void Scene::Mesh::Primitive::Init( Mesh& _Owner, const U8*& _pData ) { int MaterialID = ReadU16( _pData, true ); ASSERT( MaterialID < _Owner.m_Owner.m_MaterialsCount, "Material ID out of range!" ); m_pMaterial = _Owner.m_Owner.m_ppMaterials[MaterialID]; m_FacesCount = ReadU32( _pData ); m_VerticesCount = ReadU32( _pData ); // Read BBox in local space m_LocalBBoxMin.x = ReadF32( _pData ); m_LocalBBoxMin.y = ReadF32( _pData ); m_LocalBBoxMin.z = ReadF32( _pData ); m_LocalBBoxMax.x = ReadF32( _pData ); m_LocalBBoxMax.y = ReadF32( _pData ); m_LocalBBoxMax.z = ReadF32( _pData ); // Read indices m_pFaces = new U32[3*m_FacesCount]; if ( m_VerticesCount <= 65536 ) { for ( U32 FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < m_FacesCount; FaceIndex++ ) { m_pFaces[3*FaceIndex+0] = ReadU16( _pData ); m_pFaces[3*FaceIndex+1] = ReadU16( _pData ); m_pFaces[3*FaceIndex+2] = ReadU16( _pData ); } } else { int IndexBufferSize = 3*m_FacesCount*sizeof(U32); memcpy( m_pFaces, _pData, IndexBufferSize ); _pData += IndexBufferSize; } // Read vertices m_VertexFormat = (VERTEX_FORMAT) *_pData++; int VertexSize = 0; switch ( m_VertexFormat ) { case P3N3G3B3T2: VertexSize = (3+3+3+3+2) * sizeof(float); break; } int VertexBufferSize = m_VerticesCount * VertexSize; m_pVertices = new U8[VertexBufferSize]; memcpy( m_pVertices, _pData, VertexBufferSize ); _pData += VertexBufferSize; // Compute global bounding box m_GlobalBBoxMin = float3::MaxFlt; m_GlobalBBoxMax = -float3::MaxFlt; for ( U32 VertexIndex=0; VertexIndex < m_VerticesCount; VertexIndex++ ) { float3 LocalPosition = *((float3*) ((U8*) m_pVertices + VertexIndex * VertexSize)); float3 WorldPosition = float4( LocalPosition, 1 ) * _Owner.m_Local2World; m_GlobalBBoxMin = m_GlobalBBoxMin.Min( WorldPosition ); m_GlobalBBoxMax = m_GlobalBBoxMax.Max( WorldPosition ); } }
int FlcCheckFrame() { flc.pFrame=flc.pMembuf+flc.FrameSize-16; ReadU32(&flc.FrameSize, flc.pFrame+0); ReadU16(&flc.FrameCheck, flc.pFrame+4); ReadU16(&flc.FrameChunks, flc.pFrame+6); ReadU16(&flc.DelayOverride, flc.pFrame+8); // not actually used in UFOINT.FLI, it turns out #ifdef DEBUG printf("flc.FrameSize: %d\n", flc.FrameSize); printf("flc.FrameCheck: %d\n", flc.FrameCheck); printf("flc.FrameChunks: %d\n", flc.FrameChunks); printf("flc.DelayOverride: %d\n", flc.DelayOverride); #endif flc.pFrame+=16; if(flc.FrameCheck==0x0f1fa) { return(0); } flc.DelayOverride = 0; // not FRAME_TYPE means the value we read wasn't a delay at all if(flc.FrameCheck==0x0f100) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Ani info!!!\n"); #endif return(0); } return(1); } /* FlcCheckFrame */
uint32_t Packet::ReadFloat( float* f ) { union { float f; uint32_t u; } u; uint32_t ret = ReadU32( &u.u ); *f = u.f; return ret; }
void Scene::Load( U16 _SceneResourceID ) { U32 SceneSize = 0; const U8* pData = LoadResourceBinary( _SceneResourceID, "SCENE", &SceneSize ); U32 Version = ReadU32( pData ); // Should be "GCX1" ASSERT( Version == 0x31584347L, "Unsupported scene version!" ); // ==== Read Materials ==== // m_MaterialsCount = ReadU16( pData ); m_ppMaterials = new Material*[m_MaterialsCount]; for ( int MaterialIndex=0; MaterialIndex < m_MaterialsCount; MaterialIndex++ ) { Material* pMaterial = new Material( *this ); m_ppMaterials[MaterialIndex] = pMaterial; pMaterial->Init( pData ); } // ==== Read Node Hierarchy ==== // m_NodesCount = 0; m_MeshesCount = 0; m_LightsCount = 0; m_CamerasCount = 0; m_ProbesCount = 0; m_pROOT = CreateNode( NULL, pData ); }
float DataInput::ReadFloat() { union { uint32_t u; float f; } ptr; ptr.u = ReadU32(); return ptr.f; }
void FlcDoOneFrame() { int ChunkCount; ChunkCount=flc.FrameChunks; flc.pChunk=flc.pMembuf; if ( SDL_LockSurface(flc.mainscreen) < 0 ) return; // if (!ChunkCount) printf("Empty frame! %d\n", flc.FrameCount); // this is normal and used for delays while(ChunkCount--) { ReadU32(&flc.ChunkSize, flc.pChunk+0); ReadU16(&flc.ChunkType, flc.pChunk+4); #ifdef DEBUG printf("flc.ChunkSize: %d\n", flc.ChunkSize); printf("flc.ChunkType: %d aka %x\n", flc.ChunkType, flc.ChunkType); if (flc.DelayOverride) printf("DelayOverride: %d\n", flc.DelayOverride); #endif switch(flc.ChunkType) { case 4: COLORS256(); break; case 7: SS2(); break; case 11: DECODE_COLOR(); break; case 12: DECODE_LC(); break; case 13: BLACK(); break; case 15: DECODE_BRUN(); break; case 16: DECODE_COPY(); break; case 18: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Chunk 18 not yet done.\n"); #endif break; default: Log(LOG_WARNING) << "Ieek an non implemented chunk type:" << flc.ChunkType; } flc.pChunk+=flc.ChunkSize; } SDL_UnlockSurface(flc.mainscreen); } /* FlcDoOneFrame */
int FlcCheckHeader(const char *filename) { if((flc.file=fopen(filename, "rb"))==NULL) { Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Could not open flx file: " << filename; return -1; } FlcReadFile(128); ReadU32(&flc.HeaderSize, flc.pMembuf); ReadU16(&flc.HeaderCheck, flc.pMembuf+4); ReadU16(&flc.HeaderFrames, flc.pMembuf+6); ReadU16(&flc.HeaderWidth, flc.pMembuf+8); ReadU16(&flc.HeaderHeight, flc.pMembuf+10); ReadU16(&flc.HeaderDepth, flc.pMembuf+12); ReadU16(&flc.HeaderSpeed, flc.pMembuf+16); #ifdef DEBUG printf("flc.HeaderSize: %d\n", flc.HeaderSize); printf("flc.HeaderCheck: %d\n", flc.HeaderCheck); printf("flc.HeaderFrames: %d\n", flc.HeaderFrames); printf("flc.HeaderWidth: %d\n", flc.HeaderWidth); printf("flc.HeaderHeight: %d\n", flc.HeaderHeight); printf("flc.HeaderDepth: %d\n", flc.HeaderDepth); printf("flc.HeaderSpeed: %lf\n", flc.HeaderSpeed); #endif if((flc.HeaderCheck==SDL_SwapLE16(0x0AF12)) || (flc.HeaderCheck==SDL_SwapLE16(0x0AF11))) { flc.screen_w=flc.HeaderWidth; flc.screen_h=flc.HeaderHeight; Log(LOG_INFO) << "Playing flx, " << flc.screen_w << "x" << flc.screen_h << ", " << flc.HeaderFrames << " frames"; flc.screen_depth=8; if(flc.HeaderCheck == SDL_SwapLE16(0x0AF11)){ flc.HeaderSpeed*=1000.0/70.0; } return(0); } return(1); } /* FlcCheckHeader */
uint32_t Packet::ReadU32() { uint32_t ret = 0; ReadU32( &ret ); return ret; }
void bus_put_frame(bus_frame *frame) { u16 current_frame_idx = ReadU16(frame->data); for (PacketNode * p = packetList; p != NULL; p = p->next) { for (FrameNode *fp = p->frameList; fp != NULL; fp = fp->next) { if (fp->frame.srcId == frame->srcId && fp->frame.sessionId == frame->sessionId) { u16 pre_frame_idx = ReadU16(p->frameList->frame.data); //检查最后插进去的idx 跟这个是不是连续的 if (current_frame_idx == pre_frame_idx + 1) { //拼接到后面去 FrameNode *f_temp = my_malloc(sizeof(FrameNode)); memmove(&f_temp->frame, frame, sizeof(bus_frame)); f_temp->next = p->frameList; p->frameList = f_temp; if (p->packetLen == ( (current_frame_idx - 1) * 6 + frame->data_len - 2) ) { //BUS_LOG("收到最后一帧\r\n"); switch (frame->functionId) { case BUS_PACK_FUNC_SEND: //用于发送方给接收方传送数据 { rxHanleCnt++; //给个ACK 说明肯定接收到了 bus_simple_send(frame->adapterId, frame->srcId, BUS_PACK_FUNC_ACK, frame->sessionId, 0, NULL); break; } case BUS_PACK_FUNC_RETURN: //用于数据发送出去,每一帧的回复 代表接收方收到 { retHandleCnt++; break; } } } } else { //如果不是连续的 那么把这一整个packet 全部删除 for (FrameNode *it = p->frameList; it != NULL;) { FrameNode *itemp = it; it = it->next; my_free(itemp); } p->frameList = NULL; if (p == packetList) { packetList = packetList->next; my_free(p); } else { for (PacketNode * p1 = packetList; p1 != NULL; p1 = p1->next) { if (p1->next == p) { p1->next = p->next; my_free(p); break; } } } goto END; // 清除了之前的死包之后 应该插入新的包 不应该直接return } return; } else { break; //第一个 frame 节点的 srcId 和sessionId 不一样 就没有必要再观察了 } } } END: //没有找到 看看是不是首帧 if (current_frame_idx != 0) { //BUS_LOG("首帧丢失 cur= %d\r\n", current_frame_idx); } else { //插入的是首帧 PacketNode * temp = my_malloc(sizeof(PacketNode)); FrameNode *f_temp = my_malloc(sizeof(FrameNode)); memmove(&f_temp->frame, frame, sizeof(bus_frame)); // 给 packet 长度赋值 temp->packetLen = ReadU32(frame->data + 2); f_temp->next = temp->frameList; temp->frameList = f_temp; temp->createdTime = bus_os_time_get(); temp->next = packetList; packetList = temp; if (temp->packetLen == 0 ) //加入这个帧就一个包 那么也要进行分析 { //BUS_LOG("收到最后一帧\r\n"); switch (frame->functionId) { case BUS_PACK_FUNC_SEND: //用于发送方给接收方传送数据 { rxHanleCnt++; //给个ACK 说明肯定接收到了 bus_simple_send(frame->adapterId, frame->srcId, BUS_PACK_FUNC_ACK, frame->sessionId, 0, NULL); break; } case BUS_PACK_FUNC_RETURN: //用于数据发送出去,每一帧的回复 代表接收方收到 { retHandleCnt++; break; } } } } }
//Publish using RTMP_SendPacket() int publish_using_packet(){ RTMP *rtmp=NULL; RTMPPacket *packet=NULL; uint32_t start_time=0; uint32_t now_time=0; //the timestamp of the previous frame long pre_frame_time=0; long lasttime=0; int bNextIsKey=1; uint32_t preTagsize=0; //packet attributes uint32_t type=0; uint32_t datalength=0; uint32_t timestamp=0; uint32_t streamid=0; FILE*fp=NULL; fp=fopen("../live.flv","rb"); if (!fp){ RTMP_LogPrintf("Open File Error.\n"); // CleanupSockets(); return -1; } /* set log level */ //RTMP_LogLevel loglvl=RTMP_LOGDEBUG; //RTMP_LogSetLevel(loglvl); // if (!InitSockets()){ // RTMP_LogPrintf("Init Socket Err\n"); // return -1; // } rtmp=RTMP_Alloc(); RTMP_Init(rtmp); //set connection timeout,default 30s rtmp->Link.timeout=5; if(!RTMP_SetupURL(rtmp,"rtmp://")) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR,"SetupURL Err\n"); RTMP_Free(rtmp); // CleanupSockets(); return -1; } //if unable,the AMF command would be 'play' instead of 'publish' RTMP_EnableWrite(rtmp); if (!RTMP_Connect(rtmp,NULL)){ RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR,"Connect Err\n"); RTMP_Free(rtmp); // CleanupSockets(); return -1; } if (!RTMP_ConnectStream(rtmp,0)){ RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR,"ConnectStream Err\n"); RTMP_Close(rtmp); RTMP_Free(rtmp); // CleanupSockets(); return -1; } packet=(RTMPPacket*)malloc(sizeof(RTMPPacket)); RTMPPacket_Alloc(packet,1024*64); RTMPPacket_Reset(packet); packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; packet->m_nChannel = 0x04; packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id; RTMP_LogPrintf("Start to send data ...\n"); //jump over FLV Header fseek(fp,9,SEEK_SET); //jump over previousTagSizen fseek(fp,4,SEEK_CUR); start_time=RTMP_GetTime(); while(1) { if((((now_time=RTMP_GetTime())-start_time) <(pre_frame_time)) && bNextIsKey){ //wait for 1 sec if the send process is too fast //this mechanism is not very good,need some improvement if(pre_frame_time>lasttime){ RTMP_LogPrintf("TimeStamp:%8lu ms\n",pre_frame_time); lasttime=pre_frame_time; } sleep(1); continue; } //not quite the same as FLV spec if(!ReadU8(&type,fp)) break; if(!ReadU24(&datalength,fp)) break; if(!ReadTime(×tamp,fp)) break; if(!ReadU24(&streamid,fp)) break; if (type!=0x08&&type!=0x09){ //jump over non_audio and non_video frame, //jump over next previousTagSizen at the same time fseek(fp,datalength+4,SEEK_CUR); continue; } if(fread(packet->m_body,1,datalength,fp)!=datalength) break; packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; packet->m_nTimeStamp = timestamp; packet->m_packetType = type; packet->m_nBodySize = datalength; pre_frame_time=timestamp; if (!RTMP_IsConnected(rtmp)){ RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR,"rtmp is not connect\n"); break; } if (!RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp,packet,0)){ RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR,"Send Error\n"); break; } if(!ReadU32(&preTagsize,fp)) break; if(!PeekU8(&type,fp)) break; if(type==0x09){ if(fseek(fp,11,SEEK_CUR)!=0) break; if(!PeekU8(&type,fp)){ break; } if(type==0x17) bNextIsKey=1; else bNextIsKey=0; fseek(fp,-11,SEEK_CUR); } } RTMP_LogPrintf("\nSend Data Over\n"); if(fp) fclose(fp); if (rtmp!=NULL){ RTMP_Close(rtmp); RTMP_Free(rtmp); rtmp=NULL; } if (packet!=NULL){ RTMPPacket_Free(packet); free(packet); packet=NULL; } // CleanupSockets(); return 0; }
bool LoadWavFromFileInMemory(const u8 *fileData, size_t numBytes, std::vector<u8> &dst, bool *isStereo, bool *is16Bit, int *frequency) { if (!fileData || numBytes == 0) { LogError("Null input data passed in"); return false; } if (!isStereo || !is16Bit || !frequency) { LogError("Outputs not set"); return false; } unsigned int index = 0; u8 riff_text[4]; ReadBytes(riff_text, fileData, index, 4); if (!!memcmp(riff_text, "RIFF", 4)) { LogError("No RIFF chunk in WAV data"); return false; } if (index >= numBytes) return false; ReadU32(fileData, index); u8 wave_text[4]; ReadBytes(wave_text, fileData, index, 4); if (!!memcmp(wave_text, "WAVE", 4)) { LogError("No WAVE chunk in WAV data"); return false; } // Search for the fmt chunk for(;;) { if (index >= numBytes) { LogError("No fmt chunk in WAV data"); return false; } u8 chunk_text[4]; ReadBytes(chunk_text, fileData, index, 4); unsigned int chunk_size = ReadU32(fileData, index); if (!memcmp(chunk_text, "fmt ", 4)) break; if (!chunk_size) return false; index += chunk_size; } if (index >= numBytes) return false; u16 format = ReadU16(fileData, index); u16 channels = ReadU16(fileData, index); unsigned int sampleFrequency = ReadU32(fileData, index); /*unsigned int avgbytes =*/ ReadU32(fileData, index); /*unsigned int blockalign =*/ ReadU16(fileData, index); u16 bits = ReadU16(fileData, index); if (format != 1) { LogError("Sound is not PCM data"); return false; } if (channels != 1 && channels != 2) { LogError("Sound is not either mono or stereo"); return false; } if (bits != 8 && bits != 16) { LogError("Sound is not either 8bit or 16bit"); return false; } // Search for the data chunk unsigned int data_length = 0; for(;;) { if (index >= numBytes) { LogError("No data chunk in WAV data"); return false; } u8 chunk_text[4]; ReadBytes(chunk_text, fileData, index, 4); data_length = ReadU32(fileData, index); if (!memcmp(chunk_text, "data", 4)) break; if (!data_length) return false; index += data_length; } if (!data_length) { LogError("Zero numBytes data chunk in WAV data"); return false; } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Loaded WAV sound with " << channels << " channels " << bits << " bits, frequency " << sampleFrequency << " datasize " << data_length; LogDebug(msg.str()); dst.clear(); dst.insert(dst.end(), &fileData[index], &fileData[index + data_length]); *isStereo = (channels == 2); *is16Bit = (bits == 16); *frequency = sampleFrequency; return true; }
bool WavLoader::LoadFromBuffer(Sound* sound, u8* data, uint size) { uint index = 0; if (index >= size) return false; u8 riff_text[4]; ReadBytes(riff_text, data, index, 4); if (memcmp(riff_text, "RIFF", 4)) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("No RIFF chunk in WAV data"); return false; } if (index >= size) return false; uint total_size = ReadU32(data, index); u8 wave_text[4]; ReadBytes(wave_text, data, index, 4); if (memcmp(wave_text, "WAVE", 4)) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("No WAVE chunk in WAV data"); return false; } // Search for the fmt chunk for (;;) { if (index >= size) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("No fmt chunk in WAV data"); return false; } u8 chunk_text[4]; ReadBytes(chunk_text, data, index, 4); uint chunk_size = ReadU32(data, index); if (!memcmp(chunk_text, "fmt ", 4)) break; if (!chunk_size) return false; index += chunk_size; } if (index >= size) return false; u16 format = ReadU16(data, index); u16 channels = ReadU16(data, index); uint frequency = ReadU32(data, index); uint avgbytes = ReadU32(data, index); uint blockalign = ReadU16(data, index); u16 bits = ReadU16(data, index); if (format != 1) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("Sound is not PCM data"); return false; } if (channels != 1 && channels != 2) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("Sound is not either mono or stereo"); return false; } if (bits != 8 && bits != 16) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("Sound is not either 8bit or 16bit"); return false; } // Search for the data chunk uint data_length = 0; for (;;) { if (index >= size) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("No data chunk in WAV data"); return false; } u8 chunk_text[4]; ReadBytes(chunk_text, data, index, 4); data_length = ReadU32(data, index); if (!memcmp(chunk_text, "data", 4)) break; if (!data_length) return false; index += data_length; } if (!data_length) { OpenALAudioModule::LogError("Zero size data chunk in WAV data"); return false; } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Loaded WAV sound with " << channels << " channels " << bits << " bits, frequency " << frequency << " datasize " << data_length; OpenALAudioModule::LogDebug(msg.str()); Foundation::SoundServiceInterface::SoundBuffer wav_buffer; wav_buffer.data_.resize(data_length); memcpy(&wav_buffer.data_[0], &data[index], data_length); wav_buffer.frequency_ = frequency; wav_buffer.sixteenbit_ = (bits == 16); wav_buffer.stereo_ = (channels == 2); return sound->LoadFromBuffer(wav_buffer); }