コード例 #1
ファイル: fly_neuron_bundle.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
  char neuron_name[100];
  if (argc == 1) {
    strcpy(neuron_name, "fly_neuron");
  } else {
    strcpy(neuron_name, argv[1]);

  char file_path[100];
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/soma.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack(file_path);
  Stack_Threshold(stack, 1);
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/mask.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *stack2 = Read_Stack(file_path);
  Stack_Xor(stack, stack2, stack2);
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/bundle.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, stack2);
  printf("%s created.\n", file_path);

  Struct_Element *se = Make_Cuboid_Se(3, 3, 3);
  Stack *stack3 = Stack_Dilate(stack, NULL, se);
  Stack_And(stack3, stack2, stack2);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/objseed.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, stack2);  
  return 0;
コード例 #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
  char neuron_name[100];
  if (argc == 1) {
    strcpy(neuron_name, "fly_neuron");
  } else {
    strcpy(neuron_name, argv[1]);

  char file_path[100];  
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/mask.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *mask = Read_Stack(file_path);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/blobmask.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *blobmask = Read_Stack(file_path);

  int voxel_number = Stack_Voxel_Number(mask);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < voxel_number; i++) {
    if (blobmask->array[i] > 0) {
      mask->array[i] = 3;

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/soma.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, mask);


  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: fly_neuron_arbor.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  char neuron_name[100];
  if (argc == 1) {
    strcpy(neuron_name, "fly_neuron");
  } else {
    strcpy(neuron_name, argv[1]);

  char file_path[100];  
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/soma.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack(file_path);
  int i;
  int n = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    stack->array[i] = (stack->array[i] == 2);
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/arbor.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, stack);


  return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: neuron_blob_soma.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
  char neuron_name[100];
  if (argc == 1) {
    strcpy(neuron_name, "fly_neuron");
  } else {
    strcpy(neuron_name, argv[1]);

  char file_path[100];  
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/blobmask.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *stack1 = Read_Stack(file_path);

  Stack *stack2 = Copy_Stack(stack1);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nvoxel; i++) {
    stack2->array[i] = 3;

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/soma.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, stack2);


  return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: bwdist.c プロジェクト: vogon/vaa3d_tools
 * bwdist - build a distance map for a binary stack
 * bwdist [-b<int>] infile -o outfile
 * -i: inverse the image
 * -b: byte number for output file (1 (default) or 2)
 * -sq: build square distance map
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {"<image:string> -o <string>",
			 "[-b<int> | -sq] [-i] [--plane]",

  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);

  char *image_file = Get_String_Arg("image");
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack(image_file);

  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-i")) {
    Stack_Not(stack, stack);

  Stack *distmap = NULL;

  if (!Is_Arg_Matched("-sq")) {
    distmap = Stack_Bwdist_L(stack, NULL, NULL);
    int kind = GREY;
    if (Is_Arg_Matched("-b")) {
      kind = Get_Int_Arg("-b");
    stack = Scale_Float_Stack((float *) distmap->array, distmap->width,
			     distmap->height, distmap->depth, kind);
    distmap = stack;
  } else {
    if (Is_Arg_Matched("--plane")) {
      distmap = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16P(stack, NULL, 0);
      Translate_Stack(distmap, GREY, 1);
    } else {
      distmap = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16(stack, NULL, 0);

  char *out_file = Get_String_Arg("-o");
  Write_Stack(out_file, distmap);

  return 1;
コード例 #6
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/lobster_neuron_single.tif");
  Stack_Not(stack, stack);

  Stack *dist = Stack_Bwdist(stack);
  Stack *seeds = Stack_Local_Max(dist, NULL, STACK_LOCMAX_ALTER1);
  Write_Stack("../data/lobster_neuron_seed.tif", seeds);

  Voxel_List *list = Stack_To_Voxel_List(seeds);
  Pixel_Array *pa = Voxel_List_Sampling(dist, list);
  Pixel_Array_Write("../data/lobster_neuron_seeds.pa", pa);

  return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: tz_tifhist.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
 * Find the background of a tif stack.
 * Output : integer
 * Input : stack file or bundle file.
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[])
  if (nrhs != 1)
    mexErrMsgTxt("The function takes 1 argument.");

  if ( !mxIsChar(prhs[0]) )
    mexErrMsgTxt("The argument must be a string");
  char *filePath = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);

  Stack *stack = NULL;

  if( strlen(filePath)>4 ) {
    if( Is_Tiff(filePath) ) /* Read file */
      stack = Read_Stack(filePath);
    else if ( Is_Fbdf(filePath) ) { /* Read directory */
      File_Bundle fb;
      if( Load_Fbdf(filePath,&fb) )
	stack = Read_Stack_Planes(&fb);
    } else
      mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecongnized file format.");
  } else {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecongnized file format.");
  if( stack==NULL )
    mexErrMsgTxt("Unable to load the stack.");

  if( stack->kind==GREY || stack->kind==GREY16 ) {
    int *hist = Stack_Hist(stack);
    int hist_size = hist[0] + 2;
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(hist_size,1,mxINT32_CLASS,mxREAL);
    int i;
    int32_t *hist_pointer = (int32_t *) mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    for(i = 0; i < hist_size; i++)
      hist_pointer[i] = hist[i];
  } else {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported image format.");
コード例 #8
ファイル: stripetest.c プロジェクト: chexenia/whisk
Stack *load( char *path )
{ char *ext = strrchr( path, '.' );
  Stack *s;
  if( strcmp(ext,".tif")==0 || strcmp(ext,".tiff")==0 )
  { s = Read_Stack(path);
  } else if( strcmp(ext,".seq")==0 )
  { SeqReader *f = Seq_Open(path);
    if( !f )
    { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file %s", path );
    s = Seq_Read_Stack(f);

  return s;
コード例 #9
ファイル: improj.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {"<input:string> -o <string> [--dim <string>]", NULL};
  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);

  if (Is_Arg_Matched("--dim")) {
    if (strcmp(Get_String_Arg("--dim"), "x") == 0 || 
        strcmp(Get_String_Arg("--dim"), "X") == 0) {
      Stack *stack = Read_Stack(Get_String_Arg("input"));
      Image *image = Proj_Stack_Xmax(stack);
      Write_Image(Get_String_Arg("-o"), image);
  } else {
    Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack(Get_String_Arg("input"), -1);
    Mc_Stack *proj = Mc_Stack_Mip(stack);

    Write_Mc_Stack(Get_String_Arg("-o"), proj, NULL);
  return 0;
コード例 #10
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
  char neuron_name[100];
  if (argc == 1) {
    strcpy(neuron_name, "fly_neuron");
  } else {
    strcpy(neuron_name, argv[1]);

  char file_path[100];
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/mask.tif", neuron_name);

  Stack *mask = Read_Stack(file_path);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/seeds.pa", neuron_name);
  Pixel_Array *pa = Pixel_Array_Read(file_path);
  double *pa_array = (double *) pa->array;
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/seed_offset.ar", neuron_name);
  int seed_number = pa->size;
  int *seed_offset = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * seed_number);
  iarray_read(file_path, seed_offset, &seed_number);

  int max_idx;
  double max_dist = darray_max(pa_array, pa->size, &max_idx);
  max_idx = seed_offset[max_idx];

  Stack_Label_Object_Dist_N(mask, NULL, max_idx, 1, 2, max_dist * 2.0, 26);

  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(mask, 1);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/blobmask.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, mask);

  return 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: rmsobj.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {"<image:string> -s <int> -o <string>",
			 "[-n <int>]",

  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack(Get_String_Arg("image"));
  int n_nbr = 26;
  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-n")) {
    n_nbr = Get_Int_Arg("-n");

  Stack_Label_Large_Objects_N(stack, NULL, 1, 2, Get_Int_Arg("-s") + 1, n_nbr);
  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(stack, 2);
  Write_Stack(Get_String_Arg("-o"), stack);

  return 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: testtiffio.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
#if 0
  Mc_Stack *mc_stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/benchmark/L3_12bit.lsm", -1);
  Stack *stack = Mc_Stack_To_Stack(mc_stack, COLOR, NULL);
  Write_Stack_U("../data/test.lsm", stack, "../data/benchmark/L3_12bit.lsm");

#if 0

  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/benchmark/L3_12bit.lsm", -1);
  Mc_Stack_Grey16_To_8(stack, 1);
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.lsm", stack, "../data/benchmark/L3_12bit.lsm");

#if 0

#if 0
  char *filePath = "test";
  if( strlen(filePath)>4 )
    if( strcmp(filePath+strlen(filePath)-4,".tif")==0 || 
	strcmp(filePath+strlen(filePath)-4,".TIF")==0 )
      printf("%d\n", 1);

  printf("%d\n", 0);

  //Write_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Work/neurolabi/data/test.tif", Read_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/slice15overlay/L03.tif"));

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", Read_Stack("../data/L05.tif"));

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron.tif");
  Write_Stack("../data/test2.tif", stack);

#if 0
  int big_endian;
  Tiff_Reader *tif = Open_Tiff_Reader("/Users/zhaot/Data/Stacks for stitching/Set 1 65C07/GL_100708_R1_GR1_B1_L013.lsm", &big_endian, 1);
  Tiff_Writer *tif2 = Open_Tiff_Writer("../data/test.tif", 0);
  Tiff_IFD *ifd = NULL;

  int depth = 0;
  while ((ifd = Read_Tiff_IFD(tif)) != NULL) {
    if (Convert_LSM_2_RGB(ifd, 0, 0) != NULL) {
      Write_Tiff_IFD(tif2, ifd);

  printf("%d\n", depth);


  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/test.tif");
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Tiff_Reader *reader;

  reader = Open_Tiff_Reader("../data/test.lsm",NULL,1);
  Tiff_IFD *ifd = Read_Tiff_IFD(reader);
  Print_Tiff_IFD(ifd, stdout);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Lsm_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/stitch/Set 3 17F12/GL_100208_R1_GR1_B1_L07.lsm", -1);
  //Stack *stack = Read_Lsm_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/nathan/2p internal[497-545,565-649nm] 40x 2x12us 900nm 5pct cleared 1.lsm", 0);

  Tiff_IFD *ifd;
  { Tiff_Reader *reader;

    reader = Open_Tiff_Reader("/Users/zhaot/Data/stitch/Set 3 17F12/GL_100208_R1_GR1_B1_L08.lsm",NULL,1);

    while (lsm_thumbnail_flag(ifd = Read_Tiff_IFD(reader)) != 0) {
      if (End_Of_Tiff(reader)) {
	ifd = NULL;

  //Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

  Print_Tiff_IFD(ifd, stdout);

  if (stack != NULL) {
    Write_Lsm_Stack("../data/test.lsm", stack, ifd);

  stack = Read_Lsm_Stack("../data/test.lsm", -1);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *mc_stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", 1);

  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test2.tif", mc_stack, NULL);
  mc_stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/test2.tif", -1);

  printf("%d\n", Mc_Stack_Usage());

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Lsm_Stack("../data/test.lsm", -1);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(1, 5, 5, 5);
  int nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nvoxel; i++) {
    stack->array[i] = i;

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

  stack = Read_Stack("../data/test.tif");
  Write_Stack("../data/test2.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack(fullpath("../data/fly_neuron_n11/", "mask2.tif",

#if 0
  //Print_Lsm_Info("/Users/zhaot/Data/stitch/Set 3 17F12/GL_100208_R1_GR1_B1_L07.lsm");
  //FILE *fp = fopen("/Users/zhaot/Data/stitch/set1/GL_100708_R1_GR1_B1_L015.lsm", "r");
  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/test.lsm", "r");

  char endian[3];
  endian[2] = '\0';
  fread(endian, 1, 2, fp);
  printf("Endian: %s\n", endian);
  uint16_t magic;
  fread(&magic, 2, 1, fp);
  printf("Magic number: %u\n", magic);

  uint32_t ifd_offset;
  fread(&ifd_offset, 4, 1, fp);
  printf("1st IFD offset: %u\n", ifd_offset); 

  fseek(fp, ifd_offset, SEEK_SET);

  uint16_t nifd;
  fread(&nifd, 2, 1, fp);
  printf("Number of IFD: %u\n", nifd); 

  uint16_t ifd_label;
  fread(&ifd_label, 2, 1, fp);
  uint16_t i;
  for (i = 1; i < nifd; i++) {
    if (ifd_label == TIF_CZ_LSMINFO) {
    fseek(fp, 10, SEEK_CUR); 
    fread(&ifd_label, 2, 1, fp);

  printf("IFD label: %u\n", ifd_label);
  uint16_t ifd_type;
  fread(&ifd_type, 2, 1, fp);
  printf("IFD type: %u\n", ifd_type);

  uint32_t ifd_length;
  fread(&ifd_length, 4, 1, fp);
  printf("IFD length: %u\n", ifd_length);

  fread(&ifd_offset, 4, 1, fp);
  printf("Lsm info offset: %u\n", ifd_offset);

  fseek(fp, ifd_offset + CZ_LSMINFO_DIMZ_OFFSET, SEEK_SET);
  int32_t dimz = 80;
  fwrite(&dimz, 4, 1, fp);
  printf("Number of slices: %d\n", dimz);
  int offset = 88;

  fseek(fp, ifd_offset, SEEK_SET);
  uint32_t value = 0;
  fwrite(&value, 4, 1, fp);
  fseek(fp, ifd_offset + offset, SEEK_SET);
  Fprint_File_Binary(fp, 24, stdout);
  return 1;
  Cz_Lsminfo lsminfo;
  fread(&lsminfo, sizeof(Cz_Lsminfo), 1, fp);
  printf("%lu\n", sizeof(Cz_Lsminfo));

  if (lsminfo.u32MagicNumber == 67127628) {
    printf("Version 1.5, 1.6 and 2.0\n");
  } else if (lsminfo.u32MagicNumber == 50350412) {
    printf("Version 1.3\n");
  } else {
    printf("Unknown version\n");
    return 1;

  printf("Structure size: %d\n", lsminfo.s32StructureSize);
  printf("Stack size: %d x %d x %d\n", lsminfo.s32DimensionX,
	 lsminfo.s32DimensionY, lsminfo.s32DimensionZ);
  printf("Number of channels: %d\n", lsminfo.s32DimensionChannels);

  switch (lsminfo.s32DataType) {
  case 1:
    printf("8-bit unsigned integer.\n");
  case 2:
    printf("12-bit unsigned integer.\n");
  case 5:
    printf("32-bit float.\n");
  case 0:
    printf("Different channels have different types.\n");
  printf("Thumbnail size: %d x %d\n", lsminfo.s32ThumbnailX, 

  printf("Voxel size: %g x %g x %g um\n", lsminfo.f64VoxelSizeX * 1000000,
	 lsminfo.f64VoxelSizeY * 1000000, lsminfo.f64VoxelSizeZ * 1000000);

  printf("Scan type: ");
  switch (lsminfo.u16ScanType) {
  case 0:
    printf("normal x-y-z-scan\n");
  case 1:
  case 2:
    printf("Line Scan\n");
  case 3:
    printf("Time series x-y\n");
  case 4:
    printf("Time series x-z\n");
  case 5:
    printf("Time series - Mean of ROIS\n");

  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetVectorOverlay == 0) {
    printf("There is no vector overlay\n");
  } else {
    printf("Vector overlay found\n");

  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetInputLut == 0) {
    printf("There is no input LUT\n");
  } else {
    printf("Input LUT found\n");

  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetOutputLut == 0) {
    printf("There is no color palette\n");
  } else {
    printf("Color palette found\n");

  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetChannelColors == 0) {
    printf("There is no channel color or channel name\n");
  } else {
    printf("Channel colors and channel names fournd\n");

  if (lsminfo.f64TimeInterval == 0) {
    printf("There is no time interval\n");
  } else {
    printf("Time interval: %lg sec\n", lsminfo.f64TimeInterval);

  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetScanInformation == 0) {
    printf("There is no information about devide settings\n");
  } else {
    printf("Scan information found. Offset: %u\n", 
    Lsm_Scan_Info *info = 
      (Lsm_Scan_Info*) (data + lsminfo.u32OffsetScanInformation + 20);
    printf("Information type: %u\n", info->u32Entry);
    printf("Data type: %u\n", info->u32Type);
    printf("Data size: %u\n", info->u32Size);
    uint8_t *byte = (uint8_t*) (data + lsminfo.u32OffsetScanInformation);
    printf("%u\n", byte[8]);
  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetKsData == 0) {
    printf("There is no Zeiss Vision KS-3d data\n");
  } else {
    printf("Zeiss Vision KS-3d data found. Offset: %u\n",

  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetRoi == 0) {
    printf("There is no ROI\n");
  } else {
    printf("ROI found\n");

  if (lsminfo.u32OffsetNextRecording == 0) {
    printf("There is no second image\n");
  } else {
    printf("Second image found\n");


#if 0
  FILE *fp = fopen("/Users/zhaot/Data/stitch/set1/GL_100708_R1_GR1_B1_L014.lsm", "r+");
  char endian[3];
  endian[2] = '\0';
  fread(endian, 1, 2, fp);
  printf("Endian: %s\n", endian);
  fpos_t pos;
  fgetpos(fp, &pos);
  printf("%d\n", pos);
  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
  uint32_t x = 254;
  printf("%lu bytes written\n", fwrite(&x, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp));
  fgetpos(fp, &pos);
  printf("%d\n", pos);
  Fprint_File_Binary(fp, 8, stdout);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Lsm_Stack("../data/GL_100208_R1_GR1_B1_L07.lsm", -1);

  Write_Stack_U("../data/test.lsm", stack, 

#if 0
  //Stack *stack = Read_Lsm_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/neurolineage/lsm/Twin-Spot_Gal4-GH146_nc_11-2.lsm", 0);
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/test2.tif");
  Write_Stack_U("../data/test.tif", stack, NULL);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/mouse_single_org/traced.tif");
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0 /* test writing large stack */
  Mc_Stack *stack = Make_Mc_Stack(GREY, 1024, 1024, 1024, 3);
  size_t n = (size_t) 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 3;
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    stack->array[i] = i % 255;

  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack, NULL);

#if 0 /* test reading large stack */
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", -1);

#if 0 /* test writing a raw stack */
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/SynapseSpotted2_S124-3_1to59NF1Crop1_enhanced_Sample.tif", -1);
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.raw", stack, NULL);

#if 0 /* test reading a raw stack */
  Stack *stack = Read_Raw_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/jinny/slice15_overplaped.raw");
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

  Stack *stack = Read_Sc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/jinny/proofread_slice15_3to11/detectedresults/slice15_3to11_crop01_detected_test.raw", 1);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Sc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/jinny/drawMask/slice15_3to33_4_30_result.raw", 2);
  stack = Read_Stack_U("/Users/zhaot/Data/jinny/drawMask/slice15_3to33.raw");

#if 0
  Stack *stack = 

#if 0
  Stack *stack = 
  Mc_Stack *mc_stack = Mc_Stack_Rewrap_Stack(stack);
  printf("%d\n", Stack_Usage());
  printf("%d\n", Mc_Stack_Usage());
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", mc_stack, NULL);

  mc_stack = Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Work/neurolabi/data/diadem_d1_001.xml", -1);
  printf("%d\n", Mc_Stack_Usage());

#if 0
  int size[3];
  Stack_Size_F("../data/benchmark/L3_12bit.lsm", size);
  iarray_print2(size, 3, 1);

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack =
    Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/Julie/All_tiled_nsyb5_Sum.lsm", -1);
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.lsm", stack, 

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack =
    Read_Mc_Stack("../data/test.lsm", -1);

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = NULL;
  stack = Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/16D01.1-14.lsm", 0);
  Write_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/channel1.tif", stack, NULL);
  stack = Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/16D01.1-14.lsm", 1);
  Write_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/channel2.tif", stack, NULL);
  stack = Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/16D01.1-14.lsm", 2);
  Write_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/channel3.tif", stack, NULL);
  stack = Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/16D01.1-14.lsm", 3);
  Write_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/channel4.tif", stack, NULL);
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.lsm", stack, 

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/colorsep/16D01.1-14.lsm",
  Stack grey_stack = Mc_Stack_Channel(stack, 3);  
  grey_stack.text = "\0";
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", &grey_stack);

#if 0
  printf("Channel number: %d\n", Lsm_Channel_Number("../data/12bit/70208_2BcPhR_R1_GR1_B1_L003.lsm"));
  printf("Image type:");
  switch (Lsm_Pixel_Type("../data/12bit/70208_2BcPhR_R1_GR1_B1_L003.lsm")) {
    case GREY8:
      printf(" uint8\n");
    case GREY16:
      printf(" uint16\n");
    case FLOAT32:
      printf(" float32\n");
      printf(" unknown\n");

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/brainbow/CA3.lsm", 0);
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack, NULL);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/test.xml");
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  int width, height, depth, kind;

  Tiff_Attribute("../data/stack8.tif", 0, &kind, &width, &height, &depth);
  printf("%d %d %d %d\n", width, height, depth, kind);

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/neuronsep/Lee_Lab/13C01_BLM00090_D2.v3dpdb", 1);
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack, NULL);

#if 0
  //Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/benchmark/bfork_2d.tif", -1);
  //Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/neuronsep/Lee_Lab/13C01_BLM00090_D2.v3dpdb", 0);
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/neuronsep/stitched-1.v3dpdb", 0);
  //stack->depth = 1;
  Stack ch = Mc_Stack_Channel(stack, 0);
  printf("%g\n", Stack_Sum(&ch));
  int *hist = Stack_Hist(&ch);

  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack, NULL);

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/neurosep/aljosha/stitched-1858872924438528098.v3draw", -1);

#if 1
  IMatrix *mat = IMatrix_Read("../data/test/session2/body_map/body_map00161.imat");

  printf("%d: %d x %d x %d\n", (int) mat->ndim, mat->dim[0], mat->dim[1],

  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, mat->dim[0], mat->dim[1], mat->dim[2]);
  size_t nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nvoxel; ++i) {
    stack->array[i] = (mat->array[i]) >> 24;
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

  return 0;
コード例 #13
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  char neuron_name[100];
  if (argc == 1) {
    strcpy(neuron_name, "fly_neuron");
  } else {
    strcpy(neuron_name, argv[1]);

  char file_path[100];
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s.tif", neuron_name);

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack(file_path);

  int nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);

  /* 1.5GB for double */
  if (nvoxel < iround(962592768.0 / (8.0 + stack->kind))) { 
    DMatrix *filter = Mexihat_2D_D(2.0, NULL);
    filter->ndim = 3;
    filter->dim[2] = 1;
    DMatrix *out = Filter_Stack_Fast_D(stack, filter, NULL, 0);

    stack = Scale_Double_Stack(out->array, out->dim[0], out->dim[1],
			       out->dim[2], GREY);
  } else {
    printf("Large volume data. Float version activated.\n");

    FMatrix *filter = Mexihat_2D_F(2.0, NULL);
    filter->ndim = 3;
    filter->dim[2] = 1;
    FMatrix *out = Filter_Stack_Fast_F(stack, filter, NULL, 0);

    stack = Scale_Float_Stack(out->array, out->dim[0], out->dim[1],
			       out->dim[2], GREY);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/highpass.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, stack);
  printf("%s created.\n", file_path);

  stack = Scale_Double_Stack(out->array, out->dim[0], out->dim[1],
			     out->dim[2], GREY16);

  //Stack_View sv = Stack_View_DMatrix(out);
  Stack *locmax = Stack_Local_Max(stack, NULL, STACK_LOCMAX_NONFLAT);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/highpass_locmin.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, locmax);
  printf("%s created.\n", file_path);


  return 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: testneuronstruct.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main()
#if 0
  char *filepath = "../data/fly_neuron_n2/graph_d.swc";
  Neuron_Structure *ns = Neuron_Structure_From_Swc_File(filepath);
  Neuron_Component_Arraylist *comp_array =

  filepath = "../data/fly_neuron_n2.tif";
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack(filepath);
  Translate_Stack(stack, COLOR, 1);

  int i;
  Stack_Draw_Workspace *ws = New_Stack_Draw_Workspace();
  for (i = 0; i < comp_array->length; i++) {
    Neuron_Component_Draw_Stack(comp_array->array + i, stack, ws);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = NULL;

  Locseg_Chain *chain1 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/fly_neuron_n3/chain0.tb");
  Locseg_Chain *chain2 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/fly_neuron_n3/chain10.tb");

  Connection_Test_Workspace *ws = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  Connection_Test_Workspace_Read_Resolution(ws, "../data/fly_neuron_n1.res");

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  conn.mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_HL;
  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain1, chain2, stack, 1.0, &conn, ws);


#if 0
  Locseg_Chain **chain = (Locseg_Chain**) malloc(sizeof(Locseg_Chain*) * 3);
  chain[0] = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/mouse_single_org/chain4.tb");
  chain[1] = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/mouse_single_org/chain19.tb");
  chain[2] = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/mouse_single_org/chain64.tb");

  Stack *signal = Read_Stack("../data/mouse_single_org.tif");

  Connection_Test_Workspace *ctw = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/mouse_single_org.res", "r");

  darray_fscanf(fp, ctw->resolution, 3);

  Neuron_Component *chain_array = Make_Neuron_Component_Array(3);

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    Set_Neuron_Component(chain_array + i, 

  Neuron_Structure *ns = Locseg_Chain_Comp_Neurostruct(chain_array, 
						       3, signal, 1.0, ctw);
  Graph *graph = ns->graph;



  Neuron_Structure_Crossover_Test(ns, 0.5375);

  printf("\ncross over changed: \n");

#if 0
  Neuron_Structure *ns = Make_Neuron_Structure(5);

  Set_Neuron_Component(ns->comp, NEUROCOMP_TYPE_GEO3D_CIRCLE, 
  Set_Neuron_Component(ns->comp + 1, NEUROCOMP_TYPE_GEO3D_CIRCLE, 
  Set_Neuron_Component(ns->comp + 2, NEUROCOMP_TYPE_GEO3D_CIRCLE, 
  Set_Neuron_Component(ns->comp + 3, NEUROCOMP_TYPE_GEO3D_CIRCLE, 
  Set_Neuron_Component(ns->comp + 4, NEUROCOMP_TYPE_GEO3D_CIRCLE, 

  NEUROCOMP_GEO3D_CIRCLE(ns->comp)->radius = 1.5;
  NEUROCOMP_GEO3D_CIRCLE(ns->comp + 1)->radius = 2.5;
  NEUROCOMP_GEO3D_CIRCLE(ns->comp + 2)->radius = 3.5;
  NEUROCOMP_GEO3D_CIRCLE(ns->comp + 3)->radius = 4.5;
  NEUROCOMP_GEO3D_CIRCLE(ns->comp + 4)->radius = 5.5;
  ns->graph = Make_Graph(5, 4, 0);
  //Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 0, 1);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 1, 3);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 1, 4);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 0, 2);

  Graph_Set_Directed(ns->graph, TRUE);


  Swc_Tree *tree = Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_Tree_Circle_Z(ns, 1.0, NULL);

  Swc_Tree_To_Dot_File(tree, "../data/test2.dot");

#if 0
  int n;
  Neuron_Component *chain_array = Dir_Locseg_Chain_Nc("../data/fly_neuron_n22", 
						      &n, NULL);
  Neuron_Structure *ns =
    Locseg_Chain_Comp_Neurostruct(chain_array, n, NULL, 1.0, NULL);
  Neuron_Structure* ns2=


  Graph_To_Dot_File(ns2->graph, "../data/test.dot");

  Swc_Tree *tree = 
    Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_Tree_Circle_Z(ns2, 1.0, NULL);


  Write_Swc_Tree("../data/test.swc", tree);

#if 0
  Graph *graph = Neuron_Structure_Import_Xml_Graph("../data/mouse_single_org/trueconn2.xml");

  Graph *graph2 = Neuron_Structure_Import_Xml_Graph("../data/mouse_single_org/conn.xml");

  Graph_Workspace *gw = New_Graph_Workspace();
  int n = Graph_Edge_Count(graph, graph2->edges, graph2->nedge, gw);

  printf("fp: %d\n", graph2->nedge - n);
  printf("tp: %d\n", n);
  printf("fn: %d\n", graph->nedge - n);

  double p = (double) n / graph2->nedge;
  double r = (double) n / graph->nedge;
  printf("precision: %g\n", p);
  printf("recall: %g\n", r);
  printf("F-measure: %g\n", 2.0 * (p * r) / (p + r));

#if 0
  Neuron_Structure *ns = Make_Neuron_Structure(2);
  Local_Neuroseg *locseg = New_Local_Neuroseg();

  Locseg_Chain *chain1 = New_Locseg_Chain();
  Locseg_Chain_Add(chain1, locseg, NULL, DL_TAIL);

  Set_Neuron_Component(ns->comp, NEUROCOMP_TYPE_LOCSEG_CHAIN, chain1);

  Locseg_Chain *chain2 = New_Locseg_Chain();
  locseg = New_Local_Neuroseg();
  double bottom[3] = {10, 10, 5};
  double top[3] = {5, 5, 5};
  Local_Neuroseg_Set_Bottom_Top(locseg, bottom, top);
  Locseg_Chain_Add(chain2, locseg, NULL, DL_TAIL);

  Set_Neuron_Component(ns->comp + 1, NEUROCOMP_TYPE_LOCSEG_CHAIN, chain2);
  Neurocomp_Conn *conn = New_Neurocomp_Conn();
  Connection_Test_Workspace *ctw = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain2, chain1, NULL, 1.0, conn, ctw);

  Neuron_Structure_Add_Conn(ns, 1, 0, conn);


  Neuron_Structure *ns2 = 
    Neuron_Structure_Locseg_Chain_To_Circle_S(ns, 1.0, 1.0);

  Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_File(ns2, "../data/test.swc");

#if 0
  int n;
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = Dir_Locseg_Chain_Nd("../data/diadem_a1_part3", 
						   "^chain.*\\.tb", &n, NULL);
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = 
    Locseg_Chain_Import_List("../data/diadem_a1_part2/good_tube.txt", &n);
  //n = 100;
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = 
    (Locseg_Chain**) malloc(sizeof(Locseg_Chain*) * 2);
  n = 2;
  chain_array[0] = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/diadem_a1_part2/chain58.tb");
  chain_array[1] = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/diadem_a1_part2/chain154.tb");

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/diadem_a1_part3.tif");

  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);
  Sp_Grow_Workspace *sgw = New_Sp_Grow_Workspace();
  sgw->size = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  sgw->resolution[0] = 0.0375 * 2.0;
  sgw->resolution[1] = 0.0375 * 2.0;
  sgw->resolution[2] = 0.33;
  Sp_Grow_Workspace_Set_Mask(sgw, mask->array);
  sgw->wf = Stack_Voxel_Weight_S;

  Stack_Sp_Grow_Infer_Parameter(sgw, stack);

  Neuron_Structure *ns = 
    Locseg_Chain_Sp_Grow_Reconstruct(chain_array, n, stack, 1.0, sgw);
  Graph_To_Dot_File(ns->graph, "../data/test.dot");

  //Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_File(ns, "../data/test.swc");
  Neuron_Structure *ns2 = 
    Neuron_Structure_Locseg_Chain_To_Circle_S(ns, 1.0, 1.0);
  //double root[3] = {31, 430, 0};
  double root[3] = {1221, 449, 8.5};
  Swc_Tree *tree = Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_Tree_Circle_Z(ns2, 1.0, root);
  Write_Swc_Tree("../data/test.swc", tree);

#if 0
  int n;
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = Dir_Locseg_Chain_Nd("../data/diadem_e1", 
						   "^chain.*\\.tb", &n, NULL);
  //n = 100;
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = 
    (Locseg_Chain**) malloc(sizeof(Locseg_Chain*) * 2);
  n = 2;
  chain_array[0] = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/diadem_a1_part2/chain58.tb");
  chain_array[1] = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/diadem_a1_part2/chain154.tb");

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/diadem_e1.tif");

  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);
  Sp_Grow_Workspace *sgw = New_Sp_Grow_Workspace();
  sgw->size = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  sgw->resolution[0] = 0.3296485;
  sgw->resolution[1] = 0.3296485;
  sgw->resolution[2] = 1.0;
  Sp_Grow_Workspace_Set_Mask(sgw, mask->array);
  sgw->wf = Stack_Voxel_Weight_S;

  Stack_Sp_Grow_Infer_Parameter(sgw, stack);

  Neuron_Structure *ns = 
    Locseg_Chain_Sp_Grow_Reconstruct(chain_array, n, stack, 1.0, sgw);
  //Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_File(ns, "../data/test.swc");
  Neuron_Structure *ns2 = 
    Neuron_Structure_Locseg_Chain_To_Circle_S(ns, 1.0, 1.0);

  Graph_To_Dot_File(ns2->graph, "../data/test.dot");

  double root[3] = {31, 430, 0};
  //double root[3] = {4882, 1797, 19};
  Swc_Tree *tree = Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_Tree_Circle_Z(ns2, 1.0, root);

  Write_Swc_Tree("../data/test2.swc", tree);

#if 0
  int n;
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = 
    Dir_Locseg_Chain_Nd("../data/benchmark/stack_graph/fork", "^chain.*\\.tb", 
			&n, NULL);

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/stack_graph/fork/fork.tif");
  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);
  Sp_Grow_Workspace *sgw = New_Sp_Grow_Workspace();
  sgw->size = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  Sp_Grow_Workspace_Set_Mask(sgw, mask->array);
  sgw->wf = Stack_Voxel_Weight_S;

  Stack_Sp_Grow_Infer_Parameter(sgw, stack);
  Neuron_Structure *ns = 
    Locseg_Chain_Sp_Grow_Reconstruct(chain_array, n, stack, 1.0, sgw);
  Neuron_Structure *ns2 = 
    Neuron_Structure_Locseg_Chain_To_Circle_S(ns, 1.0, 1.0);
  Swc_Tree *tree = Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_Tree_Circle_Z(ns2, 1.0, NULL);
  Write_Swc_Tree("../data/test.swc", tree);

#if 0
  int n = 3;
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = 
    (Locseg_Chain**) malloc(sizeof(Locseg_Chain) * n);
  chain_array[0] = Read_Locseg_Chain("/Users/zhaot/Work/neurolabi/data/benchmark/stack_graph/fork/chain0.tb");
  chain_array[1] = Read_Locseg_Chain("/Users/zhaot/Work/neurolabi/data/benchmark/stack_graph/fork/chain1.tb");
  chain_array[2] = New_Locseg_Chain();
  printf("%d\n", Locseg_Chain_Is_Empty(chain_array[2]));

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/stack_graph/fork/fork.tif");
  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);
  Sp_Grow_Workspace *sgw = New_Sp_Grow_Workspace();
  sgw->size = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  Sp_Grow_Workspace_Set_Mask(sgw, mask->array);
  sgw->wf = Stack_Voxel_Weight_S;

  Stack_Sp_Grow_Infer_Parameter(sgw, stack);
  Neuron_Structure *ns = 
    Locseg_Chain_Sp_Grow_Reconstruct(chain_array, n, stack, 1.0, sgw);
  Neuron_Structure *ns2 = 
    Neuron_Structure_Locseg_Chain_To_Circle_S(ns, 1.0, 1.0);
  Swc_Tree *tree = Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_Tree_Circle_Z(ns2, 1.0, NULL);
  Write_Swc_Tree("../data/test2.swc", tree);

#if 0
  Neuron_Structure *ns = New_Neuron_Structure();
  ns->graph = New_Graph();

  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 0, 1);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 0, 2);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 2, 3);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 2, 4);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 4, 5);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 5, 6);
  ns->conn = (Neurocomp_Conn*) malloc(sizeof(Neurocomp_Conn) * ns->graph->nedge);

  ns->conn[0].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[0].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[0].cost = 0.0;
  ns->conn[0].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[1].info[0] = 1;
  ns->conn[1].info[1] = 1;
  ns->conn[1].cost = 0.0;
  ns->conn[1].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[2].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[2].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[2].cost = 0.0;
  ns->conn[2].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[3].info[0] = 1;
  ns->conn[3].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[3].cost = 1.0;
  ns->conn[3].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_HL;

  ns->conn[4].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[4].info[1] = 1;
  ns->conn[4].cost = 0.0;
  ns->conn[4].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[5].info[0] = 1;
  ns->conn[5].info[1] = 1;
  ns->conn[5].cost = 1.0;
  ns->conn[5].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;


#if 0
  Neuron_Structure *ns = New_Neuron_Structure();
  ns->graph = New_Graph();
  ns->comp = Dir_Locseg_Chain_Nc("../data/diadem_e3", "^chain.*\\.tb", 
				 &(ns->graph->nvertex), NULL);

  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 0, 1);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 0, 2);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 2, 3);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 3, 4);
  Graph_Add_Edge(ns->graph, 4, 5);
  ns->conn = (Neurocomp_Conn*) malloc(sizeof(Neurocomp_Conn) * ns->graph->nedge);

  ns->conn[0].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[0].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[0].cost = 0.0;
  ns->conn[0].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[1].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[1].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[1].cost = 0.0;
  ns->conn[1].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[2].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[2].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[2].cost = 1.0;
  ns->conn[2].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[3].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[3].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[3].cost = 2.0;
  ns->conn[3].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  ns->conn[4].info[0] = 0;
  ns->conn[4].info[1] = 0;
  ns->conn[4].cost = 0.0;
  ns->conn[4].mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_LINK;

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < ns->graph->nvertex; i++) {
    printf("%d ", Locseg_Chain_Length(NEUROCOMP_LOCSEG_CHAIN(ns->comp+i)));


  for (i = 0; i < ns->graph->nvertex; i++) {
    printf("%d ", Locseg_Chain_Length(NEUROCOMP_LOCSEG_CHAIN(ns->comp+i)));


#if 0
  int n;
  Locseg_Chain **chain_array = Dir_Locseg_Chain_Nd("../data/diadem_e1", 
						   "^chain.*\\.tb", &n, NULL);
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/diadem_e1.tif");

  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);
  Sp_Grow_Workspace *sgw = New_Sp_Grow_Workspace();
  sgw->size = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  sgw->resolution[0] = 0.3296485;
  sgw->resolution[1] = 0.3296485;
  sgw->resolution[2] = 1.0;
  Sp_Grow_Workspace_Set_Mask(sgw, mask->array);
  sgw->wf = Stack_Voxel_Weight_S;

  Stack_Sp_Grow_Infer_Parameter(sgw, stack);

  Neuron_Structure *ns = 
    Locseg_Chain_Sp_Grow_Reconstruct(chain_array, n, stack, 1.0, sgw);  
  int i;
  char filepath[100];
  for (i = 0; i < ns->graph->nvertex; i++) {
    if (Locseg_Chain_Is_Empty(NEUROCOMP_LOCSEG_CHAIN(ns->comp+i)) == FALSE) {
      sprintf(filepath, "../data/tmp/chain%d.tb", i);
      Write_Locseg_Chain(filepath, NEUROCOMP_LOCSEG_CHAIN(ns->comp+i));

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/fork2/fork2.tif");

  Neuron_Structure *ns = New_Neuron_Structure();
  ns->graph = New_Graph();
  ns->comp = Dir_Locseg_Chain_Nc("../data/benchmark/fork2/tubes",
				 "^chain.*\\.tb", &(ns->graph->nvertex), NULL);

  coordinate_3d_t roots[3];
  roots[0][0] = 51;
  roots[0][1] = 23;
  roots[0][2] = 60;

  roots[1][0] = 51;
  roots[1][1] = 23;
  roots[1][2] = 40;

  roots[2][0] = 25;
  roots[2][1] = 76;
  roots[2][2] = 60;

  Neuron_Structure_Break_Root(ns, roots, 3);
  Neuron_Structure_Load_Root(ns, roots, 3);

  Connection_Test_Workspace *ctw = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  ctw->dist_thre = 100.0;
  ctw->sp_test = FALSE;
  Locseg_Chain_Comp_Neurostruct_W(ns, stack, 1.0, ctw);

  Neuron_Structure_Remove_Conn(ns, 0, 2);
  Neuron_Structure_Remove_Conn(ns, 2, 0);


  Neuron_Structure* ns2= NULL;
  ns2 = Neuron_Structure_Locseg_Chain_To_Circle_S(ns, 1.0, 1.0);
  Swc_Tree *tree = Neuron_Structure_To_Swc_Tree_Circle_Z(ns2, 1.0, NULL);

  Write_Swc_Tree("../data/test3.swc", tree);  

#if 1
  Stack *stack = NULL;

  Locseg_Chain *chain1 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/benchmark/diadem/diadem_e1/chain22.tb");
  Locseg_Chain *chain2 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/benchmark/diadem/diadem_e1/chain0.tb");

  Connection_Test_Workspace *ws = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  Connection_Test_Workspace_Read_Resolution(ws, "../data/diadem_e3.res");

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  conn.mode = NEUROCOMP_CONN_HL;
  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain1, chain2, stack, 1.0, &conn, ws);


  return 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: ct017.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {"[-z <double>]", NULL};
  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);

#if 0
  Locseg_Chain *chain1 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/ct017/test5/chain2.bn");
  Locseg_Chain *chain2 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/ct017/test5/chain1.bn");

  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-z")) {
    double z_scale = Get_Double_Arg("-z");
    Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain1, z_scale);
    Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain2, z_scale);

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test_P(chain1, chain2, &conn);

  double scale = 2.0;
  double offset = 5.0;

  Local_Neuroseg *locseg1;
  if (conn.info[0] == 0) {
    locseg1 = Locseg_Chain_Head_Seg(chain1);
    Local_Neuroseg_Stretch(locseg1, scale, offset, -1);
  } else {
    locseg1 = Locseg_Chain_Tail_Seg(chain1);
    Local_Neuroseg_Stretch(locseg1, scale, offset, 1);

  Local_Neuroseg *locseg2 = Locseg_Chain_Peek_Seg_At(chain2, conn.info[1]);

  Local_Neuroseg_Stretch(locseg2, scale, offset, 0);

  printf("%g\n", Local_Neuroseg_Planar_Dist_L(locseg1, locseg2));

  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/ct017/test5/test.swc", "w");
  /* to avoid v3d bug */
  Local_Neuroseg *tmp_locseg = Copy_Local_Neuroseg(locseg1);
  tmp_locseg->seg.r1 = 0.1;
  Local_Neuroseg_Swc_Fprint(fp, tmp_locseg, 0, -1);

  Local_Neuroseg_Swc_Fprint(fp, locseg1, 2, -1);
  Local_Neuroseg_Swc_Fprint(fp, locseg2, 4, -1);

  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain1, chain2, NULL, 1.0, &conn, NULL);

#if 0
  double z_scale = 0.5375;

  Locseg_Chain *chain[11];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/mouse_single_org/chain%d.bn", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
      if (i != j) {
	if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test_P(chain[i], chain[j], &conn) < 5.0) {
	  printf("%d -> %d \n", i, j);

#if 0
  double z_scale = 0.5375;

  int n = 278;
  Locseg_Chain *chain[n];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/mouse_single_org/chain%d.bn", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);

  Locseg_Chain *hook = chain[19];

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (i != 19) {
      if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test_P(hook, chain[i], &conn) < 5.0) {
	printf("19 -> %d \n", i);
#if 0
  double z_scale = 0.32;
  Locseg_Chain *chain[17];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/fly_neuron_n1/chain%d.bn", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 17; j++) {
      if (i != j) {
	if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test_P(chain[i], chain[j], &conn) < 5.0) {
	  printf("%d -> %d \n", i, j);

#if 0
  double z_scale = 0.1400;
  //double z_scale = 1.0;

  int n = 12;
  Locseg_Chain *chain[n];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/ct017/test6/chain%d.bn", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (i != j) {
	if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test_P(chain[i], chain[j], &conn) < 10.0) {
	  printf("%d -> %d \n", i, j);

#if 0
  //double z_scale = 0.1400;
  double z_scale = 1.20;

  int n = 5;
  Locseg_Chain *chain[n];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/ct017/test7/chain%d.bn", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (i != j) {
	if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test_P(chain[i], chain[j], &conn) < 10.0) {
	  printf("%d -> %d \n", i, j);

#if 0
  double z_scale = 1.20;
  //double z_scale = 1.0;
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/lobster_neuron_org.tif");

  int n = 5;
  Locseg_Chain *chain[n];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/ct017/test7/chain%d.bn", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    //Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);
  Connection_Test_Workspace *ctw = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  ctw->z_scale = z_scale;

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (i != j) {
	if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain[i], chain[j], stack, 1.0,
					 &conn, ctw)) {
	  printf("%d -> %d \n", i, j);

#if 0
  Locseg_Chain *chain = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/ct017/test6/chain7.bn");
  Local_Neuroseg *locseg = Locseg_Chain_Tail_Seg(chain);

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/mouse_neuron_sp2.tif");
  double *profile = Local_Neuroseg_Height_Profile(locseg, stack, 1.0, 
  darray_write("../data/profile1.bn", profile, 11);

#if 0
  Locseg_Chain *chain = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/ct017/test6/chain7.bn");
  Local_Neuroseg *locseg = Locseg_Chain_Tail_Seg(chain);

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/mouse_neuron_sp2.tif");

  int n;
  double record[11];
  Locseg_Chain *chain2 = Local_Neuroseg_Push(locseg, stack, 
					     1.0, STACK_FIT_OUTER_SIGNAL, 
					     record, &n);


  Write_Locseg_Chain("../data/test.tb", chain2);

  return 1;

  Locseg_Chain *chain3 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/ct017/test6/chain6.bn");
  Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain2, 0.14);
  Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain3, 0.14);
  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain2, chain3, NULL, 1.0, &conn, NULL);

#if 0
  Locseg_Chain *chain = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/ct017/test6/chain9.bn");
  Local_Neuroseg *locseg = Locseg_Chain_Tail_Seg(chain);
  //Local_Neuroseg *locseg = Locseg_Chain_Head_Seg(chain);


  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/mouse_neuron_sp2.tif");

  int n;
  double record[11];
  Locseg_Chain *chain2 = Local_Neuroseg_Push(locseg, stack, 
					     1.0, STACK_FIT_OUTER_SIGNAL, 
					     record, &n);


  Write_Locseg_Chain("../data/test.bn", chain2);

  return 1;

  Locseg_Chain *chain3 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/ct017/test6/chain9.bn");
  Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain2, 0.14);
  Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain3, 0.14);
  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain3, chain2, stack, 1.0, &conn, NULL);

#if 0
  double z_scale = 0.1400;
  //double z_scale = 1.0;
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/mouse_neuron_sp2.tif");

  int n = 12;
  Locseg_Chain *chain[n];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/ct017/test6/chain%d.bn", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    //Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);
  Connection_Test_Workspace *ctw = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  ctw->z_scale = 0.14;

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (i != j) {
	if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain[i], chain[j], stack, 1.0,
					 &conn, ctw)) {
	  printf("%d -> %d \n", i, j);

#if 0
  //double z_scale = 0.32;
  //double z_scale = 1.0;
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_n1.tif");

  int n = 17;
  Locseg_Chain *chain[n];
  char file_path[100];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/fly_neuron_n1/chain%d.tb", i);
    chain[i] = Read_Locseg_Chain(file_path);
    //Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain[i], z_scale);
  Connection_Test_Workspace *ctw = New_Connection_Test_Workspace();
  ctw->resolution[0] = 0.32;
  ctw->resolution[1] = 0.32;
  ctw->resolution[2] = 1.0;

  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (i != j) {
	if (Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain[i], chain[j], stack, 1.0,
					 &conn, ctw)) {
	  printf("%d -> %d \n", i, j);

#if 0
  Locseg_Chain *chain = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/fly_neuron_n1/chain3.bn");
  Local_Neuroseg *locseg = Locseg_Chain_Tail_Seg(chain);

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_n1.tif");

  int n;
  double record[11];
  Locseg_Chain *chain2 = Local_Neuroseg_Push(locseg, stack, 
					     1.0, STACK_FIT_CORRCOEF, 
					     record, &n);


  Write_Locseg_Chain("../data/test.bn", chain2);

  return 1;

  Locseg_Chain *chain3 = Read_Locseg_Chain("../data/fly_neuron_n1/chain0.bn");
  Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain2, 0.32);
  Locseg_Chain_Scale_Z(chain3, 0.32);
  Neurocomp_Conn conn;
  Locseg_Chain_Connection_Test(chain2, chain3, stack, 1.0, &conn, NULL);

  return 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: diadem_d1_split.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {"<input:string> -o <string>",
    "[-count <int>] [-dist <int>] [-minobj <int>]", NULL};
  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);

  Stack *input = Read_Stack(Get_String_Arg("input"));
  int nregion = Stack_Max(input, NULL);
  int nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(input);
  int i;
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(input), Stack_Height(input),
  Stack *out = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(input), Stack_Height(input),

  int nobj = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= nregion; i++) {
    int j;
    int count = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < nvoxel; j++) {
      stack->array[j] = (input->array[j] == i);

    Stack *out3 = NULL;
    int maxcount = 100000;
    if (Is_Arg_Matched("-count")) {
      maxcount = Get_Int_Arg("-count");
    if (count > maxcount) {
      out3 = Copy_Stack(stack);
      Stack_Addc_M(out3, nobj);
    } else {
      Stack *distmap = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16P(stack, NULL, 0);

      Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
      ws->mask = Copy_Stack(distmap);
      int mindist = 10;
      if (Is_Arg_Matched("-dist")) {
	mindist = Get_Int_Arg("-dist");
      Stack_Threshold_Binarize(ws->mask, mindist);
      Translate_Stack(ws->mask, GREY, 1);
      int minobj = 100;
      if (Is_Arg_Matched("-minobj")) {
	minobj = Get_Int_Arg("-minobj");
      Object_3d_List *objs = Stack_Find_Object(ws->mask, 1, minobj);
      Stack_Draw_Objects_Bw(ws->mask, objs, -255);

      ws->min_level = 1;
      ws->start_level = 65535;
      out3 = Stack_Watershed(distmap, ws);
      Stack_Addc_M(out3, nobj);
      nobj += Object_3d_List_Length(objs);
    Stack_Add(out, out3, out);

  printf("number of regions: %d\n", nobj);
  Write_Stack(Get_String_Arg("-o"), out);
  char cmd[500];
  sprintf(cmd, "touch %s_done", Get_String_Arg("-o"));

  return 0;
コード例 #17
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char puncta_swc_path[] = "/home/feng/otherSource/hand2.swc";
  char puncta_meanshifted_swc_path[] = "/home/feng/otherSource/hand_meanshifted.swc";
  char trace_result_path[] = "/home/feng/otherSource/015.trace/traced/";
  char masked_swc_path[] = "/home/feng/otherSource/masked_hand.swc";
  char masked_meanshifted_swc_path[] = "/home/feng/otherSource/masked_hand_meanshifted.swc";
  char puncta_stack_path[] = "/home/feng/otherSource/C1-slice09_L5_Sum.tif";

  int n;
  Locseg_Chain* chains = Dir_Locseg_Chain_N(trace_result_path, "^chain[[:digit:]]*\\.tb", &n, NULL);

  printf("found %d tb file\n", n);
  int i=0;
  Locseg_Label_Workspace* ws = New_Locseg_Label_Workspace();
  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, 1024, 1024, 128);
  double z_scale = 1;
  double pixelperumxy = 9.66;
  double pixelperumz = 2;
  double maskextendbyum = 2.5;
  double maskextendbypixel = maskextendbyum * pixelperumxy;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    ws->option = 1;
    ws->sdiff = maskextendbypixel;
    ws->value = 255;
    Locseg_Chain_Label_W(&(chains[i]), mask, z_scale, 0, Locseg_Chain_Length(&(chains[i])), ws);

  Write_Stack("/home/feng/otherSource/maskstack.tif", mask);

  Swc_Node *punctas = Read_Swc_File(puncta_swc_path, &n);
  printf("found %d puncta\n", n);

  FILE *fp = fopen(masked_swc_path, "w");
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
//  if (*(STACK_PIXEL_8(mask, iround(punctas[i].x), iround(punctas[i].y), iround(punctas[i].z), 0)) == 255) {
//    Swc_Node_Fprint(fp, &(punctas[i]));
//  }
    if (Stack_Neighbor_Mean(mask, 26, iround(punctas[i].x), iround(punctas[i].y), iround(punctas[i].z)) > 0) {
      Swc_Node_Fprint(fp, &(punctas[i]));

  fp = fopen(puncta_meanshifted_swc_path, "w");
  Stack *puncta_stack = Read_Stack(puncta_stack_path);
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    Geo3d_Ball *gb = New_Geo3d_Ball();
    gb->center[0] = punctas[i].x;
    gb->center[1] = punctas[i].y;
    gb->center[2] = punctas[i].z;
    gb->r = 3;
    Geo3d_Ball_Mean_Shift(gb, puncta_stack, 1, 0.5);
    punctas[i].x = gb->center[0];
    punctas[i].y = gb->center[1];
    punctas[i].z = gb->center[2];
    Swc_Node_Fprint(fp, punctas+i);


  fp = fopen(masked_meanshifted_swc_path, "w");
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    if (Stack_Neighbor_Mean(mask, 26, iround(punctas[i].x), iround(punctas[i].y), iround(punctas[i].z)) > 0) {
      Swc_Node_Fprint(fp, &(punctas[i]));

  return 0;
コード例 #18
ファイル: alignconf.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
  const char *dir_name = "/Users/zhaot/Data/nathan/2008-04-18";

  if (argc > 1) {
    dir_name = argv[1];

  const char *result_dir = "/Users/zhaot/Work/V3D/neurolabi/data/align";

  char filelist[100];

  fullpath(result_dir, "filelist.txt", filelist);
  printf("%s\n", filelist);

  char file_path[150];
  char image_path[150];

  /* Read all files from the directory */
  FILE *fp = fopen(filelist, "r");
  char id[100];
  int idx = 0;
  int idx2 = 0;
  int row = 22;
  int col = 15;

#define MAX_FILE_NUMBER 364
  char all_file[MAX_FILE_NUMBER][100];
  double stack_mean[MAX_FILE_NUMBER];
  int available[row * col];

  while (Read_Word(fp, all_file[idx++], 0) > 0) {
    fullpath(dir_name, all_file[idx - 1], image_path);
    printf("%d, %s\n", idx, image_path);
  fullpath(result_dir, "stack_mean.bn", file_path);
  if (!fexist(file_path)) {
    for (idx = 1; idx <= MAX_FILE_NUMBER; idx++) {
      fullpath(dir_name, all_file[idx - 1], image_path);
      Stack *stack = Read_Stack(image_path);
      stack_mean[idx - 1] = Stack_Mean(stack);
      printf("%d, %s: %g\n", idx, image_path, stack_mean[idx - 1]);
    darray_write(file_path, stack_mean, MAX_FILE_NUMBER);
  } else {
    int array_length;
    darray_read(file_path, stack_mean, &array_length);
  if (idx - 1 != MAX_FILE_NUMBER) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Wrong file number: %d.\n", idx);

  const double threshold = 115.0;

  for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_FILE_NUMBER; idx++) {
    if (stack_mean[idx] > threshold) {
      available[idx] = 1;
    } else {
      available[idx] = 0;

  for (idx = MAX_FILE_NUMBER; idx < row * col; idx++) {
    available[idx] = 0;

  fullpath(result_dir, "align_input.txt", file_path);

  int neighbor[] = {-1, 1, -22, 22};

  fp = fopen(file_path, "w");

  for (idx = 1; idx < MAX_FILE_NUMBER; idx++) {
    if (idx % row != 0) {
      if (available[idx - 1] && available[idx]) {
	fprintf(fp, "%s %s\n", all_file[idx - 1], all_file[idx]);
	align_id(all_file[idx - 1], all_file[idx], id);
	printf("%s\n", id);

  int i, j;
  int offset = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < col - 1; j++) {
    offset = row * j;
    for (i = 0; i < row; i++) {
      idx = offset + i;
      idx2 = idx + row;
      if ((available[idx]) && (available[idx2])) {
	fprintf(fp, "%s %s\n", all_file[idx], all_file[idx2]);
	align_id(all_file[idx], all_file[idx2], id);
	printf("%s\n", id);


  return 1;
コード例 #19
ファイル: testwatershed.c プロジェクト: janelia-flyem/NeuTu
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {"[-t]", NULL};
  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);

  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-t")) {
    /* Example test */
    Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 7, 7, 1);
    Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
    ws->conn = 26;
    ws->mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),

    /* set seeds */
    Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 1, 5, 0, 0, 2.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 5, 1, 0, 0, 4.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 5, 5, 0, 0, 5.0);

    /* set stack values */
    Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 5, 0, 0, 3.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 5, 1, 0, 0, 3.0);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 5, 5, 0, 0, 3.0);
    Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);

    //Write_Stack("../data/test/watershed/golden/watershed1.tif", out);

    char *golden_file = "../data/test/watershed/golden/watershed1.tif";
    if (fexist(golden_file)) {
      Stack *golden = Read_Stack(golden_file);
      if (Stack_Identical(out, golden) == FALSE) {
	PRINT_EXCEPTION("Bug?", "Conflict with golden.");
	return 1;

    } else {
      printf("%s cannot be found.\n", golden_file);

    char *test_file = "../data/benchmark/rice_label.tif";
    if (fexist(test_file)) {
      stack = Read_Stack_U(test_file);

      ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
      ws->mask = Copy_Stack(stack);
      ws->conn = 26;

      out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);

      //Write_Stack("../data/test/watershed/golden/watershed2.tif", out);

      Stack *golden = Read_Stack("../data/test/watershed/golden/watershed2.tif");
      if (Stack_Identical(out, golden) == FALSE) {
	PRINT_EXCEPTION("Bug?", "Conflict with golden.");
	return 1;
    } else {
      printf("%s cannot be found.\n", test_file);

    printf(":) Testing passed.\n");

    return 0;

#if 0
  /* Initialize */
  Watershed_3d *watershed = New_Watershed_3d();
  Watershed_3d_Workspace *ws = New_Watershed_3d_Workspace();
  ws->conn = 26;

  /* Initialize stack */
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron/dist.tif");
  int nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  int i;
  uint16 *array16 = (uint16 *)stack->array;
  for (i = 0; i < nvoxel; i++) {
    array16[i] = 0xFFFF - array16[i];
  /* Add mask to ignore dark voxels  */
  ws->mask = Copy_Stack(stack); 

  //Translate_Stack(stack, GREY, 1);

  //stack->array = stack->array + stack->width * stack->height * 100;
  //stack->depth = 1;
  // ws->mask = Copy_Stack(stack);
  // ws->mask = NULL;

  //Write_Stack("../data/dist.tif", stack);

  //Stack *stack2 = Copy_Stack(stack);

#  if 0
  Build_3D_Watershed(stack, watershed, ws);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", watershed->labels);
#  endif

#  if 0
  Image_View iv = Image_View_Stack(stack2);
  Watershed_Test *watershed2 = Build_2D_Watershed_Test(&(iv.image), 0);
  Write_Image("../data/test2.tif", watershed2->labels);
#  endif

#if 0
  Image *image = Read_Image("../data/Ring15.tif_Sub1200_Original_inv.tif");
  Watershed_2D *ws = Build_2D_Watershed(image, 0);
  Image *result = Color_Watersheds(ws, image);
  Write_Image("../data/test.tif", result);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 7, 7, 1);
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->conn = 26;
  ws->mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 1, 5, 0, 0, 2.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 5, 1, 0, 0, 4.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 5, 5, 0, 0, 5.0);

  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 5, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 5, 1, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 5, 5, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 3, 3, 1);
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->conn = 26;
  ws->mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),

  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2.0);

  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 2, 2, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2.0);
  //Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2.0);


  ws->start_level = 6;

  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/benchmark/rice_label.tif");

  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->mask = Copy_Stack(stack);
  ws->conn = 26;

  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);
  printf("%lld\n", toc());

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out); 

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/diadem_d1_147.xml");
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),
  ws->conn = 26;

  const int *dx = Stack_Neighbor_X_Offset(ws->conn);
  const int *dy = Stack_Neighbor_X_Offset(ws->conn);
  const int *dz = Stack_Neighbor_X_Offset(ws->conn);
  int seed[3];
  String_Workspace *sw = New_String_Workspace();
  char *line = NULL;
  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/diadem_d1_root_z.txt", "r");
  int k = 1;
  while ((line = Read_Line(fp, sw)) != NULL) {
    int n;
    String_To_Integer_Array(line, seed, &n);
    double maxv = -1;
    if (n == 3) {
      maxv = Get_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0], seed[1], seed[2], 0);
      printf("%g\n", maxv);
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < ws->conn; i++) {
	if (maxv < Get_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0] + dx[i], seed[1] + dy[i], 
				   seed[2] + dz[i], 0)) {
	  maxv = Get_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0] + dx[i], seed[1] + dy[i], 
				 seed[2] + dz[i], 0);

      //Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0], seed[1], seed[2], 0, maxv);
      Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, seed[0], seed[1], seed[2], 0, k);
      for (i = 0; i < ws->conn; i++) {
	//Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0] + dx[i], seed[1] + dy[i], 
	//		seed[2] + dz[i], 0, maxv);
	Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, seed[0] + dx[i], seed[1] + dy[i], 
			seed[2] + dz[i], 0, k);	
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 19, 605, 112, 0, 1.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 28, 565, 112, 0, 1.0);
  Stack_Watershed_Infer_Parameter(stack, ws);

  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);
  printf("%lld\n", toc());

  Write_Stack("../data/diadem_d1_147_label.tif", out);

  static const uint8 Color_Map[][3] = { 
    {0, 0, 0},
    {0, 224, 64}, {32, 64, 128}, {64, 64, 0}, {64, 128, 64},
    {96, 64, 128}, {64, 0, 0}, {128, 200, 64}, {160, 128, 128},
    {192, 0, 0}, {192, 160, 64}, {224, 64, 128}, {224, 224, 192}};
  Translate_Stack(out, COLOR, 1);
  size_t nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(out);
  size_t i;
  color_t *arrayc = (color_t*) out->array;
  for (i = 0; i < nvoxel; i++) {
    arrayc[i][2] = Color_Map[arrayc[i][0]][2];
    arrayc[i][1] = Color_Map[arrayc[i][0]][1];
    arrayc[i][0] = Color_Map[arrayc[i][0]][0];

  Write_Stack("../data/diadem_d1_147_paint.tif", out);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/diadem_d1_146.xml");
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  Stack *mask = Read_Stack("../data/test3.tif");
  ws->mask = Crop_Stack(mask, 252, -937, 2, 1024, 1024, 63, NULL);
  ws->conn = 26;

  Stack_Watershed_Infer_Parameter(stack, ws);

  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);
  printf("%lld\n", toc());
  Write_Stack("../data/test2.tif", out);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 7, 7, 1);
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->conn = 26;
  ws->mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 1, 5, 0, 0, 2.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 5, 1, 0, 0, 4.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(ws->mask, 5, 5, 0, 0, 5.0);

  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 5, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 5, 1, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 5, 5, 0, 0, 3.0);
  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);

  Stack *out2 = Stack_Region_Border_Shrink(out, ws);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/diadem_d1_013_label.tif");
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  //ws->conn = 26;

  Stack *out = Stack_Region_Border_Shrink(stack, ws);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 1, 1, 19);
  stack->array[3] = 5;
  stack->array[4] = 5;
  stack->array[7] = 5;
  stack->array[8] = 5;
  stack->array[10] = 4;
  stack->array[11] = 5;
  stack->array[12] = 5;
  stack->array[13] = 4;
  stack->array[16] = 5;
  stack->array[17] = 5;

  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->conn = 26;
  ws->mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),

  Stack_Watershed_Zgap_Barrier(stack, ws->mask);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/diadem_d1_047_label.tif");

  Stack *stack2 = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16(stack, NULL, 0);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack2);  

#if 0
  char stack_path[100];
  char mask_path[100];

  strcpy(stack_path, "../data/diadem_d1_064.xml");

  strcpy(mask_path, stack_path);
  strsplit(mask_path, '.', -1);
  sprintf(mask_path, "%s_label.tif", mask_path);

  if (!fexist(stack_path)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find %s\n", stack_path);
    return 1;
  printf("Processing %s\n", stack_path);
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U(stack_path);
  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),

  int conn = 26;
  const int *dx = Stack_Neighbor_X_Offset(conn);
  const int *dy = Stack_Neighbor_X_Offset(conn);
  const int *dz = Stack_Neighbor_X_Offset(conn);
  int seed[3];
  String_Workspace *sw = New_String_Workspace();
  char *line = NULL;
  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/064.seeds.txt", "r");
  int k = 1;

  /* label seeds */
  while ((line = Read_Line(fp, sw)) != NULL) {
    int n;
    String_To_Integer_Array(line, seed, &n);
    double maxv = -1;
    if (n == 3) {
      maxv = Get_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0], seed[1], seed[2], 0);
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < conn; i++) {
	if (maxv < Get_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0] + dx[i], seed[1] + dy[i], 
				   seed[2] + dz[i], 0)) {
	  maxv = Get_Stack_Pixel(stack, seed[0] + dx[i], seed[1] + dy[i], 
				 seed[2] + dz[i], 0);
      Set_Stack_Pixel(mask, seed[0], seed[1], seed[2], 0, k);
      for (i = 0; i < conn; i++) {
	Set_Stack_Pixel(mask, seed[0] + dx[i], seed[1] + dy[i], 
			seed[2] + dz[i], 0, k);	

  Stack_Running_Median(stack, 0, stack);
  Stack_Running_Median(stack, 1, stack);
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->mask = mask;
  Filter_3d *filter = Gaussian_Filter_3d(2.0, 2.0, 1.5);
  Stack *filtered_stack  = Filter_Stack(stack, filter);
  Stack_Watershed_Zgap_Barrier(filtered_stack, ws->mask);
  Stack_Running_Max(ws->mask, 0, ws->mask);
  Stack_Running_Max(ws->mask, 1, ws->mask);
  //Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", ws->mask);
  filtered_stack = NULL;

  FMatrix *dm = Mexihat_3D1_F(2.0, NULL, 2);
  //FMatrix *dm = Mexihat_3D_F(2.0, NULL);

  filtered_stack = Filter_Stack(stack, dm);
  Stack_Threshold_Common(filtered_stack, 0, 65535);
  Translate_Stack(filtered_stack, GREY, 1);
    int i, j, k;
    int offset = 0;
    uint16 *array = (uint16*) stack->array;
    for (k = 0; k < stack->depth; k++) {
      for (j = 0; j < stack->height; j++) {
	for (i = 0; i < stack->width; i++) {
	  if (filtered_stack != NULL) {
	    if (filtered_stack->array[offset] == 1) {
	      ws->mask->array[offset] = STACK_WATERSHED_BARRIER;
	  array[offset++] += k * 2;

  Stack_Watershed_Infer_Parameter(stack, ws);
  ws->conn = 6;

  double weights[26] = {0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75,
			0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 
			0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45,
			0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45};

  ws->weights = weights;
  ws->weights = NULL;
  if (ws->weights != NULL) {
    ws->min_level /= 3;
  Stack_Running_Median(stack, 0, stack);
  Stack_Running_Median(stack, 1, stack);
  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);
  strcpy(mask_path, stack_path);
  strsplit(mask_path, '.', -1);
  sprintf(mask_path, "%s_label.tif", mask_path);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/test/soma2.tif");

  int thre = Stack_Find_Threshold_A(stack, THRESHOLD_LOCMAX_TRIANGLE);
  Filter_3d *filter = Gaussian_Filter_3d(1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
  Stack *out = Filter_Stack(stack, filter);
  stack = Copy_Stack(out);
  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(out, thre);
  Stack *out2 = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16P(out, NULL, 0);
  int nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(out);
  uint16_t *dist_array = (uint16_t*) out2->array;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nvoxel; i++) {
    dist_array[i] = sqrt(dist_array[i]);

  Write_Stack("../data/labmeeting13/distp.tif", out2);

#if 0
  //Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/test/soma2.tif");

  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/jinny/slice7_2to34ds_soma_c2.tif");
  int thre = Stack_Find_Threshold_A(stack, THRESHOLD_LOCMAX_TRIANGLE);
  Filter_3d *filter = Gaussian_Filter_3d(1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
  Stack *out = Filter_Stack(stack, filter);
  stack = Copy_Stack(out);
  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(out, thre);
  Stack *out2 = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16P(out, NULL, 0);

  out = Stack_Locmax_Region(out2, 26);
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),
  size_t nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  size_t offset;
  uint16_t *dist_array = (uint16_t*) out2->array;
  for (offset = 0; offset < nvoxel; offset++) {
    if (/*(out->array[offset] == 1) && */(dist_array[offset] > 1000)) {
      ws->mask->array[offset] = 1;

  //Objlabel_Workspace *ow = New_Objlabel_Workspace();
  //Stack_Label_Large_Objects_W(ws->mask, 1, 2, 10, ow);
  //Stack_Label_Objects_N(ws->mask, NULL, 1, 2, 26);
  Object_3d_List *objs = Stack_Find_Object(ws->mask, 1, 100);
  Stack_Draw_Objects_Bw(ws->mask, objs, -255);
  printf("%g\n", Stack_Max(ws->mask, NULL));

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", ws->mask);
  return 1;

  ws->min_level = thre;
  ws->start_level = 65535;

  Stack *out3 = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);
  Write_Stack("../data/labmeeting13/watershed.tif", out3);
  return 1;
  for (offset = 0; offset < nvoxel; offset++) {
    if (dist_array[offset] < 300) {
      out3->array[offset] = 0;

  int nregion = Stack_Max(out3, NULL);

  Stack *filtered = Copy_Stack(stack);
  ws->conn = 8;
  stack = Stack_Region_Border_Shrink(out3, ws);
  out2 = Stack_Region_Expand(stack, 4, 30, NULL);

  for (offset = 0; offset < nvoxel; offset++) {
    if (out->array[offset] == 0) {
      out2->array[offset] = 0;

  Write_Stack("../data/test2.tif", out2);

  //stack = Read_Stack("../data/test/soma2.tif");
  stack = Read_Stack("/Users/zhaot/Data/jinny/slice7_2to34ds_soma_c2.tif");
  Translate_Stack(stack, COLOR, 1);
  int i;
  double h = 0.0;
  double s = 1.0;
  for (i = 0; i < nregion; i++) {
    Stack_Label_Color_L(stack, out2, i+1, h+=0.35, s, filtered);
    Rgb_Color color;
    Set_Color_Jet(&color, i*3);
    Stack_Label_Level(stack, out2, i+1, color);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/leaktest/leak3.tif");
  Stack *distmap = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16P(stack, NULL, 0);

  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->mask = Copy_Stack(distmap);
  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(ws->mask, 10);
  Translate_Stack(ws->mask, GREY, 1);
  Object_3d_List *objs = Stack_Find_Object(ws->mask, 1, 100);
  Stack_Draw_Objects_Bw(ws->mask, objs, -255);

  ws->min_level = 1;
  ws->start_level = 65535;
  Stack *out3 = Stack_Watershed(distmap, ws);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out3);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/two_disk.tif");
  Stack_Watershed_Workspace *ws = Make_Stack_Watershed_Workspace(stack);
  ws->conn = 26;
  Stack *out = Stack_Watershed(stack, ws);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);
  return 0;
コード例 #20
ファイル: testgeo3d.c プロジェクト: janelia-flyem/NeuTu
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {"[-t]", NULL};
  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);
  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-t")) {
    coordinate_3d_t coord = {0, 0, 0};
    /* Translate coordinates. */
    Geo3d_Translate_Coordinate(coord, coord+1, coord+2, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

    if ((coord[0] != 1.0) || (coord[1] != 2.0) || (coord[2] != 3.0)) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected coordinate values.");
      return 1;      
    coordinate_3d_t coord2 = {0, 0, 0};
    double dx, dy, dz;

    Geo3d_Coordinate_Offset(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], coord2[0], coord2[1],
			    coord2[2], &dx, &dy, &dz);
    if ((dx != -coord[0]) || (dy != -coord[1]) || (dz != -coord[2])) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected offset values.");
      return 1;      
    Coordinate_3d_Copy(coord2, coord);

    /* Rotate coordinates. */
    Geo3d_Rotate_Coordinate(coord, coord+1, coord+2, 0.1, 0.5, 0);
    if (fabs(Geo3d_Orgdist_Sqr(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]) - 
	     Geo3d_Orgdist_Sqr(coord2[0], coord2[1], coord2[2])) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Rotation failed.");
      return 1;            

    /* inverse rotation */
    Geo3d_Rotate_Coordinate(coord, coord+1, coord+2, 0.1, 0.5, 1);
    if ((fabs(coord[0] - coord2[0]) > 0.01) || 
	(fabs(coord[1] - coord2[1]) > 0.01) ||
	(fabs(coord[2] - coord2[2]) > 0.01)){
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Rotation failed.");
      return 1;            

    /* Normal vector of an orientation. This is a canonical representaion
     * of an orientation. */ 
    Geo3d_Orientation_Normal(0.1, 0.5, coord, coord+1, coord+2);

    /* We can also turn the normal vector into orientation. */
    double theta, psi;
    Geo3d_Normal_Orientation(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], &theta, &psi);
    if (fabs(theta - 0.1) > 0.01 || fabs(Normalize_Radian(psi) - 0.5) > 0.01) {
      printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected orientation values.");
      return 1; 

    /* If we rotate the vector back, we should get (0, 0, 1). */
    Geo3d_Rotate_Coordinate(coord, coord+1, coord+2, 0.1, 0.5, 1);
    if ((fabs(coord[0]) > 0.01) || (fabs(coord[1]) > 0.01) ||
	(fabs(coord[2] - 1.0) > 0.01)){
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Rotation failed.");
      return 1;            

    Geo3d_Coord_Orientation(1, 0, 0, &theta, &psi);
    double in[3] = {0, 0, 1};
    double out[3] = {0, 0, 0};
    Rotate_XZ(in, out, 1, theta, psi, 0);

    if (fabs(out[0] - 1.0) > 0.01 || fabs(out[1]) > 0.01 || 
	fabs(out[2]) > 0.01) {
      printf("%g, %g, %g\n", out[0], out[1], out[2]);
      printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected orientation values.");
      return 1; 
    if (fabs(theta - TZ_PI_2) > 0.01 || 
	fabs(Normalize_Radian(psi) - TZ_PI_2) > 0.01) {
      printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected orientation values.");
      return 1; 

    Geo3d_Coord_Orientation(5, 0, 0, &theta, &psi);
    double in[3] = {0, 0, 5};
    double out[3] = {0, 0, 0};
    Rotate_XZ(in, out, 1, theta, psi, 0);

    if (fabs(out[0] - 5.0) > 0.01 || fabs(out[1]) > 0.01 || 
	fabs(out[2]) > 0.01) {
      printf("%g, %g, %g\n", out[0], out[1], out[2]);
      printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected orientation values.");
      return 1; 
    if (fabs(theta - TZ_PI_2) > 0.01 || 
	fabs(Normalize_Radian(psi) - TZ_PI_2) > 0.01) {
      printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected orientation values.");
      return 1; 

    /* Rotate the orientation. */
    theta = TZ_PI_2;
    psi = TZ_PI;
    Geo3d_Rotate_Orientation(-TZ_PI, TZ_PI_2, &theta, &psi);
    if (fabs(theta + TZ_PI_2) > 0.01 || 
	fabs(psi + TZ_PI_2) > 0.01) {
      printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected orientation values.");
      return 1; 
    /* More extensive test on rotation */
    Random_Seed(time(NULL) - getpid());
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      double x = Unifrnd() * (1 - Bernrnd(0.5) * 2.0);
      double y = Unifrnd() * (1 - Bernrnd(0.5) * 2.0);
      double z = Unifrnd() * (1 - Bernrnd(0.5) * 2.0);
      double theta, psi;
      Geo3d_Coord_Orientation(x, y, z, &theta, &psi);

      double x2 = 0.0;
      double y2 = 0.0;
      double z2 = Geo3d_Orgdist(x, y, z);
      Geo3d_Rotate_Coordinate(&x2, &y2, &z2, theta, psi, 0);

      if (fabs(x - x2) > 0.01 || fabs(y - y2) > 0.01 || fabs(z - z2) > 0.01) {
        printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);
        printf("%g, %g, %g\n", x, y, z);
        printf("%g, %g, %g\n", x2, y2, z2);
        PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected orientation values.");
        return 1; 

    /* Dot product. */
    if (Geo3d_Dot_Product(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0) != 10.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected dot product.");
      return 1; 

    /* Cross product. */
    Geo3d_Cross_Product(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, coord, coord+1, coord+2);

    if (fabs(Geo3d_Dot_Product(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2])) >
	0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected dot product.");
      return 1; 

    if (fabs(Geo3d_Dot_Product(3.0, 1.0, 2.0, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2])) >
	0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected dot product.");
      return 1; 

    /* Distance calculations. */
    if (Geo3d_Orgdist_Sqr(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) != 14.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected value.");
      return 1;       

    if (fabs(Geo3d_Orgdist(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) - sqrt(14.0)) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected value.");
      return 1;       

    if (Geo3d_Dist(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) != 0.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected value.");
      return 1;       

    if (Geo3d_Dist_Sqr(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) != 14.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected value.");
      return 1;       

    /* Angle between two vectors. */
    if (fabs(Geo3d_Angle2(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) - TZ_PI_2) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected value.");
      return 1;             

    /* Distance between two lines */
    coordinate_3d_t line1_start = {0, 0, 0};
    coordinate_3d_t line1_end = {1, 0, 0};
    coordinate_3d_t line2_start = {0, 1, 1}; 
    coordinate_3d_t line2_end = {0, 2, 1}; 

    double d = Geo3d_Line_Line_Dist(line1_start, line1_end,
				    line2_start, line2_end);

    if (fabs(d - 1.0) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected distance.");
      return 1;             
    /* Distance between two line segments. */
    double intersect1, intersect2;
    int cond;
    d = Geo3d_Lineseg_Lineseg_Dist(line1_start, line1_end,
				   line2_start, line2_end, 
				   &intersect1, &intersect2, &cond);
    if (fabs(d - sqrt(2.0)) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected distance.");
      return 1;             

    /* Distance between a point and a line segment. */
    coord[0] = 0.5;
    coord[1] = 1.0;
    coord[2] = 1.0;
    d = Geo3d_Point_Lineseg_Dist(coord, line1_start, line1_end, &intersect1);
    if (fabs(d - sqrt(2.0)) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected distance.");
      return 1;             

    /* Get a break point of a line segment. */
    Geo3d_Lineseg_Break(line1_start, line1_end, 0.1, coord);
    if ((coord[0] != 0.1) || (coord[1] != 0.0) || (coord[2] != 0.0)) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected break point.");
      return 1;                   

    /* Orientations of a set of points */

    /* Orientation of a covariance matrix */

    /* 3D coordinates routines */
    /* Unitize a point. */
    if (fabs(Coordinate_3d_Norm(coord) - 1.0) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected norm.");
      return 1;                   

    Set_Coordinate_3d(coord, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    /* origin point is not affected by unitization */
    if (Coordinate_3d_Norm(coord) != 0.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected norm.");
      return 1;                   
    Set_Coordinate_3d(coord, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

    /* Square length */
    if (Coordinate_3d_Length_Square(coord) != 14) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected square length");

    /* Angle between two vectors */
    coordinate_3d_t coord_a1 = { 1, 0, 0 }; 
    coordinate_3d_t coord_a2 = { 0, 0, 1 };

    if (fabs(Coordinate_3d_Angle2(coord_a1, coord_a2) - TZ_PI_2) > 0.01) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected angle");

    /* Scale coordinates */
    Coordinate_3d_Scale(coord, 2.0);
    if ((coord[0] != 2.0) || (coord[1] != 4.0) || (coord[2] != 6.0)) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected coordinate value.");
      return 1;                         

    /* Normalizd dot product */
    if (Coordinate_3d_Normalized_Dot(coord, coord2) > 1.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected dot product.");
      return 1;                               

    Set_Coordinate_3d(coord, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);    

    Coordinate_3d_Copy(coord2, coord);
    Coordinate_3d_Scale(coord2, 2.0);

    coordinate_3d_t coord3;
    Coordinate_3d_Copy(coord3, coord);
    Coordinate_3d_Scale(coord3, 3.0);

    /* cos value of an angle formed by 3 points */
    if (Coordinate_3d_Cos3(coord, coord2, coord3) != 1.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected cos value.");
      return 1;      

    /* cos value of an angle formed by 4 points */
    coordinate_3d_t coord4;
    Coordinate_3d_Copy(coord4, coord);
    Coordinate_3d_Scale(coord4, 4.0);

    if (Coordinate_3d_Cos4(coord, coord2, coord3, coord4) != 1.0) {
      PRINT_EXCEPTION(":( Bug?", "Unexpected cos value.");
      return 1;      

    printf(":) Testing passed.\n");

    return 0;

#if 0
  Geo3d_Vector v1 = {1.1, 0, 0};
  Geo3d_Vector v2 = {5, 0, 0};

  double theta1 = 3.83812;
  double psi1 = 3.53202;
  double theta2 = 0.72657;
  double psi2 = 3.61214;

  Geo3d_Orientation_Normal(theta1, psi1, &(v1.x), &(v1.y), &(v1.z));
  Geo3d_Orientation_Normal(theta2, psi2, &(v2.x), &(v2.y), &(v2.z));

  printf("%g\n", Geo3d_Vector_Dot(&v1, &v2));
  printf("%g\n", Geo3d_Vector_Angle2(&v1, &v2));

  double angle = Vector_Angle(-1.0, -1.0);
  theta1 = -3.0;
  psi1 = -5.0;
  double x, y, z;
  Geo3d_Orientation_Normal(theta1, psi1, &x, &y, &z);
  printf("%g, %g, %g\n", x, y, z);

  Geo3d_Normal_Orientation(x, y, z, &theta1, &psi1);

  printf("%g\n", angle * 180.0 / TZ_PI);

  printf("%g, %g\n", theta1, psi1);
  Geo3d_Orientation_Normal(theta1, psi1, &x, &y, &z);
  printf("%g, %g, %g\n", x, y, z);

#if 0
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field *field = 
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/mouse_neuron/mask.tif");
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field_Draw_Stack(field, stack, NULL, NULL);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  double line_start[3] = {2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
  double line_end[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 6.0};

  double point[3] = {10.5, 20.5, 40.7};

  double lamda;
  printf("%g\n", Geo3d_Point_Lineseg_Dist(point, line_start, line_end, &lamda));
  double line_point[3];
  double length = sqrt(Geo3d_Dist_Sqr(line_start[0], line_start[1], line_start[2], line_end[0], line_end[1], line_end[2]));
  line_point[0] = line_start[0] + lamda * (line_end[0] - line_start[0]);
  line_point[1] = line_start[1] + lamda * (line_end[1] - line_start[1]);
  line_point[2] = line_start[2] + lamda * (line_end[2] - line_start[2]);
  printf("%g\n", lamda);
  printf("%g\n", sqrt(Geo3d_Dist_Sqr(line_point[0], line_point[1], line_point[2], point[0], point[1], point[2])));

  darray_sub(point, line_point, 3);
  darray_sub(line_end, line_point, 3);
  printf("%g\n", Geo3d_Dot_Product(point[0], point[1], point[2],
				   line_end[0], line_end[1], line_end[2]));


#if 0
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field *field = Read_Geo3d_Scalar_Field("../data/mouse_neuron3_org/seeds");

  darray_write("../data/pts.bn", (double *)field->points, field->size * 3);
  darray_write("../data/ws.bn", field->values, field->size);

  coordinate_3d_t centroid;
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field_Centroid(field, centroid);
  double cov[9];
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field_Cov(field, cov);
  darray_print2(cov, 3, 3);

  darray_write("../data/cov.bn", cov, 9);

  double vec[3];
  Geo3d_Cov_Orientation(cov, vec);
  darray_print2(vec, 3, 1);


#if 0
  double mu1, mu2;

#  if 0 /* parallel case */
  double line1_start[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  double line1_end[3] = {1, 1, 10};
  double line2_start[3] = {0, 1, 0};
  double line2_end[3] = {1, 2, 10};
#  endif

#  if 0 /* parallel case */
  double line1_start[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  double line1_end[3] = {1, 1, 10};
  double line2_start[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
  double line2_end[3] = {-3, -3, -21};
#  endif

#  if 0 /* i-i case */
  double line1_start[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  double line1_end[3] = {3, 4, 5};
  double line2_start[3] = {-1, 8, 9};
  double line2_end[3] = {1, -3, -4};
#  endif

#  if 0 /* point to line case */
  double line1_start[3] = {3, 4, 5};
  double line1_end[3] = {3, 4, 5};
  double line2_start[3] = {-1, 8, 9};
  double line2_end[3] = {1, -3, -4};
#  endif

#  if 0 /* point to line case */
  double line2_start[3] = {3, 4, 5};
  double line2_end[3] = {3, 4, 5};
  double line1_start[3] = {-1, 8, 9};
  double line1_end[3] = {1, -3, -4};
#  endif

#  if 0 /* point to line case */
  double line2_start[3] = {3, 4, 5};
  double line2_end[3] = {3, 4, 5};
  double line1_start[3] = {-1, 8, 9};
  double line1_end[3] = {-1, 8, 9};
#  endif

#  if 0
  double line1_start[3] = {256.062, 328.674, 67.9029};
  double line1_end[3] = {246.162, 330.078, 67.9896};
  double line2_start[3] = {262.368, 336.609, 68.3076};
  double line2_end[3] = {259.956, 326.944, 67.4325};
#  endif

  int cond;
  double dist = Geo3d_Lineseg_Lineseg_Dist(line1_start, line1_end, 
					   line2_start, line2_end, 
					   &mu1, &mu2, &cond);
  printf("%d, %g\n", cond, dist);

  dist = Geo3d_Line_Line_Dist(line1_start, line1_end, line2_start, line2_end);

  printf("%g\n", dist);

#if 1
  double *d = Unifrnd_Double_Array(12000000, NULL);
  double *d2 = Unifrnd_Double_Array(12000000, NULL);
  Rotate_XZ(d, d, 4000000, 0.1, 0.2, 1);
  printf("%llu\n", toc());
  Rotate_XZ2(d, d, 4000000, 0.1, 0.2, 0);
  printf("%llu\n", toc());


#if 0
  double d[3] = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3};
  Rotate_XZ(d, d, 1, 0.1, 0.2, 0);
  darray_print2(d, 3, 1);

#if 0
  printf("%g\n", Ellipse_Point_Distance(5, 5, 3, 5));

#if 0
  Geo3d_Ellipse *ellipse = New_Geo3d_Ellipse();
  ellipse->scale = 0.5;
  ellipse->orientation[0] = 1.0;

  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/test.swc", "w");
  Swc_Node node;
  Geo3d_Ellipse_To_Swc_Node(ellipse, 1, -1, 1.0, 2, &node);
  Swc_Node_Fprint(fp, &node);  
  double pt[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
  printf("%g\n", Geo3d_Ellipse_Point_Distance(ellipse, pt));
  Geo3d_Ellipse *ellipse2 = Copy_Geo3d_Ellipse(ellipse);
  ellipse2->center[0] += 10.0;
  ellipse2->orientation[0] = 2.0;
  ellipse2->radius += 3.0;

  Geo3d_Ellipse *ellipse3 = Geo3d_Ellipse_Interpolate(ellipse, ellipse2, 0.2,
  Geo3d_Ellipse_To_Swc_Node(ellipse3, 2, 1, 1.0, 2, &node);
  Swc_Node_Fprint(fp, &node);

  Geo3d_Ellipse_To_Swc_Node(ellipse2, 3, 2, 1.0, 2, &node);
  Swc_Node_Fprint(fp, &node);



#if 0
  Geo3d_Ellipse *ellipse = New_Geo3d_Ellipse();
  ellipse->scale = 0.5;

  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/test.swc", "w");
  coordinate_3d_t *pts = Geo3d_Ellipse_Sampling(ellipse, 20, 0, NULL);
  Geo3d_Point_Array_Swc_Fprint(fp, pts, 20, 1, -1, 1.0, 2);

  ellipse->orientation[0] = 1.0;
  pts = Geo3d_Ellipse_Sampling(ellipse, 20, 0, NULL);
  Geo3d_Point_Array_Swc_Fprint(fp, pts, 20, 21, -1, 1.0, 3);

  ellipse->center[2] = 5.0;
  pts = Geo3d_Ellipse_Sampling(ellipse, 20, 0, NULL);
  Geo3d_Point_Array_Swc_Fprint(fp, pts, 20, 41, -1, 1.0, 4);

  coordinate_3d_t vec[2];
  Coordinate_3d_Copy(vec[0], ellipse->center);
  Geo3d_Ellipse_First_Vector(ellipse, vec[1]);
  Coordinate_3d_Add(vec[0], vec[1], vec[1]);
  Geo3d_Point_Array_Swc_Fprint(fp, vec, 2, 101, -1, 1.0, 5);
  Geo3d_Ellipse_Second_Vector(ellipse, vec[1]);
  Coordinate_3d_Add(vec[0], vec[1], vec[1]);
  Geo3d_Point_Array_Swc_Fprint(fp, vec, 2, 111, -1, 1.0, 6);
  Geo3d_Ellipse_Normal_Vector(ellipse, vec[1]);
  Coordinate_3d_Add(vec[0], vec[1], vec[1]);
  Geo3d_Point_Array_Swc_Fprint(fp, vec, 2, 121, -1, 1.0, 7);

#if 0
  Geo3d_Ellipse ep_array[10];

  Geo3d_Ellipse *ellipse = New_Geo3d_Ellipse();
  ellipse->scale = 0.5;

  Geo3d_Ellipse_Copy(ep_array, ellipse);

  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/test.swc", "w");

  ellipse->orientation[0] += 0.5;
  ellipse->center[2] += 3.0;
  ellipse->center[0] += 1.0;
  Geo3d_Ellipse_Copy(ep_array + 1, ellipse);

  ellipse->center[2] += 3.0;
  Geo3d_Ellipse_Copy(ep_array + 2, ellipse);

  coordinate_3d_t *pts = Geo3d_Ellipse_Array_Sampling(ep_array, 3, 20, NULL);
  Geo3d_Point_Array_Swc_Fprint(fp, pts, 60, 1, -1, 1.0, 2);


#if 0
  printf("%g\n", Vector_Angle(1.0, 1.0) * 180 / TZ_PI);

#if 0
  double theta, psi;
  coordinate_3d_t coord;
  coord[0] = 0.0822;
  coord[1] = 0.1515;
  coord[2] = 0.1369;
  Geo3d_Coord_Orientation(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], &theta, &psi);
  printf("%g, %g\n", theta, psi);

  Geo3d_Orientation_Normal(theta, psi, coord, coord+1, coord+2); 

#if 0
  double theta, psi;
  double x = -1;
  double y = 1.83697019872103e-16;
  double z = 3;
  Geo3d_Coord_Orientation(x, y, z, &theta, &psi);

#if 0
  double theta = Vector_Angle2(0, 1, 1, 0, TRUE);
  printf("angle: %g\n", theta);

  theta = Vector_Angle2(0, 1, -1, 0, FALSE);
  printf("angle: %g\n", theta);

  theta = Vector_Angle2(-1, 0, -1, -1, TRUE);
  printf("angle: %g\n", theta);

  return 0;
コード例 #21
ファイル: trace_neuron.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
 * trace_neuron - trace neuron from given seeds
 * trace_neuron [!wtr] seed_file -Dsave_dir
 *   -r: write intermediate results
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  static char *Spec[] = {
    "[!wtr] [-canvas <string>] [-mask <string>] [-res <string>] [-minr <int>]",
    "-minlen <double>",
    " <image:string> -S<string> -D<string>",
  Process_Arguments(argc, argv, Spec, 1);
  char *dir = Get_String_Arg("-D");
  char file_path[100];
  sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s", dir, Get_String_Arg("-S"));
  printf("%s\n", file_path);

  Geo3d_Scalar_Field *seed = Read_Geo3d_Scalar_Field(file_path);

  int idx;

  sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s.bn", dir, "max_r");
  double max_r;
  int tmp;
  if (fexist(file_path)) {
    darray_read2(file_path, &max_r, &tmp);
  } else {
    max_r = darray_max(seed->values, seed->size, &idx);

  printf("%g\n", max_r);

  max_r *= 1.5;

  sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s", dir, "soma0.bn");
  if (!fexist(file_path)) {
    max_r *= 2.0;

  Stack *signal = Read_Stack(Get_String_Arg("image"));

  dim_type dim[3];
  dim[0] = signal->width;
  dim[1] = signal->height;
  dim[2] = signal->depth;
  IMatrix *chord = Make_IMatrix(dim, 3);
  Stack *code = Make_Stack(GREY16, 
			   signal->width, signal->height, signal->depth);
  Rgb_Color color;
  Set_Color(&color, 255, 0, 0);

  Stack *canvas = NULL;

  char trace_file_path[100];
  sprintf(trace_file_path, "%s/%s", dir, Get_String_Arg("-canvas"));
  if (fexist(trace_file_path) == 1) {
    canvas = Read_Stack((char *) trace_file_path);
  } else {
    canvas = Copy_Stack(signal);
    Stretch_Stack_Value_Q(canvas, 0.999);
    Translate_Stack(canvas, COLOR, 1);

  Stack *traced = NULL;
  char trace_mask_path[100];
  sprintf(trace_mask_path, "%s/%s", dir, Get_String_Arg("-mask"));

  if (fexist(trace_mask_path) == 1) {
    traced = Read_Stack((char *) trace_mask_path);
  } else {
    traced = Make_Stack(GREY, signal->width, signal->height, signal->depth);

  //Object_3d *obj = NULL;
  int seed_offset = -1;

  Neurochain *chain = NULL;

  double z_scale = 1.0;

  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-res")) {
    sprintf(file_path, "%s", Get_String_Arg("-res"));

    if (fexist(file_path)) {
      double res[3];
      int length;
      darray_read2(file_path, res, &length);
      if (res[0] != res[1]) {
	perror("Different X-Y resolutions.");
      z_scale = res[0] / res[2];

  //sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s", dir, Get_String_Arg("-M"));
  //Stack *stack = Read_Stack(file_path);


  FILE *fp = NULL;
  char chain_file_path[100];
  char vrml_file_path[100];

  double min_chain_length = 25.0;

  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-minlen")) {
    min_chain_length = Get_Double_Arg("-minlen");

  int *indices = iarray_malloc(seed->size);
  double *values = darray_malloc(seed->size);
  int i;

  Local_Neuroseg *locseg = (Local_Neuroseg *) 
    malloc(seed->size * sizeof(Local_Neuroseg));

  int index = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < seed->size; i++) {
    printf("-----------------------------> seed: %d / %d\n", i, seed->size);
    indices[i] = i;
    index = i;
    int x = (int) seed->points[index][0];
    int y = (int) seed->points[index][1];
    int z = (int) seed->points[index][2];

    double width = seed->values[index];

    chain = New_Neurochain();

    seed_offset = Stack_Util_Offset(x, y, z, signal->width, signal->height,

    if (width < 3.0) {
      width += 0.5;
    Set_Neuroseg(&(locseg[i].seg), width, width, 12.0, 
		 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    double cpos[3];
    cpos[0] = x;
    cpos[1] = y;
    cpos[2] = z;
    cpos[2] *= z_scale;
    Set_Neuroseg_Position(&(locseg[i]), cpos, NEUROSEG_CENTER);
    Stack_Fit_Score fs;
    fs.n = 1;
    fs.options[0] = 1;
    values[i] = Local_Neuroseg_Orientation_Search_C(&(locseg[i]), signal, z_scale, &fs);

  darray_qsort(values, indices, seed->size);

  for (i = 0; i < seed->size; i++) {
    indices[i] = i;
  darraycpy(values, seed->values, 0, seed->size);
  darray_qsort(values, indices, seed->size);

  int counter = 0;

  //  for (i = seed->size - 1; i >= seed->size - 231; i--) {
  for (i = seed->size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    index = indices[i];

    printf("-----------------------------> seed: %d / %d\n", i, seed->size);
    sprintf(chain_file_path, "%s/chain%d.bn", dir, index);
    sprintf(vrml_file_path, "%s/chain%d.wrl", dir, index);

    if (fexist(chain_file_path) == 1) {
      chain = Read_Neurochain(chain_file_path);
      if (Neurochain_Geolen(chain) >= min_chain_length) {
	Write_Neurochain_Vrml(vrml_file_path, chain);
	Neurochain_Label(canvas, chain, z_scale);
	Neurochain_Erase_E(traced, chain, z_scale, 0,
			   Neurochain_Length(chain, FORWARD),
			   1.5, 0.0);

      printf("chain exists\n");
    int x = (int) seed->points[index][0];
    int y = (int) seed->points[index][1];
    int z = (int) seed->points[index][2];

    if (*STACK_PIXEL_8(traced, x, y, z, 0) == 0) {
      printf("traced \n");

    double width = seed->values[index];

    if (width > max_r) {
      printf("too thick\n");
    if (Is_Arg_Matched("-minr")) {
      int max_level = (int) (width + 0.5);
      if (max_level <= Get_Int_Arg("-minr")) {
	printf("too thin\n");
    seed_offset = Stack_Util_Offset(x, y, z, signal->width, signal->height,

    chain = New_Neurochain();
    Stack_Level_Code_Constraint(stack, code, chord->array, &seed_offset, 1, 
				max_level + 1);

    Voxel_t v;
    v[0] = x;
    v[1] = y;
    v[2] = z;

    Stack *tmp_stack = Copy_Stack(stack);
    obj = Stack_Grow_Object_Constraint(tmp_stack, 1, v, chord, code, 

    double vec[3];
    Object_3d_Orientation_Zscale(obj, vec, MAJOR_AXIS, z_scale);

    double theta, psi;
    Geo3d_Vector obj_vec;
    Set_Geo3d_Vector(&obj_vec, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);

    Geo3d_Vector_Orientation(&obj_vec, &theta, &psi);

    if (width < 3.0) {
      width += 0.5;
    Set_Neuroseg(&(chain->locseg.seg), width, width, 12.0, 
		 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    double cpos[3];
    cpos[0] = x;
    cpos[1] = y;
    cpos[2] = z;
    cpos[2] *= z_scale;
    //Set_Neuroseg_Position(&(chain->locseg), cpos, NEUROSEG_BOTTOM);
    Set_Neuroseg_Position(&(chain->locseg), cpos, NEUROSEG_CENTER);
    Stack_Fit_Score fs;
    fs.n = 1;
    fs.options[0] = 1;
    Local_Neuroseg_Orientation_Search_C(&(chain->locseg), signal, z_scale,
    //fs.options[0] = 1;

    Copy_Local_Neuroseg(&(chain->locseg), &(locseg[index]));
    Neurochain *chain_head = chain;
    if (Initialize_Tracing(signal, chain, NULL, z_scale) >= MIN_SCORE) {
      if ((Neuroseg_Hit_Traced(&(chain->locseg), traced, z_scale) == FALSE) &&
	  (chain->locseg.seg.r1 < max_r) && 
	  (chain->locseg.seg.r2 < max_r)) {
	//Initialize_Tracing(signal, chain, NULL, z_scale);
	chain = Trace_Neuron2(signal, chain, BOTH, traced, z_scale, 500);

	//Neurochain *chain_head = Neurochain_Head(chain);
	chain_head = Neurochain_Remove_Overlap_Segs(chain);
	chain_head = Neurochain_Remove_Turn_Ends(chain_head, 0.5);
	if (i == seed->size - 231) {

	fp = fopen(chain_file_path, "w");
	Neurochain_Fwrite(chain_head, fp);
	if (Neurochain_Geolen(chain_head) >= min_chain_length) {
	  Write_Neurochain_Vrml(vrml_file_path, chain_head);

	  Neurochain_Erase_E(traced, chain_head, z_scale, 0,
			     Neurochain_Length(chain_head, FORWARD),
			     1.5, 0.0);
	  Neurochain_Label(canvas, chain_head, z_scale);

	  counter += Neurochain_Length(chain_head, FORWARD);
	  if (counter > 500) {
	    if (Is_Arg_Matched("-r")) {
	      Write_Stack((char *) trace_mask_path, traced);
	    if (Is_Arg_Matched("-r")) {
	    Write_Stack((char *) trace_file_path, canvas);

	    counter = 0;



  Write_Stack((char *) trace_file_path, canvas);
  if (Is_Arg_Matched("-r")) {
    Write_Stack((char *) trace_mask_path, traced);


  printf("Time passed: %lld\n", toc());

  return 0;
コード例 #22
ファイル: fly_neuron_soma.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
  char neuron_name[100];
  if (argc == 1) {
    strcpy(neuron_name, "fly_neuron");
  } else {
    strcpy(neuron_name, argv[1]);

  char file_path[100];  
  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/mask.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *stack2 = Read_Stack(file_path);
  Stack *stack3 = Copy_Stack(stack2);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/blobmask.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *stack1 = Read_Stack(file_path);
  Object_3d_List *objs = Stack_Find_Object_N(stack1, NULL, 1, 7, 26);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/holeimg.tif", neuron_name);
  Stack *hole_stack = Read_Stack(file_path);
  int value;
  int label = 2;

  char id_file_path[100];
  sprintf(id_file_path, "../data/%s/region_id.txt", neuron_name);

  FILE *id_fp = fopen(id_file_path, "w");

  while (objs != NULL) {
    int hole_area = Stack_Foreground_Area_O(hole_stack, objs->data);
    printf("%d / %lu\n", hole_area, objs->data->size);
    //if (hole_area > (int) ((double) (objs->data->size) * 0.01)) {
    if (hole_area > 100) {
      value = 3;
    } else {
      value = 2;
    if (objs->data->size + hole_area < TZ_PI * 10.0 * 10.0) {
      TRACE("small object labeled");

    fprintf(id_fp, "%d %d\n", label, value);

    Stack_Draw_Object_Bw(stack3, objs->data, label++);
    Stack_Draw_Object_Bw(stack2, objs->data, value);

    objs = objs->next;

  fprintf(id_fp, "-1 -1\n");


  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/soma.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, stack2);
  printf("%s (2: arbor, 3: soma) created.\n", file_path);

  sprintf(file_path, "../data/%s/region_label.tif", neuron_name);
  Write_Stack(file_path, stack3);
  printf("%s (one unique label for one region) created.\n", file_path);


  return 0;
コード例 #23
ファイル: tz_tifbg.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
 * Find the background of a tif stack.
 * Output : integer
 * Input : stack file or bundle file.
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[])
  if (nrhs < 1 || nrhs > 3)
    mexErrMsgTxt("The function takes 1~3 arguments.");

  if ( !mxIsChar(prhs[0]) )
    mexErrMsgTxt("The argument must be a string");
  if (nrhs == 2) {
    if ( !tz_mxIsDoubleScalar(prhs[1]) )
      mexErrMsgTxt("The second argument must be a doulbe scalar");

  if (nrhs == 3) {
    if ( !tz_mxIsDoubleScalar(prhs[2]) )
      mexErrMsgTxt("The third argument must be a doulbe scalar");

  char *filePath = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);

  Stack *stack = NULL;

  if( strlen(filePath)>4 ) {
    if( Is_Tiff(filePath) ) /* Read file */
      stack = Read_Stack(filePath);
    else if ( Is_Fbdf(filePath) ) { /* Read directory */
      File_Bundle fb;
      if( Load_Fbdf(filePath,&fb) )
	stack = Read_Stack_Planes(&fb);
    } else
      mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecongnized file format.");
  } else {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecongnized file format.");
  if( stack==NULL )
    mexErrMsgTxt("Unable to load the stack.");

  int *hist,com;
  int low,high;

  if( stack->kind==GREY || stack->kind==GREY16 ) {
    hist = Stack_Hist(stack);

    if (nrhs == 1) {
      low = hist[1];
      high = hist[0]+hist[1]-1;
    } else if (nrhs == 2) {
      low = (int) (*mxGetPr(prhs[1]));
      high = hist[0]+hist[1]-1;
    } else {
      low = (int) (*mxGetPr(prhs[1]));
      high = (int) (*mxGetPr(prhs[2]));
    printf("Pick threshold between %d and %d\n", low, high);
    com = Hist_Most_Common(hist,low,high);
  } else {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported image format.");
  uint8 *thre;
  uint16 *thre16;

  switch(stack->kind) {
  case GREY:
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,mxUINT8_CLASS,mxREAL);
    thre = (uint8 *) mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    *thre = com;
  case GREY16:
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,mxUINT16_CLASS,mxREAL);
    thre16 = (uint16 *) mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    *thre16 = com;
    mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported image format.");
コード例 #24
ファイル: testbwdist.c プロジェクト: janelia-flyem/NeuTu
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/binimg.tif");
  Stack *dist = Stack_Bwdist(stack);

  Stack* seeds = Stack_Local_Max(dist, NULL, STACK_LOCMAX_ALTER1);

  Stack *out = Scale_Double_Stack((double *) dist->array, stack->width, 
				  stack->height, stack->depth, GREY);

  Translate_Stack(out, COLOR, 1);

  Rgb_Color color;
  Set_Color(&color, 255, 0, 0);

  Stack_Label_Bwc(out, seeds, color);


  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/sphere_bw.tif");
  //Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/sphere_data.tif");
  //Stack_Not(stack, stack);

  int i;
  uint8 *array = stack->array + 512 * 600;
  for (i = 1; i < 512; i++) {
    array[i] = 1;
  //stack->depth = 50;
  long int *label = (long int *) malloc(sizeof(long int) * 
  Stack *out = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16(stack, NULL, 0);
  uint16 *out_array = (uint16 *) out->array;

  printf("%llu\n", toc());

  //int *hist = Stack_Hist(out);

  Stack *out2 = Stack_Bwdist_L(stack, NULL, NULL);
  float *out2_array = (float *) out2->array;

  int n = Stack_Voxel_Number(out);

  int t = 0;
  int x, y, z;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    uint16 d2 = (uint16) out2_array[i];
    if (out_array[i] != d2){
      int area = stack->width * stack->height;
      STACK_UTIL_COORD(i, stack->width, area, x, y, z);
      printf("(%d %d %d)", x, y, z);
      printf("%d %d %d\n", out_array[i], d2, stack->array[i]);

  printf("%d error\n", t);

#  if 0
  //Translate_Stack(out, GREY, 1);
  float *out_array = (float *) out->array;
  int i;
  int n = Stack_Voxel_Number(out);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    out_array[i] = sqrt(out_array[i]);
  Stack *out2 = Scale_Float_Stack((float *)out->array, out->width, out->height,
    out->depth, GREY);
  Stack *out2 = Make_Stack(GREY, out->width, out->height, out->depth);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    out2->array[i] = (uint8) round(sqrt(out_array[i]));
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out2);
#  endif
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);

#if 1
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/system/29.tif");

  Stack *out = Stack_Bwdist_L_U16P(stack, NULL, 0);

  Stack *golden = Read_Stack("../data/system/29_dist2.tif");

  printf("Checking result ...\n");
  if (Stack_Identical(out, golden) == FALSE) {
    printf("Result unmatched.\n");
  } else {


  return 0;
コード例 #25
ファイル: teststack.c プロジェクト: janelia-flyem/NeuTu
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron.tif");

  Stretch_Stack_Value_Q(stack, 0.99);
  Translate_Stack(stack, GREY, 1);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);


#if 0
  int idx1, idx2, width, height;
  idx1 = 33332;
  idx2 = 65535;
  width = 111;
  height = 112;

  printf("%g\n", Stack_Util_Voxel_Distance(idx1, idx2, width, height));

  int x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
  Stack_Util_Coord(idx1, width, height, &x1, &y1, &z1);
  Stack_Util_Coord(idx2, width, height, &x2, &y2, &z2);

  printf("%d, %d, %d\n", x1 - x2, y1 - y2, z1 - z2);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron.tif");
  //Translate_Stack(stack, GREY16, 1);
  Image *image = Proj_Stack_Zmax(stack);
  Write_Image("../data/test.tif", image);
#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_a1_org.tif");
  //stack = Crop_Stack(stack, 256, 256, 0, 512, 512, 170, NULL);
  int i;
  Stack stack2;
  stack2.width = stack->width;
  stack2.height = stack->height;
  stack2.kind = stack->kind;
  stack2.depth = 1;

  for (i = 0; i < stack->depth; i++) {
    stack2.array = stack->array + i * stack->width * stack->height;
    //Stack *locmax = Stack_Locmax_Region(&stack2, 8);
    Stack *locmax = Stack_Local_Max(&stack2, NULL, STACK_LOCMAX_SINGLE);
    int *hist = Stack_Hist_M(&stack2, locmax);
    int low, high;
    Int_Histogram_Range(hist, &low, &high);
    int thre = Int_Histogram_Triangle_Threshold(hist, low, high);
    printf("Threshold: %d\n", thre);

    Stack_Threshold_Binarize(&stack2, thre);

  Translate_Stack(stack, COLOR, 1);
  Stack_Blend_Mc(stack, result, 0.1);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 1
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_crop.tif");

  Filter_3d *filter = Gaussian_Filter_3d(1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
  Stack *out = Filter_Stack(stack, filter);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_a2_org.tif");
  Stack *locmax = Stack_Locmax_Region(stack, 18);
  Stack *mask = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_a2_org/threshold_s.tif");
  //Stack_And(locmax, mask, locmax);

  Object_3d_List *objs = Stack_Find_Object_N(locmax, NULL, 1, 0, 18);
  int objnum = 0;
  while (objs != NULL) {
    Object_3d *obj = objs->data;
    Voxel_t center;
    Object_3d_Central_Voxel(obj, center);
    Set_Stack_Pixel(locmax, center[0], center[1], center[2], 0, 1);
    objs = objs->next;

  Write_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_a2_org/locmax.tif", locmax);

  printf("objnum: %d\n", objnum);

  U8Matrix mat;
  mat.ndim = 3;
  mat.dim[0] = stack->width;
  mat.dim[1] = stack->height;
  mat.dim[2] = stack->depth;
  mat.array = locmax->array;

  dim_type bdim[3];
  bdim[0] = 7;
  bdim[1] = 7;
  bdim[2] = 5;
  U8Matrix *mat2 = U8Matrix_Blocksum(&mat, bdim, NULL);

  int offset[3];
  offset[0] = bdim[0] / 2;
  offset[1] = bdim[1] / 2;
  offset[2] = bdim[2] / 2;
  Crop_U8Matrix(mat2, offset, mat.dim, &mat);

  Write_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_a2_org/locmax_sum.tif", locmax);

  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(locmax, 6);
  Stack *clear_stack = Stack_Majority_Filter_R(locmax, NULL, 26, 4);
  Struct_Element *se = Make_Cuboid_Se(3, 3, 3);
  Stack *dilate_stack = Stack_Dilate(clear_stack, NULL, se);
  Stack *fill_stack = Stack_Fill_Hole_N(dilate_stack, NULL, 1, 4, NULL);

  Stack_Not(fill_stack, fill_stack);
  Stack_And(fill_stack, mask, mask);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", mask);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_t1.tif");
  Stack *locmax = Stack_Locmax_Region(stack, 6);
  Stack_Label_Objects_Ns(locmax, NULL, 1, 2, 3, 6);
  int nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(locmax);
  int i;
  int s[26];
  for (i = 0; i < nvoxel; i++) {
    if (locmax->array[i] < 3) {
      locmax->array[i] = 0;
    } else {
      locmax->array[i] = 1;
      printf("%u\n", stack->array[i]);
      Stack_Neighbor_Sampling_I(stack, 6, i, -1, s);
      iarray_print2(s, 6, 1);

  //Stack *locmax = Stack_Local_Max(stack, NULL, STACK_LOCMAX_SINGLE);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", locmax);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_n1.tif");
  Stack *stack2 = Flip_Stack_Y(stack, NULL);
  Flip_Stack_Y(stack2, stack2);
  if (!Stack_Identical(stack, stack2)) {
    printf("bug found\n");

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/benchmark/L3_12bit.lsm", -1);
  Mc_Stack_Grey16_To_8(stack, 3);
  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.lsm", stack, "../data/benchmark/L3_12bit.lsm");

#if 0
  //Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/C2-Slice06_R1_GR1_B1_L18.tif");
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron_n1/traced.tif");

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Make_Mc_Stack(GREY, 1024, 1024, 1024, 5);

  stack.width = 1024;
  stack.height = 1024;
  stack.depth = 1024;
  stack.kind = GREY;
  stack.nchannel = 5;
  printf("%zd\n", ((size_t)stack.kind * stack.width * stack.height *
		 stack.depth * stack.nchannel));

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 1, 1, 1);
  printf("stack usage: %d\n", Stack_Usage());
  uint8 *data = stack->array;
  stack->array = NULL;
  stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/line.tif");
  printf("stack usage: %d\n", Stack_Usage());

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/test.tif");
  int *hist = Stack_Hist(stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/mouse_neuron_single/stack.tif");
  Stack dst;
  dst.text = "\0";
  dst.array = stack->array;

  Crop_Stack(stack, 0, 0, 0, stack->width - 100, stack->height - 100, 
	     stack->depth - 30, &dst);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", &dst);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 5, 5, 3);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1.0);

  Stack *out = Stack_Running_Max(stack, 0, NULL);
  out = Stack_Running_Max(out, 1, out);
  out = Stack_Running_Max(out, 2, out);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/stack_graph/fork/fork.tif");
  Stack *out = Stack_Running_Median(stack, 0, NULL);
  Stack_Running_Median(out, 1, out);
  //Stack_Running_Max(stack, 0, out);
  //Stack_Running_Max(out, 1, out);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);

  Stack *out2 = Stack_Running_Median(stack, 0, NULL);
  Stack *out3 = Stack_Running_Median(out2, 1, NULL);
  if (Stack_Identical(out, out3)) {
    printf("Same in-place and out-place\n");

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/diadem_d1_147.xml");
  printf("%d\n", Stack_Threshold_Quantile(stack, 0.9));

#if 0
  const char *filepath = "/Users/zhaot/Data/Julie/All_tiled_nsyb5_Sum.lsm";
  char filename[100];
  fname(filepath, filename);
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack(filepath, -1);

  Mc_Stack *tmpstack = Make_Mc_Stack(stack->kind, stack->width, stack->height,
      stack->depth / 8, stack->nchannel);

  size_t channel_size = stack->kind * stack->width *stack->height
    * stack->depth;
  size_t channel_size2 = tmpstack->kind * tmpstack->width *tmpstack->height
    * tmpstack->depth;

  int i;
  int k;
  uint8_t *array = stack->array;
  for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
    int offset = 0;
    int offset2 = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < stack->nchannel; i++) {
      memcpy(tmpstack->array + offset2, array + offset, channel_size2);
      offset += channel_size;
      offset2 += channel_size2;
    array += channel_size2;

    char outpath[500];
    sprintf(outpath, "../data/test/%s_%03d.lsm", filename, k);
    Write_Mc_Stack(outpath, tmpstack, filepath);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Index_Stack(GREY16, 5, 5, 1);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0);
  Stack *out = Stack_Neighbor_Median(stack, 8, NULL);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 10, 10, 3);

  Cuboid_I bound_box;

  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1);

  Stack_Bound_Box(stack, &bound_box);


#if 0
  Stack_Document *doc = Xml_Read_Stack_Document("../data/test.xml");
  File_List *list = (File_List*) doc->ci;

  Cuboid_I bound_box;
  Stack_Bound_Box_F(list, &bound_box);
#if 0
  Stack_Document *doc = Xml_Read_Stack_Document("../data/test.xml");
  File_List *list = (File_List*) doc->ci;
  Stack *stack = Read_Image_List_Bounded(list);

  Stack *out = stack;
  out = Stack_Region_Expand(stack, 8, 1, NULL);
  out = Downsample_Stack(out, 4, 4, 0);
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);


#if 0
  Stack_Document *doc = Xml_Read_Stack_Document(
  File_List *list = (File_List*) doc->ci;

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < list->file_number; i++) {
    Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U(list->file_path[i]);
    Stack *ds = Downsample_Stack(stack, 39, 39, 0);
    char file_path[500];
    sprintf(file_path, "../data/ting_example_stack/thumbnails/tb%05d.tif", i);
    Write_Stack(file_path, ds);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/test2.tif");

  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(stack, 6);

  Objlabel_Workspace ow;

  Object_3d *obj = Stack_Find_Largest_Object_N(stack, ow.chord, 1, 26);
  //printf("%llu\n", obj->size);

  double vec[3];
  Object_3d_Orientation(obj, vec, MAJOR_AXIS);
  double center[3];
  Object_3d_Centroid(obj, center);

  darray_print2(vec, 3, 1);

  double span[2] = {100000, -100000};

  for (int i = 0; i < obj->size; i++) {
    double proj = Geo3d_Dot_Product(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][0] - center[0], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][1] - center[1], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][2] - center[2]);
    if (proj < span[0]) {
      span[0] = proj;
    if (proj > span[1]) {
      span[1] = proj;
  darray_print2(span, 2, 1);
  double vec2[3];
  Object_3d_Orientation(obj, vec2, PLANE_NORMAL); 
  darray_print2(vec2, 3, 1);

  double span2[2] = {100000, -100000};

  for (int i = 0; i < obj->size; i++) {
    double proj = Geo3d_Dot_Product(vec2[0], vec2[1], vec2[2], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][0] - center[0], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][1] - center[1], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][2] - center[2]);
    if (proj < span2[0]) {
      span2[0] = proj;
    if (proj > span2[1]) {
      span2[1] = proj;
  darray_print2(span2, 2, 1);

  double vec3[3];
  Geo3d_Cross_Product(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec2[0], vec2[1], vec2[2],
      vec3, vec3+1, vec3+2);
  double span3[2] = {100000, -100000};

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < obj->size; i++) {
    double proj = Geo3d_Dot_Product(vec3[0], vec3[1], vec3[2], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][0] - center[0], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][1] - center[1], 
        (double) obj->voxels[i][2] - center[2]);
    if (proj < span3[0]) {
      span3[0] = proj;
    if (proj > span3[1]) {
      span3[1] = proj;
  darray_print2(span3, 2, 1);

  coordinate_3d_t vertex[8];
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    Coordinate_3d_Copy(vertex[i], center);
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      vertex[i][j] += 
        span[0] * vec[j] + span2[0] * vec2[j] + span3[0] * vec3[j];    

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    vertex[1][i] += (span[1] - span[0]) * vec[i]; 
    vertex[2][i] += (span2[1] - span2[0]) * vec2[i]; 
    vertex[3][i] += (span3[1] - span3[0]) * vec3[i]; 

    vertex[4][i] = vertex[1][i] + (span2[1] - span2[0]) * vec2[i]; 
    vertex[5][i] = vertex[2][i] + (span3[1] - span3[0]) * vec3[i]; 
    vertex[6][i] = vertex[3][i] + (span[1] - span[0]) * vec[i]; 

    vertex[7][i] = vertex[5][i] + (span[1] - span[0]) * vec[i]; 

  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/test.swc", "w");
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 1, 2, vertex[0][0], vertex[0][1],
      vertex[0][2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 2, 2, vertex[1][0], vertex[1][1],
      vertex[1][2], 3.0, 1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 3, 2, vertex[2][0], vertex[2][1],
      vertex[2][2], 3.0, 1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 4, 2, vertex[3][0], vertex[3][1],
      vertex[3][2], 3.0, 1);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 5, 2, vertex[4][0], vertex[4][1],
      vertex[4][2], 3.0, 2);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 6, 2, vertex[5][0], vertex[5][1],
      vertex[5][2], 3.0, 3);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 7, 2, vertex[6][0], vertex[6][1],
      vertex[6][2], 3.0, 4);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 8, 2, vertex[7][0], vertex[7][1],
      vertex[7][2], 3.0, 7);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 9, 2, vertex[4][0], vertex[4][1],
      vertex[4][2], 3.0, 8);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 10, 2, vertex[4][0], vertex[4][1],
      vertex[4][2], 3.0, 3);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 11, 2, vertex[5][0], vertex[5][1],
      vertex[5][2], 3.0, 8);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 12, 2, vertex[5][0], vertex[5][1],
      vertex[5][2], 3.0, 4);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 13, 2, vertex[6][0], vertex[6][1],
      vertex[6][2], 3.0, 2);
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field *field = Make_Geo3d_Scalar_Field(6);
  field->points[0][0] = span[0] * vec[0] + center[0];
  field->points[0][1] = span[0] * vec[1] + center[1];
  field->points[0][2] = span[0] * vec[2] + center[2];
  field->points[1][0] = span[1] * vec[0] + center[0];
  field->points[1][1] = span[1] * vec[1] + center[1];
  field->points[1][2] = span[1] * vec[2] + center[2];

  field->points[2][0] = span2[0] * vec2[0] + center[0];
  field->points[2][1] = span2[0] * vec2[1] + center[1];
  field->points[2][2] = span2[0] * vec2[2] + center[2];
  field->points[3][0] = span2[1] * vec2[0] + center[0];
  field->points[3][1] = span2[1] * vec2[1] + center[1];
  field->points[3][2] = span2[1] * vec2[2] + center[2];

  field->points[4][0] = span3[0] * vec3[0] + center[0];
  field->points[4][1] = span3[0] * vec3[1] + center[1];
  field->points[4][2] = span3[0] * vec3[2] + center[2];
  field->points[5][0] = span3[1] * vec3[0] + center[0];
  field->points[5][1] = span3[1] * vec3[1] + center[1];
  field->points[5][2] = span3[1] * vec3[2] + center[2];

  coordinate_3d_t corner[2];
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field_Boundbox(field, corner);
  darray_print2(corner[0], 3, 1);
  darray_print2(corner[1], 3, 1);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 1, 2, corner[0][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 2, 2, corner[1][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, 1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 3, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, 2);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 4, 2, corner[0][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, 3);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 5, 2, corner[0][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, 4);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 6, 2, corner[0][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 7, 2, corner[1][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 6);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 8, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 7);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 9, 2, corner[0][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 8);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 10, 2, corner[0][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 9);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 11, 2, corner[0][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 12, 2, corner[1][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 2);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 13, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 3);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 14, 2, corner[0][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 4);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 5, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 6, 2, corner[0][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 6);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 7, 2, corner[1][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 7);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 8, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, 7);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 12, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, 2);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 9, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 6);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 10, 2, corner[0][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 3);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 11, 2, corner[1][0], corner[0][1],
      corner[1][2], 3.0, 4);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 12, 2, corner[1][0], corner[1][1],
      corner[0][2], 3.0, -1);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 21, 2, span[0] * vec[0] + center[0], 
      span[0] * vec[1] + center[1], span[0] * vec[2] + center[2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 22, 2, span[1] * vec[0] + center[0], 
      span[1] * vec[1] + center[1], span[1] * vec[2] + center[2], 3.0, 21);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 23, 2, span2[0] * vec2[0] + center[0], 
      span2[0] * vec2[1] + center[1], span2[0] * vec2[2] + center[2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 24, 2, span2[1] * vec2[0] + center[0], 
      span2[1] * vec2[1] + center[1], span2[1] * vec2[2] + center[2], 3.0, 23);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 25, 2, span3[0] * vec3[0] + center[0], 
      span3[0] * vec3[1] + center[1], span3[0] * vec3[2] + center[2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 26, 2, span3[1] * vec3[0] + center[0], 
      span3[1] * vec3[1] + center[1], span3[1] * vec3[2] + center[2], 3.0, 25);

  //double corner[6];

  FILE *fp = fopen("../data/test.swc", "w");
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 1, 2, span[0] * vec[0] + center[0], 
      span[0] * vec[1] + center[1], span[0] * vec[2] + center[2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 2, 2, span[1] * vec[0] + center[0], 
      span[1] * vec[1] + center[1], span[1] * vec[2] + center[2], 3.0, 1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 3, 2, span2[0] * vec2[0] + center[0], 
      span2[0] * vec2[1] + center[1], span2[0] * vec2[2] + center[2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 4, 2, span2[1] * vec2[0] + center[0], 
      span2[1] * vec2[1] + center[1], span2[1] * vec2[2] + center[2], 3.0, 3);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 5, 2, span3[0] * vec3[0] + center[0], 
      span3[0] * vec3[1] + center[1], span3[0] * vec3[2] + center[2], 3.0, -1);
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %d\n", 6, 2, span3[1] * vec3[0] + center[0], 
      span3[1] * vec3[1] + center[1], span3[1] * vec3[2] + center[2], 3.0, 5);
  //calculate corners

  //Draw the six line of the corners

  Stack *stack2 = Copy_Stack(stack);
  int i = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < obj->size; i++) {

    stack2->array[Stack_Util_Offset(obj->voxels[i][0], obj->voxels[i][1],
        obj->voxels[i][2], stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth)] = 1;

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack2);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/test2.tif");

  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(stack, 6);

  Objlabel_Workspace ow;
  ow.conn = 26;
  ow.init_chord = TRUE;

  int obj_size = Stack_Label_Largest_Object_W(stack, 1, 2, &ow);

  Object_3d *obj = Make_Object_3d(obj_size, ow.conn);
  extract_object(ow.chord, ow.seed, obj);

  Objlabel_Workspace *ow = New_Objlabel_Workspace();
  ow->conn = 26;
  ow->init_chord = TRUE;

  Stack_Label_Largest_Object_W(stack, 1, 2, ow); 
  Write_Stack("../data/test3.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/test2.tif", -1);


  size_t offset;
  size_t voxelNumber = Mc_Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);

  uint8_t* arrayc[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
  arrayc[0] = stack->array;
  arrayc[1] = stack->array + voxelNumber;
  arrayc[2] = stack->array + voxelNumber * 2;

  for (offset = 0; offset < voxelNumber; ++offset) {
    if ((arrayc[0][offset] != 128) || (arrayc[1][offset] != 6) ||
        (arrayc[2][offset] != 0)) {
      arrayc[0][offset] = 0;
      arrayc[1][offset] = 0;
      arrayc[2][offset] = 0;

  Write_Mc_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack, NULL);


#if 0
  Mc_Stack *stack = Read_Mc_Stack("../data/flyem/TEM/slice_figure/segmentation/selected_body.tif", -1);


  size_t offset;
  size_t voxelNumber = Mc_Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);

  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);

  uint8_t* arrayc[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    arrayc[i] = stack->array + voxelNumber * i;

  for (offset = 0; offset < voxelNumber; ++offset) {
    if ((arrayc[0][offset] > 0) || (arrayc[1][offset] > 0) ||
        (arrayc[2][offset] > 0) || (arrayc[3][offset] > 0)) {
      mask->array[offset] = 1;
    } else {
      mask->array[offset] = 0;

  mask = Downsample_Stack_Max(mask, 7, 7, 0, NULL);

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", mask);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/test2.tif");
  size_t offset;
  size_t voxelNumber = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  color_t *arrayc = (color_t*) stack->array;
  for (offset = 0; offset < voxelNumber; ++offset) {
    if ((arrayc[offset][0] != 128) || (arrayc[offset][1] != 6) ||
        (arrayc[offset][2] != 0)) {
      arrayc[offset][0] = 0;
      arrayc[offset][1] = 0;
      arrayc[offset][2] = 0;

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/flyem/TEM/slice_figure/segmentation/selected_body_volume.tif");
  Stack *out = Make_Stack(COLOR, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);

  Object_3d_List *objs = Stack_Find_Object_N(stack, NULL, 255, 0, 26);
  uint8_t color[] = {0, 200, 50, 200, 0, 0};
  uint8_t *color2 = color;
  while (objs != NULL) {
    Object_3d *obj = objs->data;

    Stack_Draw_Object_C(out, obj, color2[0], color2[1], color2[2]);
    color2 += 3;

    objs = objs->next;

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", out);

#if 0
  //Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/benchmark/binary/2d/btrig2.tif");
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 3, 3, 3);
  //Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0);
  //Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0);
  Stack_Graph_Workspace *sgw = New_Stack_Graph_Workspace();
  sgw->signal_mask = stack;
  Graph *graph = Stack_Graph_W(stack, sgw);
  sgw->signal_mask = NULL;
  //Graph_To_Dot_File(graph, "../data/test.dot");

  if (Graph_Has_Hole(graph) == TRUE) {
    printf("The graph has a hole.\n");

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/flyem/skeletonization/session3/T1_207.tif");

  size_t voxel_number = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < voxel_number; ++i) {
    if (stack->array[i] == 1) {
      stack->array[i] = 255;
  Filter_3d *filter = Gaussian_Filter_3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
  Stack *out = Filter_Stack(stack, filter);

  Write_Stack("../data/test2.tif", out);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 3, 3, 3);
  Cuboid_I cuboid;
  Cuboid_I_Set_S(&cuboid, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 3);
  Cuboid_I_Label_Stack(&cuboid, 1, stack);


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Make_Stack(GREY, 3, 3, 1);
  Set_Stack_Pixel(stack, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1);

  Stack *out = Downsample_Stack_Max(stack, 2, 2, 2, NULL);


#if 0
  double t[3] = {1, 2 * 256 + 12, 255 * 256};
  printf("%g\n", Stack_Voxel_Weight_C(t));


#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/vr/label.tif");
  Stack_Binarize_Level(stack, 1);
  Stack_Label_Large_Objects_N(stack, NULL, 1, 2, 2000, 4);

  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(stack, 2);
  Write_Stack("../data/vr/label1.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/vr/label.tif");
  Stack_Binarize_Level(stack, 5);
  Stack_Label_Large_Objects_N(stack, NULL, 1, 2, 5000, 4);

  Stack_Threshold_Binarize(stack, 2);
  Write_Stack("../data/vr/label5.tif", stack);

#if 0
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack_U("../data/vr/original.tif");

  /* Make mask */
  Stack *mask = Make_Stack(GREY, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack),

  Stack *overallLabel = Copy_Stack(mask);

  Stack *labelStack[5];

  size_t voxelNumber = Stack_Voxel_Number(mask);
  size_t k;

  Struct_Element *se = Make_Disc_Se(5);

  int i;
  char filePath[100];
  for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    sprintf(filePath, "../data/vr/label%d.tif", i + 1);
    labelStack[i] = Read_Stack_U(filePath);
    //labelStack[i] = Stack_Erode_Fast(labelStack[i], NULL, se);
    Stack_Or(mask, labelStack[i], mask);
    for (k = 0; k < voxelNumber; ++k) {
      if (labelStack[i]->array[k] == 1) {
        overallLabel->array[k] = i + 1;
  for (k = 0; k < voxelNumber; ++k) {
    if (mask->array[k] == 1) {
      mask->array[k] = SP_GROW_SOURCE;

  Sp_Grow_Workspace *sgw = New_Sp_Grow_Workspace();
  sgw->size = voxelNumber;
  Sp_Grow_Workspace_Set_Mask(sgw, mask->array);
  sgw->wf = Stack_Voxel_Weight_C;
  sgw->sp_option = 1;

  Int_Arraylist *path = Stack_Sp_Grow(stack, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, sgw);
  printf("time: %llu\n", toc());


  for (k = 0; k < voxelNumber; ++k) {
    if (mask->array[k] == 0) {
      int idx = (int) k;
      while (overallLabel->array[idx] == 0) {
        idx = sgw->path[idx];
      int label = overallLabel->array[idx];
      idx = (int) k;
      while (overallLabel->array[idx] == 0) {
        overallLabel->array[idx] = label;
        idx = sgw->path[idx];

  for (k = 0; k < voxelNumber; ++k) {
    if (overallLabel->array[k] == 1 || overallLabel->array[k] == 5) {
      overallLabel->array[k] = 0;

  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", overallLabel);   

  return 0;
コード例 #26
ファイル: alignstack_batch.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
  const char *result_dir = "/Users/zhaot/Work/V3D/neurolabi/data/align";
  const char *image_dir = "/Users/zhaot/Data/nathan/2008-04-18";

  char file_path[150];
  char image_path[150];
  char result_path[150];
  char file1[100], file2[100];
  char id[100];

  fullpath(result_dir, "align_input.txt", file_path);  

  FILE *fp = fopen(file_path, "r");

  while ((Read_Word(fp, file1, 0) > 0) && 
	 (Read_Word(fp, file2, 0) > 0)) {
    align_id(file1, file2, id);
    strcat(id, ".txt");
    fullpath(result_dir, id, result_path);
    if (!fexist(result_path)) {
      printf("%s, %s\n", file1, file2);

      fullpath(image_dir, file1, image_path);
      Stack *stack1 = Read_Stack(image_path);
      fullpath(image_dir, file2, image_path);
      Stack *stack2 = Read_Stack(image_path);

      // Stack_Threshold_Tp4(stack1, 0, 65535);
      //Stack_Threshold_Tp4(stack2, 0, 65535);
      int chopoff1 = estimate_chopoff(stack1);
      printf("%d\n", chopoff1);
      Stack *substack1 = Crop_Stack(stack1, 0, 0, chopoff1, 
				    stack1->width, stack1->height,
				    stack1->depth - chopoff1, NULL);
      int chopoff2 = estimate_chopoff(stack2);
      printf("%d\n", chopoff2);
      Stack *substack2 = Crop_Stack(stack2, 0, 0, chopoff2, 
				    stack2->width, stack2->height,
				    stack2->depth - chopoff2, NULL);

      float unnorm_maxcorr;
      int offset[3];
      int intv[] = {3, 3, 3};
      float score = Align_Stack_MR_F(substack1, substack2, intv, 1, offset, 
      if (score <= 0.0) {
	write_align_result(result_dir, file1, file2, NULL);
      } else {
	offset[2] += chopoff2;
	printf("(%d, %d, %d): %g\n", offset[0], offset[1], offset[2], score);
	write_align_result(result_dir, file1, file2, offset);	



  return 0;
コード例 #27
int main()
  /* Read stack */
  Stack *stack = Read_Stack("../data/fly_neuron.tif");
  double z_scale = 1.0;

  /* New a bifold segment */
  Local_Bifold_Neuroseg *locbn = New_Local_Bifold_Neuroseg();
  Set_Local_Bifold_Neuroseg(locbn, 2, 2, 2, 2, 30, 0.5,
			    TZ_PI_2, TZ_PI_2, -TZ_PI_2, 0, 
			    461, 296, 144); //fly_neuron.tif
  Set_Local_Bifold_Neuroseg(locbn, 2, 2, 2, 2, 40, 0.5, 
			    TZ_PI_2, TZ_PI_2, TZ_PI_2, TZ_PI_2, 
			    290, 304, 112); //fly_neuron.tif
  Set_Local_Bifold_Neuroseg(locbn, 2, 2, 2, 2, 30, 0.5, 
			    TZ_PI_2, TZ_PI_2, -TZ_PI_2, 0, 
			    320, 164, 148); //fly_neuron.tif

  Set_Local_Bifold_Neuroseg(locbn, 3, 3, 3, 3, 30, 0.5, 
			    TZ_PI_2, TZ_PI_2, -TZ_PI_2, 0,
			    262, 136, 141); //fly_neuron2.tif

  Set_Local_Bifold_Neuroseg(locbn, 3, 3, 3, 3, 30, 0.5, 
			    TZ_PI_2, TZ_PI_2, -TZ_PI_2, 0,
			    236, 396, 143); //fly_neuron2.tif

  /* fit */
  int nvar = Local_Bifold_Neuroseg_Var_Mask_To_Index

  Fit_Local_Bifold_Neuroseg(locbn, stack, var_index, nvar, z_scale, NULL);


  /* Generate field */
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field *field = Local_Bifold_Neuroseg_Field(locbn, 1.0, NULL);

  /* Draw it in a stack */
  Stack *label = Make_Stack(FLOAT32, stack->width, stack->height, stack->depth);
  double coef[] = {0.1, 255.0};
  double range[] = {0.0, 10000.0};
  Geo3d_Scalar_Field_Draw_Stack(field, label, coef, range);

  /* Turn the stack to GREY type */
  Translate_Stack(label, GREY, 1);

  /* Make canvas */
  Translate_Stack(stack, COLOR, 1);
  /* Label the canvas */
  Stack_Label_Color(stack, label, 5.0, 1.0, label);

  /* Save the stack */
  Write_Stack("../data/test.tif", stack);

  /* clean up */
  return 0;