コード例 #1
bool PGM_KICAD::OnPgmInit( wxApp* aWxApp )
    m_wx_app = aWxApp;      // first thing.

    wxString absoluteArgv0 = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath();

    if( !wxIsAbsolutePath( absoluteArgv0 ) )
        wxLogError( wxT( "No meaningful argv[0]" ) );
        return false;

    // Set LIB_ENV_VAR *before* loading the KIFACE DSOs, in case they have hard
    // dependencies on subsidiary DSOs below it.
    set_lib_env_var( absoluteArgv0 );

    if( !initPgm() )
        return false;


    // Add search paths to feed the PGM_KICAD::SysSearch() function,
    // currenly limited in support to only look for project templates
        SEARCH_STACK bases;

        SystemDirsAppend( &bases );

        // DBG( bases.Show( (std::string(__func__) + " bases").c_str() );)

        for( unsigned i = 0; i < bases.GetCount(); ++i )
            wxFileName fn( bases[i], wxEmptyString );

            // Add KiCad template file path to search path list.
            fn.AppendDir( wxT( "template" ) );
            m_bm.m_search.AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );

        //DBG( m_bm.m_search.Show( (std::string( __func__ ) + " SysSearch()").c_str() );)

    // Must be called before creating the main frame in order to
    // display the real hotkeys in menus or tool tips
    extern struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr[];
    ReadHotkeyConfig( KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME_NAME, kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr );

                                     wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );
    App().SetTopWindow( frame );

    Kiway.SetTop( frame );

    bool prjloaded = false;    // true when the project is loaded

    if( App().argc > 1 )
        frame->SetProjectFileName( App().argv[1] );

    else if( GetFileHistory().GetCount() )
        wxString last_pro = GetFileHistory().GetHistoryFile( 0 );

        if( !wxFileExists( last_pro ) )
            GetFileHistory().RemoveFileFromHistory( 0 );

            wxFileName namelessProject( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), NAMELESS_PROJECT,
                                        ProjectFileExtension );

            frame->SetProjectFileName( namelessProject.GetFullPath() );
            // Try to open the last opened project,
            // if a project name is not given when starting Kicad
            frame->SetProjectFileName( last_pro );

            wxCommandEvent cmd( 0, wxID_FILE1 );

            frame->OnFileHistory( cmd );
            prjloaded = true;    // OnFileHistory() loads the project
    else	// there is no history
            wxFileName namelessProject( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), NAMELESS_PROJECT,
                                        ProjectFileExtension );

            frame->SetProjectFileName( namelessProject.GetFullPath() );

    if( !prjloaded )
        wxCommandEvent cmd( 0, wxID_ANY );

        frame->OnLoadProject( cmd );

    frame->Show( true );

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: gerbview.cpp プロジェクト: jerkey/kicad
bool EDA_APP::OnInit()
    wxFileName          fn;

    InitEDA_Appl( wxT( "GerbView" ), APP_GERBVIEW_T );

    if( m_Checker && m_Checker->IsAnotherRunning() )
        if( !IsOK( NULL, _( "GerbView is already running. Continue?" ) ) )
            return false;

    // read current setup and reopen last directory if no filename to open in
    // command line
    bool reopenLastUsedDirectory = argc == 1;
    GetSettings( reopenLastUsedDirectory );

    g_DrawBgColor = BLACK;

   /* Must be called before creating the main frame in order to
    * display the real hotkeys in menus or tool tips */
    ReadHotkeyConfig( wxT("GerberFrame"), s_Gerbview_Hokeys_Descr );

    frame = new  GERBVIEW_FRAME( NULL, wxT( "GerbView" ), wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( 600, 400 ) );

    /* Gerbview mainframe title */
    frame->SetTitle( GetTitle() + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion() );

    SetTopWindow( frame );                  // Set GerbView mainframe on top
    frame->Show( true );                    // Show GerbView mainframe
    frame->Zoom_Automatique( true );        // Zoom fit in frame
    frame->GetScreen()->m_FirstRedraw = false;

    if( argc <= 1 )
        return true;

    fn = argv[1];

    if( fn.IsOk() )
        if( fn.DirExists() )
            wxSetWorkingDirectory( fn.GetPath() );

        // Load all files specified on the command line.

        for( LAYER_NUM ii = LAYER_N_2; ii < argc && ii <= NB_GERBER_LAYERS; ++ii )
            fn = wxFileName( argv[ii] );

            if( fn.FileExists() )
                frame->setActiveLayer( jj );
                frame->LoadGerberFiles( fn.GetFullPath() );

    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: eeschema_config.cpp プロジェクト: johnbeard/kicad
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    EDA_DRAW_FRAME::LoadSettings( aCfg );

    long tmp;

    ReadHotkeyConfig( SCH_EDIT_FRAME_NAME, g_Schematic_Hotkeys_Descr );
    wxConfigLoadSetups( aCfg, GetConfigurationSettings() );

    SetDefaultBusThickness( (int) aCfg->Read( DefaultBusWidthEntry, DEFAULTBUSTHICKNESS ) );
    SetDefaultLineThickness( (int) aCfg->Read( DefaultDrawLineWidthEntry, DEFAULTDRAWLINETHICKNESS ) );
    SCH_JUNCTION::SetSymbolSize( (int) aCfg->Read( DefaultJctSizeEntry, SCH_JUNCTION::GetSymbolSize() ) );
    aCfg->Read( ShowHiddenPinsEntry, &m_showAllPins, false );
    aCfg->Read( HorzVertLinesOnlyEntry, &m_forceHVLines, true );
    aCfg->Read( AutoplaceFieldsEntry, &m_autoplaceFields, true );
    aCfg->Read( AutoplaceJustifyEntry, &m_autoplaceJustify, true );
    aCfg->Read( AutoplaceAlignEntry, &m_autoplaceAlign, false );
    aCfg->Read( FootprintPreviewEntry, &m_footprintPreview, false );

    // Load netlists options:
    aCfg->Read( SimulatorCommandEntry, &m_simulatorCommand );

    wxASSERT_MSG( m_findReplaceData,
                  wxT( "Find dialog data settings object not created. Bad programmer!" ) );

    aCfg->Read( FindReplaceFlagsEntry, &tmp, (long) wxFR_DOWN );
    m_findReplaceData->SetFlags( (wxUint32) tmp & ~FR_REPLACE_ITEM_FOUND );
    m_findReplaceData->SetFindString( aCfg->Read( FindStringEntry, wxEmptyString ) );
    m_findReplaceData->SetReplaceString( aCfg->Read( ReplaceStringEntry, wxEmptyString ) );

    // Load the find and replace string history list.
    for( int i = 0; i < FR_HISTORY_LIST_CNT; ++i )
        wxString tmpHistory;
        wxString entry;
        entry.Printf( FindStringHistoryEntry, i );
        tmpHistory = aCfg->Read( entry, wxEmptyString );

        if( !tmpHistory.IsEmpty() )
            m_findStringHistoryList.Add( tmpHistory );

        entry.Printf( ReplaceStringHistoryEntry, i );
        tmpHistory = aCfg->Read( entry, wxEmptyString );

        if( !tmpHistory.IsEmpty() )
            m_replaceStringHistoryList.Add( tmpHistory );

    wxString templateFieldNames = aCfg->Read( FieldNamesEntry, wxEmptyString );

    if( !templateFieldNames.IsEmpty() )
        TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES_LEXER  lexer( TO_UTF8( templateFieldNames ) );

            m_templateFieldNames.Parse( &lexer );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& DBG( e ) )
            // @todo show error msg
            DBG( printf( "templatefieldnames parsing error: '%s'\n", TO_UTF8( e.What() ) ); )
コード例 #4
ファイル: eeschema.cpp プロジェクト: jerkey/kicad
bool EDA_APP::OnInit()
    wxFileName      filename;
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame = NULL;
    bool fileReady = false;

    InitEDA_Appl( wxT( "Eeschema" ), APP_EESCHEMA_T );

    if( argc > 1 )
        filename = argv[1];

    if( filename.IsOk() )
        if( filename.GetExt() != SchematicFileExtension )
            filename.SetExt( SchematicFileExtension );

        if( !wxGetApp().LockFile( filename.GetFullPath() ) )
            DisplayError( NULL, _( "This file is already open." ) );
            return false;

        fileReady = true;

    if( m_Checker && m_Checker->IsAnotherRunning() )
        if( !IsOK( NULL, _( "Eeschema is already running, Continue?" ) ) )
            return false;

    // Give a default colour for all layers
    // (actual color will be initialized by config)
    for( int ii = 0; ii < NB_SCH_LAYERS; ii++ )
        SetLayerColor( DARKGRAY, ii );

    // read current setup and reopen last directory if no filename to open in
    // command line
    bool reopenLastUsedDirectory = argc == 1;
    GetSettings( reopenLastUsedDirectory );

   /* Must be called before creating the main frame in order to
    * display the real hotkeys in menus or tool tips */
    ReadHotkeyConfig( wxT("SchematicFrame"), s_Eeschema_Hokeys_Descr );

    // Create main frame (schematic frame) :
    frame = new SCH_EDIT_FRAME( NULL, wxT( "Eeschema" ), wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( 600, 400 ) );

    SetTopWindow( frame );
    frame->Show( true );

    CreateServer( frame, KICAD_SCH_PORT_SERVICE_NUMBER );

    frame->Zoom_Automatique( true );

    // Load file specified in the command line:
    if( fileReady )
        if( !filename.GetPath().IsEmpty() )
            // wxSetWorkingDirectory does not like empty paths
            wxSetWorkingDirectory( filename.GetPath() );

        if( frame->LoadOneEEProject( filename.GetFullName(), false ) )
            frame->GetCanvas()->Refresh( true );
        // Read a default config file if no file to load.
        frame->LoadProjectFile( wxEmptyString, true );
        frame->GetCanvas()->Refresh( true );

    return true;