg = sseg->side[side];
					wseg += RtTrackGetWidth(sseg, car->_trkPos.toStart);
				if (((toBorder + wseg) < (ReInfo->track->pits.width - car->_dimension_y / 2.0)) &&
					(fabs(car->_speed_x) < 1.0) && (fabs(car->_speed_y) < 1.0))
					// All conditions fullfilled => enter pitting process
					car->_state |= RM_CAR_STATE_PIT;
					car->_scheduledEventTime = 0.0; // Pit will really start when set to smthg > 0.
					for (i = 0; i < car->_pit->freeCarIndex; i++) {
						if (car->_pit->car[i] == car) {
							car->_pit->pitCarIndex = i;
					info->startPitTime = s->currentTime;
					snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s in pits", car->_name);
					msg[sizeof(msg)-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
					ReSituation::self().setRaceMessage(msg, 5);
					GfLogInfo("%s entering in pit slot.\n", car->_name);
					if (car->robot->rbPitCmd(car->robot->index, car, s) == ROB_PIT_MENU) {
						// the pit cmd is modified by menu.
					} else {
				{   // The cars speed or offset is out of accepted range
					// Show the user/developer/robot the reason of the issue
  				    tTeamDriver* TeamDriver = RtTeamDriverByCar(car);
					if (TeamDriver)
					  TeamDriver->StillToGo  = 0.0;
					  TeamDriver->MoreOffset = 0.0;
					  TeamDriver->TooFastBy  = 0.0;

					float Offset = (float) ((toBorder + wseg) - (ReInfo->track->pits.width - car->_dimension_y / 2.0));
  				    if (Offset >= 0.0)
						// The car's position across the track is out of accepted range 
						snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "Offset: %.02f",Offset);
						car->ctrl.msg[2][RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
						if (TeamDriver)
						  TeamDriver->MoreOffset = Offset;

					float TooFastBy = MAX(fabs(car->_speed_x),fabs(car->_speed_y));
  				    if (TooFastBy >= 1.0)
						// The car's speed is out of accepted range 
						snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "Speed: %.02f",TooFastBy);
						car->ctrl.msg[2][RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
						if (TeamDriver)
						  TeamDriver->TooFastBy = TooFastBy;
			{	// The car's position along the track is out of accepted range
				// Show the user/developer/robot the reason of the issue
				tTeamDriver* TeamDriver = RtTeamDriverByCar(car);
				if (TeamDriver)
				  TeamDriver->StillToGo  = 0.0;
				  TeamDriver->MoreOffset = 0.0;
				  TeamDriver->TooFastBy  = 0.0;

				if (car->_pit->lmin > lgFromStart)
				  float StillToGo = car->_pit->lmin - lgFromStart;
				  snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "Still to go: %0.2f m" ,StillToGo);
				  car->ctrl.msg[2][RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
				  if (TeamDriver)
				    TeamDriver->StillToGo = StillToGo;
				else if (car->_pit->lmax < lgFromStart)
  				  float StillToGo = lgFromStart - car->_pit->lmax;
				  snprintf(car->ctrl.msg[2], RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE, "Overrun: %0.2f m" ,StillToGo);
				  car->ctrl.msg[2][RM_CMD_MAX_MSG_SIZE-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
				  if (TeamDriver)
				    TeamDriver->StillToGo = -StillToGo;

	/* Check if it is in a new sector */
	while (true)
		if (car->_currentSector < ReInfo->track->numberOfSectors - 1 && car->_laps > 0 && info->lapFlag == 0)
			/* Must pass at least one sector before the finish */
			if (RtGetDistFromStart(car) > ReInfo->track->sectors[car->_currentSector])
				/* It is in a new sector : update split time */
				car->_curSplitTime[car->_currentSector] = car->_curLapTime;
	/* Start Line Crossing */
	if (info->prevTrkPos.seg != car->_trkPos.seg) {
		if ((info->prevTrkPos.seg->raceInfo & TR_LAST)
			&& (car->_trkPos.seg->raceInfo & TR_START)) {
			if (info->lapFlag == 0) {

				// If the car has not yet finished the race :
				if (!(car->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH)) {

					// 1 more lap completed
					// (Note: lap with index 0 finishes when the car crosses the start line the 1st time,
					//        and is thus considered a real lap, whereas it is not).

					/*if (NetGetNetwork())

					if (car->_pos == 1 && s->currentTime < s->_totTime
						&& s->_raceType == RM_TYPE_RACE)
						/* First car passed finish time before the time ends: increase the number of laps for everyone */
						for (xx = 0; xx < s->_ncars; ++xx)
					car->_currentSector = 0;
					if (car->_laps > 1) {
						car->_lastLapTime = s->currentTime - info->sTime;
						if (car->_bestLapTime != 0) {
							car->_deltaBestLapTime = car->_lastLapTime - car->_bestLapTime;
						if ((car->_lastLapTime < car->_bestLapTime) || (car->_bestLapTime == 0)) {
							car->_bestLapTime = car->_lastLapTime;
							memcpy(car->_bestSplitTime, car->_curSplitTime, sizeof(double)*(ReInfo->track->numberOfSectors - 1) );
							if (s->_raceType != RM_TYPE_RACE && s->_ncars > 1)
								/* Best lap time is made better : update times behind leader */
								bestLapChanged = true;
								car->_timeBehindLeader = car->_bestLapTime - s->cars[0]->_bestLapTime;
								if (car->_pos > 1)
									car->_timeBehindPrev = car->_bestLapTime - s->cars[car->_pos - 1]->_bestLapTime;
									/* New best time for the leader : update the differences */
									for (xx = 1; xx < s->_ncars; ++xx)
										if (s->cars[xx]->_bestLapTime > 0.0f)
											s->cars[xx]->_timeBehindLeader = s->cars[xx]->_bestLapTime - car->_bestLapTime;
								if (car->_pos + 1 < s->_ncars && s->cars[car->_pos+1]->_bestLapTime > 0.0f)
									car->_timeBeforeNext = s->cars[car->_pos + 1]->_bestLapTime - car->_bestLapTime;
									car->_timeBeforeNext = 0;
					if (car->_laps > 0) {
						car->_curTime += s->currentTime - info->sTime;
						if (car->_pos != 1 && s->_raceType == RM_TYPE_RACE) {
							car->_timeBehindLeader = car->_curTime - s->cars[0]->_curTime;
							car->_lapsBehindLeader = s->cars[0]->_laps - car->_laps;
							car->_timeBehindPrev = car->_curTime - s->cars[car->_pos - 2]->_curTime;
							s->cars[car->_pos - 2]->_timeBeforeNext = car->_timeBehindPrev;
						} else if (s->_raceType == RM_TYPE_RACE) {
							car->_timeBehindLeader = 0;
							car->_lapsBehindLeader = 0;
							car->_timeBehindPrev = 0;
						info->sTime = (tdble)s->currentTime;

						if (ReInfo->s->_raceType == RM_TYPE_PRACTICE && 
								(car->_laps > 1 || s->_totLaps == 0))

					if (ReInfo->_displayMode == RM_DISP_MODE_NONE)
							case RM_TYPE_PRACTICE:
							case RM_TYPE_QUALIF:
							case RM_TYPE_RACE:
					info->topSpd = car->_speed_x;
					info->botSpd = car->_speed_x;
					if ((car->_remainingLaps < 0 && s->currentTime > s->_totTime) || (s->_raceState == RM_RACE_FINISHING)) {
						car->_state |= RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH;
						s->_raceState = RM_RACE_FINISHING;
						if (ReInfo->s->_raceType == RM_TYPE_RACE) {
							if (car->_pos == 1) {
								snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Winner %s", car->_name);
								msg[sizeof(msg)-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
								ReSituation::self().setRaceMessage(msg, 10, /*big=*/true);
								if (NetGetServer())
							} else {
								const char *numSuffix = "th";
								if (abs(12 - car->_pos) > 1) { /* leave suffix as 'th' for 11 to 13 */
									switch (car->_pos % 10) {
										case 1:
											numSuffix = "st";
										case 2:
											numSuffix = "nd";
										case 3:
											numSuffix = "rd";
								snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s finished %d%s", car->_name, car->_pos, numSuffix);
								msg[sizeof(msg)-1] = 0; // Some snprintf implementations fail to do so.
								ReSituation::self().setRaceMessage(msg, 5);
					// Notify the UI when a lap is completed (by the leader)
					// and race results have been updated.
					if (car->_pos == 1)
						ReUI().onLapCompleted(car->_laps - 1);

				} else {
					// Prevent infinite looping of cars around track,
					// allowing one lap after finish for the first car, but no more
					for (i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++) {
						s->cars[i]->_state |= RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH;

			} else {
		if ((info->prevTrkPos.seg->raceInfo & TR_START)
			&& (car->_trkPos.seg->raceInfo & TR_LAST)) {
			/* going backward through the start line */
	} // Start Line Crossing

	// Apply race rules (penalties if enabled).

	// Update misc car info.
	info->prevTrkPos = car->_trkPos;
	car->_curLapTime = s->currentTime - info->sTime;
	car->_distFromStartLine = car->_trkPos.seg->lgfromstart +
		(car->_trkPos.seg->type == TR_STR ? car->_trkPos.toStart : car->_trkPos.toStart * car->_trkPos.seg->radius);
	car->_distRaced = (car->_laps - 1) * ReInfo->track->length + car->_distFromStartLine;