void init() { ReadConf(); Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnRehash }; ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, this, sizeof(eventlist)/sizeof(Implementation)); }
ModuleSQLite3(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me), currid(0) { ServerInstance->Modules->UseInterface("SQLutils"); if (!ServerInstance->Modules->PublishFeature("SQL", this)) { throw ModuleException("m_sqlite3: Unable to publish feature 'SQL'"); } /* Create a socket on a random port. Let the tcp stack allocate us an available port */ #ifdef IPV6 listener = new SQLiteListener(this, ServerInstance, 0, "::1"); #else listener = new SQLiteListener(this, ServerInstance, 0, ""); #endif if (listener->GetFd() == -1) { ServerInstance->Modules->DoneWithInterface("SQLutils"); throw ModuleException("m_sqlite3: unable to create ITC pipe"); } else { ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_sqlite3", DEBUG, "SQLite: Interthread comms port is %d", listener->GetPort()); } ReadConf(); ServerInstance->Modules->PublishInterface("SQL", this); Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnRequest, I_OnRehash }; ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, this, 2); }
void initialize() { if (init>0) return; #ifdef _allow_cachefiles cachedir = makefullpath(ReadConf("bkz.conf","svpccache")); mkdirRecursive(cachedir.c_str(), 0777); #endif init = 1; }
void CMyServer::ConstructL() { __LOGSTR("Construct"); CActiveScheduler::Add(this); iWs = RWsSession(); iFs.Connect(); iTextPlain = CPlainText::NewL(); ReadConf(); __LOGSTR("ReadConfComplete"); iOldName = _L("ClipboardChanged"); iWs.Connect(iFs); iTaskList = new(ELeave) TApaTaskList(iWs); iScreen = new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); CleanupStack::PushL(iScreen); iScreen->Construct(); CleanupStack::Pop(iScreen); iChangeTrap = CChangeTrap::NewL(); iChangeTrap->SetObserver(this); iTimer = CPTimer::NewL(); iTimer->SetObserver(this); iCaller = CCaller::NewL(); iWg = RWindowGroup(iWs); iWg.Construct((TUint32)&iWg,EFalse); iWg.SetOrdinalPosition(0,ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront); iWg.EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse); iScreen->CreateContext(iGc); iWindow = RWindow(iWs); iWindow.Construct(iWg,(TUint32)&iWg+1); iWindow.Activate(); iWindow.SetExtent(TPoint(0,0),TSize(1,1)); iWindow.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor16MA); iWindow.SetOrdinalPosition(5555,ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront); TRgb backgroundColour = KRgbBlack; //if(KErrNone == iWindow.SetTransparencyAlphaChannel()) // { // backgroundColour.SetAlpha(0); // } iWindow.SetBackgroundColor(backgroundColour); GetFontSize(); iWindow.SetSize(iSize); __LOGSTR2("iSize1: %d,iSize2: %d",iSize.iWidth,iSize.iHeight); iPos=TPoint(iConfig.iX,iConfig.iY); iWindow.SetVisible(EFalse); iWs.Flush(); //Draw(iOldName); }
void UpdateDlg::InternetUpdate(bool forceDownload) { UpdateStatus(_("Please wait...")); m_HasUpdated = false; m_Net.SetServer(GetCurrentServer()); EnableButtons(false); forceDownload = forceDownload || !XRCCTRL(*this, "chkCache", wxCheckBox)->GetValue(); bool forceDownloadMirrors = forceDownload || !wxFileExists(GetMirrorsFilename()); if (forceDownloadMirrors) { if (!m_Net.DownloadFile(_T("mirrors.cfg"), GetMirrorsFilename())) { UpdateStatus(_("Error downloading list of mirrors"), 0, 0); return; } else { FillServers(); m_Net.SetServer(GetCurrentServer()); // update server based on mirrors } } wxString config = GetConfFilename(); forceDownload = forceDownload || !wxFileExists(config); if (forceDownload && !m_Net.DownloadFile(_T("webupdate.conf"), config)) { UpdateStatus(_("Error downloading list of updates"), 0, 0); return; } else { IniParser ini; if (!ini.ParseFile(config)) { UpdateStatus(_("Failed to retrieve the list of updates"), 0, 0); return; } ini.Sort(); if (m_Recs) delete[] m_Recs; // remember to delete[] m_Recs when we 're done with it!!! // it's our responsibility once given to us m_Recs = ReadConf(ini, &m_RecsCount, GetCurrentServer(), GetPackagePath()); FillGroups(); } EnableButtons(); UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0); m_HasUpdated = true; }
INT WINAPI wWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPWSTR, INT ) { hinst = hInstance; //将实例句柄存储在全局变量中 MyRegisterClass(hInstance); //注册窗口类 ReadConf(); //读取配置文件 //创建并显示主窗口 if (MyShowWindow(hInstance, SW_SHOWDEFAULT)) { Init(); ShowCursor(false); #ifndef _DEBUG //创建脚本处理线程 boost::thread Thread_Script_Process(Script_Process); #endif //主消息循环: MSG msg; ZeroMemory(&msg,sizeof(msg)); while(msg.message != WM_QUIT) { if(PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0U,0U,PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else gameRender(); } //传递线程退出消息给ScriptThread ScriptThreadExit = true; ReleaseMusicModule(); #ifndef _DEBUG //等待脚本处理线程结束 Thread_Script_Process.join(); #endif //释放dx渲染库 ReleaseDxDrawDLL(); } UnregisterClass(szWindowClass,hinst); return 0; }
ModulePgSQL(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me), currid(0) { ServerInstance->Modules->UseInterface("SQLutils"); sqlsuccess = new char[strlen(SQLSUCCESS)+1]; strlcpy(sqlsuccess, SQLSUCCESS, strlen(SQLSUCCESS)); if (!ServerInstance->Modules->PublishFeature("SQL", this)) { throw ModuleException("BUG: PgSQL Unable to publish feature 'SQL'"); } ReadConf(); ServerInstance->Modules->PublishInterface("SQL", this); Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnUnloadModule, I_OnRequest, I_OnRehash }; ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, this, 3); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int tv,index,i,j,cmct=CMCT,cmc=CMC,trnspi=TRANSP,trnsp=0,found,loop=1,first=1,x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7; int xdir=1, ydir=1; double xstep=1, ystep=1; double csx, cex, csy, cey; time_t atim; struct tm *ltim; char *aptr,*rptr; char dstr[2]={0,0}; printf("SSaver Version %s\n",CL_VERSION); ReadConf(); for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { aptr=argv[i]; if((rptr=strchr(aptr,'='))!=NULL) { rptr++; if(strstr(aptr,"DATE=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { sdat=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"BIG=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { big=(j)?1:0; } } if(strstr(aptr,"SEC=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { secs=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"SLOW=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { if(!j) { j=1; } slow=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"FCOL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { fcol=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"BCOL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { bcol=j; } } } } if((sx=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartX"))<0) sx=80; if((ex=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndX"))<0) ex=620; if((sy=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartY"))<0) sy=80; if((ey=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndY"))<0) ey=505; if(!slow) { slow=1; } if(slow>10) { slow=10; } xpos=ex/2; ypos=ey/2; for(index=CMCST; index<=CMH; index++) { sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_alpha",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) tr[index-1]=(tv<<8); sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_blue",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) bl[index-1]=(tv+(tv<<8)); sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_green",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) gn[index-1]=(tv+(tv<<8)); sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_red",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) rd[index-1]=(tv+(tv<<8)); } fb = open(FB_DEVICE, O_RDWR); if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fix_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Clock <FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Clock <FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGETCMAP, &colormap) == -1) { printf("Clock <FBIOGETCMAP failed>\n"); return -1; } if(!(lfb = (unsigned char*)mmap(0, fix_screeninfo.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb, 0))) { printf("Clock <mapping of Framebuffer failed>\n"); return -1; } //init fontlibrary if((error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library))) { printf("Clock <FT_Init_FreeType failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>", error); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_New(library, 1, 2, 0, &MyFaceRequester, NULL, &manager))) { printf("Clock <FTC_Manager_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_SBitCache_New(manager, &cache))) { printf("Clock <FTC_SBitCache_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face(manager, FONT, &face))) { printf("Clock <FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } use_kerning = FT_HAS_KERNING(face); #ifdef FT_NEW_CACHE_API desc.face_id = FONT; desc.flags = FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME; #else desc.font.face_id = FONT; desc.image_type = ftc_image_mono; #endif if(!(lbb = malloc(var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres))) { printf("Clock <allocating of Backbuffer failed>\n"); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } memset(lbb, 0, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); startx = sx; starty = sy; xstep/=(double)slow; ystep/=(double)slow; InitRC(); while(loop) { usleep(15000L); ioctl(fb, FBIOGETCMAP, &colormap); found=0; trnsp=0; for(i=colormap.start;i<colormap.len && found!=7;i++) { if(!colormap.red[i] && !colormap.green[i] && !colormap.blue[i] && !colormap.transp[i]) { cmc=i; found|=1; } if(colormap.red[i]>=0xF000 && colormap.green[i]>=0xF000 && colormap.blue[i]>=0xF000 && !colormap.transp[i]) { cmct=i; found|=2; } if(colormap.transp[i]>trnsp) { trnspi=i; trnsp=colormap.transp[i]; found|=4; } } if(first) { first=0; memset(lbb, (bcol==0)?trnspi:((bcol==1)?cmc:cmct), var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); memset(lfb, (bcol==0)?trnspi:((bcol==1)?cmc:cmct), var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); } if(big) { x0=3; x1=14; x2=26; x3=BIG; x4=30; x5=60; } else { x0=7; x1=12; x2=18; x3=MED; x4=18; x5=40; } x6=0; x7=0; time(&atim); ltim=localtime(&atim); if(secs) { sprintf(tstr,"%02d:%02d:%02d",ltim->tm_hour,ltim->tm_min,ltim->tm_sec); } else { sprintf(tstr," %02d%c%02d",ltim->tm_hour,(ltim->tm_sec & 1)?':':' ',ltim->tm_min); if(!sdat) { x6=3; x7=36+4*big; } } xpos+=xstep*(double)xdir; ypos+=ystep*(double)ydir; csx=xpos+x7; csy=ypos; cex=xpos+x7+100+20*big; cey=ypos+x2+2*(1+big)+sdat*x4; if(csx<0 || (sx+cex)>=ex) { xdir*=-1; xpos+=xstep*(double)xdir; csx=xpos+x7; cex=xpos+x7+100+20*big; xstep=rand()&3; if(!xstep) { xstep=1; } xstep/=(double)slow; } if(csy<0 || (sy+cey)>=ey) { ydir*=-1; ypos+=ystep*(double)ydir; csy=ypos; cey=ypos+x2+2*(1+big)+sdat*x4; ystep=rand()&3; if(!ystep || (ystep==3 && ydir==1)) { ystep=1; } ystep/=(double)slow; } for(i=x6; i<strlen(tstr); i++) { *dstr=tstr[i]; RenderString(dstr, xpos-x0+(i*x1), ypos+x2, 30, CENTER, x3, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==2)?cmct:cmc)); } if(sdat) { sprintf(tstr,"%02d.%02d.%02d",ltim->tm_mday,ltim->tm_mon+1,ltim->tm_year-100); for(i=0; i<strlen(tstr); i++) { *dstr=tstr[i]; RenderString(dstr, xpos-x0+(i*x1), ypos+x5-2-2*big, 30, CENTER, x3, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==2)?cmct:cmc)); } } for(i=0;i<=((sdat)?40:20)*(1+big);i++) { j=(starty+ypos+i)*var_screeninfo.xres+xpos+startx; if((j+100+20*big)<var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres) { memcpy(lfb+j, lbb+j, 100+20*big); } } RenderBox(csx, csy, cex, cey, FILL, (bcol==0)?trnspi:((bcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); if(++loop>10) { if(RCKeyPressed()||ExistFile("/tmp/.ssaver_kill")) { loop=0; } } } cmct=0; cmc=0; for(i=colormap.start;i<colormap.len;i++) { if(colormap.transp[i]>cmct) { cmc=i; cmct=colormap.transp[i]; } } memset(lfb, cmc, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); free(lbb); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); close(fb); CloseRC(); remove("/tmp/.ssaver_kill"); return 0; }
int main (void) { int loop=0, werbung=0, tnet=-1,blit=0,cnum=-1,tv,wflag=1,runtime=0, mut=0, vol=0, tmin=15; char tstr[40],zapchan[40],msgchan[40]; FILE *fh1; time_t t1,t2,t3,t4; printf("Blockad Version %s\n",P_VERSION); if (!ReadConf()) { printf("Blockad <Configuration failed>\n"); } else { if((fh1=fopen(FLG_FILE,"r"))!=NULL) { if(fgets(zapchan, sizeof(zapchan), fh1)) { Trim_String(zapchan); if(fgets(tstr, sizeof(tstr), fh1)) { sscanf(tstr,"%d",&cnum); if(fgets(tstr, sizeof(tstr), fh1)) { sscanf(tstr,"%d",&rezap); if(fgets(msgchan, sizeof(msgchan), fh1)) { Trim_String(msgchan); } else { sprintf(msgchan,"Unbekannt"); } if(fgets(tstr, sizeof(tstr), fh1)) { if(sscanf(tstr,"%d",&vol)==1) { if(volume) { if(fgets(tstr, sizeof(tstr), fh1)) { if(sscanf(tstr,"%d",&mut)!=1) { mut=0; } } } } } if(fgets(tstr, sizeof(tstr), fh1)) { if(sscanf(tstr,"%d",&tmin)!=1) { tmin=15; } } } } else { rezap=420; } loop=1; if(cnum<0) { inet=-1; } } fclose(fh1); } time(&t1); t4=t3=t1; #ifdef HAVE_DBOX_HARDWARE LCD_Init(); #endif if(inet>=0) { if(Open_Socket()==-1) { inet=-1; } } while(loop) { time(&t2); if(inet>=0) { tnet=-1; if(inet>=0) { tv=Check_Socket(cnum,&werbung); if(!werbung) { if((t2-t4)>tmin) { Do_Rezap(zapchan,vol,mut); loop=0; } } else { t4=t2; } if(tv>=0) { tnet=inet; } } inet=tnet; } if(loop) { if((fh1=fopen(FLG_FILE,"r"))!=NULL) { fclose(fh1); if(inet>=0) { if(wflag) { fh1=fopen(STS_FILE,"w"); fprintf(fh1,"%s\n",msgchan); fprintf(fh1,"Auto\n"); fclose(fh1); wflag=0; } if(t3!=t2) { sprintf(tstr,"%s",(blit^=1)?" ":" WZ"); #ifdef HAVE_DBOX_HARDWARE LCD_Read(); LCD_draw_string(97, 13, tstr); LCD_update(); #endif t3=t2; } sleep(1); } else { runtime=t2-t1; if(runtime>rezap) { Do_Rezap(zapchan,vol,mut); loop=0; } else { if(t3!=t2) { runtime=rezap-runtime; sprintf(tstr,"%2d:%02d",runtime/60,runtime%60); fh1=fopen(STS_FILE,"w"); fprintf(fh1,"%s\n",msgchan); fprintf(fh1,"%s\n",tstr); fclose(fh1); #ifdef HAVE_DBOX_HARDWARE LCD_Read(); LCD_draw_string(81, 13, tstr); LCD_update(); #endif sleep(1); t3=t2; } } } } else { loop=0; } } } } #ifdef HAVE_DBOX_HARDWARE LCD_Close(); #endif if(inet>=0) { Close_Socket(); } sprintf(tstr,"cd /tmp\nrm blockads.*"); system(tstr); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int margin_left_F, digit_width, margin_top_t, font_size, margin_top_box, margin_top_d, digits, secs_width, adj_height; int i = 0; int j = 0; int w = 0; int ms = 0; int mw = 0; int loop = 1; unsigned int newmail = 0; unsigned int mailgfx = 0; int xdir = 1, ydir = 1; double xstep = 1, ystep = 1; double csx, cex, csy, cey; time_t atim; struct tm *ltim; char *aptr,*rptr; char dstr[2] = {0,0}; FILE *tfh; printf("Clock / SSaver Version %s\n",CL_VERSION); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-ss", 3)) { ssaver = 1; continue; } } if (ssaver) { time(&atim); srand((unsigned int)atim); ReadConf(SCFG_FILE); } else { ReadConf(CCFG_FILE); } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { aptr=argv[i]; if((rptr=strchr(aptr,'='))!=NULL) { rptr++; if (!ssaver) { if(strstr(aptr,"X=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { xpos=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"Y=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { ypos=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"MAIL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { mail=j; } } } if(strstr(aptr,"DATE=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { show_date=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"BIG=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { big=(j)?1:0; } } if(strstr(aptr,"SEC=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { show_sec=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"BLINK=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { blink=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"SLOW=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { if(!j) { j=1; } slow=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"FCOL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { fcol=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"BCOL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { bcol=j; } } } } if((sx=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartX"))<0) sx=80; if((ex=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndX"))<0) ex=620; if((sy=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartY"))<0) sy=80; if((ey=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndY"))<0) ey=505; fb = open(FB_DEVICE, O_RDWR); if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fix_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Clock / SSaver <FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Clock / SSaver <FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(!(lfb = (unsigned char*)mmap(0, fix_screeninfo.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb, 0))) { printf("Clock / SSaver <mapping of Framebuffer failed>\n"); return -1; } //init fontlibrary if((error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library))) { printf("Clock / SSaver <FT_Init_FreeType failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>", error); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_New(library, 1, 2, 0, &MyFaceRequester, NULL, &manager))) { printf("Clock / SSaver <FTC_Manager_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_SBitCache_New(manager, &cache))) { printf("Clock / SSaver <FTC_SBitCache_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face(manager, FONT, &face))) { printf("Clock / SSaver <FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } use_kerning = FT_HAS_KERNING(face); #ifdef FT_NEW_CACHE_API desc.face_id = FONT; #else desc.font.face_id = FONT; #endif #if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 && FREETYPE_MINOR == 0 desc.image_type = ftc_image_mono; #else desc.flags = FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME; #endif //init backbuffer if(!(lbb = malloc(var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres))) { printf("Clock / SSaver <allocating of Backbuffer failed>\n"); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if (!slow) slow=1; if (slow>10) slow=10; if (fcol > MAXCOL && !(ssaver == 1 && fcol == 99)) fcol = 2; if (bcol > 3 && !(bcol == 10)) bcol = 1; if (ssaver) { memset(lbb, col[bcol], var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); memset(lfb, col[bcol], var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); } else memset(lbb, 0, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); if (big) //grosse Schrift (time/date) { margin_left_F = 3; // 3 digit_width = 14; // 14 margin_top_t = 26; // 26 font_size = BIG; // 40 margin_top_box = 30; // 30 margin_top_d = 60; // 60 } else { margin_left_F = 7; //7 Abstand links digit_width = 12; //12 Ziffernblockbreite margin_top_t = 19; //19 Abstand "TimeString"-Unterkante von oben font_size = MED; //30 Schriftgroesse margin_top_box = 20; //20 Abstand Renderbox von oben margin_top_d = 40; //40 Abstand "DateString" von oben } digits = 0; secs_width = 0; startx = sx; starty = sy; mw = (big) ? 42 : 36; //mailwidth adj_height = 1 * (!big && !show_date); //max steprange == 3, so we need always a top/bottom margin of >=3 if (!show_sec && !show_date) { digits = 3; //3 Platzhalter ':ss' secs_width = digits * digit_width; } if (ssaver) { xpos = rand() %480 + 10; ypos = rand() %460 + 10; xdir *= (rand() &1) == 0 ? -1 : 1; ydir *= (rand() &1) == 0 ? -1 : 1; xstep/=(double)slow; ystep/=(double)slow; if (fcol == 99) { cCol = 1; Change_Col(&fcol, &bcol); } InitRC(); } while (loop) { if (ssaver) usleep(15000L); else { usleep(150000L); newmail = 0; if(mail && ExistFile(MAIL_FILE)) { if((tfh = fopen(MAIL_FILE,"r")) != NULL) { if(fgets(tstr, 511, tfh)) { if(sscanf(tstr, "%d", &i)) { newmail = i; } } fclose(tfh); } } } time(&atim); ltim=localtime(&atim); if (show_sec) { sprintf(tstr,"%02d:%02d:%02d", ltim->tm_hour, ltim->tm_min, ltim->tm_sec); } else { if (blink) sprintf(tstr," %02d%c%02d", ltim->tm_hour, (ltim->tm_sec & 1)? ' ' : ':', ltim->tm_min); else sprintf(tstr," %02d:%02d", ltim->tm_hour, ltim->tm_min); } if (!ssaver) { if (((int)xpos >= mw) || (!show_sec)) { ms = (int)xpos + ((show_sec) ? 0 : mw) - mw; //mail left } else { ms = (int)xpos + 100 + 20 * big; //mail right } //paint Backgroundcolor to clear digit RenderBox(xpos+secs_width, ypos, xpos+secs_width+100+20*big, ypos+margin_top_box + adj_height, FILL, col[bcol]); } if (ssaver) { xpos += xstep * (double)xdir; ypos += ystep * (double)ydir; csx = xpos + secs_width; csy = ypos; cex = xpos + secs_width + 100 + 20 * big; cey = ypos + margin_top_t + 2 * (1 + big) + (margin_top_box * show_date) + adj_height; if ((int)csx < 0 || (sx + (int)cex) > ex) { if (cCol) Change_Col(&fcol, &bcol); xdir *= -1; xpos += xstep * (double)xdir; csx = xpos + secs_width; cex = xpos + secs_width + 100 + 20 * big; xstep = rand() &3; if (!xstep) { xstep = 1; } xstep /= (double)slow; } if ((int)csy < 0 || (sy + (int)cey) > ey) { if (cCol) Change_Col(&fcol, &bcol); ydir *= -1; ypos += ystep * (double)ydir; csy = ypos; cey = ypos + margin_top_t + 2 * (1 + big) + (margin_top_box * show_date) + adj_height; ystep = rand() &3; if (!ystep) { ystep = 1; } ystep /= (double)slow; } RenderBox(csx, csy, cex, cey, FILL, col[bcol]); } for (i = digits; i < strlen(tstr); i++) { *dstr = tstr[i]; RenderString(dstr, xpos - margin_left_F + (i * digit_width), ypos + margin_top_t, 30, CENTER, font_size, col[fcol]); } if (show_date) { sprintf(tstr, "%02d.%02d.%02d", ltim->tm_mday, ltim->tm_mon + 1, ltim->tm_year - 100); if (!ssaver) { //Backgroundbox color Date RenderBox(xpos, ypos + margin_top_box, xpos + 100 + 20 * big, ypos + margin_top_d, FILL, col[bcol]); } for(i = 0; i < strlen(tstr); i++) { *dstr = tstr[i]; RenderString(dstr, xpos - margin_left_F + (i * digit_width), ypos + margin_top_d - 2 - (2 * big), 30, CENTER, font_size, col[fcol]); } } if (ssaver) { w = 100 + 20 * big + ((show_sec) ? 0 : - secs_width); for (i = 0; i <= ((show_date) ? 20 : 10) * (2 + big) + adj_height; i++) { j = (starty + (int)ypos + i) * var_screeninfo.xres + (int)xpos + ((show_sec) ? 0 : secs_width) + startx; if ((j + w) < var_screeninfo.xres * var_screeninfo.yres) { memcpy(lfb+j, lbb+j, w); } } } else { if (newmail > 0) { mailgfx = 1; //Background mail, left site from clock RenderBox(ms, ypos, ms+mw, ypos+margin_top_box + adj_height, FILL, col[bcol]); //bcol if(!(ltim->tm_sec & 1)) { RenderBox (ms+8, ypos+5+(1+big), ms+mw-8, ypos+margin_top_box+adj_height-2-(3*big), GRID, col[fcol]); DrawLine (ms+8, ypos+5+(1+big), ms+mw-8, ypos+margin_top_box+adj_height-2-(3*big), col[fcol]); DrawLine (ms+8, ypos+margin_top_box+adj_height-2-(3*big), ms+mw-8, ypos+5+(1+big), col[fcol]); DrawLine (ms+(9+1*big), ypos+4+(1+big), ms+(mw/2), ypos+1, col[fcol]); DrawLine (ms+(9+1*big), ypos+5+(1+big), ms+(mw/2), ypos+2, col[fcol]); DrawLine (ms+(mw/2), ypos+1, ms+mw-(9+1*big), ypos+4+(1+big), col[fcol]); DrawLine (ms+(mw/2), ypos+2, ms+mw-(9+1*big), ypos+5+(1+big), col[fcol]); } else { sprintf(tstr,"%d",newmail); RenderString(tstr, ms, ypos+margin_top_t, mw, CENTER, font_size, col[fcol]); } } else { if (mailgfx > 0) RenderBox(ms, ypos, ms+mw, ypos + margin_top_box + adj_height, FILL, (!show_date || show_sec) ? TRANSP : col[bcol]); else ms=(int)xpos; } w = 100 + 20 * big + ((mailgfx) ? ((show_sec) ? mw : 0) : - secs_width); for (i=0; i <= ((show_date) ? 20 : 10) * (2 + big) + adj_height; i++) { j = (starty + (int)ypos + i) * var_screeninfo.xres + ( ((ms < (int)xpos) ? ms : (int)xpos) + ((show_sec) ? 0 : ((mailgfx) ? 0 : secs_width)) ) + startx; if ((j + w) < var_screeninfo.xres * var_screeninfo.yres) { memcpy(lfb+j, lbb+j, w); } } if (newmail == 0 && mailgfx > 0) mailgfx = 0; } if (++loop > 10) { if ( (ssaver && (RCKeyPressed() || ExistFile("/tmp/.ssaver_kill"))) || (!ssaver && ExistFile("/tmp/.clock_kill")) ) loop = 0; } } /**************************** * close down Clock / SSaver ****************************/ if (ssaver) { memset(lfb, 0, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); remove("/tmp/.ssaver_kill"); CloseRC(); } else { memset(lbb, 0, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); remove("/tmp/.clock_kill"); for (i=0; i <= ((show_date) ? 20 : 10) * (2 + big) + adj_height; i++) { j=(starty+(int)ypos+i)*var_screeninfo.xres+((ms<(int)xpos)?ms:(int)xpos)+((show_sec)?0:((mailgfx)?0:secs_width))+startx; if((j+100+20*big+((mail)?mw:0))<var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres) { memcpy(lfb+j, lbb+j, w); } } } FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); free(lbb); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); close(fb); return 0; }
virtual void OnRehash(User* user) { ReadConf(); }
/****************************************************************************** * Blockads Main ******************************************************************************/ int main (void) { int loop=0,found,werbung=0,tnet, tv, cnum=-1; char tstr[512],line_buffer[512],zapchan[40],srcchan[40],*cpt1=NULL; FILE *fh1,*fh2; printf("Blockads Version %s\n",P_VERSION); if((fh1=fopen(FLG_FILE,"r"))==NULL) { // system("ping -c 5 google.com &"); fb = open(FB_DEVICE, O_RDWR); rc = open(RC_DEVICE, O_RDONLY); fcntl(rc, F_SETFL, (fcntl(rc, F_GETFL) | O_EXCL) & ~O_NONBLOCK); if((sx=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartX"))<0) sx=80; if((ex=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndX"))<0) ex=620; if((sy=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartY"))<0) sy=80; if((ey=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndY"))<0) ey=505; if(Read_Neutrino_Cfg("rounded_corners")>0) radius=9; else radius=0; //init framebuffer if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fix_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Blockads <FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Blockads <FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(!(lfb = (unsigned char*)mmap(0, fix_screeninfo.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb, 0))) { printf("Blockads <mapping of Framebuffer failed>\n"); return -1; } //init fontlibrary if((error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library))) { printf("Tuxwetter <FT_Init_FreeType failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>", error); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_New(library, 1, 2, 0, &MyFaceRequester, NULL, &manager))) { printf("Tuxwetter <FTC_Manager_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_SBitCache_New(manager, &cache))) { printf("Tuxwetter <FTC_SBitCache_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face(manager, FONT, &face))) { printf("Tuxwetter <FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } use_kerning = FT_HAS_KERNING(face); #ifdef FT_NEW_CACHE_API desc.face_id = FONT; desc.flags = FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME; #else desc.font.face_id = FONT; desc.image_type = ftc_image_mono; #endif //init backbuffer if(!(lbb = malloc(var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres))) { printf("Blockads <allocating of Backbuffer failed>\n"); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } memset(lbb, TRANSP, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); if (!ReadConf()) { printf("Blockads <Configuration failed>\n"); return -1; } found=0; loop=0; if(!HTTP_downloadFile("localhost",80,"/control/channellist", LST_FILE, 0, 1)) { if(!HTTP_downloadFile("localhost",80,"/control/zapto", ZAP_FILE, 0, 1)) { if((fh1=fopen(ZAP_FILE,"r"))!=NULL) { while((fgets(line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), fh1)>0) && (strlen(line_buffer)<4)); if(strlen(line_buffer)>1) { Trim_String(line_buffer); strcpy(zapchan,line_buffer); if((fh2=fopen(LST_FILE,"r"))!=NULL) { while(!found && (fgets(line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), fh2))) { if(strstr(line_buffer,zapchan)==line_buffer) { if((cpt1=strchr(line_buffer,' '))!=NULL) { cpt1++; Trim_String(cpt1); strcpy(msgchan,cpt1); loop=1; if(!Translate_Channel(cpt1, tstr)) { cnum=Get_ChannelNumber(tstr); strcpy(srcchan,tstr); found=1; } } } } if(!found) { inet=-1; } fclose(fh2); } } fclose(fh1); } } } if(!loop) { sprintf(tstr,"Fehler beim Auslesen der Kanalliste.\nPlugin konnte nicht gestartet werden."); Msg_Popup(tstr); return -1; } if(volume) { volume=0; if(!HTTP_downloadFile("localhost",80,"/control/volume?status", ZAP_FILE, 0, 1)) { if((fh1=fopen(ZAP_FILE,"r"))!=NULL) { while((fgets(line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), fh1)>0) && !strlen(line_buffer)); if(strlen(line_buffer)>=1) { Trim_String(line_buffer); sscanf(line_buffer,"%d",&mute); } fclose(fh1); } } if(!HTTP_downloadFile("localhost",80,"/control/volume", ZAP_FILE, 0, 1)) { if((fh1=fopen(ZAP_FILE,"r"))!=NULL) { while((fgets(line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), fh1)>0) && !strlen(line_buffer)); if(strlen(line_buffer)>=1) { Trim_String(line_buffer); sscanf(line_buffer,"%d",&volume); } fclose(fh1); } } } if(inet>=0) { tnet=-1; if(Open_Socket()!=-1) { tv=Check_Socket(cnum,&werbung); if(tv>0) { tnet=inet; if(!werbung) { if(!zapalways) { int adf=0; sprintf(tstr,"Für Kanal %s wird\nmomentan keine Werbung gemeldet.\nWerbung läuft im Augenblick auf:\n",msgchan); for(tv=0; tv<NUM_CHANNELS; tv++) { Check_Channel(tv,&found); if(found) { sprintf(tstr+strlen(tstr),"\n%s",Get_ChannelName(tv)); adf=1; } } if(!adf) { sprintf(tstr+strlen(tstr),"\nkeinem anderen Sender"); } Msg_Popup(tstr); loop=0; } else { tnet=-1; } } else { if((fh2=fopen(FLG_FILE,"w"))!=NULL) { int adf=0; fprintf(fh2,"%s\n%d\n%d\n%s\n%d\n%d\n%d\n",zapchan,cnum,rezap*60,msgchan,volume,mute,debounce); fclose(fh2); system("/bin/blockad &"); sprintf(tstr,"Werbezapper fr Kanal %s aktiviert.\nSie können jetzt umschalten.\n\nWerbung läuft im Augenblick auch auf:\n",msgchan); for(tv=0; tv<NUM_CHANNELS; tv++) { Check_Channel(tv,&found); if(found && (tv != cnum)) { sprintf(tstr+strlen(tstr),"\n%s",Get_ChannelName(tv)); adf=1; } } if(!adf) { sprintf(tstr+strlen(tstr),"\nkeinem anderen Sender"); } Msg_Popup(tstr); } } } Close_Socket(); } inet=tnet; } if(inet==-1 && loop) { Start_NoInet(zapchan); } } else { Msg_Popup("Werbezapper deaktiviert"); remove(FLG_FILE); sleep(2); } // clear Display memset(lbb, TRANSP, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); memcpy(lfb, lbb, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); close(fb); free(lbb); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); fcntl(rc, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); close(rc); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int tv,index,i,j,k,w,cmct=CMCT,cmc=CMC,trnspi=TRANSP,trnsp=0,found,loop=1,x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,ms,mw,newmail=0; time_t atim; struct tm *ltim; char *aptr,*rptr; char dstr[2]={0,0}; FILE *tfh; printf("Clock Version %s\n",CL_VERSION); ReadConf(); for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { aptr=argv[i]; if((rptr=strchr(aptr,'='))!=NULL) { rptr++; if(strstr(aptr,"X=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { xpos=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"Y=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { ypos=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"DATE=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { sdat=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"BIG=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { big=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"SEC=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { secs=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"FCOL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { fcol=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"BCOL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { bcol=j; } } if(strstr(aptr,"MAIL=")!=NULL) { if(sscanf(rptr,"%d",&j)==1) { mail=j; } } } } if((sx=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartX"))<0) sx=80; if((ex=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndX"))<0) ex=620; if((sy=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_StartY"))<0) sy=80; if((ey=Read_Neutrino_Cfg("screen_EndY"))<0) ey=505; for(index=CMCST; index<=CMH; index++) { sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_alpha",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) tr[index-1]=(tv<<8); sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_blue",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) bl[index-1]=(tv+(tv<<8)); sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_green",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) gn[index-1]=(tv+(tv<<8)); sprintf(tstr,"menu_%s_red",menucoltxt[index-1]); if((tv=Read_Neutrino_Cfg(tstr))>=0) rd[index-1]=(tv+(tv<<8)); } fb = open(FB_DEVICE, O_RDWR); if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fix_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Clock <FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var_screeninfo) == -1) { printf("Clock <FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO failed>\n"); return -1; } if(ioctl(fb, FBIOGETCMAP, &colormap) == -1) { printf("Clock <FBIOGETCMAP failed>\n"); return -1; } if(!(lfb = (unsigned char*)mmap(0, fix_screeninfo.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb, 0))) { printf("Clock <mapping of Framebuffer failed>\n"); return -1; } //init fontlibrary if((error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library))) { printf("Clock <FT_Init_FreeType failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>", error); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_New(library, 1, 2, 0, &MyFaceRequester, NULL, &manager))) { printf("Clock <FTC_Manager_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_SBitCache_New(manager, &cache))) { printf("Clock <FTC_SBitCache_New failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } if((error = FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face(manager, FONT, &face))) { printf("Clock <FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face failed with Errorcode 0x%.2X>\n", error); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } use_kerning = FT_HAS_KERNING(face); #ifdef FT_NEW_CACHE_API desc.face_id = FONT; #else desc.font.face_id = FONT; #endif #if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 && FREETYPE_MINOR == 0 desc.image_type = ftc_image_mono; #else desc.flags = FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME; #endif //init backbuffer if(!(lbb = malloc(var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres))) { printf("Clock <allocating of Backbuffer failed>\n"); FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); return -1; } memset(lbb, 0, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); startx = sx; starty = sy; mw=(big)?40:30; while(loop) { usleep(150000L); newmail=0; if(mail && ExistFile(MAIL_FILE)) { if((tfh=fopen(MAIL_FILE,"r"))!=NULL) { if(fgets(tstr,511,tfh)) { if(sscanf(tstr,"%d",&i)) { newmail=i; } } fclose(tfh); } } ioctl(fb, FBIOGETCMAP, &colormap); found=0; trnsp=0; for(i=colormap.start;i<colormap.len && found!=7;i++) { if(!colormap.red[i] && !colormap.green[i] && !colormap.blue[i] && !colormap.transp[i]) { cmc=i; found|=1; } if(colormap.red[i]>=0xF000 && colormap.green[i]>=0xF000 && colormap.blue[i]>=0xF000 && !colormap.transp[i]) { cmct=i; found|=2; } if(colormap.transp[i]>trnsp) { trnspi=i; trnsp=colormap.transp[i]; found|=4; } } if(big) { x0=3; x1=14; x2=26; x3=BIG; x4=30; x5=60; } else { x0=7; x1=12; x2=18; x3=MED; x4=18; x5=40; } x6=0; x7=0; time(&atim); ltim=localtime(&atim); if(secs) { sprintf(tstr,"%02d:%02d:%02d",ltim->tm_hour,ltim->tm_min,ltim->tm_sec); } else { sprintf(tstr," %02d%c%02d",ltim->tm_hour,(ltim->tm_sec & 1)?':':' ',ltim->tm_min); if(!sdat) { x6=3; x7=36+4*big; } } if((xpos>=mw)||(!secs)) { ms=xpos+((secs)?0:36+4*big)-mw; } else { ms=xpos+100+20*big; } k=((ms>xpos)&&mail)?mw:0; RenderBox(xpos+x7, ypos, xpos+x7+100+20*big, ypos+x2+2*(1+big), FILL, (bcol==0)?trnspi:((bcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); for(i=x6; i<strlen(tstr); i++) { *dstr=tstr[i]; RenderString(dstr, xpos-x0+(i*x1), ypos+x2, 30, CENTER, x3, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==2)?cmct:cmc)); } if(sdat) { sprintf(tstr,"%02d.%02d.%02d",ltim->tm_mday,ltim->tm_mon+1,ltim->tm_year-100); RenderBox(xpos, ypos+x4, xpos+100+20*big, ypos+x5, FILL, (bcol==0)?trnspi:((bcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); for(i=0; i<strlen(tstr); i++) { *dstr=tstr[i]; RenderString(dstr, xpos-x0+(i*x1), ypos+x5-2-2*big, 30, CENTER, x3, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==2)?cmct:cmc)); } } if(mail) { if(newmail) { RenderBox(ms, ypos, ms+mw, ypos+x2+2*(1+big), FILL, (bcol==0)?trnspi:((bcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); if(!(ltim->tm_sec & 1)) { RenderBox(ms+5, ypos+5+(1+big), ms+mw-5, ypos+x2+(1+big)-2, GRID, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); DrawLine(ms+5, ypos+5+(1+big), ms+mw-5, ypos+x2+(1+big)-2, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); DrawLine(ms+5, ypos+x2+(1+big)-2, ms+mw-5, ypos+5+(1+big), (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); DrawLine(ms+5, ypos+5+(1+big), ms+((mw-2)/2), ypos+2, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); DrawLine(ms+6, ypos+6+(1+big), ms+((mw-2)/2)+1, ypos+3, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); DrawLine(ms+((mw-2)/2), ypos+2, ms+mw-5, ypos+5+(1+big), (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); DrawLine(ms+((mw-2)/2)+1, ypos+3, ms+mw-6, ypos+6+(1+big), (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==1)?cmc:cmct)); } else { sprintf(tstr,"%d",newmail); RenderString(tstr, ms, ypos+x2, mw, CENTER, x3, (fcol==0)?trnspi:((fcol==2)?cmct:cmc)); } } else { if(!sdat || secs) { RenderBox(ms+((ms>(xpos+100))?1:0), ypos, ms+mw-((k)?0:1), ypos+x2+2*(1+big), FILL, trnspi); } } } else { ms=xpos; } w=100+20*big+((mail)?5*big+((secs)?mw:0):0)+k-((k&&!sdat)?mw:0); for(i=0;i<=((sdat)?40:20)*(1+big);i++) { j=(starty+ypos+i)*var_screeninfo.xres+((ms<xpos)?ms:xpos)+startx; if((j+w)<var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres) { memcpy(lfb+j, lbb+j, w); } } if(++loop>5) { if(ExistFile("/tmp/.clock_kill")) { loop=0; } } } cmct=0; cmc=0; for(i=colormap.start;i<colormap.len;i++) { if(colormap.transp[i]>cmct) { cmc=i; cmct=colormap.transp[i]; } } memset(lbb, cmc, var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres); for(i=0;i<=((sdat)?40:20)*(1+big);i++) { j=(starty+ypos+i)*var_screeninfo.xres+((ms<xpos)?ms:xpos)+startx; if((j+100+20*big+((mail)?mw:0))<var_screeninfo.xres*var_screeninfo.yres) { memcpy(lfb+j, lbb+j, w); } } FTC_Manager_Done(manager); FT_Done_FreeType(library); free(lbb); munmap(lfb, fix_screeninfo.smem_len); close(fb); remove("/tmp/.clock_kill"); return 0; }
int main( int argc ATTR_UNUSED, char **argv ) { DSpec dspec; ValArr va; char *ci, *disp, *dcls, *cfgfile; int what; if (!(ci = getenv( "CONINFO" ))) { fprintf( stderr, "This program is part of kdm and should not be run manually.\n" ); return 1; } if (sscanf( ci, "%d %d", &rfd, &wfd ) != 2) return 1; InitLog(); if ((debugLevel = GRecvInt()) & DEBUG_WCONFIG) sleep( 100 ); /* Debug ("parsing command line\n");*/ if (**++argv) kdmrc = *argv; /* while (*++argv) { } */ for (;;) { /* Debug ("Awaiting command ...\n");*/ if (!GRecvCmd( &what )) break; switch (what) { case GC_Files: /* Debug ("GC_Files\n");*/ ReadConf(); CopyValues( 0, &secGeneral, 0, C_CONFIG ); #ifdef XDMCP CopyValues( 0, &secXdmcp, 0, C_CONFIG ); GSendInt( 2 ); #else GSendInt( 1 ); #endif GSendStr( kdmrc ); GSendInt( -1 ); #ifdef XDMCP GSendNStr( VXaccess.ptr, VXaccess.len - 1 ); GSendInt( 0 ); #endif for (; (what = GRecvInt()) != -1; ) switch (what) { case GC_gGlobal: case GC_gDisplay: GSendInt( 0 ); break; #ifdef XDMCP case GC_gXaccess: GSendInt( 1 ); break; #endif default: GSendInt( -1 ); break; } break; case GC_GetConf: /* Debug( "GC_GetConf\n" );*/ memset( &va, 0, sizeof(va) ); what = GRecvInt(); cfgfile = GRecvStr(); switch (what) { case GC_gGlobal: /* Debug( "GC_gGlobal\n" );*/ Debug( "getting global config\n" ); ReadConf(); CopyValues( &va, &secGeneral, 0, 0 ); #ifdef XDMCP CopyValues( &va, &secXdmcp, 0, 0 ); #endif CopyValues( &va, &secShutdown, 0, 0 ); SendValues( &va ); break; case GC_gDisplay: /* Debug( "GC_gDisplay\n" );*/ disp = GRecvStr(); /* Debug( " Display %s\n", disp );*/ dcls = GRecvStr(); /* Debug( " Class %s\n", dcls );*/ Debug( "getting config for display %s, class %s\n", disp, dcls ); MkDSpec( &dspec, disp, dcls ? dcls : "" ); ReadConf(); CopyValues( &va, &sec_Core, &dspec, 0 ); CopyValues( &va, &sec_Greeter, &dspec, 0 ); free( disp ); if (dcls) free( dcls ); SendValues( &va ); break; #ifdef XDMCP case GC_gXaccess: ReadAccessFile( cfgfile ); break; #endif default: Debug( "Unsupported config category %#x\n", what ); } free( cfgfile ); break; default: Debug( "Unknown config command %#x\n", what ); } } /* Debug( "Config reader exiting ..." );*/ return EX_NORMAL; }
ConfManager::ConfManager(const string& confFile) { ReadConf(confFile); curSection_ = ""; }
void CMyServer::ReadConf() { __LOGSTR("ReadConf"); if(iFile.Open(iFs,KFileConfig,EFileRead) != KErrNone) {//file not exist __LOGSTR("File not exist"); TInt err = iFs.MkDirAll(KFileConfigDir); __LOGSTR1("Mkdir: %d",err); iFile.Replace(iFs,KFileConfig,EFileRead|EFileWrite); TFileText text; iFile.Write(0,_L8("\xff\xfe"));//signature text.Set(iFile); text.Write(_L("140"));//iX text.Write(_L("190"));//iY text.Write(_L("120"));//iLandY text.Write(_L("150"));//iLandX text.Write(_L("15"));//iHeight text.Write(_L("0xffffff"));//TRgb white text.Write(_L("0x102750f0"));//default UID iFile.Close(); ReadConf(); }else{ __LOGSTR("File exist"); //file exist TFileText text; TLex lex; TBuf<32> buf; text.Set(iFile); text.Read(buf); lex.Assign(buf); lex.Val(iConfig.iX); text.Read(buf); lex.Assign(buf); lex.Val(iConfig.iY); text.Read(buf); lex.Assign(buf); lex.Val(iConfig.iLandY); text.Read(buf); lex.Assign(buf); lex.Val(iConfig.iLandX); text.Read(buf); lex.Assign(buf); lex.Val(iConfig.iHeight); text.Read(buf); if(buf.Left(2)==_L("0x")) buf.Delete(0,2); lex.Assign(buf); TUint32 rgb; lex.Val(rgb,EHex); iConfig.iColor = rgb; text.Read(buf); buf.Delete(0,2); // delete 0x lex.Assign(buf); TUint tempuid; lex.Val(tempuid,EHex); iConfig.iUid.iUid = tempuid; iFile.Close(); } }
void CMyServer::ConstructL() { #ifdef __DEBUG __LOGSTR("Construct"); #endif CActiveScheduler::Add(this); iWs = RWsSession(); iFs.Connect(); ReadConf(); #ifdef __DEBUG __LOGSTR("ReadConfComplete"); #endif iWs.Connect(iFs); iTaskList = new(ELeave) TApaTaskList(iWs); iScreen = new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); CleanupStack::PushL(iScreen); iScreen->Construct(); CleanupStack::Pop(iScreen); iEngine = CreateProfileEngineL(); iOldName = iEngine->ActiveProfileL()->ProfileName().Name(); //__LOGSTR1("name:%S",&iEngine->ActiveProfileL()->ProfileName().Name()); // get font name TTypefaceSupport iTypefaceSupport; TBuf<KMaxTypefaceNameLength> fontName; fontName.FillZ(KMaxTypefaceNameLength); iScreen->TypefaceSupport(iTypefaceSupport, 0); fontName = iTypefaceSupport.iTypeface.iName; // get font TFontSpec FontSpec(fontName, 10*iConfig.iHeight); FontSpec.iTypeface.SetIsProportional(ETrue); iScreen->GetNearestFontInTwips(iFont,FontSpec); iIsVisible=EFalse; //calculate size // TBuf<150> temp; //temp.Fill('P',150); iSize=TSize(iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iOldName),iFont->HeightInPixels()*2+3); //__LOGSTR2("iFont->TextWidthInPixels(temp):%d,iFont->HeightInPixels()*2+3:%d",iFont->TextWidthInPixels(temp),iFont->HeightInPixels()*2+3); iPos=TPoint(iConfig.iX,iConfig.iY); // create image and it's mask iBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); iMask=new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); iBitmap->Create(iSize,EColor16M); iMask->Create(iSize,EColor16M); CFbsBitmapDevice* BitDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iBitmap); CFbsBitmapDevice* MaskDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iMask); BitDevice->CreateContext(iBitGc); MaskDevice->CreateContext(iMaskGc); iBitGc->UseFont(iFont); iMaskGc->UseFont(iFont); //create window group with high priority (always at front) iWg=new (ELeave) RWindowGroup(iWs); iWg->Construct(reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(&iWg)); iWg->EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse); iWg->SetOrdinalPosition(0, ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront); //create sprite iSprite= new (ELeave) RWsSprite(iWs); iSprite->Construct(*iWg,iPos,0); iMember.iBitmap=NULL; // no image iMember.iMaskBitmap=NULL; iMember.iOffset=TPoint(0,0); iMember.iInterval=TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0); iMember.iInvertMask=ETrue; // black - not transparadent, white - transparadent iSprite->AppendMember(iMember); iSprite->SetPosition(iPos); iSprite->Activate(); iWs.Flush(); Draw(iOldName); Hide(); }